The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    IIKNI) IIUIXI71IX, BKND, 0HK00N, Tlll'ItHIUY, AVdVHT 2JI, 1017
PAfiB T,
(From Thuritilny'H Dully.)
A. II. Hum, of (ho Ilond Jlrlok
Company, In n lilt prouil of tho (not
(hut tho proiluotn ho turns out, union
ly, llnnd-mado brlok, are ainoiiK tho
few whoso jirlcrn liitvn not been In
creased, wnr or no wur.
"Thin season wo will mauudirlunt
cloao to 9,000,000 brick," until Mr.
fllorn, who wnn lutowii yesterday,
"find wo nro rontly to lucronso our
output Jtui an (ait nit tho market
iiewln more."
Tho lornl plant I now operating
the Inmost typo brlrk mnnhlno thut
In ninito, which In lining utilized to
turn out ntiout 45,000 brick a duy.
Tho nrow (or thn mnnhlno, exclusive
of tho liurnliiK nml hnulliiK tpirt
inonts, employs 22 num.
Next spring, says Mr. Horn, thn
company will probnbly Install n press
oil brick plant. Kxporlmonts nro now
liolng mmln lit thin direction nml very
aatUfnctory results ur being securrd.
'M thin nililltlou thn local concern
4oulii bo nblu to provlilo everything
used In thn lln of brlok In thn most
modern buildings.
Wood, who kIvoh Ilond, Oregon, nn
bin pout office address, did on Juno
10, 1017, fllo In thin offlco bin duly
corroborated npplk'iitlou to r on lent
nml soruro tho cnncollntlon of your
Momenti'iid ICntry, No. , Hnrlul No.
onxo.'l, Hindi) Hoptombor 7, 101 II, for
HKVi, HiMtloti , Township 22 Houth,
Hiiugn lfl KiiHt, Wlllnuuittn Meridian,
nml n grounds for bin content ho nl
logcs th at:
I, You bnvn totally mid entirely
nbnndoiiiiil mild rlnlm for morn thnn
nix moiitlm Inst punt mid bnvn wivnr
filncn thn dato of fllliiK Ihoroon re
sided upon or cultivated mild Inuil
according lo lawj (but your nhsoneo
from tho said land wiin not nod linn
not linen dun to your employment In
tho nillltiiry branch of thn II. K, Oov
eminent or norvlco rninlnrt'd In con
nection with government opnrntlouii
In Mnxlco, or nloiiK tbn borders
tbnroof, or In mobllltntlou cmnp
elsewhere In tho military or naval
organization of thn United Hinted
or tbn National (lunnl or nuy of thn
sovornl ntnloH of tbn United Mates,
You nnt, tbnroforo, furthnr tintl.
find Hint tbn nuhl ullogntlons will bn
tnknn nil confessed, nml your mild
entry will bn canceled without fur
ther rlKht to bn board, either linfurn
thin offlco or on appeal, If you full
to fllo In thin office within twenty
dnyN lifter thn fourth publication of
thin notice, ns shown below, your
answer, iinilnr ontb, specifically re
sponding to those allegations of con
tent, together with dun proof Hint
you bnvn served n copy of your an
swer on tho mild contestant either
In person nr by registered mnll.
You should state In your answer
tbn iiniiin of tbn punt offlco to which
you dcslrn fut urn notices to bo sent
to you.
JAH, I". IIUIIOK8H, Uoglstor.
Date of 1st publication, Auk. 0, 1017
Date of 2d publication, Auk. 10, 1917
Unto of .Id publication, Auk. 2H, 1017
Date of 4th publication, Auk. 30, 1017
Drop through Air When Ho Turin.
Out for Honw r I'nbiirl, Hut
Hbouliler In HUIih'iiIi'iI.
(From Monday's Dully.)
Driving bin auto over tbn edge of
h rtlff while on tho Tillamook road
lust week, J. I). Donovan, of thn llend
iMpltal, relviril u badly dislocated
nhmililnr bi hi only Injury, bun re
turned to llend. Overhanging kthm
on the edge nf tbn road appeared o
tin KrowliiK from firm ground, Mr.
Donovan explained, but when Iih
turned out for n (rlghtoniMl borNo, be
found notbliiK but art under him.
qthnra In thn rnr wnro uninjured,
Mttd nftor righting tho machlur, Mr.
Donnvnlt drove bark In Portland, not
rnallxlug until after a mudlcal exam
ination, that hla own burta amounted
fco nnylbliiK moro than bruise.
to (Ho In thin offlco duo proof
that you hnvo nerved a copy
of your niiHWitr on tho nald
contcntnnt olthor In pornou or by rog
Intorod mnll, If thin norvlco In mado
by tho dollvory of n copy f your
ounwnr to tho contontunt In pernon,!
proof or such norvlco tnunt bn either
tho nald coiitentnut'H written nc-l
kuowluilgmont of bin runolpt of thm
copy, nbuwlug thb dnto of Itn rocolpt,
or tno nrrinavii or tno iiornou oy
whom tbn dollvory wnn mndn ntntlng
wbou nml whom tho copy wan dollv
orml; If rniido by reglntorod mnll,
proof of nurb norvlco muni catmint of
tbn affidavit of tho pornou by whom
tba copy wnn mulled ntntlng whon
mid tbn pont offlco to which It wnn
mullod, nml thin affidavit munt bo
nccompuuind by thn pontmnntor'n ro
colpt for thn lottor.
You nhould ntnto In your nnswor
tho iinmn of tho pont offlcu to which
you (Inalro iuturo notlcea to bo nout
to you.
Dato of lnt publication, Aug. 0, 1917
Dnto of 2d publication, Aug. 10, 1917
Dato of ad publication, Aug. 23, 1017
Dntu of 4 Hi publication, Aug. 30, 1917
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btnto of
Oregon (or Doncbutcn County.
Mortgage Compnuy for Amorlca, a
corporation, Plaintiff, vn. Jonepb
M. Mlllor, Jonopb Wllmor Doliolt,
J. W. Olbaou, Molllo li. Ulbxon, J.
W. Ulbnon, guardian of duy Olbnon,
n minor, K, A. Knnley, truntoo, Ho
mer I). AnRidl nud Korroat H.
Flibor, Dofoudnntn.
To tho ilufntutnntn, Jonopb M. Mll
lor, Jonopb Wllmor Doliolt and Mol
llo I.. Clllnon:
In tbn nnmo of tho Btnto of Ore
gon, You nro hereby ordered to ap
pear In tho nbovn entitled court and
cnuno within alx wonka from tho (Irnt
vrii'i' vvrifu.t iiuiiiicuiiiiii 01 in in nuiiiiiiuiia, inu uuiu
.WIMI, III' ll.ilU11a ..,.. fi i.n , i.i.. ....
iji ndiu Hint iiuuiivh iiuii uuiiik rfunui
Dopiirtmnut of the Interior, United 28, 1917, that being tho tlino within1
Htnten Land Offlco. The Dallon, which you aro illrrctod to upponr by(
riraM.iM lulu 4 1 I CUT '"" I'riiur III IIIU UIIUTU UllllllUU tUUll.i
uregon, July si, 11117. ,, ,nnk(J ttnnweT t0 lho COmplnlnt
To Hobort Dulloln, of Whlltnkor, heroin, nud If you fall to bo appear,
Oregon, ContftMce: an" aiinwer mild complaint, plaintiff
v , . w'" "IH'iy to tlio court for tho reiiol
..... . .i.mtui iiiiuiimi wihi i lyuui (iHiimnded in tlm complaint, town:'
M. Khaffer. who given Mllllcnu, Ore- Kor Judgment ngalnnt tho mild Mlllor
gon. an bin pont offlee aililrmia. did on Hni1 Doliolt In the num of I3.0CJ.73,
Junn 1H. 1917. (lie In thin o((l lito'T"11 l",er,w'1 l tho "'?, "f
, , , ' ... "'""' "" H per cent per annum from April 1.
duly rorroborated application to con-i ion. and the (urther nu to of $300.00 .
tent and necure the eancellallon of i aitorneyn' (eea, with Intereat thereon'
J'OUr HoUIMtlHld, Klltry No. , Serial, i , rain nf 8 nr rnt nriniim.
Your $ $ $ $
Buy More Here
This Is Not A Boast, But A Fact That We Can Prove To You
a 4
WE nre doing nil we enn to protect
you at this time when every one is
trying to make the dollars go as far as
possible. If we caii save you a dollar we
have performed a service that we know
you will appreciate. Our buyers have had
ample experience and we are offering you
the advantage of the good buys that we
have made. Just a little saving here and
there is the way we are helping you.
Our stock w large and varied, our
goods represent the best that we
can get from a wide selection of
the best the market can supply.
Department of thn Intorlor, Unltod
Mtatca I-und Office. I.akevlow, Ore.
Kon, July 18. 1917.
To K. John Wclah, of Ilond, Ore
i:on, Conteaton.
You arn hereby notified that Illlllo
No. 010048. made .March 11. 1912,
for the NKV,. NVfr HK14. Keetlon 33;
MVVi HWU and KWVi NWVi.Bec
Hon 34, Townnblp 19 Mouth, KaiiKe
10 Kant. Wllhimette Meridian, mid ai
grounda (or bin conltwt be nllegen
that nald Itobert Dulloln but wholly
and Ita rontn nud dlaburseruenta
herein, and (or thn (oreclosuro of
Hint certain uiortKnKo mado by the
aald Jonepb M. Miller and Jonopb
Wllmer Dellolt. Juno U, 19U, and
recorded Juno 30, 19H, In Volume
1 of Mortgage of Crook County,
abandoned nald tract for more than , Oregon, nt page 167 thereof, covor
nix mnntba lant punt and ban wholly
fulled lo renldu upon or cultivate nald
tract, mid that nald almonce from tbn
laud wan not duo to the entryman'a
employment In military norvlco ren
dered In connection with operntlonn
In Mexico, or along the bordera there
of, or In mobllliatlon rampa elne-
wnere, in inu miiuary or naval or-iiiolnc
MHlilimllnii n ! n It !.. If - k I "
lug the Bouthweat Quarter of tho
Nortbeant Quarter, the Nortbwont
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, tho
Nortbeant Quarter of tho Soutbwcit
Quarter, and the Koutbeant Quarter,
of tba Northwest Quarter of Section
31, Townnblp IS Houth of Ilango 11,
Kant of tho Wlllamotto Meridian,
1C0 acrca, and nltuatn In the
and Slate of,
We Pay the Highest Prices
for Farm Produce
Kamiaiiuii in wio uniieii maiea or too county of Deschutes
..i.u..i uuaru oi any oi uio aevorai Oregon, and that tho mortgngo here
inbefore (loacrlbed bo decreed to be
You arc, thurcforo, further notified
Hint lho nald allcgatlona will bn taken
by thla offlco an having boon con
fenned by you. and your nald entry
will bo cancelled tbereundor without
your further right to bo heard there
in, either before thla offlco or on
appeal, If you fall to (lie In thla of
fice within twonty dayi afior the
fourth publcatlon of thla notice, ni
nliown below, your nnawer, undor
oath, npoclflcally mooting and ro
(ponding to Ihoio ullngatlona of con
tent, or K you fall within that time
Fifth mm Wuhmgton Sltrrti
Centrally located The Hotel (or YOU
Special Summer Rates
Uoom with bath privilege, single 75c up; double
$1.00 up. Room with private bath, single $1.50
up; double $2.00 up.
Auto bus meets trains.
Union Depot cars puss our doors.
From North Bank Depot S ear transfer at 5th St.
a nrnt lien on aald real property su
perior to any and all otbor Interests
therein, and that nald property bo ,
sold to satisfy aald mortgage debt.,
and that tho purchaser at aald sale
tako all right, tltlo and Interest la
and to said proporty held by tho said
defendants Mlllor and Doliolt at the
tlma of tho execution of said mort
gage, and that you anil all of. the
other defendants to thla suit bo for
over barred arid (oreoloned of any
and all right, tltlo or Intorest In and
to said proporty, and (or such other
rollef ns tuny bo Just, and (or Iti
oonts and disbursements.
This summons Is published by or
der of tho Honorablo T, K. J. Duffy,
Judge of tho nbovo entltlod Court,
dated tho 13th day of Juno, 1917.
Attorneys (or Plalutlff
F. Dement j& Co.
"The Preferred Stock Store"
Dopartmont of the intorlor, Unltod
Suites Land Offlco nt Tho Dallos,
Oregon. July 10, 1017.
Notice is hereby given that Stnnloy
Smith, of Mllllcnu, Oregon, who, on
July 1G, 1913, made Homestond En
try No. 011891, for tho Stt Section
S9, TowiiBhlp 20 South, Hnngo 1C
Kust, Wlllnmottn Morldlan, has (Hod
notice of Intontlou to mako (Inal
tbreo year proof, to establish claim
to tho land above doscribed, boforo
II. C. Kills, U, 8. Commissioner, at
Ilond, Oregon, on tho 23rd day of
August, 1917.
Claimant nnmos ns witnesses:
Otis 0. Henklo. William A. Harris,
Itobort G. llussoll, of Ilond, Oregon;
I). Maurice Hunter, of Mllllcnu.
20-24p Honlstor.1
said It. K. Jones against sold William
Oottsteln and Lillian Oottsteln, his I
wife, with Intereat thereon, togethe
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
S. B. IlODF-nTS.
Dated at Ilond. Deschutes County,,
Oregon, August C. 1917. ,
For farm land loasa see J.
& Co. Adr.
Sect J. Ryan ft Co.,
loans. Adr.
(or (arm land
The Rose City's world-famed hotel, occu
an entire block. All Outside
Superior , dining and grill ser-
An atmosphere of refinement,
with a service of eourtsey. b-t--;
European Plan; $1,50 and Up
lly vlrtuo of an nttachmout exo
outlou to mo duly Issued by the Clerk
of tho Circuit Court of tho County
of Dosohutos, Stnto of Orogon, dntod
tho iitb day of August. 1917, In n
certain notion In tho Circuit Court
for snld County nml Stnto, wherein
It. K, Jones, ns plaintiff, recovered
Judgmont against William Qottsteln
and Lillian Oottsteln, his wife, as de
fendants,' for tho sum of Kuurtaen
Huudrod Forty Dollars, and costa and
dlsburaomouta taxed at Flftuon Dnl-
Mars, on tho 11th day of July, 1017.
m jsotico is Hereby glvou tbnt I will
on tho 7tu day of Septombo-. 1917,
at tho (rout door of tho court house
In Ueml. In said County, nt 10 oYIcck
hi tho (oronoou of suld day, fell ni
public nuctlou to tho highest blddor,
(or cnab, tho following dosorlbed
proporty, towlt:
Lots Ton, Klovon and Twelve, (10,
11 and 12) In lllook Ton (10) of
Wlcstorln, nn addition to Ilond, Des
chutes County, Orogon, as por tho
cortlflod plat thereof on fllo; taken
and levied upon as tho proporty of
tho said William Oottstolu and Lil
lian Oottstelu, his wlfo, or as much
thoroof as may bo nocossary to sat
isfy tbo ,sald Judgmont lu favor ot
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, Lakevlew, Ore
gon. July 18, 1917.
To Krlk aumlerson, of Ilond, Oro
gon, Contostco:
You aro horoby notified that Dllllo
Wood, who gives Ilond, Orogon, as
his postofflco address, did on July
18, 1917, (lie In this office his duly
corroborated application to contest
and secure the cancellation of your
Homestead Entry No Serial No.
09012. made December 21, 1915, (or
the NV. Section 9, Township 22
South, Range 18 Knst, Wlllamotto
Meridian, and as grounds (or It's con
test he alleges that;
1 You havo wholly and entirely
abandoned said claim (or moro than
six months last past, and have never
since tho dato of filing thereon re
sided upon or cultivated said laud
according to law;
2. That your absence, from tho said
land was not and has not boon duo to
your employment in tho military
brunch ot the U. S. Government, or
sorvlco rondcroU In connections with
operations In Moxlco, or along the,
borders thoroof, or in mobilization I
camps elnowhoro in tbo military or J
naval organizations oC tho Unltod
States or the National Ouard of anyj
of tho Hovoral statos ot tho United i
States. ,
You aro, thoroforo, further noti
fied that tbo said allegations will bo
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will .bo ouncollod without fur-
' ther right to bo hoard, either beforo
tills office or on appeal, l( you fall
to fllo lu this office within twenty
days after the fourth publication of
this notlco, as shown below, your
nnswor, undor oath, specifically re
sponding to tboso allegations of con
tost, together with duo proof that you
have sorvod a copy ot your answer
on tho said contestant oltber In por
son or by registered mall.
You should state In your answer
tho name of tho post otfico to which
you dealro futuro notices to bo sent
to you.
JAS. F, nUROESS, Roglstor.
Date of 1st publication, Aug. 9, 1917
Dato of 2d publication, Aug. 16, 1917
Dato ot 3d publication, Aug. 23, 1917
Dato ot 4th publication, Aug. 30, 1917
It is the Little Things that
Cause the Big Troubles?
Get your car parts and
extra now and save a
big expense later. All
kinds of repairs made -EXTRAS
in stock now
Cars and Maxwell Service
Maxwell Service means more than just having the
extras you want when you want it; it means all that
service can possibly mean, our best opinion on mat
ters about your ear, expert advice that will make
your car last, all that you yourself consider service
to mean.
Universal Garage
Phone Black U01
124 Greenwood, Bend, Ore.