The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 13, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    1IKNI) ttVhhWllK, 1IKND, OHHflON.TIIl'llHfMV, HKITKMIIKH in, 1017
i r '
(Krom Momliiy'n Dully.)
llimvy raltin In llin mmintiiliin Iiiivo
liroitKlil Hid flro iltuutur ilown novtiriil
nntchon, nml itccorilliiK to ActliiK
Huporvlnor V. V. I Iftrjihum, of tho
DchcIiiiIch Nittloiiitl Koruiit, thn
vhancn (f a ruaiirrunru of flro linn
rwwhml tho minimum (or tlio iidiuoii.
rim liMikoutN will nut bu token off
nt mien, litiwovnr, Imt will tin loft on
(or a tlmo, im thny nun tin ntlvatitar;
ounly unml (or Improvummit work on
tho furnnt.
rowixi, iiu'iTi:.
(Contlnniiil from imgo 3.)
IloitH lliinnntt will ntrry thn mn.ll
iir thn rural roil to (or thn nnxt nix
. wokn, whlln Mr. I'ontur iniikcn thn
roumln with IiIh HinmliliiK nmrlilntt.
Mm. (I. !. Hnckiiiim vlnltml ntivitritl
lnyn thn lutlnr part of Iniit wcok with
Mr. nml Mm. r II llunly, nt Alfalfa.
Mm. Ilnnry Twnnt uml mm, Mumiml,
romln it trip Jo Hntl Mimiluy.
Mm. Wnltnr KiMtnr ntimit 1'rliliiy
with Mm. J. M. Hhtmmr.
tlMirftn llnlley. who linn Ih'hii with
t. I. Ilohlm fur nnvornl wi'iikn, lfl
lut wok for Arlxmin.
Mr. nml Mm. K N. Hull nml Mini
rm illnnnr Kimntii nt thn Hnnvn
AVIIIi'oxon homn Hnmlny.
Mr. nml Mm. U'nltnr Pouter, Mm
riiirnncn Hmlth nml tlnuKlitor. Kllzn
liptli, nml Holt JohiiMiin ntttimlHil thn
Imrviwt funtlvitl picnic In I'lMimvlllu
in l.nlior Day.
Win. Wllnon nml J. I' llowmnn
wt liunlniwin vlnltom In llcliil Moil
' tnornliiK.
MhwtiM KIhIii ('ullolnn nml Arllt'll
Johiinnn, of I'nrtlnml, rtnliml with
Mr. nml Mm. I). It. l-'rimrli from hint
ThurmUy until M nudity
Mr. nml Mm. K. N. Unit. Mr nml
Mr. IttmviM Wllfrnxon, Mrn. Alma
Miill Hint Krntml Mall nttnmlnd thn
hnw In IttHlinoml Htimtity ovrnliiK.
Mr .nml Mm. Hurt Itnynotiht. of
Hinlimiiiil, wnrn illiintr KUtN of Mr.
nil Mm. Allen Wlllcoxon MntiiUy.
Mr. nml Mm J. M MhtMtrnr nml
dui;htHr, Ittiih. npnnt KumUy nt thn
OnrwuUnr mill nml Tmmilo Lake
Mr. P. Ilnyn. of Dmi'IiuUm. linn
lu vlnltlnK with Mm tt I). Mint
Uril for thn punt wwk nml nUo
fonktHl for thn Mnym HriM. ilurlitK
A. V. Itnyn tnitiln n hiiHlnpn trip
ttt I'rliinvtlln Vmlnnilny of Innt vtttfk.
Mr .nml Mm Itnnvt Wlllcoxon
wwn tHtiiixr KUtl nt thn Allen Will
oxmi homn on HttluriUy.
WMUoti & ICIhat)'. ronirnrtom. who
urn workltiK on Uih (I. c Trulnl
hotin. Mfinnt HumUy nml Mnntlny nt
thntr hnmnn In I'rliinvlllti.
Mr. nml Mm. M. K. Homo nml mm
ProncU, from Hiikiiiik. vlnltwl nt thn
15 A. HiiMnit homo Kitttiriluy.
Thn ttttln pony IihIoiikIiik to t'linr
1m Charlton illml luitt wtnk, unppiMt
itlly of rhiynr pulnonlnK.
Onimlmn Hpruy npnnt Humlny nt
thn homn of K. A. Milan!.
Mr. nml Mm J. M. Hhnnror wore
Uunlniw vlnltom In lluml on Prlilny
W. It. Voiiiik nml (Ilnnii llnmllton
roailo it trip to I'linnvlllo Krliluy.
Mr. nml Mm. K. A. HiimhW rn
tiunwl from n trip to Portland ovnr
the HlRhwiiy nml haok liy wny of thn
MeKoiulo Pnnn hy auto on Tiiundny of
Innt wnnk, nml loport n inoiit.onjoy
nlilo trip.
IouIh HnrKon linn rntiirnnd from n
wniik'n ili)iiHiiri) trip to Portland,
Mr. nml Mm. Itmtvim Wlllcoxon
wnru liiiitlminn vlnltom In llund Hnt
iirdny inomliiK.
(1. P. Ilohlm npnnt Prldny In lluml
nttomlliiK to luifilnonn and vIkIMiik
H, I). Mimtnrd nml Jnck Moynrn
npnnt thn weak on thn Duncliutim liaar
Whltn Uoek.
(Hpnnlnl to Thn llullntln.)
l.adlnn' Club runt with Mm. Oconto
(!yru Innt Wndnrndity nftnrnnon.
Thonn prnnont warn Mm. Hknlton,
Mm. llurlliiK. Mm. Pnturnoii nml Mm.
Millar Thin In thn flrnt mautltiK thn
ladled hnvo had nlncn thu Innt of
Mr. nml Mm. J. A. Mntthnun mada
n trip to Itndmnml Monday.
Mm. It. J. ftknllon wont to Hlntem
Prldny nftnrnoon.
A. K. Pntumon initiln it hiinlnuivn
trip to Hand Hnturdny.
Mr. mid Mm. Arthur TnrupMnn
nml Mr. nml Mm. It. J Hknlton at
tan ded church In Hlntam Humlny
W. I). I'iikIi, of Head, wan vlsltlui:
frlnmln In Clovordala Katiirday ovan
ItiK ami Humlny. Ha attended thn
water maatliiK nt thn nclioal hoiuo
Waturday nlKlit.
H. I (Irny nml nun hnvn hann vln
Itlnn Mr. nml Mm. (JeorKo Cyrun nml
family the pnnt weak. Mr. (Imy In
thn lirotlicr-lii-lnw of Mm. Cyrun.
Mr. uml Mm. Hurt Hodnon npnnt
Huudiiy with Mr nml Mm. Harold
Mr. and Mm Harold Kline made n
hunlnann trip to Maud Tliumdny.
Mm Henry Heard nml Viola Miller
want to Iladinond Wednanday.
Party Motor Owr McKenle I'jmn
After llin Ulrltrrrlr .NVImiii
ColnplHi-i Dllrli KIiIIiik.
(Mporlnl to Thn llullntln.)
HnyliiK him Iickuii on nearly nil thn
fnrinn In thin vicinity and noma linn
already bran hauled Into llndmoud.
A. A Omen linn taken neve ml londn
of Imleil hay tutu town thin week. 0.
K Amlamou nml Itev HcoU are help
Ink Antone Ahlntrom with hln crop.
I. It llniiKhuinn. ItHnmun Patamnn
and Andrew N'alnon batntu huyliiK on
their fleldn Momlny. Nimh (Irny re
tu mint homo WiHlmvdny from Itnd
mnml where ha hnn hann blmlliiK
Mr. and Mm. J. A. Chnnn nml
daughter. Ktta. warn on nn outlnn
trip the flmt of thn week.
Jake Patnmon. Pred HaullUR nml
Jim llHiihain motored over the Mr
Keuxle (Im flrnt of thn r on
it htieklnharryliiR irlp. They dki
piH'ted to return thn Innt of thn wnnk.
Mr. Warner In haulltiK wood to
Itodmond thin weak
Andrew Nelnou. who hnn been rid
lUR ditch thin Hummer for the C. O. I.
Co., hnn completed hln summer work
unit In on 'tho farm again.
Onnrito Orny nml wife, of Silver
ton, Ore., nrrlved here rwontly Mr.
Orny In thn non of W. H, Orny, anil
(ixpuctn to Inviwt In -thin county.
h. W. Warner I koIiik to tnovo hln
family to Redmond Monday, for thin
term of nvhool, Mr. Warner wilt ro
main on tho farm uml nttond to tho
farm work.
Noah nml OaorKn Orny made n Inin
Inonn trip to Tnrrelionno Innt Prldny.
Antone Ahlntrom made, a hunlnann
trip to Itodmond Tliumdny.
Mr. uml Mm. Wayne Cliuno uml
Kttn ('liana panned n .plnnnitnt uvanliiK
nt thn ArmntroiiK homo Thursday
Will llnrtlatt nml wlfn, who hnvo
linen on it hunlnann trip In the onntcrn
part of 'the ntnto for tho pant week,
returned Prldny to tho O. K. Andnr
noti homo, whero they have boon vln
ltltiK. Mr, nml Mm O. K. Anilnrnon took
(! o'clock dinner at the homn of Mr.
nml Mm. Wnytin Chnno Krliluy.
Mr. and Mm. K. II. Ilnughrnan nml
family vlnlted nt thu Uiven homo
Jenn nml Honu ArmntroiiK, Karl nml
Joyco Wood, Albert McCormlck nml
Kttu Chnnn warn vlnltom ut tho homo
of Mr. mid Mm. Wnytio Chnno, Hun-day.
rour chnlm nt your norvico nt the
Motropolltnn. No wnltliiK. Adv.
Horoxli Club Iflit'tH MIhh .Maiineau
Honored Willi Ibinco hi
Community Hull.
(Rpaolnl to Thn llullolln.)
I'OWKbb MUTTK. Kept. 11 Tho
Powell Iluttn Soronln mat wl h Mm.
J. P. Hire on Wednesday of Innt
week. Thn annual elolnn of offl
corn took plneo.
A nmnll dnurn wn s'lvrn nt .'he
eoinmuiilty hall WfMlnottlny nlKlit of
Innt weak nn u fureweil n honor of
Minn Jonephlno Mnnncau. who left for
Bun KmneUro on Prlday t venliit;
Mr. nml Mm, Heaven Wlllaoxtm en
tertnlnwl hi Humlny dinner Mr. and
Mm ItmM Human nml daiiKtiter. Mar
Karat. Mr. nml Mm. K. A. Ilumett mid
Pay and I.loyd llunneU.
Minn Jennie Hartley returned from
her vacation the flrnt of Innt week
to renumn her dtillen nt the fihepard
Allan Wlllcoxon mid Itnwlln llow
mnn npent nevnral days Innt week In
the vicinity of Diamond Peak.
Mr. nml Mm. K. A. Ilunnett were
I'rlnevllle vlnltom Wednesday and
Tliumdny of Innt week.
J. M. Hhenrer and Mr. Htonn at
tended to liunlueM In Head Prldny
The Hliepard nchool ojieueil Mon
day In the old liulldlnK nml will con
tinue work there until the new nchool
In orectwl.
Heaven Wlllcoxon made n trip to
llend on Hnturdny.
Ornudinn Drown npent Monday at
the 0 J. Hhohert home.
Kit McPnrlln. from Albany, vlnlted
with hln coiinln. O. P. Hohhn, from
Prldny until .Sunday.
Mrn. Henry Vouiir nml dniiKhtcr,
TJJielmn, from Vancouver. Wnnhlnic
tout vlnlted thn . A. IliiMett home diiyn tho flrnt of the week.
Hev. Olven, from the Christian
church of I'rluuvllle. held nervlcen at
thn Community Hall Sunday afternoon.
Bee J. Ityan & Co,, for farm land
loam. Adr.
, .'Vv.i B 1 lB'fl 3f f 1 Liml B'Uf.l 'HBBBW
"THEN you can get
more fruit or veg
tahlcs to the can for the
snine price as the other
kind, you are money
ahead. When you get a
better quality for the
same price, you have
made money. When you
get the Preferred Stock
grade of produce you are
getting absolutely the
best that can be had at
no greater cost than you
would pay for an inferior
grade. These goods are
selected Jwith great care,
packed a little closer, thus
making more to the can.
If You Want Quality, Quantity at the Lesser Price
We Pay the Highest Prices
for Farm Produce
F. Dement & Co.
The Preferred Stock Store
1 J,iA' . l Ut ilCW
4 jL . Hliit
l lPWfc. "1
r sjc-- .
Certain-teed is taneibll1
It means certainty of quality ao;15wreetsSi
'ou can take tioldl of
. .at. mm
faction. Behind the name is tho
position: in
lity products
warehouses and sates
otRces makes possible low manumcturing-rosts and Wick, economical .distribution.
AeSKS5t'l5S3 lnultln
loBmmmmmmammKmmmmmm mwmmmmKmW
u the bit quultf of roll roohnir. It It recognised and uhA the prefer
ble type of roofine for office buIUItnci,fietortei. hotcli.itorti.vrarchouici.
caneei. fumbuIlJlnir etc. where durability ii demanded. It li fmnnmloi
to buy, Ineipemlre to ly. and coiti ni
light nclcht, vr eather-prool, clean, anil
radically nothing to maintain.
cut, v? eather-prool, clean, unitary. and fircrctardtnt. It 1 tn
teed for 5. 10 or IS ycui. cccordluc to tUcU (1. 2 or 3 nlr).
Faints and Varnished
in wod, honeit, dependable product made a good, palnta and rarnbhe
ahould b made, from high grade mateilali, mixed by modem machinery to
laiure uniformity, and labeled to truthfully represent the coatenti. Ther
are made by experts long experienced In paint making, and are guaranteed
to give aatWaction. Made in full lino of colon, and for all different put
poici. Any dealer cm get you CEttTAlN-TCED Patau and Varnhhe..
Certain-teed Products Corporation
11 nf 111
ffwYeb, CMuid PUUH.tpM, StLaott, Dsttoa. CtTUnJ. Pttttbunh. Detroit. Dufftlo. San Frtnclaco, MUwaukoa, CloclnMtl,
MiuMftiu, mihiuWi OMtua, iikiudboiu, Auuu, lucbmood, CraadtUyld, flwafUM, saiiLAaautr,
N. OvIoaha. Loa A Djntas.
OmMoIsu, Houiton. Dulutfc. Ladn, Srdaar, ILtToaa.
Crttn-ttd FUttlo CtmioL
bnia.itia una llkt putty ovr
DadnlnrPlL lAi.cickM ""
-.r .
miwho nor
Cirtatntcil Atphalt Fttt. ue4 under
i9 inn uii
, roou
911?S WA-- i a
v zwatrwb l z
v Certjln tatd fj IH f&
- - - -viJtifift. . . j-- -. . " '. til in m
flTTV1-tT-V-tt- !" """' ,'', ', i, rieiys-" " "- CeiUWtel llRL15mr imMI HTI St
IVJaUBUUav OrVrV: --SF7 uam W J&
I - iritA f?iTlJiiLi if -M-rn ttll B iVJ - LZJ "F-
For Sale by BEND HARDWARE COMPANY, Bend, Oregon