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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1917)
cagk a HKNO HULLKTIN, IIKND, OKKtiON, Tlll'llSDAV, HKPTKMIlKIt UO, 1017 Central Oregon Neighborhood News k:loverdale farmers busy with hay work Seek to Finish Work In Time to At tend tho HUtcr Flr Scheduled, for Next Tuesday. (Specln'l to Tho Dultetln) CLOVEIMALK, Sept. 19. Nearly nil tho farmers are busy cutting their second crop of hay anil Retting ready tor tho Sisters fair. Mrs. (Jeorgo Cyrus and daughters. Esthor and la Dona, returned home Sunday from Madras, whero they have been visiting Mrs. Cyrus' sister, lrs. Gray. Mrs. Frank Kolley ami son and daughter Arrived Saturday nt the liome of Mrs. n. J. Skelton. Mrs. Kclloy will move to Dend In a few tlays, so Miss KeJlcy can attond high school there this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kline moved to the Wilson saw mill north of Sis ters. Monday. Mr. Kline is going to -work In tho mill and Mrs. Kline will cook for the mill crew. Opal was the guest of Idella Miller Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. Farrcn spent Saturday and Monday nlcklnr cooseberrlcs at the XJcorge Cyrus placo. Mr. and Mrs. Uerling were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Sunday after noon. Cutters live on tho Weston ranch. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Van Matre "went over to Mrs. Skclton's place Sunday afternoon to see Mrs. Frank Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Harold were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. nay Abbey. Mr. and iMrs. W. W. Van Matre and family spent Sunday, at tho H. C. Miller home. Mrs. Green Heard was calling on Mrs. Miller Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlllcoxon. daughter Harriett. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shearer and daughter ltuth, spent Saturdav evening in Dend. Miss Margery Young, of Redmond, spent Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. K. Young. Mrs. Henry Young and daughter Thelma returned to their homo at Yiincoubor on Wednesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Fred llurke. I who expects to remain several weeks. I.. J. McDanlels and Trim Huston i attended court In Prlnevlllo last week I as Jurors. J. K. Warner was unfortunate In I i losing a good milk cow last week i Mr. nnd Mrs. William Wilson. I I Sophia and Mux Strixner, Fred nnd Will Drown. G. F. Hobbs. Mr. audi Mrs. Walter Foster and Mr and Mrs ' Wait Morse attended tho dance at Terrebonne. I Miss Ada Morse sjtent the week , end at the K. A. Hussett ranch Carl Charlton has purchased the car formerly owned by 1'ete Perry i Mr. and Mrs. Walt Morse, of Post, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter I Foster. I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shearer and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday visiting the parents of Mrs. Shearer, Mr and Mrs. Charles Oerwcller, at the Oer wcllcr mill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. t)kk and Frank Long and Ruth Foster, were among those who attended the Terrebonno dance Friday orenln I Mrs. J. P. Bowman and daughters, Violet and Kathcrlne. Mrs. Frank) Smith, accompanied by Mrs. McKM fresh, of Terrebonne, left for the John Day country Thursday of last week. vh. PLAN ANNUAL DANCE AT POWELL BUTTE Will Cclebruto Ifervrt Willi Party at Grange Hall on September 28, Is Announcement. (Special to Tho Rulletln.) POWELL nUTTE. Sept. ID. The -annual harvest dance will tako plat September 28 at tho Community hall. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bayn, Hazel Dayn and J. A. Hlggs spent Sunday at the Core orchard. Miss Cclla Manseau has a new Ford, presented to her by her father. John Tuck also has a new Ford. Mr. French enjoyed hlll-cllmbing on Broken Top Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Linster, of Dcnd, and their son, Alf Linster. from Portland, spent Sunday at the E A. Dussett ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Wlllcoxon, Mrs. E-A. Dussett, Fay Dussett and "Mrs. Alma Hall were Uend visitors Monday afternoon. Ora Foster started his threshing machine out Monday morning and expects quite a run. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oerweller, of Uho Ocrwellor mill visltod with Mr ml Mrs. J. M. Shearer on Tuesday of last weelc. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hall, son Er nest, Mrs. Reaves Wltieoxou and Mrs. Alma Hall spent Wednesday of last week In Dend. J. E. Warner, Ed. Barnard. Joe Elliott and Ross Dussett spent Thurs day of last week in Prlnevlllo on bus iness connected -with tho building of the new school. ml l I 2 . ll ii m i . 'i i K , fclbr 'VE-J i VCZZ2 teMm You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Our Formal Fall Opening Saturday, Sept 29, 1917 Intensely Interesting to All Women of High Fashion Attainments are the New Fall Modes. T HAMPTON PEOPLE MOVE NEAR SCHOOL Mls lAtra Crow to Spend Winter In Iloiid Mr. nnd Mrs. Wliltukrr Return From Vallrj. (Special to The Bulletin.) HAMPTON. Sept. 19. Miss Lora Crow went to Dend to attend high school this winter. Mr. Ashieys, from tho Duttes. will live on Hugh Crow's ranch this win ter so tho children can go to school. Mrs. Burr Dlack and Jesse Dlack made a trip to the N'lncty Six ranch last Saturday. Messrs Peck and Zierolt wero bus iness visitors on Duck Creek last Sat urday. Master Gerald Hicks spent a few days at C. D. Harmon's whllo his mother was In Dcnd. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whltaker have returned from the Willamette Valley, where they visited for six weeks. Mrs. Jlmmle Drlckcy called at Crow's last Saturday. Dan McArthur went to Dend last Tuesday aftor seed rye and supplies. Mr. Best and family, of Stauffer. spent Wednesday night at the Har mon ranch whllo on their way to Dend to spend the winter. It has been our aim to bring together Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Millinery, correct in style and withal meeting the popular price demands. We believe this exhibit fulfills every style and price demand for exclusive Garments and Millinery. JOur showing will be exceptionally large and complete. Fall Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Waists, in splendid array. OUR MILLINERYj'is among the most exclusive and unusual to be had. Our display will include ever Three Hundred Pattern Hats, in Sport, Tailored Dress and Semi-Dress and Motor Hats. Hats that are not just experiments, but acknowledged and approved styles, at prices that are sure to bring you back to our store. We spent weeks comparing and sifting the offerings of the diderent markets and now the rest ills await yon. tiiij PI.ACI-: Don't forget the date Saturday, Sept. 29 PRIN'GLE BUILDING WAR HOKSKS IiniTCHT i ON ALFALFA FARMS llll . Watch our Windows 7m$tititian$ Friday gggfo- . v. J. ' Open Saturday Morning at 9 o'clock 129 i in in ii mini imbt Ladies' Outfitters Corner Wall and Oregon Sts. BKNI), OKI-COX (Special to The Bulletin.) t ALFALFA. Sept. 17 Several horses are being sold for war purpos es from this locality. C. H. Hardy is planning extensive' Improvements to his h6ute. He wild build an addition and remodel the old one. Frank Ogle and Albert Shultz were attending to business In Dend Tuesday. Central Oregon Bank BEND, OREGON OFKICKItS: ' " J. "K. HU.NTKIt, President CAKLKTO.V D. SWIFT, Vlco-Prcsldent K. P. MAHAKFtiV. -nd Vice-President, II. M. BTKPHIJ.VH! Cuhhlcr I'K.VDKL WAITK, Assistant Cashier DIIHXTOHS: D. E. Hunter W. h. O'DonncIl CnrJrton II. Hvvlft K. I". Muliuffey II. M. Stephen Every facility for accomodating the investors of Central Oregon rtnlnh Stnnrk and family. Carl Lar son and Frank Tattl motored to Dcnd) Sunday evening, Mr. Smock remain ing In town, where he Is employed In the box factory Mrs. Martin Palmlund came out from Dend Thursday to visit her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Pyall. Mrs Kate Colvln. Miss Kdlth Dush noil and Story Dushnell, of Itnhurts, visited at the Shultz home Monday nnd Tuesday. Curt Holloway and wife gave a fa re wo 1 1 dlnnor Sunduy for Mrs. J, F. Clarko and sons, who left for Port land Monday. i SISTERS SAW MILL RESUMES ITS WORK TruckH mid Trams Will Bo Dotty HnulliiK Lumber Ki Itedinonri for Shipment, (Special to the Dullntln.) 8ISTKH8, Sept. 18. The Sisters saw mill Is now running full handed am' there Is a crew In the woods rub ting Ioks. Kd. Spoo has purchased a new auto truck that will be used forj hauling lumber to iiotimnnii ana inr hauling logs to tho mill. Anthony Hoacli has been engaged In the sumo work for soma time and It Is tho In tention of Messrs. Itoaeh and Spoo to keop their truckH running night and day. Besldos the trucks there are toatns angaged In hauling lumber andJfigs. Tho Wilson saw mill near hero Is now running. The on tiro cut of tho mill has boon contracted for and It Is the intention of the mana ger, J. O. Wilson, to run steadily un til tho snow fllos If moil can bo found to work. Tho mill has had to shut down several tlmos during tho soason on account of tho labor situation. Already now famlllos have moved to town and every houso is occupied, There Is every Indication that Sisters will becomo a lively Industrial center within tho near future Tho new residence of aoorgo Messcr Is noarlng complexion. E. Graham has purchased tho res idence property .belonging to F. M. Kumwalt. It. J. Skelton was In town Sunday, J, 0. McKlnnoy Is building a now house on his ranch noar Sisters, W. M. Farthing has tho vork in charge Fred McKlnney is (Ittlng up a log ging wagon and will log for the Wil son mill. P. II. Davis Is attending court nt Prlnevllle as a witness In the Springer libel suit. Mr. and Mrs. A. Templetou were In town Sunday. Mrs. M. Bailey, who recently re turned from Portland where she took a short course In Hod Cross work, lias organlzod a Bed Cross nuxlllnry In Sisters. Meetings are held every Thursday at Mrs. Bailey's home near hero. Mrs. Dalley has applied for spare for a demonstration booth nt the 8's ters fair. Her son, Curtis, was the first volunteer from Sisters after war was declured. i The war was brought nearer to us when several of our young men ri'-l reived notice to appear at American Lake, September 19. Among those receiving the call to service were Homer Orngnn, Linn Wilson, Herbert i McKlnney and Shelby Allen. j (Continued on Page 7 ) I W ' jflfl ECONOMIC AND MILITARY PR EPA REDNESS THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON In addition to camplata caursaa In ganaral and aclantllla aducatlen, cll.ra full opporlunlllaa In MILITARY DRILL) DOMESTIC SCIENCE ARTS AND COMMERCE Plan far affacllva futura aarvlca. Yaur country naadalt. Sand far fraallluatratadbaaklata.Traln tha Brain farPaaca ar War" and "Tha Waman and tha Unlvaralty," Addraaa Raglatrar, UNIVERSITY OF QREGOH, Eugene, Oregon STOP! And Investigate our price liefuro buying your groceries. Wo enn save ynu money, P.B.Johnson's Mllllrnil. Ora. Tnlnniwina 'fr ,rf TKY OUK Pasteurized Milk Ollim IAe ii. None Kttpt Ul. trf. Salei luve doulilnl in pU 30 dty,. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY Phono llr.1 131 SEE ME SEE BETTER Your Eyes WONT LAST VERY LONG U they are weak and are not attended to right on the start. A little attention nt first may wivo a lot of trouble luter, Our laltorutoi'v U ruady to turn out tint oxuut ilecu of work you may need. Kxnmlrmtloni ant free. I am locuted lioru jioniiiinontly and will bu ublo to unswur for tho work I have done, Optometrist DR. C. H. FRANCIS with Myron II, Slmoni, O'Kane BuilJini Optician : ; rjk