The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 30, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAOK I.
IlKNI) nOI.l.KTIN, lRNI, OIUCtlON, THl'ttHDAV, .U'm'HT 110, 1017
(From Monday's Dall',)
Miss Grace Word left SAlurdny for
a vacation trip to Portland.
Mrs P. O. Minor was on the train
today bound for Drldel Voll.
County Commissioner I. R. Smith
ves In from Hodmoud today.
Mrs. Preil SturgeMi of Suutox, left
esterday for a trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Hoke are the par
ents of a six-pound Klrl, born yester
day. J. L. Galther wont ovr to ited
mond this morning on telephone business.
Mr. and Mrs. Prod Keyes movey In
yesterday from Hums and will live Ih
Miss Nellie Helmor has returned
to Uend, alter a three weeks' visit
:n Portland.
A. G. Allen spent tho week end at
Hood ltlver on business, returning
this morning.
Miss Ada Taylor, of Sisters, spent
tho week end In town and returned
this morning.
Mrs. N. G. Davis cams back yes
terday from Taeoma, where she spent
several weeks.
Mrs. J. L. l'orlnger left Saturday
for Cedro-Woolley. Wash., where her
husband Is now stationed.
Mrs. A. G. Allen has returned from
a five weeks' trip to Lincoln, Nebras
ka, where she visited her parents.
Miss Doris Poster returned to her
homo In Portland yesterday, after a
brief visit with friends In Uend.
Mrs. II. ,H. DoArmond loft yester
day to spend the next two weeks at
the Dan Hclslng ranch on tho Me
tollus. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harkness
moved back to thoir former home In
Ontario. They had been In this city
since December.
James Fellows, musical Instructor
at Durns, was 'In town on his way
home from an outing spent at the
lakes south of Dend.
Miss Irene Hawks has gone to her
home In Walla Walla, after visiting
at the home of Mrs. O. C. Henkle
part of the summer.
Charles Haines and family nro on
a trip to Spokane and Uelllughtuu,
Mrs. 9. K. Huberts relumed to
Itoud last night ntter a two mouths'
visit in Portland.
Mrs. It. C. Cunningham Is on her
way to Holse, Idaho, today and ex
pects to live there permanently.
Miss Kpsle Cox, of Portland, ar
rived 1ur night to visit Rt tho home
of her sister, Mrs. Kennoth Sawyer.
Miss Grace Ward Is convalescing
from an attack of mumps. She will
leave sfbon for Portland for her v ra
tion. .
Miss Marion lwrenco returned to
Uend ! night, after visiting with
friends In Portland for the lust five
Luu Is C. Panotf has made a trip to
Portland and may go oust from there.
He will be gone between two weeks
and a month.
Mrs. J. I,. Perluger has gone to
Cedro-Woolley. Washington, to Join
her husband, who Is now the Uaptlst
minister In that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smock concluded
their visit with friends In Uend and
have returned 'to Culver. They were
In town since Monday.
Miss V. Uakor Is on her way to
Portland, after a two weeks vacation
In Central Oregon. She "was staying
on a ranch noar Tumnlo.
John Sathcr and Kil. Lyons, who
left recently by auto for the south,
have arrived in San Francisco, ac
cording to reports received bore to
day. Miss Joyce Wood and little Lail
Whlttemoro have gone back to their
respective homes In Deschutes, after
spending a few days In town with
P. E. Plsk, of Parmn, Idaho, was
In Uend several days adjusting In
surance and acting as administrator
to an estate. He returned tu his
home today.
Kil. Dougherty, yard foreman at
The Shevlln-Hlxon Company plant,
returned to Ilond last night after vis
iting for the last two weeks In Van
couver. II. C.
Miss Madge Uratton and Harry L.
Haker left for Newberg this morning
come back horo before taking her
departure for the Willamette Volley
H. Loan, of Tualmeo Co., Calif., has
gono to Portland after looking over
tho country hero. A. I). Lee, at whose
home ho was a visitor, has coudurtcd
him on a sightseeing trip to Prlnglo
Falls and Ifastlnke Hot Springs. Mr.
Lean will go directly home from
. . . . i
a. b. uryani was in town over tne am, w, K0 from ,her0 t0 aranU
week eqd and loft today for Spopa.. ,i m-aimn hn tmnii hre
kano. He came In from a buslnoss over a year but doeg not Mpecl t0
trip to Klamath Palls
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Daggett and Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. Wilson, of Itedmond,
were visitors In Uend yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Davis and son.
Howard, returned Saturday from a
month's trip to Portland, Taeoma and
Seattle, visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson left
last night for Redmond, where they
will remain until Mr. Anderson has
recovered fully from his recent ill
ness. Judge T. B. J. Duffy was in Uend
before returning to PrinavlIIe from
hla Willamette Valley trip. He 1ms
been away oh a week's vacation in
Western Orogon.
llllly George, former middleweight
champion boxer of the Pacific eoast,
".a In Dend for a few days from Idaho,
where ho has been learning new
wrinkles in the fight game.
Vornon A. Forbes returned yester
day from an auto trip aoross the
mountains. H. E. Allen, who made
tho outgoing Journey with him, re
turned to Dend by train.
J. C. Rhodes came in from Port
land by train this rooming, leaving
has. car In Portland. He will go
down the end of the week and bring
It back, probably neeompanled by
Ward Coble.
Having concluded a three days' vis
it with old school mates residing In
Dend, R. H. Mereer returned to Par
ma, Idaho, today. He was the guest
of Ray Wilkinson, Don MaCann and
Mr. and Mrs. Mereer,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Pred Williams and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Richardson came in Sat
urday night from Odell Lake and left
this morning for Burns. They had
been on a camping trip.
II. A. Miller, H. J. Overturt and
George Jones returned yesterday by
auto from a trip to the ooast. Robert
II. Gould, who left with the other
three, branahed off at Portland, going
to Seattle, where his wife is visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Kaue will
leave on September 8 for Philadel
phia, stopping at principal ckAw mv
route. Tho will go by way of L
Angelos, and ' after reaching - New
York will travel by boat to New Or
George S. Young, W. T. Mullarkey
and J. Alton Thompson were In Ited
mond last night to bo presout at Ma
sonic Initiation ceremonies, It. A.
Ulanchard receiving the degree of
piaster Mason.
Ed. Stoehr loft last night for Port
land, en route to Spokane, where he
will make his future home. Mrs.
Stoehr Is visiting with relatives In
the valley and will Join her husband
within the next three weeks.
August Anderson is recovering
slowly from his recent Illness, and
will be moved to Redmond In a day
or so, his wife accompanying him.
During his absence Kd. H. Keane Is
taking his place as deputy sheriff.
Mrs. M. Neely, of Monmouth. Is
(From Friday's Dally.)
'Metre Kokton lelt for Kly. New.
this morning.
Mrs. It. G. Lambersou left tor Port
land this morning.
Mrs. P. J. Spear Is spending sev
eral days lu tlaker on business.
II. L. Coble returned to Pendleton
after a brief business trip to Uend.
Mrs. Homer Cecil, of Suntex, U
spending a vacation at Long Bench,
L. II. Halrd Is lu Portland this week
and expects to return with u new
Mrs. II. 11. Small returned to her
home In Hums after a pleasure trip
to Opal City.
Walter Klmntell, of Lebanon. Is
horo to visit his brother, Carl Kim
inell, several days.
Miss M. K. Gray and Miss llllla
Mathlsou, of Redmond, spent the day
iu tow it with frrlends.
M. A. Palmer was on the outbound
train this morning on his wny to
Prince Kdwnrd Island, Canada.
Charles Whitfield and P. Sanders
left last night fur a vacation trip to
Portland, Spokane and Seattle.
Mrs. M. Uevnus and Miss Nell He
vans passed through Heud on their
wuy home to Portland from Hums.
Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Day. of Port
laud, have arrived In Uend and will
have offices lu the O'Kutto building. I
W. M. Hudson, special government!
agent, was In this city several days
and returned this morning to Port
land. I
Mrs. Nellie Rnberson and Miss Pay i
Roberson have returned home to,
Lewlston, Idaho, after visiting wllhj
Mrs. Aiken at Paisley. j
Mrs. J. P. Reynolds and daughter, I
Mary, returned today from Vancou
ver, Washington, where they hove
spent tho past three weeks.
Miss Stolts. who has been visiting
lu Uend several weeks, has gone to
Crescent City. Calif., to farm her
homestead and leach school.
Mrs. R. W. Leonard will visit at'
Dunsmulr, Calif., and Ashland, where
she tins relatives. Sho left Rend Ihltf
morning to be gone a month.
J. L. Gault, of Hums, stopped lu
Uend on the way to Crator Lake. He
was accompanied by his wife. Mr.
Gault has recently been In Prlno-
vllle and Portland.
M. J. Lemons Is bank from Needles.
Calif., after an absence of two and
a half years. He Is accompanied by
Mrs. Lemons and will take up his
residence here again.
County Judge W. D. Harues, Judge
II. r. Kills. Mrs. K. II. Wilson. Miss
Cornelia Wilson, Mrs. A. F. !aron
The teller will toll you that people grow prosperous through the Wine use of
moncv. As u money-Having business proposition, your future needs should hu
purchased here and right now. A little comparison will soon convince anyone
that here and now is the place and time for every thoughtful person to make a
splendid money-saving investment. No one can hope for lower prices to come
within the next twelve months that higher prices are sure to prevail in the
near fuUire, all admit.
Our clothing stock of Men's and Young Men's Hand-tailored Suits is far and
away the largest and best selected of any in Central Oregon. We guarantee
vou an absolute fit in all sizes from 1)2 to '12 chest measurement.
The suits now on our racks were contracted for last October, and there's a con
siderable difference in the prices vc obtained then and now, but the advance
has only begun. You may be sure that all kinds of manufactured woolen
goods are going to soar sky high. Uuy Now!
BOYS' SHOES-DependableOnes
Hoys heavy gunmetal 00 OEJ Hoy Scout Shoe, S'to (go QQ
Shoes, Olo tO S iP&i,C4J j;j , 4iSS
Heats all for service, f?0 EL( Tan,' Neolin sole, lace, r0 Ot
SVs to 11 3.OU ialJ t() 2 f 0).0
No better shoe .for the (to 7C "Mohican," 2 to (I, fcO 7C
money, ll'o to 13 )' ' t P &
Will give your boy the fcO (( Hoys' Tan School Shoes, dJO ((
most wear, 13io-2 .. . vJ.UU S', toll tJ.UU
Satisfaction with every (go EjQ Scuffers, 1 1 to 13, (Jo OC
Make Your Choice from this Assortment
127 SUITS AT $12.50, $15.00
IM SUITS AT ... $17.00, $18.00, $20.00
8(5 SUITS AT $22.50, $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, $35.00
REED-SMITH Mercantile Co.
spending a few days In Irlnev!lle be- " M,s K- Coleman have re
fore going home. She has been a turned from an auto trip to Newport,
guest at tho homes of Mrs. I. W. ' Mr. anil Mrs. Henry M. Orant have
Snyder and Mrs. U. C. Cady and will! arrived In Ilond from Wallula, Wash-
(From Saturday's DallyO
Kd. Lamb returned today from a
buBlnosa trip to Madras.
Lea A. Thbmas Is on a business
trip to Koosovelt, Washington.
AV D. Smith, of Mllllcan, Is a
The Clothes You Want for
Fall Are
business visitor in the city today. '
JA. Jl. Luce, of Orandview, Is a
business visitor In Uend today.
J. Edward Larson-returned -last
You want them because we have priced
them right to give you real economy
and because they're offered in the
spirit of economy.
You want them because Hart SchafF
ner& Marx made them, because they're
all-wool, stylish and big values, and
because they fit and are guaranteed to
Big line of famous Gordon Ferguson (Field
& Streams) Mackinaw's.
Splendid assortment of Sheep Lined Coats
and Leather Vests.
New Fall Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear are
on display all we ask you to do is to look;
we don't need to worry about the rest.
The Home of Hart Sehaffner & Marx Clothes
Inglou, In preparation for the open
Ing of the fall term of school. Mr
Grant Is the newly Hooted high school
W. II. Darker, who Is romieitrd
with the Sloan property lu the Mll
llcan section, has purchased the Mas
toller house on Ilroadway and will
make his home thorn. Tho salu was
arranged through the office of the
Hugln Land Co.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis ami dill
Iron havn moved to i'ltyallup, Wash.,
where Mr. Davis will ho engaged In
the fruit huslnus. The family has
lived here 15 mouths while tho fath
er has worked In the Shevllu-lllxoii
X. II. Klllott. of Terrebonne, Is In
town today, coining up with George
Hamilton and accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. George Klllott, or Terre
bonne, and John Haggard, a pros
pective settler from Greet Falls,
After spending since Saturday on
the road an automobile arrived here
this aflornoon from Oakland, Calif.,
bearing a party of motorists com
posed of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott,
Miss Delia Klpke and William
O'Toolo. Thoy uro bound for points
In Washington, taking In the sights
along the way. The trip was tnadu
'as far north as Klamath KnlU by wa
fnf tho I'm-lflc Highway, which they
'left In order to visit Crater Lnk" The
remainder of the route was covered
on the Central Oregon roads.
(Prom Thursday's lhtlly.)
Miss Mary Comic returned to Ited
mond today after visiting Mrs. A. K
Huldmrd In Ilond. ,
Mrs. "(J. W. Stege. flf ftilem. I
visiting her htiHlmtid In this city and
will remain a week.
After visiting Mrs. K. I). Wilton
sovoral days, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Mslk
son have returned home to T.-rrv-boiino.
George Hrowster, of I'rlnevllle. Is
now with the Oregon Knglneers
at Camp Lewis, Amerleau Lake,
Italph Ollson, son of K. D. Glliou.
of this city, was In Uend yesterday,
having driven In on auto business
from Han rlrauelsco.
Kour chairs at your service at the
Motropolltan. No waiting. Adv.
Wo wish to express our slnrero
; thanks and appreciation to the many
I friends who so kindly assisted inn and
where the best
Under New Management i
my family during the recent III: - f
of my wife, Harhel McKdowii,
220p ('HILniUlN.
jS "? Mf
III 111 lllil n ifi Hi 7
f it "' 'JPI
"FOOT REST' Hoie aJJ to the family Imppineu became it promote! the comfort anJ appearance
of the family's feet anJ saves the family's money. When we tell you the "FOOT REST" hoie is
the betl In the country for the money, we are only telling you what rftfid teti have proven. "FOOT
REST" i the best. Unle you uie this line, you won't tfet full Value for the money you ipenj for hoie
WARNER'S Bend's EcoJ Ctv
n'fe&tJWAUiisi.uess.,o-JpJp J!ortl
- - -
s WV
.f.L.'fi -