nfcNDjnutjt.wriN, hram, imttgort, TiUWftHflVf BRi'ViotiftfttJb; -Wit CAGtS 4; v i iin 1 1 K I -Mi i1' I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS f Front 'ThiliWoi-'s Dally,) Andrew McCalllstor, ot Tumnto, Is fn town on business. Jnmcs llock Is In Portland on a week's business trip. Dalo llarkor enmo In on this morn ing's train from Portlnnd. Paul Hosmor was another Bond man returning from Portland. Mrs. S. C. Nlckerson has gono to Madras to visit Hew Uolchor mid family Bevqral days. K. A N'elson has conic In from his ranch and Is spending the day In town on business. G. R. Morrison, manager of the La Pine Irrigation Company, come la today from Portland. H. M. Stephens, ot the Centrnl Ore gon Dank, Is planning to leave Mon day on a month's vacation. J. W. Hay come In last night from Spokane to look over homestead land with a view to taking a plow. P. L. Davidson returned to Hood lUvor after making a trip up here to look Into the lumber business. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Eloc ore receiv ing congratulations upon the arrival of a baby boy yesterday. This Is their second child. Mr. and Mrs. George Appel, who have been connected wit htho services in tho Cotton Tabernacle, left town today for Walla Walla. Mrs. W. P. Aldrich and small sou returned today from their vacation Mrs. J. E. Kyan and daughter wore also on tho same incoming train. T. C. Shankland, of Portland, Is working in Dcnd adjusting fire In euranco on tho homo ot Prank Hur wltx In Kenwood, which was recently destroyed. Tho Danks children, from Wagon tire, came in yesterday to attend school In Demi during the winter. Thoy will stay with their father in Kenwood. Mr. and Mrs. J .H. Yoder and three children left for Oregon City today and will live there during the win ter. They came In from the Port Rock valley. Mrs. C. L. Hinman, formerly of Rolyat, has taken the Cobb house in Kenwood and will move In for the winter. Her children will attend school in Dend. A baby boy arrived this week at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Quick and Is roported doing well. Tho child was born Sunday and weighed nine and a halt pounds. The Bend Satnitary Laundry has recently installed a new modern man gle. It Is the intention of the man agement to Install more equipment as sopn as it Is possible to get more experienced help. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Erskino have returned to Bend from a wed ding trip to Banf, Canada. They have taken the Paul Hosmer resi dence on Riverside drive ami will make their home In it. Three school teachers bound for the Burns district were In town to day. M1m Hilda Williams, of Yam hill, will have the Wastlna school, while Mlsa Ruth Richards and Mies Olive Stark, ot Portland, will be near Burns. Georgo Hoover, with his family and Mark Beeman, made up a party of nine motorists who left this after noon for Eugene. They will go over the mountains and down to tho coast, stopping at Newport. The outing will cover two weeks. Dr. William E. Glasgow, of Seattle, waa In town today on business. He' had come down to his ranch 30 miles, south of Bend and arranged for the shipment of several carloads of live-; stock. Ho will go out on tonight's train for tho north. Max Crandall, an expert account ant from Portland, is finishing the work on the city audit today. He has been at Madras until this morning. Leo A. Thoinaa has moved from his home across the river, and Is now making his Homo at the Pilot Butte Inn. William Newquist, a recent arrival from Astoria, has been discovered ill In his tent near the railroad tracks. He is suffering with tuberculosis in an advanced stage and is unable to care for himself, Tho Invalid Is a member ot the Moose lodge and the members are trying to get In com munication with his brothers that they may tako cbargo ot him. Mr. Newquist will probably be removed to the county hospital as he Is too 111 to travel far. mVf ' nbfVha"- B. PrlngTo Tntme tnrougit .town on nor way 10 nurun to teach school. Sho fs, from Pofy land. ,- '' ' i- " Mrs. Goorgo llueglerarrlvod today from Wonatchee, XYshlnjRtqji, and will visit hor daughter. Miss Augusta llucglor. . J. E. Morson, ot Portland,' arrived In Bond Inst night and left this morn ing for La Pine to look over Irriga tion conditions. Dr. J. P. Hosch and daughter enmo In this morning from Redmond nud are spending the day with Mr. nud Mrs. Ashley Forrest. Mies Carrie Llustead, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. J. O. Kug, three months, has gone back to her home In Portland. Hew J. M. Nelson, tho new pastor ot the Baptist church, Is expected to arrive this evening from Portland and will preach his first sermon on Sunday. L. A. Hunt, of Lower Bridge, was in Bend yostorday to make applica tion nt tho office ot the Deschutes National forest for a grating per mit. Georgo Arnold came In from Port land today and will be the gueet ot A. J. Kroonert. In tho morning he will leave for Portland, taking Mrs. Kroenert In their machine. Joseph Yagalski was on this morn ing's train, bound for Prlnovllle. where he will teach In tho junior high school. Ho has boon spondlng a month of his vacation In Bend. Miss Margaret Schroder and hor father, V. Schreder, went to their ranch nt Rolyat this morning. Miss Schrcdor Is on a two weeks' vacation. Her father has been In town since Wednesday. Mtes Maude Norrls, of Port Rock, has gone to La Grande to teach school for the Winter. She was accompanied as far as Pendleton by Mrs. C It Purkie, also from Port Rock, who will visit her sister several weeks. News ot her mother's Illness Is calling Mrs. O. R. Iloskln to Klkhoru In the Willamette Valley, where she will remain until the eider woman Is on the road to recovery. A telegram received yesterday brought her the message. Ernest Dick, who has been at the naval training station at Goat Island In San Pranctsoo Boy, sine June 20, has returned home on an honorable medical discharge. He arrived In town last night and expectsto stay here permanently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard and Mrs. E. J. Howard, who wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Reed, left to day for their home In Los Angoles. They motored up early In the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gault. of Burns, wore also 'visitors several day at the Reed homo. Miss FlbroncoWlhtota link gone to Hood River to Bpetld n wcok with friends. Dr. W. W. Pnulkuor will return to Bond tomorrow nttor nu nbseuco of several days. R. L. Nool, ot Port Rock, was through Bend on his way to Mil wauklu. Oregon. M. G. Bins, of Hold, was In Bend yesterday to flit) on a homestead In the Dry l.ako Suction. Mrs. Vera Cyrus, of Prlnovllle, was In Bend yesterday afternoon attend ing to business matters. An over-night visitor was W. II Wlghtmnu, ot Portland, who stopped In town to look nt laud. Mrs. J. M. Buuynrtl and two chil dren have gone to Pendleton to visit relatives a short time. W. Meyers, of Culver, was a litis Inees visitor In Bend yesterday. Ho Is considering locating horn. D .1). Hull, an automobile supply man from Portland, went odt on this morning's train for Madras. Paul 0. Garrison nud family loft this morning for Prlnovllle. where thoy will make their future homo. Miss Ethel Williams Is spending a week nt the William tyitjlevurt ranch. She came In from llodmond today. Do You Know? (Prom Saturday's Dally.) Conduetar Wensley to taking a va cation at Seattle. ., K. A. Cttlett Is In Portland on a iHief bHsintM trip. C. H. Cook was on the train for Prinevllle this morning. Henry W. Kerbow, ef Pife, wan a vUltor In the city yeeterday. Mrs. R ,.E. Hanking has gone to Portland to visit Indefinitely. Mrs. H. T. Ebensen is in Portland visiting one of her daughters. Miss Graco Ward returned this morning from a vacation trip. NATIONALMETAL WEATHER STRIPS (R NATIONAL FACTS It keops the cold' out. It keeps the heat In. It saves 25 to 40 per cent ot the conl bill. It prevents dust from enter ing the windows. It enables tha windows to slide up and down more easily. It protects tlno draperies and upholstering. It does not disfigure the sash nor mar the Interior. It prevents rattling windows. It subdue outside nolsea. It replaces norm windows. IU tlret eott Is its only cost. It ean never wear odt. It will not rust. Let us figure with you on your building. T. L. COLLIER Loco Repreienlallve (Prom Friday's Dally Bulletin) D. E. Hunter was a recent visitor In Bend, E. C. Gray was a passenger on tho stage to Riley this morning. 13. McNott has gono to Hampton on business. He left this morning. Mr. and, Mrs. D. T. Carmody re turnod ygsjorday afjw a wedding trip through tho narthwftst. U. S. Nichols, of tins city,- was reg istered at the Hotel Portland in Port- laud, catly la thtrwcelr. . . WHAT'S NEW IN MILLINERY, CLOAKS, SUITS, WAISTS, DRESSES AND SKIRTS ? WE KNOW Wait for Our Grand Open ing. We will have the latest models on display. The dale will be announced In a Jew days. fe gaj LADIES' OUTFITTEKS Pringle Building, Wall and Oregon Sts Uend, Ore. That when nature begins to put on the Autumn garb it is a signal of womankind to follow? And so now we are ready to meet your needs. CWe have exerted more than the usual amount of care in selecting stocks and providing fashionable, de pendable goods within price limits that will make an un usual appeal to you because of the worthwhile values obtainable. If you take our advice you will make selection prompt ly, for if ever early selection meant anything at all, it has the greatest possible mean ing today. J Aside from the fact early selections mean securing the very garment that appeals to you-and you prefer-and which are in the most found styles. It also provides you with additional service, which in the end means greater value. We Are Ready to Serve You the Minute You Are Ready Reed-Smith Mercantile Co. Complete Outfitters for Men, Women and Children 9.I5-9.J7 Wall St., Hem!, Oregon Mrs. G. L. Whltltw. prlnt-lpal of the Terrebonne iKiiool, Is In Uend today on business. 8he brought her two children with her. II A. Stevens has gone to GarfU'ld, Washington, to remain permanently. He has been engaged In carpenter work In Uend. Grogor Garske and daughter, Theresa, returned to their home at Dry Lakn last night, utter a brlof visit In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. McKay, Mrs. V. q. lllrdimll and K. K. Garrison re turned to Hand last night from an auto trip to Klamath Palls and Crater Lake. K. K. Gabriel, of Portland, who travels for a piano firm, was In town a day attending to some auditing work. He has gone on to Prim--vllle. , J. II. Noble, of the Uend pimtoffl. J has gone to Maupln to hold a ivll ' service examination for fonrth-inM 'postmaster. He will return tumor- row. 1 Iloliert S. Ilullard Is Imrk from Kmtnett, Idaho, with hi bride. 1 In has been gone alHtut six month and returned yesterday to make his home horn. Mrs. M. A. Houghtaltng and sou, Herbert, hnvo returned from Hull Ingham, Washington, whero thoy spoilt n mouth's vacation with mla lives. They mopped III fietittle on the J way home. 1 1 Attniuer recruit, marie it. war-' tier, left this morning to Join the! !iiiartrmaHtr'N corps hm a fireman I Tin- n-xt one to leave will probably be (' II II Ki ! rtliK enlisted a an itgini'er Mrs Mtnlla Italia and family I returned from a family million ln-id at Pahtley and are on their ay 1 1- k to MhiMhone. Idaho. Threw of Mr Italia' Rtstnrs wnre also with her it their mother's home 11 war here Mrs. IC. P. HriMterhoua I an 'tn pauylHg Mrs. A. J. Kruminrt and George Aronld to Portland tod Thy are driving down In a maiiim but Mrs.' flroMerhou will return bv train next week. Mrs. Kroonert will remain lii the WlllamuUH Vallr a mouth. Having found the city hooks 111 good conditions, Max Crandall, v pert arrouutant, has left llmid and gone on to Prinevllle and Madras ii county ImtliiMM He ua also w-k lug lierf In conniM'tiiiu with pruv k the MHili'inent iM'twei n th" two r "i licit GET A HOMESTEAD Under the Arnold Ditch The Benham Falls segregation, comprising 74,000 acres of land adjacent to Bend has been thrown open to Homestead Entry. Approximately 1)000 acres of this land ean be watered from ''the Arnold Ditch for which a water-right ean he obtained from the Arnold Irrigation Company for considerable less than the State is selling water rights for lands in the State projects adjacent to Bend. To all residents ot Uend desiring homesteads under the Arnold Ditch we desire to state that we have engaged the engineers of the Arnold Irrigation Company, L. D. Wiest and George S. Young, who are more familiar with these lands than anyone else, to make a survey of the lands that can be irrigated and to run lines for ditches so that parties desiring to file on the lands can be shown what part of the lands can be irrigated and approximately the amount of tillable acreage on each claim. rl "L Call and see us for locations. Either Mr. Wiest or Mr. .Yjnjng vrt t jtcm pany you over the land, show you the lines and give you desiretl information re garding Arnold Irrigation Company water-rights, etc. Our, charges are very reasonable. J. RYAN & CO. BEND & OREGON r