WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. t) V I .1 i ( f , VOL. XV. BLOW AIID III 0I3TI DE AKMOND OHJECTS TO C. 0. I. MOVE. 'Ouiipiiiiy .Mli'inptltiKi liiIi" Vfll of Him liiliiiillnn, tn I'H'it'tit HelllciM From llmlnif 1'oiilrul of llm liiluiilliiii S)tein, (From Friday' Dally.) . TliHt llm petition now before 111 Desert ImhiI Hoard winking the re iMIIIHllOII III WOQO HIT MX (if lllllll Ollt itu the (.'. O. I. project, I limiilrml by the Central Oregon Irrigation Company ami liaa aa lu chief pur ltm the iIImoIuUoii of hh Irrigation t'Mtrlri already petitioned y set Hers on the U. 0. I. landa, I the l.rUreilon made limt night by II. II. li'i ArtHoml, attorney (or (Iih settler imor thH propoed ilUtrlrt. 'lint ro- la mat ton put (lion, which was Intro- hired Tiie-iiey Ht it meeting of tint li.'nt.rt Mini HiHiril luJlaleui I now bring Imlil In nli)anrt pending tint i.tlmi u( the Deachutea rntinty rourl on tli it district potltlnn ulroitily :lr- Itllltwl HMll published, "TIih company In untumtly dealr .itiM of keeping control of tlm IiihiIh In the project, imil this control would jai with the organization of tho ills trlii which In now eought," Mr. I)u Armntiil wtlil. "ThU In one of tho -iimpiiny'N moves to retain oontrl, for according to the torniH under vhleh tlm iiililltlniiiil U000 acres would h rui'luliiHMl, it largo number of settlors who am Included In the! .Httrlti already started would huviil (o withdraw nnil Join tho nuw dln--.rlct. ! "An (o the iixtoimlnn of tliu North Canal, thH available uutor iiupply iuli not bo InvriMNiHl, nmt surveys liavu shown that there In now innrn land Mild under tlm C. 0. I. project ilinii (Iih system Iwi it water to Irri gate. Tho bringing In of iihw IiiiiiIn in the Powell lliittn section would r.'Ti-ly result In rutting down the .itir supply for settlors near Hod itininl and other parts of the pro J..I" isTi.'iiixr i,.(js, hit i,i:.iicit DCt'hAIti: THAT .Mini FOIt WOHKKItS IS Mttlti: IMI'KltA IIVU THAN KVKIt IIIM'OltK. (From Frlday'H Dally.) Dnclarliu; that liitnruHt lu tho Hod O'ohn work lu lloiid Ih IiikkIuk. Mra AV. C. ItlrdBall, luador lu tho Itnd 'ros mnvoniout horo, IhhiiimI n call t day ur;liiK local wouioii to dovoto nioro tlmo to howIuk and kulttliiK tor tho Amurlrmi wdlillom. "Much linn honn douo alnmdy, hut oven innrn loiniiliiH to ho nccouipllBliod," oho do tlarml, "and with tliti cold bohsoii rapidly uoiului; on, It Is luipuratlvo that iih lartio mi niuuunt of HiippllcH lip turnod out iih pnimlhln." Mrs. Dlrdnall oxphiluod that tho rIppliiK and roHowhiK of n nuinlmr of KarmontH at flmt, hofnro Hpoclflca ttoiin for thn work had houu roiolvt'd, li.id npparuiitly dlHcouriiKod many ol tho wnuuiti, hut Htatod that thoro It now practically iiouo of HiIh left t ho douo. MootlnnH of tho Hod Crosa nro ooii tlnuliiK ovory day lu tho wook from 10 o'clock lu tho mnrnluK to I o'clock J i) tho uftornooii, and all llond womoii -who dimlro to di) tholr Hharo toward liolpliiK tho Iiojh In camp ami at the frond aro Invltod to attend. Momlior Hhlp lu tho Hod Oi'obh la not a pro-i-cquIhUo to Horvlco. A'lTIINI) CO.NVDNTION. (From Tuomlny'H Dally.) Itov. J. M. NbIhou, puator of t!i" -'lrat DnptlHt churoli, loft last iiIkM i Jiir Tlio Dalloa to attond tho OroKon ' Havtiut Htato oouvontlon. Min. T. II Foloy and Mtb. 0. J. Clappmlao left tlila moriilni; iih additional Dond dol t oKiiloa. Tho bohbIou hoi;nn yestor ilay and will coiitlnuo throueh Fri day nftornoon. MCT.C GE ASK WOMEN TO AID DEO GDDSS HUE DESTROYS DEPOT HOTEL iiiildixo pahtiai.lv cnviatnn nv i.nhi'ua.sci; slkkpi.no .MAN NAHHOWLV KHCAPKH OUKSTH AM. A WAV. (From Wodnosdiiy'M Dally.) I'lro between 2 and 3 oVlook thin aftornonn totally destroyed the Depot Hotel opposite the union depot, at a lo approximating $5500. Al UifiiKh no Ono whh eerloimly Injured In the lilniB, Wlllutm ItoliurtlliiK. a lirakeinuu, who wan hnIuhii In a mho nnil atory room, imrronly inchihI from the IuiIIiHiik. He Wa rewued hr the proprietor, Cherlee Wade, whn whn htirneO mIioui thu baml and arme ria a reatllt. Th mine of ih flrn la unknown. t ntNrtmt lu the hilrhfttt aril Nprend Nluwly at firm. It wna fully half an hour lidfiirii an ulcirin whn tiirnoil lu and tho fire itpfirtiuent hrourtht to IIih m'hiih. At lliin time tliu flame hud Kalni'd nih'Ii headwAy that It wa liupneftlhln to hbvh any iiiirtlnu of oltlior tlm BtriicliirH or fiinilliliiKn. Tho hullilliiK In rovired hy S&00 In mintnro and the furnlNh!iiKN and nup pllN. tiseu. Cbarlua Wadtt Iinn horn oiieratliiK tliu hotel which In owiiimI hy Mm. MkIUmi Wadn, of Knattle. I'ractlrully all of tin1 roiiniN with occupied, tho hullilliiK hoimliiK ahnut 30 Kinmtii lant iiIkIiI. Nearly nil of thti wore away at tlm time ntti'udlUK tho l.lhurty Day rally up town, L I'MKSKH IN MAM'AI TltAI.NINO t'oxKTittt'i' i:griiMiKvr fou CO.M.MICUCIAl, DKI'AUTMK.Vr AND Tlllilll OWN ItOO.M. (From Friday' Dully.) FiiruUhliiKi for their own claim room are heliiK mado hy the lioyn who aro NtudyliiK miutual tralultiK In tliu IIhiiiI IiIkIi Nchnol. They aro now con NtructliiK larxo liHiichei, completely eiiilppiMl for the ahop and which will Iih liiNtalled noon aa permuneut flx turoH In pin en of tho old hIibIvoh tout pornrlly placed nloiiK the walls of tho IiuuriiIow room devotod to tho wood workliiK clamioH. In tho nliort tlmo hIik'o tho roumo lni boon lu oporatlon, hoi:lunliiK at Mio flret of tho torm, -0 hookkoop Ink tahloH coiitaluliiK draworH, Ink woIU and pou rackn, and two typo wrltor tahlim havo hoon coiiHtructod In tho chiHH room, Theuo will ho liiht'tllod in tho now commercial do- purtim;;i Six of tho manual train. IiiK honchcH nro unci or way. Tho hoyH dovoto 80 mtnutoa ench day to manual tralnliiK work, Thoro aro 12 hoya lu ono dims anil hovou lu tho other, uudor tho direction of I.. C, HnndorH. Tho IniUKalow which they aro uhIiik contnlun ?:t00 worth of (ooIh and equipment, Attention will Hoon 1)o turned to constructing plnycround apparatna for tho Central Ht'llOOl. 1 tU!- tr' Hsk V - tn A' ' 'MHaflBBaVkBBBBBaVlf " -BBBBBBBBBmPliBBMBBBaW'T--' TsaaaaaaaaaaZTmfaaaartf'iiWiiMr- 1IKNI), DICHCIIUTIM COUNTY, OltlXJON, Till HHIJAV, OCTOHLIt SJ.", IIM7 S QUESTIONED DIVISION IS liASIS OF BAILY APPEAL. Fiiruliiuiyiuil WjiIIiko to ('nit Doulil On IIk1n t of County, noil .fur Ixllillnii of Court Object lu l.i'lll'ln Hi ICtllloncr. (From Wedhoeday'N Dally.) OnoH innrn DMrhutee eounty'a rlKlit to exlNtence la to he (mention oil, tli In time through the uimIIuiu of ao appeal to tho Niipremo court in the matter of the pnm of .Mm. fJla.e Ilnlley, convicted Inn wuok nf role hory, and amtpneed yoaterdny '.' from throo to IS yeant lu tho penitentiary. TIiIm pliaeo of the rani) wna learned hint nlKht when N. (1. Wallnee, of I'rlnovlllr. and Hint FaruhiMii, of Ileuil. atated that they will quuatlnn tho Jurhtitlctlon'of the court n ono of the chief pulntH lu their appeal. That thr rouutS' dlvlalon election Innl year did not carry, thai hwau'e of thU DeachutrN county dut4 not oxlftt, and lionce that the circuit court which has been In (teimlon here U not properly, nor legally conntltutixl, will ho the outline of tho argument lined, accordliiK to Mr. Wallace, who Ih also npptKirltiK aKfllnot tho county In juo warranto proceeding filed ocrly In tho year, and mill poudliiK. Oilier VnilliiN SalKfy. Mr. Wallace nUo reprttnoiitml Dav id Dunn, defendant lu a criminal ac tion durltiK tho proNout torm, hut Is apparently well satisfied with tho court as to that case, lu which ho se cured nn ncqulttn! for 1i!h client. Another cause for appeal will ho tho admission ns ovldenoo nf n BtHeiq of letters which paused between I.. A. Hawllng, cniuplaluliiK witness aKnlust Mrs. Ilalley, and the First National Hank, relative to financial transactions In which hoth Hawllni;s and Mrs. Ilnlley were concerned. In this connection It will he claimed that the correspondence constituted hearsay evidence, and heme should he ruled out CENTRAL OREGON TO IMPROVE ITS STOCK I'uifliriil l,lti-.(Kij AsMichitlon Ih Foi'iiieil lit Dot clop (Quality of Animal IteltiK HiiIm'iI, (From Tueadny'H Dally.) O A. C, COHVAI.LIS. Oct. 22 Central Oregon promises to become famoiiH as a purolired livestock hreed- Iiik cantor. . l.eadliiK stockmen of Crook county have formed tho Cen tral Oregon Furohred Livestock As sociation to promote tho raising of purelirod livestock, ostnhllshliiK a reputation for ltn products, and Issue annually a directory of Its members. "Tho largest stockmen in Crook county nro officers and directors of tho association," snys H. A. Ward, county agricultural agent, who Is re sponsible for forming tho organiza tion. "Pinna nro already under way to Issue our directory early in tho winter. Ono condition of member ship Ih that every member must en gage lu tho raising of registered stock." Mr, Ward roportH thnt tho tiso of cottonseed enko will bo given n trial by tho stockmen this winter, mid al ready tho first community shipment of two carloads has been received. Stockmen of this district me as pro gressive . In marketing tholr surplus stock iih lu producing It, mid Mr. Ward has just sout tho chocks out for u recon t shipment, and took a community shipment of cattle to I'ortlnnd, October 20. , DIVORCE IS GRANTED BY CIRCUIT COURT (From Tuoadivy's Dull).) Docroo of dlvoroo wiib this after noon granted Men. Mlutn Hnbormnu from Mnthow llabermau nnd ponnls hIoii was glvon tho plaintiff to rosumo her formor nnmo' nf Mint.i Hlntt, Judgp Duffy hoard tho suit, which wasuncontoHted, A plea of desor tloiiMvaa ontered, Mrs, Ualioriunu'a huslland having loft Iter throo yoara ago, STATE LEADERS OF LABOR REDE WELCOME IS GIVEN BY STRIKERS. Keek In HiiiiK About tTiiili-rMnnillug llctttri'ii Kiiiplii)iTN unit Hiii- iIii)'n, Hn)x Hints Kiilernllon of Iibor I'rc-dili'ut. (From Wodnesdny Dally.) AatemblliiK at tho dopot early this mornlnK. nearly 200 mill strikers welronied O. It, Martwijc,, president of the (Jrunoii State Federation of Labor, and Clair Covert, general or ganizer for th,e American Kwlerntlon of Labor. Immediately ufier their arrival, the labor officials were es corted to the Hippodrome, whore a brief meeting of reception was held. At 10 o'clock a meeting tf tho strik es' central committee with the two visitor, wbh held to make prepara ttlns for a Liberty Day mass meet lug this evening, also at the Hippo drome. ' "Our object la to get the company to deal with the employes, nnd not to discharge any for Joining our or ganisation," Mr. Hartwig stated after hta arrival. "We feel that the mat ter should bo properly culled to tholr attention, nnd it Is our desire to aid In bringing about this understanding, and reconciliation. From what In formation we havp gathered, wo be lieve that the local men had no other alternative but to walk lut. The spirit of organization which has reached llond, Is prevalent every where at this time, and Is caused by the high cost of living." Charier Nut Hon. Although It was understood that final organization nf tho timber workers' local would tako.plnco to night, a member of the cin-unltteoKy nunnuuoeii tins morning mat 1110 Portland officials' had not brought a charter with them Just when orga znllnu would be definitely of foe toil could not be learned. The charter is now on tho way, Mr. Hartwig states. Situation Change. Little. IltiHlueas transacted last night by tho striking employee, consisted chiefly of the reading of a list of local merchants and usiuees men who uphold tho principles of the local or ganization. Hay Canterbury, chair man nf the meeting, stated that with in a week's time, work would ho sus pended at hoth Hend mills, and that not a man would go back unless tho demands of the strikers woro uc ceded to. (loneral .Manager J. 1. Koyos, of the Ilrooks-Scanlon mill, announced1 this morning that tho sawmill Is run ning full blast, and that the box fac tory Is continuing Its usual output. Hough lumber Is being shlppod today, and lu consoquouco tho planer Is not bolug oporated. No new developments were noted at Tho ShovUn-tllxou Company mill. Cnnft'ivnco Ainiiiged. Ilopo for nu early settlement of tho strlko was extended this nftor noon when tho visiting labor officials mot with T. A. McCmui, general man ager of Tho Shovlln-Illxon Company plant, mid Mr. Keye.s. The mill man agers agreed to n Joint meeting to bo hold lator lu tho nftornoon with n committee of strikers, It being stip ulated that Mr. Hartwig and Mr. Covort bo present. It was also ngreed that tho mill companies would offer no objection to organization of n local union uudor tho American Fed eration of Labor, and that no at tempt Hliouhl bo mado to Introduce tho closod shop us an Issue. KPKAKS -OX CONSKHVATIOX. (From Wodnosdny's Daily.) County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson Is spending tho prin cipal part of tho wook visiting coun try schools in tho interest of tho food administration. Ho la explaining tho application to tho farms nnd Is pass ing nut pledge cards for tho children to take to tholr homes. In somo oases meetings of tho puronta havo been hold. Mr. Thompson hns found that tho ranchers aro Interested In tho nmttor and nro Tory willing to help. Huy n Llborty llond. IFINAL PAPERS ' LIBERTY BOND ! GRANTED T0 151 SALE GROWING 1 K.YAMINATJOXH I'Olt OHItMAX ai'i'mcatio.v foit citizk.v hhiihl'hii:mi:i iwtiij aithii tiii: WA It. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Only two petitions for citizenship were denied yesterday by Circuit Judge T. K. J. Duffy to the 21 appli cants whose examinations ho hoard. Those of the four Germans on tho list were suspended until the war has on iled. Ono of the Teutons exproesed himself aa badly disappointed that he was unable to become a citizen im mediately. The two others falling to rocelvo final papers were Peter Chrlstofforson and Hlgmund Orgler. Hoth these men failed 'to bring wit umbos who were properly quallflod. Judge Duffy expressed himself much pleased with the results of tho exam ination, which he said showed more thorough preparation than In prev ious years. All applicants seemed fairly well versed In civil govorn mont. Those granted privileges of United States citizens wore Anders Hanson, Henol O. Andors, Krnst Poterson, T. H. Foley, Aliram Lavius. H. K. IL Cato, Harvey W. McKenzIe, Krnest Mitchell, L. 1. Peterson, Samuel Hlakely, Christian Tinner, Nicolaus Klstlnk, Susanna Melstor, Carl P. Hngcu and Josephine Kathleen Adams. SEEKS TO AROUSE LOCAL INTEREST IN :.. WAfrFUND . 1:. wiucirr comics fhom POHTLAND TO PICK UHND COM .MITTKK TO ATTKND STATK COXFKltHNCK PLAN TO HAISK $.'!S,HK,noo IN NOVKMHHK. (From Friday's Dally.) Whtlo seeking to arouse local in terest in tho campaign for tho Y. M C. A. war work funds soon to bo launched In the tiorthwost, W. K. Wright, acting Intor-state secretary for Oregon and Idaho, was in Hend today picking a local ccnimittoc U attend .1 conference in Portland. This will be held on October 24 at tho Portland Hotel and is for tho pur pose of outlining n state canvass. Mr. Wright after conferring with local buslnoss men, loft this after noon for Hodmond. Ho will make an automobile tour of Morrow, Wasco and Wheeler counties, stopping lu every Important town. Tho movomont on foot is for tho raising of $35,000,000 for tho sup port of Y. M. C, A. work in tho army. This Is being undertaken at tho of ficial request of President Wilson. In May when Y. M. C. A. funds woro raised it was estimated that 200 buildings would bo needed for sol diers of tho country but so far -179 have been constructed at tho camps. Many others aro now bolug built, be sides 70 groat tents which will ac commodate 1000 men each. In ad dition thero nro 2000 secretaries in tho army Y, M. C. A. work who must bo supported. In order to'moot these expenses an enormous amount of money Is ex pended. Tho campaign now being put uudor way will occupy from Novem ber 11 to IS, For tho purpose of arous-'.ng Interest at tho Portland mooting a number of nddrossea will bo glvon by men brought direct from tho trenches and war prison camps. CHILD SCALDED IN TUB OF HOT WATER (Front Saturday's Dally) Whllo playing around his mother's wash tubs this morning, two-yoar-old Wilbur Mortis, tho son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Morris, foil Into tho hot water nnd badly scalded both arms bolow tho elbows. Ho was rescued by Mrs. Morris and 'brought In from Hroaks-Scanlon Camp 2, -whero tho family lives, to rocelvo medical care at the Dond Surgical Hospital, NO. at PURCHASES WITPIOUT c SOLICITATION. Litllo Doubt Felt Tlmt County (Junta Will l!o Ilonrlieil by Knil of Week I'utv HoiiiIh Spoken For Not Secured Ity Cuh. (From Wednesday's Dally.) In tho first official compilation ot Llborty Loan bond subscriptions in Hand and tho vicinity Issued slnco last wook, Iiend'b total wns declared today to hare roaehed $110,550, with, the probability that at least $115,000 would ho totalled by tho end of the week. Subscriptions now being made aro practically without solicitation, direct to the banks, and are averag ing a little better than $1000 per day. In addition, lotters which worn sent Into tho cduntry early In tho week, aro bringing In steady' returns and adding to tho probability ot tho county quota of $138,000 will bo sub scribed. Of tho entlro amount so far Bub scribed hero, It Is a significant fact that only $4100 worth of applica tions aro not secured by deposits. These aro chlofly from tho country, whero applicants havo not had time to send In the required amounts, and tho pledges are-regarded as Just as good as those on which cash pay ments have been made. Mill Purchases IUjj. Noteworthy fcthdng tho subscrip tions were thoso made at tho mills where tho liberal .terms extended by tho employers made. It possible for every employe whcideslred to sub scribe for bonds which varied in size from $50 to $500.' Among Tho Slier-Hn-HIxon Company workers $25,800 was pledged, in addition to $5000 In vested by tho company, and $5000 moro made available through tho salo ot bonds of the first Issuo and pur chase of securities based on tho prea ont loan. Tho Urooks-Scanlon total was $21,000. and of this $14,700 was subscribed by employes, tho re mainder representing amounts in vested by tho company and purchases mado possible by the conversion ot tho old 36 por cent paper. WILL COMPLETE ALL UKMAIXIXO CKHTIFIKI) .MK.V KKOM TIIKKI2 XOUTHWKST STATKS OUDKHFD TO t'ASil' 1.KW1S OX XOVKMHF.U U. (From Thursday's Dally.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 18. All remaining certified whlto men, In draft front Washington, Idaho and Oregon havo boen ordered to entrain for Camp Lewis during tho flvo-day period beginning November 2. Shorltf Hoborts this afternoon re ceived a telegram apprising him of tho order to send certified men to camps. There will bo only three or four moro loft to go from Demi ah about 34 out of tho county's r.uota of 37 havo alroady elthor left Hond or been Bent from other towns and credited to this county. Tho telegram reads as follows: "Soud all remaining certified white nton who arp within your next quoin to mobilization camp on Novembor 2. Caro must bo taken to send no man who baa not boen cortlflod. Tho hour ot dopnrturo and routings will bo sent you at an early ditto. Substi tutes must be provldod for men who fall to appear. GBOHQU A, WHITE, Adjutant Qoneral." County Clork Hanor has not .yet had tlmo to look ovor hla records to ascortaln which men leave next, hut notices will bo sent out as soqn an possible. 4 Buy a Llborty Dond. DRNT QUOTA