The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    IUOK 8
iiHNn nuijii-n'iN, uknik oukoon, tui rsimy, .iri.v sjii, iimt
News of tKe World
in Brief
The tlrat draft o( American young
anon for army ervlgte Ui HJlrapwfth
vnr, the mulhny of n qniiSWerelila
part of the Iltltswn urmy, Involving
the 1m of nsjrly all tho territory
tenia). vlitn on Hip American suit
marine, the A-7, stationed In the
Phtnpjrrne. an explttttfln, lltta to the
Ignition ot gasoline fumes collected
In tho shin, claimed the lives ot five
unllnM nHtl itfNflAffe Tka A u'tiM
saint In the fl-awttt. Brwt 8It (, , u Mm at boat In the hhyh!
-inn tne rommii ueiwince nurieu m 8(,rvce
the Allle. lit fcftaral ami ml America j " .
in par mtar hy the Ojjrn n , K , (, c ,u,th(H,K
Vhanoellor, Dr. Gaorg Mlehnalls,' . , . , ,.,,, ... i,..u
eland ot ewtlr in a blrd.)e view (enmr M
vt the world history hlcli mabuoft m Vnmln KwtBlk. ,,,,
m Bile In the 'vast week. Of the ut-
authorlaed the shooting uf all inn-
- .- fc lH.Alk aa In llt.fc ft AAAaa 1
most 4WPWW-, u . ....... t The revolution hue been ah-
proaMU toil .of he war by th Viil ml '80,utely )iue,lwl M fnr M ,h, cUlM
State Is the final MtlMiiMit o the J,. Kaiser Wlh.lm la
squabble Iwtweeu Qwiml Qull utlt. I . nll ,h ,, -,,, .,,,, ,.,,
ot tho Irish question. Another point
In tho Allies' fnvor Is tlm nlmiidoiilug
ot tho blockade against (Irvcce, show
ing Hint enmity hnlvvon thu nlllutl
powera ami tho llsllritos litis now
maeed lulo history. Tin resulting
co-operation between Orcein ami
Great llrltaln will free mnny llrltlsh
soldlera for service, elsewhere,
la the nnrtluvost, ordera lmve been
received for tho mnl-llUtitlim of the I
Oregon mllltla. at Camp Clackamas, i
th staie trooti Inter to he wont to
Palo Alto ami Fort Slovens, i
A ummlitK up of I. V. V. nellvl-i
tloe by federal Inveetlgntnn- In Klaiti
nth Fell shows Hint $10,000 worth I
ot rattle have fieeii poisoned In Hint
vlrlnltv within thl last few months. !
Of Interna In connection with the
Mior (ineetloii. Is the decision hand
ed down by the Oregon supreme court
permitting the use of "stool pigeons".
In the provocation of blind plggers.
lioad ot the Kmergency Shipbuilding
corporation, aad Chairman Oenninu.
of tho shlpplnc board. Tho dolutlon
lay In the realgnatlon ot General
his Inaiierttou, the (Ionium troupe are
provltiK thoniselves Invincible, seek
ing to make good the hoeet of the
.1 ;,xV . . .. chancellor that the next peace over
OocthaU aad ot Mr. Penman, with .,, ,,, , ," ,..,....
x,ther member of the board. jbut from the Alllee.
That America' .war expend Iturea 8fl howpvw, aro ,he for.
ul'" T' .-?? ... 'tuna, of the Teutonic n.Ier pn.Kreee-the-tlretvurwaB
he s atement of
Senator Smobumomtor of the Senate hh , ,, offort t0 , ,, uf
Finance eommltleo the declaration ,mporWlU h,K,1WHy. thu r,lemlll
taHowlns tho Introduction by bee-1 D ' h ,
retary of the Treasury McA loo, of . , a ;n, run lnl0 lulother Ver.
ihj: nfw.M:i0000V00.? W,.r budw1t- Hun. After eacrlf Icing the Uvea of
'""J?.:r....... o. .".""".:" Ihla eoUirera with a lavish hand, ho
VU lllill till' UllllVM OltliCI ID UI1IVI-
ing hostilities, as thewnmount men
tioned by Senator Smoot Is four-fifths
of Great Urltain's' war debt for three
saw his small, but hard won gains
awept away from him yesterday, In
a sudden French offensive. Ilrlttsh
mllltnry experts believe that the Ger
man war policy la to wonr out one of
the Allies before an American army
am m n el t a sb n al aaII I r r faittnp n rt
VX !fl?iP."l.U.k:: thai France has been picked on the
jears of war.
Artny TrnittluK Slou.
Provlous unpreparedness and the
nation nearest to exhaustion. Genor-
'nl rorshlng, commanding the small
1 detachment of American soldiers now
are shown In the serol-oulcinl an
nouncements rande voeterday that
only 600.000 men, that Is to say.
. , , , , . i .. .In France, has been the guest of Gen-
trained and tnHPorted U .the front , , f fc UrUtah,IIiy, , n
by September. 1018. The calculation , omlmyJ , n)ore imi lMlll,
is based oh the theory that a year la. . ,.,,.-, of tt-ncU ,..
ne.-eaaary te change a civilian Into ato ,h lntrtel ot trencft wariare.
Boldler. and 1mcus ot the need of 'I""' t""l A.-kwl.
shipping facilities. In the meantime, ! England's determination to puth
additional arrangeraente for the draft the warto the limit is shown In the re
ore going on, and the men who were nueel for a new credit vote of 60,
lrawn last week will probably for- 000.000 pounds nade by Chancellor
inally te called for examinations of theExrhequer l(onar-Iaw. In an ef
vlthln a few more davs. fort to co-operate efficiently, prom-
Annent equipment in the I'nited incut Irishmen are meeting In Dublin
States navy was brought to light yes- to endeavor to reach a ready solution
We Have Purchased
an d will be glad to welcome
all old customers
as well as new
(Continued from I'ngo 1.)
vuluables which ho had left In his
room, and throwing aside friends who
sought to detain htm, ho plunged
back Into tho hotel. When ho
emerged again ho was n living torch,
his clothing and hnlr ubllse. lis sum
talned serious burns nbnut tho face,
head, back and hands, and was Im
mediately taken to tho Demi hospl
lul. whore It was reported tills morn
lug that his condition In not critical
I'lro I'lKhtri-s I'rnloeil,
All of thu building and furnishings
wore the property of Mr. Downing,
M. J. Hyan and 11, F, Daly being thu
leasees. i
O. IlansnnfuPrnprlator of a store
ndjolnltfg tlm Mlllvlow, declared to
day that had It not boon for tho as
sistance gjven by tho fire brigade
front the llroks-Scaulon mill, Ills'
property would have been entirely
sacrificed to tho flames. Tho only
damage, however, was a slight scorch
Notice Is hereby given that the ('Hi
or tlend has taken the fallowing de
scribed livestock, to wit: One red
Arc sending their friends to uh every du. VK AIM-: Alll.K TO WAIT ON AM. WHO COMIC. It
Is not neeessiiry to wnlt weeks and iiiiilithn nnd go bmk Minn and hhhIii its nti do wl''' l''Jtr"iHHiK
Hit Private, Kthliul, Society, or Trust DeMists, hilt Instead, Willi our HClKNTIFIC AIMIIODH AM)
I'P TO DATI'3 APPhlANCWH. THM UN(I HUH HHXTIHTH nro nhlo lo iiiiiko you h flml elaaa, iiiilinnl
lookliiB. IMflUKKCT FITTING HKT O)-' THKTll III iin tiny.
Our office Is equipped with nil modern npplliuice for flist-elasa biiiI imliilatw work.
Hffleloney Is our motto. Much oprntor inn U an h Mpeolnlly of u eeitalii elnwi or work. ottiMiiiui
lv ho become export mid skillful. Wo do nut claim to bo as fftunl hm nthers. hill we lo claim 10 1114
llUTTKIt, nuil do better work mid for less money thmi itny private or ethical tleiitlMt mill do.
Our Henil Irtborwlory turna out several complete sets of teeth h day.
With our experience, equipment mid skilled workmen, II Is easy for us lo aatlsfy all.
If your teeth need attention, do not put It off. Come without delay and linva your moiilli ttx
nmlnetl mid find out Just what enu ho done and the exact cost. KXAMINATION' FltfUlC.
V do not charge from $3.80 to fit. 00 for treating h imfve In loolh -tmr prltm Is f 1.00.
We do not charge M.00 for mi unmiiel fllllug our price Is $1.00.
Wo tin not charge from to f IB 00 for gold crowns our price Is $6.00.
We do not charge from $0.00 to 1 10.00 for crude, clumsy, misfit seta of teelhniir price Is
$10.00 for u PBUKKTT FITTING, NATUItAI. LOOKING SUIT OF THWTII, which we giimiilitett.
Our tmtlsfleil mill pleased patients are Ot'lt HIOHT ADVKHTIHUltit, of which we uumliHr morn
than thousands In our office. Wo u the best muterlat money can Imy. All gold work Is made of
SIC gold. ...
We treat the most difficult onsen with skill ami dispatch. You do not have to spend wuakM mid
moutliH hero. Wo finish your wurk at once. .
Full SoL of Teeth, (JIQ
Upi)or or Lower P A
22k Gold Crowiw $.()()
22k Hriclge Teeth 5.00
Alloy or Silver Fillings $1.00
Wo Extract Your Tcoth
FREE when other work ;"
Is ordered, Absolutely
Without Pain.
ttrvi n f
All work Riiarmitord 'Wrltfen gun run tec for leu years, l.ady assistant always in attendance..
Hundreds of recommendations for you It you wish. If uuy work should prove troublesome In
any way. wo request Hint you como mid have same remedied at our expense, 0
K1:M1:.M1I1:H Till: IlOl'ltS; Dully, 8'30 A. M . till 030 P. M ; Sundays, H 30 A. M , till 1 P. M.
DR. A. C. FROOM. ProfcMionsl Mnnitfcr
and white tow
c.t If. branded
short horns,
on It-fl side
and steer
one de-
BsSHBaArM aaaaaan e r t KIsfiVhIp
E. L. PAYNE. Mr.
Central Oregon Bank
D. It. IIF.VrKIt, PiHbHit
(ltl.IflON It. HWirr. Vlc-I'raa4!.iit ,.
' It I'. .MAIIAKKKT. hA VkMPresfcleHl,
fKKMil. HAJTK, AmMmhI ltlr
U. IL lllMHi- W. U O'DtniHll CiMltHtHi II, tffc'lft
TC P. Mff r II. Jl. $4w4Mm.
Every facility for accomodating
the investors of Central Oregon
on left hip, II It. (onmctrd. on right
hip, right ear . lipp..i. li-tt imtrh
eil. unn h-i f.r niir, n-d. no brand.
The out of rt'dormliiR said stork will
he fl per btsd pr day. In addition
to the sctunl expenae of keeping, to
gether with the rwii of this adrer
tlseaient and all other necessary ex
pnaes In rase of fullure to redeem by the
owner, said stork will be sold, aa
provided r the etrartar and ordi
nances of thf Cky of Bend, Friday,
August 3, at 3 p. n.. In front of the
tlty jail.
I.. A. W. XIXPN.
Chief of Police and ex-Offlelo
fl.lSr Pound master.
A mom one; price lot.
F. A. Kennard. Hox I J I. ttetlmond.
Oregon 4A9-X0.Xlp
Poll HAM: Four reglHtered (!tta
wold bucks, two Guernsey bulls, 01m
sven months, one four montha. V
It. llsHRhresn. Hut II, DeMkHloa,
FOR flAJ.M -Twotraak milk cow. .
Inqulr Mlletln. 3-1 tfr7
I FOH KAtR -Raay irms, new,
j modern four :onm cottage, two beau-
iitui iuwi m, imiui
mm MAI.K -HoiiM and hit. Prltw
right. Twrms rwaaonable. laqwlr
A. K. ledward. Iiend Wan Co. 7tf
ciasii"ii;ir a nvicin
Itrowa mare about l yearn old.
weight aooiH 1 110, deep sear on right
shoulder, made from wire cut; stands
up well: also roan gelding 8 years
old. weight 1060. wlih four whit
feet clear to knees, bald fared. I loth
nnii mai te vi'iii u..rm. I...M. "" well and am nollreable na flue
roil HAI.K--HIH Mcrllic loam. 1 .. in.- . ....
place Hwr lUr Oreek. known as (lie
0. K. llench, Bundsiy. July I. I will
ymy a liberal reward for InformallMt
KHdlnM in their waaroabouta and for
any aaaiatsneo m their return.
W. r. TtlOMAII. O. K. Haueh.
10, He Hay Preeh, Onmoti.
W. A.
and hsmees for quick anla.
Ilaahaw, Hand, Hear ooHMly
KOIt KAI.K-Onasl samp. Old
acres, all good land; walf. iMtwaan
Brotbera and Hampton. Msil aelt.
inquire llullrtln. , 461-Jlp
lOlt 8AI.K Right good dairy
A small pay pent down pub an
fllcctilc Range In your home.
P TVf P Car in Kood mnning con- M VC
jLh-LT dition. Terms ;.. PA '
Hudson Roadster Tarm $300
Po1p Siv Kxtrn bargainin splendid tfic;n
uoie Jix-"running Q$Wt Call t'0 Ioe qtDU
Studebaker Six f 0, b. Bond. ., $1 380
BuickSix,y""i0f':arJ . $1200
New Quarters North of Pilot Butte Inn
cows, some freah aow,. mora freahi --
auoii; u lo good stallion for aala art WAVTRf) Laborers and leanutera
trad": prlco reasonable. Plve mllea on railroad, building. Kedmoad to
east ..f Hlstirs. J. II. Ilodaen. (Una' Hrlaevllle; wagta ft J& to U.I6.
Kails. Ore. 433II-I4a , K. T. Johnson ft Hon. Itedmond. Ore.
TOR AklJt OH TMAltKTwo! IM-gle.
'hotaea. on roosna. otia 7. an4 atora I
zttl . ,AJ
building. 0x4Q; seven and one-half,
lots, at Sinters. Ore. Write Mrs. C.
I.. Ionii!soii, taru W. K. Parsons.
Tntnalo. ll-11.S4c
I'Olt KM.K One grade Poll An
nul bull. ir months old. inquire r.
II. Johnson, Mllllran. 418-tOtfc
kok nmrv.
FOR RKHT- -Tlrat rlesa rye aa
lure. Inquire II. R. Itlrhter, Phone,,
Rural HIS, Rend. m,0,Mef
POR ItKNT Pasture on the I.lttle
Dearbutes river, for 10 head of slock;
flii" grans and plenty of water. Wrltn
miw, weight about 100 lb.; farrow In ' . j. Ptarc, Ii Pine, Or. 4 1 1,10,1 1 p
8. lU'llHON, President IS. M. LARA, Cashier
C' t'OK. Vice President L. O. MeKICYNOMMJ, A wit. Cashier,
A, H ATI IUII, Vice Pros, II. A. 8TOVIlt,Aiwt. Cushlur
HFc First National Bonk
Capitol fully mild 43A.00O
.Surplim JW.OOO
The Federal Reserve
System Flelps You
To help thu IIiihIiiww Met) Wild I'liriiirSj,
To pnivlds plenty of ourrwey at all U'mg,I
To offeot n steaillnr supply of oratlit'. -
Tim Hystom morlts tha support of nll kooi! dtUeiiH; It
must lmvo yoiirn In order to renoli IU- full duvalopment.
Viii nun Bnnitni Hm limiafltu t mu... u.jtitm .....1 ...
tho siituo tlino iisslHt directly In developing ltydeposlt -i
lilt: your money with uh. f"" r