The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 22, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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    TK ' T
iikni), dkhchuthh coijntv, okhgon, tihiwdav, novi:miw:k &. m
NO. as
CALLS FOR $120,1)00 FOR
YEAH 1918.
SiMlmnl llrtritplN Aro M,OfH
Tolul'Viiluullnii Not Vi'l Kmiihii
Mny'lio Out ijW,rHH,MM
!)i'-l.ltt( Komi I'iiiiiI.
(From Friday's Dully.)
KntlmutcH of tho uxpiiiise of run
iiIiik Dpnohules county In llio coming
your woro completed liy thu County
Court ytwtonluy ami tho result em
bodied lit a budget published toiluy.
Tho nirotlni: at which nil taxpayers
may ho henrd cm tho budget U net
for Uocnmbur 0. At that time tint
flunl figures of I hit amount to ho
raised ly direct taxation (or thu coun
ty guttural fuml will ho sot nnil u ih
yort Hindu to tho iinnensor who will
thnn net tho mllliiKit.
Lucking tho vuluntloii of tho pub
IV utilities, which linn not yet been
turned In hy tho Rtntn Tax Cummin
Ion, It In imponnlhlt) to uy Just whit
thu total county vuluntloii will ln.
hut till) hunt ontlmuten piHudhle not
tho totul, In rouuil figures, nt over
$5,500,000. Thn county valuation
without tho utilities U $5,0U0.i;t0. n A
Increase over Innt yoar of 14.13,930.
Tho utilities valuation lunl year was
Kill), 1.10 on a ratio of 63. ThU your
tho ratio la 48, hut thoro have beon
Inrrenm. lit tho utility valuation no
that It neenu sufo to esllmnle thai
these Inerennm will offsnl thn do
rrntisn In thn ratio. On thin haul
tho totul county vuluatlon would ho
ItomN IMiknl After.
Thn total of thn estimates an made
liy tho court In $133,1)00 and It It
-rntlnintud that f 1.1,000 will ho re
ceived hy tho county from vurinua
40tirriM making tho total to ho rained
hy illreot luxation $120,900. Thn
biggest nliiglt) Item In next year's
budget expense In $29,000 for roads,
thin lining over $16,000 morn thun
the toiwl spent In tho first nluo
monthM of thin yonr for thu saimi pur
lin. Tho Mats tax In put In nt $25,000
tf ngultmt $19,175. to lust year, luro
h In tho unit) of tho utilities vnltiu
tlnn, only an oetlmatu being ponnlblo
tiutll tho Tax Commhiitloii mukim lin
report. Ileum for purrhnno which aro
mld0 from ordinary running expenses
,ro $1000 for tho Jail and $6000 for
road machinery. A now Item lu
oiinty budgctH nppiura In wnr hoard
"Xpouio for which $1500 Ih ullottod.
a.vrr.uKHTo.v invi:st.mi:xtto mi:
(From WoilnoBilny'H Dully.)
Work In hului; punhud rnpldly on
tlio now county Jul), and within u
.. whnrt tlmo ll la 'xpuutud thut tho
liulldliiK will ho complotod, Tho con
Mtructlou Ih holm: financed hy tho
DtmchutoH Iuvcutiuont Co., anil thu
only runt to ho churned tho county
will bo hIx pur emit IntorctU on tho
Invoatnioiit. Thu Ioiiho Ih for two
JM ycara, mill ut tho expiration' of that
1 time, nhotild tho county iIchIto to put
tip n liulldliiK lu Homo other part of
tho city, tho $11000 worth of equip
ment can he roiullly moved.
Tho titrunturo now IioIuk oructud
In thu roar of thn county offlcos Ih
)h IioIiw; made of atool ruonforcod con
Toto, nnd will contain three coIIh nnd
u lirlBouurn' corridor In addition to
nccouuuodntlmiH for JuvoiiIIoh nnd
M'oiuen. Tho Jail and equipment its
well will rank with tho most up-to-My
date In tho Htuto,
Tho hulldlitK will ho hontort from
V tlio Doachutoa Invoatnioiit Co. plant'.
l'nlillr Si'olio Commission Aiixlonn
to Do Nothing to lliimpcr Kt'ltlcrN
Action Con llati I, Itllo I'.f-
fcil, Km)h Di' AiiiioiiiI.
(From Hnturdny'H Dally.)
KAI.IJM. Nov. 17. CHpoaliil to Tho
II ti llt In. CommlRNtimor Corey, of
tho 1'iiIiIIp Hurvlrn CdiiiiiiIhhIou, do
cilnrcd todny thai Hid roiuinlnilon will
prohnhly uhiindou Hid InvcHtlKntlou
of thn Central OmKou Irrigation Com
pany anil tllxmlmi tho cam. lln Is
douhtfiil an to tho Jurisdiction of tho
rommlniilnn nod Htntim nluo that a
Inrr.n part of thu project Ih likely to
coiuo under tho control of thn not
Hern lu the near futuro hicauni) nf
coiumlKilou'H action, If Mich an
action In taken.
Tho commliuilou hu no wlnh to
hnmpnr tho plmiH of thn Hnttleni, Mr.
Corey itnted, nor to luturforo with
any iiiovvh whiih they inlnht wlnh to
mako lu takliiK over tho project.
Hh (aid It Ih likely that thn com
mhtnlnn will lake definite action iih
to whether or not to dlnmUx thn canu
at ii muotliiK to he held on .Monday.
Attorney douoral Mrown Iiiih ex
prnniind hlmnnlf to mnmhera of tho
coinmlnnlou iih liellovlnrc that thoro Is
Imirlou doubt iih to tho cnuinilnnlon'n
Jurlndlctlou, If It did attempt to taku
action under tho complaint.
II, II. Do Armoiid, attorney for tho
ncttlern on thn C, O. I. project who
aro to hold an election lu December
for tho purpose, of district orKanUa
tloiifilmiUrnd'thlK nftnruoon thut tho
droppliiR of tho can hy thn I'uhllc
Hnrvlro Commlnnlon would mako
prurtlcully no dlffnronru, enpeclally
If tho organization Ih auccoiifully
carrlud out
Dclii) In I'rilliiilimry ArruiiKi'iiicutN
Ciiiiocn l'xHiiii'iniul )pii to
All IIojn nnil d'lrlk.
(From FrJduy'8 Dally.)
IlecniiRu of delay In preliminary
urrnuKnmnutH, tho tlmo limit of tho
United .Suitim Food Ailmlulotrutlou's
educational content, with three Khot-
Inud pouloH to hu awarded h prizes,
linn heeu oxtouilud for one week, I'd
Hiiyn for thin noutent may ho enteral
until November 24, luntuiid of No
vomhiir 17, iih pruvloiiHly announced.
The.m pouloH will ho clven for tho
hent nnnuyfl on "What Wo Can Do to
Help Win thu War," one pony IiuIiik
uwurded for tho hent iwnuy from btu
doiitH of hli;h hcIiooI nee, over 14
yearn old; another pony to tho hunt
oHHuy from pupllH from 11 to 14
yearn; nnd u third pony for tho host
PHHiiy from children of 10 yearn nnd
No limit Ih net for the luimtli of
tho onnnyn, which aro to ho upon food
coiiHurvutloii toplcn particularly, nnd
to glvo tho wrlter'n uudBrsUindliiK ot
tho United HtutuH Fond Ailinlnltttra
(Iou'h Homo IiiHtructlon curd, which
has been kIvoii to every faintly thut
Iiuh hIkuoiI thu pledce card. Tho en
nay uilr.lit iiIho tell what tho chll
dieu'H Iioiuch are dolui; to keep thu
plodKU that Iiuh boon hIriiuiI.
(From Tue.Milny'8 Dully,)
Vottui; at tho Irrigation dlatrlrt
election to hu helil next mouth hy ant
tlom on tho ('. O. I. project, will ho
nt tho W, It, DuvldHon rnuch for thu
flrat dlutrlct, It wiih announced today.
(From TuoBdny'a Dally,)
(liy Unltc.1 l'rru to The llfiul llullvtlti.)
DHMIDJI, Minn., Nov. 20. Chum
od with HliootlnK Oscar Nelson, u
bank cashier, Itolnuil Honrlouutt, for
morly of Ilond, OroKon, la In custody
hero. Witnesses declaro thut Nelson
was shot throo tlmca, and thnt tho af
fair was tho result of a quarrel over
(.'oiiiincrcliil Clul) Mxprcwtui l-'iillli
Tlmt I.enkN In KlimiKi' llaxlll .May
III- Otrrriiiiii Wlllioiil Seek-
liiK Klnli Appi'oprlutloit.
(From Wndunniliiy'H Dally.)
ManlfontliiK faith' lu thn ultimate
success of thu Tu main Irrigation pro
ject, the (lend Commercial club no
cnptliiK tho report of a npeclal Investl
Kotlnr. coinmlttce, went on record to
day OKaluat putltlouliiK for thu ap
propriation nf state funds to cover
thn cost of a survey for u cuual to
divert water from the Deschuten to
Tumnlo Creek. The action woh taken
at tho weekly club luncheon this
noon, follow It; the ruAdltiK by J. 1'.
Keyua of n leiiKthy written report on
tlto Huhject, compiled by Mr. Keyen,
II. W. Hkuse nnd It. J. Overturf,
members of thu committee.
The report declared that results
already atttilned had shown the leaks
In the Tumnlo reservoir to bo cur
able, that water could not be diverted
from the DhhcIiuIwi unions a surplus
worn provided hy ntorni;o, and that
thoro Is no rnnnnn for hellovliif; that
a reservoir nt thn houdwuters of tho
river would hold any hotter than thnt
which Is now partly lu use on tho
project. Another factor wan tlio
doubt expressed as to whether there
would ho any chance of socurhiK from
tho stnto $225,000 fur tho diversion
canal, and an even creator sum for
thn development of u storaKOroaor
voir. Curat It o Work l'rpil.
Tho committee, however, expressed
confidence In thu final curliiK of tho
leaks In the Tumalo atoraKu basin,
bnnliiK thin opinion on results alrcudy
attained, nnd urged that tho neces
sary nlulctnK to mako- fho reservoir
water tli;ht be continued until tho
IrrlRatlon of the 22,500 acres In
cluded In tho project la made pos
sible. The conunlttee'H report will bo
published lu full lu tomorrow's Issue
of The llulletlu.
Thu huikut plan for handling Com
niorclal club uffnlra, and especially
for regulating tho activities of ugenta
nnd aollcltorn, wan deferrod to tiie
next meeting because of tho absence
nf two of tlio members of tho committee.
Good Things Now In Market
Thnukaglving dinners thin year
will only 10 pur cent mnro than
191C, In spite of tho Increase In
prices. Turkeys, fruits, mliico meat
and most of tho other delicacies thnt
form purl of tho nunual feast are Just
as plontlful as over, the pinch balug
felt where eggs, lurd, butter, augur
and fata are used lu any quantities.
The houseuifo who has turkey for
dinner tills your will ho gutting off
much cheaper than tho one who has
ii log of mutton or a pork roust, ua
thu fowls cost loan por pound. Fowls
live weight, nro costing tho dealers
20 cents u pound nnd are selling
dressed nt un average of 30 anil In
some cases 29 cents. A wagon loud
nf live birds wan brought into town
last night hy a rancher nnd disposed
of on thu street ut 25 cents. Thu pro
prietor of oiio market said yesterday
thut he could buy 1000 turkeys more
than ho needs between now nnd
Thanksgiving, tho birds have boon
raised In audi numbers this your lu
Control Oregun. A groat many of
theao will bo hold over until Chrlat-
mna mid a few may ho ahippod out.
Last Thanksgiving turkeys woro not
nearly ua plontlful but now ranchers
nro In town seeking markets nt tho
hotels and restaurants lu hopes of
disposing of Hi olr flocks,
Chickens nro also to bo hud lu
quantities, tho prevailing prlco being
28 couta, In addition thoro la plenty
of poultry ot nil kinds, (ioeso, al
though to ho had, will mora likely soil
bettor at Christinas ttmo.
Tho principal part of tho turkeys
have como from tho cloao vicinity ot
Hend, many being raised uonr Pilot
llutto ami somo ut Slstors ami Redmond.
I'limm-i' fomiullli-4) Will Hold Me-.
lug Next Wiflt .Member of
Council KxpifMH Tlii'iiixelti'tt
I'litorlliK J trailer l.ety.
(From Tuesday'a Dally.)
Increase In tho present tax lovy
approximately seven mills Ih tho
prediction of ut leant two members
of the city council. Tho general opin
ion held hy all In that the general
fund Is In neod of replenishing to
it much more liberal extent In order
to euro for maintenance of public
utilities anil provide special allow
ntices for flro protection, honlth pre
cautions and similar conditions.
The finance commltteo composed
of Clyde M. McKay, K. I Hrostor
lions and Louis Dennett will hold a
meeting puwilbly thn oarllor part of
next week to prepare a buuVot, a
preliminary outline of which has been
under consideration for somo tlmo.
ThU budget will be submitted at the
next rneotltig of thu city council
December 4, nnd an opportunity will
M given the taxpayers to discuss tho
Iludget Drlii) cd.
Much of the budget Is now hanging
fire mi account of the proposed
amendment to the charter which
would mako tho Bancroft net ap
plicable In Hend and would save tho
necessity of placing street and sower
Improvements as items In tho ex
penditure. Sufficient funds will of
cuurso bo required for malntonanco
of these. '
In thu absenco of Mr. McKay in
La Grande, tho othor two members
of tho committer wcro uuablo to
make doflnlto statements as to tho
probable action of the committee.
Mr. ISrostcrhous, speaking from his
ownv!ewpolnt regarding the matter
Mild, "I would bo In favor of Increas
ing thft lovy two to sevon mills as wo
uood It In tho general fund. It la
vary likely that special sums will bo
designated to bo put aside for thu
principal public utilities this year in
order to assure that they will receive
enough. Wo are putting l(i more fa
cilities for fire prevention which will
require ,a considerable expenditure
during tho coming yoar. This depart-
f Continued on last pago.)
A visit to tho grocery stores Im
presses ono Villi the big stock of
goodies on hand, with prlcoa almost
Identical tu thoso of 191G. Thoro
la a uotlconblo lack ot currants. What
stores nro fortunato enough to havu
this imported fruit are selling them
nt 25 cents n package while aomo
others luivo boon forced to tako rt
cleaned currants on account of no
shipments having come Into the coun
try. Itulslus nnd candled lemon poet
are still on tho market nt their old
prices. Citron has tuken a Jump from
30 to 35 cents.
Mlnco plus will not bo mndo n lux
ury beyond the purso of the nvorngo
buyer. Ono butchor claims that thnt
very necessary iHgrodlont, suot, is
half u cent lower In prlco than last
yoar. If ono loavoa out tho currants,
nnd thu old tlmo liquid flavoring, alio
may still lmvo fruity filling for hor
Nuts nvorngo 30 conts n pound, ac
cording to grade. Peanuts mid chest
nuts nro 25 whllo almonds lu somo
;Bhops go as high as 35 conts.
Tho more substantial necessities of
tho dlunor soom to hnvo stationary
prices. Cranberries will bo two
pounds for 5 cents or 20 cents n
qunrt. uoiory ranges from 10 cents
a bunch to two for n quarter. Apples
nnil oranges and cldor nro tho samo
ns usuul, whllo potatoos uro cheaper
than thoy woro last Thanksgiving.
It is also Interesting to note that
sugar wns $8,GC por suck nt tho mnr
kot prlco Jn Novombor ot 1916,
whereas it Is now only $8.40. Vog
tnblos nro also lowor nnil moro plen
tiful on account ot tho Into season,
which has llkowlso affected fruits.
BUbBBBIBV? ' ' Jttt ifllnlBBBW
IVcttcrn l'rttn Aitocfatlon Photo
J lantern Oregon Mockmnn niinounrcw
inn iii!niiii)nn ur m'ui in nciiuii'.
POItTLAND, Nov. 21. -K. N. Stan
field, spoaker of tho IIouso of Repre
sentatives In thoOrcgon legislature
during the last sosslon, state ropre
nontatlvo from Morrow and Umatilla
counties for the last threo terms, and
momber of tho national and stnto
councils of defense, announced his
candidacy today for tho Republican
nomination for United States Sen
ator. It has been understood for
aomo tlmo that Mr. Stanfleld would
figure In the next election, but wheth
er ho would como out tor governor
or for senator had hitherto been
somewhat uncertain.
Mr. Stanfleld Is 40 years ot ago
and ia prominent aa a livestock and
wool operator. In addition to polit
ical positions, ho is now holding a
directorship in tho Columbia Daaln
Wool Warehouse Co., (ho prealdcncy
of tho Dank of Stanfleld, tho presi
dency of the Malheur Land & Live
stock Co., the vice-presidency of the
Hank ot Echo, and a directorship in
thn American National Hank of Pen
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Ilond high sehool will bo minus n
manual training instructor next
month. Lewis C. Sanders, tho pres
ent teacher lu tho department this
morning mado known his Intention ot
resigning mid entering tho navy as a
ship's carpenter. Mr. Sandors will
go to Portland Thursday night to
mnko nrrnugomonts for enlisting ami
thou go on to Corvallls to visit his
mother. His resignation will prob
ably bocomo effective a fow days
previous to December 15.
So fur there uro no applicants for
a successor lu the department and
tho school board will have boforo it
three altornatlvos, namely, to drop
tho course entirely, to turn tho class
es ovor to Principal II, M. Grant, who
has hud somo experience In this work,
or to find another man. Mr Sanders
has only boon hero since September,
tho course having just been put In
tho high school this yoar. The work
is just gottlng nlcoly uudor way ami
much, has been accomplished by Mr.
Sandors In tho short tlmo ho bus been
bore. Ho has also actod as coach
tor tho football team and has been
Instrumental in bringing it through
a successful season.
On account ot tho oponlng ot tho
now gymnasium this ,wlntor, City
Superintendent Thordarson bollovcs
It will ho, advtsnblo to bring another
man to Bond who can tako cliurgo
ot both athlotlcs and tho manual
training department.
Slicrp Iliinlnern Took Hend Man to
Aluftkn Wire From Portland
Hold Out HoH? Tlmt VoshcI
May Not Hnvo Foundered.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Fear that A. L. Mackintosh, of this
city, prominent Central Oregon sheep
man, and until recently commissioner
In Deschutes county, may havo gone
down on tho Joseph Pulitzer, four
weeks over-duo on tho run from
Portland to tho Aleutian Islands, was
expressed this morning by F. S. Stan
loy, president of the C. O. I. com
pany, on his roturn to Uend after a
business trip to Portland. Mr. Stan
ley talked with a number of shipping
mon on the waterfront just beforo
coming back to Uend, nnd stated that
It is the general belief that tho Pulit
zer must have sunk In one of Ibo tor
rifle ocean storms raging not Ions
Associated with Dr. A. C. Smith,
Portland banker, Mr. Mackintosh had
mado plans for extending his sheep
business to the Aleutians, whore a
comparatively mild cllmato with
abundant grazing combine to mako
a venture of the kind attractive. Tho
Pulitzer, an ancient yacht, but equip
ped with steam power, was chartered
by Dr. Smith, and Mr, Mackintosh,
set out tor Alaska, normally a 14
days' run. A number of carpenters
wore taken, and sheep: wero loft un
til ,tbo following voyage.,
(Iimicc For Safety Left.
According to Mr. Staulcy, tho Pulit
zer was not considered by Portland
shippers as especially seaworthy, and
ho states that Mr. Mackintosh was
warned against taking the trip la
such a vessol, at this tlmo of year.
Immediately after Mr. Stanley was
interviewed this morning, a telegram
wos sent Dr. Smith, asking lu regard
to Mr. Mackintosh, a' reply coming
early this afternoon, as follows:
"Mackintosh and schooner, Joseph.
Pulitzer ovordue at Dutch Harbor,
Alaska, but headwinds account for
delay. No cause yet tor alarm."
Was Hero In Knrly Full.
Mr. Mackintosh was last in Bend
early in tho fall, ami It was on Octo
ber 11 that his Informal resignation
as county commissioner was nude
public, It being generally understood
that his new business venture in the
north mado It impossible for him to
glvo as much time as he thought
proper to tho county work. Mr. Mack
intosh's official withdrawal, however,
was never recolved by tlio county
court, and because ot this tho matter
of appointing n successor was do
layod although a numbor woro known
to havo aspirations In tho direction
ot tho commlsslonershlp.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Coming as a stimulus to tho realty
market In Bond Is tho announcement
mado last night ot tho sale ot a
50x140 feot business slto on Bond
streot, by D. E. Hunter to William
P. Downing, at a consideration ot
15000. Tho lot Is now vacant
lying on tho west sldo of tho streot
botwoon tho Myers building and' tho
Carmody store, a short distance south
of Greenwood,
Mr. Downing Intontla to orp;t a
modern pressed brick building on tho
sito uoxt spring, at an estimated cost
ot 110, Q00. Halt ot tho lowor floor
will bo occupied by his rcstaurfturt,
which he Intends to enlarge
KS $5,000