m-:N'i iiUMiKiix, iiit.vj), om-:ooN, TiinisiMY, orroiwit i, ton iMon n J Why not get you an Edison .Phon ograph now and have good music all winter.? $500 puts a new model i in your home. Also Agents for the Victor Machines REED & HORTON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ( From WitilntkdHjt Unlly.) . Mm. Allr Ilfllflier is fln week's Wip In Porlhiwl. '! Mm. Jhiiim Tone wm rW trout Red mond for the day. I. II. lOty W4 In IlinJ today look lux iiftw his mining Inltirtrttt. Mm. William ,. Munm Is spending I Mm CurH Flak mum In Inn! iiIkIiI from WhIIhic, Idaho. Id villi her I daughter. Minn lloatrliu Uwlng. Mm. I). W. Fleming and Mm Mil ward (linilil uml noii Iiuvh gone to Hood Itlver to ullond u nodding. U. .. Mellow nml lllll AlmrHHtliy returned from u hunting trip In Oh no Prairie yMtMrlMy. They brought Jtmk h bear. several mk at Tfco Dallon and Iort- J John Jluddl returned from a hunl IhiI. j In trip up the river today, il bag- l.ormi M. Hull mill George White wont out laat night to enlist la the " imglHeem eorp. Mm. M. J. Foley returned Dili j4twMk from a IwMKthr visit with rU HTM 111 Minneapolis. Marlon Kotuman nml hit faMllly i' they wort alnre July Mm Prank Kurri'ti and n have won l Portland mid HVatil.- for e month's visit with relative I)K. TURNER ISVIt KI'IICI.M.IST, of Portland Visits Haul Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Irnjulro of TiioiiHo.v, tiii: ji:vi:i,i:h Bed a number of duck and trailed a hmr h himhI dlalunce. Attorney W. I'. Mym, of Cnlvr. will opH h law office in the iiffico formerly ocriiplml hy the eouwty lrk In the O'Kane building. -Mn. It. I. Mlnler. MIm AIIIh Comb mill Hilly Mlnler tuft thin morning fur h trip through the mm. They will hu gone alx mentha. I A. M Prlnl left ink afternoon i fur Kurmmh and Portland In hlf Motor r With him r Mm. Cringle, 1 Mm KunflHd. Mm. Juhnaon ami Mm. I llomkottn. ; K. IMvimtHirt. Jr.. mnl K. W. Ih lair, of Hood Itlvttr, tin fMtnilln fw liny In thin city in thulr way hm from u two sK vmratloH trip to lUniHy county. Kum I' OiIpII wrrlvfil hrr from 1'ortlaml yMtnlay lo arropt a po union a iiIkIu ili'rk at llii Pilot llutti Inn Me wan rrrcntly coiiKuiir) to Portland tn May mine time TIIKY ARE HERE CHINESE TASSELS in all colors Cor all purposes I5r itud 2J5e. LARSON & CO. Sign of Ifie Big Clock 143 Oretfon St. noctml with the Hotel Oaliiirii In Hu i:itiH. It. II llaylny, formrr rotinty rom inlmloiiHr of Crook county, waa In town ymitifrday looklMK ovir the iihw nwil work. Mh oxprmuHMl lilniMlf vry iniirh plwwl with Him proRriHM which haa hwn mail. (Prom TiiiHMlay'a Dally.) J. Itdwanl li moil wmit to llnrna today for a few dnya' ilnrk htintltiR. It. M. Rtatiflald la ahlppInK 2 cam of cholco lamlw to CIiIchko tiMlay. V. K. ArrlHKton haa Koiia to JP lln, MUHHiurt, to rnmaln (HirmaniMitly. J. Win. A. lliiiM'h. mtltor or Hih I'orl llwk Tlmaa, em In laal nlxlit imi InialHmM. Mr. and Mm. II. I). I.loyil hv none iMirk to Spokane aftr atntndlnn thr daya In Hand. W. It. Xtnlth and party rturnml laat nlitht from ('mm I'mlrlf with HihhI Imk of dueka. Ilnnry X. rwlr rrtnrniMl laat nlxht from a vlall with frlonda and rwlatlvtM In Kaatvrn OrflKon. I'rml Wllklna la on Ms way lo Krwport, Illinois, whrt h haa liaH eallad for military MtrvUM. Dr. and Mm. Km chum and family am In I'riHBVille for IM romaimiHr I of the wtk attandlHK th fair. 5 I Mr and Mm John II IlrAw'n liKvr lndlnic a vamtlon In Portland with Mr Hroivii'n aiKtT li III nml thry wilt ( vim her Mm (i II Itwin mid her daiiKhtT, .lurjjrl", wfarc oiiliiotiini paMuimnm IhlB fiiornliiK. Thi-y will ko to Port luiiil lo live, MInh (IrHco C. Ward ratttriiwl thla inoriiliii; from Portland. Nlict hccoih pmilod her mini, Mm. Canada, to ftie city Hnvi-ral dnya hko. Mm. 0. .1. Addluk npil liar (laugh tor P'turnm! from h irip to Valinou. vor, WhhIiImkIoii, wharn tlmy wrnt to movi) tludr huiiariliold good)) hurt. ; II. II Kuril. 0. C. HHiiklH, V. II. HhIiiim, A. J. Moors and K.Jij JUmrk will ho tnerubttm of a hunting imrty which will Iohvh HiuliiJIr pari ll tho wi-fk for KlBmntlrflSrkA , ,. P. C. arrfirrfifWrfnnvltlt. -aa In IIhhiI today 011 hualiifa. Champ HMlth, of Prlncvlllo, wna Iff Ilend m huMnftan y lrday. '' W. .1, HjiroUt returned yeaterday from ui) outliiR at Kaat I.akii. Onorxe W. White will lav tonlr.ht for Vancouver, Waihlngton, to nllt Hi Hu; army. Howard Hcroima, who haa han ar loualy III at tlm liMpltHl, la rnportml hattHT today. I). Curran and J. A. Ilarrinun imiiifl In yatirday from Kmlmond and ro tutntl this innrnfiiK. Char lea Wllaon and family came In thla monilnK from tha Hal em fair and will return to Ilurna In their car. Mm. C. M. Iludaon has returned from a trip to KnN City. Khe has hwn Kn ilntt arly In Keptemher. John A. WhltUker haa Juat pur- l))taad the 40-arre tmct belonKitiK to; Joe Ilucxnoltz, two miles out of town. David UuMH waa In from Iat Chance yewtenlay on bualnoM In ton- nectloii with the sale of omn hor. i I'ftaimaater jerry .Mooro, wun Aim. .Moore and a party, came In laat nlKht from Redmond to attend tht theatre. MIm K It. Peck concluded her visit at the home of Mm. D. Wilson and returned to Walla Walla this morn Ihx. Ranker Hurt on Oney was In from U Pine today. Itauxsr II. K. Vin cent was alen In from Slstem on bus lnM. O. K. Ward, of Spokane, president of the PrhiKle Katie Company, haa lipen In Hend looklnx over hln in toresia. Mr. and Mm. K. I.. Thomas are Specials inM( ens WARNER'Q " BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER OUR THIRD ANNIVERSARY SALE! STARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 5 AND LASTS EIGHT DAYS We are going to celebrate our three successful years by selling a lot of merchandise at far less than today s cost production. Our slogan is and has been "To Keep the Cost pf Living Down." In this event we will more t than make good. " COME AND CELEBRATinrVlTH US Mm. Thomas' parents. A. ltouerts. of Hend. la also with them. Mr and Mm. C. U. Allen, planeen rpKiilent of Central Orexon. have re turned to Hend from a protracted vliit in tho Willamette Valley. Mr mid Mm. Jewell Summer hav6 gone to ADakluud, California. Where Mr SummTOFrtlll aeeeptra poVttftfn with the Standard Oil Company-. The Prenhyturtou Ladies' OulW will meet tomorrow afternouu st.Uie home or Mm. S. A lllakftly at 2:30. All ladles are Invited to attend... Mlaa Mlllan Keith, who has heen , vUltlnK Mrs. M. W. Howard liv Turn- alo, came up thla mornlnK with Mr. Howard to apornl a week wtlh'Mrss Kuute Nelsoa. Worli Trousers. New shipment Stag Corduroy Trous . ers, priced at $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75. Moleskin Pants, at - - - $2.25 Loggers Pants made of Genuine Dickey Kerseys, priced at $3.50, $3.75, $4.50 Patrick Duluth Mackinaw? $8.50, $10.50, $13.75 Mens Flannel Shirts, $1.50 to $4.00 Cooper's Kenosha Klosed Krotch Un ion Suits, heavy cotton, $1.50, $1.75 Cooper's Kenosha Klosed wool and part wool Union Suits, at $2.00, $2.50, 2.75, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, suit. SHIRT SPECI AL-Soft French Cuffs fast color stripes and plaids, also solid colors, at 1.15. STOP AND SHOP AT f W AUMIMiuuuYj P J IV BROTHERS Anniversary Sale of Anniversary Sale of Anniversary Sale of MILLINERY DRY GOODS Every Day 1'hoieeofSH.fiouiidSMK) 51.00 cotton Rats, com- Merchandise Felt Huts, $2.25 fori size. 79c. Lifihthouse J! 8fi.00 Unto will lie sold 5Alf K ""-. Cleaner, 5c nt each $4.00 all color, yard yc. Dceorateil Soup Plates, Ladies' Hose Specials ! 0 tor 75 c A number of other real Our L'Oe line black, white Decorated Dinner Plates, bargains will be placed tan, pair 15c. (5 ior 90c on sale for this event. 0m. JWo Kine Me,opiml A lHrReShcet Iron Hfmst. COMK AND SEE Lisle will be sold tit 23c. er will be sold at 29c iftt REMEMBER THE DATES, OCT: 5th TO 13th (Krom ftondav's DallvJ ( Mm. A. K. Lanon returl nlKht. K. J. Sutherland hi. In Portland on uusiuess. , M. W. Knickerbocker was In from lOlst this uioniliiR. , K- (2. Hourk Is In from Crescent today on business. UoorRe T. Mlcholson, of Port Hock, i spont tho duy In town. I C. S. Honson and U. I). Wiest aro tipondliiR the day In Prluovlllo. li. Walte, Sr., of Suthorlln, eut Sunday In Hend with his sou. M It. Noble has retunie(LJo Howl River after visiting George Stoko a Wt'ek. A baby girl was barn to Mr. and Mrs, John Hits, in Kenwood, last night. Charles II. Dealy, of Hear Croek HuttwJ, spuut thu day In town on bus Inoss. Miss Kloanor II. Whltnmro spuut .Sunday visiting with friends In Des chutes. Mrs. Kred Klsh and -Urn. C. D. Ilrotvn loft yesterday morning for a visit In Portland. J N. Hunter and family have rohs to Hood Hlvor to harvest the apple irop on their ranch. Yesterday morning a slxlnd a half pound hoy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Decerful. Hlmor I.tdmherr returned this mom lug from tho oast, where ho went to visit relutlvus before being called out to Join tho navaL coast defense re serves. 7P' j. floorgo Vmidoyaii left last night for Portland to ntt'eud tlje University of Oregon niedlcnl school. i It, V, Voorhlos has gono to The Dalles and Wlllamottn Vlw. points on n month's busluoss trip. K. II. Keano wns a monibor of a lmntliiK party whlfili, loft fojrorfow' days' sport south of 13 end today. Tle fu)iral of Tattabelle Carden, who dleillalit Saturday from enteritis Urill be held tomorrow afternuon. S v John Karrell came In from Hed mbiut this mornyVg to accept a po sition In the 'A. u. Trench store. . It. li. Qould 'tamo in-Saturday at .terrioeir irom the timber where he has been encaged In .survey work. Mis Daisy K. Stewart returned last night from a six wesks' vaeatlon spent in Kastern Wafklngton and Seattle. P. I.. Tompkins came in from Hood Itlver last night. He brought with him his nephew, little Jim Over turf, Jo. Pastor II. W. Cottrell went to Mau pln this morning and will then go on to Portland. He Is holding Ad vvntlst services. Ashley Forrest sampled the new road up on Uroketi Top Jn his car yesterday and reports a good trip, and no mishaps. Rev. George B. Van Waters went to Prineville yesterday morning to hold services, returning on the even ing train for serrkes hero. H. M. Grant, prinelpal of tho high school, early this afternoon became the father of an eight and a halt pound baby hoy, his first child. Action J Averts Trouble. Prompt A constipated condition not only poisons the blood stream, hut quickly affects the liver and othr organs, causing biliousness, sick headache, hour stomach, bloating, etc. Foley Cathartic Tablets aro mild in action. yet cleanso thoroughly, with no nau sea nor costive after affects. Keen bowels regular, stomach sweet, liver active. Sold everywhere, Adv. B THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE S az BBaaaaaarBr aapaaiBBjaaffBvi fprifre rsya ncjy fc THE STORE irtVf'f.TUIl'H WMlfAtSmmmM FHAT SETS THE PACE Soft Felt Hats That fill a long felt want want, just arrived and looking quite smart too. Got in a little ahead of the rest, but that's our business getting A HEAD. NO HEADACHES IN THESE HATS they'e light in weight and conform flexibly to the contour ot the head. LOTS OFTYLE and a personality that goes with every one. $2.50r-$3.00 W j m if" , ' fc ' n ?"a-i:-r, l .: . - Vndor nnd pursuant to Chapter 1157 1 Siv "i wu, imia 4, mm o. nn'i i biuii ami use Ot tno waters at Dps 1; SHH 8te. 3; s t4 NK chutos Illvor. and particularly by 'ot tho Qonoral Laws of Oregon fopiNWU SB1,, NVj SWU Hoc. i0; means of tho Irrigation System lo- Margaret T Ellinger, Redmond, Oregon J. J. Elllugor, Redmond, Oregon.