1IKNI) HUIil.lCTlN, IU!NI, OHKf.ON.TIlt'UND.W, wCTOHKIt U.1, 1(117 V.W.K H I jury co nuns IN BAiLEY CASE SENTENCETO BE GIVEN ON MONDAY. l'lit Hallot HrliiCH I'mtiilinoiit Vote Penally For l-art-eny From Tliiro to 10 Years In Peni tentiary Trial Dclavcd. . 1A I U 'I i (From Saturday's Dally.) lly tho first ballot taken nn hour nntl n half after the case had gone to tho Jury last night. Mrs. Elslo Halloy waswconvloted of larceny after the most, unique criminal trial on this year's' circuit court docket. Tho eoutoucc -will ho Riven Monday liy Judge T. K. J. Duffy and will Involve tho ponalty of from three to 10 years In tho state penitentiary. Before crowded court room last Jilght the final testimony for tho do Tonso was Riven. Attorneys N. G. "Wallace ami Hoss Farnham made an tippeal to tho Jury on the grounds that L. A. Hawllngs, the complaining witness, hud conjured up the story of bolng attacked and robbed of a Jioto for $600 In Mrs. Ilalley's home on February 2tS. They claimed that It was the delusion of a mind grown morbid lu old age. District Attorney Harvey H. De Armond reversed the charge of a frame-up, claiming that neither Mr. llawllngs nor the state would have reason for attempting falsely to bring about a trial, whereas the defendant would have henotlted by the possess ion of the note. That tho wltnessos did not agree on the color of the note and that the stories' of Oscar Whit ney, Mrs. Dalley's son, and Mr. Hnw llngs did not harmonize in the finer details, he said was a logical variance of viewpoints. Ho pointed out that tho attorneys for the defenso relied on Utile of the testimony given by witnesses called to support them. AVItiie-s liclajt Trial. Tho latter part of the hearing was postponed from lato afternoon until evening in order that Tom Kwlng, purported to be the defense's chief witness, could arrive from Portland. In splto of the fact that he had been a constant visitor at the woman's homo during the winter months. Sw ing could give no positive testimony. Ho was questioned as to whother ho had been at the Halley home on olthor February 2G or 27, in ordor to ascertain whether he had observed any unusual occurrences. Ills reply was In tho affirmative but after a cross examination he admitted, "I think Mrs. Halley was the one who told mo I was tlmrqj.on ono of those days." Keen Interest Shown, Tho Jury bnsad Its verdict on the bunk's records which worn consid ered to hnvo conclusively proved that tho choik and nolo hud been lu ex istence and In thu possession of Mrs. Halley. Guy Molloynnlds, cashier of tho First National Hank, who was called on tho stand during the after noon, testified that Mrs. Halley had deposited a $fi00 cheek drawn on Hawllngs' account nnd had Immed iately taken out of this sum $200. Mans persons Interested In the outcome of tho case remained nt the court rooms until 1:30 In the morn ing when tho verdict was returned. A straw vote of l to 1 was first taken. This was followed by an actual ballut showing complete con currouco of opinion. 9 ' $ rv i ui. tAl MfigBa . gShVMv Bii'.n.Miatl il7 - ...,,...,. .. . -- r.wM WW Untlnnt Amecican At the Liberty Theatre, Sunilay mill Monday. PMNEVILLE WOMAN HONORED AT EUGENE (From Friday's l)nl ) (lly llnltiM 1'i-tm lu lli llrn.1 llulMIn) KUOKNK. Oct. til.--Mrs Collins KlkSns, of Pr'.nevllle, was elected vlee-presldenl for tho fourth district at tho convention of tho Oregon t'on gross of 'Mothers and the Parent Teacher association here jestordny LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I3ENHAM SUIT IS DISMISSED BY COURT (From Thursday's Dally ) H. Fielding spent the d.iy In Hond purchasing stock. Mrs. F. Dement returned this morning from a trip to tfpokuue John OarmleltHol, of llurus, passed through Heud on his way to the Po tato show nt Itedmoud. Mrs. Mnry K. Knotts has gone to Yumu, Arizona, to remain with her son through tho winter. ' Mrs. K. (inrney lert last night) for Seattle to be gone several wteks She will visit at hnr old homo W. P. Goorge Is hero today from Salem In connection with the Tuuialo lauds lu which ho Is Intereste I Mrs. G. W. Grogg, of Ashland, who' has been visiting with I,. K Slit pherd In Heud, returned homo last night Mrs. W. i:. Diiruud, of llediu.md, nnd Mrs. A. I.. Hrunton, of Ssh.s, w ero lu tow n today uu a shopp ng trip. Mollis Montague, of Sisters, was a passenger on this morning s out hound tiatu. He is on his way to Dull!. Idaho. ' Division Superintendent D. K. Pal mer of the O.-W. It. & N., was In town over night and left this morning In his private cnr. W. It. lttley went to Portland hut night on tho train mid will spend two days looking for machinery fur his creamery at I .a Pine. J. V. A. Husch, odltor of the Fort Hook Times, returned last night from n woek's trip to Seattle. Mrs. Munch came lu from Fort ltock to meet SUNDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT AND MONDAY The Screen's Greatest Patriotic Message MARY ill ti production Unit will strike u icsponsivi chord in the breast of every relative of Uncle Sum. "THE LITTLE AMERICAN" g SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT g Following (he showing of PA S "The l.lltle A!nerletiur,ou Jg kt Ixiili Sunday mid Moudav , m nlnlitS the Hev II. (.'. gl SJ Miirtritnft will deliver it Bl mfiliort iiddri".H uu "(leniuiu k. Niuloniilliin," a tlm liiiud l gj i hii of (icriuan Kulture p2 h Cull II DtMilt .in J Jtiinlt Matpbitcn Children I ."if. Adults i.'e. Show Starts at 7:45 P. M, Onlv One Performance each night mmtn (From Wednesday's Dally.) Objections of- the defense to tho Introduction of any testimony lu the civil action brought by James Hen ham against Charles Griffith and Clara Griffith yesterday were sus-'hlm tallied by tho circuit court and the MM Klta Arnoi,j cnme HHl case was dismissed. Attgrnoys nlR,,t rron, vulcnn. Alberta, and Is Forbos and Myors for tho dofenso visiting at the homo of Mrs. II. J. maintained thnt the complaint failed Sllt,OI1- Sho nuiv llvo horo iterma. J. Teusilier, Jr, speilal Irmil rep resentative of the Hoys' and Girls' Aid Soelvty of Portland, spent last night In llend hnfore goulg to Hums to ttttund court. Ho will return horo Tu a fow days to trnnsurt hiislutuM lu connection with the home. xw to state facts sufficient to constitute cause for a suit against tho defend ants. Tho action Involved a part nership leaso on land. Tho principal part of tho court bus iness has been completed and what Is left of the docket will be carried to Prlnevllle tomorrow and will be brought up there. Women lime Their Troubles. Not only middle-aged women, hut younger onus. too. suffer from back ache, pains In side, swollen ankles. sore musclee, rhoumatlc pains and kindred nllmcuts without knowing that those are most often the result of deranged or overworked kidneys. uontly. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. It. Carey hnvo gone to Alozu Lake lu Hritish Colum bia and will remain thoru during tho wlntor. They eotpect to return early In tho spring. Mrs. C. II. Clow, of I .n Pino, has gone to The Dalles to meet hur moth er, who Is coming from the oust to visit her. The two will arrive hero Friday ovonlng. Mrs. G. M. Hordeaux, who has been visiting Mrs. C. W. Kills, of Hums, was In town last night mid took tho truln for her home In Seattle. Her father, W. W. Haines, who accom- t.,..1.... I-l. ,.... Till,.. A .. ...... II ruioj mum.; i uto utv kiiiiu www- nniIM llBP nM ,i. lri wnl til Fll cine for kidney troubles. Sold every- Imnlml "er " "9 t,,, w"nl l0 Ku where. Adv. ' gone from Hond. WHEN YOU GO HOME Have a real home to go to. An attractive rug on the floor, some comfortable, easy chairs, a good bed to sleep in these things help to make home cheerful and pleasant, and a place the children will be glad to remember in after years. We can furnish such a home for you, on easy terms. RUGS We have just received a shipment of fine Axminister, Brussels and Wool and Fibre rugs. These were bought before the last big raise in price, and are un derpriced. It will pay you to make your selection now. MA TTRESSES We' spend about one-third of our life in bed. That bed should be comfortable and restful. How about that Mattress you are using? If it is hard and bumpy, you'd better discard it and get a real sleep-maker. Priced from $6.SO to $3S.OO EXTRA SPECIAL We have several dozen of those handy little step-ladder stools. They are a mighty useful piece of furniture about the kitchen. Sold regularly for .$1.00; while they last, Special GSc. WE PAY THE FREIGHT to your nearest railway station, and give special attention to mail orders (From Frldny's Dally.) F. N. Wels this morning loft for Prluovlllo. W. A. Pettlnglll went to itmlmoud this morning. Mrs. John K. Ityun cumn to town yesterday from her ranch. F. II. Honnutt has gone to Walla Walla to remain purmiinuutly. C. M. Itodflold was lu thi city early in tho week on business. M. I,. Pyntt and Charles Pyatt were In yostorday from Alfalfa on bus iness. I.ouls Honnutt re turned this morn ing from it short busluiMHi trip to Mudford. Michael Dunn and D. T. Hlddall wore passengers hound for Portland this morning. Krvln G. Trotter has made apjill notion to Join the fortxttry branch of the engineers conn. John D. Iloluilrk left last night to join the Oregon Coast Artillery sta tioned at Fort Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. I,. K. HouKhUHng have gone to, Kodmoud where they will remain until Holiday. ( Charles Lewis and Hani Wallace have returned to Wnpanltln after upending several days lu town. A. Huiigstou Is on his way to Kan sas City, Missouri, where ho uxpect to live. He has been In Heud tho past 14 months. John M. Loewn and his faHiUy came In this morning from l.ama, North Dakota, and will Itvo on n much 24 miles east of Heud, D. II. Peoples, of tho Crook Coun ty Abstract Company, was In Heud Wednesday arranging to open a branch office In Heud next Monday. Claude N'uff went to Itedmoud this morning urd planned to return to his homo at Sisters after stopping there. Ho has boon lu Hond sovcrnl days looking after sheep. Tho Gnorgo Harrison threshing outfit from Fort Hock Is working to day on Judge Kills' ranch out of Hond. Tomorrow It will liogln nt tho C. W. Wllllums place. M. It. Do Long and Hev. J. K. Snyder this morning ruturnml to tholr respective homes In Portland and Peiidlotou. They took purl lu tho Liberty Loan campaign. Gurfleld Jack, of Chlloiiulu, Clay ton Kirk, and Qharles S, Hood, of Yalunx, wall known Klamath Indians, woro lu Hond today on their way to Itedmoud to attend tho Potato Show. W. P. Guorgo, of Salom, arrived In Ilnnd yostorday to look over his land at Tumaln anil particularly to uscor tain tho results of tho potato crop. Ho was entertained hist night with n dlufiur at tho Pilot Hutto Inn glvon In his honor by Judge W. D, Harues and Judgo H. C, Kills, Classified Advertisenieiits VVVAAJ I'Olt KAMI. FOIt KAI.C I It 1 7 Font, spemlo miller. Yale lock, tool box. tiro hol der, starter. )U0U. John Meier. Im perial. 747-Ilp FOIt HAI.K OH Tit A 1)14 l I r..e ncr'it of choice laud at Hnmlnti, On Write Hex 47fl, llrml. 7nt'-.llp FOIt KAI.C-Apples to fill stand wrd box, HO rents. Itrlng huxei. Kirk Whlted, Forked Horn Unite. 75!-.lt,fip I'Olt HAI.K 320 acres In MllUcnti Valley on Hend-Hurns road, nil fourod; 100 acres under cultivation well Improved. Make me a eish of fer, or will consider trade llo &;.. Hond, Ore. TCI-lltfr FOIt 8AI.B Five imihihs' old. Hngnnlsed cockerels, single eomo Ar. conla, -1 each, delivered, K. W emtio, ft en ch, delivered. t. W. Pratt. ItHilmond. 771-34. 3p KOH HALK GoimI gentle team, price reHsannhle. Write It. IS. Wsrd, HhiiiI, Ore. 7I0-1J,I FOIt MALK - SO acres, ft or C arree cleared and In clover. 10 acre that could he cleared; Omllk coms. 7 tons huy lu burn, enough to winter slock; 2 ',4 if res of potato; good house nnd barn. Clotures sent to parties Interested Price IXfiOO, tenns. Frank Updike, Klk (.'It), Ore. ?34 ,3Cp FOIt HAI.K-1 'J I r, llulrk Little Six, In first class shape. Hox :R. Hond. 087-3 1 tfe FOIt KA l,IC One younx cow, fresh Oct. lit; one Durham heifer; one heavy Mitchell wagon, one btiKgy, one plow, one harrow, one disc, two good heating stoves, two log chains. P G. Powers, K. W. Gillette ranch. Gist, Ore. 007 3I. KHKKP I'Olt HAI.K - 100 head fine wool owes; wilt sell all or any part of thorn. Wilson Italic Ii, Powell Hull", Ore. 27tfi- III elvrt I'Olt LI. lUuuvfhl lap ks. Isnilm to '( Mars ld, .'''i wuhU biirka. )erllliK ' t v arj ) Lluiidns bucks, esrllnss to 3 es old. Wilson Itaiuh, Powell Hun! Ore. f.7 271 FOIt MALIC -One grade Poll A gus bull, lf mouths old. Inquire II. Johnson, Mlllkau. 41U-:ot If you don't find what you u looking for, ask for It In an advi llNcuient In these citliimns WANTIID. s WA.NTKD Potatoes lu tar lots Hiniiller amuunts. Call lllaik II, write Krlckaun's GriH-ery, Hud I 772 24. IIIWDIIKDH OF PKOI'I.K n those little advertisements ev wesk, so If you do not find what ) are looking for - i PerhiMM some one ebe hss wl you are lHiklng for. why not run advortliomenl like this nt one c a wont. LOST AM) I'OH.ND.fP I ItKWAltD- H00 reward will j Itnld for the urreat ami eonvMloH anyone caught stealing rattle fr the liiHtiitiHm lit Ihi. MlalMnt.Mi.ini LlvestiMk A will., Joe Howard, J Hec-Troaa. 712 J2,: FOl'.VD Light rml lielf-r. hram II D on left hip and on bit ti unknown brand on right h'p, r.i years. J. II. Taylor, tnnl Han 711 32.: I'OI'ND- - Hrown spotted t'.' itiarter-rirri over .N brand on ru inp, on leu nip, ear murx, splits In left; age shout 7 years II. Tailor, Stanley Itaiuh 710-32.) ADVKUITHK If ou have ' sonivthlnK. mlviTllx- If vim hi I found iMimnthliiK. ndvertlj If i want anything, advertise ' j ; ( Brand Directory I i ii.wii pi:it( nAi.if iT Mlllltan, Oirgoti. Singer Sewing Machines BEND FURNITURE CO. 827 WALL STREET Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets Worth Their Wllil In (JoM. Nn man run do his host wliuu suf forlug from backuchu, rhquinatlo PuIuk, Hwollou JnlntH or Horu iiuisuIuh. H. II. Stono, 840 N. 2nd St., Hooding, !,, writes, "For months I vatj iitifihlo to attend to business, I used Foloy Kldnoy Pills and soon tho pains and aches woro gopo, Thoy uro worth tholr weight In gold to mo," Sold everywhere. Adv, q;m - oCJ'f' 'V5' yJf 'jm!tJ' "? "-f p X!"if Wy t'' V ty cetr Ji C, ti. HUDSON, President HUGH K. I1HAN. Vlcn-Prus. (f VXj 4V U. O. COM. VICO Preshlllllt L. l .Mrltl'.VNni.llH Cnhlnr fj - - -- --.... ..,,,, ,..H...H.. v K. A. HATHKH, Vice Pros. K. K. HAWVUIt, Asst. Cashier ii'J The First National Bank v?r dc ii u , u.rMu,uiv.!,viur , v U tn (J di I ti (l t'apltul fully paid .Surplus - . . . -J.',()00 25,000 To Purchasers of Liberty Bonds Wo wbIi to nnnounco that wo hnvo sot asldo n compartmunt lu our Hafoty Doposlt Vuull for tho Bafo-kouplng of Liberty Loan Houds purchusod by our eiistoijiors, WITHOUT OHAIIGK. You may keep your bonds In our Vault without expense to you avail uhlo at all Union during banking hours and protactod by nil thu safe guards our modern Safety Deposit Vault provides. ft t f a .8! M )' r t n (IM9 TIT tTf f f?1 fVI A Tferf At V A Usv m. MSMaiivl' ne rmoz in-hl i ijml, uiy. OK UfclNlf 'v"J 21 Jk i...- .I. i.k- M Wi.h 'fflxr $" a'?p' 1 f "ushf 'I'M mm mm mm m,m Mdu 3Sw ttgsjfP ft5r