The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 08, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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ittr4v m
-s 1
Vor. xv.
xd. m
1 l T IT b H 'Hi w- "Pk. y
1 He
, I BLr " 1
ma h rr.i 1 mrw
tJH v v y I I ; I I j
Jtonrly Cooperation l'i'lKi'1 -llnillii
Officer ItcqurMM Ortlliuiiii'i In
Jho Him I'onrr to .MitUo
llin CII)' Haiilluiy.
(From Wednesday' Dally.)
Determined to Inuvu nothing un
ilium uhfOIi might (i 111 In slopping
1 Jio epidemic of scarlet fever In Ilend,
a delegation from tho board of school
jl rilroclorn appeared liul night boforu
tliu city council nt tho regular monlh
ly meeting of ttint body to request
tllO pilhAagl'M Of Midi OPlllUIICCS UK
might do naked by Dr. U, C. Coo, tho
newly nppulnted rlty heitlth officer.
An agreement wn effected according
tci which -tin) health committor of tho,
'otnicll una authorized to rotifer with
Or. Con tomorrow In raganl to tho
IpkInIiiIIoii which ho dooms nveoasary
fur thv Improvement of hoalth con-
.lltloim In IlHIIll.
J. I' K , Carl Johnson mid It.
M. Hmllh ropresontod tho school
tnKird. Thwy stated that In cloning
thu wheels thny had dono nil in their
power to Htop tho oi1(hiiiIc, hut that
they huil no power to ktHi tint dill
iIthii Ht hom. TIih)' wr uMtirml
of th full cooperation of Him council,
Chairman Kdwunls of th health com
ui'.ttiw, nml Chief of !ollr I.. A. W.
Nixon declaring that every contagious
lisiMse which can hit learned of In
"nit (Id r i mi run tin it, with guards en
forcing their order.
Miin'n Work I'ruUi'il.
Dr. Con was cnllcil to explain hla
und, nml maintained that tho hiinili
tho h on llh offlcor nru tlml through
thn lark of propnr local legislation.
'That condition urn no worao thnu
they nr l largely duo to tho excel-
Irnt work of Chof Nixon," ho mild.
'Thn council In tho post Iiiik huttn In
tiffrint mid iKiiornnt of hnalth mnt
t.r. If I mm do Nomnihliit;. I'm
willliiK to Hpuud my tliu n, hut If tho
h.alth roiumlth'o Imi't wIIIIiik. whnt'ii
tho tint? Thoro' lotn-to ho ilono, mid
tliwro ii ro plmity of dirty ihojihuh
roil nil town that uuRht to ho
clftauod up." I
l)r Coo uiuutlonnd the dyitoutory
epidemic of tho NUiuinur Junt panninl,
MMortnl that IS mil a 1 1 chlldroti hud
fllfil from this ouo emmu ulouo, mid
xt.itml that fully half of thcito would
not havit hiuin numlinri'il nit vlctlum
of tho dlMoimo hail tho propnr Raul
t'Ury montniri'H huun tukuii, "If hu
" man llfo lit worth nnythliiR, It'n worth
apoudliu; a llttlo money for," ho
AVI1I Iinpnuo SlriM,
Urr.liiK tho Improyoniuut of Now
port nvniiuu with clnilors In tho aiimo
in.iuuor mm I ho J n k dono on tho con
tinuation of tho atruot hoyoud tho
illy IIiiiIih, II, if. Do Armond and
A. J. Kroonurt declared that tho
tinndlui; of tho tllitrlct undor tho
llnncroft net In far onour.h in tho
futuro -to maUo any permanent Ini-
l" vrovumont Impoimthln huforo nexxt
eprliiK. Tim council plncod $350 at
tho dlnponal of tho atrvot commlttoo
tov tho work,
A report from tho Htato liiHuranco
Itntlni; llurcnii wiih road hy City Ho
cordor KIIIh, nnnouncluK tho oxtnn
hIoii of tho protootod district In tho
city, hut aakluK tho limtallaUon of
flro hydrnuta, onu ouch at tho cor
iicra of (loorRla and Hnrrlniuu, Cloor-
i;l mid I.ava Itoad, Itlvomldo mid
Idaho, Ulvomldu and Hood l'laco,
juid Itlvoraldo and Shnatn l'laco. Tho
VlacIiiK of a Iiohd wiikoii with 400 to
r.00 foot of houo, on tho wcHt aldo of
ij. 'Atrtvlvor, waa also rocommoudod. tho
jpport doclarliiK that tho present flro
flKhtlui; oiiulpmont Ih not outlroly ud-
uunto. Tho roport waa roforrod to
tho flro committee.
Many Claims Allom'ri.
In tho monthly roport or Chlof of
3ollco Nixon, tho ropalrliu? of n nuin-
hor of Htroots with olndora waa un-
nouncod, and In splto of tho lack of
jirQclpltatlon durJnK tho 30 dnyB, only
ono Hro wns' notod, A Hupoossful
1'quor mid wnu roportod, ami throo
urroHtH nrlutiiK from tho pobbobbIou
V.jf llijuor. Tlio ropprt yaa ncooptod,
'Tb waa tho monthly aunimnry of tho
ijty'a f Ipa.nolal Btnitua, . fumlaiioii by
City Tromiuror MIbb M, B. Colomun.
Klnlinnito I'lnnt I'ur KnhTlalnmrnt
of (lly Iiicluilc Ili'Mt I'nim ImhI
Vrnr'H t'unilval, anil ANo
Mmiy Srw HtuntK.
(Prom WoducBilay'a Dully.)
With Bpoecheii, miialo, danoliiK,
atutitN now and cntortalnlnn. mid fun
without limit, tho ni-cond annual
Mooao Carnival hnro will IickIu next
Monday nlisht, when nt 8:30 o'clock
thn door of thn lllppodromo will
opon 1o tho public. Til rou Kb HMur
dny nlRht tho iplrlt of nyoty will
toIkii, and tliun with the awarding of
thn final prize, tho laat mouaurn will
bo danced nod tho 1017 carnival will
pan Into hlBtory.
Pinna for next wook bnvo boon
complotod by thn committee In chitrno
cuniUtliiB of Marry IlelnKold, Oicnr
Matcliett, Myron A. Hymona and Har
ry Tannin, but thn minor dutnlla n
to ho nottled tomorrow iiIkIu nt nn
oyitor auppor mid rully for the mom
bora nt tho lodj;, to bo livid at tho
Mooao club room.
Plan lllationitn.
Hpoclal ovouliiRN to ho aet aaliU
durliiK tho carnival hnvo bemi d'li;-
natnd Wedni)nday, Thurinlay and Prl
day. lloild nlRht will lio celebrated
Wodiinadxy ovoiiIiir, while the fol
low Iiik ovonltiR will ho especially for
tho bualunoa innu, nlthoiiKh tho aamo
co nil a I Invitation aa uiual la ex loud
oil to othun to attend. Tho Mardl
(3rna on I'rlday nlcht will fealurn a
mnatiuorndn dnncc mid confetti bat
cotuludlnK nlKht In tho awnrdhu: of
valuable, prltua, tho chlof of thoao
boliiR an automobile.
AbnndouliiK tho policy, followed
laat year, booth In tho carnival nro
not lirlnn rcntod to local bualnosa
houaea, but onu part of tho hall ban
boon ant naldo free of charge for tho
Irviul Hod Croaa, kIvIhk tho ouo ro
minder of tho world war.
flldo abowa of nil klnda will bo
found In abundance, and wheoln of
fortune, candy racks and doll atnnda
will bo popular features. In keeping
with tho approach of ThaukaKlvliiR,
pen of turkey, duoka and chlokoua
aro boliiR accurod, affordluc tho
lucky or tho aldllful tho chance of
aiiflurliiK a bird for their holiday
dluuora. x
To Itrneflt .Moose llomi.
A utimbor of tliu poluta of Intorcat
aro boltiR carefully concealed by tho
commlttoo until tho opoultiR of tho
carnival, but ono feature, a "Riimh-
IIiir" don, with tho sky tho limit wna
learned today. Special Mooao curren
cy la boliiR proparod to pnxa over tho
tables, and tho varloty of Karnes nt
chanco nvallablo will bo nnouRh to
antlafy a wldu raiiRo of choice, it Is
All procooda from tho carnival will
ro toward tho purchauo of n buildliiR
alto, and tho erection ot a now Mooao
homo for tho Iieud lodRo inon.
(From Saturday's Dally.) v
Practically all ot tho principal of
ficers of tho local branch ot tho licit
CrotsH wore rooloctod at last iiIrIiPh
mooting of tho executive committee.
Only ono chango waa made In tho reg
ular order of tho organization, that
of creating throo Buporlntondoutu In
stead of ono In charge of tho supplies,
Tho following nro tlio roBiilta ot tho
olocllon: Chairman, J. IV Koyo.o;
vlco-chnirmon, ClydoyMcKay nnd II,
J. Ovorturf; troasuror, C. S. Hudson;
........... . . V Si'.' 1. ..... -..i .
puurumry, ;ura, j. u. vmiuovuri; su
porvlsor of supplies, Airs. W. C, UlrtU
sail; anporvlaor ot mlacollunooUB aup
pllos, Mrs. (1, S. Htyiaon; auporvluor
of.Burglciil dreaBlugB:.MrB. O'Douuoll;
vhatrmnu ot momborBhlp commlttoo,
Mrs. II, K. DrookB; iclintrnmii ot fi
nance commlttoo, JJudge W. ,P,
Dnruoa; suporvlaor ot publicity, A,
Whlsnant; auporvlBo'ot military re
lief, Dr. ll, A. Ferrolli supervisor ot
civilian rollof, It. W,"i8awyor,
vfuni ri.Ai.MH di:xii:d and
i:k;iit dihciiaikji:h ui;voki:d
riiitKK i,aht xkjmt.
(Prom Katurdny'a Dally.)
'A uommuulcntlou Juat received
from tho dlitrlct oxomptlou board
notified tho local board of further
chmiRca made In tho exemption nl
ready llatud. Order alio affirmed
tho dlacharRoa mndo for 17 men who
hnvo dopondouta,
Krlck Olunil, Thorp ICIIeff, Maurlco
J3. Murphy and Italph J I. Fairfax
wero denied uxomptlon. 'Ilio Mat of
rovoranla Includea Italph D, Hturdl-
van, (lien A. Howard, Hlinou C. Nlck
oraon, Walter II. Ucnunoll, Stanley
J. Pierce, William O. Uvluxaton,
Prank 8. Prmicln and John C. Tho nip
eon. TIniAO exempted nro Archlo D.
I'opln. Vonlua M. White. .Ch'urlea J.
DiiRnu, (leore II. Curtln, Stanford
ICndre. (IwiriH P. Ktouor, A. D. Hum-
tnond, Henry K. Dnvla, Herman A.
WottorborR. KRbort Dyer, Julliin A.
Kortmnn, Ilalvor Nyatoen, New ton K.
WolU, Jainn O. HklrviiiR, Durwurd
II. Hunt, Pnul P. Hnmpaon mid l.ouia
It. Illco.
Thrae ineii of tba Deachutoa county
(iioin left Ut iitRht tor Amorlcnn
Lake. Tlmy were Kennnth K. Snw
ynr, Porent Hn! MMIwr and Kruoat K.
Coopur. Order have not hon r
rutvwl rORnrdliiR tb ditto others ot
tliu Name croup art to Ittavo.
(From Wedneaday'M Dally.)
-mTJUtUliM:iWllStt;.tMLJK,l 11221
Ilend on tho f(rt dnift from Dea
chute county, reported today to
Sheriff 8 K. Itoborts mid will leave
this ovonltiR for American Lake. The
three aro Lawrence K. Murphy, Thorp
Hlluff mid Aubrey Purry, mid oonotl-
lute tho final Inalnllmunt of thn oouu-
ty'a quola of 37 unlt-M lunnt o( those
recently sunt nro rejected aa phyaleal-
ly unfit.
Perry haa aocured n five-day Iavo
of absence before reporting nt Camp
NEPHEW OF GENERAL loxpomliiuro of funds for a canal aur
'PERSHING INTEND' fro,n tho DesehuteB rlvor." Mr.
I Wallaco said, "but "thta will bo abso-
(Prom Saturday's Dally.) j lutoly neuossary for an Intelligent
A. A. Smith baa returned from ' liandllnR of tho project In tho fu-
Hamilton, Montana, mid Intends to lure." Ho la of tho opinion that such
atny hern for inmo time. Ho has been
Ratio eluco last April. Mr. Smith 1st
a nephew of (loncra! Forahlug.
Mr. Smith says that bo seldom
hoars from hla famous relative, word
coining only from his immediate tarn-
lly, Tho goneral has found tittle
time to write hIuco his arrival In
Fraucn, and his letters nro very brief.
Recruit From Bend Depicts
Life of Soldier in France
(From Wodncsdny'8 Daily.)
Word direct from tho French front
hy William Q. Unwllns,, a Ilend boy
-who wns one of tho first to on'lst
from hero, hna Juat beuu rocolved b)
his BlBtor. Mrs. C 13, Hamilton, of
this city. Young llawiliis, win it In
tho KlRhtceutli Kuglucers, Hallwuy,
writes foollngly of tho work tho V M.
C. A. Is doing In tho camps, declar
ing that nt ono time, whou tho sol
dlora bad hail no pay for RK day
thq asBotiatuii provldod funds with
which tho bankrupt soldier bo)B
might purohnso tobacco und,flll other
neods. Ills letter is nu Intlmato pic
ture of army pa nip llfo.
"It is mining hard, mid we; nro
making tlfo ntost ot a day undor
cpver," hofwiitos. "Some ot thatboya
nro washing, othora sowing or writ
ing, or apllttlng n pair of aces. I uui
on my flop with n blanket about, me,
writing thts botweop puffs, Tlioy nro
soma awful puffs, from this French
"Lnit Sundny a party ot flvo ot us
took a trln to town In search of some
Amorjcnn gooda, but had no luck, al
though wo did talo on nn onormous
dinner and trluuulngs. Unfortunate
ly wo passed up many points ot In-
aaaaaaaE' "A" 'rl
HBB mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
(V)iiKnHiiian from Oregon xcrontl
illxlrlrl, ubo wiih gucftt of Iti-ml
(omriiTcliil clul
'Pit Kl) X. WAI.iaCK.
(Prom Saturday' Dally.)
Coiisldrable Improvements In tho
ft tint Vtlm fn tliu Ttimnln IppImii.
Ulon project will bo commenced next
w(k on auUiorlzntlon from the Dea
yrt Itnd Hoard. Fred N. Wallace,
gin ii
Tor on
iny attc
oct onRluoor, stated this mom-
on hla return from Salem, where
end ml n special meeting ot tho
tClrd.. -Tbo ntit.umrk.u,)ll flnfjud"
(lulcliiR at a cost ot J 1000, the In
stallation ot a aand trap' at tho head
Kates for $130, placing Roared Rates
at tho intake at Tumalo Creek at a
cost ot f 1040. and thojjulldinR of a
sand trap and an automatic wasteVl
way at Drop No. 1, 1o cost approxf
matcly $3000. Tho sand traps will
eliminate tho rapid wearlnR away ot
tho steel flumes now caused by tho
friction of tho aand, Mr. Wallaco
"Thn tinnnl fftllml In nti)irkrln tfin
an authorlrntlon may later bo made.
As to tho proposed vlalt ot Attor-
noy General JJrowu, Mr. Wallaco was
unable to givo further particulars
with tho exception that Mr. Hrown
will probably arrive in Ilend Monday
to go over tho project and to ac-
qua bit himself with tho canal loca-
a ..
torost, but hopo to got them next
tlmo. -I-was with Alllo Wakefield,
who sends his host regards. I Uko
to take in those places as they nro
very Interesting as well as enter
taining, .
"As for what wo aro doing, I
can't Bay, but wo nro busy and things
nro moving along vory well. Wo hopo
to bo In our winter quarters soon,
as tlmy will bo quite comfortable
this wot "wea!hor. Some heat In
qunrtora, .baths, nnd n placo to dry
lothcs will bo a welcome addition
to what wo havo now. It this waa
going to bo such n winter .aa I havo
boon used to, I should worry, but as
I 'novor was much of a duck, it is
fgolng to bo vory dlsagreoablo until
I got used to it. A frlen.d gavo mo
n Portland Sunday paper throo or
four wooks old, but I sure enjoyed
it, Sond mo a Hoiul paper once In
a while It you can,"
Rawlins closes his letter with tho
Information that ho la shortly to
umlorgo nnothor vaccination, In ad
dition to tho jffi'o given boforo Ball
ing. Ho nakB fa bo remombored to
his trlonuVat Tho Shovlln-Ulxon
plant, Wrhero ho was employed prev
ious , to hla onllBtment. ,
ti:; BEGIN
N( Opposition I .Made by C. O. I.
to Petition DNtrict Itmimlnrle-s
Aro i:nlarnel to Include
Hnulnnteft of Hytcin.
(Prom Wednesday's Dally.)
Without opposition tho petition
filed by owners of land purchased
from tho C. O. I. company, asking tho
setting of a dato for a district orsa
nlzatlon election, waa granted this
mornltiR by County Judge W. D.
Hnrnes and Commissioner V. K.
Smith, holdlnR a special session of
tho county court. Tho order being
proparod this afternoon' sets Decem
ber 17 as tho date on which tho elec
tion will bo held, and provides as to
other details, such aa polling places
and Judges.
Changes from tho original petition
wero made by tho court, to allow tho
includoa of lands owned by Nellie
Irrin nnd W. R. Davidson. It was
also provided that tho C, O. I. bead
gates ahould be Included In tho dis
trict boundrarlcs, but that this ex
tension of tho district lines should
not be taken to Include Irrigated
lands about tho headRatcs.
Tho change wns made with no ob
jection from C. M. Itcdtleld, who was
proaent during tho hearing, re pre
Renting tho Irrigation company. H
II. Do Armond. ot Bend, and Claudo
McColloch, ot Portland, wore in court
representing tho interest ot tho set
tlers who aro seeking tho benefits of
district organization.
""ATTlie tiotirtllarfeB fifthopifDpos
district havo now been fixed, approx
imately 45,000 acres are Included.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Charged with appropriating a motor
car for their own use without tho
consent of itho owner, two boys wore
brought Into tho justice court yes
terday for n hearing. Their caso was
continued Indefinitely,
On Hallowe'en night the boys, one
aged 17 and tho othorlS, took tho
cur belonging to It. Sqilramel from
the street In front of tbo lllppo
dromo and drovo in it tpVLaldlaw.
A crowd of youngsters accomptaled
thorn. Tho car was brought, back
uireo or tour nours laterYanuvielt
on Oroenwood avenue near First
street. The boys did not saem Y
reallto tho sorlousnoss ot tho eaca
pane until tneir arrest louowoa.
Undor tho circumstances tho boys
had committed an otfonso subject to
a penitentiary peualty it committed
twlco. For the first offense thr&o
months in tho county Jail and a $5uA
fine nro tho punishment. The Jusl
tlco court took into consideration the'
youthfuluess ot 'the bo,ya and con
tinued tho caso1. Tho boys wero
warned that it W repetition ot tho
crlmo occurred ngaln, tho charges1
would bo pushed
ld tho matter
brought boforo tho
nul jury. Other
boys playing slmtla
pranks will bo
given mora
treatment otter
this, according to
Poaco J. A, Hastes,
Justice- of tho
(From Friday's Daily.)
Organization p( tho retail clorks
ot Uoud bns recently boen comploted,
thp union bolng'iormed with 2C char
ter moin'bors nnd a charter applied
for. Temporary officers aro Harry
Manlon, president, Charles W. Siw
dor, aeerotary, find O. D Drown,
IUprrMMitntlvo Explain Why Ho
Voted For Wnr Will Continue
Fight In Congrcfti In tho
(.'auito ot Irrigation.
(From Wednesday's Dall7.)
' Speaking before a gathering ot
nearly 100 members ot the Dead
Commercial club at the Pilot Butte
Inn this noon, N. J. Slnnott Oregon
reprcsentatlvo in Congress tor this
district, explained bis reasons for
voting tor war with Germany, and
outlined briefly the status ot recla
mation legislation as It affects Con
tral Oregon. Hearty applauso was
accorded him at the conclusion ot
his address.
As a compliment to tho work which
tho Oregon Congressman has dono in
bringing the Jackrabblt to tho atten
tion ot hatters, theroby giving a com
mercial value to wna was formorly
'an absolute pest, County Agricultur
ist It. A. Ward distributed postcard
photos showing a pllo ot 1000 bus
tiles killed in the course 'of. tho rab
bit campaign ot last year.
know why I voted to-send your sons,
njto the vortex ot the -world war.
Mr.' Slnnott declared In explaining
tho stand taken by Amorlca In tho
international situation. "Wo could
not choose the path of submission.
We voted f of wear because wo coald
sea no other way out, with honor to
ourselves and to the nation. At that.
Germany had actually, been waging
i war on us for three years before our
present stand was taken." .
Warns Iorljcn Horn.
Sketching tho outrages tho Unf
States had suffered at tho ham
Germany, Mr. Slnnott mentioned tho
broken pledges to abMatn"irom sub
marine attacks, violation ot tho
treaty ot 182S, and the utter disre
gard for the laws ot nations au
manlty shown by the Kalsef.'"' Tate
murder ot women and ciiHdra. tho
Oregon representative called atten
tion to as tho act of a man declaring
himself to be the reprowmtaUva ot
God on earth. ?&. ' .
To those of foreign blrh or par
entage, he said: "Your hope for tho
future lies here. Do not let your
affection for the land ot your fath
ers bo mistaken for disloyalty to
Still Working For IrriKaUon.
In summing up tho irrigation, sit
uation in Central Oregon, Mr."
nott mentioned the efforts wh'
and Senator McNary had r
have a reclamation clause
as an amendment Ho t
'vTho amendment wo
havo moant $20, or
tloiL" ho said. "h:'
bopeior ImmedTs
HoweW, wo hs
Mr. Slnuott
ttral Orogon
terod, will
tldn Is fin
His rem
brief VdJlrj
tho keyc
tlio Ies?
hoped Xoi
n nn