T5W IIKNI) liUI.LKTI.I, IIMM, OI.IWJON, THUIWMV. AVUVHT 10, fitly PAOfl ft. P , ' w BERQEANT McCLINTOCK. OVER THERE The Thrill and hc Hell of hc Trenches, Described by an American Boy. Sergeant Alexander McCIIntook of Lex ington, Ky., nnd the Canadian Army Has Oripplng Tale That Every American Will Head, For He Tells the Faoti Unadorn ed. Wounded, a Blitlngulshed Conduot Kctlal Man, He Wai Invalided Home, but It Going "Out There" Again to Fight For Uncle Bam and Hii Alliei. An In iplrlng, Interesting, Penonal Narrative, rull of the Spirit and Atmoiphere of the Trtnchei. No. 4. Shifted o the Somme By Sergeant Aleaander McCllnlock, I). C. M., 67th Ovcwai Had.. Canadian (Ircn. (luarJu. UuPXrlKhi. IIJ. by tli 1111 Hyn- IB Nrrprant iltt'llnlork U nn American luy uf t.cjli.iitiiii, Ky., irhu hm $nn nrvlce in '.(( r, uui tlrturntrit fur bravery, iniumlnl, InmliJitt hmne unit now it nturntnu tu aerepl a cummli (m. Thli in fm fourth urlltlc In the mlet. In Che flrtt arthlr he liiUI of hit tltllntny up to the piilnl trhire he rvaeheil the front Hue tremhen. In the ttrvmi hti uutllnnt the t Infantile firtfxj. rutUinn for ii lid mli mUl. ami in the third tha dhatlruui rahl n tttictllrit, AI'KW it) after the iH.iiildiiK mll, Wllkll elided MJ dlkBkttVU- y for iw. iwr IwIIhIUhi hui re lieved from duly ihi llii- frviit line. mikI the lll HO l.'lll MUM tllllt f Ml'fl' lo yu iliiwn u (In IiIk uliow then IbUiik plmn mi I liu KmiiiiiK Our tellef Mai b lllVlklllll of AUkrullll. WJ ke, ; I lii aeetor illicit Me IimI In-Ill In Bel li tun wa b irl uf n-iurMtury ehl lor tin n'K'tiUr llKhtlnu over In I'tann-. It mrhu'i linc before ve ma Into Mlml you nilclit cull Hie Mi; Ii-hcuii Ulllll'Kt, lllll III (III llleflllttlllle u hnd it llllln ret from hatillni; I'rita ntul tint uiHirliinlt)' In iiIm'itU1 ni'iin. thing mIiIcIi mt'iii lo nn lo he wrtu IHIIiii; , lilxiut. Tliimti of ynti who are erlu lvely fond of tin kllrrliiK detail uf wnr, audi bIhxiIIiih ud Im-Iihj kind a niul UiiiiIiIiik ntul Iwytitii'UiiK'. ii-nl wily kl m llllln of IliU W'ftiud mi tiitlrcly mtUfniiitfy nuinunt uf mookv . mill riiilrini'iil Inter. Am hchiii r our rrlli-f ImttHlkui IimiI cut In v iiiiivihI Iwik lo l'uiir1UKli for n cuiipli of ilny nft. WV 'r' n lin'tty ciHitt'iitril bih! JHnl ll. our JllntlMPII l'H1'lllll,V. WlMlTf llll KtMlt lo jji't nwny fmiH tin- ulrnln uf tnUnj: n Xrwnt liviieli, mill tlur uorn niliur ad MUiliiHt. 1'or limlMMrtr. Ido Mllcra- tlHH llf (MIT ItHtnIlT llMl' to rntljltlt UmiI mil (Hiim tliroiiHfa IhiIIhIIoh livil Hrti. hwI tWri-fon- had In our ittMH nlxtytliiw rum mtioun nl)it ami ItMttllMK mid Utll UIM IMfH. H It Wat Qod CUan Fighting. Nebady Flrad a 8hoL Ttirro wmt n Cnnndlnu Hoot tu our urowd who mid Hint tl'i only word which dcMcrlhvd tlio aliuutlou hum "tt'Mra-iidr Thcro watt u good deal of Ji alouiy ut that time bvtwvcn tho Curiudlunit uud thu Auatrallnnv. ICnch liud tho aaiuu force In tho llvld-four dlvUluim, Ki th or forco won hlKttcr thun any other ttrmy comWHt,d txiliulvoly of voluiir Uth over huforu uMHPinhUHl, While BffJuiilf to tho Cniiiidluu uriny mid bo-JU-vo tho Ciiiittdhni ovvrxoitu foix-cs the fini'Ht tmoi over led to wnr, I iiium nay Unit I liavo nover m-i-n n IkmI.v of jni'ii ho iiingiilllci'iit In itvoriiiui iihynhiuo an tho AudtnillmiH. And hoiiio of them wt-io oven above tho IiIk'i uvurime. The juiiii tlmt piinehed me In thu eye In tin Yittiiiiilim" In PoporlriKlio inmlo up en tirely in lili own pernou for tho alt ento of Ih Diirey fnnii tho Austru Man ranks. I don't know Jut how the IlKht Htaitnd hetween tho Au.trtilluns nnd tin In Poporlnsho. hut I l:uow that II liinU threo reKlmentH of Imperln'l L)t'i to Mop It. Tho tnos-t convlnohiK atury I heurd of tho orlulu of tho hut- tie n told tn'e by one of our roru, Mho on Id he w Ihi-re when It benn. lie ntd one of the AliMrnllntin hud ninti-mly reinarkeil that the Hrltlnh k'i-iu-riil Imd ili-clili'il It mi tlinn to Ket throucti with the alilenhuw In del tlinn, mid IhU wim the rrumiu why Ihey hiul nent regular lnmiH like tho Auttrnllnna In to rellere thiiCuiiuilliiiii. Then tome M-imlllve (.'niihiIInii wlnli. ed the Aiutrullniiii luck and hoped they'd (InUh It up nn well im they Imd the uffalr In (hit Dunluiiellr. After tlint our two cloya' rent w mado up principally of beatluji It nut of cilo mliinii when hIiiiIi-kIo reipilreineutii liU'i;i-t(il a new Immt or bentliiK It Into entiniilnim when It liMiked ii If wo could act eineleiit re enforcement!. That ncht never toppil for forty-elKht houm. and (he only phicea It didn't tueliide Mere the church and Ilia ho pllntn. I'll lit to till- ihiy that Hie llelclan who run the entamluaii In I'olHTluKhe Mill duck behind llm bnn If yuu Jiin ineiitloii Ciiiiudn mid An trtilla In the nine breath. Hut I'm hound to nay that It wan rood, cli-nu tluhlltiu'. NnlMHly fired a het. nolxxly pulleil n biinuet. nud no iKxIy i'ot the wriiuK I'lca alwut any thing The Auntnillan hearywelKht clini)ori who luiidetl mi mo wenl rlk'hl out In the at reel and naluted one of our Unit rim ii In. We had Jut one ntUfylliK rellecllon after the tlKht nn over-the Alwtmllan bflttallon that re tleteil im fell heir to the counterattack whkh the (lermaiiR cent ucrom to even up on our bomhlui; raid. Down to the Somme. "We lietan ur iiuirt-li lo the Homme by a hike to Ht. Oiiur. the drat llrlt Uh hendiiunrtera In Kuroe. Then we Hopped for n week about twenty iiiIIm from I'nlah. where we underwent a eoume of Intcmdncil Iruliiluit for open f) Kht I n if. The lufmilry taetlea. In wlileli we weredrllleil. were very alml lar to thoAr of the Culled Ktatei army. Iluwe which, lit fact, were originated by 'the Cnlted Htntea Iroopa In thedaya of Indian flehtlui;. We covered moid of the KTiiuiul around (.'alula on our ktomnchi In tcii order. While It may aeein Impertinent fur me. ii mere nnii com, lo exprenn no opinion ntiilt the larccr uffalra of the rninHhti. I think I may be cxeuncd for wtylmj that the war didn't at all take the coume which naa expertcd and bitped for after the fiirtit mi the SoMiue I'liiliMibliilly the allien expiH-lwl to break thrirtlKh the (iirmali line That U ell hnown uow Whlle we Mere leliiK traliuil near C'a ImU fur niul Marfme a ery larKe fere of tatHlry mum beliiK UMiembletl a lid piepared fur the hum it purponc. It wu never nul, , Tlmt ivm luat Atncuat, and tho alllew hni-n'l broken throiiiih yet. ISVeu tuully I U-lleve they will break ihrouKh. but In my opinion meu who are drawn for aervlce In the flrat half million of our new American army will be veteran In ISurope liefore the blk' break come which will wreck Ihv l'rulnn hope of auece lu Ibla war. And If we of the U. H. X dou't throw In the welttht to beat tho I'ru kIuiih hum- ihey Mill not lie beaten, nnd In that iae the day will not bo very far dlatant when we will hiivit lo beat them to uve our humeri and our nn, tleu War I u dreadful and liwlorloint and III kiiielltiiK uud cruel thliiK- Hut If we hold back now we will be lu the lok'l- al poaitlun of n limn heiiltatlux to l'o to trli'H with u drunken, anvaRe. khrleklnir. apewlm; iiiauluc who linn all but whipped hi proper keeper and I IcotiiK after the onlooker, lluwuver. I mUIi we had hnd two month moro of weather oo the Koniuie. There wight buve been a dltTercut tory tu telL Simplified Medicine. We got drafta of recruit before we went to the Botunie, and voiue of our wouuded men wero aeut back to Kne land, where we had left our "aafety Crat battalion," That waa really the I'lfty-nrnt battalion of the Fourth dl vltlou of the Canadlau force, com Kted of the phyalcully rejected, meu recoverliiK from wound uud men In jured In training. The Tpmtulea, how ever, called It the "aafety tlrt" or "Ma jor Ollduy'H LlRht liifuiiiry." Major Ullday wit our Imttnllon Htiriicou. lie waa Immeuaely populiir, uud he uehlev ed n yrent uamu for bluiHclf. Uo made ouo reullzo whut u ureiit peraoual forco u doctor can bo uud whut an un necessary elaboration there I lu the civil prnctlco of medicine. Under Mujnr Ullduy'a administration uo muu In our battalion wna hVU If ho could wnlk, nud If he couldn't Willi; (hero wiir a rciit,oiiiblo uplclou that ho wua ilntnk. Tho major Hlmplllled medlcluo down to un oxuet science of two form of trentntout nnd two rout edles "number iiIiiuh" mid whnlo oil. "dumber ulnea" wero pule ovul pills, which, If thoy hnd been etfk'S. would havo run about elnht to un omelet for six persoiii. They hud uu lutcvuul effect which could only be dcflnrd dynnmlc'. After our men hnd become acquainted with them tlinnmli peiKoual experience they Mopped cmIIIii them "number iiIiich" and culled thnui "whlx-lmiiK," There weie only two pomilbHllleH of error under Mnjor fill iIiij'm ayatem of Hlmplllled medicine. One wim 'to lake u whlx-bniiK for trench feet and the other to uxo whnlo oil externally for noiiio form of dluca lloual hi-Hltimcy. And In either cunu uo pcimiiucut Imrtn could reniilt, while the error Him mm Minple of curiecllon nn the comruiiiiil "about fine," mighty nn then-fore not wry popular with our biittulloii. blh.'hly beliiu the trench mime for llu hiiNpllul. Two week niul n half after e left HelKlum we nulled al Albert, having marched all llm wny. The MfiUt which met our e-e nn we rounded Hie rocJJ ipiurry hill nilalde of Albert wn won ilerful beond deocrlptloii, I remem ber how licmcndoiuly It lmpreed my pal. Mai-fnrliiiic He nut by the roudklde mid lookeil round over tho lilliUrape in If he were faacliiated. "Hoy," m 1 1 he, "we'io at the big ihow at Innt." I'oor fellow! It wn not only the bl(f ahow. but the Ihhi iK'rformaiice for ili -Doy," aald ha, "wa'ra at tha big ahow at Utt." him. Within aluht of the apot where he ant wonderliiK he later fell In action and died. The accue which ko Im preMil him k'ave u all feeling of great awe. (I rent ahell from a thou aand k'lin were ktreflklnc and crlia crofHlui; the aky. Without Rlaiue I coiiiilcd thlrly-nliie of our obaervallon bulloon. Away off lu tho illxtance 1 a w one ftermun captive balloon. The other aircraft were uncountable. They were everywhere, apparently lu hun dred. There could have been uo more wonderful pauurama picture of war In Ita new anpect. Our battalion waa In nnd out of the town of Albert kctcral day waltlnp for order. The battle of Courcelette wa then lu procrcf. and the Hrnt. Second and Third Canadian division were holding front jioMtloim at terri ble cost. In the tlrnt part of Octolx-r. HMO, we "went In" opltc the fa uiou Itck'lnn trench. The batlleRrouud waa Jimt inllc and mltea of debrl mid ahell holea. Hefore we went lo our ixmltlou the olllcer uud non-com were taken In by aconta tu get the lay of the laud. Tluwe trip were called 'Took' lour." On one of them I went ihroiiKh the town of ri4xem twice nnd didn't know It. It had a pojmlutHHi uf 1U.000 before the war On the Kit where-It hnd Mood not even a whole brlik wum left. It teemed. Ita demolition waa complete. That wn mi example of the condition of the whole country over which our force had blntttcd their wny for leu mile aluco the prevlou July. Thcro were not even landmark left. The "Cook'a Tour." On the "Icht. when ire went in. to In pect the iKMiltlona we wero to bold, our acouta, leading u through the flat de ert of dcttructlou. cot completely turn ed, round and took u back ihrough a trench composca or ahell hole con nected up until wo ran Into a battal ion of another brigade. The place was dreadful beyond word. The Blench of the dead wn lckcnlng. In many place arm and legi of dead men Muck out of tho trench walla. Wo made n freah Mart after our blun der, moving lu alngle tile nud keeping la touch euch with the uinu uhead of him. We Mumbled along lu the 'dark uea through this awful labyrinth until we ran into aoiue of our own acouta at '4 a. in. nud found that we were halfway acroa No Man' land, ev oral hundred yard beyond our front line and likely 'to "bo utterly wiped out In twenty aeconda Bhould the German alght ua. Flno guides we had ou thla "Cook'a tour." At )nt we reached our proper position, aud fifteen min utes after we got there a whir-bang, a low explosive murderer, buried me completely. They had to dig mo out A few mluute later a high explosive BJUill fell lu a trench section where three of our men were Miillom-il, All w could llud nfler It exploded were one arm mill ouo leg, which we burled. Tho irciuliffl wero without, trea'h mill, and (lin;iind wim from xlx Ineheti lo three feet deep all Ihrough them There weie uo dugoiita, only inircly mbienible "funk hole." dug where it wnn poHMlhlc to dig them without un covering dead meu. Wo remained In Ihi ixmltlou four day, from the 17th Hi (lie 'JIM of October. Ill ID. There were renwm. of eoume, foi llu dinrcreiici) between condition In Hclghim and on the Homme. On the Homme we were coiiMaiilly preparing for a new advance, and we were only leiiiHinirlly iiitiilttlMu-il on ground which we had but recently tnkeii aftei long drumming wllh big gun. The trchcliiw were merely ahell hole con nected by. dltchea. Our old nud iiblqul ton mid vnrlouMy useful friend, Hit Hninlbii, wn not present In any en-lai-lly. and therefore we hnd no para iet or diiKout. The con uiunlcatlon treuchea were all blown lu, slid every thing had to come to u oteilaud, with the result Hint we never were quite sure when we would get ammunition, milium or relief, force. The most nw ful thing was thai the noil all nlxnit U wa tilled with freshly burled men. If wo undertook to cut a trench or en large a funk hole our npflde struck Into human flesh aud the explosion of a big shi-ll along our line sent decom posed and dUiuembcrisI and Mlvkeulug memento of au earlier fight shower ing among us. We lived In the muck and Blench of "glorlou" war, thoso of u who lived. The German Dugout and What They Found. Here and there along this line were the ubnudoued dugout of the Gcr- (Cnntlnucd on I'ago C.) Home teloes vanl lo k.eep away fiom hot shoes and warm kitchens COOKED DISHES -for- LUNCHES DINNERS help to keep them from be ing won out by the heat. PARE for Jinnr ri PRE D MEATS ircihet one Order inVxJic mornintf. o that we may Jtliver early. Then you can put your meat on the ice to cool. We have a number of delight ful dihe we can autftfe't M Us McGrath's Grocery Bond Street Shoe Repairing Dunn In a l-'HlST-CIwVSS inau- ner, mIiAc you wait. I (loodnian, Aiposlto linker's (JroVery. Joe Rock CONTRACTOR a 11 1 1 rll K1IH1S OI KvwrATinv ki-iV iK A IVll k v V bAVU1UV .rock or dirt j DASEMKNTS iTREBT WORK. ETC. StREBf Lrave otittt at J. A. EASTES OFFICE Oiqcoa Sbctt Shoes for Real Service OUH 81'KCIAI.TV lA TO MAKK 8II0KS THAT 8TAM) THK TKHT INJAP-A-TAN SHOE Is eaneclnllymndo for thla kind of country. Nono are bet tor made, I -. TILT SHOE A handsome! boaten for the i aoif iceiiblo droaa ahoa far men. Ivo theso shoes n trial, Cannot be on LNSON LOGGER. Tho A. HnnBon I.oggor Bhoea of Throo Lakes, Wis., nro linnd-mado and cno of tho very best of Us kind. Special mado-to-ordor work taken for thin Bhoe. UI'-TO-IIATlfi Hliuii iii-a-rtiiiirtu BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN DEND OREGON vJm tmm liavevouabu s , S Jk O JuvmpJM:.ml J X ..M Now that prices are high it is more than ever important that you give careful consider ation to the roof you arc conE to put on. You can save real money and get a better roc by uring Certain-teed Roofing ,esa.rooii f? iiaerl at C3. vatc cicrauiiKV aicaitotu tiotiumttp iht. clo&nl ---7 - --.b. tccitcr yj u, torp jff ng material . v tne llWJf uildings prcier- Qo JuKi,CJ fafcaTb Thru quality and cheer merit (JERTAJN-TEED is now bcin able type of roofing fcr sky-scrap hotels, stor etc., where Itisccono practicallyi light wci is jjuaran thicknecs There are many. CERTAIN-TE to lay a CERT. roof, but there is a vait diiTercncc in the wesr. "You can't tell t!jc quality of a rcofine b7 iooka or feel. Your only safety a the LbcL Ee cure that it is CERTAIN-TEED then you trc aridn of qualiry nnd ptarcnlttd ca&faction. Ccrtaln-teed Slate-Surfaced Asphalt Shingles ue rjpplasting wood and date khlajlet for retidtacej. Tbey cost tm kit luct as good looking, wear better, won't fill off, buckle or rpllt. TUx xc (Irc-rctirdiat, sad do cot Lave to Le related or stained. Ccrtaui'tccd Pcin!s and Vercuhes houses, garages, 13 necessary. r r a y, lncpenavtyto lzy end cost3 maintain. Itiswcathcr-tieht canitanr and firc-rctardant. It Otff 15 years, accordinjz to ply). rcofha ca the nuxtct. but only one It psys to ret the best. It costs no more N-TEED roof thin it docs to lay a poor The name CBRTAlK-TCnD on a can of paint or varouh is the tame extanntee of quality aod.eatlifactlon it u on a roll of roofing or a bundle of (hlsglcs. Made for all v:c sxd La oil coloa. CERTAIN-TEED PRODUCTS CORPORATION Ksw Tork, Cblesco. RiUaiJclphla. St. Locls. Hortct), CUrtluxJ, nttabordi, Detroit, llaOklo. Han rraudro, UUwaakev. Ctorincatl. NewOileaiM, Um Anttl. Mlnupoll.guMtT, 8Ule,lDdlmwiIl,AtUDt,ltk-lnool,0rM ItapUs, U uhjatait UkQ CUj. Ixatinlnc. U oaatoo.IXlum.fcuoiao.HjUncT.UOTBM iBBBBBBBMal For Sale by Bend Hardware Co. 850 Bond Street Bend, Oregon BEST & HARRIS TIRE JDpC TORS ALL WORM GUARANTEED Across fro Pilot Butte Inn Tires MJfcheliri sTubes Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES a li A WIV Flrat Natlonnl'Bank Building; Bend :: :; Oregon Hit H. HDARMOND jnv Y E R O'Kane ifulldlnu, Bond, Oregon DR. J. C. A'ANDEVERT rhyslcliinaVl Burgeon PhonMted 271 Houra 9-l'ifr. va; 1-5 p. m.; 9 p. ru. O'Knno BulldtiiK- QBOROB Civil and I V. B. M Room 12, syv rrlKftMon PICkl nr-jFat OUNQ Englueor, Surveyor. National Bank Building H. 0. 11 L UI 3 Attornei-n-Iiw United States klmniiUsloner Flrat National Bank Building BEND. OREGON ARTHURJ. HOOHE ijjr t dcuiidiutr Bend, Ore. Phone Black 1411 v t.i.finnnnHfi u. jv. nUMiiwjnvni PLVMI1ING XSli USATISQ 117 MlnntsoUr Street. Eatimates Ch(efully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Bono. 0. P. NISWONOEjr; Band, Ore, Urf)EircftKER Licensed Kntf&Inier, Funeral - yf rector. Phone Red 421. Lady Asat. DR, RD. SOWELL Naprarfatlije Physician Over Loeanrf urnlturo Co, Wall Strfar Hour 9 to 6 I'lhine Red 4a O. B. BJftBON A 1 1 o rfn e A t X, u w Benson Biflldfng, Wall Street Bono, Oregon. I