The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 06, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    iikni) nw,M'm, ih;ni, okkuo.v. tiii hhkav, HHiTKMmm i, i 017
I'AOR &,
School Day Supplies!
Everything You Need
in School Supplies
ni'lf tlioro nro two other ttiun omkiikimI I pound tho party Ttm 'AIIkncn Hint will
lit tlio Hiiiiio work In tins city find tlioy
liavo 11 InrKii onoiigh numbor of (in
llntinciilN to knop thoiti nil liuxy, tin
stilted In IiIh lnttiir.
hjiciiiI the winter iiUeinlliw,' Ht. Mary's
I (From Wmlnesday's Dully i
Vi'rniin A. Purlins li In tmla from
IiIh trip to Hiilem.
J. II. Manor waa In I'rlnevlll jnday
on county litiHlHtMM.
L. A. HruiiileiibiirKli ijiant the tiny
In DearliiitM. where he went aflur a
A. IlMiiKirton went nut le'ltedwoiid
4 hla mtirnliiK mid will later n oh to
Ml l.yiMtt X.ysott 1 In Dwrhutua
I in visit imr uiim, .Mr, r. n. iteiiiio,
i two weeks.
Mr. mini Mm. I.. II. Y Miller and
children Iiuvh guna to Mill city to
miik tlmlr home.
Arthur II. Wanl, of LiiJtrgtH,
Washington, In hi lluiul visiting hi
1 iirtiuittr, itunnr dbiii.
Mm. Daisy Heed mikI rlllilrit. of
l.u I'lnn. Iimvh untie tu Walla Wallti
(to vlilt relative several -k
The Store with
Good Goods.
WIII'.N tllei'. h wuldsm.
ii Idrtlalay, or aunlfrr-
Mr, or jiii) occatluti ari
tO lltllkl' H )flft, whether it U
from (miUiiii or nUHiiiitt M
i ii hoik u vllt to our starV
l'eOll klMIH' tllHl Vttl klNtwl
for tlio lilylixni xrudt of mr
oliumllM, ih newest and
lo'lKlittt lil t-M In Jhm lr , tl
ttneol of I HaiiatmU and tli
IhM. of Watch..
Larson &
Wukhnutken & Jetfitlen
MrH Franklin T Pinker and niiiiiII
iIiiiikIiIit rami) In from ANtorlu after
npniitlliiK thri'i) wcntis nwuy on n vacation.
MIm Null Ik I'uttlttou arrlvinl In
IIhihI th l)i uiiimltiK and will soon rn
suiiih her work hh teacher In tlio
Kruilo schuol.
J. V. (IrlffiiN nml wire rumo over
from Kiikhiiii throiiKli tlio Mucktuizlu
l'tM Monday a in) uro vUltlim with
Mr. (IrlffiiH fat h or.
A himliiiM miietlng of th Parent-
Twiohar hmogIiUIoii will he held ut
tha new high school on Hoptuiiihor
1 I at 3 o'clock nliurii.
Tim Parent-Twiilier aaaoclatlou
will meet at tint Itixl Cross sowing
riHiui for hiHiiltul ivarinwit work nil
tiny on KwitHinhHr 13.
MIm Katharine I'iikIi mul her sla
tHr, .Mildred, are apeudliig tlio day
lH HwdmiMid while MIm I'iikIi Ik Ink-
IK tl'H wlRlltll KrHll KXHIIllllUtlOII.
Mm. I.. K. I.hwwiii mul two (laugh
turn Morn In IIhiiiI ovur nlKhl to at-
txiiit Him wwlillm: of MIm Dolly Hall.
They rtiitmiml to Kwliniiiid thin iiiorn
Iiik. Mm l N Wold mid two iUiiKlitr
concluilml tlmlr vUlt at I'dHrnoii'M
ranch and liav koiih iiii to North
IIbihI. wham thay will Join Mr. Wold
ami inaka their Iioiiih.
Mr and Mm. Jaiumi lllrch mid llttla
Klrl laft thin iiiorulHK for thalr old
Iioiiih tn Kaumiii City and will ratnalu
thora iiormantMitly. Tliny Hir In
IIhiiiI a )awr on account of tlmlr
ilauKhtor'a haalth.
Mr. and Mm. U. II. Jlollowny nr
J 'rlvad thin inornlMK on th'nlr firat trip
Jjto Hand. Thay nxpwt to llva haro.
m Mr. Iltdloway will ha Hinplnyml In
,th fwraalry aarvlra offlci.
I Mr. and Mr. Ilanry MCoy and
fawll ara on a mm pin trip hain
hara and Tha Dallaa and will Iki on
t ' lha out Iiik a month. Then It la plan-
li ml in mova on tu TIim Dallia parma-
iiftitl). Mr Mi Coy la In poor hnallli.
MrRcau: Davla. formorlv rocrultlUK
iifflur In Iti'iul, la now at hla now
I I plain In Hale m iici.irilliiK to word r
' Vn'.vi'd from lilm tiHla). Itraldaa hliu-
(Krotn Tiiimitiiy'a Dully.)
Alf lilimtur, of I'ortliuiil, la huia
to am' IiIh paruiitN,
Jay II. Upton, of I'rlniivllli!, waa a
wrok inil vlaltor In IIhiiiI.
A. Wlilminut Iihn roiilad Ilia IS. M.
Kuril hoiimi In I'liuilyn I'nrk.
Clinrloa (!nrri)ll hna ruttiriKal from
n trip to Hpokano unit I'ortluml.
I'ntil Klckainayiir la In I'rliiavlllo
lookluit uftnr Irrigation tuniial work.
W. K. Kaaom liaa conn hack to
llakar uftnr apitiiilltiK a fow daya hara.
Mra. C IC. Nlchola ruturiiHil from
n vlalt lit N'owlmrK. Hiiuday moruliiK-
Mlaa CI leu ii v Mind cumo In Kutnliiy
on thu wuy to lluriiK, uhura alio will
loach achool.
Daputy Kharlff AiikiiiK Antiunion la
niportod to ha rcuovitrliiK from hla
recent lllucan.
Mlaa Ollvt! Cmnphall, of Huduiond,
la vlaltliiK at tho Iioiiih of Mr. mul
Mm. K. M. Thouipaoti.
M D. Kniitaon la hewt to hla father,
who oti inn up from Aatorla Muiuluy (it
vlalt him aavaral daya.
Mra. Charlotte Owon. or Mllllcnu,
la vlaltlni; for it row daya with Mr.
mid Mra. . M. TliuiupHoii.
Krui'Ht Toinca, chfiIiIit or tho hmik
at Lit I'liut, wnn In town ycatordny
mul today on a plaaauru Jauut.
(). N. Mooro mid children, Ollle,
Knillo and Oliver, were all on route to
Hllvertrui on (lie train thla niornliiK
Tho I'nmhyturlati l.udloa' Oulld
will hold a iiieciliiK at tho home of
Mra. C. H. Ileuaou tomorrow at 2:30
AtiloiiK tint outiiuiiuil KiaaHiii:ara
(tunday were J. K. I a mini. K. M.
Tliompton. J. II. Ilanar mid Mra.
Illaa MarKuret TIioiiihh)h left Hun
day ulKlit for I'ortland, whara aha
will upend th fall mid winter at hua
Iiimm coIIhkh.
JtulKa Ilnua hail kiiiib to I'rlHH
vllla In comiectloH with the attltla
luaut or tha affulra or l)achutwi and
Crook count laa.
Mr. and Mm. C. M. ItOKam cbhih In
thla tiiomliiK from thalr vacation,
apimt In Hpokana and Hwattlt. They
warn away a weak.
O. K. Manteller. formerly Janitor
In tha Itewl acliiMil, hua lafl for hi
old Iioiiih at Jomup, Iowa. Ha I ac
companied by hi family.
Mr and Mr. K. M. Lara lalt yaa-
terduy uiornliiR ror I'hlludalphla,
where Mr. Iini ha aecaptad n po-
nit Ion with a hankliiR coiniwuy.
Mm. Flora . Hartlay, of I'ortland,
h rHturnml to har Iioiiih after apaud-
INK tha minililer on tho ranch IihIoiik-
Iiik to liar mm, Frmik, uaar Tumalo.
A. J. Welliin. or I'ortland. la in
Hand liMlay to tako up with the dtyil-uelua frawka and John M. Pratika,
raunill tha mat tar r atraM mprova-,or Silver Uka. and Koy I). Cayton.
mania with tha city council toiilht. I uf John Kranlw and Cayton
' will anter tha lnal corna. while the
mhar hrothor Ktwa Into tha field
(Krdm Hnluriliiya Dally.)
Hohort Wooda wna a paaii:(ir for
I'ortlmul till inornlriK.
T. A. McUmm laft lat nlnlit on u
hualnnaa trip to MlimanpolU mid Clil
on CD.
It. Il.MutzlK cams In from Portland
thla mornliiK mul will mop u rww dny
on hualiiana.
"Tl. JC. Maal la In Itadmnnd aevsrat
daya tuning piano. Ha will return
tairly nnt weak.
K. Hoatalmul hna en to Portland
to commit a doctor. Ha will return
within a fow daya.
If. K. Allan, who liaa haan conflneil
to hla homa liy lllnaaa for tha imat
10 daya, la racovarliiB.
Mr, (lortruda Hoavor -nl on to
Portland after vialtlng aavaral daya
at tha homa or P. h, Kulp.
John CiinnlMKham apent tha day
In JteilHHind on hualuiwi rouuot(l
with hla flali mid Kama ward on 'a du
tloa. T. H. I'oli-y raturnml laat flight
from Kukoiio hy way r tha McKon
zle, hrlHKiHK Mra. Foley and the chit
droti. Mia Ha7el Itakea I In Culvor,
whara aha will apnl aome tlm with
Mm. W. J. Hendricks near (Irand
vlow. Mlaa Aicuaa Sillllvnti arrived thla
tnnrnliii: from Portland and went on
to I .a Pino where aha will teach In
thu achool.
Mlaa Dorothy Ilrure concluded hor
vlalt wkh Mm. M. B. Andru and liaa
koiio to liar homo In Portland. She
wa In Hand a month.
Mlaa Katlierluo I'iikIi. Mlaa Helen
Krancla and Mlaa Klale Horn have ro
turnwl from a ahnrt vlalt to Opal
SprliiR on Crooked river.
Miaa Nona Itlrhardaon and her
hmther. Lyle, have cone to Walla
Walla ror a vlalt -to their alater and
will he away Indefinitely.
Mr. William Scarry, nr Hampton,
left laat nlKht ror her home, after
attendltiK the funeral or her mother.
Mra. F. I). IlMOtia. In thla cUy.
Dr. and Mr. It. I). Stowell ra
turned ypatarday from a two weeka'
vuiwtlon at Newport. They Mopped
ut The Dallas on their way hack.
Mlaa Chrytle Kturdevan and Mlaa
Lottie Meade, or Itadmoml, are vlalt
Iiik the (lllfton family on lloulevartl
avenue. They expect tu return home
M. J. Clapj), of Vancouver, Wash
ington, Hpant yaatarday in Hand via-
kliiK friend and loft thla iiiornliiK
hy auto ataca ror llurna where he liaa
accepted a immUIiiu a Instructor In
the high achiMjl,
Three rernU took their depart uro
on thla mornlnK'a train. Tnay ar
This Store is in Complete
Readiness to Prepare the
Boy or Girl for School
M. Ilrown, formerly of Print-
... .
waa in lleml yeatarttay from
Portland. makliiK tha trip hy way or ! r,,"r"
A la Latest
D V nil iiienns read the fashion
notes, hut you will also get
authentic news of styles hy look
ing at our HOYAL WOKCES
TEU corsets, hetter than word
or picture. These new models
tell of the changing mode and
.summarize all the season's inno
vations, great or small.
TER, your figure will follow
fashion's favorite lines, Worn
your new gowns give just
the effects which the modiste
um m$
$ 1 .00-$ 1 .25-$ 1 .50-$2.00-$2.50-$3.00
tha MrKencle l'aaa. Ha lert thla
K. L. WIkkIii I hark from a hrlaf
trip to Portland on hulnea. Ha apent
ynatarday In Prlunvllle, wluire ho waa
una of the apaukara nt tha annual
harvoat picnic.
Mr. Charlea Clavalmul unit two
Hinall daiiKhtera cuuie In from the
Tun liar ranch to co to Portland,
wharo they will roinaln a month with
relative and frlauds.
Mm. Carrlo M. Allan la on her
way to Portland and Seattle, uftnr
vUlthiK In Hand two wuoka with Mm.
J. II. Hoyhuru and Mrs. Herbert Al
lan. She la lutoremud In property In
thl city nud hna uiado tho trip here
five tlnioa to boh It.
Thurmluy tho Sunday school of tlio
Methodist and Preahytorlan ehtirrhoe
will hold a Joint picnic on tho lawn
at tho L. I). Wolst homo In WelHtorla.
A basket lunch will ho served mid
im inos provldnd ror tho chlldron. Pur
onts will coinu with tholr ramllloa
mid apoud tho day,
A party of llurna people, passed
throtiKh lloiul yoatorday on tholr way
to Portland. Mm. Uoy Van Winkle
and hor children, Mrs. Look, nud
Julian lllnl, editor of thu Tlinoa
llerald, mid his two dniiKhtora roin-
Mr. ami Mra. W. A. Grant came In J
laat plicht from Im Pin after having; j
ltH on their ranch tha entire uiu-,
liter. Mm. (Irani will ico an to Sl-
tern where ah I principal or the
school, while her huehand will re
main In town and ha employed at the
llrooke-gratilon mill.
A traveler hound ror the cast thla
mornlHK waa Mm Italph Dunn, who
Is on her way to Oshkoah, Wisconsin.
She will he koh two mouths, spend
luic hor time with liar mother mid
relatives. On the way back ahe will
enjoy a slKhtseeliiK trip by way or
the NoiHhoru Pacific.
Boys' School
from $3,75 to $11.00
Boys School
Tne sturdy, dependable kind
here at savings of from 25c to
75c the pair.
Bitf Boys' Shoe at 52.75, $2.85
$3.00. $3.25, $3,75 per pair
Youth's Shoes, sizes 12',4 to 2.
at $2,50. $2.65. S2.75. $2.85.
$3.00. S3.35
Little Gent's Shoe at $2.15,
$2.50. $2.75. $2.85
New Line of Girls' Wash
& Wool Dresses for School
Priced at 75c. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50. $1.75
up to $6,75
Carter's Underwear for
Boys and Girls
at 75c to 85c per Suit
Boys' and Girls' Two-Piece
at 25-40-50-75-85c per garment
Black Cat Re-inforced Hosiery
for Boys. EUitic Ribbed, extra heavy
weight, triple knee, heavy soles, toes and
heels, priced at 35c per pair.
Other Black Cat Double Knee Hosiery
"VrW-T? f n. .. 1- in. nK !?.
- w, wu .it sv Arc, uk per pair ..-
Black Cat Stocking! for Girls, made of the finest quality Sea Is
land Yarn, in black, tan or white, at 35c per pair.
Others at 19c. 25c, 30c per pair
Come in, bring the boy or gill and prate that this store leads in Values
I W J Jl
N 1
hi tv
We wish to express our sincere
thauka mid appreciation to the many
friends who so kindly assisted us dur
Iiik the recent Illness of our wife and
mother, Itachael McKeown.
27p OHILDltKN.
Tc-t' to ltd Held In County on Sep
tember (I mul 7 Six KcIiikiN to
Open on Kcpti'iulM-r a.
Phono Illark 1291
IiKU A. T1IOMAH, A. A. I..
2-4 O'Kano llutldliiR
10V13 HI'KCIAIilHT, of Portland
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
, or lnqulro ot
TiionsoN, thu jewklku
Open Now and Ready to
Do Guaranteed Work.
lnsnMrirj Men's
TinigTOaJL Suits
iniftMtfoft anJ
Mm?v for
The new way, the way
that is host and safest is
to have your work done
in our shop, where the
latest and most modern
equipment insures the
best work the quickest.
Bend Pantorium
(From Friday's Dally.)
Dates for eighth grade examina
tion In Doschutos county were an
nounced this mornliiK by County
School Superintendent J. Alton
Thompson, when ho stated that tests
will be held on September G and 7
In tho following dlstrJots:
No. 1, Uond; No. 2, Hedtuond; No.
4, Ln Pine; No. fi, Torroboiino; No.
G, Sisters; No, 12, l.owar llrtdgo;
No. 23, Gist; No. 25, Harper; No. 26,
Milllrau; No. 2S, Hoeck; NO. 30, Des
chutes. The following schools open, M
the following teachers, September 3;
Terrobonno, District No. G, Mrs.
Whltels, principal, Mr. Williams, Miss
Deitrlch, Miss Wilson; District No. 6,
Sisters, Mrs. Grant, principal, Mrs.
Howell; District No. 17, Jlampton,
Miss Prleshofr; Dlstrlet Xo. 20, Ar
nold, Miss Serfllng; District No. 22,
nichardson, Mlaa Dunsmoor; Dlstrlot
No. 30. Deschutes. Florence Foster.
(From Thursday's Dalfy.)
Announcement was mado this
morning by N. It. Oliver that he Uub
purchased the halt Interest In the
American Daksry from Frod Huey,
thereby becoming owner of the en
tire business. The consideration vaa
not given but is understood to be In
the neighborhood ot $4000. Evoti
hotter service than that which has
characterized the establishment In.
the past will bo given hereafter, Mr.
Oliver states.
Co the , aeries of CO end and Vic In it u
we extend a Gordial Unuitation to inspect
tie jewest Qreations in
xJie narner Compantr
n irri'rj
.. :a-.
v :
. . ..