The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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iikno nvhi.miK, iiKff, oitiwoN, TiirimnAv, novkmhhk h, ii7
A hiniill payment down
put tlui Now Kdlnnu or
tu Vluliolu lo your homo.
Only Aullioiit-il AucntH In Hunt.
(From WuiliicHituy'N Dully.)
('. A. lliiriiKlilc. of MlnteriJ. htti liccn
litiro today on IiiihIih'h.
A. J. Weston In Niiiiilltii: two days
III Torrnbnnnn on IiunIiiom.
M. A. Wood bun gniin to Kugeno
mill exporU to upend thu winter there.
Osmr Ar.'if, of Tiiniulu, went to
.Montana thin inurnliir. to vUlt at hi
riiiirli thorn.
, I.. I. Tui'kitr In In from Flei-twoiid
;,nil will Ifiivti -town tomorrow to
join Hid urni)'.
J. L. Kelt itildt returned to Portland
thin tuornliiK uttur mmiiiIIiik novum I
days visiting with frli'iidn In Bend.
T. J. Ilimnlton, Hold secretary of
1I1 n ()nii;on Prisoners' Aid Hoclniy. In
In town today on work of -thu sot-loty.
A. II. Tripper, who hit been hero
Inspecting adding machines slnto lam
Friday, wont to I'rluovlllo thin morn
liC Mr. J. A. (antes him rut u mod
from Hun Francisco where alia passed
u month with her daughter, Mrs,
(ImirKo Htitpluton.
I.. Perry, J a in on McLaren and I..
Cook nil wont today to Portland to
Stay permanently. They huvn been
liiirn several mouths.
Leslie Holme spent tho tiny In Tim
Dalles ut tlm Y M V A. wur fund
convention. Ilo wan Mont (in a dole
i;atn from tho lltiiul lilcli school.
Dr. ('. II. Day wax erroneously re
ported In yesterday's Bulletin an hnv
liu: returned to I'ortluml. It wan Dr.
Frank Day, not Dr. C. II. Day, who
won I away.
Contractor K. I. Brostorhous lititt
moved ti In offices to thu locution oc
cupied by (,'. V. HIIvIn and Asliluy For
rest, on Wall Htn.'nt between Ori'itmi
and Minnesota.
Miss Vera Parker and Mini Lola
Parker litft thin nioinliii: for Ht. I.oiiln
anil Chicago. Thoy expect to bo :nu
soveritl month. C. II. 1'arkor aetom
punled IiIh daughters Into town to
duy. Minn Clara Nai:el concluded hur
vlnlt with Mm. Frank M. Post, at
Alfalfa, anil camo to town yesterday
!i foro leaving for Portland thin
morning. Shu wui In this suction a
(From Tuesday's Dully.)
O. Pain until to Portland on tho
morning train.
Don Ynck wan a paseni:or to Tho
Dalles thin morning.
Mark Iloomar punned thu duy In
Itcdmond on business.
Kd. Johnson hint ;ono to Portland
to roinaln thorn permanently.
P II. Johnnon, of .Mllllcnn, In
spending several dayn In town.
The Work Shoes of Today
Flexible, Comfortable and Serviceable
, ,'
k & v
VV fc2 J
William Lozlor lian conn to Honl-
tlu to vlnlt rplntlvoH two wetdisr
Tho Prosbytorlnn (lulld will moot
with Mr. II, II, Ford tomorrow after
noon, ',
Mr, and Mnt. Hoy Mndlll nro horn
frolii Kliitfmtli Fa I in to vlnlt Mr. Ma
dlU'ri tnotiinr.
Dr. (!. II. Day rotnmnii" to Port
land today. Ilo hax boon In Ilund
! tho punt month.
Dr. 0, II. Francl rot iirmttl today
from Manpln, whiiru liu Iiiih iinun on
hiinliioNH ovur tho w;i)k omit
Tho Daptlnt Womoirx Union will
havo chitn:ii of tho Hud Cronn work
at tho uhaplor rooiim on Tliutmlay. '
Mo (li K. Ilran, or tho Flrnt Nation
al Hank, linn pitrrhuncd thu W. (1,
IladtlngHi houno In IJoulvnrd addi
tion. II. II. Clow camo In from Prlno
vIIId yoHliirduy and will rnmaln horo
for a tlmn. Ilo lian liunii II vim; nt
.1. W. Jtttor and F. A. Donnr, of
Portluml, npnnt tho In town,
Thoy woro horn on work for the
O.-W. It. A N.
Frank 1'arkor Iiiih purtliani'd thu
hrlck honno on lot 'VI, block 10, Itlvrr
Tnrracc, from Jack Tammy for a con
nldnratlon or 12100. Ilo will mako
IiIh homo tlmn:.
CharloM llnliii'M, Arthur J. Mooro
and Kd, II. Knano rnturnod from a
hitntltiK trip ynntorday ovimiIiik with
tho muxlmum catch of duckn Thoy
worn In tho iiolKhborhood of UroH
emit. Word Iiuh l)i'ii rocolvuil from lln-
mill JJ. Walluco, of Ilnnd, that hn In
now Htatloni-d at tho U. B. radio Btn
tlon at t.oiitH, Urt'Kon. Ilo ban been
at Hrumurton nlnco bin onllntmont oh
a radio electrician.
Mr, and Mm. W. It. Illntzo nnd non
loft y'Hturduy lor Alaika, whuro thoy
will spend nix wenkn. Thoy worn
burn a row dayn from Portland boforo
b-avltiK for tho north nnd vUltod their
honu-ntuad at Crcioont.
I.. Douthlt, W. II. Martin, I). O.
Mcl'bernon and Mr. Miller ruturned
ywiituriliiy from Narrow with 30
Kotxio and 12U duck-. They woro rouo
two iluyg on tho huntliiK trip. Tho
blrdit nro on exhibit hi tho window
of tho Lokuii Candy Kitchen.
Tho Mend Hud Cron chapter will
havo a booth at tho Mooso camlvul
to bo hold next week and reinientn
douutlonn of food and other article
to bo nolil nt thu booth for tho ben
efit of tho chapter. All donations
may bo loft nt thu chapter room op
posite thu Pilot lluttu Inn.
F.ldon Swank, I,. M. Swank and
Hryan Tnle. nil ofTuni;ont. camA
over tho MrKciulo Pann yesterday In
a wukoii and urrlved In Dcud this
niornltiK. Thoy uro koIiik on to
llrothern to take lip n bomentead.
Shortly after thoy had kouu through
tho pass tho men said miow bcKau to
full on thu ratiRo.
Tho Cozy ltostaurnnt In prepared to
buy local farm produce. 35. Stic
(From Monday'- Dally )
John Farroll -pout yo-torriajr In
K. K. Iloi-o, of (lint, wan In Hand
today on Iiu-Iiiuh-, Hobb- and John Mooro wont
tiAltedmond thl- mornltiK.
'yohn W. (lottar camo In from CIo
vofdnlo on buitlnim- today,
It, .1. McCnnu In loavln;; tonight
for a bunlnit-H trip to Canada,
(Jooriio A. PattorHon wait n north
Imiiud iiannenner thin mornlni;.
AManiKil Hahdorn onmn In from HI!
vor I,ako yoHterdny nflor bin motoi
ThomnH W. Ilurnn puhkoi) tho day
In Hond nttoiidliic U hiiBtiic-H mut
lern. Mln- Luna Hhnrmau and Minn Mil
dred Klllott npont yt.-nturday in
. Klbert C. Smith wan In from Im
perial today to prove upon h'.n Jiomo
Btoad. Vf-ruon A. Ilnll, of Iledmond, opt-nt
tho week end In Hcnd nod returned
homo today.
Tho Hiibjftt at tho Lyoji nice tine
tonliiht will bo "Tho OroatOMt City
In tho World."
K. I). Wli-nt and Attorney C. 8.
Ili-nnon went to Prltiovlllu thin morn
Iiij; on law builnetot.
K. (). Ilnlrk wan In town today to
tnko cattlo Into tho Interior. JII
father accompanied blni. .
Harry Coford, of Portland, la In
Hond Nuveral days on buHliienn con
nected with llvoHtock.
Charlen MalnoH, Arthur J. Mooro
and Kd. II. Koano are away on a hunt
liiK trip near Crescent.
Tlioinan Arnold npont the day In
town. Ho ban recently purchased the
Cyrun homcnti-nd at Slntern and In
mukliiK bin ho mo there
Sheriff W. II, Snider camo In from
Lakevlew yesterday and took back
with him Vernon Dt-wn, who has been
held In tho Hond jail nevoral days.
HaiiKcr II. K. Vincent, who has
been in chari;o of tho local forestry
office the pant few weekn, spent tho
veek end In Sinters.
V. V. Ilarpham, supervisor of the
Ocboco forest, has been horo from
Prlnovlllu over Sunday on a business
Mrs. Kdward II. Williams came
In on this moruliiK'n train and Is
KoIiir on to her homo at Powell
Warren McConnoll has come In
from ImKrlal to look for n house to
rent. Ho Is closing up his storo on
tho HIkIi Desert and Iioh rented his
H. K. Mclntyro and A. M. Oaken,
of Portland, are hero several days on
it sales trip lor a steel products firm.
Mr. Oakes spent the day In the woods
looking over wire ropes.
Mr. nnd Mm. J. K. Garrett and
family arrived from Hums last night
nnd went out on thu morning train
to Tho Dalles. Mr. Garrett's moth
er accompanied them and will spond
tho winter there.
We don't 'know what the increasing
cost of leather may have led you to
expect, but we do know that the
Plattsburg, in Mahogany Tan Lotus,
offers you considerably more value
than you can get anywhere else at
the price. Come in and look at this
shoe. Also in Tan Norwegian at
$9.00. Other good shoes for the
well dressed man:
The Princeton in Dark Cherry Calf at $7.75
The Club in Mack Calf at .'$7.ViO
The Banker in Ulack Viei at $7.00
Made in Brockton, Mass., by the
Brockton Co-Operative Shoemakers
Kvory pair of these shoes In made with a flexible welt note, cut
from tho best oak leather and bt build over a full imHy-fittlug
last with wide too nhapo, The uppers are cut from soft yet
lough upper Htock,
Both "Good-Fcelcrs" and "All-for-Wcur" are
typical twentieth century work shoes that are
flexible, serviceable and comfortable.
You spend Sixteen Hours Every Day in
your shoes. Buy a pair of our Work
Welt Shoes and you Will Get Sixteen
Hours of Solid Comfort Every Day.
good feeler:
4 m
lull D0UI1I TCI .
Makes a Two-Pound Roll out of One
Pound of Butter and One Pint of Milk!
The Principle of This Wonderful Invention: The
Wonder Merger is a simple, sturdy little churn,
having a specially constructed plunger with a
valve that pumps or impels air iilto the contents
of Milk and Butter, causing them to merge in
such a manner that NOT A DROP OF MILK
can use it. Think of what a boon this little de
can use it. Tmink of what a boon this little de
vice wijl be in your home with butter at its pres
ent exorbitant cost.
The Saving Warrants It
Merged butter, while not as rich in butter fat, is
sweet and wholesome, keeps just as long and
gets just as firm if set in a cool place.
Price 89c
MEN'SIFLANNEL SHIRTS, with convertible col
lar, can be worn as a military collar or low flat
collar, in green, olive, khaki, brown and navy
flannels, at SI. 50, $2.00, $'2.25, $2.50, $2.75,
$0.50, $4.00.
MEN'S MACKINAWS-AU wool, $8.50, $9.75, $10.50
Men's Best Quality Patrick Mackinaw' 30-oz.
cloth, $19.75.
widest range of styles in Union Suits and Two
Piece Garments-cotton or wool.
Two Piece Garments 50c to $1.75
Union Suits $1.50 to $5.50
Sold By
(From Saturday's Dally,)
Lew Wallace has gone north on a
sales trip.
Miss Winifred Nelson was In from
Alfalfa today.
OeorKO T. Sly, of La Pine, was n
visitor In Bend this morning.
Fred James has gone to Prlnovllle
whore he will remain several days.
Mrs. A. II. Jaecer was In today
from I.owor Bridge on schou busi
ness. Mrs. C. A. Jones, of Los Angeles,
Is In Bund visiting bur son, George
A Jones.
Miss Dolly Hodges camo from
I rrlnevillo today to attend tho foot
ball game.
J. II. Stanley has gone to Portland
on a buslnoss trip, lie will return
in a week.
Mrs. Jesse Stearns -was n visitor
in Bend yesterday. She left last night
for hor home.
Burton Onoy has returned to La
Pino after sponding two days in town
on forestry business.
Miss Zara Benson, who Is confined
to her home with scarlet fever, is re
ported Improving,
Horace Brookings camo In today
from Hampton to see tho Bund
Prlnevlllo football game.
John Meiers, of Imperial, was in
town yesterday in order to make
final proof on bis homestead.
Mrs. M. W. Jackson left for Port
land this morning and Is to bo fol
lowed tonight by her husband.
"W. C. McEIroy has como from
Camas, Washington, to bo connected
with tho union depot as car clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. C, F. Hondriek havo
returned to their home In Portland.
Mr. Huudrick was horo on a business
C. J. Johnson and daughtor, Viola,
and Ot C. Qray and son, Harold,, uro
in tho city from Prlnovllle to spend
tho week end.
A. 1). Mooro, of tho stores depart
ment o ftho O.-W, It. & N., has ro
turned to Portland utter making a
brief trip to town.
Xow safes wcro installed this morn
ing in the offices of County Assessor
W. T. Mullarkey and County Treas
urer Clydo McKay.
Miss Mary Greer, who has beert
connected with the Deschutes room
ing house, has gone to Forest Grove,
and will not return here.
Louis Van Orman, manager ot the
casualty department ot Seelcy &
Company, qf Portland, is in Bend fir
several days on business.
Mrs. Vina Johnson has returned tu
ber homo at McMlnnville after visit
ing at the home of Mrs. George Bar
clay since Wednesday.
Miss Alysc Jones has arrived hero
from Medford and begun her duties
at McBrlde's confectionery. Sho is
taking the place of Miss Kthel Frick,
who is leaving for Seattle.
The new Kdison, "Tho Phonograph
With a Soul," at Heed & Horton.
Man Troubled For Two Years.
No man should suffer backache,
rheumatic pains, stiff Joints, swollon,
soro muscles, when relict can bo eas
ily had. James McCrery, Borrlou
Center, Mich., says ho was troubled
with klduey and bladder trouble for
two years. Ho usod sevqrnl kinds ot
medicine -without relief,' but Foloy
Kidney Pills cured him. Sold every
where. Adv.
Itemerobor this, Itoed & Horton aro
tho Bend ugents for tho Kd.toit and.
Victor. Adv. 28Co
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
or Inquire ot
Ths Store Wilh QooJ Qoods
Table Silver
Tho Silver Service In fo inti
mately woven Into homo affairs
that Its selection should be made
whero especial euro is devoted
to Tablo Silvor and whero nd
vico and suggestions muy (uldo
tho purchaser.
have ncliloved a peculiar diuttno
tion us the store special Izlatf in
correct Tublo SlUor, preiontlnfj
tho finest stock in Cential Oio
gon. Tarson & CO,
WotchmuKcrsanii Jc-v i
At the Sign of the (Bkt Clock