pAgi: 8 IlKM) ItUI.DKTIN, 1IKND, OllKOON, THURSDAY, HKPTKMRKIt U7, HUT .11 1 1 fii t net loi rf Bill Int ih( n En 50 HO Ph hi l a th al bl ct K Q III iJ r I 'i i N i 1 i FAVORSHOWING LANDmQOUCTS V COMMKROIAD CDl'H VOTliS FOR POKTDA.NI KX1I1II1T IX NO vkmudi: NO OUTS1DU SPKAK KK PllHSKNT TODAY. (From Wednesday's Dally.) By a unanimous vote of all mem bers present at the Commercial club luncheon today It was decided to ask the county court to appropriate the $100 required to finance an exhibit In the State l.and Show to be held In Portland In November. Owing to the number of counter attractions today. no speaktf H aet-ured (or the occas loiuatid Jk itlre discussion was de voted to the exhibit. Judge llarnes readlfce letter of Invitation he had received (rout Portland an"d explained the matter. Vernon A. Forbes i tailed upon (or his opinion and staled that he (ek that a this has been a prosperous year so (ar a crops are toncerned he (elt that Deschutes county should be represented. Ac cordingly he put the question In the fortu o( a motion. Another member who spoke In fa vor of the exhibit was Judge Kills. "I think that If the county court agrees ti give the money, the Com mercial club has nothing further to do with the matter." he said. "A member could be selected from each community who would handle the In dividual exhibits." If the court takes favorable action Sitters, Tumala and other nearby towns will be asked to aaelst In pre paring the display. In the absence of H. J. Ovcrturf. Floyd Dement presided at today's luncheon. BEAR BUTTES WILL GET SCHOOL HOUSE (From Tuesday's Dally.) Figures nre being received nw by the Dear Iluttes school district for the erection of a building to house 30 pupils. K pe )i Smokers It Ml Your j Wc ar ete ' t if yyfOafl x ffeealBuilcyjl McigaretteI Aw s " A . sw AT A l X m if Its H WAR TO BEGIN SHOKTAOK OF VVMU DltlVKS IiAIMiK Xl'MltKllH INTO 1RR1 (JATKI) VADDKYS-CAl'SKS DAM Adl! TO (JIIAIN FIKI.DS. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Owing to shortage f feed on the High Desert and dry land sections cf Crook and Deschutes counties. huge numbers of jackrabbita are cnlbH-tiiu about the ranches In tho Irrigated valleys and are feeding on the grain fields. County Agriculturalist It. A. Ward has planned the third annual jackrabblt campaign to commence next month. Cooperating with the county agents, the U. S.HIologlcal Survey conducted a poisoning campaign In Crook eoutity during the last two win ters which resulted In killing 136.000 rabbits. When the work was (Irst under taken, the rabbit loss to Crook coun ty exceeded $S6.000 annually. That year, 19 18. 78.000 rabbits wore poi soned by the cooperative community rabbit clubs. The past season. 00.000 Jackrabblts were poisoned by the clubs and the annual damage to crops by rabbits totaled less than $10,000. The I'. S. liureau of lliologlcal Survey will cooperate In the cam paign. County Agriculturalist Ward reports that arrangements have been made with several eastern manufac turing concerns to purchase the rab bit skint. Samples sent In have been reported on as excellent (or hat felt ing purposes. The price to be paid will exceed five cents per skin. STUDENTS TO HAVE EXHIBIT AT REDMOND Superintendent Thompson Will (ih( liciuotit ration of McllioiN of Potato Selection. (From Friday's Dally.) Arrangements have been made with the directors of the Itedmnml Potato Show to be held mi October 5 ind 6 for a sch-cl Industrial exhib it Thirteen firs; and second prlxM. wt'l be offered the boys and thi settle number to girts making entries. Lib eral premiums nre promised. This Is In an effort to Interitt the young people In making regular ex hibits. The parents In the Pilot llutte school district have already planned to take their children In automobiles to Hedmond on ontrftf the days of the show. They will witness the dem onstration given by County School Superintendent Thompson showing tho method of selecting potatoes for seed and classifying them for the market. One cent a word is all a Htt'e Want Ad will cost you. LEGAL NOTICES XOTICK. In the Matter of the Ion of the Central Oregon Irrigation DU- trlct. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing petition praying for the orga nization of the Central Oregon Irri gation District will be presented to the County Court of Deschutes Coun ty. Oregon, at the Court I loom in Mend, Oregon, on the 31st day of October. 1917. to the Honorable County Court of Deschutes County, Oregon: Under and pursuant to Chapter 357 of the General Ijtws of Oregon for 1917. the undersigned propose the organisation of an Irrigation Distri't to be known as the Central Oregon Irrigation District, and particularly bounded and described as follows: Hegiunlng at north wat corner of Lot -I of Section G of Township H South, Range 13 Kast; thence south erly to the southwest corner of Dot 4 of Section 31 of said township and range; thence westerly to the Inter section of the northerly boundary of Township 15 South, Range 12 Kast, with the thread of tho stream com monly known as the Deschutes Hlver; thence southerly, southwesterly, ct . along the thread of the said Des chutes Hlver to Its Intersection with the south line of Section 12 of Town ship 18 South. Range 11 Kast; thence easterly to the southeast corner of Section Vi of Township 18 South, Range H Kast; thence northerly to the northeast corner of Dot 1 of Sec tion 1 of Township 1G South, Range II Kast; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Section 36 of Township IB South, Ruge 11 Kast; thence northerly to the one-(juarter isomer on the west side of Section 30 of Township 16 South. Range 1C Kast; thence easterly to the one quarter corner of the east side of sec tion 20 of said township and range; tiienco northerly to the northeast cor ner of Lot 1, of Section & or said township and range; thence westerly to the southeast corner of Section 31 or Township 14 South, Range 14 Kast; thence northerly to the Inter section of easterly boundary of sec tion 18 of said township and range with the thread of the stream com monly luiown as Crooked Rlvor; thenee westerly and northwesterly, etc. along tho thread of tho said i r- Crooked Rlvor to tta Intersection with tho northerly boundary of Suction a of Township 14 South, Rnngo la Knst; tlionco woatorly to tho point of beginning. Excepting thWrrom thn following dwerlbcd lnntla ns follows: In Towuhlp 14 South, Ktingo 13 Kast : All of Section !l lying west of Crooked River; Dot I S i of N'K v ; and NK4 SKH Stic. 4; Dota I. 2, 3. and I. 8 NWU and Ui 8KV Sec. R; l.ols I. 2, 3. 4. B, fi iinil 7. also SKVt NKH, 8KV, NW'i and KM, 8WH Sec. tl; HVi Nt. SV nntl NKV NWVi Si!. 7; SWVj NWM, SW , SWM Kit mid NKVl SUM Sw. S; ' 8IM K..c. n; RWU NWVi. KH NKVi. and Ki SKVi Sec. 10; SWi NW. NWS SWVi. SKV. SWU. SVfc SK, Sec. II; SWVi SWU w. II; SVs NV4. NH SKM.antl NKV, NWVi Sec. 13; WV4 NWy, nd SKVi SWVi Sec. 14: NKH and WVfc NW4 Sec. IB; all of Section It?; W'H KH. NWVi . KH SWV andSWt, SWt, Sec. 17; W 4. NKVi. Wt, SKM. and RK i 8K., Sec. ISJ V4 NKV. NWU SK" Sec Itt; Rtj SVi and NW M HKH See. 30: NRi NICH. WVk NIC M. and NKV4 NWVi Sec. SI; KH 8KV, Sec. 32; SWVi. SH NWV. NWH NWV,. NKVi NRV4. SWV4 NKH. NV, SKH Sec. 23; 8KVt NKV, &t. 34; SVi and SVt NWVJ See. 25; N'U NWi. SWVi NWVi. and NW4 SK. Se. 28; KVi NKV,. KVi SWU. KW, ' SWVi. NWV NWVi Sec. 37: V. , NK M . NK v SKH. S W H , W 4 NWVi Sec. 2S; NVfc. K SKV,. NWi NKV,, NWH ! SWH. Sec. 39; 1:4 K4. SWVi NKV,. NWVi SKM. and W4 Sec. 30; NWV,. SKV, SWVi. SKV, SKVi Sec. XI; S4 SWVi. NKV! NWVi. NWVi NKV, Seo. 32; N4 Sec. 33; SKV,. NKVi SWV,. S4 SWV, and SKVi NKli Sec. 35; all of Sec. 3fi. Ill Township 14 South, Range 14 Kast: S4 NWV,. SWVi NKV,. N4 SWV. and SKV. Sec. IS: all of Sc. 10. and 31; K4. SKM NWVi and! SW4 Sec. 30; all of Sec. 81. In Township 15 South, Range 12 Kast: K4 NEV,. N4 SRVi ec. 1: SEVj NKV,. K4 SKV,, SWVi 8K,. Sec. 11; 8EVi NKVi. N'4 8KV.. SKM SE'4. nd NWVi NWH. Sec ! 1: K4. 8K4 NWV and 12: K4 NKH. NKVi SKH. Sec 13;! W4 W4. 8BH NBH. NW", SKH See. 21; WVt 8WH, 8c. ! 26; K4 NKV, See. 23; all Of Sec. 38; N4 SKH Sec. 35: I In Township 15 South. Range 13. Kast: All of Sections 1. 2. II, 12. 13. Ml. 23. 21. 2B. II. 27. 33, 22. 33. 34. 36 and 36; NKV, SKVi Sec. 8; W4 NWV, Sec. 4; SVi NWV, and SWV, SWV, Soc. 5; S4 NKV, and K4 SKV, Sec. C; NWV,. KVi NKH and NKH SKV, Sec. 7; S4 SKV, Hoc. h; K4 Sec. 10: KVi KV4 SWV,. SKV, NWH Sec 16; KV4, WV4 WV4 Sec. 16; SKH NWH and SKH SWV, Sec. 17; KV4 NKVi. Dbt 1. 2, 3. Sec. IS; SVi NKVi. K4 SWV,. and SKV, Sec. 19; NWV, SWV, nntl NKV, NKV, Soc. 20: Kli nnd SKV, SWV, Sec. 21; S4. SKV, NWV, and NKH Sec. 22; SKV,. S4 SWV,. NKH SWV.. W4 NWH. Sec. 20; NKV, KVi NWH Sec. 30, un.I SKV, NKVi. NKV, SKVi. and Dot 1. Sc. 31. In Township 15 South, Range It Kast : All or Sections 3. 4, B. fi. 7. S, 0. lfi, 17, 18, ID. 20. 29, 30. 31. 32. 36. nnd 30. K4 SKH. NWH 8KH. WVi NKH and WVi Sec. 1; NKV, and W4 Sec. 2; WVi NKV,. N4 SKV, and SWV, SKH. Sec. 10; K4 SKH See. 11; 84 S4N4 and NW, NWV, Sec. 12; K4 NKH. WV, W'j Sec. 13; K4 NKH. SKH. NKV, SWVi Sec. 14: NKV, SKH. NWH NKV,. NKH NWV, and W4 W4 Sec. 16; U'4 W4 K4 and SKH NKH Sec. 21; NEH NWH. SKH NKH. NKV. SKH Sec. 22; NWH NWH. NWH NKV,. SKH NKJU. SKV, Sec. 2 4 ; NK H NK V, . 8 4 NK H and 8 4 Sec. 26; SKH and SKV, SWV, Sec. 2fl; W4. W4 NKH. aiid NWV, SKV, Sec. 28: W4 WVie and NKV, NWV, See. 33; SKV, NKVi. SKV,. SKH SWV, Sec. 34. In Township 16 Kast: All of Sections 5 Dots 2. 3. 4, SWV, South, Range 16 7. 8. 17. 19. aUo K'l.- V 1 OH 1 V .!,?,, I17 ', Sec. C; W4. W4 NKV,. SKV, NK',. SKH SKH. Sec. 13; NKH NKH I ti 1 mill cr3 tf ..f 4ff JJt t WIRE II I WITHOUT I III FIRF. 1(H) CLEAN, SANTfAY JK ECONOMICAL Mm Irilll ' '$?' A small payment douln puts an vLJfey Electric Range In your home. TaP 1 1 II II I oUv rfffi 1 BEND WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. 1111 $T H4 NKVi mid HH Hoc. 20; NV. Uoo. 20, mid N4 Hoc. UO. In Township It! South, Ituuijo IS Knst: All or Hciittiuis 111, 21, 22. 2.1, 20, 31, 32. 33, 30; Dots 2 mid 3, SKH Sec. I; HKVi HtM II; HWl, NK'i NWVi HKVi. NVi V4 .llcc, 10; SWU SKH Hoc. It; W4 HWU, 8WU NWU, NWU HKVi. HKU HK V. Hec. 12; N4 HUH. NWVi HKVi, SWV, NKH. NKU NWU. HWH NWU, W4 HWU Hoc. 13; H4 NKVi. NWVi NKU. NWU. NU HVi, SWU HWV, Hoc. 14; IC4 NKU. SWV, NWVi. H4 Sec. IB: K4 WVi. NKU. HKVi Hoc. 20; SWU WVi NWV, HKU NWVi. KVi NKV',, 8W H HKVi. Hee. 23; K4 14 NWU. N 4 8W U . SW U W Vi . Sec. 2 I ; H 4 RICH. NKH SKH. NWVi NWV,. W4 8WV, See. 2fl: K4 and NWV, Sec. 27; NKV,. N4 NWH. SWU. 8 4 SKH Sec. 28; S4 mid 8KH NWH Hc. 31: N4 N"4. RWH NWH. NWV, SWVI. 8 HVi 8WU. Sec. 36. In Township 10 South, ltana.11 12 Kast. All or Township 16 South, llanso 13 Knst, but Dot 2 Sec. (1. In Township 18 'South, Rang 14 Kast: All or Sections 1. 2. 3. G. 7, 10, 11. 13. 13, II. 15. 18. IS. 10. 21. 22. 33, 24. 25, 28. 30. 31. 33. 3 if. 36, 30; also SKVi and Lot 4, Soc. I: Dots 1. 2. 3 and 4. SWVi and W4 SKH Sec. B; W4. W4 NKH. and NWV, SKV, See. s; W4. WV, SKH ami SWV, NKU See. I'; W i i and W4 K4 Sec. 20: Id, NWH. K4 SWU. NWU SWV, Sec 27; NKU. NKU NWU. SWV, NWVi, SWV, Sec.. 2S; U'4 SKVi. 8 4 NKH and NWV, NKU Sec. 29; 8 4. It 4 NKVi. NWVi NKV,, HWU NWV, Sec. 31; IC 4 Sec. 9. Ill Township 17 South, Range 12 Kaet. W. M. Alt or sections 1. 3. 4. R. 0. 7, S. 9, 10, It;. 17, l.S, 20, and 3rt. alm the SKV, SKH. NWV,. W4 SWV, and SKVi SWVi Sec 2; K4 K4. W4 W4 and NKV. NWH Sec. 11: N4. 8KU. N4 HWU and 8W' 8WH Sec. 12; W4 NWU Sec. 13; W4 W4. K4 NKU. and SWV, SKH Sec. It: NWH. N4 NKU. SKH NKH. RVi SKV,. sec. 16: NKU. N4 8KH. W4 WVt. and SKH NWH ec. 22; SWU 8WH and NWH NKH ee. 23: 84 84 NKU and NWH NKU 8e. 24; W4 NKU. NWH SKH. N4 SWV, SH'H 8WV,. K4 NW', and NWU NWH. 8w 25; NKV,. NKV, NWU. nl 8WH SW', Sec. 27; SKH 8KU. NWV, NKU and N4 NWH Sec. 2S; NKU NKU Sec. 2; K4 NKH and NKH 8KU Se.- 33; W4 NWH. SKV, NWH. and N4 SWV, Sec. 31; NWH NKU Sec. 36. In Township 17 South. Range 13 Kast W. M. All or Section 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. C, 7. 8. 9. 10, II. 12. 13. 14. 16. 16. 24. 25. 2tl. 26. and 3fi; also N4 N4 SKV,. HKU SKV, and NKU SWV, Sec. 17; NKV, and N4 NWU Sec. 18; NKU NWU. and W4 NKV, See. 20: N4 NKVi. K4 NWU. W4 SWV,. and SKVi Sec. 21; K4 NKVi. N4 SWVi. SKV, SWU and SKVi Sec. 22; K4 NKH. S4 NWU. NWV, NWV,. NWU SWU. NKV, SKV,. NKV, HKU ami 8 4 8 4 Hoc. 234 NKU. K4 NWU. 8WV, SWV,. NVjSSKV, and SKV, SKVi Sec. 27; 8K V, NK V, . 8 W U NW V, . N 4 N 4 . and SWV, 8KU See. 2X; NKU NKU. NKU SKV,. SW', SKV, and K4 W4. Sec. 39: NKH SWV, Sec. 32; W4 NKU. K4 NW', and 8WH NWU Sec. 83; N4 N4 84 and SKH SKV, Sec. 34. In Township 17 South. Range II Kast, W. .M. All of Sections 1. 4. 6, fi. 7. 8. , 18. 17. IK. 19. 20. 21. 29. 30 and 36; also N4 and SKV, Sec. S; X4 8WU. and W4 SKV, 8c. 3; U'4 and U'4 K4 8w- 10; K'i NKH. W 4 NW V, . 8K Vi NW U . X 4 8W V, . and SKH SWV, Sec. 11; K4. XWV,. K4 SWU. and SWV, 8WV, Sec 12; NKV,. K4 SKH. and K4 NWV, Sec. 13; U'4 and U'4 K4 Sec. 16; U'4 NKH. NWV, and U'4 SWV,. Sec. 22; K4 anil SWH Sec. 26; SKV, and K4 SWV, Sec. 26; U'4 ami 8KV, 8nc. 27; U'4 and U'4 K4 See. 28; N4. Dots 3 ami 4. and SKH SWH Sim-. 31; N4 and SWV, Sec. 32; N4 and W4 SKV, Sec. 83; NWV, NKU. 8 4 N4. N4 SKV, anil NKV, SWV, Sec. 34; N'4 SKH, N'.fc SWU. and 8KU 8WV, Sec. 36. hr m . Ill TuwitHhlp IN tloutli, llnnlio 11 Ktvnt. HKU HKVi n''. 12. In Towimhlp 18 South, limine 12 KlIHt. H4. H4 N4. DoIm I. It, nntl I, Hoc. I. NKU HMU and RKU HW'H. Hoc, 2; W4 HKU mid W4 Sec. 3; HKU NKU. SKVi. K4 SWU. Hinl HWU HWH 80c. 4; HKVi HKU. HWU. mid N4 Hue. B; SectloiiH 7, fi, !), 11 mid 12. ulnn U'4. W4 NKV, mid HKU Hue. 10. Ill Township IK Him th, Rmigo 13 Knat. W. M. NWU Hoc. 3; K4 8KU. NWU HKU. U'4 HWV, mid HWU NWV, Sec. I; K4 HKU mid 8KU NKH Soc. B; l.niH I. 2. B. tl mid 7; HKU NWU. K4 SWVi. W4 8KV, and 8KU 8KV,. Smo. ti; Sectlotia 7 mid iJ4 84 NWV,, NKH NWH ami NKU 8; SWVi and 84 RKU Sec. 10. In Township 18 Smith, Range II Kast W. M. All of Sections l, 2, 10. 11 -ind 12, also K4 K4 WVi, Dot 4, and SWU SWU Sec. 3; Dal 1, 8, 8 and 4. " 4: 1:4 Sec. 6; NU'H and 84 NKU 8ee. ; Ki RWH and K4 See. i; and also excepting thererroui the ful lowing Inroritorated Cities of Hen (I and Redmond In Deschutes Cmittty, Oregon, according to the official re corded plat thereof, And your petitioners respectfully represent: 1. That thev are-each and all own ers or land within said proposed Irri gation district which said land Is Ir rigated or susceptible of Irrigation, being more than fifty of the owners of said land. 2. That It Is the purpose of your petition to organise an Irrigation District within the lloundarlcs and of the laud above described under and pursuant to said Chapter 257 of the Ue no nil Daus or Oregon (or 1917. 3. That your petitioners dlre by means of said Irrigation district to provide forDie construction or works mid to provide for the reconstruction, betterment, extension, purchase, op era t Ion mill maintenance nf works ai res dv constructed for the irrigation of want lands or petitioners and other lands m Unlit said propose.! Irrigation district through the storage, diver sion mid use of the waters of Dps ihiiii-s River, and particularly by means of the Irrigation System In rated within Crook, Jefferson and iHMchutes Counties, and commonly 1 known as the Irrigation System of thn Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany, and by means of said Irriga tion Dletrh-t. your petitioners dealre to provide among other things, for an Irritation District In tlau r thx Water I 'sera' Association or Assoc.' latea required either by statute or rontrart In connertliMt lth said Irrl. gallon System r said Central Oregon Irrigation Company. That the said In ml and said pro posml district as described Is slluated within two counties, tn-wlt: Crook County. Oregon, and Deschutes Coun ty, Oregon, and that the greater Hir tlon or said lands and im, lit propoeed district Is situated within DeechutiM County. Oregon. And your petitioners pray that the said Irrigation District as proposed bo organized under and pursuant to Chapter 357 of the Oeiieral Daws of Oregon, and that an elctliin be called, had and held for that, purpose. Name or Petitioner. AddresM. J. A Hon Thompson, Mend. Oregon. W. T. Mullarky, Rend. Oregon. II. ('. Kills. Ilend. Oregon. II. Merchant!. Ilend, Oregon. W. J. Wornstaff. Ilend. Oregon. Ceo. M. Krlrfcttou. Hand. Oregon. II. lielgesan. Ilend. Oregon. P. J. Pedermin, ilend. Oregon. (). P Dshle. Ilend. Oregon. P. K. Mosler. Ilend, Oregon. P. J. Voting, (tend. Oregon. Ida P. Young, ltend, Oregon. 1 II Cochran, Redmond. Oregon. M. K. Itndrs. Redmond, Oregon. Robt II. DeiHHittnr. Redmond, Ore gon. (leo. C. TriiHMlale, Powell Untie. Oregon. W. l. Ogg, Redmond, Oregon. It. K. Slevlm. Redmond, Oregon. A. W. Ilayn, Powell llutte, Oregon. T. II. Pursley. Powell llutte. Ore gon. Chinook Uinl Co., D. IS Smith, Mgr. Rmlmond. Oregon. II A. Kendall, Redmond, Oregon. (1. N. Rader. Redmond. Oregon. IPO iiMivunu 1 ,,,.ui.i . to Ti. If. (' I'llW. I'll,.. Ir.,al,l,it I ,n .. ... ,,, ,,n.,, . ii-niiirui i'. JBVZr . - ' ,,.,?. ..".-,.,, ,,. i'.. a. nviucii, vice rroe. 11. a. HTOVKR.Asst. Cashier TiTe First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON (iipltul (ally paid Hlll-plUH The Federal Reserve -em Helps You IT UttrKRKATKD, PRIMARIDY To help tiuKluHliiosu To provide plnnty of currenoy nt nil tlmos, To offuot n steadier supply of oradlt. Tho Hystam marlta thn support of all good oltlzonaj. it must lmvo youra In order to rmioh its full duvolopmont. You can aectira the huneflta of this groat system iind-at tho Hiimo tlmo usalHt dlruotly in dovolopliiB It bydaposlt- int' your money wiin us. TEb FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND "ttsrc 'QgSP' 25K "ctSf ,Q2Q! aatiw c 'Jty K, A. Hiitlier, llnnil, Oregon, Dtimila McCnlo, lleml, Oregon, C. M. Ilrngg, II0111I. Oregon. J. i. (lllmon, Powoll llitlto, Oiiignii. Jon I'esohlttir. lleml. Oregon. Kliuor Wiirnsliifr, lloiid, Oregnn, DoiiIh Kllliiimon, llmul, Orngon. Albert Wornsloff, Mend, Oregon. Fred llottiiniii, Ilend, Oieguii. Wm. II. Reynolds, lloiid, Orngoii. i'roil P. Reyiinlils, ilonil, Orogon. Alfred K, Fuller, lieiiil. Oregon. (!. W. 'Iloeclt, lloiid, Oregon. John lllnbregtor. Monti, Orogoti I, mils J. Seolmrgor. llmul, Oregon. Anton Rosntignrth. Mend, Oregon Minnie C. Cluise, llenil, Orogon Amy Anthony Hurt, lleml, Oregnn. Hurt Forludsuii, Mend, Oregon. Hclli Stookey, Mend, Oregon, I'ranU C. 8111IH1, llnnil. Oregon. (). II, Caldwell. Ilend, Oregon.' O. .VI, Swanson. Ilend. Oregon. K. K. Miiller. llnnil, Oregon. Mary A, Menson, llnnil, Oregon. Mrs. M. Veaiuoii, Ilend, Oregon D. C. Voiing, ilHiitl. Orngon, Itlchnrd and Irving Homer, I --. - -chutes, Oregon, T. O. tlarrlsiiii, Ilend. Oregon Kaatniia Peterson, Rndmouil, or- gon. (' H. Armstrong, Redmond ), 1 gon, R, V. t'idver. Rend. Oregon John 11111, Ilend, Oregon. II J. Ovcrturf. Ilend, Oregon, .Alrnus Neff, Rend, Oregon It. K, tlrlmes, Heud, Oregon. J. A. Melsln. Mend, Oregon. J. T. Newberry, Mend, Oregon. Frank l.enmy. Mend. Oregon. J. D. Malnsh, Mend. Oregon. P. II. Dencer, Mend, Oregon. J. F. Rice. Pom nil llutte. Oregon D. R. French, 1'uv.nll Unite. Ot- KOH. J. A. Rtggs. Powell lltllte, Oregon. W. M, Wilson. Powell Untie, Ore gon. 1 C. Dlmlmtlat. Powell- Multe, tfr-- J. W. Drlscoll, Powell Multe, Ore o. II. II. Meyers, Powell, llutte. On gon. Peter Pant, Powell Uufc Or.-on tleo. K'-lr, Powell Hun.-. Oregon. 0. M Cornet t, Powell llutte. Ore gon. Ueo lloff. Powell Hut In, Oregon 14. D. Still. Pooll Hull... Oregon K. D. Ivorson. Powell llutte, Ore gon . Frank T. Redmond. Redmond. Or. gon. Joaephliic D. Redmond, Redmond, Oregon Inonard M( KaiMen, TrrnrfioMic . Oregon K. K. MetraK. Terrebonne. Oregon, C. II. Hardy, Alfalfa. Oregon. (luy IC. Dnl.soM. Preeldent Red mond Realty Co., Redmond. Oregon W. K. Durand. Redmond. Oregon C. D. Mead. Redmond, Oregon. D. C Maun. Itedinoinl. Oregon John Tuker, Rmlmond, Oregon J. W. Mracklnbury, itwlmonil. Ore gon. Harry P. Wilson. Redmond, Ore gon. D. V. Miller. Terrebonne, Oregon. II. A. HelitihaUx, Redmond. Ore. gOH. f It. II. Parsons. Redmond. Oregnn ( W. Taylor, Redmond. Oregon II. M. Dsrrlt, Terrehonne, Oregon. Harney Rodealda, Terrebonne, Of , gou. W. F. Mackey. Terrebonne. Oregon J. A. Chaee. Redmond. Oregon. J. J. McKtfresh. Rmlmand, Oregon Albert D. Shoultz. Alfalfa. Oregon Devi Krnst. Powell llutte, Oregon W. A. Mrown. Redmond. Oregon Jacob RtrtM. Terrebonne, drag',:. W. A. Pickett, Terrebonne, On gon. (I. C. CoHlllll. Terrebonne. Oregon C. O. Ralston. Terrebonne, Oregon C. K. Mil.alDn. Redinoud. Oregon Allen Wlllcoxon, Powell Multe Oregon. J. D. Wimp. Terrebonne, Oregon Aldu McMlckle, Redmond, Oregon K-verwtt Par, Terrebonne, Oregon. KMgar II. .Morgan, Trr4onne, 4lr Hn. Owirge lunknr, Terrebonne, Ore gon. D. II. dates, Terrebonne, Oregon O. A. Douglas, Terrebonne. Oregon J. M. Perry. Terrebonne, Oregon. Margaret t. Klllnger. Redmond Oregon. J. J. Klllnger. Redmond. Oregon ..... ,. . . . II f..lll.- writ nu ... ...!.. Hi !L ..i. i.iii. i hi Hr w 1,. riui',i.iui,in, rinnL. l,niliur '.5,000 - Wo.OOO Man mid Farmoro, Mj) Qli) Cs)