IIKN1) tWhhKTin, IIKND, OIMXJCW, TlirilSDAV, CHTOIimt I, 1017 PAOH 9. m COURT RC Huiiit, Orititmi, Aim'.iimI H, 11117 utuil fur thn iitirpnan of rnpnlrliiK mitt ilnilurliiK Hi Im rouil, inn! ropnlrliiK thn Tiiiiiiun lirlil;i) tlu'ruon, mi amount mil In I'xcmul $H00 to lin ex? puiiilcit, ilollur for dollar with money 'to Im riilMinl liy A M lloriw, A J KriiKimrl. nt nl , mill that thn minx pi'iitlud Imliuico of thn M)() forimirly iippriipiliilinl Im ulao xpmu!"il In nalil repairing mill cliiilnrliii!, It IhiIiik iiii iliimtuoil Hint tin iinriiMiiry r-tilvurta aloiiK wild road Im hull! liy thu partlca lulori'atitil, without oxpiiiimi to ihn oiiniy, and that (Im work ho dotin Tim County Court nmt In Urn ciiiiin-ll "!MlAor i.l,,V. lrvlUin and direction i .i .! i ii I"' A II Homo room In thn O'Kmm hulldlm:. ihiihii- , ,,, ,,. Hf , npproprtailon nut to adjoin nment, Mini no IiiihIiiiwk forninrly iiiado for (lift puriiOMii of i'oiiiIiik up for roiiHlili'riilliin at thin , nrovlilltiK fundu for priiinliiiiiit offered tlinn. rourt adjourned In meet AiiK-ihy thn llmid Flower mid Viii;tallu iihI 1!7. jHhow, a report helm: at UiIh tliuu llenil, Oremni, Annum 27, 1 tl 1 7 Thn Ciiuuly Court mot In tin riiunell room In tho O'Kiuie Inillillni:, piirmi ill. I to iidjoilriiliienl. .Indue Hitmen Hint CommlHMlotinr Hmltli present Tint liltmtllir, Min lulled to order liy Hie County Judrc In thn Matter of the County llo lillnl: Til Ik mutter couilnn up for hearliiK. anil IiIiIh for linapllal acirvlii IiiivIiik hetui railed mid iidvurtlaml for, thn followlni: IiIiIh were Miilimlttetl Mm I. M Try. Itedinond. ()re;on Tiibmruliir ciihi'h. per patient, I Hi per week; all other rnaiM, ptir pittleni. $14 pur week. Mm Kat Warner, llenil, Oregon All pa-tlaM. 120 jinr week, After dlacumlon the mutter wan colillnued. In llin Matter of (ontliiulnr tint Mtihiultteil mIiowIiik that I.'li Oft vsiih 'paid In premium on viiKnlnblen and I frultn; It In ordered Hint u warrant for l.'lfi tin Im drawn, payable to Mm K. M Thitiupniin, nerretnry anil treitn urer of Hiild nIiow. J, II Dlttemore, of Itedinond, Orit Kon, IiiivIiik filed bin renlKiiiulcm an Jimtlrn of tint I'eaui of thn Iteit riionil precinct, ami a petition mIkiiiiiI by J. A Wlllcox, II 0 llurillik, M. A CiiiiiiIiik and V II DiiKI'ett imk ln; I In- appolntmeiil of (1 0 HcdK ulrk. IiiivIiik lieeti preneiittd. it la hereby Ordered thin mild (J (J Hfilr wlek he appointed to fill the vacancy upon tint furiilNhliiK or ami approval of tint regular bond Ordered that Clerk J. II lluiier be authorized to puri-humi time office MOUNTAIN TOP nNoi:im coMi'iiirrii tiik work Tllll' '!() I'HAK IH lti:C()M. MIINDHD A.MATHL'HH ADVIHHD 'IOHTAV A WAV. i wWrk of thn Agricultural A!int for 'balm ami a flat top table Aluo to thn year IU18: have nhulvca built under tho counter Ordered Hint un agreement be en-, '" ''" ",,w office tered lulu toith the Kxtcualnn Ditpait-1 '" the Matter or Water Krai.rlilan, mniit of the Oregon Agricultural Col- I'rlniile I'nllic lenti mid thn CoiiiiU Court or Crook I '''I'" petition of C W Klililet) van Coiinly, whereby DmiiliuteH County ! pr'tented for a fniiiclilan to lay water will appropriate 70U. ami Crook I I'll" ' the at renin or I'rltlKle KnIU, County Jf.DU. to which will be iiditetl ami upon iIIncunhIoii ami eonilitera 112111) Ntate money, mid 11000 leiter-' "'in II hi ordered that am bo re nl miiiiity. uiakliiK a total of $.140(1, feared to the illntrlt t ullortic) for hu with which to Minduct thn uKrlciiltur- approl hI work In Crook ami )Hihutn , 'N'" flintier tiiin!nM coiiihik op for 'IIIIIH iluvaMim I llilu .... .... ...ai.... - wn,,,r- ,11, ,f HI HUH IIIIII-, llll II J til Iff T CiilliiHn for the ..ur I!) IN, menu nam for Ciiunty Treaaumr It waa ordered tbat there lw mir- rhaitwl from J C ItbtMlen oiik utenl llllftl Duff nibliiet (or (hit Colin ty TrtHtaurer. pit r bane urlcn to he 1371 r o h Hi-lid 8lel Mfe for County Aaiatuinr t It waa urtlered Hint thr be pur rhaftetl from J C lthmlei one mII nii- I lined Mfn rahlnnt fur the Count A nnitr. purchi prbe t b $3 4 1 M) f. tl ll lltttttl duly made ami itwoniled, iiiiIIm: ail Jnurneil to meet WmlinHMlny, sMiem br la. 1!M7 lleml. Oregon. Hepleiiiber 19. 1917 -The County Cnurl met III the rouii- ell room In lh O'Kniih hulldliiK at 10 a in . pumiiaui to adjoiiriuiinut, all HIKHtliem IihIhk prenenl The HitHilliiK watt rHlled tn order ! the Ciiimt) JudK It wnh (irtlerml that Aawwor .viui:arke in- Hiilhorltml to purcbane No further liualnraa mmlni im fur hlne lirlntn In illllillraln uf tnwHkllfa cttHoldMratloii at thu time, un motion "ml adilltlnna, from I) Pnoplea at duly made mid emndeil, M)urt hiI Jouriiwl in nil WtHlneatiay. AiiKunt 39, 1917 Hand. Oregon, AiiKUt 29, 1917 Thn County Court wmt in thn council mom In thn O'Kane hulldlnK. puntu- , ant to adjournment. Jinl:e llarnea ',ntl ConimlMrTiner Hmiih nrtwnt lill ronla per lia r. with Oik imilwr landing that other print will be furnlahtMl at 10 rnula each Ordttrad thai Inammirh a addition al work haw Iimmi thrown upon th Hherlffa office by remmn of hla be tllK a member of the HxkiiiiiIIiih (Hoard. )2t a month he appropriated Watr Kraurhhui, The meeting waa railed to order Us r,,r additional help In bb office, bn the County Judge at 10 o'Vloek a m KWinlug October I In th Maltar of a County Jail Ordered, that KupervUor K II. Wll- Thla maliar rnming np at thla time MH he Inatrurlrol in Inatall rulverta for cnmtldwratlmi. the mot or the Hml niakn hill aMibln un the K It meetlny waa aptni In onierlng lhl',":,M rm' "e aattlem co-gperatliiK luana ror a nmnty Jail, sir A C ."" " " itania I'tml. a rpriMntatlve of thn luuly ' , ''"Hiloii Mr ..Jail CnmiiHHV. Itnlni urxaMiit I Cringle Knl- In Ihn Matter of nialiifiTilun or T,U pelltlon again being prewnted County Mrhuola Hd aame being approved b tin iH ThU matter coming up for onald- ,rlr' atiorne). n being In due furm i oration. It waa ordered that the Own- ,h petition waa granted ty Physician hf Inmrticted to tier- The Imml of (leorga ftdgwlik. via the d lain fiH-t Ion of the lleml JH" of the IVnim ror the Koiinioiid ItHrhiMiU. i ml an other choila In the '''eclnct waa aultmlttml and approved I county wherein rnntagltitu dlscaaai Ordered that II C lUrtranft be arw known lo hate exlated dur'ng the appolnttd to renreaent (he Count) paat )Hr, the varloua achool dlatrlcta Court In the Orogoii 'atrliit: (.rV(l. hearing the xti-iie ol the illalu it Ma feeling ami fumigation Orderwl that the County cwk be No rurther huaineaa (omliig up at aathorlieil in purhae a li'tl He thla lime, on motion duly made and "'I. a .MortgMgf Knord ami the arondl, ourt adjourned neraary hlndera for aame I He It remembered that at a regu Tr matter of lUlunt agaiuat the I lar milug or the County Court of 'oiiniv turning up ror coii..iwrmiiui. ' DmarhntM County. Oregon. onvnned " rlrl that rlalnia numb-ri'd , IM th roHMtll room In the U'Kane lSrt ' ! !mluaht. and km to s 11 WIIIHing. WWfUttmhKT ft. IW17. the fol- innwaive. rie ami mn aame ar- In r-h (Krom Haturday'a Dally.) Anton may now ant mid to tho it tl in tuit of llrokmi Top Mountain, accord lug to word brought yenlnrtlity from Ihn rmignr ntullon there. Thu work or coiiNtruilliig aomu nemhlmno of a roadway waa completed yesterday by Itangum II. K Hmltb ami KoreHtOuard A. W. Calmer ami an automoblln went up tint entire way to tint Mtate cabin on thu divide The trip la not recom mended for hii Inexperlencetl driver un thu climb In a ntecp one and thu roatl In little morn than a trail. Klnhermeii huvu taken anion up In thu vicinity prevloun to thu comple tion of thn roatl hut It wan not paint- able for thn average tourlnt on many of thu ti 1 1 In Now thenu ran hu nego tiated If (be driver la willing to un load bin pannungem on two or three jf thu Hteepent pitches. Thu trip In about 23 or 24 mllim al together und can uanlly ho uicoin pllihutl aa a Sunday drive. The view at thu nummlt In nalil to hu extremely worth while, an It liiclutlen tint mouii (uIiim ami la ken In thu aurrouudliig country on both aldoa. Tho eleva tion In 7000 reel. rornntry offlclaln, who have matle the trip Iihvo no ilennru to mlHlead luolorlntH Into believing that Hie) will find a paved highway running atratghl up thu mountain, and cau tion Hi one who recurve nutli an Im lirewtlon to atay at home Driving It rough hut It ran be done FALLING TREE CAUSES DEATH DAN' DltAOICII CINNi:!) t'NDIIll 'II.MIIKIl U'IIIIjI: AT WOHK IN Hlli:VI,IN.I.VON (AMI' TIIIH .MOKMN'O. deed to lotn 7, 8, 9 and 10, block 2, mid lota 10, 11 and 12, block .1. M 'W Arro trarta, Crook county Hlalo to It II Hhort, T. Carothnm mid C A Morgan, contracts for Turn alo Irrlgailo.i work. Christ llalstml to Itlchard Dugran, deed to a half Irteront In tint HW4 of NK'i Hec 24, Township IT,, J. II, 12 KWM .'olin I Mxiro (i, a PrciiMMit, i"'o to B14 cf NWVi and , KWM, cornprlslnR 160 ncrca, W J. Kummars to Samuel Swan son, deed to lots 9 anil 10 In libck. 37, Torrobonno. NK'. Hot: 8, Township 17 H. It 12erlngn KVANOKM.HT WIIiFi HKTtJHN. (Proirr Thursday's Dally.) Ilov. B, P. Lyon, tho ovangollnt who. rontluctctl a serlos of mcntlngs hero last winter, will return on Octobor 21 to havo charge of almllar gath (Prom Monday's Dally.) A falling tree In thn woods near thn Hhnvllii-lllxon Camp 3 was tho cu into of the denth of Dan Draglrh thin morning between 7 and 8 o'clock Tho tlettmnoil wim a timber fallur and was (tilting a large tree when tho tipper brain lie caught In the dead lop or another pine and knocked u piece or thu older one loose DrHglch I ivaa Mantling with bin back turned lo thu dcuil tree when bin brother-in-law, Kleve Tavlck, who waa working with him, saw thu limb coming anil shouted a warning Instead of step ping aside the iimn stoopetl ami was caught ntiiarey on thu back and pin ned under branch, tauslng Instant death. Mr Draglch was an Austrian anil his family Is well known here. Hu Is survived by a brother, Mike Draglch, ami a sinter, Mrs Btevo Tavlck COCNTV ItKCOKDH. No Want too Big-No Want too Small That Bauer's Grocery carijj'dl for you Anil deliver promptly anil In the lrnt condition. Our Kroccrlca, produce, fruit are always fresh, Oor sanitary refrigerator counter ke-p on.' ittlry pixluctn cool and freali. Heat prices In canned koo1s of the beat brands. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red" 161 Manzanita and Aubrey rour chairs at your service at the Mutropnlltiiu. No waiting. Adv. I'OIIM.K MAKItlKD VP.STKItDAV. (Prom Thursday's Dally. i Wlnfrnd C Osborn. of Jefrerson county, and MIm Wannle Italstou. of Terrohoiine. were married yesterday afternoon In the pastor's' study at the Preb)terlan churili by Itev II C llartraurt C W Harnett, treasurer of Jefferson loutity. and the bride's parents were the only wltiieasua to the ceremony Ad dition William C Poland to It I. Moore. deed to MP. i' NKi, Miction 24, Town ship IS H It 12 K W.M lf,.i L1t..i,.. ,., II II 1ln..,... iniij i n.iimiii iir ,k. 11, j aim, ill. m m dead In WH NW4 Section 31. JTleififhtS ....... .i.i.. , r u t, w t ti . s iiiniisnii inn u. i , r. ,v . Htate of Oregon to Martha Warn-1 stafr. deed to NP.'i NWVi Section 31, Township 17 It. 13 K W M Central Dragon Irrigation Com IHtiiy to Martha Warnstair, tlewl to water rights on same llend Park Company to Ceorglana Haven, deed to tot 2, block 85, Cen ter addition A. (2 Mtouder to Addle (love, deed in lot 12, block 14, Itlver Terrace. Hem! Park Company to J M. Don ohue. deed to lots 7 and &, block 16fi, Meeond adilltlon, llend. Joaeiih McCIa) to Hell I.eavltt. deed to lot C, block 33. Itedinond. Itlchard M Hastings to W. II (Jardlier. deed to SH of SK-4. Sec tion 6. Township 14 S It 13. K W M K II Knox to P.Hzabcth Saw hill. Loh $50. SCO, $65. 10 per cent caih $2.50 Monthly LOTS $7 5 lo $ I 50. 0 0 A Kent for PACIFIC HL'ILD INO ,V LOAN ASM IATION J. A. EASTES Real Estate -Insurance M O N K Y T O LOAN J WWlMg mH4Htrs taunt preaent. W. D..HAKNK. County Judge, 1. IS MM I'll I. CoHUHlMloner, J II. HANKK. Clerk. X. K. HOIIKKTK, Mherlff. Thn mHtliig was called to order by the County Judge, whereupon the following proceeding wire made a record, low It - X Now hI thin time the matter of County Jail ugaln couilng up ror con- aldorullon, a contract was iiresenied allowed, snil the clerk Insinn i.-d i0 laaun mis warninta In panint there of , Nit rurther hllalnmui cimilin- m, r..- I ciHtsMenillnii, on motion dill) matin ami secomled, i-ourt adjourmd lo meet WwlniMdny, Mnptember 2(5, HOY HAS NARROW ESCAPE FROM INJURY Shoes for Real Service OUt HPHCIAI.TV IS TO MAKH HHOKS THAT STAND THU Ti:ST NAP-A-TAN SHOE la especially made tor this kind or country None are hot ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A liantlnomo serviceable dress shoo tor men. Cannot bo beaten ror the money, (lltu these shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER The A. Hanson l.oggo" Shoes of Three Lakes. Wis., aro hand-made and enn of the er) best of Its k.nd. Special made-to-order work teken for this shoe I'P.TO-DATK SHOP. HIM'AIKINO BOND I) ft OXITW BEND S1HEET IV, JTlci JJWV V ELtl OREGON Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundwd Sao. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Tcltphene Red M3I oi 701 City S!ct Office Beod Coraptoy Buitdio Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES h A W VKK First National Dank Building nend' :: :: Oregon ARTHUR J. MOORE Lawyer Lo Cabin Culldintf Dend, Ore. Plione Black 1411 (From Monday'a Dally.) Dick Perk. Hie small aim f UMll hy the Piuily Jail HulldliiK ComHiny, ,,. . . , , . . , ortit Loula. Mo. Mr nteel rdla com. . ' " K Ha" nl" m"r Saturday nlRht Piute. Tho eoiilruct tor H.r.UD.ft. Maa duly aiirovd ami accepted liy the County JiiiIko oii hehair or thu County Court. It una ordered thai the road roller lialohfclHK to Him Central OrKiii Ir rlHNtlnii Comiwuy he pure hawed at I'JO.OO. The matter of elulma awaliMt Ilia county coiiiIuk up from roiialderatlou. It waa onlered thai claims Hiimhered TOfi to 73? ImluslVH, 73U lo 764 In rycdiialve, 704 lo SOI IntlimUe. No. Soa to 804 luclualvii, ha ami (lie aame aro hereby allotted ami the c lerk Instruct mI to Issue his warrant In ament thereof. No further huslnoaa coiiiIiik up for "umaldHratlnii, on motion duly matle mid seconded, court adjourned to meet Wednesday, Hepteiuhei- It. 1017. lleml. Orison. Heptemhar 12, 1!H7 The County Court mat In Hie coun cil room In the O'Kaue IiiiDiIIiik at 110 o'clotk ii. m.. purauaiit to adjourn- iuueni, JiniKH llarnea anil t'ommlaaloii- er Hmiih proatuit. Tho metitliiK vwia called lo order hy (ho County .Itnlne. A petition fiom the Kastorn Star OraiiKo waa prenmitetl, nnkliiK Cor un upiiroprliitlon of $2(t for prem- In in a ror their annual festival to ho Itiltl October fi. Ordered, that surh an npproprln- I lion no maiiti, iirovliled that tho I money ho appropriated he used only ' on oxhlhlta Inleiuluil lo Htlmulate In cronautl food proijuctlon, and that be fore thu money la paid over, a report shall he preaented hy the (lriim;o (o the Court, allowing how tho prem Iuiiih wort) a wa riled. In tho Matter ot tho IlrlckyanN Tuninlo Hond: Ordorod, that thcro bo approprl- ami sIlKhtly Injured on the Iok hy the autiimtiblle tlrhen hy John Kather. The child started to run across the street un an errand ror his mother about 7 o'clock whan the accident mcurred Hather waa Just preparing tn tlrUe aay from hla store and did not ut the hoy. lla Is entirely exon eratitl from any blame in iimnec-iiou with the mishap. Dick was haltered up a little ami badly frightened ami the IlKiimeula of one leg were torn loose, hut otherwise hu remains unhurt. HEPPNER MAN IS HANK VICE-PRESIDET (Prom Monday'a Dally.) IIUKh K Hran arrived f-om Hepp tier Saturday evening to take the of rito or third vlce-rtMlileiit or the Plrst National IlatiK. beginning his now tin ties thla morning. Ho was formerly connected with the Fit at National Hank, of Hoppnor. previous coiititH'tloua being In Condon, Port land and Now York City. Mr. Hran linn had ovor 12 years' experience lu both city and country banking huHluuas. Ho h especially conversant with thu banking features of tho ahi'op und eattlu bunlnuBs, and a largo portion of his time will hu duvotod to thla Important branch of tho business of tho First National. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Wihington Slirrti PORTLAND. OKEGON Centrally Located The Hotel (or YOU Special Summer Kates Room with hath privilege, single ?5c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains, Union Depot ears pass our doors. From North Rank Depot Sear transfer at 5th St. II. H. DeARMOND L A V V K It O'Kanc Building, Uond, Oregon J. K. KNUKIIIIKTSO.V, PLCMIIINO AND 1IK.T1NG 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. DH. J. C. VANDEVERT Physician and Surgeon Phone Red 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.; 1-5 p. 7-9 p. m. O'Kanc Dulldlng. m.; Phone Ulack 12D1 LKK A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND - - - OREGON II. C. jSLLIS Attornej'atIavf United Statca Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON 0. P. NI8WONGER, Bend, Ore, UXDKUTAKEIt Licensed Kmbolmer, Funeral Director. Phone Rod 421 Lady Asst. THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON The Rose City's world-famed hotel, occu pying an entire block. All Outside rooms. Superior dining and grill ser vice. An atmosphere' of refinement, a with a service of courtsey. -- European Plan; $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold Sales Every Saturday Corner Dond V Oirgoo Slircti PHONK ULACK 1711 H. R. Griffus &. Son Shoe Repairing Done lu n FIRST-CLASS man ner, while )l)tl tult. L. Goodman, opposite Baker's Grocery. DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathic Physician Over Logan turnituro Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 Phone lied IH- O. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonaon Building, Wall Street Bond, Oregon. THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Storatt and Krwrdln, Ccntiat Cam. ml.ibn Utrchanta, Wa carrj Oil, Cxollnt, 8ur, PUur, Salt Utata, Uamf, Ilacoo and Lard, THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE itiVl jrTur'aasTTBjvfcaffin'THyjisI'DBi OENeRAL, OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 9 4 I Vndornnd pursuant to Cliaptcr ;iB71Sw lj sri Soc. 1 ol (Uq Qonorul Laws ot Oregon (orlNWU SEUt NVj 3 j H x NKs 8WU Soc. 10, chutes Rivor, moans of tho and patitlcularly by Irrigation System lo- Oregon. J. J. Ellingor, Redmond, Orogonc