WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. VOI. XV. IIHNI), IWHCHUTHH :OlNTV, OHHUOS, 'I III ItHDAV, ( TOISim M, IH17 no. na Q P 1 MADRASWINS GOMTEST FOR COUNT! SEAT SUPREME COURT SAYS VOTE CORllECT. I INITIATIVE SUCCEEDS Itirt'lhl" MihIhk or dimity Hrnt Friuii .MiulriiH in t'ultrr on Ni'H Yrur'a I lay. Virtually Upheld It) CoiiiI'n DccNIciii. BALKM. Oct. . (Special la The HilUtln.) '! Supreme Court to ft y handed down a rencrlpi holding ihat Madrea I the PONHtr ml of Jrfferenn county nil declaring Igel iii vnt by wklek tk location of tke niw rouiity seal of tkat rounty wm rifierm'ned. My tk dnctalou of tke Supra 'iHrt there Mm bean hn4gkt to an end one of tho moM bitterly fought -uHnly mm( coaleet aver known In Oregon, and th ally of Madras I fund to b legally entitled to th hunor which It fait wmi unjustly i niched from It mi the division of the romity In I DM limn th action ttf th hUImhih of Madras, taken lut Jw Yeur's Day. tn remove the rounty prpJty from Culver, to the Ummrslrf.tUNt2' Mat, l In pffTi eppremnl. Th ItM dlrtaion movement In 'rook roualy, ooMprwlag what la ii the count In of Crook, Jafferaon iiil Desrhutea, bad Ita origin In Madras and lb paopl of tkat town i xik th leading part In tka camnalita i r dlvlalon. ihiiing tka caapalta ilia qoMilon of tka loaatlon of tka nuiitv aaat waa. by mataal ronafnt, U'pt In th- barkRruund, Calvar and Metiiliua working with Madraa for'aecied with the He nil liard(tr rnm l'viatun tint. ! pany, the couple will mak tlnlr Dlkttnt. Iihm DrawH.fHil, home hnr When dlriatoa carried, the county a at Ueallon became uppermoet and nt a convention bald In MetoMue men' iCunilniird n lut paae I ,' FIXES PIES ON H LOIS . It. KlidUCY, (ll' SPOKANIf, l'UCIOH VAMATHIN I'ltDI'. Kit rv ntici'Ait.vrnitv to mcmi. l. (IOVItll.VMII.VI' I'l'NDH. (I'rnui ThurHilny'H Unity.) I'licai urn tiatiiK eatulillahed Hil maxttnuma fixed fur tha plimlng nt Xwlarat govaruniont farm Imtua In nemliutea county undir tha new not. C. H. KkIo)', of Rpukunu, uinntor of tha WimhliiKton atuta KruiiKO, mnl placer for Kovurniiient farm lonim, )ih licon In thin torrltory hIiiuq Mon day HttanilliiK the vnlimttnii. As noon n thin work Ih nnnipluto tho four or flvo farm loan nmioulntlnua for mod ivnr llouil may rcuulvo thu Kovuru nient fiiuiU, poHBllily within u vory lew iluya. Karinora In tho llouil itlHtrlut (U- a'rliiK to tnko uitvantUKi) n( thonu jf nlioulil npply to JiiiIkc II, 0. Mllla, of Donil, F. N. Wnlloco or Muliurt Hcok- fitn.at Tumnlo, Mr. K(iluy Bayii ho liua found n licttur condition horn than wuh mitt ipntod, us tho lainla nro tiattor r.n.l inoro produutlvo. "I huva found that thuy urn no well adapted to thu grow. InK of alfalfa ami stock raising," ho Mid, "that I hollovo thin could ho devolopoil Into a first class dairy country." Mr. Koh'loy lias apont sovoral days : jit Tumnlo, Plnlnvlow and Clovurdalo Mid will uwalt furthor ordora from itlo govoriunont whpn roportB on tnoHO dlatr'.cta tiro complete. UEND MAN INJURED IN WRECK OK AUTO! Cur l.oxr Wheel on Tiiitmlo lloiul, jimiI A, WliUiiinit N limit) Hlnlii'(l Ii) llniki'ii U'lliiMilelil. (From TiiHfiilHy'n Dully.) A WhleNaiit, of ihl city, suu'.aliied it liiiill)' slnahed wrist yiwtenluy titttr- noon wIimii Hi unto In which Iih,wh rlilliiK l(Mt a (rout wheel and slnppwd suddenly. Mr. WhUwuit tkritat nut hU liniul to avoid being pitched from Iho uur, unit hU arm went through the wlndshlold. Four others, hostile tint ilrlvor, Andrew MwImihii, wero In din machine wIihii the accident oe current, Itnt noni of them wn hurt. TIim Injured man was brought hnck to IIhiiiI, given liroinpt treatment, and taken tn tho llouil hospltul, being Inter tnkoit 4.0 tilt honiH, where Iih li reported tn Iih entirely nut nt danger. Tht accident took place when nflerJ Hurtling nut tu avoid n wagon, tlm rur took tht) roiid nK.atii, tlm wheel rollliiK off almost nt Uih Mum time. The auto was hudly smashed. J JEN I) MAN ENROLLED IN NAVAL RESERVE M'rnin MiiHday'H l)Mlly.) KumpII II. Wallur-, of thla rlty, bat bean enrol ltd In tb naral r-4nra. accord Ink to word racatvad from htm tbto mornlNK. IHa hppllralloN for tba radio wrv'.ca of tkat braNck wu ar captad hhi time rt, and after lab Ink a aarond examination at Brem erton. Salnrday mornlnn. be waa plaeetl In tba aerrlea a aubjeet to twit, lie la Hnaartaln aa to when be will We called for acttre dnty. COt'.VlV COUItT IUJ8V. tl'rnin TuMHlay'a Ihtlly.) County court buatHaea awompllabed yeiterdny after noon conHlad In tba li'Mlnir ii f IIih Imu far the Dee- At tke "'""jehutH, Invaatment romjtany bulid- Ink. apprtivlMK the appointment of Prank May deputy eonnty aurveyor and approrlHK tha apttroprtatloH of Uoy.lMI fer tbe ThhwUi fair. .... a. Hciui.i.i.vtj vi:ik. (Prow Wedneaday'a Dally.) Arthur Vbllllag anrprtad bla frlenda yraterday by returnlDi from a trip to tba Wlllanetla Valley wUk hla bride. Mlaa Paarl Palker. who waa formerly employed la tka Wrtsbt Ho tel Th- ronple ytr married rwent- ly at iMltaa. Aa Mr. Ahllllna ! ron- ftSK LOCAL 1 D I.IUl.inV I.DAN COMMITTING CA 1AM MHuTINO WILL HltlNdi HI'KAKICItS llimit KWKI.I. ITNDS. IO IIHI.I' (Prom Tuamly' Dally.) Initiating the secontl Liberty Loun bouil drive In Hand, C. . KhiUnmi, iilitUrmmi of tha local committee lit charge of thu movement, Iwuwl u sail today fur n mcetliiK of tlio eomitilt. tee tuamburs to foriuulata plans fur the sale of Kovarnmunt imper In Head and vicinity. Alrtxidy the matter of itUpnsliiK of tha war lunula hna beau tnkon up with tho lumtior milts hero UHit Mr. Hudson urgB that as Urge nu nmount of Undo Sam's aeourltlos bu puruhuRod huro aa poaalblo. Mr. Huilaou la In oommiintcntlon with C. C. Chapman, nun of tho atatn loailom In tlio' l.lliorty Loan dilvo, unit na n result haa boon offorod spnaJora to oxplatu tlio nood tor moro novoriimout fiiiula, In tho light of tho proaunt Intoruutlouut sltiiutton. Moot. Inga will probably bo hold lioro In tho near tuturo, and llond In turn la holng nakod to turn In tho namua of avollablo sponkors to work In other oHIob In tho atuto. Mr. Hudson montlonod that tho First National Dunk, of which ho Is prosldont, hna aubsorlhoil to 10000 worth of tho bonds, and Is ready to not aa tho Kovornmont'a agent In soil Jug tho war loan socurlttos, on tho part paymont plan. l'r tho next UO days tho bank standa ready to loan up to 00 por cont of tho faco valuo on Liberty bonds. R i isms WITHDRAWAL NOT YET FORMALLY MADE. ltcnltdiiitlon of Counly ('ominlkxIoiM'i' In Htlll to t'oiiii' Mifoto Com I Illi Hnrri'j.oor Not Tlioulit of, Ha)h .luiluo HtiriH-w, (Krnm Friday's Dally.) CnmlnK hm th first elwuiKe In tha Deeehuta mniuty Kovarnmeut slnaa Its orKaMlraljflH Inat wiHtur, Is tbe roslKNatlou of A. I.. Maeklntoah from hla poeltlan ms commleeloner. Ilu mora that Mr. MaaklnUMb might withdraw hecauae of tha heavy de mand made on hla time, have bean current for some time, and It waa definitely learned today tkat bla reelgnatlon baa been Informally ten dered, sanction of bla withdrawal cannot be given until a formal raalg nation baa bean presented, on wblrb tba county court may officially act. County Judge Uarnea was Inter rlewed today aa to tba change, bat waa unwilling to make any definite atatement. lie declared, however, that no official cognisance of Mr. .Mackintosh' withdrawal has bean takan by the court, and tkat the mat tar of a surceeeor bad not aa yet bean thought of. MRS. W. R. SANDFORD CLAIMED IJY DEATH (from Thursday's Dally.) Mr. W. K. Sandford yeaterday af-tawnnHweimhH-te)aratr a loav IllNeae. Ska waa originally from tka atate of Waablngton and came tn laat Tuesday from Prlngle Kalla. where aba bad bean living the paat two months. Ska was taken to tke Bend BurgVil Hosplul for treat- 1 urn OS ment. but did not Improve. Her hue- Lava Butte. Frank May. who la In making their home bare will total band and daughter at Prlngie Kalla charge of tka work, waa tn I'rlnerill SO. since the addition of tka awitck are tba only relative In tkla section yeaterday and leaaed from Crook' Ing crew of clgki.? PauatfeallyV-all of o me country. The funeral .ll b" held tomorrow. Deschutes County to Aid in Fighting World Famine Says Food Administrator l) II. C. HMHruHft, (Pood Administrator for Deschutes (County.) Th world is facing a food famine. Tho reason for such a danger t foaind III tba fact tkat T0.000.000 pro- dacers hare been withdrawn from the work (f producing and nave been put to lb work of deatroytug war. Some have said, "U'e can whip Germany by starring her." That Is' (alee and Impossible. Wkou war was declared three yuan ago, Germany i was four-rlfih aelf-aupportlng lu food stuffs. For SO yearn prior she! uaed no unskilled labor hut suck as an shu Imported, audi Imported la-'anyhow. IHa earn weal Instead of lior was allowed to ramain only one, white flour. Make up the deficiency year In the empire. Tn her own power! by tbe use of rye flour. 8AVK YOUIl of Hiipporl she has nilded the whale of WHIGAT AND ITS I'HODUCTS. llelKluin, Northern FrHnce. Itusslnu "FOOD WILL WIN'TTUCVaU," said I'nliind, the moat fertlui valley In tho Mr. Hoover. "Da your bit," and aava world, tho Vnllwy of th Danube, and, Rnrbln. For the cultivation of these lamia aha liua millions of war prla uiiara who must eltlmr work or starve. Tho Inhabitants of these lauda will stnrvo ao fur a Germany Is con. corned, unloaa tha rest or the world foods them. In augur and man-power alone, do wo have the advantage of' our ouomy. It tnkoa 40 grama of sugar dally to keep tho body healthy, Germany la using US grama nt the prosont tlmo and will drop to 19 grams In n low months. Tho result will ho dlsonso and pestilence. Our ullloa nood wheat, moat and sugar. Tholr torrltory allows a wlioat shortage of 577,000,000 bushels this yoar, with tho crops or Franco, Kng luud and Argentina a failure. They have loss than half tho wheat noedod aa compared with tholr annual con sumption. In other words thoro la a ahortago of 577,000,000 buahols, against which tho United States and Canada can place the tr surplus of S ID or m jury LIQUOR INQUIRY DROPPED. No Inli'iil In Vlolulo Uiw nt I'llot Hullo 0MnliiKi I" 0iluloii ON flciii I'nivMcil for the (.'otiiity Arc I'oiiml HulNfnclory. (From Wmlnosiiny's Dally.) A repurt of the work accomplished by the Kraud Jury was prasonted JuilKe T. K. J. Duffy In the circuit ooiirt yeaterday afternoon wheu tha former Itody had completed Ha In vestigation. A'.lhough the liuslneaa has been flnlehed, JudK Duffy an HOHacad that the Jury was not to he considered dlarbirRad, but merely re lieved from further duty at this time. Tke seven men who prepared tha re port are W. C. Qrabam. J. Ityan. K. J. Merrill. James Itlack. Kred gbon HUlst. O. W. II. HI ley and M. J. Don alaoa. The paper reads at follows: "We, your grand Jury, baring com pleted It labor as grand J users at tfcle session of tha Circuit court, and having carefully gone Into all mat Utrs praaanted before ua, and per formed all thlngr required by as by taw as far aa we eaa understand tkasn, beg leave to herewith submit our report. "Aside from tbe matters praaanted bafore us which have baea filed In tale court, wu have made a thorough examination at the county offtoea and find that all of th officials have Just (Continued on last imga.) IflRST MILE OF ROAD . IS COMPLETED TODAY (From Thursday's Dally.) One mile of th new highway south of Bend was completed today. Work la proarraaalng rapMly and another camp la ta be inaullmt tomorrow on, county tha 10-ton roller which Willi bn used on the clndera. 'only 3S8.000.ao bushels. To meet' this deficit every American home ; muat aava one pound of wheat. pr . raplta. per weak. Tko world will face lamina unless we do tkla. We have ausmlwd par cent of tka world's food stuffa. Kow wo are to furnish to par cant by maklnc a aacrific of some of the things w never m'.aeed. There I wheat In Australia. Tbe Allies can gat It by skipping It to San Francisco, thence to Hoetou by rail, tkanea to Magland by boat. Tke price la prohibitive. Tbe U-boata would gat inuelt of It. Kngiand would spend her money and starve food. Two cant a meal, saved by on oh family In the United States, will menu a saving or $2,000,000,000. This will help furnish tha sinews of war. This Is our fight. If Prusslnntsm wins, nothing thnt wo have will b safe. Our laud will moet tha same devastation that those In Kurope mot ut their hands. Wo must do ona ot two things, oltlior save our rood and help read tho armies, or give In, ulti mately, and beoomo subjects or Proa Blaulam. It la I'russlanlsin or frao dom. Mnko your own cliolco. How shall It bo donoT Wo will or ganlro tho on tiro county. You will bo nakod to sign up. Dlrcotlona will bo given you how to save rood atufra, and what to use as aubatltutoa. A membership card In tho Iloovfir ad. ministration will bo given you for display. Watch for tho amall cards, and sign up at once. Watch tho pa- pors (or still other articles on this aamo subject. E STATE LOANS MADE ! DESCHUTES FARMERS 1017 ViiIiihIIoiih (Jlvwi liy AwciMir Nmc riril ApprulKCinrnt! I)c ( Inrrd Not Tiki High. (From TuHHday' Dally.) Although Hht application from tWIal tftntlHlV tnr afaia InaHa aaaaae paa. ISieaotly turel down by the Mate Land Hoard, saveti of the eight have slnse thnt time bean reefinsldereil and granted, was the report of Charles V,'. Hrskine, of this elty, attorney for the iHxiril. All applications slneo that time have been Imseil on as sM'l valuations for 1917, furnished by County Assessor Mullarkey, and not one has been rejected. Mr. Krsklne pointed out that al though hia appraisements have been criticized by state authorities as too high, that they are lower than these made by the appraiser for the fed oral farm loan bank, and representa tives of mortgage companies. WATER IS FOUND AT DEPTH OF 1015 FEET (From TumHiny'fl Deity.) . What Is believed to be the deepest wall ever drilled In Central Oregon has Just been completed on tka Stan ley Smith ranch near I'lne Mountain, water being found at a depth of 1914 feat, according to word which ranched hare laat nlgbt. Tka drill Ing crew began work laat fall, and th well will coat in tha netgkbor hood of uea. Whether or not tka water will be tU for use la now tka iiuettloa. for It is white aa milk, and hi tkougkt to be heavily impregnated with sul phur although no test has bean made. There is a possibility of the water clearing In a raw days If the fluid has been colored merely by some white earth. 30 RAILROAD MEN MAKING HOMES HERE (From Wadnaadays Dallr:)-- Just what the railroads moan to Mend from a standpoint of popula tion, waa shown today In a state ment issued by D. Keller, local sta tion agent, la wklek ha estimated tkat tha number of railroad emnlores tke men have famtllea. WILL IIOU1 CMfHCII SAMG. (Prom Wednaaday's Dally.) Tha Ladles' Aid 8oclety of tke Scandinavian Lutkeran church will hold their annual basaar at tka church on Thursday. October 11. at I o'clock p. m. Kefreahnvanu are to be areved and an auction sale held. SECURE WELL COMMKItCIAL CLl'll COMMITTKK WILL KKI'OItT ON ADVI.SA1I1U 1TY OP imiLLINO POU WATKK AT OOVKKN.MKNT ltNCHNSH. (From Tuuadays Dally.) Mlllloan wlley ta te b th loeattoa ot a demonstration gflvarnment artes ian well, If federal funds can bo se cured by the Uend Commercial club This was the decision ot a committee from tho boosters' organization, with C. S. Hudson as chairman, after niak Ing n careful study of the dry lands In Central Oregon. The aommltteo will make Its report to the club at the weekly meaUng at the Pilot Ilutte Inn tomorrow noon. Aftor conferring with V. W HnN phum, of tha forest service, tha com. mlteo dooldod that somo loaatlon In Mlllloan valley would not only bo oxcollont from an experimental stand, point but would also be highly ad. vnntageous to stookmon, In case a water boarlng strata should bo tap pod. George S. Young, county sur veyor, who with C. S. Hudson and A. J. Kroonert composod tho commlttco, was of the opinion that the valley wuold bo one ot the beat places for rinding wator, bocauao of tbe sur rounding higher ground. P. Q. Johnaon, prominent Mllllcan realdont, waa consulted yeaterday af ternoon and expressed hla approval of tho xecommoudut'.on which Is to bo made. 1L 1 FIVE REPORTED US DESERTERS SECOND DRAFT QUOTA IS SENT OFF. MIIiik Men Ohcti Bnen Dny.t In VIilrli to Appear Itcforo Ilccom- Injr Kitbjcct to Tenuity- HwTUlta Are Hcnttcrctl. (From Thursday's Dally.) Five men who have not yet ap peared for draft examination bare bean reported as daserters by the local bard. Nine recruits left laat night In the second Deschutes connty draft quota for American Lake. In spite of the question ol exemption claims still banging (Ire with tho district hoard and a number of men not being In Uend to report, tho full quota was sent. Thoaa tearing Bend wero Frank X. Zlellnski, John W. Garrison. Charles M. Kramer. Herbert II. Kd gar, Irving B. Horner. Ralph Thomas Cooper. William W. Wkaeler. Chester A. Ilrawn and John H. Johnson. Ja addition lb follow lac man registered In tkla county war saat from other place: Darld K. Miller to Fort Itlley, Kaueaa, from Delta. Colorado; Harry Thomas to American Lako from Klamath county; T. G. Hed atrom, American Lake from Napa. California; J aha It. McKoazie. Amor lean Lake frani Portland. Rdward Walker, now in Bugene. waa dolaycd and will be saat eat Immediately. John Price, whose aetlftcatlon card was not reaalrod until too late, carao In from Antelope this morning and will leave tor American Lake tonight. It was not found aeceaaary to usa any of the altaraatee. There were UpfU9Hrs xMti&OM who have net appeared lor examination-. Five man. Clifton Ream, of Mllllcan. and Augnat KtmqaUt. Harvey Con away, Owen Thomas and II. V'.n eaaao, of Head, will be reported to tha provost marshal ti. ml aa absent from tbe United Stat army without leave. They mill be g v.-.n seven days In which Wither to report to the army or be declared tt'- rt. rs and mad subject to the usual penalty. There are nlao five others u ho 'have not reported but their nanus will not bw aeot In until '.be iluf.- they are called for aervlc. If any of th five mm appear with in the time allowed they will be annt to enmp immediately and the next draft list credited with their pamea. Although there v as soma confus ion caused yesterday due to a wire from Portland regarding exemption claim which bad oxen disallowed, a later telegram informed County Clrek J. II. Haner that ha was expected to send the men be bad already ar ranged for last night OGTOBEB 1ST TUKKMOMOTKIt SHOWS MAX IMUM OF OI DRGUKKS YKSTKIU DAY ArTKK ONE OP COLl)IT NIGHTS OF SKASON. (From Tuesday 8 Dully.) Salting ft new record for heal in October the mercury In tbe official government thermometer horo as cended steadily yoatorday uftornoon until the 91 mark was reached. Tho night before had been one of the cold oat ot tho mouth, the temperature being 31 dogreea. Yqstorday not only sot a record (or the month, but was Dend'a hotteat day alnco August 24 of the prosent year. Winter sulla and woolens wero plontlful, but were sadly unseasonable, Tho heat came aftor two weoks of unusually warm autumn weather, the two weoks previous having only ona cloudy day. On tho same day, ono of the rare rains oMKo summor'and fall was recorded, -J. Maxima for October for six, years previous are as follows: Oct.' 7, 1911, CO degrees; Oct. 2, 19jJ. 70 degrees; October 11, 1913, 74 de grees; Oct. 15, 1914. SI degrees; Oct. 2. 1915. 82 degrees; Oct. 18, 1916, 87 dogreea, 1