The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    JPAflK 0
nKND mil.liKTIN, 11RN1). OllKflON, Tlll'ItSDAV, Al'Ol'HT HO, MIT
Diamond Tires
Weed Chains
Blowout Patches
and all other
Automobile and Tire
are to be found at the
Bend Hardware Co.
1 1
Across (rom l'ilot Hutte Inn
-Micheli n Tubes
Don't throw away your old battery, as wo may bo able to renew
it at half the cost of a new one.
All Work Guaranteed. Shop located in Kenwood, fross the brldjje
at Pilot Butte Inn and go four blocks west.
The Maxwell Car
is an institution and
Maxwell Service
is all that you yourself
consider service to mean.
It means our best opinion
on matters about your
car, expert advice that
will make your car last,
in fact it means all that
service can mean, and
more, it means absolute
satisfaction to the small
est detail.
Universal Garage
Phone Black 1401
124 Greenwood, Bend, Ore.
Many Attractions Near Bend
Readily Enjoyed by Autoists
Taken nil In nil, tlio DohcIuiuhi
river Is nbout tlio moat varied mul
picturesque stream In the entire went.
Hotwecu Its headwaters round about
Crane I'rulrle mul the point whore It
Joins the Columhki Hlver It embraces
every poealblo kind of scenery.
There are mountain uumdown,
heavily timbered banUs and ronrliiK
rap til up river, and everything from
the mill ponds of Hend to the ureal
. hundred-tnlle-lonic muymi at the
lower end. Kvery kind of dellBlittul
oiunii site In offered nlmiK the river,
and all Kinds of flshliiK.
And boat of all. practically every
bit of the DeschutoK which one want
to reach can lie pot at readily by auto
mobile That l why lu attractions
are so extraordinarily popular and
why tlio IiIk river le IiccoiiiIiik a more
nnd more Important asset drawing
tourists to th la territory, and why
It Is makliiK Hetul more and more n
center for automobile and tourist
There Isn't a prettier mountain
meadow In the wurld than Crane
Prairie, where hundreds of acres of
nature! fields are bordered by the
foreeta and fringed by the snow
mountains, while the rives divide
Itself Into various branches whose
clear cold water meanders between
grasey banks, delUhtful to camp
upon and perfeet to fish from
(immI Kimd to I'rulrle.
A good road extends from (lend to
the I'rulrle and the fifty-odd iiiMm
can lie negotiated In n short after
noon's drive, leaving plenty of lee
way for an evening of fishing.
Then, following the river down
stream there are countless attractive
places. They are worth visiting eith
er for the fisherman or simply the
lover of out-of-door who Is content
to enjoy the beauties of nature with
out using either a rod or a shotgun.
Anil in the hunting season, of course.
largur cattlemen dueldo to winter
here because of the high price of tiny
In othur flections, this program may
be chuugml, bill such mi Instance Iiiih
nut yet been recorded.
Ileiilimu fulls Popular.
Perhaps the most-vlsltcd and most
popular single, point along the river
above (lend Is llmiliiim Kails. The
Deschutes drops there lu a whito
wiilercd cataract, booming down
through a narrow, rock-walled cleft,
with great plue trees rising on either
hand, llelow .the falls themselves.
the water flown lu a eerles of eu senile
for half a mile or more, skirting thoi
edge of the lava beds which cover I
several siiuare miles, extending west
erly from Lava Untie.
There are other attractive falls j
and many del'ghtful places to fish j
and to iilculc, following down rom
l,vn Island to Dutch John's bridge.
Ahmg this lower stretch of the river
the big mills now conduct their camps1
and lu addition to the natural attrac i
tloiiM tliere Is much of Interest to lie
seen In the modern logging opera
lu short, there are scores of de
llghtful outing (hat can be enJo)e(,
all along the Deechutee, and all of!
them are made accessible through thei
automobile. A gallon of gamillue.
or a couple of gallons at mo I, will I
take the (lend resident or the lleiul '
visitor tti all aorta of pleasant plans
In which to fish, to hunt, to plrulr
or camp. I
From the automnblllsu' standpoint ,
another advantage of lleiul Is that '
here are to be found splendidly equip-'
ped garages and repelr faellltltm of,
all sorts. The local "trouble chas ,
era" ran fix all sorts of auto ailments,
ami visitors' cars are sure of first
class treatment. '
AIo, t'ie local garage men now
handle about all the first clam ears
on the market, and any resident of
lleiul can ivow purchase a new car
here, or get Hew parts, just as well
and. In fact, better, than If he tries
to deal wUh an ouUlde point.
And lastly. Demi's flue modern ho
tels offer accommodations which
meet the requirements of the most
For farm land loans boo J.
& Co.- -Adv.
(From Hntiirilny'a Dally)
A carlniid of oIkIiI KmIn urrlvml
u iteiid this moiulng. tlin inai'hiueH
all lieliiK Hold before they mine lu.
The purchasers urn Hairy Mi'dulie,
Ned Ani-.lunil. , (I (larrlsuu, (1. lli
Ktin. Alhlli PeleiHiin. Hiewart T. Fux.
V II Htaals mul ! V Ward.
there Is good duck shooting at many I fastidious traveller. Inquiries to any
points along the river, and parties
can leave Hend lu the morning and
be back at night and have all the
sport they want. Just as fishermen
can do now.
Automobile roads follow the Des
chutee pretty closely, and It Is pos
sible to get Into the river ut almost
any point of Its 125 miles of wind
ing above Hend.
of them, or to local garagns. or the
Commercial club, will bring prompt
and complete Information regarding
auto trips that can lie taken from
here, rates, fishing, transportation
and anything else of Interest to the
prospective visitor. And The llul
iHtln will gladly communicate with
anyone who wants data about suih
George F. Homer, on Trip Fast, See
.MiluwIIs .Manufactured, and Vis
its .Munitions Factories.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
George F. Hoover, Just returned
from an extended visit to his old
home in Kalamaaoo. Michigan, and
a long stay at the Maxwell factory
In Detroit, made the trip from Hend
via Vale. Hole and Montana points
lu the Maxwell recently purchased by
J K. Kngebretaon.
Ten days were spent between Hend
and Chicago, as bad roads, due to
recent rains were encountered In
Illinois and Iowa. The dlHUinue trav
eled was about 2350 miles. Mr.
Hoover said that, due to the draft,
many woman were being employed
In the Maxwell factory to do work
that was within their power, audi a
manipulating the email machines lu
finishing eastings or lu aseemblng
parts of the autoi. "Cotwilderlng that
the car waa driven only lu the Fourth
of July parade a day or two before
we started, we made mime good time
and averaged about 23 mllee to the
gallon of Kaeollue," aald Mr. Hoover.
A visit was also made to some of
the munition plants where large cal
iber shells were being turned out
In great numbers for the Allies. Mr.
Hoover returned by train, hut tmld
that It waa to be the last trip he
would muke by train If It were pos
sible to get a car
(From Tuesday's Dally.) '
The Hend (Jarage recently became (
the local agency for the llupmobllo j
when Walter 0. Coombs accepted and
signed contracts to that effect dur
ing his recent trip to Portland. The
new agency covers all of the local
territory, and all of the numerous
models are to be handled here.
.Vi'iv .Machinery Purrliiisril to Handle
I'oril Work, and Factory Mechanic
In Added to Machine Klnff.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Preparatory to moving to their
new quarters the middle of next
month, the Cent-Ore Motor Co. have
recently Installed equipment in their
present shop that will later be moved
to the atone building on jlouil street.
The machine purchased are espec
ially adapted to turning out Ford
work, and are the latest of their tvne.
J. K. Abbott, a representative from
the Ford factory, has been added to'
the mechanical staff In the local gar
age. Previous to coming to Hend,
Mr. Abbott spent some time In linker
itllil i ti(iuiiijt nuum uu nun i.uir
ncUl with the Korcl h!mjji.
Phenomenal Hay Price in
Fort Rock Valley is Noted
(Fort Hook Times.)
Tlio prospective prFce of hay dur
ing tlio coming winter Is most likely
tlio main subject of discussion among
the farming communities of Central
Oregon. Locally, In tho Christmas
Lako Valley, farmers vary In their
estimate of Its probablo valuo from
$12 to 20 and over.
Shecpmon aro buying up vast
quantities of hay, their purchases
alonu no doubt boosting tho prices,
Here, In our own valley, no sales
appear to have been made, at least
none large enough to record or to
sot a market price on tho present
valuo of rye hay. Hay however Is
mora plentiful than the avorago per
son believes. Many stacks are to bo
found left over from last year, und
tho crop Is far from being a total
failure, Borne, It Is true, are not cut
ting a thing, while a majority are
cutting from one-third to two-thirds
of a crop. Htlll a smaller number,
who happened to be favored with lo
cal showers, are cutting an uvorugo
crop, Frost, It must bo remembered,
has practically done no damage this
Whon tho first sales aro ninilo lu
this valley they no doubt will bo at a
good figure, but whon tho first boom
goes over and tlio farmors learn that
tho buyors are not so plentiful, thoro
Is bound to be a drop, Should tho
I Owner? of Kohl curs me advised in beware of II
II "ciuiutet'fell HtrlH." If your ear Ileitis adjustment II
I ln'iiitf It here where ou will llud reliable service II
II with the complete incelmnlcul equipment to give the II
II highest iiialltv of lAnil service oli'ultmlile. All the II
II Ford Hiils used are supplied by the Foul Motor Coin II
II paiiv. Von can not expect vuiic Foitl car to xlve the II
II siM'lce and endurance win demand utile ouhnvell II
II cared for bv men experienced In ImikI inethiMls.
Ituimlxnit Mli, Toinlnv I'm il'Kl. Sedim t'll.'., Nnip.
elet .Vtt. Town I'ar f.'iU.i-all f o. b Detroit, (hi
II disphi) and for sale b II
Cent. Ore Motor Co.
Phone Blat'k 1H2
Your Patronage Solieitetl
Manufacturert of Iron. Drome anJ Scmi-Stcd Caitin for
Power Tranimimon MicKintry. Wood I'ipe Flttintft. Grate
Dan. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornamrnt
.1 anJ Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSI I
mS "I want a car that will
stand up under the kind of
driving I do, that does not
cost much to operate and that
will look well as long as it is
in use." That man wants a
Chevrolet. The
meets every requirement that
a sturdy middleweight car
should meet.
fiffljjjjjW For the man who wants to
invest his money where he will get
a dollar in service for every dollar
invested, there is onecar that will
come up to every demand and every
requirement. Ask for a demonstra
tion, the test proves the truth.
Price $725, Bend