The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 01, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    nnjtn nvhhvrttK, iiknd, owcaon, thuhhdav, novkmhkr i, ii7
All Hquahblei to IU Forgotten, That
" AVnr May H Won, Urchin T. A.
.MrCniiii .. I'. Ki'jn "
incmli Conduct of .Mru.
(From Friday's Dolly.)
After foruinlly organizing Into a
local unilor tho International Timber
Workers Union, In turn affiliated
with tin American Federation of La
Imr, employes of tho llond mills luitt
night formally ratified tho tentative
4igrcoment entered Into In thu after
noon between tholr committee ami
tho mill managers. Thin niornliiK. as
If there Imit never hi'n a strike, In
llio neighborhood or 300 men wnni
hack to work, resuming their places
iilitly Anil without demonstration.
Tho agreement wn so satisfactory
to tho limn that not oven n motion
to amend nude.
Union off Icon elected won). Hay
Canterbury, prnitlil.itU; W. T. Shnults,
vlre-prosldont; K. Johnson, record
ing secretary, nnd (I. Paddock, sue-retary-treasuror.
"Little else of Importance Iran
uplred nt tho mcntlng, organisation
of tho union following routlun pro.
wrduro. Tho charter for tho orga
nization has been granted, hut linn
nat yet arrived, It unit auuiiuurod.
Tho membership Hit for the local
tdroaily contain approximately 700
In commenting on tho new under
ulnndlng lint Hern omployurM ami mil
ployus, T. A. McCanu, generul man
jiger of Tho Hhovllu-lllxon Company,
lMlared last night that ho bus en
tsrrd Into iho transaction to carry
It out hoth us to tho letter ami I tin
Agreement I'lriiMft.
"Ah far an tho eight hour question
jtoih," ho ttiilil, "tho American Fed
eration of Labor him buou working
with tho enlightened lumbermen of
1ho country tn got o uutlnual eight
Jiour titty, hut because of abnormal
4-timUtlnmi, hroiiKht about by tho war,
nnil Including thu heavy demand for
hoata and railroad transportation, a
oh.uigo at Ihla tlmu In not deemed
to bo tho best Interest of tho govern
mont, which should bu our para-
mount consideration In any chnnKo
of schedule,
"All wo huvo Kot to do now, Ik din
In and win tho war. to fowl our
squabbles and to maku It mlKhty un
comfortnhlo for tho man who In try
ing to gut HomuthltiK for nothliiK.
whether ho bo omployor or laborer,
"Of course, tho agrcumout with tho
men In satisfactory. It would not
Juvo boon made otherwise."
J. I1. Koyes, Konornl manager of
Tho Hrnoks-Sraulon l.umbor Co,, stal
ed thlH morning thnt bo considered
tho agreement a very fulr and ocjiilt
itblo olio. "It Iiuh cleared up a num.
her of misunderstandings ituil sus
picious, and glvcM uh a buttur basis to
work on than before," ho Maid.
"On tho whole, wo think that our
employe huvo acted with greater
modurutlnn, and shown better fooling
toward tho company than Ib uaual In
Hurh cases,"
V Ylnlftti fjiilii- mifl I.imiti.!- (iiiiiiiiiiv
(Ollin t UlldlTbtOIKllllK
Union IloldH Mtx'tliiK.
(From Monday'a Dally.)
Any UiiKorliiK dlfflcultloa which
' may have been still unsettled be
tween employes and omployora at
(ho IlrookH-Hcanlon mill wore brouxht
to a closn Saturday ovoiiIiir, thu es
eonco of tho arraiiKomuut arrived nt
boltiK kIvoii In a statement signed by
J. r. Keyes, gonoral inaunKur of tho
company, und Hny Canterbury, whouo
discharge watt partly roapoiiHlblo for
tho atrlko of last week. Tho atato
mont la dated October 27, and la an
"Tho final atop In closing up tho
' dlffnronceii of tho paat wook between
l. tbo Urooks-Scanlon Lumber Go, and
Its employes was taken today after
h conference bntwoim Mr. Koyes nnil
Mr. (Jautorbury.
"It was decided that It would bit
for tho bunt Interests of both, for Mr.
Canterbury to withdraw from tint ser
vices of tho company, and for Mr.
Knyos to withdraw tho charges of
Incompontoiiey which had linen muilo.
"J. I'. KEYEH,
A special meotliiK of tho nowly or
ganized local of tho International
Timber Workorn' Union wan hold hint
night for thu purponn of cimiplotlnc
oritnnlr.atlon (letalls,
four chalrn at your norvico at the
Motropolltmi, no waltlnR. Adr.
(From Thuniday'H Dally.)
Tim hhIo of oiio of tho best known
homenteniln In Central Oregon wan
effected thin morulni! when David
Dunn transferred bin ranch, "Tho
I.ant (Mm nee," south of Druthers, to
Frank MaiiKln and Homer Thomas,
hoth uj CriiKconl, WiinliliiKton. Tho
deal wan miido throiiKh Charles
llaluen, of thin city.
Mr, ThomiiH will movo out limned,
lately on tho newly acquired proper
ty, Mr. Dunn IiiivIiik mado prepnra
Hoiih to movo bin family to Canada In
tho near future.
(Continued from Foro Two.)
J. A, ItluRn went to Hnnd Friday
to meet his parents who arrived Hat
urday mornliiR from Mr.Mlnnvlllo,
and expect to remain durltiB thu win
ter. Mr and Mrs. A. W. Ilayn and Mm,
C M Charlton attended the federa
tion In I'rluevlllu Wednesday even
In It
Mm, II. O, Fatlaml and daiiKhter,
Hlbyl, mother and sister of Mrs. D,
It. French, arrived from Porllund the
first of last week to visit a few weeks,
J. M. Hhenrer visited relatives In
lleud Hunday.
Mrs Alma Hall came nut from
I'rlnevllle on Thursday to visit a few
Mr. ami Mrs, Allen Wlllcoxon, Mm.
Heaves Wlllcoxon, Mr, and Mrs. Win.
Wilson, Max Htrlxuer turd It. K. Davis
attended the dunce nlveu by Lynch
and Huberts In their new store build
Iiik. F. M. French was unite III the first
of the Heck.
I'lMiirable Comiiii'iil Mn! lly County
NiiM-rliitindeiil I'oliilo Cntp
Will lie Itoiintlful One.
(Hperlal to The Hulletlll.)
I'HINOI.K FLATS, Oct. 30 Super
Intemlent Myers visited thu school
hero on Wednesday. He expressed
himself as beltiK vory much pleased
with tho Rood attendance and the
progress beltiK mado by the children.
Kveryoue Is busy iIUkIuk potatoes
mid tho crop promises to be a bounti
ful one.
Tho Women's Country rlub will
meet with Mrs, James Hansom on
November 3.
Fred Hamlin had tho misfortune
to lose a valuable horse last week.
Mrs, Krlc Danlclsou und Mrs, Har
ry Kv.-win made a trip to T. II. Hick
man's utter fruit last Monday,
Fred Hamlin made a trip to the
Maury Mountain mill on Saturday of
last wook.
Join Wild Hteods When Turned Out
On lUngv New llnrn llullt
On the IhirrU Itancli.
(Special to Tho Ilullctln)
Mr. Hlggs, of Imperial, bought Mr.
KasprowlU' hay and Is hauling the
sumo about 1C miles. As It requires
to days to haul a load, hu was forced
to stay aU'nlght at tho Kasprowltz
place. After ho had turned his horseo
out on tho range wild horses caimi
along and uutlcod tho tamo animals
A, Dlcknrsnn has gouo In tho Sum
mer Lake rango to find his lout
"W. Hethorn had a houso full of
his Ilend rrlonds last Saturday night
and Sunday. Ills son, J, E. Hethorn,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Org
ler, nnd Mrs, Colo wore among thoso
It. Halllngreen has quit tho forest
rlro brlgadu and Is now helping Har
ris Ilrothora build a now barn,
C, Klolnfeldt Is homllug hay to M.
Mr. and Mrs. HoniHtod are In llond
buying up cattle to bring out on tho
ranch nnd will bo permanent settlers
from this wlntor on,
Davo Dunn was doing business at
Druko's storo Tuesday,
Mr. Drake is nutting a now front
In his store.
Timber On Townsltn Now All Felled
Jasi Zumwult Taken llco
of lUuiRvr 11. K. VluVout,
(BpoolalfnTho Bulletin,)
SI8TEHS, Oct. 31. fllstors schools
closod Thursday on nccount of scarlet
fovor In town. Earl Hobblna to re
ported 111 with tho fovor.
J. II. Taylor, who la In charge of
tho Hlanloy Itntich. near llond, wan
vlnltliiK IiIh family In Hlntorn Hunilay.
Clyde (lint. Mrs. (list, Mis Aldn
Taylor mid I, Inn Wilson word visitor
In llond Hiinday iivciiImk.
II, K. Vincent, who In now In
rharKo of tho forestry ntutlon In
HdiiiI, wan In town Hunday,
I.. (I, Hparkn, who han been em
ployed at tho Wilson Haw mill near
hore, wan In town Hunday. Mr. Wil
son ban nold bin mill, It In reported.
W. W. Van Matro, of Clovordalo,
wan In town Hunday.
N'ow that thu timber on the town
nlto of Ulsters ban ull been foiled, tho
'town han every appearance) of a
buntllm; lumber camp.
Aubroy Furry wan In town Hun
day, John Doeken, of Clovordnlo, wan
a Hunday caller In Misters.
Mr, and Mm. John limits came In
from tho Tone ranch Hunday. 'uinwalt In In charge of the
Hlstern forentry service durliu: tho
absence of II, K, Vincent,
Mrs, 12, M, Marr!ui;tou and her sis
ter, MIhh Antics Allen, returned hint
week from u three weeks' visit In
tho valley,
Van Wllnou returned Uiln week
from a trip to Portland, lie took a
ear of homes to 1'ortlaml for lieu
Frank Zumwalt han rented the
Dentils Hunt ranch In Clovcrdale and
has moved bin family out there.
Mm, (Iraut, principal of tho Hjntora
school, Is In lleud,
Department of tho Interior, U. H.
Laud Office at The Dalles, OreKon,
September I'll, 111 17.
Notice In hereby kIvoii that Howard
F. Dyer, of Ilend, Oregon, who, on
August 28, 1912, mado homestead
entry No. 010CC7 for BV5, Hoctlon
27, Township 10 South, llnngo H.
Kasl, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make Filial
Threu Year proof, to establish claim
to thu land above described, buforo
II. C. Bills, United States Commis
sioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on thu 21st
day of November, 1U17.
Claimant names us witnesses: Da
vid C. HoRCM. Fred O. Klger, Janet
M. Williams, Klmer IC. Culllson, and
Clifton L. Kvaus, all of llond, Ore
33-37C Heglstcr.
notici: itm la'in.K'ATio.v.
I'eparttueut of tho Interior, U. H.
Land Office, at Thu Dalles, Oregon,
October 13, 1917.
Notice la hereby given that Jennet
tie Lampa, formerly Jeunettle Lattln,
of lleud, Oregon, who, on November
3, l'Jlfi, made Homestead Hutry No.
01CC82, for HW.i S15U. Section 10,
Township 17. South, Hauge 12, ICust,
Wlllametto Meridian, has filed notice
of Intention to make final three year
proof to establish claim to thu land
I above described, before II. C. Kills,
! United States Commissioner, at Hand,
) Oregon, on tin Gib .day of December.
' 1 n 1 -
Claimant names as witnesses: Anno
Markul Fortius, Klmer Nlswongrr,
Moses Nlswongur, Frml N. Van Matro,
all of Ilend, Oregon.
24-39c. Register.
Department of Iho Interior. V. S.
Umd Office at Tho Dalles, Ore
gon, October 1C, 1917.
Notice Is hereby given that John
II. Edwards, of Ilend, Oregon, who,
on January 21, 1014, made Home
stead Entry No., 012439. for NEi.
N",4 SEU. Section 1C, W NWU
Section 14, Township 20, South,
Itango 10, East Wlllamettu Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to tho laud above described,
before II. C. Ellis, United States
Commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on
thu 12th day of December, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses: Earl
II. Hessell. of Mllllcan. Oregon; Will
iam A. Harris, of Ilend, Oregon;
Frank Porclval, of Mllllcan, Oregon;
Hubert G, Itussell, of lleud, Oregon.
24-39c. Hoglater.
m -- fw
t r 1 Tl 'tar
J -j i mku Hrll :
I llBEra WKgA Comfort HB
P ErJuSI KSmH lower co& Wm
n asm, -lJ ' J, tit tovS&i tO Less furnaco heat Iflu
rmStjMlfo iprySyAfll needed fewer prate IBf
jlKftffffpSirQM and coal-stove fires. HW
ijft $ v ij Portable. Fuel con- IHr
1J W4rxxK AT sumed only when heat B
JJF- ' ' " xpTnivr 's needed no waste. IV
fjftwMmimjh PEARX standard oil RC
7w aHL OIL Jl company .atm
In tho Circuit Court of tho State
of Oregon, for the County of Des
chutes, Mortgage Company for America,
Plaintiff; vs. (J. T. Ilarkley, Freda
Ilarkley, Oordon F. Ilarkley, Mrs.
Cordon F, Ilarkley and J. H. Ilark
ley, Defendants.
To Gordon F. Ilarkley, Mm. Gordon
F Ilarkley and J. II. Ilarkley, De
fendants: In the Name of the Htate of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the expiration of nix
weeks from the date of first publica
tion of thin Summons, that being the
time prescribed In tho order for tho
publication of summons, and the 'Into
of first publication hereof being Oc
tober 2U, 1917: and If you fall so to
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff i
will apply to the Court for tho relief)
demanded In the complaint, to-wit:
For judgment against tho defend
ants. C. T. Ilarkley and Freda Ilark
ley, for the sum or $1044.00, with
Interest from March 1, 1917, at tho
rate of H pur cent per annum, and
the further sum of 133.90, with In
terest from November 2i"i, 191 C, at
R per cent per annum, and S2C.C2,
with Interest from Juno 1, 1917, at
8 per cent por annum, and $50.00,
with lawful Interest thereon, and
177.03, advanced for taxes, with In
terest from August 27. 1917, at 8
per cent per annum, nil In United
mates (Join coin, unu uio luriuer
sum of $200.00 as attorneys' fee, to
gether with pla'lntlff'a costs and ills-
bursements In this suit, and the fore
closure of a mortgage given by said
u. i, narxioy ami r reuu narxicy 10
the plaintiff covering the following
described real property situate In tho
County of Deschutes, formerly In the
I County of Crook, State of Oregon, to
'wit: I The Northeast Quarter of tho
Northeast Quarter of Section 32, and
Itlio Northwest Quarter of the North
' west Quarter of Section 33, and the
iKast Half of the Southeast Quarter
I of Hectlon 29, all In Township 1G
! South of Itango 12, Hast of the Wlll
ametto Meridian;
And for tho sale of said mortgaged
premises to satisfy such judgment,
and for a further decree barring and
' foreclosing you and each of you of
'alt right, tltlo and Interest In said
mortgaged premises, and every part
1 thereof, and for such other and fur
1 ther relief as to the Courtshall seem
' meet and equitable.
! Thin Summons Is published by the
' order of tho Honorable T. K. J.
i Duffy. Judge of the above entitled
Court, duly mado and entered, Octo
ber J9, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff, resident In '
tho State of Oregon, whoso address '
Is OSC Northwestern Hank Hulld-i
Ing, Portland. Oregon. 34,39c,
lly virtue of an execution In fore
closure and order of salo duly Issued
ont of tho Circuit Court of the State
of Orogon for Deschutes County on
the 19th day or October, 1917. to
mo directed. In a certain suit In said
Court whoreln Mortgage Company for
America, a Corporation, as plaintiff,
recovered judgment against Joseph
M. Miller, Joseph Wllmer Dellolt. J.
W. Gibson, a minor, E. A. Easley,
Trustee, Homer I). Angell and For
rest It. Fisher, Defendants, ordering
nnd decreeing that tho Southwest
Quarter (SW4) of tho Northeast
Quarter (NEU) tho Northwest
Quarter (NWll) of tho Southeast
Quarter (SE'i) the Northeast Quar
tor NKU) of tho Southwest Quar
ter (SW'1', ) and the Southeast Quar
ter (SEU ) of tho Northwest Quarter
(NWU ) of Section Thlrty-ono (31).
Township Fifteen (15) South of
Hange Eleven (11) East or tho Will
amette Morldlan. containing Ono
Hundred (100) sixty acres, tn Des
chutes County, Oregon, be sold by tho
Sheriff or Deschutes County in tho
manner prescribed by law and that
tho proceeds or such sale bo applied
to tho satisfaction or tho costs or
such sale, tho costs or this action, and
tho remainder to the satisfaction or
the claims or tho plaintiff horeln
named, tho sum or $100.65, being
tho Hecelver'a Fees and disburse-
Don't throw awoy your old battery, as wo may bo able to renew
It at half the coit of a now ono.
All Work Guaranteed. Shop located In Kenwood. Crovt tho bridge
at Pilot IJuttu Inn and go four blocks weit.
ments; the sum of $3003,73 with In
terest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from April 1,
For tho further sum of $300.00
attorneys' fees, with interest thereon
at the rate of eight per cent per an
num. Tho sum of I47.2G, costs and dis
bursements herein, with Interest
thereon. '
And each of them, and all persons
claiming or to claim by, through or
under them, or cither of them, bo
barred and foreclosed of any right or
equity of redemption therein, except
as provided by statute.
Therofore, Notice Is hereby given
that I will on Saturday, tho 24th
day of November. 1917, at the hour
of 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said
day, sell at public sale to tho highest
bidder for cash the obovo described
premises to satisfy said judgment of
said plaintiff, Including attorney
fees and costs, said sale to be held
at the front door of the court house
In Hend, Deschutes County, Oregon.
Dated this 23rd day of October,
8. E. riOHEIlTS.
34-38c Sheriff.
lly vlrtuo of an execution of fore
closure and order of sale duly Issued
out or the Circuit Court or the State
or Oregon for Deschutes County on
the 19th day of October, 1917, to me
directed, In a certain suit In said
County, wherein Mortgage Company
for America, a corporation, as plain
tiff, recovered judgment against
Davenport-Stanley Ranch Company,
a Corporation, and C. Dcthman, De
fendants, ordering and decreeing that
tho Southeast Quarter (SEU ) of the
Southwest Quarter (SWi) of Sec
tion Eleven (11) and the whole or
Section Twelve (12) all In Township
Eighteen (IS) South of Range Thir
teen (13) East ot the Willamette
Meridian; also the Southeast Quar
ter (SE") or Section Six (C) and
tho North Hair or Section Seven (7)
and the North Hair (NK) of the
Southeast Quarter (SEU) or Section
Seven (7) nil In Township Eighteen
(IS) South of Range Fourteen (14)
East or tho Willamette Meridian, all
In Deschutes County. Oregon, be sold
by the Sheriff or Deschutes County
In the manner prescribed by law. and
that tho proceeds of such sale be ap
plied to the satisfaction or tho costs
or such sale, tho costs or this action,
and tho remainder to tho satisfaction
or tho claims or tho plaintiff herein
named, the sura or Sixteen Thousand
Sixty-rive nnd 70-100 Dollars, with
interest thereon from said 19th day
of October, 1917, at the rate ot Eight
por cent per annum, and Five Hun
dred Dollars Attorney's fee, with In
terest thoreon at Six per cent per an
annum. and twelvo and 25-100 Dollars
plaintiff's costs and disbursements.
And tho further sum of Ten Thous
and Three Hundred Fifty-one and
94-100 Dollars, with Interest from
this dato at tho rato ot Seven per
cent per annum, and tho further sum
of Three Hundred Fifty and no-100
Dollars attorney's fees, with Interest
at Six per cent per annum.
Which judgment was enrolled and
dockctod In the Clerk's office of Bald
Over two million satisfied owners know from
experience that the Ford car Is a real utility, an
economical, powerful, always-reliable means for
'increasing tho profit In business or adding zest
to plcasuro. Tho Ford car moots tho demand
for prompt transportation in every line ot human
activity. Tho demand grows larger every day,
bocauso ot tho all-around usefulness ot tho cur.
Touring Car $360, Runabout 1345, Coupolet
505, Town Car 1595, Sedan $645 all f. o. b.
Dotrolt. On display and tor salo by
Cent-Ore-Motor Co.
Court In said County on tho 19th day
ot October. 1917.
And each or them, and all persons
claiming or to claim by, through or
under them, or either ot them, bo
barred and foreclosed or any right or
equity or redemption therein, except
as provided by Statute.
Thororore, Notlco is horoby given
that I will on Saturday, tho 24th
day ot November, 1917, at tho hour
ot 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, sell at public sale to tho highest
bidder for cash tho above described
promises to satisfy said judgment ot
said plaintiff, Including attorney
fees and costs, said salo to bo held,
at tho front door of the court house.
In Mend, Deschutes County, Oregon.
Dated this 23rd day ot Octobor,
34-3Sc Sherltf.
Dy virtue ot an execution in fore
closure and order of salo duly Issued
out or the Circuit Court ot tho Statu
ot Oregon for Deschutes County on
tho 20th day ot October, 1917, to mo
directed, in a certain suit In said
Court, wherclh Mortgago Company
for America, a Corporation, as plain
tiff, recovered judgment against If.
C. Melsel, G. A. Melsel, C. P. Urcn.
as Administrator ot tho estate of
"William Johnson, deceased, and Des
chutes Ranch Company, a Corpora
tion, Defendants, ordering and de
creeing that the West Half (W4) of
the Northeast Quarter (NEU) and
the East Half (Eli) or tho North
west Quarter (NWU) of Section
Fourteen (14) In Township Sixteen
(1C) South ot Range Twelvo (12)
East or the Willamette Meridian, in
Deschutes County, Oregon, be sold
by the Sheriff of Deschutes County
in the manner prescribed by law and
that tho proceeds ot such salo bo ap
plied to tho satisfaction of the costs
ot such sale, the costs ot this action.
and tho remainder to the satisfaction
lot the claims ot the plaintiff herein.
namely, the sura of Three Thousand
Seventy-five and 91-100 Dollars, and
the further sum of Three Hundred
Dollars ($300.00) attorneys' feed,
and the further sum of Three Hun
dred Ninety-five and 03-100 Dollars,
with Interest at tho rato ot 6 per
cont per annum, and that tho defend
ants, H. C. Melsel. G. A. Melsel, C. P.
Uren, as Administrator ot tho estato
ot William Johnson, deceased, and
Deschutes Ranch Company, a Cor
poration, and each of them, and all
persons claiming or to claim by.
through or under them, or either ot
them, bo barred and foreclosed of any
right or equity ot redemption therein
except as provided by Statute.
Therefore, Notlco Is hereby given
that I will on Saturday, tho 24th
day of November. 1917, at tho hour
of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said
day, sell at public sale to tho highest
blddor for cash the abovo described
premises to satisfy said judgmont oC
said plaintiff, including attorney
fees and costs, said sale to bo held
at tho front door of tho court house
in Ilend, Deschutes County, Oregon.
Dated this 23rd day ot October,
34-3SC Shorlff.