The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 26, 1917, Image 1

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VOI. xw
no. m
1 !
'Mini In IKi-chuti" mill l-nko Ifountlr
Will l.oxn IjuiiI Uiilra HiiUrr
Hill I ! In (.(Minnn, ,
Hii)h ('oiiiiiilxNliiiit'r.
(From Thursday's Dully.)
Unlm (hn Ilnknr 1111 now In Con
wri In passed nt least 20 nutrymon
if (lurmuii lilrlh maiding In Dos
hitntoa mill Lake Couutlt'S will liu
dfprlvml nl your of toll hy forfeiting
tMr homesteads, V. H, Lnml Com-
ImIoIKT It. ('. Kills Stated till
lorulug. According to llin home-
trail law, (Inn) proof ran not be
made In leas than Hi run years, nor
worn I linn five, nml mn not be iiimiIh
unless the Imlrvhhjal U n full fledged
... , . . .... 107 Augurtt KUHHiiMt. imtm.
War legislation makea U Impoaj,.,, ,,wr-l MUW TrHjM)HHm
tblo for h Wurman to apply for er be
k ranted final rltlsenehlp pepere, and
n iriuntlr many whose time for
making final proof will elapse thin
Tall would Ium their right to thu land
t:i d on.
HnllitvlHir thai wiav af liin hnm
xt.adara In thla claaa art In raallty
9 j ... , .. ., , Mi .
;d .eHUwna of tha UnUad utaa,
JudRa llllla wrota to Henator Qmrum
rnawtK-riain and iha iiuraan of
N'Aturalltatlnn. and In rly racalrM
........ ., ... .-,.., .....-..j
. l.rmon.i B,r irum .r. "-"'r., Towb,Wf M4.
i-Un that In all rotMIy Jarfata-j ,(0 mailll(o(.d Kndtm. Hand.
i!n would Ha afrix-tad eotarlnit ! , Wkr II. Hndaon. Hwd.
.Iiifltttlty. bvfora Cowgraaa adjourna.! , ,wMrl . Mwtri jnoHiara.
Aioilnifiit ShikIiI. ,tj cnas. J. Monoban. Hand.
Tbo llakr bill prortdM for tha 7S Karl Jt, Ruaaall. MllliVan.
mcndmnnl irf tba It. k. iatnt. Mrr-il Uaot K. Kumar. Hand,
tlon 1171. an On. I It ukall rad aai)0 Hnroa Onion lo lrna. Hand.
fnllnua' "V.i ktlau wlin 1 nallva
cldarii o4 ny country, atala or aov-
aralienlty wllk which tba United
lt A t am Itt Ml txtm ta I bate tiftjua ar LilM
ilia aa aa wwi , v vamw wi nm
Ptlcatlon, aball ba than aitHilttw) 1JT A. I). HUMMonu. naati.
tfi lif-nmo a rltltnn nf tbo Unltall01 Krkk Olund. Hand.
Hiai-a. hut aron. raaldant within 3S0 Irvinx H. Mornar. Hand.
the I'ttlkwt HUtaa, or tka urrUortaal 76 Harry IS Va. Hand.
!lnr.f. on tka alttb day of Aprtl.!77t Ifarman A. WaUarlwra. Il4d.
1917. who bad bafora that day madaJTtl Cbaa. K. Hfar, Hmihara.
! laratlon acrordlun to Ihw of f 1H Ulaa XUttch. Hand.
thrir iMlmitlona to Imtoio cltlaana SNO Frank O Uray. Manrt.
..f i tin l'iili.t Mtattia. or who by tha 707 Kdward Walker, Mllllran.
riAihis luwa of lhi Unltad Htataa. ' 32 Itoland llnnHonett. Band.
wrr- on that day nittltlad to bwoma 379 Harold A. Outendort. Hand.
iI'.'.mi., vtitliout making aurh a dor-'&O) Krank K. MrKentla, Uaaid.
'mr .iim, limy h dmlilrd'lo bron)ni4 Kvan W. Haraar, Band.
.'.".mi. thereof, nothwlthntandtng A&t Heriuau M. Htapbaaa, Bond.
i!:. hjll h alien nnatnlea at lha sat t'arl H. Aunt In. Band.
fii.n and In ika tnanttar nreacrlbtid J 76 HortwlR Tanum, Howl.
i'V Hip Imam bnratofnra pHtiid on that1 343 Kfbart Oyer, MUHraa.
itt.j.Mi, provldad. tbal nothlai hcra-,716 John t'rlc. MllUcan.
in cutitaltifd aball bn takn or inn-1 16 Hyd J. ljatr. Hand.
MriK'd in liitrfrn with or prvnt 4M Itobort H. Naalry. Hond.
ihc apprhnalon and removal. mirwi-ISB Hoy U. ArmatronR. Ittmalo.
.iHtv to luw, or any alien fiu-iny at; 630 lturln II Itadlfer, Hvdtuoud.
uiiy tliim prevloua to aitual natural- 809 Jrrv Wlnkla. Blatera.
uratlon of audi allan," IR Frad N. Ovarall. Hand.
.. tuti . jj . un-1 -
Formal Opening of Liberty
Theatre to be Sunday Night
(From Woilneailiiy'H Dnlly.)
Miirkliu; nnnthor uporh In iuovIiik
pUture lilatory lit Hand, MunnKnr
Ward Collin, of thn Ilnml Thwitrn,
will opnn hln now Wall atriwt film
ilayhoiiitP, Tha Mtiorty Thantrc, to
k people of Ilnml nml vlolnlty on
fjk uvenliiK of Humlny, July 21). Klitlit
o'rlotfk will Iih tho -hour for thu for
,7Mal ojianlnK, "llnmilway Jouaa," tha
play with (I norm) M. Oohnn, tha mini
bo populnrliml tho Atnarlrnu flat,
iroiluiwr uml Htullitr notor, nml
i for the Ihantra wnll, ho It your
nlf. uml limn you'll sun why MunnRur
Ctila la euthiuliiiillu.
In nrcuril with the nplrtt of the
tliura, tho theatre liuu hmui uatuuil
Thn Ubarty, and parallelliiK tha pol
lry of aoine of tha lanillii); playhouaea
of tha uurthwaat which Imva mluptud
tl aquta uanm. only lha hoai In niinn
Vlll Iia lriit a pntronn'of tha ua
tMbllttlininut. Thn Hurvlrn aerurml In
clmlB tha I'imuiiouiit, Artccnft,
"World, iMiituul Waaltly. nml llulvoraal
fM'iiiU, with Jiuuh lu'oduoem ua Clrif
XUIi, Iuco, uml llrnily.
Unliiuti uml nrtlHtlo In flnlnh, tho
front uf Tho Llliorty la of whlto stuc
co, ilooorntuil with utnff work, with
-oonvoiitluiinllztnl iuubIuuI Inatruntontu
In rtilinf. Tho alnpliiK roof projecting
over tho Htroot Is Hiipportmt by luiKQ
imokuta, whllu nit olthor hIiIo nrq
JjrKttolootrlo nrcii. A, flaKpolc, flying
oJlKTif" tho largest flnga )n llonrt will
HUrinount tho puak of tho building.
Jlouonth tho nturquoo, n carofttlly nr-
imm&o iiiiE. uivcn
(From Friday's Dally.)
Numbers wlrrtil today on the
ciriny draft wlinn compared with tho
nfflnlal aounly lint, rnvoul Iho follow
Iiik n mn en of D'Mchutu county in on.
Thu ordnr of liability to servo In In
dicated In tho nh ii mi en hum glvon:
2C8 James A. Illiickstonc. Alfalfa.
468 Arthur Mudsen, Redmond.
7Ht Joseph Murku-t, Ilnml.
387 Win. HiiiiHlHy, Ilnml.
070 Chester Mnoru, Ilnml.
276 Karl Downs.
SOU Clinton Itimiii, Mlllluuu,
504 AtiKttl I'lilomon, Ilnml.
BOG David Miller, IIhiiiI.
6.10 Archie Pepin. Mlllleun.
607 Victor McKlfresu, Redmond.
427 Mnlvln Crow, Hampton.
648 Matthew HohmlU.
120 John lleeelej-, Ilnml.
784 NlrliolNN .ek-ar, llnnil.
761 Arilnir Mnsrs. IIhiiiI.
107 AugurH KliHqulat, Ilnml.
473 Chus. ItMiiktn. Hmid.
! 77B Vnle WhHe. Hand.
4S Kenneth Hnwyer, Hewn.
Of Italph Mturdlvan. Redmond.
C0U Lyle Richardson. Rend.
Kill Fred WiMlflan. Hud.
309 Cans. Dugan. Hood.
)4 Knuaaln ftarrarall. nand.
' M
430 aimn Howard, I rt.
.n umu KMldtn. Il.ftd.
. cnrtata. l-d.
, ,,,.-.. ,-,.,
16 Chaa. Prfilw, Itwnd.
Artnur vanavn, man.
in A lax Mndntrom. Hand.
13 ClnraNaa l. cott.
4 Iari A. OipWa(l. Lflwar Hiljca.
213 William O. I.MnnatH, 1H.
aaa anr - ---. - "?
rii'iiKoil lobby la wn tared by u iniirbla
nml gluaa box otfleo, with ox It nml
nutrntica doora on either aide. A new
f wit urn U provided In tha womou'a
nml children's reatrooma opunlng
front tha white tiled foyer.
Tho inuln uudltorluni runs well
liBuk under tho tmloony, thu entlru
Meeting eapuolty of tha thaatra ap
proximating hnlt a thoiiRaud. On
thu ground floor nn Axaallent slope
iiIIowh for nnay vUlon, ami wide apno-
ring nf Hauta inukoa another coiKeaalon
(o the wish of the thontru-Konr. Tha
Imlcony la ranched by atulra on both
Mlilea, uml lutie aaulu are to be lu
atnllod hh a fan to re of tho upatnlro
An elaborate proacenluin in white
Htaff work Httructa ua the eye tiirua
townrd the atage, which Mr. Onbla
tvcpluliiH Iihh bean built to enable the
bundling not only of- ntovlea, but of
vaudeville uml dramntlo productions
na well. The Htugo U deep, nml suf
flolont Hoeuury, the beat In the tnnr
hot, hna bnon imrolumed to hundlo
proiluotlmiH for aompnnleu not curry
ing their own aeta. Two apuuloiiH
driwflliig rooms nro provided. Fred-
orlck 1. Oobb, well known urtlBt of,
Routt lo, wua brought to Hand to tnko
unro of tho bcoiiIo decorntlons, while
tbo drop wns douo by Abbott, of
llond, tbo artist who painted thn
largo curtain In the high school audi
torium. TIioho facilities nro not to go
(Continued on Pago 4.)
Dfftrtiuti Huprr lor Will ,AI llo
'riifMHir of KoirMry In Unl-
tirlly of Wriiioiit Hn" nn
Hiivliiblo IUtohI lU'n:
(From Moiiday'a Dally.)
'rim i in, Ium ni'CHiited the offer of
two olonely ulllod poaltloua In Vor
inonl, one chlof foreater of the atnlo
nml the other profeanor of foreatry In
tho Htate Uulveriilty, waa the atnto
inont tbla morning of W. U. HaatlngR,
auporvUor on the Deachutas national
fdrnt. Mr. IluNtlnea rernlvud a wire
ynsterday tnniterlng him the poaltlon,
and hi? replied nt once in me amrmB-
llvn nn llin unit iilinillnK I not Ollly
a dUtliictlve ndvniice, but from a
monetary atamlpoliil la mucii more
n.lvuninL'noiiH. Mr. a ml Mr. Hastings
expect to leave Hetid for their new
home In Montpnller In about JO nays.
Definite Inatruclloiia as to the du
ties connected with his new work
have not aa yet reached Mr. Hastings,
but he understands that aa chlof for
ester It will devolve on blm to formu
late a state polloy for the control of
the Vermont foreaU which will be Ih
accord with the local conditions,
while In bla profeaalonal capacity, ha
expects to bo largely concerned with
tka launching of slate-wide educa
tional propaganda.
Mr. Hastings haa held his preoefat
poelllnns as supervisor of the Iee
abutee national forest for a little
more than a ymr and a half. A grad
uate K Clarko t'nlveralty. and with
two-enra of aperlal pool graduate
wrk at the miveralty of MIcblRan,
hati tared actively Into U. . foroatry
work in July. IIUO. In January,
11I, he waa tranaferred from tba
Portland office of tho Columbia na
tional forest to the IVeschntes forest
aa supervisor, where be haa made an
enviable record.
No Inflmatloti Uaa ln roeahtHl
to data aa to who will be selected to
fill tha vacancy horo which will Iw
left by Mr. Ilaatinfa' realgnatlon.
eas ii aaaejeewei a ' m
i From Frlday'a Dnlly.)
The first sli'pmnt of horeee in two
montba. Intended for use on thu bat
tleflelds of liuropr, wsa msde this
mornlug when Ova carloads wt-rc sent
froto Bnd over tha O.-W. R. 4k N.
for Caldwell, where final governmant
hMpectlou to ba held. Te an Inula
ware contracted In Central Oregon
by representatives of tho Caldwell
Mora and Male Co.
(From Wednesday Mali v.)
bowing the poaallillttles of farm-
IHR on Irrigated land In Deschutes
flAunty, la an excellent display af
ereaaea and Krai iim in the wludowe of
the Heed-Smith store on Wall street,
the bundles or cereala, alfalfa, tim
othy nml millet being brought from
farms In the Tutnalo seatlon.
(From Ttiosdfty'a Dally.)
Hepresei)tlng the Federal Ottke of
Public Honda, J. Hall arrived from
Portland this morning, uml after a
brlof time spent at the ortteo of the
Doishutos national rarest, set out for
Crescent, where he will conduct
preliminary survey on Unit portion
of thu Heiiil-Klamath Falls road lying
between Creaceul aud the Indian res
ervation. It Is expected thai the aurve will
take In tho neighborhood of a week.
From a sneocu by Theodore Hooserelt.
"I want to tell you that the drafted man who docs
his duty is on the same plane of honor as any other,
man who docs his duty. There is no stigma attached
to heinff drafted. But those who are registered or
not registered, who do not do their duty, who do not
make every possible effort to serve, are not on the
same plane of honor as the drafted man. Escaping
the draft doesn't relieve you of your duty to serve.
That's the way to look at the draft."
Dry Kjm'H DrcrciiM-e Vlclil Imini'iiMily,
Hoi Velum Will Hxrrrtl Tliosu
of fjiNt Vjir .Much Whcut
l'fl III l.-M'lllllt-,
H llyincii Cotirii.
(From Tliursdny'a Dally.)
PORTLAND, July 19. Aside from
tho other grain crops, tho production
of wheat alono In the three Pacific
Northwest states today Indicates a
total or $108,000,000 comparod with
nn estimated value of $76,000,000
of the 1110 ctop In the same sec
tions. Many more millions of dollars will
he add ml to the grand total value of
the northwest cereal crop by oats and
barley which promise to show unus
ual values.
While the general cereal crops or
three steles will he somewhat below
that of the I. manor production or
l&lti. still Oregon. Idaho and Wash
ington growers are promised a far
greater sun for their year's labor
than ever before known. In fact thla
much Is already matured.
The total wheel crop of the throe
northwest statea wee greatly cur
tailed by the protracted dry weather.
June and July of thla year are the
dry est known to the Interior for
many years, deaplte tbo long extend
ed cold and rainy spell In the spring.
Crtips HiiffiT Heavily.
Crops suffered rather severely for
tbla reason. Had tho bulk or tha
planting of wheat been done In the
fall and winter months, the 1917
crop situation would have bean ma
terially changed production reach
ing record figures.
Oregon, Idaho and Washington are
eaaentlally fall wheat growing sec
tions. At loaat fall planting general
ly produces a far gTuater average par
aero, 'Utan the spring wheat; this
being dttp entirely to tbe fact that
Use lirtorttr wsjkh grows moot of the
grain nasally pus shy of moisture.
X ralnfaM staring the last week
would base added at leaat $10,00.
000 to tbe -value of the wheat crop
In Oregon. Idaho and Washington,
ml tbe coarse grains In some sec
tions would alao have been directly
While Washington and Idaho nor
mally giant considerable spring wheat
land MBM -( therefore aufierod
less In proportion than did Oregon,
thla state aa a rule puts in moat of
its grain la tha fail months. At least,
the boat results are secured from
such planting.
Murli Left In 1 Woli ii to.
In tha Columbia rlrer counties tha
damage by hot weather was great.
There la much real good wheat In
Ollllam. Morrow aud Deschutes couu-
! ties, but the percentage Is below nor
mal. In Sherman county there wsa
alao a greater planting of spring
wheat than normal, but the prospects
there are qonslderod within 10 per
cent of a year ago. In Umatilla
county, the banner wheat Bastion of
Oregon, tbe outlook Is badly mixed.
I Around Itcho. the situation la not
iKood: It la within a fraction of nor
mal In the Pilot Hock country and Is
damaged perhaps 30 per cent from
the ordinary year around Athena
and on tha Umatilla reservation pro
liar. Kast of Pe-ulletou tha showing has
been rather poor during the last few
days. Unker and Wallowa counties
show losses of about 20 per cent dur
ing that period.
In thu Willamette valley the crop
promise! but 2.000.000 bushels, due
both to the greater spring rain and
the dry w wilier.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Uy a vote of 67 to 3, the settlors
on the Suttloa I-ake Irrigation dis
trict yesterday authorized the float
ing of $160,000 worth or bonds to
take care of Increased cost or con
struction, and Interest on the existing
Issue of $600,000 district bends for
three years. This Is the final re
quirement made by C. M. Wlckbam,
contractor of Portland and Uolse, and
with this requisite definitely settled,
Mr. Wlckbam bas agreed to begin
construction for the irrigation of
16,000 acres within 90 days from
June 16, the date on which the un
dertaking waa approved by State Kn
glneer Lewis, Project Knglnoer Oeo.
8. Young, who with Vernon A. Forbes
has been handling the work, announc
ed this morning.
The contract price for the Improve
ment of the project Is at tha rate of
$60 per acre, or $760,000. The
JC0O.O0O bonds which will chiefly
finance the project, were voted In
October, 1816, the basis at that time
being 13,909. acres.
Or the total acreage, 0009 acres Is
now being dry formed, and the no
tified land la for tho moat part of a
character easily cleared. It Is locate!
west of tbe Deschutes river, north or
Squaw Creek, south of the Metolius
river, and eaat of Squawback ridge.
The land Ilea a little mors than 10
miles weat of Culver.
Is Halted It) Kvuu--t-llt Hilly Sun-
day Itotli Plajcil on Same
College Hall Team.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
OKKOO.V CITY, July 26. Meeting
aiTbid time college chum after a laps
of 23 years, Hilly Sunday, world-
famed evangelist, renewed hiejrienil
shlp with W. D. Harwej'JMBOiiutjWudKe
of Dearhutes county, at J he OlajUtone
Chautauqua Just oponajtl here
"Why. hello, Bed. Coe up
here beside me. Oh, ma.' Here'a
Red." aald Billy 8unday aa be stepped
on the platform yesterday and aaw
Judge Barnea. who formerly played
baseball at Northwestern university
with Sunday. Barnes and Sunday,
although tbe closest of chums while
In college, have not vW'MnN dur
ing the 23 years that have elapsed
since that time.
The evangelist had Judge Barnes
paged at Intervals before his address
and had almost given up hope of find
ing him. After Chautauqua, the
chums of two decades ago spent sev
eral enjoyable hours in Portland.
Men Called on First Draft
to be Notified in Few Days
PORTLAND, July 26. (Special to
The Bulletin.) Within a few days
official lists ot the draft serial num
bers, showing tho order In which
they were drawn In the lottery at
Washington, will roach the various
county oxemptlon boards. Following
receipt of these lists, the boards will
notify the'men called up on the first
Until then It will not be necessary
for those aubjeot to oall on the first
draft to report. But as soon as tuay
receive notification from their boards
they must report promptly on the day
The ftrat step taken by each board
will lie to post in a conspicuous plana
a list containing the names of all the
meu registered In Ita county or dis
trict, in Uie exact order In which they
will be called, on the first and all
succeedtug drafts. A copy ot this Hat
will also bo given the press for pub
lication. Let It bo oinphaslxod again that
this list will have not only the names
of the men to bo called on the first
draft, but of every man registered. In
the order In which he must ba called.
No norsoil whatsoever has auy au
thority to chango this order.
Having postod this list and glvon
a copy to tho prc-ss. tho board will
thou notify by lotter ovory wan
called up on tho first draft. Each
man will bo directed to appear before
tho board for physical examination
on a specified date, which will ba
A $5,000 EIRE
Clinrlim Xclion, Lodgtir In MIHrlcrr
Hotel, Goea Hack for Valuables
nml Hmcrgca from Flume-
n Living Torch.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Property valued at $6000 was de
stroyed, several lodgers received
minor burns and bruises, more or less
severe, and the dry sheds of the
Hrooks-Soanlon Lumber Co. woro ser
iously menaced when fire starting
shortly boforc 12 o'clock last night,
destroyed the Mlllviow Hotel, owned
by W. P. Downing and situated just
across the tracks from the Drooks
Seanlon sheds. Only about $2000 In
surance was carried. Had tho Ore
started three hours earlier, at least
part of the lumber plant would have
been sacrificed, as a strong wind was
blowing toward the sheila at the
earlier hour.
The fire started about 11:30 o'clock
In (the room of H. Parker, a lodger
In the hotel. Parker was In the room
at tbe time and was heard calling to
others In the building to "come and
put out the fire." No attantion was
paid to his calls, as it was known
that he bad bean partaking rather
freely of stomach hitters earlier iu
the evening. A half hour later the
flame buret forth In the upper jiart
of the bouse, and only due to the
activity of Frsd Winters, another
roomer, who went from room to room
rousing sleepers and warning them of
their danger, were a number of fatal
ities avoided.
Cigarette Can m.
The explanation given by the au
thorities for the conflagration Is that
Parker went to bed with a lighted
cigarette In his mouthy and that th
cigarette 'dropped onttt the -covers as
he dozed off to sleep. Acquaintances
of tbe man say that he often smoked
In bad, and earlier in the year. In tho
same way, he Is said to have started
a fire at one of the Rogers camps, the
blase being put out. however, before
It bad gained any headway. Feeling
ran high against Parker following
last nlght'a fire, and he was plan-d
In jail by the authorities, for his own
ssffty. and In order that an invi-st
gatlon might be made.
I.mIrct Badly Mohn1.
So far hnd thr flr advanr-d h
(he alarm was turn. ,t In that the fir
department on .irr'.-g found th
only chance fur c ffi tin- work lay la
protecting nearby buildings. Half
clothed lodgers jumped from uppr
stories of the hotel, when the flames
rut off their escape by the salrs Onlv
one waa seriously Injured. Charles
Nelson, after reaching the crowd
gathered about' the tire, remembered
(Continued ou last page )
within seven days ot tha mailing ot
the notice.
Failure to receive this notice will
not be accepted as an excuse for not
appearing ou the day sat. The bur
den of appearing when he la called
Is on tho man himself; there is a
heavy penalty tor failure to answer
the call.
Remember, that regardless of
whether a man Intends to apply far
exemption or discharge, he must ap
pear for physical examination on th
day set. He has seven days from the
posting of the list and tbe mailing ot
the notime to him by the board in
which to tile application for fxemr
J tlon, and 10 more days Itt wliUh f
file proof.
I Ami remember again, that n
, claims tor exemption because of en- -
ploy meat In necessary lnduatrlcs, in
cluding agrtoitlture, csu be consid
ered by your county exemption hoard
Such a claim must be made to oue
ot the three district appeal boards,
at Portland, Bugeue, or La 0 ramie
It can only be made then after the
man has paaae,d his physical examina
tion and been certified by the county
board as called for military service
nml not exempt.
After you have appeared befor
your county oxamptlou board and
passed the physical examination. It
will still be aorno time before you will
actually bo called out to Join the
army. You will bo. notified when it
;is time tor you to report for sorvlco.