The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 18, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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    nfipi'TT ;rwf twjrssT-1? iPprwr1 'JfppWSlf r'
Ji i mi iiiiiii- ivJLJlii i ii i
NO. Ml
- e
.( '
H lhtniNlon of North ('mini, mill Willi
rinmitl of Wnlrrwl IiiiiU I'rom
District Now ItrtiiK Formed
Among llio IViilurv.
MALUM, Or., Oct. III. (Special.)
Tin Divert Imnd lltxinl today hchl
in nbeymico tho jH'tltlun of Ml) M-ttlrr
mi llio (Vtilrnl On'utiu project n-klng
to Imi allowed lo m'liilm IIIHIO iirnvt
of limit outxlilo of llio project and
idtogrtlirr oh-ii li!,t)(K) urrvn of land.
Tito roM wni I" lnm liwn npprtix
liuali'ly $110,01X1. Jo Ktcnrn.
i:iiRliut'r .M. llodfltlil. J. I'. I Urn,
of Powell lliitln, mill Attorney li. ,M.
lbclilel, of I'rlnnvllln, iippenrod be
fore) llio hoard In iH'half of tin" erl
tiers, 'llio board will not art on the
petition until after the count) rourt
lake-, up llio matter of Irrigation ill
trlct M'tltlout already circulated.
Plans, which If rnrrloil out, will
rn the Immediate Irrigation of
11,000 acres oast of llend III tlio
I'.iwell Hutle section not now receiv
ing water, are under consideration
bv the Central Oregon Irrigation
Company and committees of settlors
representing thu owner of tint lamU
affected. An outlined liy 0. M. lied
f:ld, chief engineer of tho company,
tho plan will nioun n consolidation
of tho land in tho company's sys
tem looking forward to u greater
efficiency of operation anil mainten
ance, will bring water to 11,000
wires of homi-stuadrd lauds, now dry
firmed, and will bring Into use tho
North Canal plant of thn company.
Of a total of 19,000 arm which
may be served, 11,000 am dry fur nm
In private ownership, anil 8000 acres
nr now watered by the Control Ore
gon canal. Tho plan Is to hnvn tho
owners of thosa land Join In tho
formation of nu Irrigation dtMtrlct,
tho upper end to ho served by tke
Ontrnl Oregon canal and the lower
ty tho North canal, whloh would ho
extended out In thu district.
Not tli t'aual Key,
Tho necessity of having the land
.wd included In thu district arla
vt from the fact that they are mow
mixed In with tho dry lands to bo
TVfld, ami can he administered more
'fflelent!y by one iiiuntigeninnt cen
trally located In tho dlalrlot. With
thu land all deeded, it would ho pos
sible lo ruiso money with which to
build thu North canal out to tho
lands to bo sorvod, ami to oare for
tho other expenses Incidental to tho
-rcAllon of tho district.
Water for tho now land would he
provided by tho release of water
rights on laud now segregated, partly
-reclaimed, hut not Hold, tho tangent
portion coming from tho North unnal
unit, thin land being In turn thrown
-open to homestead entry.
Winner Auk Water.
Tho tnovo for tho creation of u
rl'strlct follows tho request for water
ninrin by owners of 9000 ncros of
tlry land above thn present canal.
Aftor u preliminary Investigation anil
-several Bottlers' inoutlngs.'u cnmm'.t
teo of dry farmers, (3. M. Cornelt,
Jay If. Upton, William Wilson and
John Tuck, wero appointed to study
thn matter and uscortnln the gonaral
sentiment. This committee, olrcu
lated u petition, HeuurliiK thu nurues
of 05 per cent of tho people resident
1u the district, and ulso gained an
appointment with tho Douort Laud
Hoard for today.
Tho company paH already mado the
settlors u tentatlva offer to iixcIiuuko
wator rights for eertulu noiistructlou,
tho -North canal helnK tho first do
vcJopmunt coutumplntod, nu tho prB
ont Coutrul Orogou canal must he ry-
3loved in order to uupply 0000 aorus
of now land.
Could KtJii-t Vorlc Hoou.
Should tho Dosort Land Hoard
tmnutlon tho plan, It Is understood
that work could bt; started about next
Juno and completed within 10
nmnths' or n year's time,
In case tho now plan Is adoptod
and steps taken to form tho new din
trlct, it will ho noceuBury for tho Irrl
Katod lauds which uro Included In thu
dlntrlct now In process of organiza
tion, to bo reloasod,
.ioii.v and HTin'i: HTCinii ui
TIJItN OS ll'ltl.onill AMI Tlll.l,
op woiti; ikim: nv otiikii
iii:ni) iiovh in niiuvick.
(From Tuesitny'n Imlly.)
KeturulUK from four mouths' ser
vice In thn navy training camps,
John mid Htevo Htuldl, muiis of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hleldl or this oily,
aru spending their turloughs In lloud
before going back for further train
ing. Steve has eight woks left in
tho oleatrlrlniift' school and at the
end of that time evpects to gtt Into
artlvo service, while John, who en
tPiod as an uppreutlco sisimnu, has
rhnngrii his ruling and will bo sent
to Harvard within a short time for
training ns n radio electrician. Iloth
uro enthusiastic over tho navy, de
claring It to be tho liliwl brunch of
the service.
A number of llend boys are In the
(milling ramp at Mure Island and
Han l-'ranrlsro, and the tu U. s).
sailors told of stiveu of their ar
iialntanr.s Mho unlisted from hern
uho urn making excellent progrrss.
John llatos, Hob Homer. Midi I'ul
ton and Jeff (iHlner uro nil In tho
SMiruan class, (Iriie Clommtts Is fire
man on it patrol boat nnd It. W liar
vey has eutwrml thu artificers' school
for shipwrights. Myron Powell, w!m
entered as an apjirrtUtlre (iwiinan, Is
now studying to wrcure a boslswuln's
I.loyd Kulley and Itobert Iiiiihs are
still In thn yoomnnry sehool, ublli
Howard Vouug has already gouo o
(From Wednesday's l.lly )
It. :. Wright and It. C llrlgg. of
tho water result rce brain li of the
United HtatiHi CcologUal Kurvoy,
have breu working In tho llend tur
rltory tho last few da) and left this
morning for the Klamath Fslls d's-
trlct. They ha peon miMsiirlng the
wster flow and change In Its action
In all rivers and canals In the vlolnty.
Charles I,. Ilarholder, an eiiKlneer
from tho Portland offlpn, was ber
this wwk and assisted lit Insulting
new gNiiglug stations on Uuttles like
and on the Croakwl ttrr near Cul
ver. These uro ouliped with a new
automatic gauges whlcli give a con
tinuous record of the action of tho
(From Frldny's Daily.)
For tho 10-day period ending Orto-
her 10, Hum! hus contributed as largo
a number of recruit to the army us
any district In the state with the ex
ception of tho main office in Port
land, Klght men "Wero sunt out from
tho locnl office. According to a re
port sent Corporal Harvey today by
Col, (leorgo H, Young, only Abr
deeu, Washington, has equalled thin
record among tho small towns. No
Oregon town reached this number lu
thn glvou period,
Aged Patriot Buys
Liberty Bonds; Has
Only $20 Cash Left
RubHcriblni; to tho government
far more than ho Is retaining
himself, John F. Dale, n duy
- Jahoror, agod 7r, youUrday pur-
cIihhoiI a fi0 Liberty bond after"
tho visit of the Portland flying
squadron In this olty. Dalo had
loft as his entire resources only
20 when, ho had bought the
- bond. In tho first Liberty Loan
campaign ho hocamo thu ownor
of it $100 bond.
Dulo Is u veteran of tho Civil
war and his futhor Hiirvod as a
- cnptaln tiuilor Napoleon. lie is
rondy U go into uctlvo sorvlco
again whmiovur ho lu nooded, ho
Buys, uud until that tlmo Is
holplnB tho bnyn at thu front
with tho llttlo that ho has.
- .
(From Tuesday's Pull v.)
(!luioitm v. Ill bo held In tho now null
of the llend high school Monday.
Moving day will bo next Hattirday,
whim most of the fittings of tho
eluss rooms In tho old Central school
will bo transferred lo tint now quar
ter. All hut thn domestlu science
room wilt be ready for occupancy.
. Keveu rooms hwsldos tho heating
plain nro contained In the annex
I'liosH are all finished Inside wllh
blue walls mid cream celling audi The cold spell was forecHsted yes
with a Hiiod work of highly poll.ihsd ' ,nn). ftr ,y notlreahle low-
yellow pine. Kuril room has been
built for a special purpose. In thei
largest of these thu home economics
classes will hold forth,
'floor wilt be devoted
Tho lower
to iMioklug
counters with sinks nt either end arid
electric rooking phitiwi. Due large
.......... ..Ill I I.. 4 1.... ....II.
.....' V. ""'lug iti:iilmn for the month of Dclo-
Hill bn n fVll row of lockers In wh.rh ,,,, ,,,. M11 ()l,t((),r
tho girls may keep their Individual1
beloiiKluKs The gallery of the ssu.r
room lus been nwerved for sewing i
machines and driHismakliig equip
ment. To the left of the room Is a
(Continued on page I )
i?i;i,H(lll IH TOTAL M'ltSI Itll'I'IO.V
CP to TllltlEI! O'l LOCK THIS
AITHItNOON Ftilt Tlllt
(From TuMHtny's Ditlly.)
That lUml rsalitas hr obllgntloH
t otwro for the sMkrs snd saltarsl
whu have gone from her, was shown
today uIihh Ml o'rlivrk Ike Liberty
iMtail SIllMM-J-lptloH list IHOIIIItSlI to
I8t'.$0. Thn sMbwrlbers and the
valnt of tbe bona ttwIiMi for sr. s
The ghevlln-lllxott CorapAny JSOoO
Ulsle M. Horn 100
J. A. Kasts 100
Lury . French 60
J. C Ithodet 100
W. C. Itlrdwll 100
(lend llnlletln 110
W. (I. CahiiiIm 10
Harrison Lmfcam 100
Dennis MeOgls 100
(ItHirge A. Joiitu . 100
II. A. Millar . .? R00
A. L. French 200
II. J. Overturf 00
II. J. Overturf. Jr 60
Thomas J. itundor fiO
Henry N. Fowler (0
H. II. Do Armoml f.o
A. Whlsnnnt 100
II. K. Allen R0
Harper Wnluwriglit Hkusit, Jr 100
C. C Con , 1000
It. W. Hawysr HO
Aduey Darling Rl)
William Abarimthy fiO
It. P. Mlntor 100
P. II. Johnson (Mllllwiu) r.O
J. I). Donovan 100
Juntos A. ItujIiiK 100
Frank Ifniior 100
M, II. Hpsok RO
Mrs. A. Hsuer 100
Alien itasmusssu . R0
Frod Plcklo B0
A. D. Iloyil 800
II. II. Ford 100
llHrtha lilshoii R0
II. K. Ilrau 1000
First Nstlousl Hank R0Q0
C. H. Hiulson 11000
L, (I, MoItflyppIdH ' 1000
K. K. Sawyur 100
Thomas JHuobn ;...' (i0
A. F. Honors . 100
Hugh (Jralglo ,..,.. , 100
Killng Telgeu ...,M .. ' ItH)
John C-hnpmnii R0
Calvin K. Dunsmoro R0
Ilvrnlco II. Fnrrust R0
C. L. McCnuloy 200
(loo. K. Curry ..
ltosfi Fiirnhum ..
Uoed-Bnilth Muroantllo Co.
.1. P. ICoytiH 000
Mary H, lloovur .... R0
15. V. Muhaffey 100
Central Oregon Hank ROOO
I). 13. IJitnter 2CO0
Mabel 13, Wuruor R0
Husio a. Kulloy ., R0
Fay Do Armoml R0
Charles A. Wurnor CO
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
IUucIiIuk tho October return! for
oolil, established In Hii, tho insr
eury In the official government ther
mometer here sank to 10 dogroen
lihove xero Isst night. The sudden
lowering of temperature alfows two
records for this mouth, for on the
eighth a now mark for heat In Octo-
i "r. til degrees, w as osliilillslnl.
orlng of temperature, and for a time
nn xiily season snow storm seemed
i "ltH''. Clear weather followed, how-
'ever, allowing the extreme cold.
An Inspection of metoorogleal re-
ords kept In llslid shows the follow-
IDII, 1(1 decrees; October 21. 1 1 1 :
,, Aw , Muh 4 l3Ui ,() ,,
greet; October 2K, I OH. 'ih degrees;
Oi'.i'n-r Ifi. Ill 15. 21 degrees; Octo
ber K. ItUfi. 27 degrees; October K,
J?17. 10 d urecs
Mjmi: THAN Hill yS AND ItOVS
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
More than loo men and boys from
lioml ar iimw serving In (he t'iittil
fttaUs Army or navy, necordlng to
rwrultlng rm'ords. The purrhase
heru of it Liberty Loan land, It Is
,HIMI(, ul. Vl mm.n dlrerl s!d to
,h- lfml ,mUuiml WMI ,,,. wb
sarljitlon for bonds will menu grester
efficiency In the srmlng. trslulng and
quIpweMt of llend soldiers and
Follow Inn are some at tbos who
ant mow In srvlre from this city:
1 1 nice Deyarmond, Itny Dtysrmniid,
ThftHins Fag, John Luthsin. Krueat
Hall. Wilt Olllunrter, I toy Msiiascn,
W. N. Unbelt, P. J. WMtiiu. Murk
Wilson, K. J. Wray. Kdwln V. (ter
tier, II. H. tlothwell, W. K. Ileuder
sou, M. J. Pacoell, D. A. Amos, L J.
Clomonts, C. L. Wright, lloorgo A.
Hnilth, F. i. Mullock, J. K. Ilugehret
son, John W. Phillips, Chsrlos Chirk.
Thomas L. Ftuestoiie, Wlllard Hous
ton, Frank It. Prime, Paul Hosmer,
Ham Oleiin, John Coel, (leorgo Free
stone, Noah lluyes. Clatido Jackson,
William llaruey, William lleitsley, It.
W. Harvey, J. D. Htovotis, Italph
l.utms, Hobert Fulton, M. L. Heuiler-
sou, Myron Powell, John Hteldl, Htevo
.Stoldl, Itobert limes, L. II. Kelley,
ltohert Horner, John Hates, C. llod,
It. Clemens, Howard Young, It. (I.
Wolser, Loon Devereaux, James Fiod
Nmlth, F. i:. Iltilloclt, J. K. Kngehrot
(lloxler. Ooorge (Jarroll, William
Coleman, Harry Atsn, Harold II.
ICuniiaily, Fred Triplet. Churles ltsa
gun, ltd. Prairie, William Onion,
Grow, llohort Covoy, Alphonso Ways,
Martin White, (leorgo Ashor, William
H. Hamlers, ICdwnrd J. Cooper, Hay
Jackson, C. L, Samplurur Paul (luu
iitsou, Jiiiiicii II. Pattersoii, Maurice
L. McCarthy. David It. Miller,. Harry
ThomiiH, John It. MrKomelo, Clieiitor
A. Mooru, Lyle Hichardson, Halph J.
Uylnnd, Frank O. dray, Lester
VuiiKhaii, (liilim Johnson, Ouralil
lSusthaiu, Arthur F. Cook, Klhert 10.
Cook, Hurt L. Itogurs, Halih T.
Ooopor, lion II. Norrli, Horhert W.
Miirkhurt, II. F, iiaeliarlau, Charloa
H. Warner, Karl Houston, James Mc
Clitcheon, Harvey MacKeuzIo, (leorgu
W. White, CjoII McKonxlo, Frank N.
'lollnskl, John W. (Inrrlsnn, Charles
M. Frwslur, Horhert II. Hilgar, Irving
H. Hornor. Italph T. Cooper, Wllllnm
W. Wlinuliir, Chester A. Drown and
John II. Johnson,
(From Frlduy'u Dally.)
Today was pay day for tho 3-i
IqucIioih In thu city schools. Tho
pay roll for thu first mouth of thin
your totals taiOO.
Trial of .Mrs. J. J, llalley, :!iMrj,'Nl
Willi Itobbery noil Iwirrmiy, lle
hIiih Today ,;ed .Man In
IIihI WllneN On Hlnuit.
(From Wednesday Dally.)
Churgsd with the robbery of L. A.
Itawllugs, an aged ram her of the
llrotliern section, Mrs. Illnle llalley,
homostiHider, and a neighbor of Itnw
lings, want to trlul this morning lu
Circuit court. The Indictment on
which the rase Is being tried alleKcs
the forcible taking of a lf.00 note,
but another Indictment returned by
the Inst grand Jury alleges larceny
of a deed to Itawllugs' ranch. Ac
cording to the state's evidence, the
defendant Is ssld to have deied
Itawllugs Into her cnhlu, bound und
gsgged him with the aid of her H
)'r old son, ) r, nnd to have
threatened to throw him Into the well
if he did not deliver the deed nnd
Prellniltmr'.e in the trial were dis
posed of before noon, a Jury being
sworn lu rompoaod of Charles Haines,
W. F. Mnrkey, F. Daylou, J. F. Am-
old. W. (I. Fordham, P. II. Heyuolds, i by the day shift employes nt Tho
J. D. Howmnn, O. P. Klllott. II. W ; Hbevllii lllxon plant this morning.
HI; use, J. M. (Irlfflu, W. K. Duraudnnil JGQ00 was plitdged by tho
nnd Ashley Forrest. Opening state- llrooks-Hcanlou Lumber Co. In IJond
iiieuts by District Attorney II. II. Do 'this afternoon. Ilrooks-Ucnnlon mill
Arniond for the state, and Hoss Farn-land of (leu employes suotcrlbctl 18900
hnin anil N. O. Wallnco for tho do-'thls nfternoon, and The Shavliu
fense, were followed by tho tustl-'lllxuu Company sold 3' per cent
mony of the romptulnlng witness. j bonds bought on the former loon, and
An Involved story of his business purchased A per cent on the present
dealing with the defendant started loan, adding J.'.ilOO to the total,
with Hum lings' declaration that Mrs. Suhrorlptluus at tho hnuKs totalled
llalley had agreed to purchase his $1700 for today. It Is considered that
ranch, that shu had given him a i there will be considerably morn
check for $1600 drawn on a Call- raised nt the mills and In the camps,
fnriiln hank, hut that when ho had while a fresh field Is nt Tho Shovlli!
uttempteil to have the check cashed j lllxon camps, which will bo visited
at thn First National Hank In llend this evening.
It was returned to him ns worthless Hev. J. K. Snyder, of Pendleton.
lPr. and Merton It. Do Long, bonding ex-
Knjii Nolo Taken. jpert, were spwkers at all three moot-
At Mrs. Ilallt)' request, ItnwlluKa tings, and altar their addresses appll
sald, ho went to her cabin on the day! ration blanks for bonds were circu
of tho alleged robbery in talk over
money matters with Mrs. llalley, but
was nttarked by tho woman and her
hoy ns soon as ho entered. After
being bound, he was smirched, he
snld, n cancelled chock which shu hud
paid htm and tho nolo for $R00 which
the check had been originally given
for worn taken from him, It was
then that Mrs. llalley threatened to
throw him lu a well so that It would
(Continued from Pago K.)
Liberty Loan Facts
Denominations $50, $100,
Tnlm-iicl T)ntMi)1i Af.iir irC
"""'"' j ""; t,y -i" twin iiuvxiuuui au, uiitii
year, nt 4 per cent per annum.
Terms of Payment 2 per cent down with applica
tion (which must be before October 27), 18 per
cent on November 15, 1917, 40 per cent on Decem
ber 15, 1917, 40 per cent on January 15, 1918; or
payments may be made all down.
Delivery Promptly with last payment.
A Loan You lend your money at interest, you do
not give it.
Easy Payments Tho government navments are
easy; if they are not easy enough, any banker
will make them easier.
Superlative Safety The promise to pay back your
money is signed by 110,000,000 people, including
all our multi-millionaires. The bond is a mort
gage on America.
Safe Keeping-Absolutely safe in any honest bank
er's vault. Safer anywhere than currency.
Tax Free Up to any amount from all state and local
taxation and up to $5000 'from any national tax
ation. Market Value Can bo sold at par at any time, and
after the war is certain to go up in valuo, $100
bonds probably going to $105 or $100 in valuo.
The Government is you and I. It needs tho $50 and
$100 of the average man.
If (he government ever issues Bonds drawing more
interest, then these Bonds can be exchanged for
$68,250 FO
llnMiki-Srnnloii Lumber Co, Tunis In
.0()0 Hlib-ri-lptlon, nnd Thu
Hlirvllu-ilhou Company AdiN
lo First I'uirliaM'.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
With the territory to bo cativsuscd
barely touched, lleud's Liberty Loan
subscriptions galnml today until
I6R.2S0 whs reseheil. well over
half of the amount which President
L. C. (,11111011, of thu Oregon Trunl.,
set ns thn amount whlcli should ho
raised by llend. Camp No. 1 of tho
llrooks-Hcanlou Lumber Co. gavo
1900 lust night, Hith S700 from
Camp No. 2, M0, 000 was subscribed
lated, and liberal subscriptions, mado
possible lu a large measure by tho
co-operation of the lumber compan
ies, followed. Kev. Hnyder, in his
ail dross this morning scathingly de
nounced thu anti-American element,
whether avowedly pro-German, or I.
W. W. "If you don't want to work
for America, get back in thn German
trenches where you belong," hu said.
Should d'ho lYofltM,
(Continued on Pago 4.)
$500, $1000, $5000, $10,000
.iwl XTm.nmUn.. 1ft n.w.K A