The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 15, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
NO. 7
Itcil Oronit Itootli In Tuxtefnll) Pre
pared ArreMn Hy Ciirnluil
I'lltlCI'llieil AtllllM' Mllll)'
Huiiiti DiiiIiik Inciting.
(From Tucnduy'n Dally )
Willi 11 largo orowit of (mi neukorn
iittouillriK. Hi" norond uiiniiul Miionn
-Cnrnlvnl opened lnl night ul tho 1 1 lp
podrnmn. Although inoro aucconnful
thnu on (lin opening night last yi'ar,
from u financial standpoint, It li only
a starter, In llio ilclnrntlou o( Hid
ioiiiiiillten In charge, who linvn add
m1 now features, mill Improved Hiumu
already In operation, (or tonight'
An u prelude to llio carnival Itnolf,
momborn of tho local Moose lodge
H.itliored shortly boforn 8 o'clock ut
tholr club rooiiiH on lloiul ntroot, mill
with two lodge pollroimiii leading,
mnrqhnd to tho Hippodrome. Tho
prlxo cur which In ludng offnrod hy
tho lodge, carried tho members of
Din o nil vii I commit I no.
Inside tho building, thn walls wore
llni'd with liaothti, with a stand near
the. entrance where United Hiatus
coin wn nturncd In tor Moon curroti
vy. thu preferred mitillum of ox-
4'imnKo. Dull rarkn, refreshment
standi, nml poultry point attracted
touch attention, while un especial feu-
turu wim tho hi it gambling dun, where
various gnuiMi of chnnau worn going
'till blunt. Only Moose currency could
) wagered on tho KnmliiK tables.
I til I I'rooH Hum Ilimtli.
Ono of thu mom tastefully prepared
boothn of thu nntlro carnival wan that
of thu Hand Hod Cross chapter, hear
lng tho order's emblem, with nlgnn of
"Help win ilia war with your needle "
Aim. W. C.! wan In chat go of
xh liooth, and uldiid hy a iiumhor of
jflrU. sold rail mid whlto cnruatlonn
for tho benefit of thu chaptor. The.
flowers worn ongitrly purchnncd mid
tho stock wan noon exhausted.
Tho Itml CroM nxhlhlt Included n
CKriAliniiK puckuge for tho soldiers In
franco, comfort kits, mid specimen
of sowing, knitted work, nml surgical
drawings. Articles of homo cooking
iNHro ntno to ho on mla HiIm evening,
miiiI Mm. Illrdnnll doclurod that any
lnnntluiiM for thin purpose would ho
xratufully received.
.loll IMIwry Thrilling
5 Order wan carofnlly pronurviHl ilur
iHg tho evening, for npuclal pollute
man decorated with huge tin ntam,
inado unmurniiK iirruxtM, Inmtrcorntlng
Uuilr prisoners In a noil ronstrutitod
on tho Htufjo. Trial with u certain
Hud speedy conviction followud In
practically ovury Instance, only ono
primmer making hln tweapo. MukUiK
hid way throtiKh tho top of tint coll,
OharloH W. Krnklno clainhorod alo.nj
tho rnftorn at tho top of tho IiuIIiIIiik
In a thrlllliiK Jail dollvory.
MiihIo wan fiirnlHhcd durliiK tho
ovihiIhk hy Ilmir'H foiir'plcco orclum
Jra, nml dauoluK provud u popular
(From Baturilny'n Dally.)
Tho iiiuntnu of tho validity of
MadraH an (io county Hoat of Joffcr-
nop county Iuih hooa ronowud by u
petition pronoutoil In tho miprumo
court this wook uhUIiik for n ro-lumr-
iK. AlthoiiKh tho court nuulorod'u
(1(ic!hiou liint nionth . kIvIiir Miulran
i tho mmt, attoruoyB for Culver aro
1' workliiK on tho thoory that tho coUu-
ty division law witn inlauiuliiratood by
tho court. Further action muy bu
Inkou within thn next few wooku.
(From WodnoBilny'a Dully,)
That Unrl Bhoomnkor, state gnmo
warden, will bo horo during tho latter
part of tho wook hun boon learned
by J. J, OunnlUKliuin, Mr. Hhooniakor
vll go from Hand to llurna, While
tf In town ho may look over thu pro-
Tponod alto for a fish hatchery on Full
Aroma of Whiskey
Rises as Sheriff
Breads Glassware
(I'rom WcduiiMdaj'B Dally.)
Hlmrirr ItoliurtH Iihh a llttlu
liiuijiiiiir. It In a mmt llttlu lin-
ploiiHiiit, (Kinlly ndaptml to
crackliiK hotllo ncckn. Ono Inp
of It h Hlondnr point and nroinntlc
watnm urn roloannd from many -
a quart of forlilddnii amlicir
llitild whloh flow over tho win-
dow hdi;o In tho idinrlffn of
fl'ii Into an alloy hack of tho
court Iioiimd, whoro a hoap of
hroknii ckmHwaro hun ncciiiuu
latml In tho pant fnw dayn.
Thin tiioriiliu: workmnii on thn
now county jail and cliufn In it
uirnrhy rontaiiraut undly wit-
iii'DHi'd anothor auKiiHulnatlon of
21 iiuarln of nparklliiK Ihiuld
coiKrlhiitod to tho irrli:lloii nyn-
torn In tho olloy hy Ham WnoiU,
who wan flood yentnrday after-
noon for IiiivIiik (hum In hi
Tho rnrj;i which wont ovnr
thn window nlll thin inorntiiK
wan inliiun thrro iuartn of Hluo
Itlhhon, which worn dontroyod
yrotturday for tho apuclal lien-
oflt of Mr. Wood, who oxprcniod
aknptlclnm n to tho dlnpoual of
tho confiscated Kooiln. -
Flrxl National Will Handle I'nleml
I'SllliN, In ,N'ill( IliTelteil
I 'rum Nan rninrlnco.
(From BaturdnyV Dally.)
Notification from federal reaervo
heuiliunrtnrn In Han Franclnco wa
recolvnd thl" tuornliiK by C. H. Hud
ami, pronldiint of tho Flmt National
Hank, of llund, to tho effect that thn
lleiul bank ban been dnnlcnated a
1'nltcd Htnten doponltnry, Tho tip-
pnlutmonl linn been boukIh for tho
Innt thren yeurwliy Mr. Iludnon, and
will moan thn hnudlliiK of all inouoy
unod for Kovernmont purponeji, nr
loaned by tho Kovorninont, IncliidliiR
fuuiln comliiK In from the federal
laud hunk under tho rural credits
Tho Flmt National In already a do
ponltary of tho .State of OrcKon, Don
chutoa county, mid tho t'lty of lleud.
m:w i.kasi: to hi: madi: ion
nvi: ok io vi:aks at i.kast
ni'aci: m:i:di:d.
(From Mouday'n Dally,)
llldn are balm: called for by Postal
limpoctor C. W. I,luebaui;h, who In
In town on a brief trip, for pont officii
quartern for tho nuxt flvo or 10
yearn. Specifications for tho
bulldliu; require not lens than 2000
nquaro feet of floor room, Tho nltun
lion Bhould bo close to tho business
center mid not more than a quarter
of a mllo from thu depot. A loauo of
from flvo to 10 yearn liuKlnnliiK on
March 'i, 1018, In asked, lllds aro
rccolvalilo until Novombur 27.
Tho Ioiiho on tho preneut bulldlui;
explron early lu tho your and It tliuro
foro becomea necessary for u now
luano to ho made,
Mr. MuubuuKli la tho Iouk expected
Inspector who was to make a report
on tho number of Iiouhcb which have
been numbered and tho advisability
of hrliiKliiK lit delivery uorvlco,
llecause n Hiifflnlcut number of
lioiiHon have not been numbered,
l'obtmuBter II, II, Ford was unable to
petition for tho service, mid therefore
no report will ho made this time.
Mr. LlnobniiKh bus boon horo twlco
liotoro oxpontliiK to receive ordera to
look Into tho rnattor, but unless house
numbers uro secured ho cannot do
At present hta principal concern la
tho poatnfflco, With floor space near
ly twlco tho size of tho present urou
It will bo possible to accommodate
more prlvato boxes. Tho owners of
tho bulliltiiR leased will bo required
to furnish all equipment. Applica
tions blanks and specifications may
bo obtulned of Postmaster Ford,
.MeelliiKH to He Held l,nl Week In
Not,iilber In Ihplnlu Inmio Io
KetlleiN on I. (). I. Lands,
nml to .Viiini! Dlrectorn.
(From Wednondtiy'a Dally.)
With tho date for tho Irritation
illatrlct election net for December 17,
tho final dotnlla for tho preliminary
organization aro lu lino for comple
tion, and lu a few weeks mora 11 Is
expected that a Ioiir step will have
been taken toward Riving tho net
Horn on tho ('. O. I. project control of
Irrigation affairs within tho boun
daries of tho proponed district.
A largo amount of preliminary
work ncconnary In preparing for tho
election wan handled by a nteerliiR
committee beaded by J. Alton Thomp
son, mid having as Itn other members
J. J. Klllnger, Charles Douglas, C.
L. Mead and J. F. Itlco. Mr. Kllln
Kcr acted an secretary and Mr. Itlco
an treasurer of tho organization.
.Mci'IIiik I'liiimiil.
To explain thoroughly all phasoa
of district organization and Itn ben
ofltn to tho nettlem, It In planned to
call meetings for tho last week in
November ut Torrobonno, Alfalfa,
Iledmond, Powell lluttc, Deschutes
and the Orange hall. These muetluga
will also offer an opportunity for tho
nomination of directors for tho dis
trict, 10 settlors being necessary for
tho voicing of audi a choice.
When tho district election Is final
ly held, voting will bu at tho follow
ing places:
Torrobonno, Ilnrvuy Oaten' rosl
dencoKedmond, tho ltedinond home
stead; Alfalfa, tho Alfalfa school
house; Deschutes, tho Deschutes
school house. Names on tho ballot
must bu lu not later than Decem
ber 7.
Tho settlers aro represented In the
legal phases of tho organization by
II. It. Do Armoud, of Ilend, and
Claudo McColloch, of Portland. Mr.
Do Armoud was also attorney for thn
old Squaw Creek Irrigation district
Ono of tho heaviest potato yields
reported this fall Is that obtained by
II. Torkolson on bin ranch oast of
town, Mr. Torkolson put lu four
ncron of spuds mid from these ho ob
tulned Otis sacks, or 23G sacks to tho
Springer Quits Under Fire;
Wallace Gets Job in Crook
(From Saturday's Dally.)
8ALH.M, Nov. 10. N. O. Wallace,
ot Prlnovlllo, was named county
Judgo of Crook county yoaturdny by
Oovornor Wlthycontliu, to succeed
Judge Springer, who resigned to avoid
rocall proceodlnga said to have been
ponding against him.
Tho change lu county Judges In
Prlnovlllo comori as tho climax of a
stormy year In Crook county politics.
ltecall proceedings had boon earlier
considered ut n mass mooting lu tho
county soat, ono ot tho chief com
plaints m ado against Judge Springer
being that ho mado his homo on h!s
ranch In Jefferson county. Agita
tion far his removal was temporarily
dropped when ho removed to Crook
county. Shortly after, Judgo Sprin
ger filed a suit for JG0.000 damages
against tho leaders in tho campaign,
charging libel. Tho suit was decided
agaliiHt him, howovor.
N, O. Wallace, tho now bond of tho
Crook county court, la woll known to
Deschutes county puoplo, chlofly from
tho fact' that ho la counaol for tho
plaintiff hi tho uuo warranto pro
ceedings, fllod shortly utter tho for
mation of Deadlines county, ques
tioning tho oxlstonco ot tho county.
Opinion Hy Hupi-rnio Court In Ap
pcjileO Cimr, Iti-moie Important
Obstacle to Flotation of
Ijt.l.OOO.OOO DUtrlct Hoiids.
(11 Unltrtt I'rm. to TV IItkI Ilullctln.)
HAI.KM, Nov. 13. The Oregon nu
prerno court today affirmed tho de
cision of Circuit Judge T. K. J. Duffy
In thu suit of Hiram Links, et al, vs.
tho North Unit Irrigation District,
appealed from Jefferson county.
Links endeavored to content the or
ganization election, and lost in the
lower court.
Ily virtue of tho opinion handed
down today by tho supreme court, an
Important obstacle In tho way of the
bonding of the North unit district Is
removed, and It Is expected that steps
will now be taken to sccuro the ap
proval of state authorities, as a
IS, 000, 000 bond Issuo has already
been voted, settlors In tho district
holding an election for the purpose
on October 29 of this year. Since
then the outcome of tho appealed case
lias been anxiously awaited, as de
ciding whether or not further steps
could ho taken toward tho watering
of tho large area included in tho
Tho North Unit settlers contem
plate tho Irrigation of approximately
100,000 acres of land and for this
work a tentative rate ot $C0 an aero
has already been made, It Is under
stood. Storago rcsorvolrs at Crane
Prairie and possibly at Ilcnham Falls
aro planned to furnish tho needed
wator for the land, most of which Ilea
tributary to Gateway, Madras, Mo
tollus, Opal City and Culver.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
This year's movement of sheep will
be practically ended when tho 1C
cur special train loaves tomorrow for
Chicago with 2200 bwiil or stock ship
ped 1iy W. II. McCormlck. Tho Union
Pacific Is providing special transpor
tation for them while tho O.-W. II. &
N. Is also somllug mi extra train to
Portland the same morning with 27G
head of cattlo which K. O. Hulck hus
brought up from tho southern bor
der of tho state. Through the efforts
of S. L. Wiggins theso havo bceuj
brought through Central Oregon In
stead of California. Mr. Wlcclna In I
endeavoring to direct similar ship
ments through horo mid devolop tho
loml lino as an avenue for stock.
Many .Ukcil Kcrult.
Tho story of tho latest recall cam
paign, said to be responsible for
Judgo Sprlugor's resignation, Is told
lu thu Prlnovlllo Knterprlso as fol
lows: "A (jommltteo consisting of Harold
Ilaldwlu, cnshlor of tho First Nutlonnl
haul:, K. J. Wilson, cashier of tho
Crook County bank, nml Collins W.
Klklns, u merchant of Prlnovlllo, clr
culatod petitions for Judgo Sprin
ger's recall, two days last weok.
"Kvoryoito, with very fow excep
tions, signed whuu a petition was pre
sented. Tho pooplo of Prlnovlllo have
at last begun to nwnkon to tho fnct
that It Is nocessary for thorn to pay
sumo nttontlon to tho desires ot tho
fnrmers and ranchmen, ami also to
cloan up their own skirts. Tho peo
ple of Prlnovlllo wero responsible for
Judgo Springer getting into oftico,
and also for keoplng htm thcro, In
splto of tho farmers' ofrorts to got
rid ot him. Hut now that his rot
tenness mid guilt havo 'boon exposed
and proven to our buslnoss men, they
In their turn propose to provo tholr
unanimous condemnation of such un
procodontod actions on tho part of a.
county Judgo, by forthwith ousting
him out ot otflco, with tho holp ot tho
country folk."
Tobacco Fund For
Soldiers Boosted
by Contributions
(From Wednesday Dally.)
Subscriptions sufficient to fill
flvo American soldiers with to-
baceo Joy, havo been received
In rosponse to tho unnounca-
muni Monday of The Hulletln'a
army tobacco fund, I1.2G hav-
- Ing been given without personal
solicitation, to finance thn pur-
chase of flvo smokor'a kits. -
Mrs. W. II. Stautn started the
fund with a contribution of 25
cents, and II. K. Uaker and A.
It. Foxley oach donated a half
Tho lack of good American
tobacco is ono of the needs most
keenly foil by tho United States
soMlora In Franco, and It la to
help fill this want that the
tobacco fund la being handled
In Hond by Tho Bulletin.
- Subscriptions may bo mado -
either in person, or by mall.
Final IMnIN of KcorRiiiiiuitlon May
Il Completed ly Fanners
Katuribiy at Keiliiioml.
IlKDMOND. Nov. 1C An Import
ant meeting for all Interested In the
Deschutes Valley Potato Growers'
Association will be held In Iledmond,
Saturday, November 17. At this time
tho plans for tho final reorganization
of tho association will be decided
upon and directors for the ensuing
year elected.
Tho fa mo ot the quality ot the Des
chutes valley potato output has been
developed largely by tho business
transacted In standardized potatoes
by tho association. To continue tho
reputation for the crop so far at
tained. It has become necessary to
strengthen and cnlargo -tho associa
tion. It has for some tlmo been ap
parent that tho many evils which ex
ist in the marketing and distribution
ot farm products can only bo rem
edied by the organization ot produc
ers to form their own soiling associa
tions conduotcd upon a buslncssllko
basis It Is hoped by tho directors
of tho association that a largo repre
sentation of growers will attond the
Saturday meeting.
attokni:v-(ji:i:kai, sustains
opinion giving distkict no.
8 i'kf.fkkknci: ovku ckooic
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho opinion glvon by District At
torney II. II. Do Armoud lu tho con
troversy over tho. ownership ot school
funds In District S, which was split
botweon Crook and Deschutes coun
ties at the tlmo ot tho county divis
ion, has been sustaluod by tho attor
ney gonernl ot tho state This means
that Deschutes county is entitled to
tho funds originally Intonded tor the
whole largo district.
There has boon much discussion on
tho subject tho past six months and
tho Issuo remained In doubt until thu
lottor cnuio from Salem yestonlay and
settled proaumablly ouco and
for all, tho questions over similarly
dlvldod ilfstrlcts.
Prior to the lust olectlon, when
Deschutes was mado a county, tho
people In District 8 had votod a spec
ial tax for tho erection of a school
house In tho section now In Crook
county. Then with tho election tho
torrltory was redlstrleted, making
two Instead of tho ono section tor
which tho school house had boon In
tonded. Tho ono on tho4Doschuts
sldo ot tho lino collected tbo ifunds
for tho building and thoro begn' the
quarrel, aa tho Crook pooplft?qulil
got no share ot tho mono. In ofsW
to ond tho dispute Mr. D Amend
rocontly requcstod tho aUwey' gev
oral to glvo his opinion in th matter.
Htnto ItrportK Show Other Conn tic
OiCT-Subtcrlbc Telegram From
Job n It. Mott HajH Moro
Money Will lie Nccilccl.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Roughly estimated figures glvon
out this morning by T. II. Foloy,
chairman of the Y. M. C. A. war fund
committee show a total of $26G0 as
IJend's contribution to tho work. It.
M. Smith, It. A. Miller and A. WhU
nant wero the group securing th
largegst sum of money, which
amounted to $525. Another commit
tee whose work wan not reported with
yesterday's figures waa composed ot
Fendall Watte, C. V. Silvia and II. M.
It will be impossible for the. com
mittee to prepare a complete list of
subscriptions until later In tho weok,
only tho preliminary checking having
been accomplished, Many ot the
small pledges are still to1o collected.
In addition to the $200 given br
each of the mills four contributioas
of $100 from tho First National
Hank, tho Central Oregon Dank, tho
Bend Company, and tho Bend Water,
Light & Power Company wero re
ceived by Mr. Foley.
KxprosNC Appreciation.
A telegram received this morning
from L. O. Nichols, chairman ot tho
eastern division, expresses apprecia
tion ot tho way In which Bend gave
to the fund. It reads:
"Ybur report for' Deschutes county
is excellent, Just what I would expect
from the bunch I met when in Bend.
Hope you will push tho campaign to
tho limit. Later reports indicato that
a sum very much in excess of $35,
000,000 is going to be needed. Stata
Chairman Davidson and Lockwood
send congratulations."
$15,000 IS KAISKI).
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13. In
complete returns from 10 counties
show that $15,000 has been received
by tho state V. M. C A. war fund
committees. Three counties havo al
ready over-subscribed.
Fund to Be Incroacd.
A significant telegram Just re
ceived from John R. Mott, gonoral
secretary ot the International Y. M.
C. A., says, "In tho light ot startling
developments on tho oastern and
southern fronts within the past few
days and ot a significant cablegram
Just received from tho prima minister
of Franco It Is clear that wa shall
need much moro than $35,000,000,
ami this is In tho national Interest as
well as for tho sako ot tho allies
Those recent developments havo con
vinced our best advisors that the war
will continue longer than most ot
thorn anticipated when our goal was
tlxod, All think it most doslrablo to
ralso a sum sufficient to make an
other drlvo unnecessary prior to Oc
tober of noxt yean"
Speed It Urged.
Subscriptions aro coming In most
liberally In practically all sections ot
tho state, said S. O. Lockwood, state
chairman, this morning. Tho com
mittees aro urged to prosecute tho
campaign and produco as great re
sults as posslblo. Several counties
have already over-subscrlbod and
conditions throughout tho state aro
most pleasing. Chairmen aro In
structed to till their allotment at tho
earliest possible dato, thou work tor
tho largest possible surplus.
Preparations for a turkey shoot on a
grand scalo aro being mado at Slaters
this yoar 'by P. Huntington, ot .that
soctlon, who haB now on hand mora
than 150 fat young birds to bo avail
able as prlzoa for the marksmen.
Central Oregou turkeys aro bocomlflg
moro and more popular by roaBOH- et
tholr oxcellont flavor, and a big tar
out At tho shoot is expected,
Tho shooting will start at, 10
'Jck In tho morning and will con
tinue, all day,