The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 11, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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(Prom Monday's Dalit.)
Ooorgo nussoll, of Prlnbvllle, Is In
tho clly today amending court, i
Mrs. M. t). Grant, principal of tho
Bisters school, spent the week-end In
Bond. y ,
Orvlllo 'ollvor hns returned to' Mad'
ras after spending a .tow days In
town. ' '
Norman Anderson camo In from
rortland this morning and wont on
to Paisley on 'business. , .
J. J, Cunningham and Mrs. Cun
nlngham Hto deer hunting near
Paulina Creek yesterday.
J. M. McCall camo In yesterday
from Sisters io handlo soma sheep.
Ho returned this morning.
P. E. Smith", of Lakcvlew, has gone
to Corvallls to attend school. Ho
passed tho night In I)ond.
Mrs. Mabel Johnson has returnod
to Hood ltlvor, after visiting hor
daughter, Mrs. Prince Staats, In Hand.
Dr. U. C. Coo drovo to Bast Lake
yesterday afternoon with L. Walton.
Thoy went on professional business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hyan have returned
from Seattle. Mrs. Hyan was gone
a month and was later joined by hor
husband who drovo over In his ma
chine. David Jonas went to Fort Rock to
day, driving 1500 head of sheep by
way of Evans ranch and China Hat.
C. E. Payne, who has been hero on
a furlough from tho Bremerton navy
yard since last Wednesday, returned
this morning.
Mrs. Ulala M. Johnson, of Chehalls,
Washington, is visiting with hor
mother here, and with her sister, Mrs
X. J. Adamson.
C. P. Niswonger returned yester
day from Portland, whore he attend
ed tho annual meeting of the Funeral
Directors' Association.
Judgo Bastes and Mlsss Nell Mar
ket, Monty Harvey, Elsie Olsln and
Hazel Putnoy motored yesterday to
Motollus on a fishing trip.
Al. Wakofleld.. formerly of Bend
and Croscant. is now in France with
a regiment of American Hallway En
gineers, according to a card received
rocontly bj' Fred La Follette, of Crescent.
Sam Bullock-, recently of Bond, who
left a few weeks ago to join the for
estry regiment. In Portland, is now
in Eugene,onrolled in the army train
ing course at the University of Ore
gon. Robort B. Gould was taken to tho
Bend Jjpspltal early this afternoon
suffering from a sudden attack of
stomach trouble. Appendicitis was
at first feared, but he Is now believed
to bo out of danger.
It. S. Dullard was on tho outbound
train this morning on his way to San
Francisco where he will join the
Twontleth Engineers. Mrs. Bullard
accompanied him and will go or to
Snelllng, California, to visit rela
tives. Before going to Wyoming to make
her home. Mrs. B. L. Delemer left
for Ashland today to visit ker par
ents a short time. Her husband was
on the same train but hound for the
east. Mrs. Delsmer will follow him
very soon.
Two automobile parties made a
trip yesterday to the Turn ale ranger
station, where a picnic lunch was
eorved. Those who were In the ma
chines were Judge H. C. Ellis, Judge
W. D. Barnes, .Miss Mary B. Cole
man, Miss Cornelia Wilson, Miss
Esthor Jane Clark, Mrs. A. K. Larson
and Miss McCleay.
stopped In Bend on their way back
to Portland from tho Prlnovlllo fair.
, '0, II, Hun'sloy and wlto nro visiting
tholr son, Dlok llocch, several weeks.
Thoy qntuo In this morning from Spo
knno. W. G. O'Connor, ear foreman In
tho railroad yards, will leavo for Port
laud tonight on account of aovoro
Illness, i.
Mrs. James Ferrell Is on her way
homo to Gladwin, Michigan, She
spent tho summer with Al Myers and
family at Port Hook.
It. A. Wanohnrd, formerly county
agriculturalist, now reprosentlug the
Swift Interests In Oregon, was a vis
Itor In Bond yesterday.
S. G. Myrln and V. C. Knight, of
Portland, arrived hero this morning
and have gone to Odoll Lake for a
flvo days' hunting trip.
II. H. Do Armond, J. Alton Thomp
son and P. J. Young were In Bed
mond this aftornoon attending tho
water users' quarterly meeting.
Sheriff S. K. Roberts returned last
night from a trip to Portland to at
tend the funeral of his mother, Mrs.
Jennie Roberts, formerly of Wamlc.
Judgo 11. C. Ellis attended the
Prlnovlllo fair this afternoon. Ho
took with htm In his machine, Mrs.
W. II. Burton, Miss Mary E. Coleman
nnd" Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lovorltt.
S. E. Corroll, of Imperial, has just
roturned from his old homo states
of Illinois and Indiana, where ho had
not boon for 35 years. He left here
on August 17. Mr. Corroll found
crops In tho cast gonorally good.
Vernon A. Forbes has JUst lot a con
tract to havo his eight-room house
electrically heated throughout. T.
A. Foley, of the Bond Water. Light
& Power Company, belloves that will
bo the only homo In the state west
of tho mountains In which the sys- with typhoid fever.
tem Is used. ' Wednesday the funeral was held
(From Friday's Dally.)
It. A. .Wottorborg Is In Prlnovlllo
for n few days.
Frank Porolvnll wub In from Mil
Mean yesterday.
Mrs. K. D. Wilson loft for Portland
yostorday for a visit.
G, 0. Chapman nud family nro In
from Prlnovlllo on a short trip.
S. I). Aguow and E. L. Illggs are
In Prlnovlllo attending tho fair.
Chief of Pollro Nixon andkW. It.
Martin nro attending tho fair In
prlnovlllo. ,
Mrs. M. 11. Horton nud Mrs. Italph
Polndextor attended tho Prlnuvlllo
fair yostorday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. M. Mathews, for
merly of lloseburg, have arrived hero
to locate permanently.
A. G. Ammor and family havo ooino
In from Portland and nro looking for
a placo to locate In this vicinity.
F. II. Sinclair has taken out n per
mit for tho orectlou of a onoslory
bungalow In Deschutes addition.
A sou was born to Mr. nud Mrs.
J. II. O'Henrn late this morning. Both
mother and child nro doing woll.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Corking nro
among tho llend visitors at tho Prlno
vlllo fair. They will remain until
O. O. King, of Brothers, spent yes
terday In llend on business. Ho will
probably movo his family Into town
for tho winter.
Mrs. L. A. Shnffor camo In from tho
High Desort yesterday and has gone
to Lowlston on business. Sho will
be gono a weok.
Mrs. A. F. Rogers and Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. W, Illddoll wero In from
Prlngle Falls and went on to Prlne
villi) this morning.
C. C. Couch, who came here re
cently to Join K. O. Logan In the
candy business, Is III In the hospital
Remember This
If you are the least bit particular about the
flavor, aroma and satisfying qualities of the
coflees you drink,
Chase & Sanborn
Coffee .
is what you want N
In 1 -lb., 2-lb. and 3-lb. Cans
"Universal" Percolator
The acknowledged Miperioriu of the 'ToWei-al" Percolator oer
all other U due to h- patented talve ami pumping jrwe-, whlrh,
before the boiling; wiloi is reached, automatically rlrrulntos through
the eoifee ground ix to urn time moif Muter titan any other I'ot,
lhu extntetiDjr a comHpondlntfly f met" amonnt of coffee eatenc
or strength and In far J- tlm making- a more delieiout hotei-xtfe
than oan omllly I prepared In other I 'ei rotator. t
The "Preferred Slock Store
(Prom Saturday's Daily.)
Miss Margaret Meban has gone to
Portland tor a week.
G. W. Howe, of Gateway, was In
town yesterday oa business.
Mrs. R. J. Held is in Hood River
spending the day with ker daughter.,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. MeCnlnton and
Mrs. A. G. Powell were in Prineville'
Mrs. J. W. Sevedge and son are
moving In from Burns to spend the
Mrs. V. P. Wray has gone to Ter
rebonne for tho weOk'ond to visit
Charles CnrmUhael, of La Pine,
beearae the father of a baby girl on
C. N. Miller expects to move from
Bend to his homestead at Imperial
next week.
W. B. Sanford has gono back to
Evorott, Washington, after a short
visit In Bend. -
George Lewis and Al Johnson have
rpturnod to Condon after looking ovor
land oast of Bend.
W."P.- Myers arrived from Culvor
this morning to open his law office
in tho O'Kano building.
Arthur Holmgreen was in today
on business 'connected with tho PInej
mountain iorBi ranger station. i
MitaUfddaAMacOregor. went to Terr
rehonne this morning to Join friendly,
and-go on to tho-Prlnovlllo fair. I
Charles Wolsldo and Ray Smith
Get the Most for Your Money by Pur
chasing Reliable and Up-to-Date Lines of
Hart Sfhaflher & Marx Suits and Overcoats
$25.00 toJJi.OO
Collegian Suits and Overcoats $1250 to 22.50
Gordon Ferguson All Wool Mackinaws
$8.00, 0.00. 10.00, 12.00
Dutchess & Malone Pants
$2.50, :i.oo, :.50 4.00, 5.00, 0.00
Cooper's. .Wright's and Royal Mills Wool
Union Suits $2.75, li.OO, .50, 1.50
Boys' Woolly Boy Suits, age Ji to 17 years
$t.00, 5.00, 0.00, 7.00, 8.00, 10.00
Boys' Wool Mackinaws, all sizes... $5.50, 0.50. 7.50
Boys' Wool Overcoats, all sizes, $5.00, 0.00, fl.50,7.50
Big Line of Jerseys and Sweaters
.gl.50, 2.00. 2.50, y.50, i.50, 0.00, 8.00
Splendid Line of Loggers $7.00 to 10.00
Martin & Cashman
FlonhtlmShott iffoht oHatt Schaffntr & Marx Dutchess Pants "
YHE woman attired in a Printzess garment
feels at home in the fashionable world--anywhere.
Come and see these new models today. ?
The Corset is the foundation
of distinctive dressing. Why
not select it with care? Our
line is complete. A model
for every figure.
for the small child of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Cashman. The haby lived
only a few hours after birth.
Theodore Aune was reported much
werse this afternoon and Is not ex
pected to live. His brother, Italph,
earns In this morning from Taconia
to be with him.
ItuMell Wallace, who for the past
year has been clerk at the Hotel
Wright. left last night for I'urtland
to enter the government service as a
C. K. Sponce, state grange master,
came In this morning from 1'ortlitnd
to attend the fair nt grange hail.
Ho will probably return to his homo
nt Orognn City tonight.
We Are Booking
Order Now for
Spring Delivery
J It. I'urlutnn, grandson of J. M
Wray. of llend. ram In last night
from Hums and has gone to Portland
for a visit. He w'.ll then go on to
Seattle to work with his brother In
a garage.
J. I). Parrell, president of the Un
ion Pacific llallroads, with hU party
went to Prineville this morning to
ho present al thu fair.. Mr. Farrall's
private car took them as far as Ited
mond this morning.
Mrs. I,. Kgll, or Hllver Lake, and
Mrs. Howard Parker, of Lowell,
Washington, went lp Portland today
to spend several wuoks. They will
then go on to Mrs. Parker's home,
where Mrs. Kgll will remain a month
F. 11. Coy and ('. P. Maglnnls, of
Portland, nro near Crescent today
looking over timber Intnl. The men
are representing the Jainee I). I.arey
Cnmimny, of Heat tie. and are Inspect.
Ing claims which have been pnrehaeed
Prank Prince wtll leave Urttht
far the eest Instead of teHUHTMW a
he had expweted. A telegram reeelveib
yesterday urged that he eime soon
as piHHlhle to his post at Washington.
I). C. with the Twentieth Kngineere.
In which corps he has Ihhm wade .i
Cut 'I hi Out ll ! Wnith .Mi.ih-i.
DON'T MIHH TIIIK. Cut l thla
slip, oneloio with Kc to Poley & Co .
2N3r, Hheffleld Ave., Chicago. III.
writing your name and address elrr
ly. You will receive In return a trial
package containing Foley's lloneyG
and Tar Compound tor cough, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills and
Foley Caihartlr Tablets. JMd every
where -Ailv
Wo Spccializo on Camp and Stockmen's Supplies
in quantities
PHONE 2391
On account of I In- numlx-r of
lrdfi that He have al th pre
ent time, we have Ihmii fulled
to take orders fur spring IusihII
Htfom. V,'m have a nunilMii- of
laiife utdei'N tlwt ue are work
Irtir on now, and m the metal
etHM have to le out at the fan
Wry U Ik iiMieMtary U tind out
now alfout the woik for tltirf
next spring.
With our experience In tliU
work, und the modern hytttein
that wo me tulnifi it Ih hmIIiIu
to do thaw oik In a hlmit tlmo,
hut we huve to gel tho older In
fiorn thirty to hlxty days before
tho work U to bo t. tuned.
At the prnxent time wo mo
workiiiu on tho Pilot Ilutto Inn.
und i. an ho huon theio ut uny
uny tlmo.
Remember Any Style or Shape
Wtndov Car, be Fitted with the
National Metal iVeather Strips,
Uhc Marbrobe -
, Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing '
Work Citllwl for and Dellvewl Jdle' Work a 8p MtJ'
With our tnllorlnjf oxtiorlonuo und u wide vn
iloty of styloM to Mtluit from, wo aro uhlo
to NulUfy tho moHt oxuutlnj,'
151 Minnciota Ave.