I1KNI) IIULLiniN, IIHND, OIUvflON, Tlll'IWDAY, .ll'JY 1, 1017 PAQK fl 4 i CULINTY COURT PROCEEDINGS II15ND, ORH Juno 27, 1017. Tim oiiunty court innt In tliu council room In tho O'Kniin hulllllng, 10 n, m., pur fiiant to adjournment, present Judgo llnrncn mill L, R. Hinltli, commln nlniinr. Tim meeting wns cnlloil to order by tlio county Judgo. Tim mutter of county hnnpltnl mill tint Inking euro of 1lio county poor rnnio up nt thin tlmn for iHnciinnlon. TIiIm court hnd extended an Invita tion to 4lin phynliilnns or the county to bo present ut thin mmitltiK. nnd tlin following accepted tlin luvllntlon:: Dm. Coo, Fnrrdll nml Norrls, together with County Physlnlnn Dwlght F. Mlllor. Tho mutter of inking enro or hr county vnttuutM wnn tlmn ills rtissnd. After dun cousldr-riitlon nml aUscumImi, It won r Ordered, Hint Dr, Millar, uinliir k tin Ktipervlslon of County Judge Ilnrncs, ho liiHtruulcd to rent n cot tage on tlin outskirts or ttia City or llmnl. iwltnlllo tor tompornry qunr iturn for ii county hospital, to employ it nurse nml housekeeper, nml to pur chnso such equipment us In ncccs wnry for Imuiinllntii uno In curing for Hid present county pntlentu County Assessor Mulliirkey wnn MiilhnrUcd to subscribe for tint Auto mobile Itcconl, nt SG per your, Ordered, that clnlmn numbered 488 to G14, Inclusive, an hIiowii on pngen 18, 10 nml 20 of tho Docket of ClnluiH, ho nml tlin niimn nro hnrohy allowed, nml tlin clerk In Instructed to Issue IiIn wnrruutM In payment there of. No further business for roiiHldern lion, on motion duly mndo mid noo oiidod, court adjourned, lln It romninhornd thnt n rcgulnr term of tho county court, County of Deschutes mid Htutu of Oregon, ho Kim nml hold on tlin Cth dny of July, 1017, (July 4th being n Ingnl holl duy, meeting wnN hold on July 6), nt 10;. 10 n. in., In tlin council room In tho O'Kuno building, tlin followliiK wnro proNiint: W. 1). Ilnrncs, County Judge, Ii. K. Hinltli, Commissioner, H. IC, Roberts, Hharltf, J, II. llnnor, Clnrk, Tho mooting wun cnllod to oritur hy tho county JiuIko, whereupon tho following proceedings wnro (undo of rouoril. towllj In tho mnttnr of tho Junior roml: Hoport of tho vlnworn on tho Jno nor roml, rend for tho flrnt time, nml filed. In tho ruattor of tlin Dayton roml: Report ot tho vlnworn on tlin Dny ton roml, road for tho flml time, nml filed, In III" mnttnr of tlin Orcutt rondi Repot t ot tlin vlnworn on tlin Or mitt roml, rend tor tint tlrnl tlmn, mid filed. In tho mnttnr or tho A. O. Wnlkor roml. Thin mutter coming on for honrlng, n petition for tho A. O. Walker rond wun prcnentcd nt thin tlmn, mid con tinued on nrcouut of there being no uffldnvlt attached to name, allowing ej .!.. e LT ' " " Tl JeEeBaZZaaaSaL BCSLii' .m i mtTTimmZ, -e I CONVENIENCE All the convenience or gas. No walling for the fire to burn up. Mcaln in a jiffy, and a cool kitchen all the time. llaken, broili, roaiti, toatta. Better cooking; became oC the steady, cventy-dittributed heat. More convenient than a wood or coal atove for all the year 'round cooking and more eco nomical. The lone Wue chtmneyi prevent all imoVe and smell. In I. 1. 1 ml 4 buciur li, Hlh or wlihoul ovmi, AIm cahin.l moiltli. Atk jrour dlr tod.y. NEW P?rA(EaON OIL Cpm$$OVE FOR SALE DY BEND HARDWARE COMPANY jrv F. DEMENT & CO. J NEW PERKINS HOTEL PJth and Viliinon Slirrtl POKTLANU. OREGON Centrally Located The Hold (or YOU Special Summer Kates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $1.00 up. Hoom with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot care pass our doors. From North Hank Depot S oartransfer at 5th St. I THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON . The Rose City's world-famcd hotel, occu pying an entire block. All Outside rooms. Superior dining and grill ser vice. An atmosphere Qf refinement, with a service of courtsey. European Plan; $1.50 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager thnt notice hud boon pouted along wild proponed rond, On motion duly mndo mid second ed, court iidjmirned till 2 p. in, Tho county court rocotivouod at 2 o'clock, p, in., nicotinic In tha council room, hiiiiio iiinmharH pronuut uo at mornliiK uiiiotliiK. Montlnic cnllod to order by tho county JiiiIkd. In tho mnttnr or tho repair of tho llond-Tumnlo roml: A potltloii hnvlnx hci'ii prcnentcd to tho court, rIkiioiI by a number or cltuiiiin of Daaohutoa county, nuking that tho DiMchuteH Itlver grndo on tho Ilond-Tiiinnlo rond ho repaired, It wun Ordered, that tho county Appro priate $no to repnlr tho loono placoa on the OeachutoH Itlver grndo on nnld rond, mild amount to bo expended with nn oriunl amount of donation work by thu cltlzcttn Intercnted, It wnn ordered that tho county Judge bo nuthorlzod to rent a post offlro box ror oounty court mall, It wnn ordorod ahnt tha county clerk be mid ho l hereby authorized to purchnau Indoxen tor pint booka, Ordered, thnt claim numbered Sir, to C32, Incluilvo, No. C34 nod C3C, No. G3D to 63, Inclusive, C40 to CCS, Inclunlvo, f,60. C01, RII2, C03 to C07, Inclualvf, 57C to G84, Inclusive, Hhown on pngcH 21 and 22 of tho Docket or Olnlma, bo and tho samo are Hereby nllowod, nml tho clorkl In Inntrucled tp Imuo IiIn wnrrnntii In payment tliercof. i No further bualnoM for conaldern tlon, court ndjournml to meet Wed neidny, July n, ion. HKNI), Ore., July 1 . .1017 -Tho county court met In the council room In the O'Kmiu building, nt 10 o'clock, n. m., puraumit to ndjournment, mem born present, W. I). Hnriica, Judge, L, K. Hmllh, CommliHloucr. H. K. Itoberta. Hhorltr. Tho meeting wnn railed to order by the county Judge In tho matter of tho Jneger rondr Iteport or tho viewers on the Jne ger rond road tor the second lime. In the mutter or the Dnyton rond: Iteport ot tho vlewern on tho Day ton rond rend ror the second time. In tho matter or the Orcutt rond: Iteport Ot the Viewers nn lh Drrmt rond rend ror the mcoimI time. , On motion, duly mads ami mwond- l. court adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock, p, ni. The court reconvened at 2 p. m., ' name members preaent na ut morning meeting, and meeting called to order! by the county Judge. ' It wna ordered that tlin rlnrk ) Instructed to Issue warrant on the rirst dny or each month, to pay the nalnrle or nil of the following coun ty orriclnls: County Clerk II2S.00 Deputy Clerk 75.00 Hherirr .. jso.00 Deputy Bhorirr .. . 83.33 Superintendent of Schools . 100.00 Assessor , ' . ... 108.33 Treasurer 33 33 County Judgu . . 58.33 Iteport showing amount of acalp bounties paid by tho county clerk during tho past alx months, received nnd filed. Totnl amount pnld to July 1, $429.50. largest amount paid In any one day being ICC. CO, on Juno 23.1017. Iteport of county Agriculturalist on rnbblta poisoned, received and filed. The report shows that 200 ounces or strychnine sulphato was purchased, nt M.1C por ounce, and distributed to 2C farmers' clubs, who reported a totnl kill or 09,118 rnbblts, at n cost to the county of $230. In tho matter ot paper ror tran scribing records: Tho clerk was ordered to purchase 3840 loosu leave ror transcribing roeords. Ordered, that claims numbered S85 to 508, Inclusive, C01 to G14. In clusive, as shown on page 23 or the Docket ot Claims, be nnd the same are hereby allowed .and the clerk Is Instructed to Issue warrants In pay ment thereof. On motion duly made and second ed, court adjourned to meet at 2 p. m.. Thursday, July 12, 1917. Claims allowed, Juno 27 term of court: IC. K. Sawyer, Judgo and clerk or election ..$ 3.00 Yi II. Mny. do 3.00 Frank N. Ollbert, do 3.00 h. M. Htchardson, do 3.00 Ford W. Cox, do 3.00 L. D. Wlost, do 3.00 Cora A. Ilrostorhous, do 3.00 llhoda Hunter, do 3.00 W. W. Knnls, do 3.00 J. 12, Halney, do 3.00 J. K, Kngobrotson, dp ......... J. 00 Tiro" ?& 9 v nil'!' Lower Tire Cost Than Ever NOW For, In tb old days, tlras not only coit tnotorfits mora par tlr, but wra alto o far Inferior to tha praiant product, that the final cost iba coit par mlla was from SO to 100 or mora per cant, blghar than you pay now. UnlltJ , Staiti Tift the 'Royal Corf, tba 'Nobby, tha 'Chain', tba 'U,co' and tha 'Plain', ona for ovary naad of price and use, produced by tba largest rubber manufacturer In tLe world, produced by tba most experienced tire manufacturer In the world, produced by a tltne.tried, excluilre, patented, Tulcanlzlng process, produced of only the moit carefully selected materials, -have so far aclipted erery other make of tiro that UnlltJ Slaltt That art famoui for ihtir mlltagt-glvtng qualitimtthtir low colt ptr milt. Tho proof ? tiio consistent and persistent tremen dous sales increases of United States Tiret. United States Tires Are Good Tires Si w'HfMB liX?!eVw. "Tja WLTV.i j 'c a VK4iBKVVyV mw$s& f &x wrri .V-Sfcfl m .tiZzr.J VT &'&. A Tlrt for Evtry Nttd of Prlet and Utt WM WW Royal Cord' 'Nobby Utco' CnlltJ Slmlt, -TVBT.H and TltlK ACCKSSO- ttir.S Itirt All tht Ntrrllng Worth and Wrar that Mulct L'nlltilfilatt, Tlrtt Supttmt la m '&$fi iill Anna M. I.amon, do 3'. 00 Ourtrudo Shoults, do .... 3,00 Clydo M. McKay, do 3.00 J. A. Kastos. do ... 3.00 1'nul C. OnrrlBou, do 3.00 II. O. Fnrrls, do 3.00 F. T. Parker, do 3.00 8. C. Cnldwoll, do . 3.00 J. N. Hunter, do .. .. . 3.00 II. C. Hnrtrnnft. do , ...- 3.00 C. J, I.ovurott, do 3.00 Karl 1). Houston, do .............. 3.00 O. h. Moore, do 3.00 Alphonse W. Aya, do 3.00 Omar Hustle, do 3.00 K. K. White, do 3.00 F. W. Toiiioh, do 3.00 C. W. Washburn, do 3.00 1'otor Thompson, do 3.00 F. A. Hhomiultit. do 3.00 Oliver Tliorhjoriisou, do ...... 3,00 '.. 0. I.amborsou, do 3.00 Frank Itolbhofr. do 3.00 C. 1'. llecker, do 3..00 F. K. Dnyton, do ... 3.00 F. V. 'Swlslior. do 3.00 W. W. Vnn Mutro, do 3.00 W. F. Fryronr, do 3.00 Ooorgu F. Cyrus, do 3.00 K. W. aillott, do 3.00 II. Nootnngol, do 3,00 W. F. Kdmiinnou, do . 3.00 H. K. Allon, do 3.00 K. II. Rdglngton, do .. 3.00 Tom A. Voddor, do 3.00 h. A. Hunt, do . 3.00 A. J. Fuller, do 3.00 Frank V. Chapman, do 3.00 John M. Porry, do 3.00 Kvorott Pnrr, do 8.00 A. W. llonton, do ... 3.Q0 (loorgo II. Mcdragor, do 3.00 M. C. Carolln, do ... 3,00 A. H. I.owry, do 3.00 W. J. Sturdlvnn, do ........... 8.00 Q. U. Khlors, do 3-00 W. 8. Drown, do 3 00 W. H. Chapman, do 3.00 W. J. Wood, do 3.00 Ada .V. Uryan, do ................ 3.00 It. It. l.edbettcr, do . 3.00 M. K. Wright, do ... 3.00 W. P. Oltt. do 3.00 Olat K. Anderson, do ............ 3.00 Carl Llvestey, do 3.00 Josephine Anderson, do 3.00 II. A. Wooley, do 3.00 Ooorge Ogle, do w . 3.00 Oustavo Horry, do 3.00 It. K, Leonard, do 3.00 P. J. Pcderson, do .'.... 3.00 Fred P. Iloynolds, do 3.00 C. M. Ilragg, do 3.00 II. Illlgoraon, do ... 3.00 I.oe Young, do 3.00 K. It. Itussell, do .... 3.00 W. A. Itahn, do 3.00 I. It. Owen, do 3.00 P. II, Coffoy. do 3.00 O. O. King, do 3.00 II. D. Young, do 3.00 K. K. Varco, do 3.00 8. K. I.ockrlo, do 3.00 8. K. Carroll, do 3.00 Uurr Hlnck, do 3.00 W. J. Harrison, do ... 3.00 J. II. Hanor, salary or stenog raphers 372.00 Irwln-Hodson, hooks, allow'd 1400.00 disallowed 248.03 C. W. Thornwalte, tent oov ers and rope 22.30 ltedmond Spokesman, pub lishing notices 3.8G II. a. Konnard, water master 9C.9C A, H. Perry, deputy water raastor CO. 00 disallowed 2.00 It. A. Ulauchnrd, express 011 strychnlno ..-. 1.95 Herbert F. Dugan, 100 ouncos Btrychnlno 115.00 Kllham Stationery & Print ing Co., mimeograph sup plies 4.72 M. Harvey, work on war cen sus matters 24.00 II. Nootnagol, register voters 2.20 N. 11. Klllott, do 3.80 Karl H. Ilussall, do 1.50 A. 8. Holmes, do .... 4.00 Ooo. O. Sedgwick, do 2,70 J. O. Hanson, do j.40 W. P. Oltt, do 2.30 O, O. King, do 70 It. A. Wooloy, do 50 P. J. Pederson, do 3. 10 (Continued on last page.) DELINQUENT BOY IS COMMITTED BY COURT Kobert O. Itussell, ot Dend, Oregon; D. Maurice Hunter, or Mllllcan. H. FIIANK WOODCOCK, 20-24p Roglster. (From Saturday's Dolly) Confessing to a list ot potty thefts, Oscar Hnlloy, 14 yoar old son or Mrs. J. J. Unlley, or Brothers, was tem porarily committed by Juvenllo Judge W. D. Daruea yesterday afternoon, tho boy being placed In cJinrgo of A. W. Allgood, as probation offloer. LEGAL NOTICES NOTION FOR PUltMCATIOX. Depnrtmont or tho Intorlor, United Statos Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, July 10, 1917. Notlco is horoby gtvon that Stanley Smith, or Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on July IC, 1P13, mado Homestead En try No. 011894. ror tho SW 8octlon 29, Township 20 South, Uango 10 Kast, Willamette Meridian, has filod notlco ot intention to mako final throo your proof, to ostabJIeli, claim to tho laud above described, boforo II. C. Rills, U. S. Commls8lonor, nt Ilond, Oregon, on tho 23rd day ot August, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Otis C. Hankie, William A. Harris, 8UMMONH. In the Circuit Court ot tho Stato ot Orogon ror Deschutes County. Mortgage Company ror America, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph M. Miller. Joseph Wllmor DcDolt, J. W. Gibson, Molllo L. Gibson, J. W. Gibson, guardian of Guy Gibson, a minor, K. A. Easley, trustee. Ho mer D. Angell and Forrest K. Fisher, Defendants. To tho defendants. Joseph M. Mil ler, Joseph Wllmer DeDoit and Mot ile U. Gibson: In tho namo of tho State or Oro gon, You are hereby ordered to ap pear In tho above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the first publication ot this summons, the data or said first publication being Juno 28, 1917, that bolng tho tlmo within which you are directed to appear by tho order of the abovo entitled court, and make answer to the complaint herein, and it you rail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded In tho complaint, towlt: Lrtt 1 11 it vinant n ifs tuat tlia anltl f Hint I (uuriuuiih HfHiii0 sj 0au ut and Dellolt in tho sum ot I3.0C3.73. with Inttfrcst thereon at tho rate ot 8 por cont per annum from April 1, 1917,and the further sum ot $300.00 nttornoya' fees, with Interest thereon at the rate ot 8 per cent per annum, and Its costs and disbursements herein, and tor tho torectosuro ot that cortaln mortgage mndo by tho said Joseph M. Miller and Joseph Wllmer Dellolt, Juno 15, 1914, and recorded June 30, 1914, In Volume 21 ot Mortgagos or Crook County, Oregon, at yago 167 thorcot, cover ing the Southwest Quarter ot tho Northeast Quarter, the Northwest Quarter ot tho Southeast Quarter, tho Northeast Quartor ot the Southwest Quarter, and tho Southeast Quarter of tho Northwest Quartor ot Scotion 31, Township 16 South ot Ranga 11, East of tho Willamette Meridian, bolng 160 acres, and situate In thn County ot Deschutes and Stato of Oregon, and that the mortgage herc InbeTore described bo decreed to bo a first lien on said real property su perior to any and all other Interests theroln, and that said property bo sold to satisfy said mortgage debt, and that the purchaser at said salo tako all right, title and Interest in and to said property held by the said defendants Miller and DeDoit at tho time ot tbe execution of said mort gage, and that you and all ot tha other defendants to this suit be for ever barred and foreclosed ot any and all right, title or interest in and to said property, and for such other relief as may be Just, and for its costs and disbursements. This summons Is published by or der ot the Honorable T. E. J. Dutty, Judgo of the abore entitled Court, dated tho 12th day ot June, 1917. SNOW. BRO.VAUQII fc THOMPSON, MACCORMAC SNOW. Attorneys tor Plaintiff. 17-24c. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, Juno 15, 1917. Notice is hereby given that Henry IT. Walkowltz. ot Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on June 10, 1914. made Home stead Entry No. 013406. for SWU NW and SW'U Wtf SEU. NE4 SEU. Sootlon 24. Township 20 South. Rango 14 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to mako final three year proof, to establish claim to tbe land abora described, before H. C. Ellis. U. 8. Commissioner, at Bend, Oregon, oa the 23rd day of July, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Vernon Clevenger, Frank Spencer. William Spencer, Lovl V. Smith, all ot Mllllcan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. lC-20p Register. 51 We consider that a large part of our growth and prosperity has been due to the satisfaction that we give our patrons. It is our aim to give Service, Quality and a Square Deal at a Moderate Price. flit is to our mutual advantage to do what we can to please you. We hope that we do. F. DEMENT & CO. Groceriesr-Hardware