1II5NI) IIUr,M7MN, III5NI), OIIEGON, TMI'ltHIMV, HKITICSIIIKK i!7, 11)17 PAGE S. Feeding CottonSeed Cake to Sheep Advised for Winter A nuinbur or Iiii-kd ahroiiini'ii huvo liiiitliinl at Ihn I'liuiily ni',il''iilUirnl IhI'h offlim fur liifiirmiitlmi lunci.rii Ini; l!i wliilurliiK or mIichji dm rultmi amid ciiku null IiiiIIcmMoiih itt imwmit urn Unit viuitl imrlimtlM or ililn fi'iul will do fnil hi (.'antral Oii'Kon III In wlnltir. Cotton Mioil inn rHko In now u ! vnry oxluHklvtfly tin tlm Whalnrn riuiKon for Avliiturliiit Muck allium. II If only willi I n tlm lam 40 or fio ywira Unit Iliu vhIiiii or I'oKon moil haa Imhui iiiiriK'lnti4. J'rnvlmia to dim Hunt It win thrown away un uai'lua. To iluy It lit rtfcurilixl iih tint amirm or (inn or tlm hnat coni'nttuiiil fnmla on .tlm iniirkHt. In wlit't'ti fnwilliiK. rot linn ncimI i'ii Iui (nut aim) can bit wo- iiomlimlly IW1 In nuijiiiiilloii with aJ fulfil or ottmr buy. or to auilt)imut wliitnr tuifittirit. Ewna ftl In thla iniuinitr romn llirmir.li In uxi'pllmit hhnpo, anil li'l aliuw tint iinrri'iilHKi) Of IlllllllH l IllKllHT, lUlll tllH limMIHI much Jouur I'iiiii wlii'ii wlnixriHl on liny iiloini. Tlm follow Inr. ration has limin tttiUruly mitlntuclory. It will In noli'it Ilium I cnml aavlng In liny: Alfiilfn liny, 2 to X iioiindi; cotton sftcil ni kit (IM' of nut), 2 to 2 (iiiiii'i'H. II. (.'. Wood, or Hjitmt-tir. ItUhu, ha KiirciiiiHfiilly wlnturoil It Im htni for ii niiiiilmr or yimn on u ration mil- iHlllllIK mtlOliaHHd cukH. I In atiirlK ihihIIiik iiiiiiut I b otuicpa pur own about lirnmllnr. tlm. and mm Mn una to fid until tlm nuiKH U crwiii In tha IiiiuimIh of liny In addition to tint tot tniiaiiuil rii Int. TIiiwmi hIh'I'P uiiiuii out In tint apriiiK MtrotiKiir tluin limy wunt In In Hid full. 'I'd 0 y iiIho Mliuuri'il two ImmiiiiIh iiioio won) iiplni'M tluin ilium fad luiy nlniiit. CoIIoiihmiiI rnkit for rniD'.o fiimllntc kIvhh hollar miiUfiiitlon iiuil la whhIii wlittn fad In tlm nut aim, than In iiihhI or hih Winn, ir nualturml on tlm Krouuil, Mm Mlmttp will flnil It. .Mirny or our nhtf-ji iiihii fand It In ronimi'llou wild liny In muilily wmtlli ht hiiiI tint aheap will follow tho mil nikit down lulo tlm mini with prao th'itlly no whnIo. It Iiuh lii'i'ii found Itiilt'tr to fund It ok liar it Krouuil Hum In tlm MiKoliniHli. "When aliaap are fmJ I'oltoiiNitml cuke limy niiiMt have pliinly or niolatuni. Khoop fitil cut- tutimod ru kit on nun: it wlmrit Hie hiiow wna Mown on lout wkIkIU. Thoy will rtmiit) futtdltiK on tlm rottoimt'Hfl cnkit niiliiriilly In tbit aprlnc with tlm ioiiiIiik ot tlm wiirin Mnuilmr und Knimi Krii. Two Join or rutiK't owoti, fml on KtrulKut liny at tlm ruto or five pnomU jinr uliuop und thf ollmr fi'il two pmniiln or liny und 1 ouuniH of rolloiuiiwl nut cuke, nil owed tlm followltiK nwiittii: Tlm nwni fud on tlm rottnuiHitd rnkit and liny rntlon himri'il two pniimU miiro wool (inch und prndliri'il itlKht pur unit tuortt lumlm Hi ii n Hum' fnd Ihn buy trnli;lit. ColtouMttitd I'iikit nut ttlzo will rnnc In prh'H from l0 to (it ptr ton t. o Ii. )mK'hulA Vnlloy polnln. Tint lulmiloiiiiil jioHltlnriH. WnrrnntN for noii-roiiiinlMMliiiiiiil orricnrfl lint hwiibd If ii iniiu In round 'iniiliriitd by tlm rcy, linontnl rnmtnnndor, nftur Joining tlm Imtliillnii to wliloh ho In hhhIkmuiI. Mon llvlui: In lliU vlcluty hiiiI wlitli lUtumnt. TrniiHiiorliitlon Mini miiIi hIhIiiui'h will Im furulHlmd lo nicriilu liy tint nxrullliiK officer. KiiIImIdiI umn tuny urrmico to huvo tlmlr fiini llliw ruiiilvii h II or any portion or tlmlr pay durliiK Ihitlr hIhhiko It Im uuilnrMlooil llinl I In- flrnt unit will ho iiHNituililml ut tlm triiluliiK (itiup it Aumrk'Mii tlulvurMlty, WmhIi IiikIoii, I). ('., where tlmy will rtn'ttlvo inllllHry (rlnliiK mid Im kept pro pnrntory for ilutv In KrHiiro. Mhii IIvIiik In thin vlrnliy mid wlnli Ihk to en I Int. tuny apply to V. V. llHrphntiit AcHiik Fori-! HnpurvUor, tliMid, OrfKou. R W M TO IV ui:.moi)i:i-h oiwick. (From Tuwnlay'a Dully.) Coutitprit ate hlng movml twek and tlm office of the Ilwnd Wator, MKht & I'ower Company In receiving a noncrnl ovorhaullnB todny, object In to onlarKO tho lobby. Tho Four ohalrB at your ftonrico at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr. DEMENT STORES TO HAVE WAREHOUSE I'MNT Wlll KMI'U)V 2.T MUX AM) MAV IWASIS OI'KltATIVfJ AVIWT OK MUM) IN :) DAV Ot'TIMT AM, ,O.VritA'TJl. uprliiK. An tlm ueatkt-r ktiiwh rounty iiKrli'iilluralUl will Im pltMimd .inorH novMrH thin In Im nmi'd to hari all Hmmi rontHinplnUliiK pur- 'untll naili nlmtip In rm-rlvluK frum rtmnlnK rottomitd rki' r.nt In toui'k two lo thrnf ouiii'nn dally Aflxr tlm with him. no all ordrn ran be fom- flrnt niniw enrh ulift-ii rf.!i mmi hlmxt lmi rnrhmd lot. Details for Enlisting in Forestry Regiments Given C " tkV IVII tm U..t j U... . I 11 " ' l i n''M m m iD'' ' tal. ) At the rwUfi r ike War lie pnrlHmtit the rormtfer hen iti-l(iiti'l (ItMirKH II. Cecil, illnlrlit fortmter. of INirlliilid, OrNKon, to nmUI III rerrult- Imk two battallmHi of liKKr and luin Imruntn, an part of a nr0Hd forurt fKlmnt whlnh will be known a tho 20lh KiiKlimrn (Forfnt) IteKlment. Karh battalion will roimUt uf thre roiiipanlmi ot 2t0 nmu nnch. all or whom nhould be HXprleiK'd loKKern r mill iiihii. Mpwlat rii.t linn been )md fur a llmltml numhr f mn 4MpM-lally iiinllflml far nawyern, naw mill oHKlHeern, ftlem, ralrhel netlm, wlllwrlKhtn, tdM,trlcln, dKrtnfcn, formimn, wimhU bnnnnn and motor truck operator. Inforwaton rard ItiK thin rMdlwent ran t acMrt by caltlnK at the Iilntrlct rorrater'a Of Urn, Heck ItuUdlun. I'ortland, or at Mny fareel Umi vlnor'n hitadqitartera, tu (iMKitti or Waahlnmun It in underaloud that the vnrloun rowtwnlea cowponlrm thnnt- kaltallunt will be aratterml wldxly throuKhout the fir4tn of 1'ranrtt, where they will be rallml upon to rut 1 1 hi tier and pre pare It i Ilia form imedml for um b) tlm mlllUiry authorltln an lumber. ttvi. pulej, plllllK. fire wimhI. ! Of llrera nro .already lieliiK ntilt-ited und ' t'lillnlrd in pit ern tmrd il Thny iliould ib Xii,rli'iu'il woodntimn or naw mill workt-rn. Hrrrlfe In thenw uulln will Klve nmh men a rhain-r to take part In the war In the line which their life tr.ilnliic and i'xprltiice linn jlar llrularly ftted them Fur IokkIuk rrewn there are iiohImi!. nklllml ax men. wood nawycrn. flltrn. He hew era, nklddern, tHMlimturn and black nmithn. For mill crown, mlllwriKhtn, mill naw yarn, circular naw fllttrn, mill irVlKlneern and i'perfHnciHrmlll liiiiidn, Appllraatn tor enllatnmnt muil have reavhetl their elKhteeiith birth ilay and not have panned their forty flrnt. They will be nillijwt to the name phynlral examliiatloti an re iii I red for the rmtulnr army. .Men of draft aK whoae nawen have been poeied by the "I .oral Hoard" for ner- vlre In the Natlunal Army are not liable for enllatment. Other men ot draft ae will be accepted. Men with dwndenia will bo required to 4ilve a cortiricate nlned by them and their adult depeudeuu, that they will not tall upon the United 8tatea tor finan cial nupport durliiK Ihe period ot the appltrant'a eulhitmeni. Knllntmeiita will bo for the period of the war. All recruit will be will tat ml an prlvaten, oven thoiiKh iuallfled for uou-rum- llolldliiKx Will lt Kitilppiil With HN'juii llciit IliiMimcut Kxcii Milril Ni'nr Alley. (From Tucndaa Dally.) Very noon, tinlonn tlm weuthnr In trIlra with iirencnt plaun, h two ntory brick wnruhiiunt In to bo oruct cd In linck of tlm Floyd DhiiiuuI Kro cory, fiirlni: tlm alley butweeu Iloud and Walt ntruotn. Al toady a lurRit holn him Ijhiiii oxcnvntml mid In ready to bit iiiiimnli'd and prupari'd for tho hounlui: of a boiler which will aupply thn hnrdwure and Krocory nloron mid tho wnrohoune with ntwim heat. The ntructure In to be 60 by 'JO fuet In (lljintiinlonn. I'lltHT M'MIIKIUACK flOIW. (From Monday'n Dally.) The flrnt man from thU nectlon to Join the lumberjack rudiment, the Twentieth KnKliiKfi, la Albert K. Wlealander, or Warm XfirlnKn. He npent lant nlKht In lleml and went out on thin mornltiK'n train to Vancouver, trom which place he will probably no on to Man Franrlnro. Mr. Wlealander han been In the Indian aervtre on the Warm Jlprlnan renervatiou. III'VH TF.MAM) THAtT. (From Tuenday'n Dally.) Mrn. Ilerthn Datenman, or l',verit. WanhlnKton, ban purchased of D. U. Mark bin 40-nrre tract a mile and a half iMirthwent ot Tumalo. Sh ban alno purchaned a ntate 40-acre tract iidJolnliiK and will take ponnennlou at once. Mr. Mark Inteudn to npeud the winter In ItoneburK. (From Tuenday'n Dally.) Another naw mill Ii to be added within the next SO daya to the unru lier operating In Hio vicinity ot Uend Tlm mill In the one formerly located at Creneetit and known an the Cannon mill. A nlx-horne outfit left Hem! thin momliiK to lirliiK the plant In from Croecaut and It In expected to bo In operation within 20 daya. Tho mill will be operated by Klmer Merrill and (In entire output han al ready been contracted by W. It. Wll kliinon, who will nhlp trom Ilond. the lumber belli; hauled over the brick yard road. The mill In expected lo have a dally capacity or about 15.000 feet. It will be nltuatcd at tlm foot of Hod Itock canyon wont of Awbrey Hutte and will employ about 26 men. Tim ber In the vicinity which ban been contracted will be nufflclont for a I long run. ' I No Want too Big-No Want too Small That Bak er sjmqpru AntFclcllver promptly anil In tl Krorwcjqn, tjFoducr, truJfiffl&Liil rcrrlKcratogtnojitokccpa tmtr frchti. Itol&prlccf IirwuinJi' "WSiBiraF'- can t fill for you ie licet condition. Onr lyn irenli. Our nanltnry dairy ixxliictn cool nail KootN of tlio lcnt brandn. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone ReJ 161 1 ' 1 Man7ar.;ta Lch S50 M. 10 pet cent cash I manzanita $&0 Monlhlt) I and .iots 7 5 io $ 150.00 I Aubrey y 'N jr v Airi'A for I'Aciric ItliV, NKI.SOX Hl'VH IIO.MK. (From Tuenday'n Dally.) Itev. J. M. Nelnon, or the First Hap- tint church, thin mornlnic completed the purrhane or J. J. CunnlnRham'n realdence on lot 5. block 17. Klver Terrace. The ronnlderatlon waa I22S0. Height Ad dition Afc'i HUILD- INOiOAN ASSOCIATION -J. A. EASTES Real Es(atcfruuranec ms I M ONKY TO LOAN J SECOND HALF OF TAXES ARE DUE One cent a word la all a little Want Ad will eont you. (From Tueeday'n Dally) Utile over 10 dayn remalna tor tho who atill owe for the nacond halt of their taxea to pay them. The nerond hair tax in payable on or be rore October S, all tax en remalnlnK unpaid on that date, which la Friday, next week, being declared delinquent and nubject at once to lutereat at the rate ot one per rent per month or fraction ot a month until paid. Tax en which remain unpaid on the 16th ot NVivomber are nubject to further pen ally of five per cent. According to Sheriff ltobertn a largo amount of taxea ban yet to be paid. , Brooks- Scaftlon Lumber tfmpany " Iimlr, Lath, Shingles, mildinjrdlttmirinl, Kiln Dried ftjoorinjfnnd nil kinds of Finish ST I? SASHTBrND DOORS COMPLtTE STOCK oJ SuoJwd Sao. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. TclrpWe Red M3 1 oi 701 Cty StSet Office Bend Coaptaj Bu3dui Business and Professional Cards NEW PERKINS HOTEL HIlli iJ Wmluiigton Slirrli I'OKTLAND, OKEGON Centrally Located ,Tte''l!otekior YOU in yor. Special SiimmerBrfates Room with Imlh privik-giSoiWu. 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with privj Imth, single $ 1 .50 up; double $p0b up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. roni North Hank Depot Sear transfer at flth St. JfafiVnl 11 III II 11 HliHi C" 1 sJflfiffji llllilll I 1""' i lf m:1:-mBm 'ltn,.ndl hrj'ttmcnt 'llutleliii I'erilm Motor Cur Co. To All Dealers: For jour information e nith toaihite that in our experiments an J tali here ut the factory ith our new eight-cylinder car, iee hate been able to secure uniform' ly better results nith Standard Oil Company's Zcrolenc motor lubricant than nith any other which e hae used. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y K It Flrnt National Dank llulldlni; nend ::V X Oregon ARTHUR J. MOORE Lnwyer Lorain Cuildlni Dend, Ore. Phone Black 1411 II. II. DeARMOND 1. A W V K U O'Kane Uuildlng, Uend, Orrgon J. K. KNGKIIKKTSO.V, I'l.fMIUXO AND IIKATING 117 Mlnnenota Street. Bstlmates Cheerfully Furnlehod Jobbing Promptly Done DK. J. C. VASDEVERT Phynlclan anil Surgeon Phono Red 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-5 p. n,, 7-9 p. m. y O'Knne ItulldlnR. Endorsed by Peerless Motor Car Co. 'c abovJctj0gfcnt lut from t!ic factory to all Pccrjfsn dealerslaBri unsolicited testimonial to the pcrf:t lubating qualities of Zcfolcne. Less wear, more P9Jr, IcJIt carbon ill iiiiiH aWii UMii iMiiiiiili n iiiiiihTiiiiii falifornia ajJaTtJBc crude. 'vhcrc did t our itrvice ntatton. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cllilutrj) Mm Eh W. bJ Eh & IM Ebb Ttte Standard Oil for Motor Cars V H. C. L L I 8 Attorneyat-Law United State Commissioner Flrat National Dank Building DEND. OREGON Phono Dlack 1291 ,U:KA. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect .2-4 O'Kano Building C.NIJ ... OREGON THE PORTLAND HOTEL PO RTL AmjDRECON The Rose Citjyf worjdnftfcjjd hotel, oceu IyinK an enur!T)loek. A11 OuLsidt: rooms. Superior dining tJhd jrill ser- iee, An at mosphere jBf refinement, -fc-n with a .seftdeeajJfTourtsey. ------ European Plan; $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager la especially tor ninilo. :s THAT Nono aro bot- Shoes for-Red Service" OUlt HPKCIAJI'V IS TO MAKH SHOE! i?HTAXI THE TEST PAP-A-TAN SHOE Itilo for this kind ot country. J. e, jtffPr Iwoe A hnndBuino uarvlccjlilo dresa uttno for mon. Cannot be beaten for thu moiiejrGlvo thcjtinoa n trlnl. A. HNSOrfLOGGER. Tho A, IltiUBou J.OKKor Shoos of Throo I.alcoB, Wis., are hand-mado und cno of tho very best ot Its kind. Spoclal iuado-to-order work tokon for this nhoo. UP-TO-DATE HUGE ltEPAUUNG Shoe Repairing: Done In n FIKST-CLASS man- tier, lillc you wait. I. Goodman, tipiHinlto llakcr'a ... I v urwiTji Second Hand Furniture Bought and Sold sides Every Saturday Corner Bond fc Oigon Sttrrti PHONK BLACK 1711 H. R. Griffus & Son O. P, NI8WONGER. Bend. Ore. UNDEIITAKEII licensed Embalmer, Pnneral Director. Phono lied 31. Lady Aaat. DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathic Physician i Orer Logan Furniture Co Wall 8treet Hours 9 toX Phone Ited 183 7 O. 8. DENSON Attorney At L nv Benson Dulldln?, Wall St w DOND STREET R. H. LOVEN DEND OREGON Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J.A MacCLOSKEY HNNINQ AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights, i Bend, Oregon. II I THE UNITED WARE-1 I HOlfeE COMPANY I H 8toii ndfJrwanllni, Gtncl Cm-1 H tiluMk Mtrchant. H I VI rr Oil, CtVllnt. Botr, Fkar, H Salt Uttti, Uami.lUco and Laid. I THIS PAPER REPRESENfED FOR FOREIGN ADVEfiTISIHG BY THE rXL, yfnr"- oenkraL offices NEW YpRK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES