The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    fAGK 4.
The Bend Bulletin
lMnblMied 11)02.
An Independent newspaper stand
Ing for thu uqunro denl, clean busi
ness, clean politics and the bent In
terests of llend and Central Oregon.
Ono Year fl.R0
Btx Months 75
Three Months 50
One of our friends thinks that all
this Hoover business and the war
time recipes and hints for paving In
tho homo are directed only at tho
vvomon. She thinks that the men
havo their sharo In It too, but are sit
ting back and looking to the women
to bear tho whole bunion, and that
that Is not fair. Her Idea Is, to ninko
n poor Joke, that as Oregon Is an
equal suffrage state, the men and
women ought to suffer together.
Tho Idea Is discussed in a clipping
from a Portland newspaper which
she has brought us, a lettor wrltton
by a woman to tho editor, which wo
reprint as follows:
"Every woman who fokes an In
terest In her home is by nature eco
nomical, especially in these times
when high prices demand It.
"For instance, how often aro we
told: 'Don't waste a drop of milk!'
With this necessity selling at 13
cents a quart, is it likely any woman
would throw a drop of it in the sink?
"If," pleads a Portland house
wife, "you aro tho only paper In the
world to do so, suppose you drop
women for a while (we'll conserve
Just the same) and tell tho men how
they -cart conserve.
"What about oil?" asks Portland
Housewife. "Isn't there a scarcity
of that? And yet I saw my very own
husband Just pouring oil on his tin
Our boys in Franco will entrench;
wo must rotronch, Sign tho fond
card htitl live up to tho pledge.
"Great Caesar's ghost" ought to
como to tho rescue of IiIr hard
pressed descendants.
"All nuts are fresh," sayit a sign
In n local grocery window. They
surely nro.
The Germans seem to havo found
tho hole in tho macaroni.
Now It's a championship football
tram for Hem!.
Havo you signed tho food pledge
Have you dug your potatoes?
(From Wednesday's Dolly.)
After enjoying unusual good for
tuno on a shooting trip, W. II. Mar
tin, of the Martin & Cashmau store,
found late last night -that the total
results of tho trip had vanished. Ten
ducks and five geese which ho had
left hanging In his garage, had been
stolen before he had n chance even
to pluck a single bird. No clew, to
tho Identity of tho thief has been
Tho birds stolen were Mr. Martin's
share of n bag of more than 100 made
by a party of hunters who returned
to Bend yesterday.
$5.00 puts a Victor In your home.
Reed & Morton. Adv. 2S0c
Complaint Almost Roue.
"Foley's Honey and Tar is great,"
writes L. W. Day, 65 Campbell Ave.,
E. Detroit. Mich. "It relieves bron
chitis quickly. My complaint has al
most gone and I hope never to have ,
Uzzio to produce a polish, when soarf ' awln.M Tlmo and tho experience1
Ut iltUUJUtlUO IUU Jtlf IU tlV tllVIU
would havo served Just as well."
"And gasoline? We need gasoline
to win the war. How many delivery
drivers (men) turn off their engines
whllo making deliveries? Haven't
you seen cars standing stock-still by
tho curbing, pounding away for five
or 10 minutes, sometimes longer,
whllo the drivers are making deliv
eries? Is that conservation?"
How about It, Men?
The-present scarlet fever epidemic
will not haro'occurred in vain it there
grows out of it sufficient heahh and
quarantine ordinances. That such"
will probably be the case seems cU?r
as the result of last night's meaaing
between .the council and the school
board. Everything tho city health
offlcor needs to make passible tho
healthiest city In the state should be
provided. In climate, 'water supply
and other conditions we have all the
fundamentals of a healthy commun
ity. Let us see to it that the man
made conditions aro equally good.
Soma-towns havo a healthy public
conscience, and where one is found
ofher things are likely to be in pretty
rgood shape. The public conscience
"r of Dend ought to be ashamed to hear
thqt most of the summer deaths of
children might have been avoided.
It ought to awaken Itself now and
help tho health officials to see that
there Is no ground for renewed crit
icism of the same sort.
Is no better medicine for coughs,)
coius or croup, uct mo genuine.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
( KurnUhnl by Central Orrvon Abstract Co.)
United States of America to C. F.
Drew, patent. N NEVi. 1S-14-14.
United States of America to Pat
rick H. Poffcy, patent, . WU 29,
and NBJ4 30-20-1 S.
Mary E. Arnold to J. Ryan & Co.,
warranty deed, lots 7 and 12, block
4, Deschutes addition.
United States of America to Chas. !
A. Crltchfleld. patent. Si 20-20-18.
Gertrude D. Brown to J. C. Staple
ton and M. L. Stapleton, warranty
deed. SEJ NWU 7-15-13.
Lytie Townslte Co. to J. P. Morse,
warranty deed, lot 17, black 14, t
Lytlo addtlon, Bend.
Kenwood Promotion Co. to Loren
zo C. Catt, Ethel Catt, warranty deed,
lot m, diock o, onwoou.
The Bend Co. to F. R. Prince and j
Mabel S. Prince, warranty deed, lots
7 and S, block 12, Park addition,
uiam iiruu. i.aura n. i ime m j
R. W. Tripp and Oren Strattou, war
ranty deed, SE,J SEi, 25-17-13.
Hazel Christ, Claude Christ to J.
W. Mendenhall, warranty deed, SWH
NEi. 18-15-13.
The Shevlln-Hlxon Co. to Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Co., warranty deed,
NEi SW, 38-18-11; NEU NWU,
Charles Nangle, Amy Nanglo to
IBrooks-Scanlon' Lumber Co war
ranty deed, SW4, 32-18-12.
Tho Bend Co. to Jennlo D. Koyes,
warranty deed, part block 9, Park
The Bend Co. to School District
Recent statements on the part of
tho Central Oregon Irrigation Co. of
ficials that they wish to cooperate
wJth the settlers in working out the
best solution of tho problems con
fronting those Interested in the seg
regation seom to be borne out by the No. 1, warranty deed, lots 1 to 7, and
apparent acquiescence in the forma- lot 14, bloekPG, Boulovard addition,
tlon of the district proposed by the ....Jennie Johnson, B. F. Johnson, to
settlers. Tho county court has now Oregon &r IVjestern Colonization Co.,
set December 17 as tho date of the warranty ,decd, lots 5, C, 7, 8, 9,
election at which the settlers shall block 14, Davidson addition to Sis
decide if they wish to proceed. It ters,
they decide to do so an opportunity) Southern Extensions Railway Co.
will be offered both sides to get to- to Deschutes Railroad Co., deed, all
gotber and produce something con- roporty of grantor, real, personal
structlve. or mixed, and wherever situated and
located, '
The report of tho Deschutes coun- T nend Co- to R. H. Loop, war
ty food administrator that at least raW deed- Iof" 8 and . "lock 1,
1000 families havo signed up to con- Hastings addition, Bend.
servo the nation's supply of food. Is ino oml va. t0 Hopkins,
Do Not Fail to Take Advantage of Tho Goldon Rulo's Special Offor. Sale Starts Friday, November 9th
Men's Mackinaw Special
Extra heavy Black Bear brand
wool mackinews, newest patterns,
Norfolk style; special fc7 GEJ
Extra heavy Black Bear wool
maekinaw, shawl collar, Norfolk
style, gray, brown and (to QC
plaid, navy; special JyO.7J
Finest quality silk finish, heavy
wool maekinaw, gray and purple
plaid, Norfolk style, Black Bear
brand, pinehback style, Q QC
$12.00 value :7
Heavy weight wool mixed macki
naws, brown and gray $ QC
plaids, Norfolk style ..&''&
Wool Shirts
Men's cotton flannel shirts, QC
gray and. brown; special. ,. t-'v'
$1.50 men's flannel shirts, strong
drill material, blue, tan, (tl 1C
heather, brown, gray ,P Jt -J
Men's extra heavy dark gray shirts,
flat and military collar, J0 4C
special .P.c
Men's heavy wool shirts, khaki and
blue, military or flat j?0 QC
collars; special PO.i7U
Men's blue chambray work Oft.
shirts, special . .. 07C
Shoe Specials
$3.50 men's button or lace, black
dress shoes, broken fcO QC
sizes v.ja
$5.00 men's "safety First" Fithian
Barker brand shoe, f in-J? O A C
est quality double soles..-'
Men's extra heavy black work
shoes, all sizes, special (Ijo C
$5.50 heavy work shoe, double
soles, solid leather,, Chippewa,
vveinheimmer and 1A QC
Napa; special Jt-.7Q
Men's finest quality dress shoes,
"Atlantic" all leather shoes, at
K3 $5.TO$7.95
10 ofif on all A. A. Cutter Shoes.
Men's Underwear
$1.85 men's fleeced unions suits,
closed crotch, standard weight, rib
bed cuffs on sleeves and (t 1 O Q
ankles; special uA07
$3.00 men's wool mixed union suits,
Black Label brand, all ij?9 C
, -.j...
$3.50 Wright's health
underwear; special at,.
75c heavy fleece-lined shirts and
drawers, standard weight; ElO,
special ..'''
$2.00 men's heavy weight wool
mixed shirts and draw- fc"l ACL
ers; special D x "
$2.50 men's heavy weight, extra
fine quality Black Bear brand
shirts and drawers: dj l ?C
Specials in Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Men's dark gray, stripe cassimeru
suits suitable for men of any
HMcml $13.45
$3.00 extra heavy weight wool
mixed shirts and draw- d0 "l C
ers; special .,& -
Extra Values in Sox
Men's cotton, mixed color Q-,
Rockf ord sox ; extra special .
Men's black cashmere sox, extra
quality; special 35c, (fcl ff
three pair for D x UU
Men's medium weight dress sox,
fast black color, pair 19c, IX Q
three pair for U C
Boys' Specials
Boys' dress shoes, black, lace,
sizes 9 to 12!; special fc 1 yC
Boys' dress shoes, but- dp C
ton nv lncn. nvtrn vsihin J
Boys' all leather shoes, Cogan
Brand, button or lace; C0 QC
special ,....'-' JJ
$1.00 value boys' sweater CZGkc
coats; special at vJC
Boys' "heavy wool sweaters, car
dinal, gray and green, d0 ntt
Boys' Jersey sweaters, "l 'jet
all colors, extra value. . x
Young men's pinehback and belted
back suits, blue, gray t 1 fZ AC
and fancy stripe Pvj.t-J
Latest model double-breasted, belt
ed back, box back, and staple, in
blue serge, gray, lQ4.Ct
brown, and striped & l '
These lots include newest models
and materials, military and con
vertible collars.
$15.00 VALUES $12.-15
$20.00 VALUES .... $10.15
Men's Pants Specials
$2.25 men's dark gray stripe trous
ers, all sizes; special J?1 H(
$3.50 men's wool mixed trousers,
medium weight; spec- 0 QC
Men's heavy kersey (JO AC
pants, good patterns . "PO.iiJ
Boys' Mackinaw Coats
$3.00 men's medium weight sweat
ercoats, maroon and jl Qf
irniy Pi(D
$-1.95 men's heavy rope 0 QC
stitch sweater coats . PJJO
$3.50 men's wool Jerseys, all colors
and sizes, extra fine bo QC
quality Dt,VD
heavy wool mackinaws,
Bear brand ; &A Ad
P A ' J
Boys suits 2 pair pants, all seams
taped, dark gray ma- A ?C
terial; special PUO
Boys' corduroy suits, dark brown
color, pinehback model, J? C Q C
WW f 'M'tl'll -
Men's Work Gloves
Men's lined mule hide mitts C
special at DOC
Men's cordovan horsehido work
gloves, mule hide back; (b 1 ir
Special , ..3l.iO
Men's heavy lined horsehido mitts,
weld seam ; special d i i c
at... M.iO
. . i,, 1 1
oricouj-aglng. A complete report will
undoubtedly show an ovon higher
perceutdKQ of domestic patriotism.
;. , 1 J
uu i. ;u, vi. iv. duo uurueu my iuji-
u)atlontof JjelnK tho greatest thing
I'lvtliQ Boldlor's life. Deschutes cpun
ty wiH.liavo'tho clianco to help $9000
' woh'h iutho'jiext two weeks tqward
raaitng trfneh. existence endurable.
Retail food prices havo decreased
on an Vveras? pt 0 per cent since
June, .Hays aVWashington news dis
patch, fieomR4 oddrtlla't Bend' was 8l,n- enclose with 6c to Foley & Co.,
paisedtiu. rf 4 - 28?2 Shoffiold Avo., Chicago, III.,
1 v1'. .- t - ly. You -will recolvo In return a trial
''Italy HJV411 GjtU Help In Every package containing FoloyB Honey
Wuy.'Way&the hwidllnen In a .pews- "'1 Tar Compound for coughs, colds
paper woryjnjfc o;o .etter anu Po,oy"catl artlc 'TabloV8.' S 7l Tv.
.ee -wnatrf-ane te geflBK ow, erywhero. Adv.
warranty deed, lot 2, block 1, Uoulo-
ard addition.
Tho Urong Co., Inc., to John II.
Meyer, warranty deed, lot 11, block
it, Manchester addition.
A. Oberstaller to Anna Oberstaller,
warranty deed, lot 8, block 4, Boule
vard addition.
Unabol J. Uechtol to Frank Tattl,
warranty deed, 8E 24-17-14.
Alfred Oroenor to W. C. Rupert,
warranty deed, WJ4 W 24-14-10.
Cut Tiiln Out It In Worth Money.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
Varlcd .Musical I'rogruni to Ilo (Jlvcii
Hero NoitiiiImt 1(1, uh l-'lrwi la
tho Lyceum HcriuM.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Coming as tho first of tho high
school lyceum series this season, tho
Berkeley Sextette will appear in Bond
at tho Liberty Theatre on the evening
of November 10, It was announced
this morning. Tho six nro being sent
to Bond by tho samo ontertalumout
bureau which furnished the, talent
for Bend's Chautauqua last summer,
and aro declared to bo among the
hoadllnors of tho 1017-18 lycoum.
Tho program will bo composed of
orchestra numbers, readings, songs,
instrumental solos, and costumed so,
lections', Of -the gowns which will
bo worn, it -Is declared that tho sex
totto is tho most expensively cos
tumed of any company of its slzo In
tho lyceum field,
Hrrivtnry of Iilxir Wilson ami WiU
oral, .Mi'illatorx KxjhtUmI in
Han Kranclxeo,
SAN FHANCISCO, Nov. 7. Secre
tary of Labor Wilson wll dccllno to
cotiHldor tho union recognition Issue
In his efforts to settle tho coast tele
phone strike, it Is authoritatively
stated. Tho socrotary will also suok
to ovadn any action leading to com-
mandoorlng tho company's pant.
Mr. Wilson and federal mediators
aro oxpocted horo olthor tonight or
tomorrow morning. Investigation
will bo started Immediately. It has
boon reported that ho will demand a
graduated scalo of wago Increases.
but at not less than 2.C0 per aero,
at 10: 15 o'clock a, m on thu lTitli
day of January, next, at thin office,
tho folwlug tract of land: NW'4
WW U i Section 20, Township Ifi,
South, Jlango 11 KobI, W. M, (Con
talnlng 40 icrcs),
Thu sain will not be kept open, but
will bo declared closed when thoso
present at tho hour named liavo
c eased bidding. Tho porson makluic
ho highest bid wll bu rnqulriid to
Imtnodlatidy pay to tho ItuculvorUiw
ntiioiuit thereof.
Any persoiiH claiming ndvorHely tliti
ahovo-descrlbed land aro advised tu
file the r claims, or objections, pu op
beforo tho tlmu. designated for sale.
Department of tho Interior, U. fl.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, October 18, 1017.
Notico Is horoby glvou that, as di
rected by tho Commissioner of tho
Qoneral Laud office, undo.- provis
ions or Soctlou 211)5, It, 8 pursuant
to tho application of Fred J. Wllkoy,
Sorlal No. 010088, wo will offor at
public salo, to tho highest blddor,
Men Wanted
Wages $3.50 Per Day.
WHto or 1'Jiono
lVInuj'illopOroKon r
t -