r f TAGE 8 . IlKM) HULLKTIN, HHMK OKKtiON, 'I'llUlUWAV, NOVIttlllKH H, 1017 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (Prom Friday's Dolly.) u dwelling cobUiir $9G0 on block 7, Tnrk addition. Lovl Bnmt was In from Powell Dutto yesterday. Mrs. K. A. Streot nntl her mother ro In from La Pino fur several days. Fred Huoy In back In lloml after spending several months In Seattle. A building penult has been let to Alexander Ferraris, who will build 31IB8 M.ibol IIlRsby was visiting Inj town last cronlng from PrlnovlUo. John Hondhuls has rone home to ' Portland. Ho has boon employed In I this city. I Mrs. A. It. Loekwood has gone homo to Deschutes. Shu was In town several days. J. II. Stanley returned to Ilond yesterday from a trip to the Pugct Sound country. Mrs. N. Wlnomlllor has arrived hero tromtyicrldau to visit her son, A. V.lnomllIer. Sheriff Iloborts has learned that Vernon Dews Is being hold In Jail on account of a charge of non-support of his wifo In Lakevlew. MIME OSBVS) Tonight and Friday JACK PICKFOUO ntul l.OWSK Ul'FF In "THE VARMINT" n boarding school coined. Saturday Night Only Mt'ltlKh OSTIUIMU: In the "Moral Courage" of a witty Scotch I.isslo. WBBKLY and COMKDY. Sunday Matinee and Night and Monday Till: OHKAT MOltAli PLAY "HYPOCRITES" "Naked Truth" with her mir ror exposes tliti hypoorasy u( nil classes. Kudorsed by nilnlstors, the press mid censors, as a powerful ser mon. a uoiwli: m tit., with TATTY" AimiTlvlii: In- "His Wedding Night" Tuesday, Wednesday FANNIM WAUI) In "THE CHEAT" Tho pluy that first made Pmunutuiit pictures fumoiis, Wednesday Only DAINTY VIVIAN MAUTIN In - "LITTLE MISS OPTIMIST" Thi American War Nchn of Our Soldier Ito.iM. COM I NO, NOV. 18-til DOl'ULAH FAUtlJANKH III "DOWN TO KAItTII." I CI I B. M. Kby was In from Terrebonne today with n load of veal, Mrs. Karl Denton was a visitor In town from Ucdmond this morning. Mrs. H. J. Hedgpatch and her grandson, Homer. Yave gone to Port land for a few weeks' visit, John Marshall, of Harnoy, came through town this morning on his way to Portland to spend tho winter. (BflHHilHHMn f nil bm IK 11 eJBIs W ft V ."r.,aTyrT KT: -TiJi , ,.ilh iJSy ' r 1 ' rVj$& ft May Happen rs whirled on skidding tires Into a disastrous crash Stop endangering your life as well as the lives of others. When streets are wet, always "chain your car to safety." Take no chances. Equip all four tires with Weed Chains Skid rbc ONLY Positive Safeguard Against Skidding Safety demands that Rubber lacks the all tires be equipped bite-and-hang-on ability with Weed Chains. It to prevent skidding, doesn't require the gift while Weed Chains hold of second sight to see on like a bull dog, pre- why this is true. Rub- vent side-skid and drive ber slips never grips, slip. Equip both front It slides on wet pave- and rear tires with merits and roads like Weed Chains. Do it a cake of soap on the today before ifs too moistened hands. late. A Cosrletc JfocK-AII Slzu-ror ill MUi aoi Stvttt ef Tires For Sale By Skuse Hardware Co. foiz your iV W V A ff; with TSP"iirC,MP"lWl 0 J PEARL LJ PMHUrJ W Ssl v'V fi Chases the chills in a jiffy you bathe or shave in com fort. Portable. Fuel consumed only when heat is needed no waste. No smoke or odor. STANDARD OILS COMPANY (CAurpuNi) PERFECTION G$L HEATER L V. Sllvls mill Ashley Forrest hnvo moved thulr realty and lusiir- 'unco offices to tho rooms formerly occupied hy O. A. Tliorson, on Wall Street Just holow OroRon street. Mrs. II. II. Perry, of Tho Dalles, was here over night with her hus band Conductor l'erry. She has Just returned from n trip to Kansas City and said sho wni astonished to find tho extreme rold there. Charles Wade, former proprietor of the Depot llotol, which recently burned, went to Portland with his family this mnrnliiK. Ho will re main there sovoral days attendluc to business matters wlillo Mrs. Wade and their daughter visit In Oregon City. Seven men In tho Hartley coun ty draft iiuota wont out tills morning for Antorlcan Lake. They were Hor acu Ilurdott, of Hums; Adolph Kit tlllson, Crane; Charles George. Kgll; Klljah Ward, Drewseyj Oscar Court right, Diamond; Walter Heinz. Crane; Hoy Llpford, Hums. During tho whiter mouths Mrs, .1 II. Thayer, who has been living on her homestead at Dry I.uke. plans to remain on tho roast. Kho left this morning for Columbia City and Cort land to visit friends and will not re turn Until spring. CLASSIFIED ADVER1TSEMM5 (From Thursday's Dally.) Mrs. Klslc M. Smith has gone Portland for a two weeks' visit. D. K. Stewart, pastor of the local Ailventlst ehurch, has gone to Port land. Karl P. Updike was In from his ranch at tho head of the Metollus Itlvcr last night. John H. Hniisehlld, of Minneapolis, Is In Hand today In oonnvetlon with Insurance business. C. McKlfrlsh wont out on this morning's train to Portland a fid does not expect to roiurn. Dr. Klwood P. Lyon will speak to night at tho Presbyterian church on tho subject, "The Man In tho Gap." ff Maglll & Krsklno have boon add ing more counters and shnlves to tholr drug store for the last two days. Mrs. A. S, Moonoy, who has been visiting her parents, Mrs. C. A. O'Hrlon, the past two weeks, Is on her way home to Itutte, Montana. 0. K. Daldnln, a brick contractor from Condon, came In last night to look aftor sotno brick work on a building. Ho wont on to Portland to day. 1. I,. Sleopor nrrlvod hero this morning from Hrltlsh Columbia and Is on his way homo to Hums. Ho was gono on a 10 days' trip and ar ranged to movo north in the spring. W. A. Illothmlllcr, of Portland, Is In town looking ovor sheop for tho Columbia Ilasln Wool Warehouse Company. Ho came In from Ucd mond Tuesday and will remain hero a wcok longer. fSopi THB. S MARKET H8 PLACBsfs J l-OU HAIiK. FOIt SALK .1-rootn furnished house, painted, nud lot. Itovere avo time, near Fifth St., L)tlu addition. W. L. Johnson. N.17-36p FOIt 8AI.K 3fQ young owes, In lots to suit purchaser. .1. K. Warner. to i Powell Itutte. Ore. 8.1S-.tfi,p FOIt 8ALK 27 head yearling; this Is good stuff. J. L. Couch, Turn alo, Ore. K17-3Cp FOIt SAI.K Hand-made lady's sniiuio. ami cornwr lot In Wlestnrla; ehesp If taken at once. Phone lllack iw:. 8tf,-scc FOIt SALK SO neros 3 ml I as iisuu; io uen water; jiooo; crop mis year, potaioos. corn, li.iy; hhII at bargain. A. W. Crab a in, Ilniid. Or., u. I, llox Ul. 7J3-3C,7p FOIt SALK 100 aeros. closo In. witn 330 acres water right, also 80 aoros with wator right. For partlc ulars, write llox 2SS, llcnd. Ore. 8t0.3n.33p FOIt SALK Plenty of rough Inm ber. nt Maury Mountain saw mill, m per inousanil. Todd A Hamlin, Held,, Oro. 8M-35,0p FOIt SALK 320 acre In Milllcaii Valley on liond-Ilurns road all fenced; 100 acres under cultivation well Improved. Muko mo a cult or fur, or will consider trade llo S.'iU, uomi. oro. 7 Rt-'Iltfc FOR SALIC 80 ncros. 5 or fi acres cleared and In clover, 20 ucros that could be cleared; timllk rows, 7 tons hay in barn, enough to winter stock; 2 Hi acres ol potatoes; good house and barn. Pictures sent to parties Interested. Prlro 2C00. terms. Frank Updike, Klk City, Ore. 73C-3 ,3Gp FOIl SALK 1018 Ilulck Lltllo Six, In first class shapo. llox 2GS, Hond. C87-3llfo DUCKS FOIt SALK Hampshlro bucks, lambs to 3 years old; Cots woIiIh bucks, yearlings to 3 years old; Llncolnn bucks', yearlings to 3 years old. Wilson Itanch, Powell Ilutto, Oro. 678-27tfc FOIl BALK Ono grado Poll An gus bull, IS months old. Inquire P. II, Johnson, Mllllcan, 41C20tfc It Is All in the Name May be correct, providing the name is built upon quality and satisfaction. KEEN KUTTER on a pocket knife; Keen Kut ter on a pair of shears, or Keen Kuttcr on a butcher knife implies quality and workman ship, linked with satisfaction. LADIES Insist on Keen Kutter on that next pair of shears, or MEN Ask for a Keen Kuttcr knife, to insure satisfaction. Don't fail to glance at the Keen Kutter dis play in our show window and remember the Keen Kutter trade mark. "The recollection of quality remains long after tic price h forgotten." Bend Hardware Co. Why We Undersell, Because We Sell For Cash. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW COAT We luve jiint received another new line of Coitt from New York. The variety represent t tic very licit tliotiw'lit of the creator of wili ioni. Garment carefully selected, tint will maintain our reputation "The Store of Style" anJ "The Store of Value " You will finil value, that became of the market uncertainty and condition, may not he equaled later. In Our Millinery Department you will find over three hundred hat to eleet from, Hat that reflect only the very neweit andheit idea from the center of fathion, 1 our attention i npecmly di rected to our larjje and well equipped citahliihinent. We are pre pared to give you prompt teivice and perlet workmanship, whether ow priced uat or a man uraue mouei i mi win lino lariner i..t it be a alt ir a tnoit exliauttive icarch and com right. Our hat ranife in price from importance that you nuke your millinery purchaie at our tote. companion, that Sl.r0toS!2f).0() the price are It i of vital We also have a l'ew Line of Spoil S(lils ul Papular 'Price f Ufa ' r Itts-j Cor jtim. mLm LADIES' OUTFITTERS Wall and Oregon St,. Bend, Oregon If you don't find is lint you tiro looking for, ask for It In mi udvor tlsumont In tliomi columns. tl KIIKKP KOI I SALK 100 lisad film wool ones; will sell nil or tiny purl of thorn. Wilson Hunch, Powoll Ilutto. Oro. itfc TAKI'.N VI' C'uiiiii to my ruiwli. tho old Cort Allnit placo, SO nilltt from Ilond, u i mir old Itod Mtiort horn bull, utibrandud. Ownor nuiy hum niilinal by provltiK proirty and Ia'liiK cliiiriis, Ollvor Thorbjorii ion. TJk-UCfip vanti:ii. WANTKO Sinwml hand Ford roudstor, tot. P. II. JoIiiihoii, .Mllll can, Oro. 833-30n IIUNDKHDH OK PKOPLK mail theso little ndvcrtlsoiiiKntn every wook, so If you do not find w hut you nro loo'tliiK for PorhnpN hoiiio one olso tins what on am looklm: for, why not run mi udvertUnmnnl like this at olio coot n ttiinl. tf LOST AMI l-'OIIMi. ItKU'AP.I) J500 rrwnrd will bn paid for thn urrnst and cfiiivlntlon of iinyniiP fitiiKlit KtKulInc oattln front tho ineuihurs of thn HIstars-MntolliiN Llvostorl: Assn , Jou Howard, Jr.; Httc.-TroiiN 7l'J-32,37p ADVKKITHK If you liavo lost soinotblnK, iidvortlst. If you havo found soniKthlnr, advortlso; If you Hnnt ntiMhliiK. ndvertlie tf " c- Brand Directory I'lt.WK I'lIIU'lVALIi " .Mlllldiii, (In'Kiiu. w aVV C. 8. HUDSON, President IIUfJH K. IIIIAN, Vlco-Prcs. U. C. COK, Vice President L. (1, McIlKYNOLDa, Cushion B. A. HATIIBIt, Vlco Proa. K. B. HAU'YBIl, Asst. Oushlor The First National Bank OP BEND, BEND.OR.EGON Si riipltul fully puld Surplus - - - - $L.'i(000 ILTi.OOO 1 To Purchasers of ,; Liberty Bonds Wo wish to annnunrn that wo have sot usldo a vonipartinout In our Safety Deposit Vnult for tho tmfo-koopliiK of Llborty Loan Ilonds purchased by our customers, WITIIOIJT CIIAHOR. You may koop your bonds In our Vault without oxnoimo to you avail-, nblo at all tlnicH durliiB bankliiR hours mid protcqtcd by all tho uaro Kiinrds our modern Safety Doposit Vault provldos, ,'M jy J n I ' t M ?. FOR SALE BY THe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND 4, HI BEND DEMENT &, CO. m Ann wad re rr t V fi I fjblx-' IX JU w ' . SKUim HARDWARE CO, lWWWWW