WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN !P VOIi. AV. IIU.NI), DIIHCHUTKH COUNT, OIU.OO.V, Tilt ItHDAY, Al (HHT 0, I1M7 NO. 2.1 10 SISTERS FI ICOUNTYWILLDO COMPLETE AUTHENTIC LIST OF CONSCRIPTS IN COUNTY f GIVEN BY THE BULLETIKf FOR THE DRAFT IN SEPTEMBER 6 IE 0 CI 1 M lit NEW HYDRANTS FOR CITY ORDERED. I'll- Avmiun Vnnwriy Onlrrwl Hold by City t'liiincll I'ullro (lltcii ItiiUo J t McH. II. !. f I.. Hn-or In Old IIIIU I'tninil. I'rWH JjLtfMWly' OdJljr.) id UitfTthnvo oomplat (Lr 'pro LIKE NUMBER FAIL IN DESCHUTES COUNTY. Ilrjivtril Our Mti( Tukn Kniinl II. iiiii I mil Ion OnlirtH for Bxrtnp Hum Total J!0 I HO May Bo ICmmliinl to I'll I Otiotn. i 1 li'rai iviini tekilon liu all part of tho, oly (q(M ordlhg to action taken by tha city council InMt nlKlit, when mi tho rac oaituMidutluu (if Chief, of Pollen Nix ail tha Installation of1. IK tiMW by flrpnts wall ordered nt points np jAvad by. Chief Nixon iiikI T. II. Polity, manager of tlm Hand Water, lJlfilit AU'ow'or'Cfempany. Tb hy drants wilt he in dlstrlbutm), Chief Mxuji mIiI, na to command nil part vt Html not ulrHndy afforded pro taction from fir. The ex paws will mount to $22.60 a month, the; rental charged by the water company. Tha long delayed mattor At lb otralghtenlug of Kir avenue waa brought Into the limelight one more, ill en the rHrt of City Recorder ICttte (bat the Hand school beard bad rafued to pay Itn share of tits hm, i tent for the Improvement, and Hint D. If. Hunter, representing non-rea Ident properly owner, refined to pay up until the school district bad, 4lafhnrged lit abtiKntlon, Olty At-( torney Hemmi wan authorized, to take tap toward tlm sale of the property J Involved. The contention of tlm achool iHNtrd In tho ram la that no. pay in mm I ilioutd be made' unllV thej work of tralKhtenlng Ibn avenue la enmptlilind, while tlm city, In turn, U unable to perform tbla work until lb necessary fundi have been eon1 trlbtitiHl by owner of tho property benefiting. I'ullro Chrn ItoUc The nelltlnn submitted by Chief of Pollee Nlxou luat month .naklng for a ralaa In salary for h'msolf nnd bla Malftant. Prank Kulp, beaauae of the advance In tha cost of living, wna grant ml, effective for July, tlm chief to recalve I Ml Instead of $100 na formerly, while Officer Ktilp'a solary wa hooeted from 1 90 to ,J100 par Mouth. Tho need for HurluR n uniform HlMount rata for ally wnrrauta at tbu tonka wna iIImuhwI, It botiiK palntml ill tbnt not only did tlm dlaraunt often run na IiIrIi na 10 par ontit, t that hi nddltlou, tho wwrrniit would draw lntaroJt.au tin fnco vnluo at C ver cent, n totnl of 1C par cant on tha trHiiMctlou for the purchnior. i Hlnwii Airt'MtN In Moutli. )kl. M. Colaman Wan rend, ibowiiiK n JotAl of lit, GO unpaid hill to dnta galnat tho city. Tha report of l'o- )tc Chlaf Xixuii abowail 10 arraata; jor iirunKennaaa in Jiny, wuu mm rraat for furnlahlnR otbera with In jumlcaiiU. Ha raortal only one flra for tba month. A petition for the Insinuation or i$iht nt tha lutaraaotlon of Uoanoko 'imd Want Fifth atreot, wna ullowuil, ,ml tha rwiuont nf the Cent. Ore. lot or Co. to bo nlluwed It? Iytal u gniollno tank wna Rmu'tod. Tho pe tition for n flro bydrnnt nt tho corner of Aubrey rond nnd Woat Flrat Htreat war referred to the fire committee rtl roquoat or II. Urayfusa. of Salem, to bo ullowuil to orool nn nuotlonuor'a platform within tho clty flro llmlta nnd to oparnto n parnmnunt nnatlnn busluuBB at u yoitrly lloanua of $100, .wu r.gfan-otto-'tjiQ oomnt) on Tho roport of Accountant Mux Crandnll, who has Just finished ox pertlUB tho olty hooka, wna, referred to tho commlttoo.on wnytt nbd munua. Mr. Crndnll ajnted that ho bnil found n numbor of orrora ImllouUuj; tlmt. ivoral fairly Inruo nooounta hud been paid two or throo tlmoa oauh. Olty ottlolnlH iirosont at tho meot- tB woro Mayor S. C. CuWlwoJI, City Heeordpr H. C. KIIIb, Olty Attornoy - H. llunson, City KiiKlnaor Itabort '". aowjil, Chlot at I'plloQ h. A. W Nixon, and Counollmon CJytlo Mo Kay, A. Kdwnrds, .t P. llrostorhoun ,, l,oua llonnott oW-fll V.'Sllvls. I. li. HHAW IH MA.NAOim TIIIH YKAIt IIK.N'I) .MHItCIIA.VrH Mil HltAI IX HUI'I'OI.TIXYJj.TIIK I'ltomcr. (From Tiiaadiiy'B Daily.) An ft aaml-flnal atep In the ouIIIiik (jr the" flrat draf(Vrroui Deathutoa tTHuiity for the National army, 20 youiiK men wero Klvan jihyalcnt ox nmlnatloua this morutiii: by Dr. II. FerrKll, In tho pro,Muui: of tlm other memhurnj of tba cdnartptton board. Hhnrirr 8. K. Unhurt and County Clrrk J. II. Ilauer, nnd of tbla num ber 10 were deelared Ineligible he cnuao of idiyalcal dlimbllltlea of one kind or Knottier. Thoeo who fntleil In th exnmluatlona were to bo Riven n aeeond teal later In the afternoon by Dr. If. C. Coe, In order that no gueatlou mlRht bo attached to the rejection. Already 20 clulma for oxornptton have been filed with tha board, the chief reAMon Riven lieltiK tbnt the' drafted men have near relative do penillHK on them for aupport. ISIght rlalma were filed thla mornltiK. and when the balnnre of the 71 who are; culled to make up DwH'hutaa county'a quntn of 17 appear for examination j tomorrow and Wednesday, It la lie-i lleved that aa many mom claim will be proeruled. Dr. Kerr el I la of the opinion that ISO men will have to hn oxnmlned before the full quota on the flrat call can be made up, allow ing fur exemption and rejection for pbyk-l disability. Tiui From Out of Htntc. Thoae nrceptwl till mornlliR Vero: ltnlph J. Ilylnuil, Oaten Johnion, Via tor A. MrKKreah, Kenneth K. Hawyer, CharliHi J, Dukbii, I.yle M. Illchnrd on, I 'or rent II. Miller, Choater Irvln Moore, Jamna A. Illaokatoue and ltnlph II. Kturdlvan. The rojecteil one, who wern lilted for rexunnilnatlon are Arthur Fuller, Arohlo D. I'upln, AnKel A, Petenon, Percy C. Flnley, Hoy A. 1! rant on, j JfMeph T. Heealoy, Nlchola Xe!er, Arthur V. Hpaara, Charlua J. Monn hnn and Wllfleld K. Iluaon. Iluaon la from WnihliiKton while Flnley la from California. They took their oxnmluatloiu here by special permla lun. Cauaea for rojeotlon wero chiefly (Infective vision or hearlnR, inli ehnpon feet, and varicose velna. One man was thrown out as being under woleht. (From Wtdueday'a Dully.) Tho Fourth Annual Hlsibrn Fair will bo kIvoii thla year on September 215, 20 and 27. and already plans are well uuilnr way looking toward one of tliv moat auceaMful and ,larRi,ly attonded KalherliiKe of the kind over held In thla part of tha Interior F. I.. Hhuw. of KUtors, A .maliaBer this your and la In active charge of arnuiKoment. He spout yoaterday In Hand, tocethar with ..Mrs. filiaw, and oxproaaefl Kratlflotitfon at the fluu i.upport kIvoii the project by looal merrhnntH and eltlzana. Tho offlcera of tho Fair Aaioela Hon for 1217 arn C. L, Olst, prosl dent; II. M. ltnbblns, secretary; J. M. Parker, assistant secretary, and J. I. ClUifl, Irenaurer. An elaborate pro Kram la being arrangeil and worth while prliea for all eveuta will be hung up by the management. As usual, special attention will be given to getting out representative exhib it of agricultural products. BEND -LA PINE BIDS REJECTED. Mute llljcliuny .'miiinlliiii Aullinr- lii l)cclitit Oiunly Court to llnndln Hxpvmlllnro of tlm 917,000 ApMirtloue4l. BOARD SELECTS W PRINCIPA L (Frflra Wadnewlify'B Dally.) NAI.KM, Ore., Aug. 8. -(Spaclal to The Ilulletlu.) All blda oponed here yeatarday by the State Highway ('ommlealon were rojectwl. The low eat were praetleally three tlmee the amount apprrlrtated for the local work. $17,000.- The very strict specification, re quiring laying the cludera with water and mixing clay with thorn, which could be met under the circumstance only at great coat, are responsible for the high bidding. The commission baa authorised the county court of Deachutea' county to proceed with the work on force ac count, utilizing the $17,000 na far aa It will go. County Judge Dame and CoiJimlaaloner Smith were praaant. The Bulletin baa received a tele gram from Judge Harnee in which he aaya the county court Intends to take up the work Immediately, now that the state authorities have authorized (lt. He and Commissioner Smith are buying an auto truck today and other ' required equipment will be secured as promptly aa possible. IIKXUV M. (SHAXT, OF U'AI.I.VI.A. CHOHI.X TO Kl'm.KI) WHO IIOI.T AS IIHAD OF LOCAL IllOIlf SCHOOL HVKTI-1M. (From Frldny'a Dally.) To fill tho vacancy left by tho ros Ignntlon of Krlc Holt from tho prlu clpulitilp of the Hond high school. Henry M. Orant, of Wallula. Wash luRton, was elected thla afternoon by the school board at a special called mHAtlnr. Mr. Ornnt waa In Hand to day, having arrived In the city last night to back up bis application in paraen. Mr. Grant Is a sraduate or the olasa or 19 IS nt the University of Washington, finishing with high hon nr. RIiiph hla craduntlon he has nude teaching his profession, nnd last year hold a position in tho wal lula high school. Mrs. qrant will ac oompnny him to Hand whon bo cornea hero In the fall for tho opening ot aahool, SQUAW GREEK RATE RAISED i That Hand and Daaahutea oouuty are giving return for the draft far above the average was shown this morning when Dr. H. Ferrell, Kherlff 8. H. Hoberta, and County Clerk J. II. Hauer, membent of the examining board, passed 13 out or 21 men who were oh 1 1 ml on the first draft. With 10 iMMed yesterday, and one ot tha rejected ones or yeaterdny'a Hat, Archie D. Pepin, who waa later ac cepted by Dr. U. C. Coe, the total or phyalcally eligible men U 21, out or 41 oxnmlnud, a little bettor than BO per sent. Seventeou more must be accepted buforo the county's quota will bo rilled, and thun It Is esti mated that ut least half oT the men neceptod will bo. among tha exemp tion claimants. Men pansud today are A. D. Ham mond, Lorou A. Campbell, Ooorgu F. Htou,or, Wilbur JI. Hudson, Ohnrlos H, Hoyor, Harmnti A. Wetterborg, Henry I.. Dnvls, Hrlck Olund, Ggorgq H. Curtln, (Hon A. Hownrd, Stand rord KiulroB, Harmnti A. Wlttwor nnd Hufua Spann. ' Tho rejuctod onoa are Kugenln Sui ravnlle, Harl L. McFnddon, Fay h. Tomblln, Karl It. Uusaell, Honco Po trono, A. 0. Vnndevert, C, L. Soott and Axel Llndstrom. THURSDAY HEAT NEAR r'S,.i,r,,r-w -r,nn nn 1 CIAXT UHUUUiJ run diaduxn PUIII.IC SKItVICK COMMISSION- ALLOWS THK COMPANY TO IN f'llKASK WATKIt CIIAKGB TO SIXTY CltXTS. SUPERINTENDENT IS BROUGHT INTO COURT (From Thureday'a Dally.) Only one trial for violation or the city traffic lawa came up (er hear ing In police court today. County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson appearing before Judge II. C. ICI1U. enterliig a plea of guilty to the charge of showing no tall lights on hi nuto, and paying tha fine of $1 Imposed. (From WaAnaoday Dally.) Tha Public Service Commlaalon has allowed an lacreaae In water rates on the Squaw Creek Irrigation project from 36 cents por acre foot to CO cents per aero root. Tho oompany coughl an Increase to $1.00 par aero loot. II. II. De Armond nnd V. A. Forbos reepresented the Bottlers. Tho testi mony at tho hearings, It Is said, brought out the tact that tha lands could stuud about $1.00 per acre far water without hardship. Aa it takes about two acre real to properly Irrigate, tha ooet par acre under the new schedule will bw about $1.20. Coder the figure set by the company aud not allowed by the coiumUeJon, the coat would be $...00 per aero. Tha commlaalon ordered tha com pany to aet aafte $400 a year In a depreciation fund. Boosters Refuse Vacation; Financial Report Accepted (From Friday's Dally.) Mounting within ono dogreo o( the BonBon'8 rooord, tho moroury In the official Rovurumoiit thormomut,ur hero yoatorday mounted to 00 do gmas, nnd probably would havo beat on tho record had It not boon for tho ovorenst bUIos.' (From Wednesday's J)nlly.) UHxfiMtl appoattktn to the pro posed plan ot dlsuontlnulng Com mgrolal ulub lunoliaun for tho bal ance or the warm season developed this noon nt tho weekly olub guthar-j lllK a) tho Pilot Uutte- Inn, and the! motion mado by ManngopII. J. Ovcr-j tur was heavily anowod undor. Other. buBluoas triuiBnctod today ranged from tho noeeptauco of tho semi aununl roport or Manager II. J. Ovor turt to n consideration ot tho sug gestion or J. A. Kastoa that a move ment bo started to onuse the adoption ot dlmmors ror auto lights. County Agriculturalist It. A. Ulnnqhnrd, who will leavo soon to tnko a position as stato agricultural ist aud livestock axpsrt with tho Swift IntorostB, nddrcssod tho olub, sum mnrUlng tho year's work, advising that tho oumpTitgn for bottor potatoes In Orogon bo pushed to u successful conclusion, and telling of tiling which will start bqoJi Jn the'Oehoao district to do uwny with alkali In tho soil. Mr. Ovorttirf'a report showed ro oelpts ffinoHntlng to $1302.80 with disbursements totalling $1205.45, was accompanied by tho ndvloe that the club take up tho budget system In handling olub affairs In tho future. In summing up the work dono by the club In tho past six months, he men tioned that tho mattor or nitrate plants along tho Desohutos nnd tho Mutollus, nro still under consideration by tho Kovornmont. The interast which has boon shown by sportsmen In this sootlon has rosulted In tho sending or four dozen Chlnoso pheas ants to Hond, to orrlvo somo tlma this wook ror distribution. Tho mattor or road location and marking ror highways communicat ing with Hond was taken up and re forrcd to the road commlttoo. (From Friday's Dally.) Just 10 hours alter receiving the official draft Hat from' Washington, D. C, Sheriff S. K. Iloberts and Dep uty County Clerk MIihi Kleanor Whit- more eompletol the entire Doschutea county Hat, a Hat of the 74 called on the first draft, and sent oul no tlcos to all tho men on tho first call last night. The work took several days, us a matter of fact, the lists being complied from an authentic, copy of the master list, which wan furnished to tho members of thoj county draft board by The Uulletln, early In the week. Since the sending of draft notices, claims for exemption may be made at any time now, up to the beginning of examination for the conscripts, which will be conducted by the draft board on August 7, 8, and 0, In Uend. Following the examinations, the work of the oxemptlon board will com-, menee. ! Deachutea county's complete list Is as follows, the first number corres ponding with the number stamped on , the registration cards, while the num ber to the right Indicates the order i of liability to service: j Serial No. Name Order No. 2S8 James A. Ulackstone 1 4S8 Arthur William Madaen V 783 Frank X Zlenllnskl 2 227 William II. Hensley 4 G7C Chester Krvin Moere 5 276 Arthur Fuller G S09 Clifton It eon. 7 664 Angel A. Peterson 8 SDK David Hay Miller 9 B3G Archie D. Pepin 10 M 8 Matthew Mathlas Schmltz U 12G Joseph Thomas Heosley 12 784 Nicholas Zelser 13 7K5 Arthur William Spears ' 14 107 August Klmqulit 15 C1G Forest Hale Miller 16 373. Hoy A. Hranton 17 77T Venlua M. White 18 4SG Kenneth R. Sawyer 19 692 Ralph I). Sturdlvan 20 GOO Lylo M Illchardson 21 810 Frederick A- Woelflen 22 07 Victor Anton McKlfrosh 23 309 Charles Joseph Dugan 24 437 ltnlph Jackson Uyland 26 604 Rugenlo Serravallo 26 43 John W. Oarrlion . 27 420 Glen A. Howard 28 614 Karl Louis McFndden 29 433 George Henry Curtln 30 10 Charles M. Frazler 31 487 Arthur C. Vandevort 32 797 Fay Loyed Tomblln 33 140 Standford Entires 34 432Wllbur II. Hudson XS IS Herbert H. Rdgnr . 36 CE2 Charles J. Monohan 37 739 Karl R, Hussell 38 G01 George F. Stonor 39 606 Ilocco Ontonlo Petrone 40 182 Axel Llndstrom 41 S13 Clarence L. Scott 42 4G Loren A. Campbell 43 223 William O. Livingston 44 117 A. D. Hammond 45 i C02 Krlck Olund 4C j 390 Irving II. Horner 47 75 Henry Hrnest Davis 48 772 Herman A. Wetterborg - 49 721 Charles Ellsworth Royer. 60 7SG Hies Zlatlch 51 280 Frank Orrell Gray 52 757 Kdward Walker 53 1332 Roland W. Hennrlohnet 54 379 Harold A. Gutendort 56 642 Jack Kenneth McKenzl,q 5G 194 Ivan W. Harper , -- 67 SS2 Herman M. Stephens 68 29S Carl II. Austin 59 675 Hortwlg Tamuu - 60 343 Kgbert Dyer Gl 726 John Price 62 15 Clyde J. Lair 63 452 Robert R. N'eeley 64 356 Ira Walktu Cook 66 610 I-aurln H. Redder 66 809 Jerry Winkle G7 G45 Fred Neeley Overall GS 2 IS Julius A. Kortiuan 69 620 Lester Vaughn 70 550 Aubrey Kugene Parry 71 574 Halvor Nysteen 72 31 Gilbert C. Daughonbaugh 73 770 Newton S. Wells 74 677 James O. Sklrvlng 75 749 Allen C. Trottej- 76 525 Simeon C. Nlakorson 77 760 Russell Wallaae 78 183 Ray Blmor Harper 79 56 Galen Johnson 80 792 Thorp KHett 81 5 Gerald Kastham 82 360 Arthur F. Cook 83 54 Walter II. Oommell 84 549 John Robert McKenzIo 85 440 Durward 11. Hunt 8 741 Maurice R. Murphy 87 711 Harry Thomas 88 638 Stephens J. Vermoul 89 623 Leon Franklin Shaw 9Q 269 Frank tl. Hedstrom 91 685 Goorgo F. Honor 92 335 Harney H. Conaway 93 laa Frang u. uison 94 341 Fred Manlord noxoll , 95 391 Ernost Hmorson Coopar 96 353 Kruest Kdgnr Dyer 07 637 Karl Alnslay Roberts 98 360 Klbort Kwlng Cook 99 571 Brnst Ferdinand Patterson 100 488 Clarence William Nolson 704 Joss J am 03 Sullivan 72 Roy Wosloy Laughlln 35.6 Oharlas nroltkroltz 112 John Wilson Carroll 128 Paul Francis Hampson 679 Hart L. Rogers 805 Goorgo Washington Wilson 11 Krlc Arthur Cackotto 263 Arthur Molga Orubo 6 Kron Thoodoro Daniolsou 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 m 411 Serial No. Name 327 Segurd Hendrlckson CG4 Alfred O, Moore 93 Ceell Celsor Doaeh 346 Harvoy Conway 103 Brnst Frank Fields 656 Honrr I. MoKIm 164 Samuel Hnrl KIIbc 51 George Wayno Hall 717 John Clarence Thompson 30 Tom Bglln 199 Naum Panoff Jordan 388 Ralph Thomas Cooper 773 Wm. White Wheeler 608 William H. Van VIeet 406 Wm. O. Cox 619 Napoleon J. Marchand 25 Ralph H. Fairfax 392 Chester Andrew Drown 383 Kdward Geo. Gutflelsch 688 Krnost Olson 706 Owen Thomas ' 576 Wm B. Searoey 122 John If. Johnson 642 Stanley J. Pierce 222 Louis H. Hloe 700 Hon Henry Morris 297 Rny F. Cleveland 321 Ivor HojidrloksUn 736 Ivan a. Murphy 707 Stanley Smith 368 Horace K. Cooke 320 William Joseph Lyons G6C Horgognl Vlnaeno 814 George H. Wood 728 Asa Prlngle 121 Orlea O. King 221 Frank 8. Francis 292 Krlc Pemeroy Dolt 604 Paul Armstrong Seoggins 470 Bmll Arthur Nelson 212 Alphonse W. Aya 90 John Kline Carney 191 Henry Nash Fewlor 477 John 8ather 763James L. Southworth 130 Joseph Franel Desllat 168 Shelby Louis Allan 424 Hugh P. Crow 667 Karl P. Updike 176 Lester Gist 300 Troy Bdgar Lynch 278 Harry Henry Helslng 524 Sylvester U Staats 532 Willis II. Nicholson 336 Josoph Kdward Dozell 212 Vasila Francu 49 George Henry Barclay 8 Charley Allen Keith 305 Charlos Kdward Axtell 557 Edward James Peterznan G22 nalph W. Miller 585 Ntckles Peterson 781 Michael H. Willard 323 William W. Orirrith 438 Robt. K. Huffschmldt 441 Dennis D, Hunt 357 Chas. A. Hlscock 23 Venion R. Calrerley 331 Wulter J. Qoyd 492 Norval L. Springer 665 Henry W. Rorelle 800 Delraar D. Davis 715 James Everett Rotbgeb 629 Chas. A. Nlehell 349 Homer C. Grogan 662 John Walter Schrunk 601 Cheater G. Springer 102 Shlgeru Aklyama 714 Cecil II. Pratt 86 Walter E. Dawson 71 August Uartscb 555 Howard B. Scroggs 606 Charley Nelson 436 Arnold W. Huffman 681 Frank Patte 713 George Smith 450 Stove Saban 113 Gulseppo Alcltoro 725 Claud O. Smith 156 Ward H. Coble 808 Sherman G. Wilson 780 Fred a. Wlloox 267 Ralph A. Blanohard 567 Ed. Nordquist 421 Wlntleld Orelghton 169 Melvln M. Foster 436 Harold K. Curtis 396 Kliuer L. Hopper 387 Rrust B. Fuller 165 Oscar J. Johnson 2S4 Abnar J. Fullar 132 John M- Johnson 807 Ljnn Wilson 186 Geo. L. Dtakenwn 265 Ray L. Armstrong 286 Robert D. Bogus 560 Ivor L. Nordquist 303 Clemanea 4. Grusnwald 563 Herbert S. MoKlnney 311 Chris Anderson 146 Hoy V. Allen 229 Osoar O. Andrews 410 George A. Bueglor 299 Wm. T. Bond 750 Charles W. Snyder 68 Charles R. Adams 150 Bertie O. lUnloy 19 Samuel I. Daughonbaugh 400 Rimer J. Covert 4 Charles R. Halnoa 115 Troy Uoavor 206 Charles W. Rrskino, '228 Alvln 8. Qhrlstianson 136 Karl D. Forrest 430 Max Aldan Cunning 32S Alex Joe Dyvall 96 GeorgjB P. Elliott 624 Olaudo Plcklund 570 Frederick L. MoKlnney 544 Harry M. Roddy 747 Clifford S. Snidv 138 Frank LoslfO 91 Charlos A gag. 635 Charles II. Shumway 633 Hans Ostby 712 Edgar H. Morgan 17 Dorrls C. Hole S02 Paul O. Williams 691 Hector E. Hojlurson '878 Ceall a. Hplllushoad 237 Hans L. ChMatTansen ,'422 Lestto H. Burlmgamo G19 Earl D. Roark 1344 IlonJ. li.GrJpst.Bad i-i.' van iiunior (Continued on pago 4.) Order Na. lie 138, 189 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1C1 152 153 154 156 156 157, 168 15J IGft 163 162 14 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 17G 177 178 179 180 181 , 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 (193 m 194 195 196 497 198 199 00 4201 '202 "203 ,304 305 M6 207 .20 S 209 iio 3 4 5 .6 17 ,218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 22G 7 228 230 231 S.33 41, 235 23ti 237 SIS 239 240 241 242