PAHB 7 SHEEP TO BE runt n room iiml fit It up for tlm loft (ivorn. A iniiotliiK of tlm school bimril wnn called ourly this nftoriionii for tlm purponn of picking another teach or mill consider tlm advlsublllty of securing n nxlra aililltlonul ono. ALFALFA. IlKNI) IIUMjKTIK, IlKNI), OIIIMON, TIIL'IIHDAY, HKITIiMIIKH 27, 1017 BRD6E ED II O 'J h J) (.V 0, M'lHANCK OF MUVINO IIKHDH THROUGH TOWN Wild. IIK UK- MOVKI) MANY C'OMI'MINTH FROM KKHIDKNTH, 'HIK UAUHK. (From Hsturday's Dully) After having bnim Ihn subjnr.t of numerous complaints In the pant from townsponpln, 'the. nulssnrn of driving shrnip through the city Mmltn in to bo romovnd. Instead of ranch ers finding It necessary to ilrlvu their herds lo nn of thn rliy bridges In order to net llioiit'lo till) oppnsltn side jk of tint rlvnr. limy limy noon take llinm over n specially cuiiniriirii'ii hiii what Ik known s Dutch Jolin'i brldg" four mllim iihnvn llend. J T. Ilnnly, eoniiiu'riinl agent of tlm Oregon Trunk, was In town yen iHnliiy unit Htuti'il thnt tlm sheep won In Ihn district IiiiiI decided to fliiiinru tlm construction of tlm niurli needed lirlilr.0 UihiiishIvos. Mr. Ilnnly bun Iihwi workliiK for such nn arrango nmnt tor some time. Tlm forestry service Iimn agreed to ovorsen tlm building of nn approach Irlvowny connecting -tlm piissng" with tlm iniiln ronil on either side Tlm ...,.. Ha.I ..III I... it. nrilliiiirt' iiftlfi (nne of ample uliltli to allow, several idierp on It nt oiim NEED FOR ANOTHER C.RADE TEACHER FELT Oillilmi nro Turned A way I'nmi the S Imh.I Will I'lrU Kxlra In Mmiior. TimIh). (Prom Monday's Dally. ) Thn ihh'oiiiI ek of tin city school yiwr npnnml with tlm urgent !! tar hkw grade tiwrlmr. ICIght new stu dent registered In Hit' high mhiwiI a Mini zi in tlm oiimr huiiiiihk. mum Hanks, nt tlm Held srhiwl, neiit mum VI children this morning on mrouni of lack of seating Hri'oiuniiHlai mu A few have nlwi been sent a ay from (Im otlmrn temporarily It Hill lm necrmary for tlm school district to (Continued from I'nno 2J Mm. Hoy Wooley bn neon snrlously hurl In runnWAV accident, linn tinon received by Alfalfa friend. Mr. nnd Mrn. Woolny movt'd to Canada about throo montha ngo. Ocornfl Jonna, of ncnu, nroumu aupply of urocorlca to tho Johnston ranch wranraaay. Mian Clara Potrnnoo, of Hoattln. la aanlitant cook nl Ihn MortachlnB ranch thla wnnk. SOROSIS CLUU MEETS WITH MRS. SHEARER I'mtrll Hullo I'lMipIn Mnko Trip to llm IVnillHoo Itoiioil'l'p nml Ollnr I'oliili. (Hpurlal In Tlm Ilullotln.) I'nWBM. IIU'ITK. Hept 20. Tlm I'nwi'll llullii Horonln mm itt tlm loin miinlty Hall on UViluonilay of Innt ttimk wllli Mrn. J M. Hlnmriir nn iKHttoaa A Iiitkh nuiuhor of kuhhU worn prinHiit bmililm tlm mnmliorn, niiioiiK wlioin wirn Mrn. Iliinry Twoiil, Mrn. K. A. Ilunimlt uuil Mri. Honn lllllMKlI (Iraiuliiin llrown vlnlti-il with Imr crnuilitntiKlitor. Mrn. Mclvlu Foatnr, hhvithI iluyn ilurliii; tin forn purl of Innt Menk. Minn Hopliln Hlrlximr. who linn lnnn vlnltliiK with Imr nlnlnr, Mm Will lam Wllnoii. HfVHnil moiitlin. Ii'ft with Imr brotlmr. Mux Htrlxinir, on Wml immtny of Innt wnok tor I'uudlutoti unit MohIIIp Frml llrown. Will llrown, nml Cnrl Churltoii npi'iit Wilntaitiiy In Iinuii (I. F lli'rkiimn ilnltvxrixl iiHsit to O'IIoiiuhII llnm. In Iinuii Innt Thiim- day. ItiHMt Ilunnult mnilH n trip to lluml Thumitiiv moriilnK. Until HInwriT wan on tlm nlrk lint niHHral iluyn Innt wnnk. Mr. hhiI Mrn Win WlUon. Mr. ami Mrn. Allnll Wlllroxou. Mrn. W. K. Viiunir. Mm ItHuvmt Wlllroxim. Mm. J. M. KhmtrtT. Frml llrown nml It K. I)vl ntttiml tlm ilancH In ltilmoml Innt Frlilny tilKht. MImi l"iiy lliiMi'lt maitn n trip to I'rlimvllln Kntunlny mornliiK. J A ItlKKn nml Minn llmnl llayn HtiKinlfil tlm nhow In llainl Kntunlny CVI'lllllK Mr nml Mrn Konn llunntrtt mniln a trip to tlm t'ovn Orchard Ktiuday. brliiKlUK bnrk it lond of fruit Allen Wlllroxou. M A i.yncli, of UimIiiiouiI nml Mr l.viirh'n hrotlmr v iusJi fWwk wWmil rffri : r nv" ai Tl laW 1W M PWMIIfck Wr I I I w J J families in Bend use Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is yours one of them? Mb. - 45c 2l2-lb.$1.00 There arc Ik Folgtr's GU!(h Gate Spices ftxirncts Ten Hnkiiif,' I'etaler each Ihc kind you'd buy if you knew the quality Aik your dealer J.A.FOLGER &COMPANY.SAN FRANCISCO them toi o ahead You might as well have the use of that building you arc planning-there is nothing to bo gained by waiting. There ia no prosjxret oi prices going down for some time after the war h over. Go ahead and let your contracts. When it comes to tho roof you can make a real saving, and get a better roof by specifying Certain-teed mmsemmmmx m Roofing CERTAIN-TEED is not cheaper because tho quality is lower, but because it li a less expensive roofing to manufacture. It is better, not only because it la-clteaper, but also because it is light weight, weather-tight, clean, sanitary, firc-rctardaut and costs practically npthinrj to maintain. It is now recognised srs the preferable type of reofintr for office buildings, factories, fiotcls, stores, warehouses, parages, farm buildings etc., whery durability is necessary. CERTAIN-TEKB is cuatantccd for 5, 10 or 15 years, accord ins to thickness (Ij 2 or 3 ply). There are many 'roil rooini3 on the market, but only one CKltTAlN-TKtfD. It pays to get the best. It costs no more to laya"HlUlXAlN-TElD i oof than it docs to lay a poor roof, hut there is a vast difference in the wear. You can't tell tho quality of a roofinc by looks or feci. Your only safety is the hlicl. He sure that it is CEUTAIN-TKED then you are xiruin of quality and udrar;.W satisfaction. Ccrtain-tccci Slato-Surfaccd Asphalt Shingles are (tippliiitini' wood and ilito ililuglci for ictUltiicci. They coit lei, me but hi Rood looking, wear better, lvou't fall olf turklo or split. They ic (UK-rctatJaui, ami Jo iwt liue to tic iututcd or stained. Ccrtatri'leed Paiuta end Varnishes jTO mo 3 ot qiwiity (viint in.ntcriali, RSSl ;rouml and mixed ivlth iiiccluiiicilac fefd curay. Made fur all uicj nml in ull colom. With iaint, ns with roofiiiij, the name CKHTAIN-TBEI) Is a Uiianntco of quality and saUaclion. CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION Nnw Yoik, (Jliloiuo, inilhulilplil. Ht louli. lliuton. OlovrUml. llttaliiirisU. DclmU, lliillalo, Hsn VrunoUco, jJllwauUco, nmiliiimtl. Now ; DfloMM. U Aiiirvkd WlniMiiivollii. Kuiwuk ruy, HumtU. IihIIiiiiuihiIIii, Atlanta, Itlclimilivl.tlruiul Kuiilda. MulivUW) Uuli Uiku CUy, Vvii Uuluit, Uountou, UuluU). ImuUou. UyUuur, JluYuaa. Pend Hardware Co. SA fmfa JfwyCpMrlri BEND Auliroy I.ynrh. unil wlft nnd mother. Mm Williams, of Virginia, made u trip to Orator l.nke iiml Kluinath Falls Iiml woek. Mr. nnd Mr. Walter Fostar, Mrs. Walt Morse, alitor of Mrs. Footvr. nml Dick and Frank I.oiik started for reiidloton by auto on Tuesday of last wo ok to tako In the Itniind'Up. Mrs. M. Oroweller arrived from I'ortluiid Tueniliiy of last woek to visit her KranddaUKhter, Mrs. J. M. Slitwrur, and family. Mr. and Mm. K. .V. Hull left ror l'onillolon Wmlneadny of last wnek where they vs tit visit relatives and enjoy the Hound-Up. J. M. Shearer and Kom HuMett made a ImisIudhh trip to llend Tues day afternoon of last week. Allen Wlllcoxou spent several days last week lookliiK after his Interest In sheep near Oreeceut. TUMALO RED CROSS SELECTS OFFICERS Auxiliary OrKniiluitltm (Ji'ts CimhI Ntnrt far I'liirlutM'il la Tako Children to SrliiMil. (Special to The Ilullotln.) TUMAI.O. aunt. 18. An auxiliary of the llend chapter of the lied Cross society was formod In Tumiilo luet Wednesday afternoon with the mi IowIiik meiuliiMMhlp: Mrs. Hales. Mrs. (Irlffln, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. l'ark. Mrs. MarHh. Mrs. Hurpor. Mrs. Max well, Mrs. llrown, Miss James, Miss Lllllu, Miss Dean and Miss Howell. Mrs. Walluce was chosen chairman, Mrs. (Irlffln, secretary and Miss I low- oil, treasurer. Sevoral ladles from llend came down to assist tho hull oh to Kot sturted In tho work, amoiiR them lieliiK Mrs. Urooks, Mrs. Van- devert and Miss Munuy. Tho toachors worn vIsltliiK ut Mrs. Ilrowu's last Monday and were caught In tho heavy shower that ciuno up uIoiir toward ovoiiIiik ns thoy wore on their way homo. None felt any HI otfocts from it uud till thought it part of tho tun, A Mr. Whlto, from Hond, was In tho neighborhood doliiK hustness with Clifford Thompson last Friday after noon. Tho toachors, with tholr "families," vlsltod Mrs. Dayton and Mrs. Qorklng Friday, Iltihy Davis called on Mrs. Clerking Friday. (Trover Pulllnni was on the streets of Head lust Thursday. Mrs. Gerklng and Mrs. Drown vis ited at A. O. Walker's for u short time last Thursday. Fred Wilson drove to llend Sat urday on buslnoss. Arthur Dickinson has purchased Mr. Helhhoff's land west ut town and will move out there soon. W. K. Sandal sold 40 acres of his laud last week. llert Mlllor has purchasod tho Ov erland oar Mr. Humes used to have and will use it for transporting tho children to and from school on ono of the mutes north of town. SHEEP BROUGHT IN TO CALDWELL RANCH Lumber Is HuiiIihI for HcIiimiI Which Will lie Krvctwl .Near Mllllctin. (Special to Tho Hulletln.) Mll.MCAN, Sept 22 drover Cald well took It. It. Keller to Head Sat urday, Mr. Caldwell returning the iMtme day, while Mr. Keller uelnod I bring out R00 sheep, arriving here 'Tuesday. The 197-1 sheep that were on I'lne Mountain have also been brought to the Caldwell ranch. They expect to take them near llend, where Mr. Caldwell has rented an al falfa pasture. Mrs. P. H. Johnson and children visited with tho I. L. Oweu family re cently. Mrs. J. J. Holland was a Sunday afternoon visitor at tho A. D. Norton homo Sunday aftornoon. Mary and Joseph Holland and Wal ter and Hoy Keller wore Sunday af ternoon visitors at tho A. D. Norton home. Geo. Cook made a trip to Dend Sunday, returning Tuesday. He took In some chickens to sell. 1'. II. Johnsons sold some of tholr chickens at Hem! Tuesday. L. A, Hall accompanied Mr. John son to llend Tuesday. Mr. Hall ex pects to work for Mr. Shaefer soon. W. W. Or Instead made a trip to llend Sunday, bringing out a load of lumber for the now school house at tho east end of tho district. Messrs. W. A. Halm and Chas. Graffenberger went to Hend Monday, returning on Wednesday, also bringing out lum ber for the samo school house, and Mr. Shaefer nnd son brought out the cement and hardware for tho school house tho past woek. Ferdinand Tauscher made a trip to Hend Monday, returning Wednosday with another load of lumber for his new house. Win. Ileatn finished hauling straw from the Frances K. Leo place Monday. Florence Ream was an all-night visitor at the George Cook home Sun day. Mrs. Ream called at the J. J. Hol land and Oeorge Cook homos Mon day. Florence Ream had dinner with tho Hollands Monday. P. D. Johnson bought all of L. Goodman's hay reoently. It is re ported that P. Q. Johnson bought 60 head of Horeford and Holsteln cattlo from a mau In Alfalfa and expects to bring them home the lattor part ot the month. J. J. Holland and Raymond Grat fonborger returned from Prlnevlllo Tuesday, whore they had been work lug In the hay fields tor Kd. Slaton. Grace Johnson hurt her arm qulto badly Monday when she and hor brother. Paul, fall from their horse whllo riding horseback. Wm. A. Hahn called at tho J. J. Holland home Wednesday evening. A. D. Norton finished hauling straw Tuesday. Mrs. Shaefer and son made a trip to Deud Tuesday, returning the same day. P. D. Johnson was In Hend Wed nesday. George Roberts called on A. D. Norton Thursday. Grovor Caldwell Is taking his cat tlo to tho Paulina Lakes today, See J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loaus. Adv. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN k VALUE ABOU $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YE NONE ' END . ARS NF OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 IRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 ITicift BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. if . i