The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 23, 1917, Image 1

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1 ntl ottlM
iiKNi, di;h(jhuti:h count.
$50,000 LI8EL
VOfi. XV.
f. ,
.'? .
Imi In llotiliiiui I'ulN HckitkoIIihi
Will Hiflly AictiiiiuioiMlr UIMI
. Itimlllow IXMO ,U'H .May Kit
Wii(uiuti li Arnold nltch.
WAlflfNOTOK, D. C, AWfc. -
Ttaa lMlertar, Department tm ap
proved OrartWl'a rallaiHlii)Mt of
ffintloii list to, mtvttrltH; 74.080
trw ef land lit Croak eetttoty. inl
unitftllMflWl Wettlllg or tlTM iHHlli
wider the kimiMMtU laws ffepiatnber
S4. Ayplleattefw will he r)ved at
The Dalles lend offle til day prior
to the opening.
,, TU manna that Ute ffffr fight
WiffMl tr IMC H)HIMlHK r lh
-efitbd HanUaw Palle aagregatlfcH, Jet
Hk IMwd, has flMlT)' Mfffc won.
td lint jfcortb- n larva aML ef vl-
eStle laiU, (wig Wile, will k planed
In cultivation. ''
. It eleo nmmi ttti tbfcaUarta of
lim Italian tad ipm jftftfMft for
the upbuilding of tain tcfvJtory have
on aver Hi. fforti araljjl4nui
nd laatltuttoae who have affiliated
ltfc fh Central Oregon Irrigation
euamy 1a Ita toeing flair) .J knap
ontroi of thU tract
'I'H 1!m) Arnold lllfcli,
The Una effected embrace 74.1 IS
acre It hn been HMilmntail that
a?h SiO aeraa cohIU readily accent-
wodnta a family, twaa wltn ilry furw
tag, manning a population Increase,
all within a tloiM milea ef Head, of
aonte ZOO fatal I tee. However, inucrli
of the. land will be watered under the
Amot.1 ditch; as that nu aver Rrt-
r and mors affective development
-eu he ux peeled.
The olil'l)tMcliut(Hi Irrigation and
lwer cftiiipauy. predereera of the
Central Oregon Irrigation Company,
nterod lutnloontraol with Ibu atuto
for the roulumatlou of thin segruga-
t!on. The vttter wu to eajne from n
&4 rwiafvfllr nftne PrUrrJlfJtlie
I'minlnriit (VimiU ('oiinly .Mm .Mitila
Drfruilnnlx. Willi Hilllitr of n
I'rlumlllo I'njM'r Alli'Krtl to
lliii) .MimIo Alliuk.
(Krom MHltiriUy'ii Dully) Auk. ' - I'Iim hnr
HStur of 0. HprliiKOn JnilKa at Croon
county, mill Mtml Mgure In iu;u y
a jidIUIchI tunnwatt, lia bmn Injured
In tliii oxtont it 10,000, At I'-iiit
tlih JikIkh tlilnka i anil hua f li il u
lllial aiilt for 1Kb rvary of that
Tim ilHfuinUula In thin urtlun aru
0. II. HummH, J. W. gtaNtou, II P
Johnaon, H, W. Vaaeay, J. II. l'if'tu
nuil A. M. Ilryil. HuihmII, SUtiiton at.d
Ynneqy ara pronunant raaeham anil
atiiektnan, JoIiiiihmi hi local rHprwiriit
atlvH of the OrKon & WtKni Col
onlintlmm Cuiniwiiy, IJjtH a local
attnrnoy anil llynl in publlahar of the
Cant ml OrnKiiu KntartirlM, wh'rli
PhIiIUIiimI th nrtlrla Uat May In
which lh hIIhrixI llholuui atatemant,
wore madn.
H Vol urn InfliH'iinil,
The publication of tnla "aeandnl-
nun, llbwIeiM nml dafawalory art'la,"
in borrow tlio Hard of the eemplatnt,
"eauaatl nmiiy paraona and VMtars ef
Crook county, Oraaon. to loae conU
dance In the plnltttlff and In hla f-
1 : . I , I 'v . tall.' MI
around lin ! nhI plcmv of ti
lain tu tin- r. .ti 1 1 in liich t!
and Stripea la held by the k
Iwnt ot neaehatea coatMy,
AaioaiK the recent eVtotf 9
rlotlc natare culcbratad i4
the rata'ac of the fUg at tie
eaHtaa f tb Breeka-aVN alloif
: r., : . ;- iara ;a n toe
ba irrupt, illahonaat and lacapuhte , ., n.mM A..1
In Uta dtacbarta of the dallea HK jlftr fla 10 ,jy J0 ft.
obllaatlona of h'.a office to each an J niaH nl'catnp Two. Oa'a
latent that they have advocated artdi
OaiaMaBT ranaatlv. H4 -Mm
flclal InteKrlty. and 4 believe him t! lMr ., 0 rt ,. n&, ..
Mare rceeM!-
Imm MtAftv Miint frm laM,
nrtfed hie recall, mtftn to Ma rhavrtarf Hriin' M4) aapt'oafweiS -'al'.
''""u"' "nyco. Iweramade. w. H. IaaMti
'Phe eomplalBt- fnrUier acta forth j rtm Two4 aVd litaW
Cayp One. ,
ulbitrUts la (be Uat of .m
Bfea at the mo caatpa at (b
, forth
canioaiiy waa to rtwelvu 260 imr liaru.
"fan ontiiiwn nRroed tliftiiinplalo ooti
eHruetlon work before Ootnbor 17.
l'mjorf HUlory (Iliun,
.. TUj tympany nsvar "ia KQit (,M
tbliVirroaniQiii,'' but'timlec n aupple-
Wenlal iiKretilnent ontered Into No.
Veniber 518, 1010, It wua kIvhii until
January 1.012, to aubmll detailed
plana and data, provided for In the
jstrlglnnl aentrnct
' Aln In '1012 the company wna
Ivmi nnnthilr ehmioo to tujik kooiI,
jkgu fttJM. '6n November jsl915.
The onmpnny petlllaned the Oeaert
. fi"'1 I'oal(1 t0 "."Hfi HHralary of
wtjv interior for n fivo.yonr oxteniion.
rhl8 the donrd did, but the Depurt
jHant of thu Interior cunio bltOk with ft
dentuud for furlhur nhowltiK on thu
Mtrt of the eompnuy auatiilulnK-auoli
anpltunllou. No further hIiowIiik wna
iiiVli: "
SuliHiniUBntly, In March of thia ynnr
aiirK,ailttlvw of thn Ilmul Com
nerulul olub aelcuil thu Doaurt I.hihI'
Itonrd to putlllou tho dopartiuout to
Spun, aoino 0000 acroa qt U0 tract,
retnlnliiK lhu roll Intact for ponalblo
IrrlRutlou dovolopmout. Btato KukI-
linor l.cwla favored Homo audi plan.
The Irrltratlpii company, from tho
rirat hnR oiuloavorod to Hoop tho tract
tiowod up na It now la, presumably
with vlow to tho posalblllty of bohio
time developing thlu aogrogatlon.
Now tho dopartmont unnounoa tho
openliiB of tho ontlro tract for sot-
tlomont, which meana that tho bokp
Kniion is parmaneiuiy auon
wvnvn lhn IrrlirftMnMVrtmi
(if muthoilB of securing
'T. -?ti.. ..tidkL-M.t-l;l
uu coYiirau luiivin rino
that tha dafeailanU hod erlad
a conaulrac' agalnet Ihla pta
wkh eonatjHrary had far Ita abject
and pnrpiMHM the recalling of lb a
plaintiff from hta aa'.d office of coun
ty JiidKe and of depriving the plaintiff
of the houora and eniolnmeMe of
eabl'Bfflee, as a part of eald conaplr
acy and to aaable them to wore ef
fectually earry out theae wild pur
poeea. they agreed, eonaplreil, con-
ulved and eon fwl era ted together to
manufacture, compile, write, publiah
and elrculAte In said county and atate
falie, Boanduloua, alandaroua, libel
ous and defamatory roporta and mat
tor of and concerning tho plaintiff
wth tho Intont and object of thereby
to aubjoot and axpoMo plaintiff o
hatrod, oontumpt, rldleule nnd ob-
llQUjjiul to,dnprivu him of the ben-
etlt of public ooufldunce and aoelal In-tqrgourac.
tHa rbica ware rnetalM:'"
0. P. AU.W O. Aodari)fV
Awdroe, J. B. AaalJi, Ibjtt'
U. Ileaaaaa. at. Italy, (MJ1H
8. A. Iliakely. Krank l4iart,
Drown, D. J. Ilrown. J IT, M
J. Clark. C K Culler. Marila'
J. C. Culler. C. bouglaa. Frad I
Capt. Jeaee Pulton. T. Oafri
Ollleapte, J. Oottlieba. K. CC dr
Prize List i
for the 1
aijuy jauon a.vtty
(From Wodnoaduy'a pully.)
Plra oovorlng a traat a mllo and
nne-hnlt long, by nt lenat half a mllo
In width, la burning In the vlolnlty of
8n.uaro Iwko, and a crow of 22 men
Is tib work oniluiivorlui? to chuok tho
flninoa, n lelophono inaaaaRO from II.
K. Vincent, Slatara forest ranger, to
AotliiB Huporvlaor V. V. Ilarpnam,
atnted this murnluK. Tho flro la the
blKKQtft of uny.eo far tlia ajasgij,, audi
tno rougn, mountainous ennrnotur of
tho country, aouplod with a high
wind whloh provallod yostonlay and,
tho day boforo, haa mado tho altua-
tlon unusually difficult to hnudlo,
Although tho actual flro torrltory
doca not lucludo tlmbgp of any value,
It la closo to high grndp pluo. nnd
ovory offort la being niailfv t aubtuo
yio connagraiiou on this account.
Mr. VIncont Jiollovod that tho flro
mlgllt bo brought under control by
this evening.
Of tho,othor sovon flros roportod
ycatorday, no word was rocolvod thla
morning, oxcoptlng from tho throe
,burn!nR jn tho Cranu, pralrloflqc.tlon,
jpjljo moro iqun ore uqina ruaUQl.
Thoaq remaining aro thought to Uu
unuor control, -t- .",,i
Offering a wide latltuda ,t e
Itora. the Indian' Library eltfb'
laauail the prlae Hat for Ike a
Flower Show, which will lift'
liund una weak from t
axaat nlaaa In wjulcb ihgh
i; I van, na veil as the rulaa
oompetltton, wilt be annouifl
I'rlae are being provided fi
ly by' uti)llclated conplbtt
year. Aiitsug thoee -fild
were: Tho City lieaut(uj la
fS5; llarrlaon Lath
aim tea County court.
Inamed donation wna mi
LBiipuiauon iiiai it na
fgp &JUIM. im. WL.
'lyje uoiuiOaUa),
1fiua, 1
""W . ,.i
, Sweut 1'ena beat rega
qri tjQtf beet buuaU BilU,
graataet variety. &uu. Ast
euUection. 50c: Catnat'.m
lection,' 40o; Itoaea. Tieet
GOc; I'anslOH, nrtietk- a
GOoj, 8unflpwr. talleat,.
Iiliilt8, aqriMjIuius. -JOj),
rud 40o. wlilto 40c, Ivy
thn Washington 40o;'
KlU'40c, double 4Qo,; $$l) l
Bonn, 40cj llnnj; Kliigijra, 4Qo; Ti
StufilMant, 49c;'Kui!h8ln, aluglg
dpuVlcv 40c; nest bunch of wild fi
or, f Oo; Host display of fruH, f
$1.60, second 7Bc; Dost display
sorted berries, first ?Uo0 sogi
Vegetables Dost collection, w
lrillfUtlnn flla. liln Q ann...!
.M'n-Mu'l, Mfli i.,.u W, RVkUMKi
to'st ctjllpctlon without Irrl&Ugjf,
socoud, 1; lareost 9abllaoflrat,
eoconi'l GOc; boans, first ?1, socc
G0ecs,uU)9wer, firnt ?Jrec.9nd80
I o r
' WL ' "' ?fl