TAOR a. :2; JudKo HIIIh, 1; Dr. J. C. Vnn- $1; Hend Park Co., $5; A. O. Am mor, l; W. O. Combs, fl; J. W. HIack, 1; Myron Symons, JlJ A. F. Inrson, $1; Gilbert's Grocery, $1. A fow moro contributions of Jelly and merchandise have also bean ilovort, $1; Mm. I). Kollor, 2Go; Carl fton & Lyonn, fl; II. A. Mlllor, $2; Klrt National Hank, $10; B. I. Ma- hafoy, J2.B0! W. L. O'Donnoll, GOc; A. M. I'riiiKlo, 2; K. II. Mny, 1; TUMALO SYSTEM Horn! Park Co., 11; Mr Mcl'herson, promised. II UN I III U,ICTH, IIKM, OlliCGO.N, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1017 SEES E OR i LEAKS CURABLE, SAYS OSWALD WEST. Ilt-Oovinmr Inllmiilc That lit .Mil)' HiiIiiiiK. PiiMmllJt to Titkn OtiT Project I)cm-ii(IIiik on thn Kt'Morvolr. (Kniin Tuesday's Dully.) PORTLAND, Nov. 20. Thnt tlio Tuuiiilu Irrigation projrot ronorvolr Is nut no lrntrlnvably louky u has Iiiihii uuilurntood sluco tlm r neurit ro port of tlio Desert I. unit Hoard, In tlm Intimation conveyed In u statement itlvoti out lioro by ux-dovernor Os wald West. Mr. Wont hu JuhI re .turned from a trip tlirutiKli Central OrKon, In tlio courHu of which ho In spurted thuTuumlo Irrigation system. "NoltvlthntiwidlhK what Iiiih beon Mttlil through tlio coIiiiiiiih or tint press nhout tho partial fit Hiiro of tlio Turn tilo IrrlKntlon system owing to a leak In tlio reservoir, I wish to nay that It I only n ijuimtloii of time when thin L leak will ho stopped uiiil -tlio project pronounced a complete success," said Mr. Wont. "Should It dovolop that our statu , desort land .hoard does not ileum It I advisable to proceed with tho work of Mopping tho leak, I will ho pri'- pared In tho very near future, to sub- in It . upoii tho part of vnry responsible people Interested In Irrigation levol opmeut In thin state, n proposition (n tttko over that portion of thn system dependent on tho reservoir uml nftor Mopping thn Irak to ithipoiii of the lauds unit reimburse thn stnto for tho amount It ha expended on till pnrl of tho project." It I known thai a quint InvcstlRa lion of tho conditions existing at thn reservoir hait been mailo recently by responsible ami wull known engineers who nrn now considering thn Informa tlon gained from thin survey with tho Idea of making a iluflulto atitl amply t hacked proposal to tho desert land board to taku over and carry thn pro. Jnot throuKh to completion and Hue cess. M ECONOMY HlSdJ V?m F"cl nsumeil only KBBPPfiB,',, 7TfW y&2$m whenheatunmled no WWHiW Wi "$$ T5 tyry&'ik wate. Profitable-jjreat- PHiCK W S "r" V(( yT KM cr convenience. No fiffllnKMKJl fUiSiMlke' x5y rIllH' imoko or odor. K?21"" 1) gWgf " Wii STANDARD OIL HEAT llnlLfliriirtf jl.Tffl5L H COMI'ANV WITH XVKlJU l'mN y I ( 0""'4 U PEARL Mum mM PERFECTION Oily HEATER FOR SALE BY F. DEMENT & CO. BEND HARDWARE CO. SKUSE HARDWARE CO. SCHOOL CLASSES GIVE TIME TO RED CROSS (From Thunolay'H Dally.) Tho flrat wrhool In thn county out kIiIii of lliuid which had turuod Hi nl million to work for tho Junior Ited CroiiN auxlllnry In that at Turrnhontin, whnro all of thn manual tralnlui: and domcntlc art clammR hnvo docldi'd to rIvo tlinlr tlmii to tin lied Cromi. A , An Klcrtrlr drill TonxtN, IUiIN, IVIm; Only 7.no. Tho I'owit Ca. HoyH, undfir tho direction of Do Witt William, Iiiivd turuod thHr uttoutlou to tiullillni: hoxim In which to pack r.omtn. Tho ulrln, led by Mliu Adollno Dnltrlch. Mm. (lertrudu WhltnU and Mm. Ilhtnch WIIhoii. llydn, am faith IoiiIiik comfort kit and convaleaceut Jacknli. All of tho articled completed have been very neatly and well matin, the children belli r; enthuilaatlc and tak ing Kreat palun over their hundlwork. Tho riioriiaiiliallon at Terrebonne I part of a movement from the coun ty ichool headquartern to Intercut puplU throughout tho county In turn Injc their effort to war aervlcc. In anvnrnl other nchooln alrnllar work l Jutt ttuttlnK under way. HCIIOOI.S CKUTII'IKD. DuachuteA county now has two Mtandard hlxh achooU, uccordlnx to a letter received today by J. Alton Thompnon from thn mute board of education. Tho communication cer tifier that Itedmoud IiIkIi (ichool din trlct uuuibur olio and lletid dlntrlct number ono havo met all tho reiiulro- mentn precrlbol by the Htatu board of education In provldlni; for IiIkIi ichooU. National Forest Grazing Facilities Are Improved CASE OF E. HEATH CONTINUED BY COURT (From Thursday's Dally.) Thu cano of IJ, Heath, who wan ar raigned ymtenlay afternoon In the Juatlro court for havliiK ho vera I hot- tlim of aplrltoua Ihiuor In tho bunu nient of his aocond hand more, wan continued until further InvontlKatlon can bo nindo. Mr. Heath claimed that hu had no knowledge of thu whlskny buluK on hU premlaen. It was uncovered nt a recntil ralil made by Hherlff Itoborts and District At torney H. II. Do Armond. gytijyug J MAZOLA the pure oil from Corn for better cooking enables the housewife to save butter, lard, suet, in accordance with the plans of Food Administrator Hoover. Get a can of Mazola from your grocer and try it for deep frying, sauteing, short ening or salad dressings. Then you will understand why thousands of American housewives have discarded their former cooking mediums. Your money refunded if Mazola docs not ulvc entire satisfaction. Corn Products Refining Company i 17 Usttcry Place 8ttnf Ri,MuWl!m Johnson, Lteber Company PortUni), Om pa Now York tri TM"y 'S sEraK!:i V salad JM IMS rS i4oSf,,!iiB (From Monday's Dally.) Central Oregon Is destined to be como a ureal cattlo focdluK center, wrfs tho prophpcy matin this mornlui; by Awilstant District Forester T. I McKunxlu. of Portland, who Is here uttundlriK stockmen's association meutlneN. Mr. McKonxlo has super vision ovor tho KrazInK facilities In thu national forests of Washington and Oregon and has much to do with' dovelopmont of carrying capacity on thn national forest range In tho northwest. Today n meeting of tho Tumalo stockmen's association was held and another of tho Slaters and Metollus ranchers Saturday. If posslblo those Intorestod In grazing In tho Fort Hock district will confer tomorrow. Mr. McKenzlu plans to return to Portland either tonight or tomorrow, depend ing on whether the Fort Hock meet ing Is held. Tho principal proposi tion discussed Saturday wai tlu ques tion of turnlivK tho Slators-Motollus rungo Into a run exclusively for Shorthorn cattle. In February this matter will bo taken up for final action. In tho past threw yoors during which llmo thu associations havo ox latod In tho Deschutes forest tho car rying capacity of tho rango has beon Increased 100 per cent. From 3000 cattlo In 10U It has been extended to nccommodato C000 In 1917. This Is partially duo to n bettor distribu tion of salt. In tho past It was thu custom of ranchers to scatter salt only on tho streams In tho lower ranges. Tho cattlo would not go to tho upper lauds on this account and forngo went to wntu Ihoro, whllo tho lower pastures wore damaged. The distribution has beon equalized now and tho stock aro fed on both ranges. Control of tho range is gradually being given over to tho cattlemen thomselvc's by tho supervisors. Every man with a rango permit must com ply with tho wishes of tho other men usIiik It. Thu stockmen's associations orga nized about four years ago havo se cured better results In caring for tho range, according to Mr. McKonzie. "Wo havo our ranges In Oregon and Washington stocked to full ca pacity," ho aald. "Wo have had to turn down many applicants with largo herds, which we could tako care of If tho rango wcro available. This, how over, must bo dono under scientific management. For this reason wo are putting plans Into effect to got for age consumed at tho right time. It herders do not wait until It Is ma ture, much will bo wasted. Tlio stockmen In tho associations arc co operating in having these rules ob served." Mr. McKenzIo went on to explain that with thn largo amount of alfalfa grown In this section and tho excel lent feeding fanllltlo, herds may conveniently bo brought to Hend for shipment. Seventy-two cattlo permits were Is suod on for grazing on tho Deschutes forest this year. It Is likely that with further wator dovelopmont In thu Paulina district SCOO more head of stock may bu accommodated. It Is tho deslro of tho forestry servlco to locato nil surface water before us lug tho recent appropriation for wull drilling. With this object In mind, Crazing Supervisors Hartou ancl KuhtiH aro now on tho range locat ing springs. Women Bake Fruit Cakes to Send to Cantonment Tomorrow tho second floor of tho Mav AnurtmontB will bo turned Into nu Improvised fruit ctxko bakery. Kv- ory oven upstairs In tho building has buun donated to tho Woman's Club of Hond for tho baking of fruit cakes to send In tho club's Christmas box to American I.ako. Tho cnnvnsaluK for funds nml contributions of mer chandise Is practically ovor and at tention is being turnod to tho actual work of preparing tho odlblo contents of tho box. Mr. Cook, of tho llrooks-Scanlon box factory, has iiromised to build a mloclal contalnor for tho gifts, which will bo Bhlnnod to Krlo Holt at tho enntonmont Y. M. C. A. for distribu tion among tho soldlora who would not othorwlao rocolvo- romombranees, This will bo sont about December 1 and marked "Not to bo oponod till OhrlatmuB," thusf assuring Its arrival In tluio. Through noraona! canvassing, Mrs. W. II, Ilurton and Mrs. C. A. O'llrlon havo colloctod JG3.50 to bo dovotod to tho nurclinso .of matorlalB for cnkoB nnd candy. Any loft ovor will buy hiindokrchlofu, lump sugar ami writing paper, A largo number of contributions havo boon made In tho lino of goods ready to go Into tho boxes. Tho fol lowing havo given: F. Domout & Co., milk chocolato; Hoed & Horton, stationery; Warner's, merchandise; Mrs. A. F, Larson, raisins; li. F. llosomau, raisins; Sathor's, handker chiefs; Maglll & Krsklne, smokes; Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Oretner, box of gum; Claudo Motz, loaf sugar; A. L. Kronen, handkerchiefs; C. V. Sllvls, smokes; Martin & Cashmau, shirt; Trl-Stato Terminal Warehouso, milk chocolato; C. J). Drown, smokes; P. A. Erickaou, nuts; Stockman's, tab lots; Carmody's, tobacco; Sanitary Dakory, chocolato; Logan's Confec tionery, chocolato; A. K. Larson, trench mirrors; Mrs, Pearl, fruit enko; Mrs. Ilurton, candy; Mrs. O'llrlon, books. Tho following have contributed cash: Munuholmer Hroth ers, $2; Tho Hend Dullotin, $2; H. M. Smith, $1; Harry Holugold, $1; Mr. Do Courcy, $1; Mr. Hondorson, 25o; J, K. Arnold, OOo; W. II. Ilurton, ?2; II. W. Skiiso, ?2; II. J. Ovorturf, ?1; C. A. O'llrlon, ?2; Mrs. C. D. Drown, 1; Mrs. A. L. Laurenco, 50o; Harrison Latham, $1; People's Store, Shoes for Real Service OlJIi SPECIALTY IH TO MAKE SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mndo for this kind of country. Mono ftro bet ter made J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome serviceable dress shoo for men. Cannot be beaten for tho money. Glvo thcao shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson loggor Shoes of Thrco Lakes, Win,, are hand-made and one of tho very best of Its kind. Special Blade to-order work tcken for this shoe. UP-TO-DATE SHOE HEPAIItlNG BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Matcrinl, Kiln Dried Floorinc nnd all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Sundird Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Wuhmgton SbctU PORTLAND. OREGON CcatraDy Ualti Tic Held for YOD Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S car transfer at StrYSt. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y E It First National Dank Building Bend :: :: Oregon H. H. DeARMOND li A W Y E It O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon DR. J. C. VANDEVERT l'liyslclun nml Surgeon Phone Red 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. m.; 7-9 p. ni. O'Kano Building. H. 0. B L L I 8 Attorneyat-Lnw United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON Shoe Repairing: Done in a FIRST-CJiASS plan ner, while you wait, L. Goodman, opposite linker's urocery. 0. B. BEN30N Attorney At Law Bonson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. ARTHUR J. MOOSE Lawyer tag Cabin Cuildinjr Bend, Ore. Phone Black 1411 J. E. EXGEBIIETSON, PLUMBING AXB HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnlcned Jobbing Promptly Done. Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. 1A. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OBEdON O. P. NISWONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Eiubalrncr, Funva) Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Aeat. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlc Physician Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phone Red 4W W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, - Oregou THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY St.rixt arid Forwarding, Central C mlulvn UtrchsnU. V. tarrr Oil. Gaielln, Bur. rbar. Bait Mtata, llama, Uacan and Lard