rAGIC It ' I! IV Westside Agricultural Fair One Round of Pleasure (Prom Saturday's Dally) Prom tho plo eating contest to tho exhibit ot imtchwork quilts, tho fair hold at tho Tumalo community hull yostcrday attornoon under tho aus pices ot tho West Sldo AKrlculturat Fair Association was one grand suc cess. A dinner was served at noon and followed by speeches by County Agriculturalist It. A. Ward and J. T. Jllnkle, ot Hormlston. J. . u Corking was chairman ot tho occas ion and Introduced the speakers. Mr. Hlnklo confined his remarks to an urgent plea for tho community's backing In the campaign for funds vlth which to reclaim the arid lands of tho United States. "When tho President Is saying that tho food pro ducts must bo doubted next year, the tlnio has come for tho nation to look to tho Irrigated lands. Tho recla mation ot arid lands in the west would glvo this country what would equal three states more of territory acquired, without bloodshed and for tho same cost as that of three weeks ot modern warfare," ho said. Among tho exhibits thero was n wldo range ot variety, which, accord ing to popular opinion, would have amply represented a much larger community. The hall was crowded to the limit with vegetables, fruits, needlework, culinary products, grains and grasses and flowors. William Henderson took first prixo on the general frolt display. C. I Becker entered strawberries that would do credit to Hood River In June. The potato exhibit contained an unusual number of large tubers. The farm ers this yoar had made a special ef fort to produce a few standard kinds adapted to tho locality. Canned goods entered by both the ladies and school children were in far larger quantities than in previous years and gave evidence that food preparcdnss is being carried out. Tho conipleto list of promtums was not available yesterday, but will bo published next week. At 2:30 tho crowd of visitors ad journed to tho main stroot whoro n number ot contests wcro In progress. Tho following are tho wlnuurs: IMo eating contest Chester hund bory. Kaco for children under eight years First, Gerald Hasten; second, Ray mond Marsh. Free for all, 100 yards Charles Ersklno and Maurlco Cnshman tied. Sack race Alvah Silver. Three-legged race Churchill and Thompson. Slow running auto- Vornto Har per. Tho plo eating contest, as usual. was a worth-while spectacle. A very small tot took second placo, but had a tow crumbs left on his plate when tlmo was called. A man Inquired ot him how big ho thought tho confec tion was. "Qee," was tho reply, "that was some plo. I guess It was more n three miles around." llcntl visitors had a monopoly on tho 100-yard dash. Charles Krsklno earned his shnro of tho tlo by falling flat on the last lap and running sev eral chunks ot tho lava road Into his hands, and besides picking up a fow cubic yards of Deschutes county on his clothing. Slow was no name for the first automobile race, yet In spit of the fact that tho object was to cross the tape last, the first car which did so carried off the honors. The truth of the matter Is that all the rest ot them went so slow they died before arriv ing at the Judges. One expired only two feet from the line, after having gone two blocks at snail's pace. Fred Lockley Writes Of County As It Was In Past exhibits on display were a decided surprise, but having been in Crook county a good many times I was pro pared to believe that the whoat, oats, corn and vegetables, the cheese and honey, the pears and apples, the one, to go with him on a trip top6aches ond prunes, were local pro Prlncvlllo. We sat on the back plat-'ducts. Fruit, however, Is a side Issue form ot Mr. Gray's private car while . In Crook county, the raising of live Hy Kretl Lockley, (In tho Oregon Journal.) When Carl Cray was president of the Hill roads in Oregon he invited a party ot his friends, ot whom I was range. Tho eastern and nnrthorn boundary ot tho county Is formed by tho avorgroon clad slopes ot tho Htuo Mountains. Along tho southeastern part of tho county tho Ruck moun tains aro to bo soon, whllo In tho ox- tromo southern section nro tho Paul ina mountains, Homo years ago I drovo ovor from Mitchell, In Wheeler county, across tho Rluo mountnlns, through tho Ochoco forest to Prluovlllo by way of Summit, Howard and Ochoco. It Is a trip ut rare beauty. Hero and there tho road skirts rugged cliffs wonder fully colored and sculptured. I re member pausing Just about sunset at tho foot of a rugged bluff. Tho pnrtlng rays ot tho midsummer sun made tho reds and soft yellows of tho cliff fairly glow as though a spot light had been turned on them. On stilt another trip 1 drovo In by way ot Shnnlko, Autelopo and Urltxly to Prlneville and thenco on to Klamath Falli. One conuot drive through Crook county without being Im pressed with Its wealth and tho diver sity of Its resources. For mllo after mile In crossing tho Cascades, either by tho Santlam road from Albany or by way of tho road from Kugono that goes up tho McKentlo river and cross es tho Cascades between the lava beds and Rlack Crater, Just to tho westward ot tho tovn ot Sisters, or In traveling over tho Rlue mountains, one Is Impressed with tho beauty and value ot tho vast forests ot sugar plno and yellow pine. With their rough red bark looking like alligator hide, with their lance llko trunks varying from two or three to nine or ten feet In diameter, with soft and yielding carpet of long nnd fragrant plno needles, tho pines of Crook county aro a decided asset to tho pictur esque features af Crook county. While stockralslug Is the principal Industry today, the time is comlHg when the converting of the forests Into lumber and the getting of It to market will bring groat wealth Into the county Of the more than 12.000.000,000 feet of standing ir chantable timber in the county, about feet are privately owned, the rst being within the na tional forests. With Its otd time cattle ranches, Its prosperous and growing eltle. Prlneville, Redmond nnd Rend; Its dry farming. Its Carey act reclama- i tlon projects, Its Ice caves and lava I roves, Its mountain peaks and living glaciers. Its deep fissured canyons , along the Deschutes and Crooked rivers, its mountain lakes ana sage brush plains. Its hunting and fishing. Its excellent roads for motoring, Crook county will well repay the tour ist for the necessary time and ex pense to make a trip over the county. FOWL PLENTIFUL ON OPENING DAY MKUIj HL'NTKUH KIM) NXCK1,. 1,NNT HI'ORT AT CRANK IMtAIRIi: (1KKSN HTII.Ii AT lauics .i.ii hirim wild. Mr. Gray pointed out the Interesting sights along the road and told us of tho engineering difficulties that had been overcome in building the track through tho picturesque Deschutes canyon. Thomas W. Lawson, who was one of the party, proved that he 1 2, C2S, 9S0 acres, or. to put was a capable story-teller as well similes, S97S square miles. a successful Wall Street operator and j Crook county Is a vast plateau a wizard of words. We were met at! bounded by mountains. The Cascades Redmond by Dill Hanley, of Burns, form its western boundary, with and party who took us over to auto-i peaks rising to 10.460 feet the stock being the leading industry. Crook county Is a many sided coun try, as one might naturally expect when one remembers that it Is larger than the last provinces of France, Alsace-Lorraine, having an area of it into For farm & Co. Adv. land loans sco J. Ryan (From Tuesdny's Dally.) Fulfilling pro-season prophecies, local sportsmen who loft Sunday for the upper river at tho npeutng of tho water fowl soasdn, returned last night, declaring shooting to bo tho best In years. Mallards wore un usually abundant, and a tew leal and pin-tall ducks weru buggod. Crime Prulrlo yielded tho best results and more than 20 hunters weru In that vicinity. As far as could bo learned, C. B. Hamilton, 1'. I., tlallaghnr and Jack Stanley secured tho record bag, bring ing back IS ducks. Others from Rend Included Harry Relngold, Oscar Mat ched. William Smith nnd B. Heath. A number tried their luck on thu Des chutes. Fow gnoso wore seen, as tho cold Is not yet sovero enough to drlvn them from the mountain lakes, where they are reported to bo gathered In great numbers. Hunters declare that all birds aro extremely wild. Recauso of the heavy snows of last winter, marshes aro more plentiful than usual, and at Crane l'rulrlo. much of which Is often dry at this time of year, the water will average 12 Inches In depth. C ihx poop ounur visits awmv miapouawtkws 1 frmco llUMKS (jros INtPIM. BUT YOU KNOvnMC OYI IN THC J AM WANTIHO WB CUT" THAT SIM f CO CIHW. f - J to-pay? r i ,- soLoitrs I r-Jv C0Mr0ltTCIt- I Nrp TWhJl FINAL PLANS FOR I'M NEVILLE ROAD TJUTIEN you (rimyour outfit down to military bedrock, W-B Cut Chawing Rcorcs u bull's eye. A soldier gets more from his pouch of W-B than from a bulky ordinary plug rich leaf plump full of sap, all tobacco satisfaction, every shred of it. And tho water-proof pouch keeps it clean and fresh in the pocket of his khaki. VtU j WnMAN.BRUTON COMrAHT, 1107 Br..Jw.r, Htw Tb Cll; ASK THAT CATTLE HE KEPTOFF TRACKS (From Monday's Dally.) Through tho Special Committee on National Defense the American Hall way Association Is making strenuous efforts ot conserve the live stock by reducing the number of head killed on railway rights of way. With this end In view an especial appeal Is being made to owners to ward keeping their an'mals in fenced enclosures and not permitting stork to roam at largo on tho right of way Instructions aro being Issued to track men to use every care In drlv lug sUkk off the right of way. ke-p Ing farm gates closed, unit kci'p'HK fences and cuttle guards In good re pair, giving preference lit Iocuiiuiim whom liability ot stock getting on the right of way Is the grcatoit. nl having all concerned inultn pertin ent personal effort to bring about the desired results. .M'AM.IMTIJR RANCH HOLD. (From Monday's Dally.) Francis It. Hoss today computet! tho purchaso of tho McAllister ranch near I'laluvlow This Is the sec nd llmo It has changed hands this Tho Iract contains ISO acre of gated laud, the deal miri'scu over $20,000 ii r ig HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS A DEATH CLAIMS HANS JOHNSON, OF TUMALO mobile to Prlneville. A land show and livestock exhibition was In pro gress at Prlneville, and Carl Gray, Tom Lawson and Dill Hanley all made a hit with the Crook county ranchers and livestock men by their height ot one of the peaks of the Three Sisters. It was an Inspiring sight to look westward and see the snow covered and glistening summits of Mount Washington, Rlack Crater, the Three Sisters, old Broken Top, knowledge of the farming game and I Elk Mountain, Irish Mountain, the by their friendliness and good fellow-Twins, Maiden Peak and the other ship. To most of the outsiders the! heaven kissing hills of the Cascado THE UNIVERSAL CAR To get th maximum of service from your Ford car, it must have careful attention from time to time; a little "tuning up" to keep It running smoothly always adds to lu power and endurance To be assured of the best mechanical service and the use of genuine Ford materials, bring your car here where you get practical Ford experience, and the regular Ford parts. Ford prices, fixed by the company, are the same everywhere. Touring Car $3G0, Runabout 18-15, Sedan J45, Coupejet $005, Town Car $695 all f. o. b. Detroit. On display and for sale by Cent. Ore Motor Co. Phone Black 1(52 Your Patronage Solicited Old HoMdont Dies Kiilunhiy Night Came lo Till Section HI VtKint Ago. (From Monday's Dally.) Dtwehute county Saturday lost on of Its old residents when death claim wl Hans Johnson, of Tumalo. Mr. Johnson had been III a yoar and a half with cancer of the stomach. The deceased was born In Norway In 1SCS and came to the United States in the early nineties. Sixteen years ago he came to this section and In 1007 purchased n ranch near Tum alo. He was a veteran of tho Span ish-American war and saw service with a Wisconsin roglment In Porto RIeo. Ho was also a member of tho Odd Fellows lodge. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Carrlo O. Johnson, and three broth- jnrs and two sisters In this country, besides two sisters and a brother In Norway. Gilbert Stromstead, a brother, Is here from Dairy, N. D to attend the funeral which will be held tomorrow at 2:1 JO from the Scandinavian-Lutheran church. (From Monday's Dallv.) (Crook County Journal I meeting of Prlneville business men Mas held at the Commercial club hall Tuesday evening at which plans for the completion of the Prlneville railway were discussed. According to an agreement recently entered Into, Portland Interests ngreed to provide $40,000 of the $65,000 necessary to complete the road If Prlneville Interests furnish the remaining $:&,000. This work has benn started, and $13,000 was pledged up to the time of tho meeting Tuesday ovenlug. A committee of 12 or more men was appointed to secure the remain ing $12,000 of the fund and they have succeeded, lu raising sevoral thousand dollurs we urn told since that time. The money Is not a donation in any respect. It Is a sound Invest ment, draws. six per rent Internet, and! Is free from eity taxation, and will be paid upon maturity of the certificate whether this railroad Is n paying In vestment or not. Kvery loyal cltlxeH who is able lo do so should purchase nm of the rr tlfkates, and aUt In tho project that means so much for the community. Semi-Steel Calling lor ood 'ip nttinC. urate Msnufacturcri of Iron, Brome anj Power Iranimuiion Machinery Wi Dart, Agricultural. Mining anil Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament si and Structural Iron. WE ARK PREPARED TO RUSI 1 YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP STORAGE BATTERIES CHARGED OVERHAULED AND REBUILT Don't throw unity your old lottery, at mi may be utile to renew It at liulf tin cnl of a new one GENERATOR, STARTING MOTOR &. MAGNETO WORK A SPECIALTY AM Woik Guaranteed. Shop locate) In Ki-iihikhI. ( nwi the bridge at Pilot Unite Inn and go four block mi SALTZMAN & COLLINS BEND GETS CENTRAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE PoMiil Kjhloin Im t'liiingw! Local llruucli to Hiiudlo All County H'(llllllollh. (From Saturday's Dally,) Notice were received yesterday by the local postofflce apprising It of tits change In the auditing heretofore In us by the United Ktates postal de partment. Instead of all county statements balng sent direct to Wash ington, D, C, for auditing, this work Is to be dono In tho Rend office, which will horoaftor be designated as "central accounting offleV' for Den chutes county. All other smaller I) ranch as In the county are to bo known us district offices. Requisitions for stamps, suppllos, otc. will bo made on Rend and will mean tho assumption of a largo amount of additional work. This In crease In business will probably ne cessitate tho employment of a larger forco of clerks In tho near future. ON PERFECT LINES TVE know that h motorist, in order to enjoy pence of mind nnd sntisinetion, must own n enr which possyg se,s nil of the essentials for com foil nnd convenience. These essentials we have supplied in THE NEW MODEL CHEVROLETS Model "Four-Nlnely" Is proving very popular v here, and a demonstration will explain why. Phone NOW to 1931 and mal(c an appointment for a demonstration. BEND GARAGE BEND, OREGON 01 t- 1 L J t L