The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 20, 1917, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
iiuni), dhhchutkh county, ohf.gon, thi iisday, hi:iti:miii:ii mi, tun
NO. 1!0
i fttpriiiln mill lliiiiiiirl I'rrcrilo Irf'iitr-
Lntkhuf HMtilrr (Ihe WoriN
''gflKflcounigciiiciit In I hi' Hr-
tiiIIh mill lo Piircnl.
u uti half the ol ty of Ilend rlieurlng
thm u ihidr train departed. Dea
thmen county' 16 recruit, the firm
40 p.T tent of the firm draft, lft
Iti thI Inal iiIrIU after I lit- uueU spon
taneous nml whole-hearted demon
Hir'liiu accorded any group of mii
limi men here mure the war begun
The recruit were In ehurRe of Ger
ald Ktintliu in until their arrival at
American Luke. A parade led by tint
lliii. I IhiiuI inworled tliti Iwy to tlm
depot, where innate and herlng
iiiinRled a the trull! pullwl nut.
A iipw feature a fnr n I mm I dem
onmrutlon are concerned, wsm the
banquet tendered the by m the
Pilot lint tr Inn. wort) than 109 men
iiI women mmoi-hIiIIhr Ml 7 o'clock,
remaining until tlia parade started.
Mr f ('. Cihi wh toustmuater. In
troducing Iter. Father Luke Nhwlmn,
Cuuniy Judge W I). lUrnwe, ami It.
I' Mlnler ms speakers of the wrenlng
Dur'tig Interval between addr
ih- band m allotted on the pwgolu
mtid the banquet room. played put
riot'i' Htm
lliiiinr to ltiriull.
F.nher Hheehun directed M ad-
Iron to the recruit themselves. "We
honor you the champion of Alitor
lr'i principle and deals," hit td
"T vim la entrusted the iui(inr of
frr men to tlm challenge of tlm
ltnhmiMillrn. (lo furth and flRhl
(or American honor. ymhnllxed by
Old Glory."
JiiiIrh Harue' uddre wan morn
particularly In the parent nnil
friend of the recruit. "I have been
ked in apeak a few words of en
(iuraKHeni to the boy who are
otnK t the front, hut they need
none." he declared. "It la to IIiim
at huwe who ahouhl Im nHronrHK-il.
Thr burning itutwtlnn la not 'Will n
linhl nut on the ImttlHfrnHtT' hut 'Will
wo hohl out nl linuie?' We tnuat
prn to Ret iIiivmi to it war huila
ami we inuat laaru It api-wllly.
I'mhIIi'Ik Look War.
"The war will hi it Iiiiik uno. nml
th ulrnln will he the miMt illfflcult
wn hiivn over fnrml. but I nin ronfl
lnt thnt we will ilemonatrnti) to Hut
h or lil Hint wm ii r worthy to iiiakti
thr flRbt to mrvh ilHiiKii'moy."
Mr. Mluter'a wililnxm wna u ouIok'
to t tut buy IhhvImk for tralnlHR cuiup.
lie uxprmiafHl hla conflilHiiro In thulr
Mblllty to liMouie truly rnprminnta
live Ainnrlpon anlillura of Aninrlcn,
mimI priiillcifil that they would reflect
xlmy on their hihIh hiiiI county
l I7,IM7.1!H, t::i. I'HU CHNT, IN
i.i'iti.k moiik than two
q; months
(Frnin Mniutny'H Dally.)
Ah mm IiiiIux tn tlui liicroaHe of Iiiih-
Iiiiiim In llenil In n llltln mure than
. two tiunitliH nml nuu-hnlf, la tlui Htuto-
f iiintit Jut luaunil by tlm Klrut Nation-
il Iliiuk, ncuurilhiK to wlilnli dupiialtB
liavo KiUuoil IM7.U47.2S In that
In flplto of thu luiavy ildinanila
which luivo bunii nuuh) on local poo
pln by tlio wur, IncliulliiK tho pur
vhaso of Mburty Loan bomlH, Huh
McrlptloiiH to tho Ilud Cross, nml thu
llkn, tho ilcpoHltH on Kuptambor 11
totallod ?77a,48:i,78, whllo for Juno
iiO, tho $024,1580. CO ill suit had boon
fa Tho por cont of Inprcnso ovor tho
Juno total Is a llttlo ovor SiJ.O.
I'Vilcinl Itiinrd WiiiiIn Nmiii'M of All
IiiIi'Ichi;iI In I'n nil I.oiiiih In Or
iter to Hcnil Nrtt lliillctln.
(Proin Hnttiriliiy'a Dully.)
HcckltiH ii Hut of nil who urn lnlor
imti'il In tho finlnriil farm loitu movo
iniiiit an wnll ii m thiiNH who ha vc h fi
nally Mciiriil Iiiiiiih, tho I'n mi I.oitn
llimrd In WimhliiKton, D '., linn
wrllti'ii to II. 0. Kllla, niHriilary of tlm
Dwwlilltim I'Hrin I.onn nMoulutlou,
nakliiR for tlm iiitmim of nil nppll
can In for Iihiiik. and of ntlmra who
inlclit bn IntnrmtKil.
Tlm iinmea ho awtired will be lined
Hit a iiihIIIiik Hut for tlm lloirowiirn'
Ilullxlln, Hiioii to be tanned by tliH
I'n rin I. nun llnri'Mi, from WanhlnR
ton. D f Anyoi'H wImIiIiik to be lie
rluilfil in tin- llm la HRketl In rum
luunliatt wiih JuilK' I'111"
i .M.MiiTi:i: in chauoi:to Mr.irr
I'l.irii: DltTAILH I'OK I'liSTIVAI.
o.n nrimiKit .-..
('iHiiletB prlie llata have Ih-bii la
auHtl fnr the Orange Keatlral to be
Riven at the (Iranue halt oh ( tober
t. and another meetlHR of the niu
tnltlee In rharne will be held m-xi
Haturday to wind up frtrlhur detail
In preparation for the fair. The lui
ot nwarda nfferetl prlie winner la aa
Ileal hiinlml Hiitoe. any variety.
Oral $10. necnnil ft raah; beat half
himhel Nettle (Ioimk. IK. $1.60 eaah;
beat half buahel Unrle Kama, .
$1.60; beet half iloien eara ot uorn,
$6. $2.60; bwl itlieuf of wheat, IS,
II; boat aheaf of imta, 12. $1; beat
alma f of rod clover, $1, II ; beat heaf
of alfalfa, IX en nil. and 12. 60 rhlliiR
bit; beat 3 hmtda cabbaRe, flrat S
pounda of coffae, awoml ptiunda of
coffee, third 2 pounda of coffee; beat
10 pounda onlnna, flrat $1 ulilrt. aeo
nnd $1.60 box aorka; lieat 6 table
beela. flrat $2, aecond It raah; beat
R carruta, 26 pounda atork food; beat
3 rurumbera, flrat IS. aecond II; beat
3 turnlpa, flrat $2.60 card net, eee
ond $1 raah; beat C rutabaRea, flrat
12 ahlrt, aecond II ahirt; boat ft up
plea, flrat $3 hat, aecond $1.60 pair
Klovea; heat 6 peura, $1 caih; beat
loaf of while htuad made of Mend
flour, 60 pounda Daachutea Hprwy
flour; beat loaf of brown bread made
of lletul flour. 20 pounda Deachutoa
Hpnty flour; beat cake. 6 pounda
KhlllliiKa Heat llaklnK l'owder; beat
layer cake, $3 tea pot; beat dlapluy
3 Jara home Rrowu frulta, $3 allver
ludlo; boat dlaplny G jara home Rrowit
vegetable, $3 paraaol; heal dlaplay
3 Jara pellloa, $2.60 coffee aet.
Alt iotatoM, oabbaRe, oiiIoum and
corn entered for prlaea are to become
properly of the (IraiiRo nml are to
bo aold at auction to hlRheat bidder.
All cutrlea muat be plueed by 10
o'clock it. m.
Will Aid In Stoto Work to Sccuro
Heading; Material for Soldiers of
I'liltt'd StiilcM Army.
(From Thurmlny's Dully.)
On recommendation ft out W. I..
Ilrowater, ot Portland, roproaentativo
In Oregon for tho fedoral govornniQUt
for tho purpoHo of HUiily4ug hooka
mid rondiug material to the men In
in my and iinvy, (lovernor Jauum
Wlthyuomhe hue appointed ('. S. Hud-
Hon, prtHihlent of tlm lleud Flrat Na
tional Hunk, n h a mumhtir of 'tho Stats
War Library miniulttw. Mr. lludnon
nccopttMl tho appolntimnit luat night,
ho tiutiouucud thla morning.
Tho dutloH of tlm atuto committal)
will bo chiefly to aid In sucurlug
$26,000, eot naiile ua Oregou'a share
for rurnlahlng rondiug mnttnr, and
which It la oatitmntod will moan an
nvorugo of flvo cont per tNiplta In
ovory. Incorporatod city. Local com-
inlttoomon will work with tho city
llbrarliuiH, Uio organlzatlou o( city
commlttooa bolng urgod by Mr.
Every Day is Busy in Camp
Says B. A. Stover in Letter
Although life ut the offlcera' train-
Iiik ump iu the I'rcnldlo would aut
iafy the moat nrdunt d!acliln of atrcn-
uouaiiHaa, II. A. (I)ut(h) Mtovcr, of
IIhihI, who la aintclall.liiK In the IIrIiI
ilrtlllnry acrvlce, la actually Retting
fat hIiich hla tralnlHR beRuu. to a
letter rocelvml hero by A. M. I'rliiRle,
Mr. Htover Rlvoa a Rraphlc picture of
tho life of America' army officer In
the maklUR. He wrltea aa follow: I
"Have thoiiKlil of wrltliiR you!
many tlinea, but It' h hard Job to
find tho neceeaary mlnutea for letter
wrIUliK Tli la thliiR of rkIIIiir up at)
6:30 u. m. every day, Kolng at top
apeed until 6:16 p. in., with time off
to eat three meal h day, anil a flve
iiiliiute real each hour, then atudy
liiK from 7:16 to 1 : 1 . and belnK
In your bunk at 1:3U -om chaiiRe
from the old life, eh?
"Am RellliiK to like It better rlRlit
uIoiir. fitpwlally since I waa aelerted
ua one of 26 from our company to
take apodal drill from a major wbni
la mauler of aword and bayonol at,
Wei I'ulnt. We are lo riU Jual two I
weeka from him, after which we will:
lake turiiH drlllliiK our cmnpany.
About 26 men with athletic reconl
In each company are Retting thU
work from him, and lie handle the
bunch like a w Irani.
"Woelflen : way on the other aide
of the tamp, u we only have a chance
cnooK m xt v .it ikji: admits
oiiuutK.s Tom; ii1 I'ltoiiATi:'
i.ti'i.'iru ti'VT tii tnu irifi.'if ir.
son ror.vrv haxcii.
(From Tuoadny'fl Dally.)
I'romlaa for one of in lengthlet
trial or record in Central Dragon
are h nu hold out in tho apenlng
daya for the hearing In the IIIkI ault
of Oouniy Judge Xprlnajvr, of I'rlue
vllle, vt. Oeofge ItuwHll and others,
according to report hrouxhi back by
Hefld men who attended yealv-rda) aa
wltwiMwn for the plaintiff. Same 66
wltneaao are aubiHenaetl ity Jadie
Xprlnxer'a attorney, It la reported.
Alter being on tha stand Friday
and Saturday, the plaintiff appeared
again yeeterduy In criHt-eailnatlon
He admitted IomIiir irobate docu
ments sent to him while he was reald
In on hla ranch In Jefferson county,
and when itueetloned more closely on
this point, declared that Ute papers
wore torn up by tha children.
II. ('. Kilts, ot llestd, formerly
Judge of Crook county, and II. J.
Overturf. Itx-Crook county commis
sioner, were called to testify as to
the methods used In conducting mini
ty business during their Incumbency.
Opening of Schools Today
Shows Gain of 121 in Year
Hood's schools opened today for
tha 1017 fall turm, and the rapid
growth of the city was attested to by
tho taut thnt registration on the open
ing day showed a gttln ot 121 over
tho number of children who entered
on tho first day of 1010. .Some 7S6
pupils stnrtud work In the different
buildings today, whereas only 6il
began on tho corresponding day the
year before. Tho high school hud
116, mi increase ot 16, Kenwood hud
SO pupils, USD regtatared at the Held
school, and 172 at the Central school.
Thu logging camp buhools attracted a
total ot 32.
In tho high school a freshman class
of 42 -begun Its work. A few more
nro oxpnoted whon thero Is loss de
mand for tiummur labor. Tho stu
dents hnvo eo mo long dlstancos, sev
eral living ovor halt way to Hums.
Hogular classes will bo formed to
morrow but will occupy only halt ot
tho rogular timo,
Assignments will bo glvou out and
lo aee (uih atiolliur over Haturday
and HiiiiiUy. He la-uniting to like
the work linmenaely, he aay, and
look forward to the next day' work
with an nltORHihcr different feeling
from that which he had at flrat. We
had the oarne work In our battery
thnt the Infantry hud, at flrat, and
I wouldn't trade on a bet. The Unlit
artillery I the real branch, In my
"Von ahnuld have mh our battery
thin afternoon. Rome of them had
nevi-r been on a liorae but they had
to do Nldeward and Ittckwurd benda
while roIhk on a trot. We are
lriiiNK tho French way of riding,
and have lo do ll the benda and
turn with feet out of the atlrrupa.
to atreiiRlhen the leg. Then one
fellow ride thla way with another
lee ill itr; hi horae. The horae are
auppoaed to be broken, but wo have
hail tome real rottRh riding today,
with MVpml thrown rider.
"We got a new commaHiIer the
flrat of the weak, who I the real
thing. He la a Woat Pointer, with
army experlnnve, juat u young fellow,
but one who know how to handle
men. All of the fellow would do
anything for him already.
"Have thoURhl of you lota of time
ulnce cotHtHR down, becatiM I know
how you would enjoy It all. The
funny iHirt ot It I. I'm thriving on all
thla. ami getting fat "
corvrv stit r.voit hkct.ivrs
notki: that commission is
; op ii:ih
Aa the outcome of examinations
taken early in the summer. George
S. Young, county surveyor, has Just
received u commission as captain in
the V. S. Officers' Itetmrvf corps. The
rumor was current yesterday that his
petition for a commission had been
granted, and Mr. Young admitted this
morning that the report was correct.
Just when he will be called, he has
not learned, but he has been not U led
to hohl himself In readiness for ser
vice at any time.
George K. Young had four years'
military training at Ute University ot
Callfoni'i and during his lust year
hehl the commission of Captain of
Cadets and graduated with a couimttt
slon as major. He is imrtlcularly
fitted for the work, from early train
ing, being graduated from the Call
fornla School of Mechanical Arts In
1S00 where the fundamentals of en
gineering were taught aud finishing
In mining in 1904 from V. of C. He
baa had 13 years' experience aa an
engineer In varied lines and Is a mem
ber of the Oregon Society of Kngl
tieer and an associate member of
American Society ot Civil KiiKlneers.
preparations mado to put In a full
day Wednesday.
In addition to manual training and
domestic solouue, several other new
studios have, hoen installed. Miss
Clark will teach public speaking and
Professor Grant will have n clans In
sociology. Second year stenography
Is another designed to save long dis
tance trips to business colleges. Two
periods of gymnasium per week will
probably ho required of every high
school student us soon as the build
ing Is completed. One-fourth ot a
credit will be given for this.
The appear to be good pioepects
tor a football teim In the high school
as soon us a local coach can he found
who can get tho boys in form.
Thu only Innovation being Intro
duced into tho grades is tho Beacon
method ot primary reading whoro In
the chlldrau loam tho first part ot
tho word and adds tho sounds In
stead ot beginning with tho syllables
and individual sounds.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Now applicant for farm loans who
have appeared since the organization
or federal loan associations lit Cen
tral Oregon need not sign the associa
tion article tin lew they nro directors
or member of the loan committees.
This ws tha word received today by
JuiIro H. C. Kill, secretary of the
Deachiite National Farm Limn As
sociation, from the Federal Land
Hunk In Hpokane, In answer to a
nucry he hud sent In concerning this
particular point.
"We cannot give you the oxact date
that our appraiser will visit you,"
tho lank'a letter continues, "but
ll will not be long, an our appraiser
ar covering the territory rapidly.
We assure you that the appraisement
will not be delayed a day long- r than
I neicaaury '
CI. SS i'ink, as itKsrir OF
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
To discuss more definite plans in
regard to the proposed extension of
the Desrhutee and Park Addition
trunk line sewer, a Joint meeting of
the Ilend city council ami the school
board will be held In the near future,
according to plans announced today.
The meeting will come as a sequel to
an Informal session held Monday
night, whon Carl Johnson, member ot
the school board and president of the
Ilend Amateur Athletic club, demand
ed that the extension be made to the
Held school, so as to allow the re
moval ot the present connection
which passes directly through the
basement ot the gymnasium building.
The swimming pool cannot possibly
be constructed unless the sewer Is
taken away, officers of the athletic
club declare. The Improvement, It
is expected, would cost the city ap
proximately $2100.
"The sewer extension is going
throuRh this fall," declared Mr. John
son today. "We haven't decided just
how It will be handled, but it ought
to be completed before the froot gets
in the ground, probably about six
weeks. The city council will probab
ly order it In under the Uanerott act."
John Steidl and C. V. SilvU, mem
bers of the council, saw- a number ot
delays In the way of improvement, as
the ordinary legal procedure takes
41 days, while before any advantage
may be taken ot the Bancroft act, a
report on the cKy charter, showing
whether or uot Uanerott bonds may
be Issued, must be received from the
Lumbermen's Truat Co., ot Portland.
The only means by which Immediate
action could be secured, they stated,
would be for property holders bene
fited to furnish the cash to finance
the proposition.
The present sewer connection holds
its right to- its location by virtue of
an oasettteut granted at the time ot
the purchase ot the Held school site.
Chillies A, .livckson, of Aviation Ser
vice, Will Seek Lieutenancy 1U
foro Ho Sails for Franco.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
After serving in the aviation (.orps
for a little more thou two months,
Charles A. Juokson, formerly ot this
city, has boon promoted to the rank
ot first sergeant, ho writes in a let
ter to II. A. Oosnoy. of this city.
Sergeant Jackson is stationed with
tho Seventy-Fifth Aero construction
squadron ut South San Antonio. Tex.
lie Is In charge ot a detail ot ISO car
Sorgcant Juokson Is desirous ot
loavlng tho ranks of tho "non-coms"
nnd Is trying tor a lieutenant's com
mission. He bolleveu that ho may
bo sent to FraucothlB winter.
Hot-M-4 mid Hitler Alrratly Begin to
Arrive Dancing anil Baby Show
Will He Among I'raturr-t of
Tlirco Da).' Program.
8ISTHIIS, Sept. IS. (Special to
The Bulletin.) Plans and arrange
ments for the Sisters annual fair, to
be held on September 26, 21 and 27,
are completed and all that remains Is
for the time to come with no Inter
ference by the elements.
The amusement program will be
ample. The two big attractions will
be horse, racing and dancing. In tie
former there promises to be some ot
the fastest stepping that will he seen
In Central Orogon this year Tho
horsemen here at present from a dis
tance are Messrs. J. K. Johnson, L.
C. Shell, W. J. McBaine, ot Walla
Walla, and P. G. Deal, of Arlington
They are located at the track with a
fine string ot racers, Including Lady
W., Wood row Wilson, Monte Carll
ley. Ferry Alley, trotters, and The
Waif, Maude De Fine and Anteleca,
pacers. There are In addition sev
eral runners.
The hdrsemen are' training on thn
local track and express themselves as
being well pleased with the condition
ot the grounds and with the number
and quality ot entries, an unusually
attractive racing program is assured
There has been a large dancing
bowery constructed for the pleasure
of both old and young, and the best of
music has been provided. Dancing
will be every afternoon.
The Baby Show will be held on tho
first day of the fair, September 25,
at 1:00 p. m., and many of the wee
ones are expected to be there.
The exhibits promise to be greater
than any former yoar and no doub
thero will be an agreeable surprise
in tho quality ot the farm products,
considering tho very unusual year.
Farmers In this vicinity are taking
an active Interest In the fair, and al
ready entries are being made at the
office ot the secretary. Indications
are that competition wHl be partic
ularly live this year for the liberal
prizes ottered.
l.ocol Man to lime Charge of Cleur-
lug; Houso for Fruit Growers mid
Ilov Manufacturers.
POItTLANI), Sept. 14 (Special to
The Bulletin.) State Food Adminis
trator W. II. Ayer named J. D. Knapp.
ot Bend, chairman ot a special com
mittee to mobilise th, apple box out
put ot the northwest. Mr. Knapp is
ompowered to appoint as many as
sistants as lie desires, til to servo
without pay.
The work ot the committee, It la
expected, will last over the next two
weeks aud will be to furnish a clear
ing house for apple growers and box
manufaeturers. Fruit men having
dittieulty In securing boxes will apply
to the commltteo and will at once be
put In touch with factories able to
supply the want. Factories likely to
have a surplus on hand will also ad
vise the committee.
Sheriff Hobcrts Writes, to Adjutant
General, Mentioning Demmid for
Company In Bond.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Strongly approving ot the organiza
tion of a home guard unit tor Bend,
Sheriff S. K. Roberts wrote today to
Adjutant General George A. White,
declaring that there is a strong de
mand for such an organisation In
Bend, an abundance of material, and
stating that he would deputize mem
bers ot such a unit.
A reorganization meeting of tho
Bend Hides Is scheduled tor Wednes
day. September 10, and It Is expected
that they may became a homo guard
company at that time.