iikni) nuMiiciirr, iiknd, oiiktjon, TiiriwnAV, auotht no, 1017 I'AGB V J WILL ADD SHIFT AT i THE PINK TREE MILL Payroll Will Ho Iimu'iisimI to loo .Men In Niwir Future, mill Dally Cut HttnnK-il to 100,000 Feel. (From Mouilay'H Dally.) .hi lit iin Homi 11 h tint ni'cuMHiiry mini bur of 1111111 can ho iii'cured anil a few Improvements made, the Pine Trim Lumber Co. will begin working two uhlfta, iiri'iirilhiK to A. J. Kroiimirt, litwd of tlio eiimpnuy. With ilay ami night wik going on, tlio mill will havo n payroll of fully 100 mun, ami Out ilally cut wilt total 100,000 feet, nm kin it a Hiilmloiitliil addition to Urnd'a imyroll. I Mr. Krixninrt believes Hint tlio ehangn ran Do ininlii within tho iimir future. TKHHHHONNH. f (Contliiuiiil from 1'agit 3.) 'hll, (iravixi, .MhIknoii, I'urr, Kent, Monro, I'erkliiuu, (Irovim. ('ornnlliiH, Oomtto ami MInn (loyotto. A. K. Dyor loft IhnI week to visit ' l(4 nun In llrlitoiiwoll, II. ('. Mm. Ilucliman ami daughter, of Wliooiinln, arc visiting tho former's Ulster, Mrs Marry Wlnflelil Tho Farmers' I'nlon warehouse, which In being ororloil Hour lln depot, U rapidly Hearing coinplntlon Mr. ami Mm V A MrKlfrcsh loft lam week tor I'ortlnmt. Mr. ami Mm W H Mooro. Mm (Mara Kont ami V H McKmIiik worn dinner guests of Mr ami Mr J am on Mitchell Inst Frldn) SOCIAL IS CJIVKN HV TERRHHONNE LA DUOS humwifiil (Jiillii'ting l Held l) I'lie nerr 'luti NrliiMtt Will SliiH on Kepti-mber !t. (Special to Tho Hullntln ) TKHRKIIONNK. Auk. IH Tho U ll Pioneer cluh entertained tholr friends at tho hall Inst Wednesday Hftnruonu. lio eremn ami raUo wer served nml n Jolly gooti tlmo enjoyed by nil. Those present wnro Monitninim Hlllott. Davidson. Nlckols. Mooro. Clark, I'otlott, Wimp. Comstork. Ilol frlrh. Hamilton. I'orry. ItalMnn. Pick M M. (late. Dexter. Holgel. Hodenldn, VMrCaulev. Straight. Mi Williams. Cunningham. Wllllanm. Iloyntnn. Mackny, Junker, Peckham, Snyder, Mitchell. I'arr. Kont ami Davidson Miss Helen Hayes, who linn (iron visiting hor aunt. Mrs. A. W- Denton, returned to Redmond Hiimlny oven lap. MIm rUillo Holgel linn returned I fmni lloud. whoro she tin it hoou vis iting hor sister, Mm F. K Mnrtz. Paul Williams ha returned from Lex I mi ton Mr. and Mm J It Hulfrith and Mr. and Mm I, 0 ('omTooK spent Mnatloy at tlio emmly seat. Mm. Clara Kont loft for liar homo In Portland last KrlDay morning While here she wan tho lirnino gint of hor daughter. Mm Charlie Peck liam. Mr. and Mm. John llngardt, of Canada, are visiting Mr and Mrs (loo. Hlllott. Maurlro Gate, of ItmliiHiml, npont Mumlay visiting near Terrebonne Kclionl will enmmeiire next Mini Uy. Maplomhor 3, with tho followliiK taff of tMU'liom: Mm (I I,. Whlt hU. prlnrlml. Dowltt Wllllamn. Mlaa Drltrloh ami Mm llydo Mr, nml Mm, (loorxo llainllton Iiiivo lioon ontortalnliiK rolatlvuM from (Joliloniliilo, Waiih. Mm. ('. (I. CormilliiN and Minn Ilium (loyotto loft In Ht wook ror Mood Itlvor wlioro thoy will roniiuio tholr ilutlcn an toai'hora. Thoy worn (iccoiiipiinli'il by tholr mothnr, Mm. II. I,, (loyotto. FAREWELL PARTY IS GIVEN AT CIA)VERI)ALE I'lciiMiiut Affair In Held nt (Jrulio llniin .Mini) l-'riim HUta'm niit Vinllorft at Daiiro. (Hpoclnl toTllo Ililll.'tln.) CI.OVI-JHDAI.K, Auk. 211. A parly of yottiiK folka Kathorod at Mr. (Jrulio'n Hatiirday iiIrIiI to onjoy a Rood Hiiio with tho youiiK fdka onco moro hoforo thoy loavo for tholr homo In California, almi a ulco crowd camo liiMtil;ati cutiliiK tamarark poloa to out from HlNtom to 1ako In tho danro. una In liuprovliiK hut placo. ItHKliiald w. W. van Miitro In IiiiuIIiik linn- koijh up each day and liaula a load Minn Knlhor Union wont lo Ilonil HiUunliiy rnornliiK to nuhntltuto for hor alHtor, Minn Ktliol, who In at homo for a nliort vlnlt, Itutli unit Mlldtod Jlnntii and little Itnyniomt Mutah roturiiod homo Wad mmdiiy ovlnlui; from tholr vlnlt to frloiida In WanhltiKton. Kay OorkliiK tnado n trip to tho IiIIIh iikiiIii Inat wook, to look uftur IiIm cattlo. Hovornl In tho nolj;hhorhoil nro plnuuliiK u trip to tlio hucklohorry floldn. MIhh Adn llullnrd nnd Itiihy and l.ola Marlon ruport a nood tlmo at tho dani'H hold In Hoilmond hint Irl day ulKht, which thoy attomtoil Orovnr (lorkliiK Ih ovor In tho val loy vln'.tliiK thin wook. Mm. Ilockor, Mra. Coon and Mm. Dayton woro vlnltliij; Mlna Kolth ami Mm. Howard Tuoaday aftornoon. It. II. Jl.iyloy In MnylriK nt tho QUALITYQUANTITY SRYICEOUR GOODS of thoui homo an thoy uro cut An auto load of Hormlnton f rlomlH I vlnltod tho (IrlffiiM for a fuw houmj HHliirduy. I 1). A. KonniMly'n ntilo Katurdiiy nf- tornoou wan very wall tittiulod unit i hor fioiit Joo WIInoh'n mill, north of Hlntom. I,. (I. (IruliH ami non autood to lli'inl todii). Mr. and Mm Tomploton, Mm. Mkoltou, Mm II C Mlllttr and daiiKh- 1.. L..t. ....I I llll.... If ...-. I . . . . ' i . ' , '. '"""" H" 'iirn nnvii iniiiKH iiroiiKlit nooil prlcoa mil uir iimi iiiiiiiiiiiiinn in jura iiiickio- liorrli'N (loo. Cyiun wan callod to Corvallln hint wook to no liln nick mothor, who In at tho homo of hor daiiKhtor, Mm. Trod Wlono Dan Korron'n nioihor han Junl ar rlvod from Jopllu, Mo., to mako lilm a Iiiuk vlnlt Mm. Hay Drown, of Tumalo, wan vlnltliiK Mm Andriin on Trldii) LEGAL NOTICES1 XOI'II'H Ol' CONTIWT. Dopartmotit of the Interior, t'nltnd Htatoii l.aml Office, l.akovlow, Oro (in, July 18, 1917. To P. John Wolnli, of llend. Ore- Wllhur llurn.ll nf rrv..lll' m..l BOH, CoiltontcH Minn Jonnlo Hutihlnn. of Clovorilalo. " nr" herehy notlflpil that Hllllo worn ijulotly marrlod Thumilay, and w" k'voh llontl. OroRon. nn iiutood oor tho mouiitalnn Friday i1'1" I""11 r,lrH nddroa. did on Juno W. W. Van Matro and diiucntcm.' ,fi' ,al7- '"" ' l",H offlcH '" ''"'X Clara and l.llllau, wont to Waltor corroborated application to contont I'lillortoii'a Hunduy aftornoon aftori"1"1 "'"'" Hib cancollatlon of your, chorrlon. Ilomontoad I'ntry. No. , Serial No. Mr. and Mm Harold Kllno ,u,, ' 0080H. mado Hoptomlior 7. 1J13, for Mr and Mm Ilay Ahlioy roturiiod iiK" - Hfcllon i. Townnhlp 22 Houth, ' homo Friday iiIkIiI. aftor npomlliiK . Itin: 18 Hnnt. Willamette Meridian, wook In tho iiiiiiiiitiilnn. nni1 "" Rrnunda for his content ho al- Mm. Frank Arnold and Frooda I '"" ,,,a,: i wont lo Hlntcm Holiday lo vlnlt Mm. I ' ou ,,nv, totally and entirely C I, (lint. Bliandonod nald claim for more than1 J I'arberry. of Clovordalo. and lx montha Innt pant and have novorl Anthony Houch. of Hlntom. autood toi"1"1'" '"" (lat" ot fllliiK thereon ro lj Slock I SH'i! groceries! W HEN you can et more truit or vec- tuhlcs to the can for the same price as the other kind, you are money ahead. When you get a better quality for the same price, you have made money. When you get the Preferred Stock grade of produce you are getting absolutely the best that can be had at no greater cost than you would pay for an inferior grade. These goods tire selected with great care, packed a little closer, thus making more to the can. lloud Monday after Mr. I'arunrry' hounohold Koodn, In Mr. Itoucli'n auto truck. (Ilndya I'arberry and Lillian Van Matro were nhoppliiK III Hlntom Wed uonday aftornoon. Mr. and Mm. 1,. (I. (Initio and ilnuRhtom, Klminor and Maude, re turned from tholr trip In the valley, IioIiik alinonl two weak They went In tholr new Ford. ICE CREAM SOCIAL IS HELD AT TUMALO .Mmdral I'mram U (Jlirn In Conner. Hon With Affair Halt) Hoy N Horn at Hii)Iit Homo. (Hpoclal to Tho Hullotln) Tt'MAI.O. Auk. 2S An Ice cream Hided upon or cultivated nald land according lo law; that your ahnence from Hie nald land wan not and has not Iiahm due lo your employment In i the military branch of the U. H. Oovi eminent ot service rendered In con- noctlon with Rovernmeiit operations i In Mexico, or along the borders I thereof, or In mobilization camps I elsewhere In the military or naval organisation ot tho United States, or the Natlonul Guard of any nf the several states of the United Htntos. lou are. therefore, further notl-i ilea that the said allegations will be j taken as confessed, and your said entry will be canceled without fur ther right lo be heard, either before this office or on appeal. If you fall lo file In thin office within twenty days after Hie fourth publication ot this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re npnndlng to these allegations of con test, together with due nroof that If You Want Quality, Quantity at the Lesser Price Buy PREFERRED STOCK GOODS. We Pay the Highest Prices for Farm Produce nociai was given in tne (Kill latK rri- r" "ve nervmi a copy or your an day night. Those In attendance en- M"r n the said contestant either Joyed i iu p ran nun. imperially the''" person or by registered mall. Piano duet by Mlna Nlta Howell audi You should state In your answer Miss Oeorgla Skinner, the mines sung the name of the poet office to uiilili by Mm. Caruso and the reading by '" desire future notices to be sent Miss Hartley, which was glvon before . to run. the cream was served. I J AS. F. HCItdlCSfi. Register. Mimes Hdlth and ICMlier Ibtlea ra-.lbite nf 1st publication. Aug. 9. 1917 turn ml home from the Hlark Hutte' "te of Xd publication, Aug. IS, 1917 ranch lout Friday morning. I lt of Id publication. Aug. S3. 1917 A 10-iMiuiid boy waa bom Into thelte of 4th publication. Aug. 30. 1317 F. Dement & Co, "The Preferred Slock Store" Groceries Hardware (1. W. Hnyder family morning MIm Ituby Marlon home now lat Saturday la staying at I'd XOTICK Ol' CO.VT1SST. ftrar" HENI) HAULING CO. k N IMI.MI KTOV TKANSFER AND iTOKACK. HOUSKHOLD GOODS MOVKI). COAL AND WOOD. Department of the Interior, United Date of 1st publication. Aug. 9. 1917 Htaiea i.nt Office. The Dalles. I Date of Id publication. Aug. 16, 1917 Oregon. July 31, 1917. i Date of Sd publication, Aug. 23, 1917 Date of -till publication, Aug. 30, 1917 eg. i To Hubert Dullols, of Whlttaker, I Oregon, Contestee: I You are hereby notified that Clyde M. Shatter, who glvea Mllllcan, Ore i Kmi. an bis post office address, did on June IS. 1917. file In this office his I uuiy corroborated application to con the name ot the post office to which 'and to said property held by the said . thereof as may be necessary to sat- you desire future notice to be sent! defendants Miller and DeUolt at thelsfy the said Judgment In favor ot lo you. I time of the execution of said mort-! said H. E. Jones against said William II. FRANK WOODCOCK, gage, and that you and all ot the.Qottsteln and Lillian Gottsteln, his Register, other defendants to this suit be for-'wife, with Interest thereon, together wun an eosis anu uiaouraemenis inai have or may accrue. S. K. RODKRTS. Sheriff. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Filth ind Wulungton Slirtti PORTLAND. OREGON Centrally Localtd The Hold (or YOU Special Summer Kates Hoom with Imth privilege, single 75c up; double $1.00 up. Hoom with private bath, single $1.50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot ears puss our doors. From North Hank Depot S car transfer at 5th St. I PQRTLAND HOX I Kl'MMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State ot Oreguu for Deschutes County. !?.1f "ii"1 ?ur U'" ettc,,latl" f Mortgage Company for America, a corporation, IMalntlff. vs. Joseph your llomeatead, Kntry No . Serial i ti. 01004S. made March 11, 1911, i for the NKV,. NH SKV4. Section 33; INWU SWt, and SWV, NWV.8ec-i Hon 34. TowtiBhlp 19 South. Range 10 Hast. Willamette Meridian, and as grounds or Ills contest he allege that said Robert Dullols has uiintiv, abandoned said tract for more than M. Milter. Joseph Wllmor DoIIolt, J. W. aibson. Molllo I.. Olbson, J. W. Olbson, guardian ot Guy Olbson, a minor, K. A. KuBloy, trustoo, Ho mer D. Augell and Forrest R. Flutter, Defendants. To the defendants, Joseph M. Mil- PORTLAND, OKKGON The Kose City's world-tamed hotel, occu pying an entire block. All Outside rooms. Superior dining and grill ser vice. An atmosphere of refinement, T -- with a service of courtsey. - European Plan; $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager six months last past and has wholly ,er Jwepli Wllmor Dellolt and Mol i i leu 10 reside upon or cultivate said "u " u""UIl; tract, nnd that said absence from the' In the name of tho Stato of Ore laud waa not duo to the eutryman's gon, You nre herehy ordered to ap employment In military service ren-'pear In the above entitled court and tiered In connection with operations causo within six weeks from tho first In Mexico, or along the borders there- publication of this summons, the date of, or In mobilization camps else-iot said first publication being Juno where, In the military or naval or J 28. 1017. that be Inn tho tlmo within gaiiUatlou of tho United States or tbei which you nre directed to appear by National Guard of any ot tho several the order of tho ubovo entitled court, tntos. i uml make answor to tho complaint You are, therefore, further notified heroin, tind If you fall to so appoar that the said allegations will be taken I and answer said complaint, plaintiff by this office as having been con- will apply to the court for tho relief tossed by you, and your said entry , doumndod In tho complaint, towlt: will bo cancelled thorounder without For Judgment against tho said Miller your manor rignt to no hoard there- and Dellolt in tho sum of J3.0C3.73. In, either before this office or on with Intorost thoroon at tlio rate ot appeal, If you fall to file In this of-IS per cont per an mi in from April 1, flee within twenty days after the 1917, nnd tho further sum of 300.00 fourth publcntlon ot this notice, as attorneys' foos. with intorost thoreon shown below, your answer, under , at tho rate of S por cont per annum, oath, spoclflcally mooting and re-1 and Its costs nnd disbursements spoiullug to those allegations of con- haroltt, and for tho foreclosure of tost, or If you fall within that time' that certain mortgage mado by tho to filu In this office duo proof i said Joseph M. Miller and Joseph Hint you havo aervod a copy Wllmer Dellolt, Juno IB, 1914, nnd of your answer on tho said recorded Juno 30, 1914, In Vojiimo contestant olther In person or by reg-i 21 of Mortgages ot Crook County, Istered mall, If this aorvlro Is made Orogon, at pugo 157 thereof, cover- by tho delivery of a copy of your, lug tho Southwoat Quarter of the ever barred and foreclosed of any and all right, title or Interest in and to said property, and for such other relief as may be just, and for its costs and disbursements. This summons Is published by or-; tier ot the Honorable T. K. J. Duffy, j Judge of the above entitled Court, dated the lSth day of June. 1917. I SNOW. I1RONAUGII & I THOMPSON, MACCORMAC SNOW, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 17-2 4 c. Dated at Dend. Deschutes County, Orogon, August C. 1917. 23-27o XOTICK OF COXTKST. Department ot the Interior, United States Land Office, Lakevlew, Oro gon, July IS, 1917. To Erik G undersoil, ot Rend, Ore gon, Contestee: ou are hereby notified that Hllllo viir-ij im mtii, iptTinv Department of the ...terlo.r, m$?J$tel?&'ni States uand Office at The Dalles, '.! iaVr YiiZ u, thTr'tiiZ. k . .1..1C Orecon Julv 10 1917 I18, 19l7 "Ie ,n th,s "M hls du,r Notlco is hereby glvon that Stanley Smith, ot Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on July 15. 1913, made Homostoad En try No. 011894, tor tho Stt Section 29, Township 20 South, Hango 16 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice ot intention to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Hond, Oregon, on tho 23rd day ot August, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis C. Henklo. William A. Harris, Robert O. Russoll, ot Bend, Oregon; D. Maurice Hunter, ot Mllllcan. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20-24p Register. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S 8AI4E. lly virtuo of an attachment exe cution to me duly Issued by tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court of the County, Stnt08 or tho National Ouird ot any corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation ot your Homestead Entry No. , Serial No. 09012, mado December 21, 191C, for the NVi. Section 9. Township 22 South, Range IS East. Wlllametto Meridian, and as grounds tor his con test he alleges that: 1. You havo wholly and entirely abandoned said claim for moro than six months last past, and havo nover since the dato ot filing thoroon re Bided upou or cultivated said land according to law; 2. That your absence from tho said land was not and has not been due to your employment In tho military branch ot the U. S. Government, or service rendered in connections with operations In Moxico, or along tho borders thereof, or In mobilization camps elsewhere In the military or naval organizations ot the united of Deschutos, Stato of Oregon, dated tho bth day ot August, 1917, In a certain action In tho Circuit Court for said County and Stato, wherein It, E, Jones, as plaintiff, rocovored Judgment against William Gottsteln and Lillian Gottsteln, his wife, as tie ot the several states of tho United Stntes. You are, therefore, turtltor noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken as confessed, aud your said entry will be cancelled without fur titer right to be beard, eltltor beforo answer to tho contestant In person, proof of such service must bo either tho said contestant's written ac knowledgment of his rocelpt of the copy, showing tho dato ot Its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho porsou by whom tho delivery waa tiuulo stating when and whoro tho copy was deliv ered; If made by registered mall, proof ot such sorvlco must consist of tho affidavit of tho porsou by whom tho copy was mallod stating when and tho post office to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's re colpt for the lottor. You should stato In your answer Northottst Quarter, tho Northwest Quartor ot tho Southeast Quarter, tho Northottst Quartor ot tho Southwest Quartor, and tho Southeast Quartor ot tho NorthwoBt Quartor ot Section 31, Township 15 South of Hango 11, East of tho Willnmetto Meridian, being 160 acres, and sltuato In tho County of Deschutes and Stato of Oregon, and that tho mortgage here lubofaro describotl bo docrood to bo n first lion on said ronl proporty su perior to any and all other Interests tlterotn, and that said property bo sold to Batlsfy said mortgago dobt, and that tho purchaser at said sale tako all right, tltlo and lutoreat in fondants, for tho sum of Fourtoen ; this office or on appeal. It you fall niimusuruilj I'uuuia, umi luaia uml 0 1116 III I II IS OIUCO Wltnin tW0nl" dlsbiirsomonts taxed at Fifteen Dol-idavs after the fourth nubllcatlon ot tars, on the 11th day ot July. 1017. Notlco Is hereby given that I will en the 7th day of Sopterabor, 1917, tins notice, as shown below, your answor, under oath, specifically re sponding to theso allegations of con- tit tho front door ot tho court housa tost, together with due proof that you in Hontt. in salt! county, nt 10 o'cloclc I havo sorved a copy ot your answer In tho forenoon of said day, sell at j on tho said contestant either In por- iiuuuu (tumuli iu iiiu uiKiiuai uiuuur, buii or uy regtsiereu matt, You should Btnte in your answer tho nanio of tho post office to which you deslro future notices to be sont for cash, tho following described proporty, towlt: Lots Ten, Elovon and Twolvo, (10, 11 and 12) in Block Ton (10) of, to you. Wlestorla, an addition to Dond, Dos- JAS. F. DUROESS, Ucglstor. chutes County, Oregon, as por tho ! Date of 1st publication, Aug. 9, 1917 cortifled plat thereof on file; taken Date ot 2d publication, Aug. 16, 1917 and levied upon as the property of Date of 3d publication, Aug. 23, 1917 the said William Oottstetn and Lll- Dato of 4th publication, Aug. 30, 1917 Han Qottsain, his wife, or as much pi.