WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. f VOL. xv. iikni), miHviwniH vovsty, oiuwo.v, Tin hhdav, Arm'Hmo. tun NO. 20 , h V J. 4 t- e N IS 1 UNIFICATION OF IWG HOLDINGS PLANNED. .May luoli 'I'miiIo of I'm I of Timber for National 'i ,iw.t l.iinil (Vii. I nil On'diin Should IIWhI ltinoiirri- Hhjh Mill. After renewing IiIh acquaintance of three yonm Imfiue wltli ('eiiiial Oregon. Mini lllll, head of tho troim fetation HynJni pnrfecwd b) IH I father, Dm late Jhiiihn J. lllll, I -ft I Bend RHtnnlny night In hi ritnl j l 1 II VMlll III till Cltll WAM ill brief duration, lallng only two any' Vl utiu ult'lil mill tliH eruatar Im.t of h! n,y wa. xpH.it In Ike Muck ! Hut to country, where ho nioliirml with Clyde M. McKay to IrUpect Dml A1.000 arnm of yellow pin timber I nlli tho lllll ItrtMNMU liolil In Dml nsum of tlm Dragon ft Weetnrn Col- ltltMtlH !0. , Mr. lllll hud I It t If to y concern-! 1 . fcla (rip eiorptlng that It wm an- j ttntb' sMltafertnry. and that hi tlm- r womW h In the market If he 4ii M locate h buyer. Tbl AHy pron- j ItMilv trnftr fln cettM-, tw4, Mowttvur. lit! iIkuM mphntlc- j Ally. Muy folio IIiiMIiim. Th lllll holtllMK rc naw nrrnnr.ml , m chcKrrrtl fnhliiii. wmry Hltr- Mitt IMM'lMHt UHVlMK l'"ll KlVH ll' th KnvrNmM( untlr lh nrlKlitl Hm4 Krant. Mr. lllll whn homily In lnMl Ih ihh puMllilllty of cnniHill UtlHX ttm imrl, nil vltlttnl Mt tlm ffl of thw DvtwkutM iwiIUmi! for , MCUrljIR IHMpH Mini iliita hk to tiow thin wn J iiiIkIU h orroliiplVtiliril. )urli UHlflmtloit of tin) linw mmt rwl iHIuii I'ouUI l)n ilnNii only by truilM'ltli tlm Kofttrnintwit Involv K tlm rwHufer of nullonal forMil Iambi for prlvntnly owtifd nrrisiK, nml IwivIiik tlm lllll IioIiIIiirk In oim olid blork. Tlm mihh kind of a tnl wtk liahillixl In tlm nonnolldatlnn ? tlm OrnRon Cnnlrnl land gninl, a runibnr of )-r uro. .Mr. Mill wm plid with hlx trip, ml wImIuhI to deny tlm ntutcuinnt vhlult Im l crdltwl with IhivIiik madit oh a fommr vhlt to llml to tlm -fM9t Dint Com ml Ormon win koimI for MiHhlMK but riR-k huJ rnry.' "Cmitrnl OmKoii ulioiild lnwt It rl rwmurti, not It jwnnwy. k wild In WIlllMIMtluil. CATCHES RIG TROUT (Krnm Mouday'a Dally.) Ono of tho huKtjet trout taken from th Daachutea In thin vicinity thla ear waa eaiiRht yeeterday by T. O. lrlnatead. of llond, Juat alwvu tlm TnwaJv brblKa. The Cell waa til inehea Iihik and woIkIiihI thrtHt Piund, ILL III Desert Land Board Passes on Tracts on Tumalo and C. O. L 8AMM, Ore., Aur. JHl. dtpwiul) - The followliiK action relative to aettlera on tlm Central OruKon and Tu ma In Irrigation prnjeeta have Juat iMien taken by the lleeert Iiiid Ueurd: ltxteualon of time In wlibili to huIi mil proof of reclaiimtloii, otilttratlon and atiltlemeiit woh tjruntod an fol low: Tu Cleo. M. Holton under C. O, I. coiitnmt US , from June IS, 1117, to June IS, 1918. Certificate of proot wna ordered -lamed In aronrdiinne with the law tiiul Hoard reytuliitlnna to I'aullnii Mr Klfroali, novoiliiK tho Inndu held by her tinder U. O. I. onutruot lOM; to Knrl HmmdurM cuveiiiiK tlm liiuda held iniiliir O. O. I. miutrnot 790. Tho followliiK coutrimtH IiiivIhk been naalKiied to Urn Stnto of OreKnu, wore ordured imnuellod upon the io ord of tlm hoard: 0. 0. I. contract 893, by D. V. Muuafleld; 0. 0. I. outrai't 7!M), by Hugh I'tHikhnm; C. O. I. ouiitrnut 718, by 0. II. Kuyken la 1 1. The follewliiit T..1. V. iiaalgiiments were ftpprovod; T. I. J'. 115 to MO liiolualve, from Drover Q. (Jerking in John II. Ilnyoaj T. I. P. iontrot K8 from W. J. and Anna. May Hnujf luud lg Mildrud M. Taylor; T. I. V. contract SI, from I.. II. Uuut to W. Sleeper's Face is Cruelly Lacerated by Coyotes Fangs 1 1 'mm Monday' Dally.) Ilm Imn lacerated by Out fHUKM of a rabid coyote which attacked liltu vUilln he slept. A. T. t'naho, iiutK rider for Dm "llonmliiM liar" ranch, 70 utile from llond In tlm Damp- ton IIiiUh eoiiHlry, wiim brought Into llttml tliltt afternoon for iikxIIhhI Harn, before Imlng htir- rlwl to Portland lo receive tliH Puateur treatment. Tlm coyote's head lit being nt ly Dr. J. ('.. Vamlnveit. Hid attending phy- HlnlMll. to lll Mate DiMtnl of health for tjkntntintliH. bI- thmiKli no iliiulil U fell that th(L hiiIimhI was In hii clvnrnl mImkh of hydrophobia. CimIIUM HHN sleeping 011 tllM ground Hi tlm burcarou rump. when tlm coyote attacked him " "wl 'u ''ta J"K; AwnkHiii'd by tlm iuln, Im Hlnl Dm an I in ul by tlm Jivv with ImDi IiuiiiIh. until l- HlKKn. miotlmr rldur, chokitd all tlm flKht oiit of tlm nibld briilo. Tho L'oyotw hh kllltid with u liHitinmr. (Vtohow rwolvod dwp ulniilmii wn both clifokn, th UMlHml'n fHHKM HMrrtiMly mlliiK hl Uft Hyu. Tlm flnKr of on bmid wrn hIIkMI) bltmn. Arrompunlftl by I. Zmrolf, ho rtMln to thu nrot rawi-h nher h unto wan iMMurHd to lumplMtu ihn roumlndor of th trip to llond. IRRKJATED LANDS GIVE BIG YIELDS Alfalfa nliil Potato Crop ICcel Tlnoo of I'l-i'ilmm Vwir llnnl Work llrliiK-" Itctiirni. (From Monday'a Dally.) Htie'ylultl of alfalfa, pntatoo nnd apploi aro roportcd by I'lilllp C. Hurt, who htu nn Irrlcatod ranch flvu mllu val of town. In fact, Mr. Hurt, after several year of oximrlonoe, mid aftur unmparliiK loeal farmliiK condition with tlmae olatwlmru, la convinced thai 'Tictiiliutwi county U all rlnht." lln linn it Minall herd of hluli crade milk cow a and khIi exeeilent financial return from tlmin. He aaya he nev er mw better alfalfa than ho la rata Ink thla year, and th mux la true of local iHitntoea, both aa l quantity and ijualUy. Moreover, an are of apple treea nnt burdened with fruit and the outlook la for u moat aum-M-ful yield. Mr. Hurt la convinced that any aet tier who will luveat a fair amount of hard work, hackod by Kood JiuIk uiout. can make it aucceaa of farming In thla imlcliluirhooil. Ho eapoclally advlaa dulryliiK. with alfalfa nnd potato tm maliiMtayN (' McCulBton; T. I. I contract 10, from ('. A. Nlckell to Cl.irn K. Hook man. Contrtil OruKon IrrlKtlon Com pany uoulnicta wort) approved ua fol low: Contract 1083, coverliiK tlm HVi SKVi. 1-H-1I, by Deo. Kent imr; contra (it 1081 covorliiK 18 V& NWVi and fiWVi N1V., 27-H-18, by II. I'. Meltlm. Contract 1081 wan ap proved In lieu of contract GCfi wlileli wna aaelimed tu the State of Orenon and ordurod cancelled on tho record. Tumalo Irritation Project con tractH U81, covering the N'WV, KHVi, 17-1 C-12, held by Carl Houtrom and oontrimt 387 covorliiK NWVi 8KVi, 18-1 8-1 2 and ooiitM 238 covering 8KV4 SWV4, 18-10-12. held by Joph l' Carey, wore ordered upprnved Deodu woro ordered Ituued In nc (lordnucu with the law and Hoard ie ulatloiiH to tlm following; J. llauin Kurtuur under 0. O. I, contracts 002 nnd 00!1; Joe Peealikti, C. O. I. con tract 008; Alex Walter, C. O. I. onntraut 074; Cnrriu 11. I.lvealey, C. 0. I. contract 81Un; Maggie M. Kates. C. O. I. contract 801; (J. I.. Moore, ooutract (i-tll; J, K. Hiirmtater, C. O. 1. contract 58R; Frod H.iiwayug, C. O. I. nontraot GOO; Ituth Held Oror turf. C. O. I. contrnct 404a; William (1. Plioonlx, 0. O. I. contract 580; Uvan A. gather, C. O. I contract 010. $ AGMCULTURST DKHCIM'TIW (OIN'IV ( OfllT !' NI5WH ttl.VIUAtT, MIT oicrs IIKMCIMT Ol' -SI 01)0 AI'IMUJI'ltl ATHDTIIltOftJII ). ,, I'. (from TuwMlny'ii Dully.) ItiumwIiiK thlr cunt mat for thf Hiirvli'un of h county HKriW.Surattnt. tlm DwM'liuli'ti county court. In miwIoh ymttenUy HfiHrnooii. HKruwd to tho an- proprUthm of ?00, to b M4dn to tftuO to Im HpiiroprlHtwd by Crwu county, 11X00 b Dmrtttto, mid IP0Q Klvni by tlm federal Kovicnmt III run Kb Dim O. A. 0. tnn n ner vine. Tlm HKrwnmnt with unciicd hy JiiiIrh V. D. Iriin, for thi loimty uominliHihiimrM. IIofaiHH of tlu war and th ' ovrn iiliuit food prHrodimMi vainnlKf, th iMiuntliiN rn hotmtllttd by $t00 which laat your canm from lh t and from tlm count! ihmlvM, tlmrtt ImlriK no KovernmtMit aid at that tlmn. Tho Unt county apjr irlatlonn lotwllcd SI COO. REND HOYS RECEIVE ADVANCE IN U. S. N. Urine De)HMiiiuid Occupies HIkIi Me cbauli'H I'llllon, Kolpli l.ucas Tniii"ferii'l to Toplla. (Krotn WedneiMlay Dally.) Ilruce Deyarmomi, of thla city, one of the flrat llend boy to eiiHM In the U. . navy, la now In charge of JI the motor boata on the UaratORaTac corditiK to word received laat HlKht by J. 8. I line from tils eon, Itobert. who la In the yoomanry ervloe at San Francbteo. The Karatega wa at the navy yard there aeveml days nRO. Anathar Head boy In the navy wr- vice, la llalph l.uca. who ban Juat annt word from the Atlantic coast that ho had recently been truunf erred from tho U. H. 8. (!eorB WaibliiRton to the V. S. 8. Toplla. Tlm last men tioned la a boat of klKher rating ami formerly belonged to tthe Southern 1'nolflc StiMiiiulilp romiHiny. Inetead of harbor patrol duty, Mr. I.uca will now probably be In the tranaport aer vice. TO ASK THE OH DIHItT LAND ItOAltD III. I'll. US IM.KlXii: MADK IV .lANf AHV CHKWArt'AX UXD AXD CATTI.I! I'O. CAISIW DULW. 8A1.K.M. Auk. 27. The Dceert Land Hoard haa decided to petition the aecretary of the Interior to extend the lime for the completion of what U known aa the Puieley Carey act project, In l.ke county, for five year from September 11, 1017. Thla nation waa tnkeu in purtu ance to h pledna made laat January by the board to the Portland Irriga tion ooni puny and the 'orthet Townslte company, which have un dertaken to place the lain) In the project under Irrigation. The Portland Irrigation company began the reclamation of the land In 1911, and In 19 Id, under a supple mentary agreement, poeted a bond In Dm huui of $50,000 for the comple tion nf the project, but the whole un dertaking haa liemt brought to a standstill by the fight made against It by tho Cliewaucun Und ft Cattle company, which has large holdlugi In thut Hoctlon of the etate and resists development. Tho litigation l now pending In the Btnte supreme court ami the ques tion of whether the state should in torveue In behalf of Dm Irrluutlon project undoubtedly will come before tho desert laud board for decision within a short time. W. l.alr Thompson has now served notice on the attorneys fur the town site company that he Intends to move to have the appeal In the supreme court dlsmUsod. FHSLET PROJECT L SURPLUSSHOW HI'JO.'J.-O Al.ltKADV I.OAMID. AND i mii',i,w in nniiii v ,ii,iii,iv DHSfMl'TIW ( OfNTV HAH ?aHH(l ltl.MAI.VINC. KAI.KM. Auk. I". (pwjal,) A iatnmofit pritparwl for Dm tU Land Hoard by (2. (2. llrovMi, clrk of the board, how that out of $200,000 dlvblod liMtwimn tho vartoUM countlno of th tat MVaral enkf mko. to Im loHimd from tlm rural crodUa fund, there Htlll ramalnn yj'J.ltO. with 1 1 20.280 waned out. All -Ilm coun tlex worn Hllotwl $6000, with the ex ception of Marlon, which received 19000, and Yamhill, which received $7100. The atattia of Central and Kantern OreKon eotintlee la ae follow: Loaned Ketimlnini; Crok $1600 J4U00 Dearhutea 1200 2800 (31111am 0000 Oranl 24u0 3C00 Harney 0000 Jofforson KO0 2400 Klamath 800 6200 I-aJt I860 4 400 Malheur 6089 Morrow 6000 Sherman 6000 rmatllla 1600 4600 Union . . JSwu 606 Wallowa .. 1X60 26S0 Waaco . . 6000 1006 Wheeler 6000 TWO POTATO CROPS FROM SAME VINES Out' Scrlcn of Tubcm Mature Cloc to Surface, Willi" Second Cntp Im Pound at lovtcr l.ocl. (From Friday's Dally.) Potatoes that yield two crops In one season, arc tho novelty found In the war preparodnoss garden at the John fiteldl home in this city. One light crop Is found close to the sur faee of the grouHil, while the other Is at a greator depth. Mr. Stwldl is a firm believer Ih con aervatlon of reeaurce, ad explains that Die unusual result In tuber cul ture waa attained by planting several luchoa deeper than Is ordinarily done In lli. si tlon TO GIVE HELP Sl'-MJIH) WII.I. 111! SPP.XT IIV TDK static, cor.vriiis, and kov- HIIN.MKNT OTIIKU ALLOT JIK.NTS I'O It HOADS MADK. SAI.hVM. Aug. 23. (Special to The Bulletin.) While probably not the first which actually will be under taken, the followliiK named projeeta have been favorably noted upon by the State Highway Cemmleelon and nllatmunta have been set aside: The MolCeiuie Paw road through tke Cascades has been alloKwl 121,- 209, of wthleh $21,290 U to be paid by Lane county, $60,000 by the state and $60,000 by the government. On the McICenale Paae road through Des chutes $80,000 la to be allotted, Des chutes county paying $6000 and the state and government $12,600 each. The Ochoco and Cauyon Creek Highway through Crook county Is al lotted $30,000, and through Wheeler county $30,000, Crook and Wheeler counties to pay $16,000 each and the government and state to pay $16,000 each. The Ui Pluo-Lakevlew project haa been given $30,000 under the recom mendation made, to be spin between the state and tlm government. All told, the allotment recommend- oil sn fnr Is $1,114,194, of which the counties are to pay $131,694, the state $491,260 and the government Is asked to pay $491,260. The government, under the Sliaek- ford act, pays for Oregon roads $121,- 704 n year, to be matched by etate or local funds. 0 DEER SEASON CLOSED I UNTIL RAIN'S COMING RENDERS WOODS SAFE fKrora Wolneaday'a Dally.) AiotHtrliiK mi ltiiiilry wlml him b 'I h' lllllll'tlll till IMIIIIl- In. t'Hrl I). HIiiM'iimkcr, Htati' fiimm Wonlcii, IcIcKriiplicil to- da) declaring Unit n proclaim' lion by (foicrimr .funic Willi) - (omlm Iocm I be deer m'okoii Inileflollcl). When reoponcd, It will Ih by priK-laiiiallon, but tbl ulll not iK'ctir until n goii era I ruin bat fallen tlirouctioiit the Mate. Danger of fin it U imkIitImmI Ih one of the chief rctiMtiiN fur the Koicriior'n uctlon. .Mr. HbiH'iuakcr iiieutloncd In III" tcli'tcrnm thai bo bail no comment to make on the Muuil taken by the etecutlii'. ------ T LISTS ISSUED coMPitKiinxsivi: iumw pch- I.IHIIKI) I'Oll (OMMIMTV KX IllllIT OK WIT KIDK ARKICL'I TL'HAIj ASSOCIATION. (From Wednesday's Dally.) In preparation for the seventh an nual community fair In that section, set tor Friday, September 21, the premium list for the Tumalo fair, to be given by the West Side Agricul tural aeeodattan, has been complet ed, and Is now off tho pre. With the premium list are comprehensive rules Issued by C. P Becker, general superintendent; Charles O. Spaugh, assistant; Fred 11. Wilson, president; Jt. U. Fllcklnger, vice-president; J. J. Coan, treasurer; Frod N. Wallace, secretary, and J. W. Drown, member of the directors. .The various departments at the fair, and those in charge of them will be as follows: Potatoes, C. C. Tweedt and S. Hay Drown; vege tables, F. U. Ileibhoft and A. G. Con nanou ; field crops, Garnot Mc.Mart ney and J. A. Marsh; fruit, C. P. Decker and It. O. Bemmona; poultry, F. V. Swisher and C. W. Howell: sheep, John T. Park and Albert Har per; domestic science, Mrs. Flkkin ger and Mrs. Marsh; pantry shelf de partment, Mrs. K. Tweedt and Mrs. A. J. Harter; needlework, Mrs. C. P. Decker and Mrs. Anna Dean; flowers, Mrs. Ktta James and Miss Rose Llllle; school children's department, Mlse Uos Llllle and'Mrs. C. H. Spaugh. In addition to the departments, a long Hat of special prlxoa is being offered to exhibitors. BELMONT MAN BUYS TRACT ON TUMALO (From Tneedny'a Dally.) J. II. Miner closed a deal yesterday with O. A. llriggs, of Uelmont, Wash., for 80 acres of Irrigated tend In the Tumalo project. Mr. Drlggs will move onto his new property In the near future. I I Bend Flower Show to Open Friday in Sphier Building (From Wednesday's Dally.) Preparations are complete for tho annual Flower Show given under the auspice of the Ladles' Library club, and It was announced today that the big exhibit will be held lu the Sphier building on Bond street, beginning Friday morning. No adtnteefon will be charged. The followng rules will govern the exnlblbt: 1. All exhibits must be in at 12 o'clock an the day of the show. 2. One to six stems will be In cluded in oaoh single exhibit, but not more than six atemt 2. itach exhibitor must moke hie own selection for exhibition. 4. No flower, plants or vegaUblog not Included In the pu,blblbeil Hat will be eligible for a prljo except aa part of the "genoral djteplay" of tlowere, for which the Rmblem Club cup ig offered. 6. Au exhibit may uot be entered for more than one prlae. C. Unless otherwise requested tlm Library Club will offer for sale flow ers, plants and vegetables entered si ACRE EliSR'f 10 BE C. 0. I. TRACT OPENING EXPLAINED. Application Mint Im i'llc.l UO Day in Ailvanro, nnd Dupllcutc Hclcc- tlonit Will Ho Sctllnl by Ixt, Hii .McNarj'- (From Friday's Dally.) The 74,000 acre of the Urnham Falls segregation, known as List 20, wilt be opened to entry under tho homestead laws on September 24, as announced in The Uulletln Wednes day. Advices received from Washington make It clear that the maximum acre age any settler can secure Is 160 acres, and where two or more pe" sona have applied for the same tract lots will be drawn to decide the w In ner. There will not be, however, any general lottery aa has oourrrd la where In the west when icrtaln In dlan lands were opened, nor will i be a case of first come, first Kcrrr-.' In answer te The Bulletin's ir qulry. Senator MeKary, of Oregon, haa sent the feilowlng telegram. "The Uulletln. Bend. Oregon "lien ham Falls land will be opcarl to homestead entry September 24, other than homestead entry Ortobe 1. All applications must be filed wit jl local land office at The Dalles twenty days prior to opening. In rase of tw.j or more persons claiming same trart it will lie disposed of by drawing The most land applicant can obtain Is 160 acres. CHARLB3 L. M'.VARV " The exact naturo of the application which It is necessary to make to Tho Dalles land oftloe Is now being de termined, and full Information on this head and aovorlng other detail of the opening will be published la The Bulletin as they become avail able. The lands themselves embrace 74, IDS acres. About 24 sections, or approximately 15,000 acres, are en tirely within a 12 mile radius of Bend, and muoh of it less than 10 miles distant, to the southeast. Mur.i of this unit Is considered valuable tr agricultural purposes and a constdc able acreage can be watered from tba Arnold ditch. The larger body of the land lies farther east. About 90 sections, o 67,000 acres, lies due east of Demi The heart of this tract is 20 m.'-f J from town. While a considerable portion it this larger body Is available for su. ceeeful dry farming. It la also state i that much of It has nn great value .u thla direction, and presumably woulu, even If taken up. by settlers, final!'-' revert to Ita present uws for grazier Water, under existing conditions, is score In this region. On the accompanying map the loc tlon of the Benham Falls lands shown. They are shaded with linn running diagonally -from the uppe left to the lower right .as Is shown on the key to the map Itself. The tnat also shows all other Irrigation pro jects In this part of Central Oregor Any entry not to be sold ehould bo marked to that effect. 7. All exhibits must be kept intact until the evening of the show Flow -era or vegetable sold must not ba removed before that time. S. No award will be given for In ferior flowers or vegetables, although they may be the only ones entored for couteet. 9. Hack single entry must bear tho rtanie of the vegtiuUile tor flower written on a card furnished by tho Library Club. 10. No prise will he given out at the Flavor Show. 11. Plewere will be Judgod ac cording te oolor, farm, slxe and tha lengths o( stems. Any flowers or vegetables entered for exhibition only aud uot for prises will be sold dur lug the day ami pan be taVen a$ soon as sold, but oxh'.b'.ta entered foe prises cannot be removed unt 1 the evening of the show. Any in desiring to enter a general exhb i for the Uinblem Club cup must iioi.fv the secretary. Mrs. K. M. Thompson, so that apace may bo reserved for It. HUM i