tUGK HKM) llUMiKT.X, IlKXI), OHKUOX, TIUHNDAV, HKPTF.MHICIt (I, 11)17 GEORGE WINNER BY A KNOCKOUT UKSUS OUT SLNKP POTIOX TO PKltCY IIKOOKS IX T1IH TI1IIU) ItOl'Nt), AM) ACCKPTS TWO 3IOKI. CIIAI.I.KXCKS. (Pram Tuesday's Dally) Hilly George made quick work of Percy Brooks, of Wall Walla, In the Labor Day smoker yesterday after noon, in the Hippodrome, for In the middle of the thlnl round ha scored .1 dean knockout with a right hook to the neck, followed up by a light ning left wptHsrcut to the heart. llrooka staggered for a moment, fell to the floor and tried in vara to re Kaln hii feet before the count of 10. Ho completely lout ronactouMtena and it was fully three minute before ho ni revived. George pared the way for hla vic tory In the aecond round, when he landed a right on Hrook' neck with sufficient force to leave liitu half groggy for the remainder of the tight. Kach of the fighters weighed In at 150 pounds. "Lucky Strike" Da via handled the Job of referee satisfactorily In the main bout. Hill Hanaley occupying the third man position In the pre liminaries. Immediately after the decision, George accepted a challenge from Karmer Hums for a 15-rouud contest in Kcho, and another from Sailor Kvans, of Hums. The Farmer's chal lenge was delivered In a wire sent to The Hulletln. and offered $100 If his opponent should hvst the entire length of the bout. Kvans' challenge was delivered in person. In the afternoon's preliminaries, Kid Hoco won in three rounds when Happy Sidel threw up the sponge, lien Garsky, of Ilend, and Vernon McNew, of Nebraska, went three rounds to a draw, and Dutch Lang of Sisters, and Hay Golden, of Uend, fought a four-round draw. E. W. Carton was announcer events. of RANCHER ACQUITTED OF STEER STEALING (From Friday's Dally.) Charged with stealing a steer be longing to Krneat Frank, Jens Scott, h rancher of Deschutes, appeared In Justice court yoo'.erday before Judge J. A. BJattes for preliminary hearing. The case was dismissed, the court holding that there was no evidence on which to hold he defendant. ScjU testified that the steer had come onto hla nlace. and that ha had nenned tip the animal until the owner could ' claim it. District Attorney H. II. De Armond represented the state, while A. J. Wil cox, of Hedmond, appeared for the defendant. TI.MHKK MUX VISIT. (From Friday's Dally Bulletin) F. W. Mueller, of Davenport, Iowa, and D, L. McKay, of Portland, eel- j H. ebrated the anniversary of their sale,C. of 26,000 acre of timber to The C. Shevlln Hlxon Company, by visiting L Mil ! 'lLlIM". " Central Oregon Bank BEND, OFI'ICKHS: I). K. IIUNTKIl, l'rchhmt CAItLirrOX H. HWIIT, Vice-President K. I. MAHAFFHV, 2nd Vlco-Prosldont, II. M. 8'f KPHKXH, Cuililcr VKSDKU WAITK, Ashlbtant Cashier DIIlKCTOHSj ID. E. Hunter W. Iy. O'Donncll Curlcton 11. Sft K. 1. Mahuffcy II. I. Ktenhcim Every facility for accomodating the investors of Central Oregon Uend Inst night. It wns Mr. Muel ler's first trip to 'title city. Tho big timber sale was made Inst summer. HTltKUT IM.AXH lll.WCH (M.I.MAX (Continued from Page 1.) street lights at tho intersection of Third and tafnystte, and Third and Kasl Qtilmby streets, was referred' to the streets committee. Flit Limits Sought. A bill for an ordinance creating a fire limit for part of Deschutes ad dition near the Hrooka-Scanlon mill, and specifying more strict building regulations than those now In use. waa read for the first time and con tinued until the next meeting. Chief of Police L. A. W. Nixon's report for the month was accepted, and his statement that $11 In licence had leeti taken during the month gave rUm to crlttolem by Councilman llennelt, who declared that tho dog pound was becoming a nuisance to the residents In the Immediate neigh- ' t&tl jut Vt aneliiH utaa lattau let ftta matter, however. The council laeued an order asking for a complete report on the city's financial condition, to be submitted as quickly as iHWlble. XIon .Muilo Timekeeper. Making for economy In city work It was voted that Chief of Police Nixon should act as timekeeper for all day labor. City officials who were present at last night's session were Mayor S. C. Caldwell, Itecurder II. C. Kills, Chief of Police Nixon, City Knglneer Hub ert H. Gould. City Attorney C. S. Hen son, and CounuJlmen K. P. Hroster bous, A. Kdwards, Clyde M. McKay. John Steldl, Louis Uennett and C. V. Silvis. Tho following bills were approved: W. II. Crawford, otndera aud labor ... .$1I.0S M. K, Coleman, treasurer's salary S8.00 C. P. Xlswonger, labor 12.80 Henry Hurton, janitor S.00 Hob Hlackwell, auto hire . . . 1.00 Uend Hardware Co.. supplies 6.10 Ilend Hardware Co., supplies 131.91 W. O. Matchett. building walks 4. B0 A. A. Oilmore, auto hire 1.00 George E. Murphy, auto hire 1.00 Antone Aune, street sprink ling 159.78 I). W. L. & P. Co., light and water tor August 375. GS Robert II. Gould, engineer's fees 14.82 Hobert II. Gould, engineer! fans "0 A. W. Allgood, labor 18.00 G. K. Murphy, auto hire 1.00 Owl Pharmacy medicine 3. IB Swonder Ulut Print Co., blue print .. 8.70 J. W. Hunter, labor 21.50 H. C. Ellis, recorder's salary. etc .14 Hugh O'Kane. rent S1.S0 It. II. Deyarmond, garage ser vices 41.76 2.10 12.38 UmA Bin a" C. W. IOchardaoN, labor ... Oregon Kael A Transfer Co., drayage 3.00 James 11. Green, discount on warrants 5.89 James II. Green, discount pa warrants 16.30 C. H. Ilishon, labor 2.06 F. L. Kulp, night officer 100.60 M. J. Seaberger, labor 8.00 12.00 8.00 2.00 117.00 C. O'N'eill. prisoners' board H. Snow, labor . P. Scarborough. labor A W Nixon. pol!e ihlff OREGON . 110.00 2.25 .... 27,00 .... 8S.00 ..$iui.m IIISTHICT IS AI.MKI) AT IX (. O. I. IM.AX (Continued from Pngo I.) of your company hi th past?" Mc Oolloeh asked Steam. IVtltlmiM .Vmi'ly Itcnily. MnCollorh stated that palltlona for aa irrigation dlatrlct would be filed tho latter part ot. this week or oarly next weuk, and Intlnmted thai the district plan was good enough fur re organisation. "Wlmt objection to the irrigation dlttrlrl plan have youT" State Kn glneer Lewis asked Stearns. "I have objection to the dlatrlct on the grounds that 11 ran come lit as a municipality and put us out of bus iness," responded Stearin. "Besides. I assume that the settlers want to deal unjustly with us." The plan of Sttvirns was put up Attorney General llrovvtt, State Kn glneer Lewis and Asa'stant Secretary Cupper, of the board, to examine and report on tater to the full board, ltoml Itctnluod. The company aim) lost a point to day when it attempted to have its $18,000 bond returned, which was given In 1912 for the enlargement of the Central Oregon canal and the re iwlr or reconstruction of the Pilot Hutte flume. AMiirtrnt Xfff'Atlnjth riltrlaf ur.ul a It. II. Fox. anonlnl officer Mlko Merg, labor Ole Klinoiison, dog catcher J. SaliuiHnl(iptK'lu offluer Total protest for the settlers against the!"' h, Mor"; i i .. .i-u. .t- i i i, Panales Ar hoard surrendering the bund. It ex pi red In June this year, but the attor ney gouural ruled for the board that the slate could recover at any time for any failure to live up to the con tract under the bond during tho HfeiKM1l,l,,'n r"1'- ?" Hm! '1m of the bond. rotbc Ak" ('hungi. The Irrigation Securities commis- tiloit today also heard VermtM A. Forltes, of Ilend, and representative of the SuitlcH like project ask for a new ruling on the valuation of dls-l trlcu In issuing bonds. Mr. Forlws asked that the commission allow the (Hetrlet to iseue on half of the proa- '"""" """". -"; . ran- peetlve value of the project, rather Mr"' u- '' l"''. " Xeff;' than just the present value of ,. l"". "" Ural and second; land or the cost of the project. Theurro,,, Mr''- s,ftt- Mn- Correal; tur- commission advisement. took tho tuattor under H. II. De Armond. local attorney, who with Mr. McColloch, repreaenU i the settlers on the C. O. I. segrega tions, characterised the plan for a water users' corpnrntktti aa "an 'at tempt to thwart the will of the land holders." "It Is a scheme to retain control by the company after the land has been turned twek to the government," he said. "The Irrigation district la being organism! in lieu of Just sueh a thing. The settlers will pay no at tention to the propoeed corporation plan, but will go right ahead with their organisation." Pl.OWICIt SHOW PItlIW. (Continued from Page 1.) Mra. .N'lxon. Snapdragon Mrs Hudson. Mlaa .Veff. Daisies Shasta, Mra. Iludaou, Frank May; African, Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. ICAwards; Kngllsh, Mrs. Davidson. Love-ln-the-Mlst Mrs. (1. W Hall. Cosmos Mrs. J. W. WarnstafL Marigold- Double. Mrs G. G. 1 COOK B Y M WIRE (I WITHOUT I A ML A JlLs km CLEAN, SANITARY f$5 ECONOMICAL g A small payment down puis an 'iiii Electric Range In your home, frM BEND WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. M (Irovoa, Kunluu Noft; hIiikIu, Mrs, Ida Mo ran. Culllopsla Mm. II. Gout. Mm, II. C. Hills. Sunflower, boat cut Mrs Silvia. Kcablrosn Mrs, Hudson. CandytuftWhite. Mrs. A, well, Mrs. ('. W. Ilngadnlo; Mrs. HottoiiK. C. V. (1 Po coliirHi Popples Single. Mrs. Inutm; dou ble, Mury Shnrror, Mrs. C. II. Hrook; Citllforiiln, Mra. limes, Mra. Suttoun; California, or yellow, Mrs. A. M. Prlnglo. Mrs. W. Salabury; Shirley. Mrs. Innes; Santa llarlmnt or tulip, Mrs A. K. Kdwards; Oriental, Mrs. A. K. Kdwards. (VntHitrea Mrs. limes, Mra. Groves. Feverfew Mrs. N'lxon, Mrs. H. A. Smith. , Gotlardlft Mrs. Hudson, Mlaa M. K. Coleman. ' Salphlgloula Mrs. Innea, Mrs. Hudson. Phlox, perrenlal- Miss M. K. Cote man, Mrs. Kills, Canterbury ' Holla --Mra. 8mlU. Mrs. Groves. i Haby HroatU Mra. It. 11. Ford. Mra. Hudson. Fox Glove Mra. Kills. Gladtolua--Mr. Welti. Mra. Hud son. Golden Glow Mrs. G. W. Hall. Mlaa Coleman. Holbhock Single. Mrg. Groves.. Lily Mlaa Coleman. Sweet Pns Host regardless of color, .Mrs. Smith, Mra. In no; best bunch solid color, Mrs. Dement. Mrs. Dement; greatest vwrlety, Mrs. Ford, lUtlc amt ligament, Mrs. A. G. Powell. Sunflower Tallest, K II It I re Naff Mrs. G. K Yuachum. Special for Cups Artistic rttsplay, oral display. Commercial (Mult. 80 per cent for perfection of bloom, 80 per cent for greatest variety. Mrs. K. A. Smith. Mrs. G. G. drove. Vegetables - -licet collection with Irrigation. Mrs. Philip Hurt. Mrs. Groves; Urgent cabbage. Mrs. F. L. Hk"r' MlM Ne,f: ""n- W N'f.j I Mrs Smith; cucumbers. Mrs. Meda . t- .. ...... .... ..... nips, Kd. Johnson, Mrs. Sadie Lucas; peas, Mrs. Smith. T. J. Sanders; head I lettuce, Mrs. J. W. Hunter; ruta-l bagaa, Mrs. Mlnter, Mrs. Luras; pota-l um- n- " M"- Mlnter; endive, Mrs. linker. Mrs. Dement; onions,1 Mlaa Xeff. Mrs. Forrest; beets. Mrs.' linker, Mrs. Hunter; beet display of, fruits, Mies M. A. Hanson, Mrs. Xeff; I beat display assorted berries. Miss Hanson. I Potted Plants Geraniums- -Pink. ' Mrs. J. W. Waruataff first ami c-i ond; white, Mrs. Wurnelaff. Fuchsia Single. Mrs. G. W. Hall.' Ferns Mrs. Kill. Mra. Fred WIJ-! kle. Hegonla Mra. G. W. Hall. Mrs. Hugh O'Kane. Texaa Star Plant .Mra. Kllla. Mrs. ' Davidson. Children' Dcpnrtnicnl. Vegetables- Cauliflower, Marjorlef Fulton; carrots, Marjorle Fulton, Hurton Davis; turnip, James Head man. Marjnrle Fulton; leaf lettuce, Hurton Davis; tteets, James Head man, Marjorie Fulton. Flowers Sweet peas. Pearl Mil ler. Ford Knutsen; nasturtiums, Klo !se Spencer; popplea. Alpha In man, Klolse Spencer; panslea, llosle Miller; wild flowers, Katlieryn Cummlngs. I CLASSIFIED rm ss PLACER I'Olt HA I.K. KOH L'- A lit I il Ford auto, good condition. Imiulro at llaiiueti'a Ktticory. He FOU MALK Modern cotttg. Ideal location, lawn, Kardiui, slwipiug pin ci ; two blinks from niw in-Ulge on Aubrey Hond, Tonus to suit, or may rent. Imiulro Hulletln office. 87c l'Oll 8AI.14 Two-yenr-old Ditrlmiii bull. Jersey cow iMiinlng fresh. H. A Dull. Phone I0F2I. S7- KItKKP FOIt 8ALK- 100 head fine wont ewes; will sell all or any part of them. Wilson HaiK'h, Powell Htittn. Ore. 7tfe 1IUCK8 FOIt 8ALK IlHlilph,lre bucks, lambs to ,1 years old; Cots wnlda hiirks, yearlings to 3 years old; Ltnoolns Inuks. yourllngs to a years old. Wilson Itani'H. Powell Hutte, Ore. 67S-87tt- FOIt HAI.K -Well 1-rafliiwl Aire dale, male; or will exehange for 33 rifle In good condition. John Meter, Imperial, Oregon. 3T FOIt 8AI.K 'I'wo hordes, weight about 1000 iounda oaclt, choap. Phone lllack 1701. 27c I'Olt SAI.K-Jwintrt. to cheap. Phone lllark 1701. be had 87c FOIl 8AI.K Oil TItADK -Good kitchen range and other furniture. Phono Itcd 185. I7r FOIl MALK- llay mare, 8 years old, weight 11.15 pounds; good work er; also 3 good yearling colts. 27-8 Vp FOIl SALIC One doaeu red pul lets and hens. It lied cockerels and White Leghorns. Hoaa llwtih. Turn alo. 27-2Sp KOK SAI.F.-NW. weight I HBO. with suckling colt from lSOO-lh. Per rheron. JS5; filly, two years old. will make 1200 or 1300-lb. mare. $88; DOO-lb. mare and colt. $38; liniHl. gelding, aultalilo for army. A. P.I Furbrush. ItolM-rts. Ore. 27p FOIt SALK llolsteln bull calf j Dam gave 12.000 pounds milk, 430' lbs. rat. In 10 months; reg aire of A. It. O. breeding P C Hurt. HeniJ, Ore r. 28 Z&llV 1 The Oregon Agricultural College WhM lrlnJ p'"lul "UN twaffs ll- ttloil'i J ilqul (Hull1" d" '"' Intrthm l.lln U lifMl 4ict. la U (llowinc h.l AOKICULTUnC, llh t. il.pril I COUMEItOK, lh i .l.wrl..U, EMOlKr.tiBlHO. nh a .i.(.4iiwiit. i. U4us Coil K.Urlll. Ilii.;. In.Witntl Aril lrcl(tin. ihI MmIkiiimI CIBti(. rOUCMTUV, KmUiImc l'((l( :m Ut. 1I0MD IICOMOMIOS. llh I m..r ttil r(,l. lulaJmt lrn.l( I Im l'ltlK itl.VI.VO. tk Ikii.r ittHMtMUU. Ul4. lt I kraueal V.mttit . rilARUAOY. TUR HOIIOOt. Or MUSIC. tlnt ntt tl la lk prtmlp plaMl l rl w4 lat,aMatal mk I THK MIUTARY IIBrARTMRNT. .a,.lll IMS ri4.l, I. ISIS IJ. ..4 w.a ,..mm.- " , . .. i"" ' "'"' ",""' .m mi in. i' mm iMnt .. ... .f lh. (ifln "l!illftM,t ltiiliilia" ! n,nr rntg All rmm l IH rareirtvn cmplt uoiImw. by Ik V. M IhinMHiil m4 la laamr ami i,mi r4ta. imhIM la Ik K (). T (' , will (itra raaiaiauiHia far aViln, a ll at all WaaiporUlla aki ukUUa at K U wrka kaaawf Hip 11KO18TKATI0H llllOINS OOTOBMn B, 1 W IT UfMataUM) an rqNit. A'ldiaai, Xlltnr, Ola AllMulUlal Collaf. Oaitdlll. Ota(u. .. . ... .. ... . ... C H. HPDMON. I'nuililMnl l !,' uV.e,,,y.'.t:,,,V.r,M".',0"t I" ... ...n.wor.11, Yiwurrm, u. A, HTUVKIt.Asst Cashier The First National Bank OF BE ND, BEND.OR.EGON Capital fully puld Kut'ius . . . . The Federal Reserve System Helps You IT WAS OIIKATKI), PIUMAUILY- To Itulp tho IltiHliioHa Men nml FnrmorB, T;i provldo iilonty of currtinoy nt nil tlmoa, To offuct a Btondlor mipply of credit. Tho Byatom morllH thn aupport of nil Bdod clthona- It iniiMt Imvo youra In ordor to roach Uh fuil.dovolopmont. You can aocuro tho boimrila of this groitt ayatom and nt tho Hiimo tlmo naslHt directly in dovoloplnB it by dcnoHlt liB your money with us. I TEo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND FOIl MALK - tfi fhtu litrKit milni cows, with nilvi'sj Itonn mid llul Durlinm, one full blood Itimn Dm lut nt bull, I nars old; nlso iwo hihi die Iti'itt', biith liruki to Imiiillliii; cat i Ik. II O. Faweiill, La Pine, Or. j r:i:i-2ri.87i- I roil HAI.K -Oil" grndo Poll An- t:n bull, in motitliH old. Iiiiiln ! i II, Johnson, Mllllcnu. 111! 2(lirn FOIt MALK-llousi) ntiil lot. I'rl... rlglit. Terms roitHoiiiiblu. luijutro A. I!. Kdwurds, Ilend Sign Co. ,T7if TF.A.M FOIt HAI.K Two grldliiit, wnlgbt 3300 each ,10 and II mum old; wagon and liiirncHs Low prit , or will trade. Iniiilr I in Hut in or tlr. r.utt 2i.37p I liavn 2K0 acres of whcut litnd, 2lo Hcroa in ctiltlvatloii. In Houtlirii Idu hn, all fenced and cross retired, wiiii good hiiiimt and barn and oibxr out bulldtnga. Prim $3n per ai n- Will trade for good oiiiik niiK horio-, wvernaJiig around 1 2 pounds i. t GtUwilnghatu, Terreboiuii'. ore 6IK-3I.27. r WAXTKI). -4 WANTKD ICipeflUMi'd Kill f" general housework; g I jk' aoi pcrmaiicnt posiuon. m c s iiw son - . .MlMCIJLLA.VUOtN. tHj leaving all my aMount Aluirn") Farnham In Hrnd. nm wll'. d nil knowing themselvesvjiidil I to tii will mf t-xpeiise and imblu n to hi range settlement with him m ili . lut'tre. o W llMiiNKit 8- I.O4T A XI) I'OI'XI). , LOUT - Friday, on Iteml Hum road, hataeen Arnold li'dh and Mil lioan, brow n leather tul'.m' Iteiurn to Pilot Hutte Inn and nti-lvr re ward. :'7n LOST - Bed roll, ratipn in mk.h ahet-t, and end gate to wkii. road near Lava Unite I'lian- .v. at Aune's barn WitllJin All. Ilend 2"' I'Olt mc.vr. JM)MM FOIl ItKM school, at' u Di heal ami Ked 2I Ve.ir Iuk'i baili 'ii' i 37 2. . . MATiorf LLCI A L NU I ICllU XOTICK I'Olt IMHLIC VI'IO.V. Department of the Interior V S lind Ofdee nt The Dalles. Oregon, AiiKHit 10. I til 7. I goitre is nereny given that iwviii ('. itogers. ot Ilend, Oregon, who, on August 12. l'JII. made Homestead Kntry No 01015. for KVfc. Se- Sj Tp. 19 H. It. It K. W M. hns filed tiotlea of Intention to mskn final tlifiM year proof, in establish claim to the land above deai rlbed. bifon II C Kills. I'. S. Cnmmtasioncr. hi Ilend. Oregon, on the 2lsl day of September, 1317. A Claimant names as wltnms Howard F. Over. Klm.r I: Culll son. Abraham Kvans, CHftnn L Kv ana. Daniel W. Meeker, all or Mill) can, Oregon ii. rrtAXK wooi)co(M. 21-Up. Heglaler xorn i:. Kollee Is hereby ghm Hint at t o'clock a. m on the second Monda In anUiwlHir. 1!I7. In log th I on. dar Ittereof, the County Hoard r KqnaHaadon will attend, at the uffi. . of the County AaiKuiir In Hie Ilend Company building, in die city r , JlwMd iirt,nom Mm vwMl,y rxaillllP thm aMMWwnt ro,if H,, , rrwl M I wf" valuation, desrrlpiloit or , ,,millllea of lands, lots or other prop I HMt lunuai hr Hi.. C.iii.iv .!........ --- - .. ,,r .. . ....... ,,HW WW,, I ami It shall be the duty of persona In terealed to appear at the time and place appointed " W. T Ml'LLAIUCKY. Assessor of Desihutes Count). Oregon First publication. August IK; , Herond publication, August 2; Third publication. August no; Fourth publication. H.-nt. mber f. m i.iiia r..ui.i... G.McltKYNOLDH. Asst, Cakhlor! r.w.ooo W,(KM) 3 iMj I U.IIC, m oV"