WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin VOI. XV. IIHND, DKHCHUTDM COUNTV, OHKOON, TIM HHDAV, HKPTK.MIIHU (I, MM 7 NO. 27 e 3 ! ml t w w WELL HAILED BOOSTERS COMMITTEE TO MAKE REPORT. fiHiirlci wiiii roiiMiy ivnii iv I'niio III Iteword to lii I'lui'-lhiml Hmil lUII('llllM) Will llo III" ICttf- lll uf Tlili Wink. T)t the work for ll Wa prove Mtttl of lha llend-l lw nlghway. llTfuOU fur which huh appropriated by the JMste Highway Commission, In being well handled liy the DaaohulM ouMly ootirl, will Im th retort re tUfHAl tn lha Hand Commerrud rluli ml Wednesday by lh club' cohi wltte on road. Thin was the state ment of Paul ('. (iwriiMin, elm I rum m tt the roHimltt"", after h and A. J Kroenert had called im County JiiiIkh W. I). Jlwrnea hiiiI CoinmlMdoiier 1. 1C. Smith aterdy afternoon "The county court In only walling tor an auto irurK now." Mr Garrison aeJd. "There haa not bean a day a delay not In keeping Hh good bua lHW pracllre. Juat soon a UK track arrives the court will wire Stale Highway ICngtneer llrahert Khiih, who will Immediately coma tn Hand Mini Mart the work." Triiil llunl In Gel. Mr. Garrison and Mr. Kroenert via Had (he eewrt oh HulhurlMI(H (mm the ConwHerclal rlnlt and explained to lb otiurt the itMt4r or (hit elub that (hi JIT.nO" appropriated from the aMa(e fund it be nxpamlml im rapidly poaalble Ih order that mure funds Wight be nbllannd frm the tule. The for lha (Inlay, the oeurt ex pained, lay tn tin fact that only threw ulo trunk hail ben spatially rer tMHiMfiitHl liy tha hi Kit way oagtMear a adaptable fur the work here, and thai It bad been inipttealble to secure any una of the three recommended, because uf market conditions. Wlille HHxUtaa to Iimhi ho l4ia In optoUMK tb lmtrvmnl. tha our( will airlvn aatMcIalty fur afflr 1m work. Jw4 ttarnoa MMtmt altar lb Mewling with lha Cow morel I !un rt anutlvia. Niiiiii U SHllflml. "Wa ara wtttlaavurlnK to winl lha niuHay nlacl at our illajntaal Jullr ViuaK ! to mako it ko a far aa poaaH.1." ha aald "U'a ara alwaya Kla4 to rwalva auaKawlloM whtch tha t'ommarelal rind may offtr, hut wo hail baan aaaurml liy tha I linkway CamHihatloa that Ihwa whhM ha nu mora itianay arallalila fur thta atratrh of tmhI tlurlHK thn praaant aaaatm. Tha rk ilona on lha m llna roail will In all itroltalilllty Ua uaeil aa a aUHdaril fur highway Improvement, whlah la uaa of lha raaaona why wn ara nunatilarlnK lha work o lilKhly Important. W'n hava Uaan In run aUMt communication with Mr Nhiim awl ha axiiraaaaa hluwalf aa antlrly Mtlath! with tha pniKraaa IihIiik maila." Flower Show Prizes to be Given to Winners Today 1'rlzaa for tha llaml Fluwar show, lield Inst Saturday undor tlio nunplcaa of tho I.udloH Library club, uru now uiunploluly IUIihI, ami tbnau wlnnliiK MwtirdH for axlilbllH urn raiiuoatuil to imll at tlio K. M, TluimpHon furiilturo Mtgro after today, when tha prliee will bo iilvon out. Tho Hat In na followa, flmt mid hoo citlil prlzaa baliiK glvun In tlielr order: 1'uniilaa Mr. Uokh Fnrnlinin, Mm. Jno Imiua. flwoot Allyalum Mm. a. 0. drove, Alrn. Floyd Deinnnt. Mlt;nontiUo Ira. Juiiiaa Klllntt, KufctulimiH yMrH. Floyd Dumont, JMra.'D. A. W. KjLn., Haaaa Ito'il, MM, 0. 0. (IroveH, Mra. C. B. lludHOn; pluk, Mrs. (1. K. Ynikohum, Mrs. J. C. Vnuduvurt; white, Mre Vnmlovort, Mtm. D.ivld won ; yellow, Mra. Hudson, Mrs, lu ll on; rnmblor, Mra. Ornvoe, Hwoit Pone I'lnk, Mrs. Hudaon, Mra. Al KdwnrtlHj whlto, Mra, Do miint, Mia. Medu Forrest ; rod, Mr II. J. Ovarturf, Mm, yonry II. Ford; luvumlar, Mra. K. A. Binltli, Mrs. HuiU uou; nnintfo or aalmnti, Mra, Domont, Mra. Bmlthj corlBo, Mrs. A. I). Flolda, Bend Man Learns of Son 5 Whereabouts After Three Months iCriiiii 'i'ni'adny'H Dally ) Tor thn laat lliri'ii iiioutlia llarilaou lttliatn, of llilri illy, liaa IihiI no laiowlitilK of thu wliorimlmuia of lila win, John, who on Hated ahiirily after tho war waa ilttrlarod, In ilia U. 8. navr. I'or airaiaglr rimwrna, ha MiHiiK aalltir has limit unabia to MiaHlloti hla hwallflH. Today tha fathar foHHil nut, for a Inttar tppaarlnK In I'ort- land nannr from MontoTltlao, I'raKuay, to l T. Orlfflth, of lliw I'. It. I. ! Co.. told of tho rmrtu vlall uf lha armorml rrulacr Frederick. It la on thla voaaal thai yoann Jthani la aarvlHK aa a mamhar of tha kmh c raw, "I had an Idea that thn hoy waa aoniawhara around ttauth Amorlea, hut thla la thn flrat dHflniltf nawa I hava bail," tha faihar aald. In roiHtnsntlnx on thn atory carrlail by lha I'ort- lioid tuihllcatlon. ILL SALE 10 HELP SISTERS W. I.. WIMJ T.MiKS tlVKIl J. T. mvKirrr I'uwt-tiik kntiuk HltlSON'H OCTI'lT CONTUAtT Kl 11V W. It. WILKINSON. (Prom Tupwlny'a Daily.) A aulittaiitlal IimmI for the lumlior IniltiRtry In tho KUtara aaetlon waa mada known tMlny In tha nanouncw maal uf Ilia iiurehaaa by W. I.. Wine of thn J. I. Duekalt aawinlll, arcom tmnlml by tha alalamant of W. It. WIN klnaon, of tha I'lnn Traa Lumbar Co., thai Iih baa euntrartml tha aaaaon'a outnul. The nnfer will uiaan tha ataady opamtbiH of lha Hlant, wh:l bltharto lha mill baa only baan run Intarmlttantly. Tha conaWaniilon in voIvikI h lha aala waa not made nubile. Tha Duekalt will haa a 19,000 foot dally capacity, and baeauaa of the rhamctar uf tha coaatry la ah! to run prit lea I ly all winter, whereat many uf tha aniall mllla ara forced to abut doHii'durlMK tha parlod or haavy now. .Mr. Wllklnaon atataa that ha baa cmurHita ruvarlng tha aatlra aaaaon'a run, and that a twu year contract could hava liaan alaaad, had ha ao daalratl. Tha lumW. unplaued and ireeii, will ba hutilail aa riulckly aa It can ba cut, by antu trncka 20 mllaa to Itadiiionil fur Immadlala ihlpmant. Tha haul la practically all (town grade tha only uphill atratch being at qilna Fa I la Mra. Hudson; mottled or varlogatatl, Mra. F. 8. Duker, Mre. 8. l Caldwell; dark red or olnret, Mre. lluiUou, Mra. O. C. Ilonklo; purple, Mra. Hudson, Mra. Ynaohum; pornnnliil, Mra, II. C. Kills, MrB. Ovorturf. Curnutloiia- lied, Mra. J. 1). David ami; white, Mra. Iuiioe; vnrluRtiteil, Mra. Nixon. Vorbonna, uilxod or any color Mra. Davldaou, Mra, Fariiham. DuIiIIuh Mra, N. Amluraon, Mra, . AuderHiiu. I'titunlns Ued(liiR, Mra. Nixon; aliiKle, Mra. Htulth, Mra. Hudson. Calendula Mra. Iliulaoii, MUw Hu nice Nutf, Annual Phlox Mra. U. D. Wolat, Mra. Wolst. HaKKeil Sailor Mra. Davidson, Mra, Furiihum. Aatera IMnlt, Mrs. A. M. I.nru, Mra. Hudaon; white, Mra. J. Klllott, Mra. Davldaou; red, Mra, K. A. Smith, MrB, Iiiiiob; luveudor, Mra. Hurry Gunt, Mra. Iuuea; purple, Mra. (Sunt, Mra. Davldaou. lMnkB Doublo, Mra. Furnhiun, (Contluuod on pago 6.) STREET PLANS U BEND CITY BONDS T( GO AT PAR, Conduct Willi LiiiiilH'i'iiii'ii'ri Trut Co, Aiilliotli'il by Ciwnrtl Itoiillno lhiliiiM DNpoxMl Of Hi'Miiul .McclliiK Tonlgbt. fKrnm Wmlneaday'a Dally.) lng delayed plana for tha Im provetnenl of Newport aranua warn brought In a focue laat night al tha regular meeting of tha city council, when after long dlarttaalon, a eon tract waa authorized betweM tha idty and lha l.umbarman'a 'front Co of Portland, making poaalble tha flo tation of Improvement bond. Carlo '. Clime, aealatant aerretary of the trual comiHiny, offerml to have lha city chartnr ex a in In ml by bund ex- perta to aaeertaln whether or net bond may lie laaue.1 under tha bond lug act, to attend to all neceeearjr legal procedure, and to guarantee a bid at par ih- batter. Three par ceeA of the face value of the bond Inane waa lha price aet, and the offer waa accepted, a clanea being lneerte4,i however, to the effect that (he city in Ik hi avail Itself of almllar aerWeaa on aubaauuant bend iaauee, tt a IH tier cent rate. The council will meat again at 7 o'clock tonight to cloae up matter wit hthe Lumbermen' Trual Co. Kliivp Klart Argument. Little elte uf prime Importance waa brought up at the meeting, aable from thu introduction of the old quaeOon of whether or not aheap ahould be allowed to be driven through the city. It. M. Smith championed the cauM of the sheepmen, ami after a lengthy argument, the matter waTrefe'rrad'mi the health committee. The petition uf M. McOrath and other, against the reduction of auc tion llceuee fcae. wa tabled, and lha requeat of V rnoii A k'orlte and oth er asking for tho inatallatUin of (Continued on Mat p.ige DltriCllt TICS COINTY TO (ii:T 10 IMilt CKNT OK IIAiaXCIC IN TIIK OKNKUAI. I'CND TAXIJS AND llltill SCHOOL l'TNDS AT IS.St 14. I From Wedneedny'a Datlv.) fMtlemenl uf a majority of the Joint affairs of Deechutaw and Crook ouunllea wa effected yesterday at the suasion uf the county court and official, held In Prinevllle. A num. bar uf other fiiMtuuial ndJuetnu-nU, however, could not lie agreed upon, and will be submitted by Dlatriit At torneys De Armoml and Wirt, of Deachutea ami Crook counties, re epeetlvely, tu Attorney General Drown fur nit opinion. The eomputntbiu of aaeeta showed Jfi.l-ll.4C In the general fund of old Crook county brought down to fS.DSS.til) by oullwl warrant. The latter sum U to bo divided between the countlna, a coord lug to their ns Beeaud vnluatlnna. An 'order was is sued o the Crook county treasurer to maku this transaction. It la esti mated that on thla buala, Doschutea county will receive approximately 00 pur cunt of thu wholu, From tho old county general school fund, tho special road fund, the libra ry fund, mid the County Fair fund It waa found that tliuro waa a total of ? 7 -1 0 . 1" 0 due fills county, and an order authorizing the payment of the same waa madu. Disagreement enme over the dis position of tho eouiity high school fund, J1720.SU, claimed by Crook oounty, nud lu regurd to delinquent taxes on property now lying in thla county, thu latter fundi being claimed by Doacbuloa. Doth question must go buforo thu attorney general. Tho vuluo of public buildings in the old county Is estimated at $80,000, whllo tho outstanding indnbtuduess amounts to $50,430. SETTLE JOINT COUNTY AFFAIRS I S. CONTROL T COT CROP BEND MILL HEAD SEES POSSIBILITIES. SH-tt Oilier l'tHU I'rkm Hlinulil lie ItapiMlHlLiI (;iiiiiiiiciil ly Do iHOiifiiM'OiMMl by I'liruNliliifC Itmii'licrH Kcxl VliHt. (From Wednesday' Dally.) That government control, merely of wheat and willing will raaull In a great decraaae of tha If 18 crop, waa the ouutandang point in a atatement given out thla morning by the man agement of the Hand Flour' Mill Co., relative to the federal fixing of grain price. A tha mre for Immense good, however, ex lata In the poealhlllty of the government furnlihhtg need. That now uaeil In thla aectlon la largely run down and of badly mixed grade A. J. Kroanert. of the local milling company, I planning a trip to Port land In the near future lo take up with the proper officials thla ver phase of the food control situation. In the statement given out by the mill management. It wa pointed out that the reduction in the price of wheat cannot reduce flour pricea ma terially, since flour food are even now among lha eheapeet edible. Un lea other farm product are regu lated, however, farmer will put In lea wheat this fall, sowing a more profitable crop. The regulation of all claaae of food product, on the other hand, while poealbly lowering the profit on all, would leave their rumiHinitlve desirability from the farmer' standpoint, the same aa be fore federal Intervention. Kcvd In Xcoricil. A part of a carload uf seed wheat baa been received at the mill, bat this la considered Insufficient to meet the naeda of this aectlon. and the management favors the shipping of tuamltle of seed in from other part of tha country having climatic con dition almllar to thoae prevailing hare. A large part of the aaad now need In Central Oregon, It I explain ed, la mixed fall and spring grain, while a large part of this year's home grown seed u'11 bt badly shrivelled. LOCAL DEFENSE (From Tuesday' Dally.) To orgauiie and elect officers, the Hand branch of tha Women's Com mittee of the United States Council of National Defense mat at the home of Mrs. Charlaa P. Xlewonger last night. Five women ware present, each representing au organisation de siring to enter the council. Mrs. Ms wunger bad bean appointed tempo rary chairmen by State Chairman Mrs. Charles 11. Castner, of Hnod lttvar, ami was elected to fill tha office permanently. Mrs. T. II. Foley waa voted vice-chairman. Mrs. Sadie Lucas, 8eoretary and Mrs. J. D. Dav idson, treasurer. Work will be begun ns soon ns Instructions are received from Hood Itlver. September 15 lias been aet nalde by (iovwnor Wlthycombe us regis tration day for the women of tho state. The local committee will have charge of u houe to house canvas with the cards on which women may eprees a willingness, or volunteer to serve in whatever capacity oaoh Is bast fitted for In the absence uf men who are fighting. Knch state Is dolug this aud secur ing mi Index tu the resources of the otiuntry so far as the women ara con cerned lu theu. Uegletretiou la not compulsory but merely a patrlotlu duty of overy able bodied woman. There Is no age limit. The organisations represented at last night's gathering wero the lhip tUt Qulld, Mrs. Foley; Presbyterian Uulld, Mrs. Sadlo Lucas; Library mid Hod Cross, Mrs. J. D. Davidson; Mothodlst Culld, Mrs. K. D. Qllson; Statu Committee, Mrs. Nlswougor, I U I Ex-German Soldier Goes to Fight for The United Stales (From Tueeday' Dally.) Recently a German army re servist, now a c'.tlaen of the fn I ted States, William Lang, of Slater, left Hand last night for Vancouver barracks, to en I let in the American army. In spite of repealed efforts to Mndermlne hla loyally. leng haa remaned firm In his a 1 leg lance to hie adopted country. When hoatilltlea first com menced in Kb rope, I-ang had already taken the flrat steps to becoming an American cltisen. but under the Oerman system, waa still considered a subject of the Kaiaer. He received no leas than three command to re turn to Germany and fight against the Allies, but continued unmoved to perfect hi claim to United States citizenship. Thla he completed In time to avoid tha order preventing the enlist ment of aliens In the U. S. army f IN NIGHT RAID CIIIKI' NIXON AND SHKIUI'P HOD HUTS CONI'ISCATK LlgCOIt INVESTIGATION WILL IIK COM .MICXCIil) TOMOItltOW. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Definite results wore obtained by the city and county authorities last night In the liquor Investigations which have baan conducted for sev eral weeks past, when-Ohlefof -Pollee L. A. W. Nixon and Sheriff S. B. Hob erts, In a series of raids conducted within the city, confiscated a quantity of bottled whiskey. One arraat was mada by Chief Xlxon, an unknown man being taken into cMstody. wkh a bottle of Ibtuor In hVs possession. He was still so badly intoxicated this morning that his name could not ba learned, but It is understood that he hi not connected definitely with tha raids. No complaints have as yet baan ' sued, aud no further action will be taken until tomorrow, whan District Attorney II. II. De Arraond is ex pected to return front Portland. LIBRARY CLUB WILL PICK NEW OFFICERS (From Wednesday's Dally.) Members of the Ladles' Library club will hold their auuual election of officers at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon In tho liond Public library. A full attendance of those Ins lousing to the club Is desired. IB Fire in National Forest Rages With Little Check in the Fort Rock Timber Delists bold by the local office forae of the Deschutes National For est that the Fort Hook fire might bs abated woro abruptly disproved this morning, when F. A. Saye, auto dri ver, returning from the scene of the conflagration today, after taking out C. J. Duck, assistant district forester. Mr. Saye accounted for the fact that no report was received yesterday by stating that the fire had already crossed the Pine Mountain telephone Hue, utterly cutting oft communica tion by that routo. A fire Hue la being maintained on the west side of. the flames, Mr. Saye sold, but In other quarters the con flagration seems praotloally uncon trolled, a hard wind from the south west sweeping destruction before It. The roar of the flames, augmented by the crashing of felling troee, can be heard more than a mile away. A brief conversation was held this morning over the La Pino wlro be tween ltnngor Harrlnian, who with DISTRICT 15 : AIIO AT IN C. 0. 1. PLAN DESERT LAND BOARD PIEARS SCHEME. PROTEST IS STRONG McColloch KnK Settler Will Not Al low Control lo Do Taken Dis trict Organization Almost Heady to Start. (From Wednesday's Datlv ) SALNM, Sept. S. (Special to The Bulletin.) Jaaae Stearns and other representatives of tha Central Oregon irrigation company yesterdsr pre sented to the Daaart Land Hoard the company's proposed plan of reorga nization, which Stearns ssld would lead up to the settler' eventually having control. The plan Is to orga nize what will be known as the Des chutes Water Users' Corporation, un der the general laws of the state, as co-operative with the water users association. Under the articles, as many fcharos of capital stock as there are Irrigable acros In the two segre gations would be authorized, making approximately 100,100 shares Bach share of stock Is to represent a defi nite tract of land and no stock la to be transferred without the transfer of the land. The stock would be val ued nominally at J 10 a share to rep resent the coat of Irrigation work already completed. It would be Is sued to the Central Oregon Compaq . which In turn would deliver tit. stocc to water users entitled thereto Ilea chutes would ba the principal pl.u. of business. Company Seeks Control. Under the proposed plan, th. Cen tral Oregon Company would hav- five directors on tha board and tln set tiers two, or, It 4t was decided to have a directorate of five members, tb eempany would hava four and tt-o settlers one. Attorney Claude McColloch, of Portland, who was present for the settlers, Intimated that the t'lfrs would never stand tor the plan pro posed by Stearns. "Do you suppose that the settlers would go Into partnership with thn Irrigation company to help develop all the land now undeveloped, afte their unpleasant financial experiences (Continued on Inst page.) Acting Supervisor V. V. Harpham, is directing tho work of the tire tight ors, and J. Urlnckley, of tho local oftleo. Mr. Harrlnian was utterly unable to estimate the extent of tho tiro, but made no further request for aid from this city. It Is reported that practically all of the male res deuts of the Fort Hock valley aro m the ranks of the tire fighters. That the men who are eudeavor'ng to check the flames may go liuugn, was tha statement made this iurnii k at the American Hakery, after a rus i order for 30 loaves of bread bad beti turned lu. Undeavorlug to seum Stage transportation It waa found thut tha stage wau loaded and leaving L. L. Fattj proprietor of the stag line, stated this morntug that the all camo lu so late that it would have meant a big delay Involving tho or tire roarrnnge.mQ,nt of tho load. Sine a the tiro started bia stages have cu rled oonalderublu quantities of pn visions to tho men at work near Fort Hock, he asserted.