IlKNI) HUM-WIN, 1IMNI), OIUttJON, thuiwiiav, jvuy ao, 1017 IVlflK n. ft & V, fi. ) - T "REMEMBER THAT TIMI',7 WISH I HAD A PICTURE OV TUB CROWD." low often yon tiling like tlmt. my ome Wliy not t'o ri (lit now ami "get o Kn tlA Mntl have the picture of the lliinjji that nie making1 iii your Jily life? Our Stttflk it Complete. Kiiiluls of different oiae and prieee. mil ell (lie filme, ete. .-- t.v ia ASK US TO SHOW YOU THAT POST CARD MACHINE REED & HORTON TUB REX ALL STORK LOCAL N13WS 1TKMS i ? hrn '"T oy"r ,,)r iJ",Jti;ttt (Kfoni Wrtdnvartey' Dully.) MlM ntwHlra Iteddlng U visiting In Hand, (roMi her homo In Fife. Vernon A. Korbea Is back In Hand from an auto trli to Uhevlew. J. I.. MK'uliy Is In Bend today from hi home at Inmmer Inka. J. Kdward laraon has returned from brief baelnaaa vlaft In Mama. Mr. and Mr. C. It. Swift, of fart Ituiil. ere spending a few daya In Hand. Korea! supervisor W. fl. Hastings ratnrned laat Might from trip in ('reecent. Mies l-en Sherman has returned to Hand aftar a weeh'a vlalt wit a Bar parents at ICatacada. K. K. Kd mends, of Mllllcan. la spending the day In Haiti loohlng after httalneae matter. W. A. Jtooth, of lh llooth-Kelley Lumber Co., of KHgen, la a business visitor In the rlty today. A. T. Lnndhorg, manager of the Iteneoa hotel of Portland, and Mr. Warehouse Compeiiy. K. L. Payne, wno Irrlvnd rarnntly from Portland, ha taken over lh management of hn store. , A. J. Pencoaet, formerly of lleud, u married on .Inly 14 In lttiMrt. Idaho, to Nellie 'I'. Itogars, of AllnoL JVOrtN DftKOU. coast will where Mr. Pancoaat ia employed. yiiKtonlny In Jlonil on IminIiiokm con lliolr wny homo nflor n trip of In ikm'IihI with tlio orgiiiifentlitii of iiii 'apenUoii to tho "I"' rnneh, owned by IrrlKiitlon illfltrlut nmoiiij tlio suttlera on tlio C, O, I. roiHJt. A. I. .Mill, iindililont of tlio I'lraC NhIIoiihI IlHiik, of Portland, lila two mniM, A. L. Miller, Jr.. Hint T. II. Mlllw, hihI I". Lawrance ami M. 0. Van Al styne, of Cortland, epent laat nlclit In Hand on a motor trip through Can Ire) Unison. (from Monday Dally.) Mra. Hugh O'KaM to ptwdlng. the summer al BtMldt. Kay Deedmond, uf SUrer Iako, la tandlng the day In Hand, T. II. roley left feet Ml, on a lirlaf Vnalnoaa trip to Portland. AlUart and Clyde Ollinona, of Kilty, wi-ra weak and vlallon In Itend. A n Ilia Hwlfl liitHrexlM, In Harney coun ty. I'rof. .1. II. Horner, of tlia Urogon AKrlmltnral CulMa will he Rt lli Pilot Hutu Inn July H. I'mraaaor llornor will lit kImI to reealva nnyona Inlareett-d In tlio willsaa, itt the hotel from 2 to o'clock In tho afternoon. . .1. Kroanrrl left laat nlvht tojia fLT'." for a few daya In Portland. T . (from Haturday'e Dally.) Mra. S'. K. Wehater arrived In Uend laat Hlalu from Mirer fakr. V. U. HImw la a vlaltor In the clt today from hla home at Rlatara. J. It. boo and II. FrahiM, of Madrae, war In Rand laat nlht on buaiuoae. Mr. anof Mra. X. P. Hand will laa tomorrow noralng by auto for ') aidr. C. M. Kedflel't and Tlaudo Mr. Canlay war In Nni laat nlrn from l i t lMllaMl fjkM1w ulflM. nf JTlii- Si: wliTSranla T - - I.. II. Itoot, of ThnmIo, who recent ly aold h!i ranch to W. C. McCulatwn, apant the day In Itand. Dan ton 0. Itnrdlck and Mux Cun alni, of Radmowl, were hnalnaaa rttt Itora In the city taday. Mra. A. M. Prlnitlti will return to at Iawlaton, Idaho. Mr. and Mra. N. V. Itoad atartad for the ooaet oarly yatrdar wonilnic, making the trip hy motor. Horn, to Mr. and Mra. Dencll (". Dyer, an tight pound liahy lrl. lAeulcnanl fittorge V. Illooiimtilet, of the U. . cavalry, vlaltad hla Mir-)WBrrM; MOO,wk fr0M , ru of ,ey. "aatek ' ("', w",k ,M ,,- ' , . ... I Krad Owrry ha arrlvwl In Hand C. B. Itanaon went to ICiiamta tnia ff,(m Annkny lo MCaft a noaltlon at morning to atu-nd the meetlnn of thai,... ttmmA - .,. An,r ..- jU. Mr. aud Mra. Pii Poehytery. Ho will ratum In about. , , rwlde In llurlay. IdahtJtwo waaka. ,A- ,J- roenert left Uat night on . Fl r . J m liualiKMa Irlu la Partlann. I In ax. Mra. Mary Wahor loft thte morning , m llnd ,OMOrrow. for Portland and will vMt alao atirj , lltlrertou and Mt. AhkoI htfort ra- "" " 1r","r "'" "" "?" turning to Hand. ptobipb nr innti, ,. : aaptrcia ur Ttaiv lur in nui no i iitnH9 (Prom Titaadaya Dally) Mtaa Cornelia 'llaon li ronraleac lag from her recant lllneaa. Coanty Jmlgo W. I). Itarnaa rv (Hrned thla morning from Portland. I. Xlarolf and Itlggil art In tlend today, from Hamilton, mn mb Inaaa. Dr. and Mra. rt. Kerrall are racalr Ing toograltttatloua over the arrlral of an Hgbt pound bahy girl. Manager T. II. Poley. of the Band Water. Light A Power Co., returned thla morning from a buamaaa trip to Portland. Mr. ea)d Mra. Iawia K. CoUmaa am tha uarante of a aaren and naahnlf Out-of-town vlaltora apimdlnK pound boy, born at their home Dirt- Uvudborg arrlvatl ft llnnd laat night mllea aaat of th city. and are remaining o-r today. h. A. Wtlllamaon. of Hiimmervllle. It. II. Muttlx, of Portland, ownari Oregon, la apandlng a brief vlalt In of ronalderahl property In Itand, la ltwntl. Mr. Wllllamaon U the father In tha rlty anil may romaln hare for! of P. I). Wlllamwon, formerly In the tha balance iff tha aummar while hlillarkmlthliiic Imelnciw here, wife la vlaltlng In tha aaat. wrd baa bean received barn that Prank llennett. of Walla Walla. A. P. Douohuis a formir raldcnt of kea arrived In Hand a a new member j the 'Tumalo auction, la ninfliiftl to of (be llaal)' orrhaatra, to play In tha.a Portland boepltal with a m-wre chr new Liberty Theatre. Mr Itennett of inflammatory rliHumatlim. la a trap rirummar and xylophoniet. j ciBMa MrCollorh led fr hU home Tha Horner atore on Itond atraet In Portland lam nlKbt, aftor aHndlng 3 1 OjuK ftJ o y u-k "! P. WORCESTER CORSETS. etfected FROKT 1AC Made in Many Models npNLS is one of the (Idijrhts of seleeliiiK ROYAL VO C'ESTEll comets. Von have such iibiiiulitnL vnriotj' front which tti choose. Style, size iintl price uvu youvs to nitine. Hut whutever your selection of model, you ate confident of cor rect fashion, efficient figure form intf. comfort, and satisfactory wear. All this is implied and assured in the world famous name ROYAL WORCESTER. Condi and Concttcrcis await your coming SA THER 'S mmv lot matt! iuk m icuri umtt iiH . im. i II. Rlllott and o.i and K. . by. all' Tj ' - Horlniiiil. paator of tha of Tarreboune. ' "roonytarlan cNnrc, left hum. rirhI ..... '...,,,, ! on a thrat waaka' trip o church 'lae- I! I.. Payna. of Par land, haa ar- ,n-. w v(t p Ku. rivu in iHinn n win aptm a in-, Mtalt Terminal warahouat In tha old Horner atorn bulldliiK. I.. 1). Wleat will atari tonight for KuRen. wbarn he will attend a matt ing of the Oregon Praanylery. Ilia return Journey will Include a trip to Baattle. Mr and Mr ('arldon It. Rwlft. of Portland, wore In Itcnd yretfrday on gmt and Itaudon btforo retumnn u Reno. Cut Down Your Footwear Expenses You eitn snrc money on Shoes or Oxford, even tho leather pric sonr fkywrd, This ttoro ottiin you the opportunity. ' ; ' SALE OF W A QM Wiiuil (Prom Priday's Dallr Hullctln) Mr. and Mra. S. It. Drown, of Turn- alo, apant laat night In Hand. A. MeeNer and K. HoMa wars rla- Hora In Ilend but night from La Pin. j Mra. N. K. Webator waa In Hand i laat night from htr home at Silver , Lake I Mr. and Mra. A. L. French and 'children have left on a trip to Crca- ci-nt City, C'al. Mra J. I). Davldaou left mat night I for tho qogjH u atitd tlia next two fwcekn at floarhart Park, i II. II. DeArmond and Loula Itan 'nett, with thair famlllaa will leave I next Friday for Mad ford by auto, to ! vlalt for aovera! days, i Mr. and Mra. K. V. Wat mora, of Warren, Pannaylvanla, ara In liand itmlay. hainx made the trip troat'Mie Atlantic eoiixt by auto. County gurvoror Georg S. Young la moving hbjojfflata today framt the Plrat National Hank bullHnK to Uie Hcnd Company building on Vhttt atraat. We have placed our Sum mer Dress Goods all on sale in two lots Lot 1 All our hetter goods worth up to H5o yd., 19c Lot 2 Lawns, Dimities aud Hatisto, good service able fabrics, at (Prom Thuraday's Dolly.) II. Ilrootflnga. of Hampton, is hi llcnd today. Mra. Harmon Haaa la In Bond from Itiiriiii today. Mr. and Mra. N. II. IMnkerton art In from Madraa. Henry Mrnalcr l In lh, Ity today from lits home In Hampton. KiWunl KkII and Ml Clnra Kgll. of HU y apent taut night in Html. WORK OR DRESS SHOES-all leathers MEN'S DRESS SHOES-$J5.. $4.00, $1.30, $-l.7n, 95.00, 9.;o, $0.7", $7.00, ??bi MEN'S WORK SHOES-Harvest Shoaif 92.2fi, 92.75, $U.00, $.'J.50 0 Heavy Work Shoes $:j.00, 9.3o, $:J.B0 $;.7, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50, $0, $0.50. All Ladies Oxfords Reduced 20 New Voile Waists Just Re ceived, specially priced, i$ 1 . 1 S Complete Line of Bradley Sweaters for Fall. Ready for Your Inspection STOP AND SHOP AT mm THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE AFTER ALL C. It. llanay. of Robert, la aptod log (he day In Bond looking after bualneaa mattera. Mlaa Kataer Moore left laat night for n trip to aeaaide. Tao of tha cbldren of Mr. and Mm. T. A. Mc- Cann acoompanlad her. J. A. Haley, of Caldwell.' Idaho. arrived In Bend mat night and left thla morning on tha return trip to Caldwell, accompanying tha body of K. P. Moore, who was drowned Mon day afternoon while Halting In the lHschutea river. Dennett Bond, of San Pranriico. arrived In Uend laat night and haa accepted the pjaltlon of chl, f ilcrb at the Pilot llntte Inn. Mr. liuad . well known among hotel men in t li iweat. having occupied almllar po , tlons in tha PUxa hotel in San Krai. clero. tha Angtlea Hotel in Lot An gelea, and In Salt Lake aoetelrles. TO DOO OW.VIIKfi. There will be an extra charge of $1.00 to dog tax on all doge Impound er by dog catcher after Anpint 1. L. A. W NIXON. 2fc rhlf of Police SflaW'ii4MfflBffCTPS:HrmiA"il,JI JtagSSTA n 12c For Economy Sae Shop al Warner's Bend's Economy Ccnler SALE FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS MONTH ONLY ONE LOAD - - FOUR LOADS, - $7. 00 00 Order Promptly. All orders at this price must be placed on or before July 31st DR. TURNER KYH rl'KCIAlil8T, of l'ortlnml Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inqulro ot THOnSON, TJIH "JKWELKH BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. PHONE 441 a K