rAfiK 0 MKNI) nUMiKTIN, HRN1), OllKdON, THl'ltSDAY, OCTOIIKH IH, IIM7 JURY ACQUITS III E TWO BALLOTS TAKEN BEFORE VERDICT. BIG TIMBER DEAL ANNOUNCED CLOSED Flrxt llnllot Stands 10-2 For Acquit tal Kvcnlnij Srlon of Court llriug Cam of Two Ycnirs' KIuihIIiik to n Cloc. (From Thursday's Dally.) After being out for lens than an hour Inst night, tho Jury In the case of tho State vs. David Dunn, of Im perial, charged with horso stealing, roturncd a vordlct of not guilty. The Jury reported to the court ut 10:30 o'clock. I.lttlo difficulty was e.xper- Jonced In arriving at a verdict, only two ballots being found necessary. The first stood 10 to 2 for acquittal, vrhllo tho second was unanimous. lly tho Jury's decision a case of mora than two years' standing was brought to an end. To prevent the caso from drag ging over Into another day, tin even ing session of court was held, be ginning at 7:30 oVlock, allowing time for tho presentation of argu ments by the attorneys for state and defense. District Attorney Do Ar siond's general summing up of the case, with a slight reference to Indi vidual testimony, had already been given, and X. G. Wallace, counsel for Dunn, presented the case from the standpoint of the defense, declaring that tho ovidenco failed to point out Dunn as having stolen the horse men tloncd In the Indictment, and laying much stress on evidence Indicating that tho animal was an estray, and hence could not be stolen. Tho ar gument of Denton G. Burdlck, tor the state, was based on analysis of tho evidence presented. Testimony Concluded. Dunn's two daughters, Mrs. Brick ey and Mrs. Oscar Kruse, also Mr. Kruse and Mrs. Dunn testified con cerning the treatment given the stray horso and told what they knew of the trip to tho Willamette Valley, on which tho animal was taken. When Dunn himself took the stand he flatly denied having sug gested taking the trip, as Babcock had stated. He said that the reason he had not brought the horses back was because snow on the mountains prevented a return trip by wagon. Of Lloyd Terapleton's connection with any part of his trip he said he had no knowledgo and claimed that Tem pleton had merely been Introduced to him and that they had not talked of trading cattle for tho horses. Neither hud any of the horss been offered for sale at any time, accord ing to his statement. Hrooks-Hcmilon IntcivM Acquire :70,0000O Foot From Ntiinlln mid Hupp Holding. (From Thursday's: Daily.) Tim negotiations which have been pending for sumo tlnio for tho trans fer of some 370,000,000 feet of tim ber to the llrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., have been definitely rinsed, was tho announcement nuxilo here today by local mill officials. The deal In cludes 22,000 acres hitherto owned by Tho Hhi' villi-; Ilxoti Company, amounting to approximately 300, 000,000 feet, and tho John J. Uupp holdings of 5000 acres In scattered tracts, amounting to 70,000,000 feel. Tho deal Insures 10 years addi tional operating for the Hrooks-Scnu-Ion mills in llcnd. RATES CHANGE NOVEMBER ANNOIWCK.MHNT TKLLS OF XKW FOSTAIi CIIAlUiKH l.KTTKKH TO COST TIIKKK CKNTS AND POST ('AIUIS TWO CUNTS. DIVORCE GRANTED BY JUDGE DUFFY' (From Thursday's Daily.) Circuit Judgu T, K. J. Duffy yes terdny ufturiinnti liimduil down n de cree of divorce for Mrs. Olive Walk otishaw In her suit ngnltiHt John O. Walkonshnw, The dlvorco was grant ed on grounds of desertion, and per mits tho plaintiff to resume her lnultlon Maine of Olive Laiulmrsoii, EMPLOYES OF MILLS HOLD MASS MEETING From Monday's Dally.) Kmployes of tho llcnd mills hold n mass meeting yesterday afternoon In Sathcr's' hall to discuss the mat ter of medical attendance, and In addition the subject of tho eight hour day as applied to the local lum ber industry. (From Thursday's Dally.) Notice received this morning by Postmaster 11. 11. Ford appraised liliti of tho datu on which tho raise In postal rat os on first class nuttier comes Into effect will bo November 2. After that day three, cents per ounce or fraction thereof will be charged on all letters. The rate on postals will bo two conts anil the same will he charged on drop letters, that Is, those which are for local de- HUMOCIST HUNT TO CAMP. (From Thursday's Dally.) August Uluittilst, who failed to ap pear before the local exemption board at the time he was drafted, was sent last night to Camp Lewis, after the adjutant general had certi fied his petition. JOU HltmV.V IS FINUI). (From Thursday's Dally.) After repuatetl warnings mil to ride his bicycle on the sidewalk, Joe llrown was arrested yesterday and fined $r. by Municipal Judge Kills. The boy Is about lfi years old anil had been let off several times before AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP STORAGE BATTERIES CHARGED OVERHAULED AND REBUILT Don't throw away your old battery, as we may lie nlilo to runuw It at half the coil of a now one. GENERATOR STARTING MOTOR &. MAGNETO WORK A SPECIALTY All Work Ouaratileed. .Shop located In Kenwood, Ciois the lii'lilo ut Pilot tlulte Inn anil o four block wont, SALTZMAN & COLLINS tU'.tfi tit ). n.tui ..rf.A V.. i ... , l when stopped by Chief of Pollcu Another announcement concerning1 v. the ralso In postage rates on news- SOLDIKItH TO (JUT LUTTKKS. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Soldiers and sailors from Ho ml nro to receive letters and postals from tho high school students If a plan which Is being tried out this week proves successful. Many of the names of the boys who have gone from here have been posted In a list on the bulletin board in tho main hall with the request that letters be sent. papers and magazines Is expected soon. These nro to bo charged ac cording to zones. Thoro will also be a parcel pest tax according to weight. All of these changes come under the new revenue law passed recently by Congress. PAHTY 11AHS S12 DUCKS. (From Monday's Dally.) A. M. Prlngle and a party of sevon others went to Davis Lake Saturday night on a duck hunting trip. They returned yesterday evening with 32 birds. In tho party were Dudley Shaw, Simon Nlckcrson, Kendall Walte. Charles Whitfield, Klmer Lehuhcrr and Jake Ilrandcnu. Four chairs nt your sorvico nt the Metropolitan. No wnltlng. Adr Nixon. Prompt Artlon Aorti Trouble. A constipated condition not only poisons the blood stream, but quickly affects the liver and other organs, causing biliousness, sick headache, sour stomnrh, bloating, etc, Foley Cathartic Tablets afo mild In action, yet cleanse thoroughly, with no nau sea nor costive nfter affects. Keep bowels regular, stomach sweet, liver active. Sold everywhere. Adv. SHIP MOItU SHUUP. (From Monday's Dally.) Dennis and Jack Callaghan came In from Paisley last night driving 2000 sheep which are to be shipped by William McCormack to Chicago. Mr. McCormack Is also sending 4500 which have been purchased from Tom Conley and 500 from Dan Hour- igan. TKDDV 1IOKK DIMS. (From Monday's Dally.) Teddy Hoke, the 21 months old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ted Hoke, of Kenwood, died last night from llleo ctlltls. The child has been III throe weeks. The funeral wilt take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. For farm land loazs eeo J. Ryan & Co. Adr. HAHPHA.M GOKS TO.MOUHOW. (From Monday's Dally.) V. V. Harpham, assistant super-, visor of the Deschutes National For-1 est, will leave tomorrow for I'rlne- vllle, where he will become head of the Ochoco office. More Money Means Less Bloodshed Don't hold back don't be one'of the Lust to fall in line! Those who have notjiiusiTATKi) to subscribe to their siiakk of bonds are the ones who will make the loan a success. Let the Liberty Bonds be vouit answkh our answer the one answer we, as an undivided people, loyal to the cause of human rights, can make to the world war. You may buy the -l per cent Second Lib erty Bonds in amounts of $50, $100, $500, upwards, paying in installments two per cent with subscription. F. DEMENT & CO. The Ptcferted Stock Store OHOCKIUKS HAKDU'AHK It Lucky Strike Cigarettes A new creation a new idea toasted tobacco. The delicious Burley flavor is improved and sealed in ; delivered to you fresh because the tobacco It's toasted ) Guaranteed ay m The Ford Model T One Ton Truck Is now on display at our Sales Olllce in the Wright Hotel Building. A PEW OF THE MANY SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDE, Final lrh U of tho worm type, enclosi'd In a dust and oil-proof housing. Direct shaft drlvo to tho centnr of chassis; only ono mil vorsal Joint Is mvcsnary. A ball mid socket arrangi'intuits In tho uni versal Joint reduces shocks and strains caused by tho uiiavminusa of tho road. W I tool lta- Model T Truck has a whcellmso of ono liittut r't and twenty-four 'Inches. Tim standard tread for nil cars In fifty-six Inches. Model T. Truck will turn In a flrty-slx foot clrclo. WhcoU anil Tiro -Woodim whenls of tho artillery typdn with extra heavy hubs. Only tires of tho hlghnst grade are uicil on Ford inrs. Front, pneumatic, 30x3 Inches, rear wheels, hard rubber tlrci, 32x3 14 Inches, (itiT)liiK Ciipaiitj One Toll. Price f o. b. Bend, $679.50 Cent-Ore-Motor Co. DEND. OREGON Order mutt m placid In advance, at (licit It only a limited mipply of thou Model T One Ton Truck v No Want loo BigNo WanUoo Small That Bauer's Grocery can't fill for you And deliver promptly mid In the best condition. Our groceries, produce, fruit nro nlunj frrsli. Our snultnry refrigerator ctiunler keep our dairy poiluc! cool nnd frculi. Ileal price In cuiiiiih! good of thn bent brand. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red" 1G1 I I Manzanita u,t S50' -'6 ; ' f" ttn' ""'' $2.50 Monthly ana Aubrey LOTS $7 5 to $150.00 Height! Ad dition Ajji'iit for PACIFIC IUMM). INO .V LOAN ASSOCIATION J. A. EASTES Heal Etlatelniurance M O N K Y T O LOAN l THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON The Rose City's world-famed hotel, occu pying an entire block, All Outside rooms. Superior dining and thrill ser vice. An atmosphere of refinement, with a service of courtsey. European Plan; l.r() and Up RICHARD V. CfllLDS, Manager HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS HMHMHMMHMaMOTMHHMaMWHaH,aaMMHMnaMH Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze onJ Semi-Steel Caiti'nii for Power Transmission Machinery; VooJ Pipe Pittin's, Grate Dars, Airicultural, Minint anJ Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. DEND, OREGON. i fr J (33)