The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 19, 1917, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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V(,V. B.
To nil I" keep ii hoiiio well tlieitt liol tiny
if you have Hie rijjh L remedy on IihihI hL
Hie ryrlil time. Keep h, package or Llic Dr.
IIKSS' STOCK FOOD on lliu xliell'. IL
Font only n little mid may mean the life of
Nome of your vultmble stock. A well home
can do k lot more limn one IhuL Ik under
the wCMlher.
Lea' Ltct Kllltt will th't llit ckkkrn llial enworl
able fitting, and unite lime to lay rtfjj.
The Rexall Store DRUGS
(From Wednesday's Dully.)
A. T. Khavar. of Mllllcan. la In th
It. I. ICdmiiiida, of Mllllcan, In
Opaillllng Uih day In Hand.
Frank Moom went to Portland last
night to spend IiIh vacation.
Wnyin Amu I In the "lty today
from hi Mm In Hrwbers.
$ Charlaa Hudson lull laat nlacbt for
lttMio, where Iih will Join hi wife.
"' Mm. J. M. Hoborls haa returned to
'ill-till front a month'a visit Im Port
Mm. Ward II. Coble baa gone to
'the roaat ta soond the summer at
' fleealde.
(i. II. Denting, road nuperTleew from i
tha IMn t) lair lei. la Id Road on
Mra. J. J. Bailor waa vlaltor In
van I ii a for Hojurfill, to"U gdwa about
ft Ulolitll.
Hi J. ii. Connarn hna rstnrnod (o
Il ml from Portland. wham ha took
hit xnmlnatloh for the dauiat re-
aorvn for tho United States army.
Kmll Molser and Frank 8. nalllla,
mining men of Baker county, era
through Bond lam night cm (Jialf
way homo from a trip throng tbe
Central Oregon country.
J. II. Kuntta, transferred from In
Cascade national foraat. arrWad In
Bond thia morning to take no tka
aaporrlslnn of grafting matters oh tho
Dxacliulaa national fornat, with tho
ultimata object of Increaalng tbo par
rying capacity of the range.
laal night I')' nuto for con Ml points,
to lit" gone several weeks.
J. T llHrdy, traveling freight and
imMMiiK'T ngut for Uih Oregon
Trunk, arrived In Hand thla morning.
Mr. C. W. Allmi, Mra. Tooker mid
Mra. Ilndrlck were In from the Me
tollu today to visit the lleud lumbar
K. I). KprngUH, who haa lnon hare
on bualnuea from Ma ranch In lake
rounty, left last night on lila return !
Mra. N. (3. Davie and ann Howard
will leave thin avmilng for 'Fiiroina,
Seattle and Mayar Falla, Waah., to
tnd tha roal of the summer.
Oscar llllenbek, formiimi of con
struction on tha Tiintalo project iltir-
ling 11S and 10H. la haek In Hand
tha rlty yaatarday from bar bom In
rioyd J. Waroar. aiorkmtn. of
the Hrothara aactlou. wa In tbo city
7 1.. I.. Orr, of iJC Mho. In yoa.
from Arlaonu, wIihtb ha waa Hmtiloyml
on tha tSlaphuiit Hutta dam.
A HtarrlaKt) lli'ona Haa laauad yaa
'Urday afternoon from th offloa of
, tn rounty dark to
Itrwwn and Mlaa Irnna
ilamual Hay
A. liulrnlua.
Urday to of far final proof on bla
V. C. HlrdMll raturnad
thla montlng from a brlafjMMlftoat
trlri t4 Cortland.
Mra. J. ! Darldaon will laava to
morrow nlnbt for a mention trla to
I ha Ornaoii haorhaa.
Charlaa W. ICraklna baa rttarnad to
Itond from a romldnad bualnaaa and
Iilaaanra tiii to Tha Dallra.
Mr. and Mra. P. II. Coffojr. of
Hrothara, drovo Into Uond yaatarday
HftarniHin to trananet bualntiaa.
O. T. McKandraa, of Ukatlaw. loft
luiit nlKlit for lla, WaablngtoM,
whara ha will load a train of abaoo
for Hon I'raHchtco.
Tha llaptlat Woman's Mlaalonary
Clrla will hold Ita rnalar monthly
HtaMlHK at rhHrch at !:! o'clock
tomou-ow aftorHooM.
Tha dat for tha wadding baa not
ba t.
Dr. K. W. UeMdarahott.acoMtly of
Portland, la In Hand to uhmi ofnrng
In tba Ktrat National Hank building.
Ha will Ih. aaaorlatml with Dr. U. C.
jCoa Ud Dr. II. 1'arn.ll and will laka
to Dad$aaT$:r4irtlwi of tha wor In ou-
nanioa with mo iwnu naotmai.
fProm Monday'a Dally.)
Ilonry ItHtfa, of Alfalfa, la In Hand
today on land hualnxaa.
(3rald Haathnw hu gona for Port
land to aoaffd a wak'a varatlon.
Cluudaa K. Ollvor la In tha ritW
on Hoalnoaa from hta homo at iJika
vlw. Mr. and Mra. (loorgo Manhao
balmor, of rramont, ara In tho city
Mr. und Mra. A. N. MrOall. of An
vor liko, wara wook uhi! vlaltora In
tha rlty.
W. C. lllrdaall. manuKar of tha PI-
Mowboro and ; lot Hntto Inn, la In Portland for a faw
(fro in Moturday'a Dally)
lunula llaiinatt haa ratiirnod from
eharlaa W. Krakltia )U laat night
for a hualnaaa trl to Tho Dallaa.
Oiiy Wllaou and I.e A. Thomaa
warn vlaltora In Madraa yaatrdy.
Dr. nnd Mra. I.. H. Story uro In
Hand today from tholr home In PuU
loy. Hhorirr n. K. ItoliNrta la mi n trip
to tho III nil ilaiwrt aoatlon on offle
In I liualnaaa.
II. II. Da Arinond laft thla innrii
Ini; for Prlnovllla to attend tho aoa
nIoii of olrrult court.
T. A. McCuiiii rHturnail thla morn
lug from n trip of aavarul diiyfl to
8iokoiiH and Moiitunn polnta.
Mlaa .Marlon Itwroiiro will loave
tomorrow mornliiK for Portland to
vlull for tha next two wunka.
Dr. OoorKa H. Van Watora, Kplaoo-
ml mlaalonary to ISaatarn ()rKin,
filial PorlHiiid. will conduct aarvleaa
In tlio Maaonle hull at 8 o'clock to
morrow nlKlit.
, II. M. Pnrka, of Portland, and Im
Wllllama, of Corrallla, hIio bare Ihwh
InvMttimtloi; Uih hhimhi of tha leaks
III tha Tumalo raoarvolr. laft laaffl
night for tlialr homaa. '
(Prom Prlday'a Dally.)
Mlaa ConiHlla Wllaon la ronflnod
to bar homa by lllnoaa.
r. V. Carmlrhaal la In tha Hty to
day from hla homa In Ia Pino.
Mr. laud Mra. J. A. Koataa laft laat
nigbt for Portland for a lirlaf rtolt.
Mr. and Mra. John llaynoo. of Ml
var Ukti, acrtvod In HocUlaot nlgwt
and r rnmalntfig over tolfay.
Mlaa Uimm lluunol bi eooflnaat to
bar homa with aearlat feror. '
Mra. Charlaa Hrown and dangbtor,
Mlaa Vlnlu, wl)l loova Sunday for a
trln to Portland und Soaalda.
Mlaa Urara Ward raturnad to Hand
tylay aftar a ihrya day' vacation
(Kroia Thursday's Dally.) J
C H. Hudson ratiirnod thla ttorn-
Ing rrom Portland,
('. E. Hay la lit tha r'.tjr today from ,
ins noni" in Riivftr I.akr.
i. V.. Thorl) Is In th rltodsf
from M liomi! In Tumalo.
W. K. Orahara nnd Klmar Oraham
g'ro in tu'luy from Bitters.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tuck, of ArvoH
ftuttf, ara visiting In Bend today.
Mr. and Mra. W. T. iUrttoo, at
tJampton, atrant laal night In Bond.
frank Kuln retumad this morning
from a brlaf huatnaaa talp to Portland.
Mrs. K. K. Ifetidnrson and daogb-j
tor, of Palalay, ara In the city, for n ,
faw days.
Mrs. J. P. Lamdbarg and aon, Roy.
loft laat night for Vanronver, Waah.,
to rlalt frlemla and ralatlvoa.
W. ('. MeCulatn racolvail word thbi
monrlng of tho danth of hla fathor,
J. W. McCulaton, In tha aoulharii part
of tha atats.
Mlas Martha Ilaogg, of Hockford,
III., arrived thla morning and la visit
Ink at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non A. Porhea.
Hiisaoll II. Wallace haa juat ro
ralvml word from the naval recruit
In, station In Portland that hla ap
plication for tha radio aarvleo haa
OHIMI ai'CIltbd.
V. V. Ilarpuam laft thla morning'
for Prlnavllla, and will rotum with
Thomaa P. MKur.l, lierfd of tha
grnxliig dppartHiant of tho dlatriot
forpatly aarvice.
B Dr.
rurnnr. tha' wall known
apaciullst, of Portland,
will he In Hand again Waduaoday,
August 1, at tha Pilot Hints Inn.
Iloadarhaa rellavad, croaa eyoa
atralKhtanod. AaUafnGtiou Kuarau
tdwl. Consult him. Don't rorgat tha
data 20w,86-7-Sdly,e
thalr frlanda ara urgad to bo praaant.
days on a hualnaaa trip.
Orovar Caldwall, of Mllllcan, waa
(Prom Tnaaday's laly.) ,"1!,,",, "; "'' '' " '
- iMUIIcan ranch, on hualnoaa.
Mra. J. II. Honham. of Bllvar liko, I , , ruinm. iuhIiiI rmrMU.ui1iiv
of tha Orrldaulal InaiHunra romimny,
bt a hualnaaa vlattor In Hand.
Mra. Charlaa Hrown and dHughtar,
la apandlug tha day In Hood.
Mr. nnd Mra. J. A. Kaalmi bovo ro
tiiruwl from it trip to .Portland.
OeorgH II. Ilarrtaon Is In tba city viola, laft yaatarduy on n abort aoa-
tmlay from hla homa In Port Hock
Mr. nnd Mra. Claranra Mannhelmer
urn In Portland vlalUng thla waak.
Charlaa Hlprhen was In lland yaa
tarday from hla homa In tha Arnold
Chna. Ilofatettor and family laft
tlon to Portlund nnd coaat points
II. K. Ilolf, KHiitirul alalm agent
for tiro H. P. A H., la puylng Hand n
vlalt today for tho flral tl'ma In two
Mra. W. II. Cohlo nnd her mother.
Mrs. Q. W. Turiuir, will leavo thla
i Acf YYyPl" ' ' "Ifuf-W .iT'aXi!, tT ' aflp 1 J?B3? 'm !
spout at tho Knkkerbocka'r ranch.
Clyd McKay, C. V. llvla. Paul C.
Oarrlaon and A. Wlilsnant laft yaa
tarday for Duma oh h bualneaa trip.
John W. dray, of Daachutaa, ttaaaod
through Hand thla weok with a band
of ratlin which ha haa racontly pur
ahaaod. Douglas Mullarkay loft tbl morn
ing for Hmlmund to apand a day hi
fora going on to Mugon. wharo ha la
anllaUd In tha coast artlllary.
Prank K. Halllla, tnanagor of th
Cornuetipln mluaa In Hakar rounty.
laaMl through Hand laat night, on a
plansuro trip through tha atato.
Mrs. K. II. Waltii. who with bar
dnughtar, Mlaa Mlldrod, 1ms bean vis
iting hor sou, Kon S. Walt a. In Hand
for the last few days, left yaatarday
for bar homo In Suthorlln.
Dr. It. W. Uandorahntt, or Port
laud, loft yastorday aftor spemlliiK
aavornl dnys In Hand. Ho will rut urn
Tuoadny with hla wife, and will lu
asaoclutad In tha hospital work lier
with Dr. U. C. Coo und Dr. U. Fr
rell. '
Si'W Itoad N Ixtcotisl Hixl Put III
HlinMi So AutoNta May Itiitrh
Popular CiiinpliiK KjhiI.
' (Prom Tuaaday'a Dally.)
Ijiva laland, once a favorlta ramp
ing spot, which haa boen cloaod to
tba public this spring nnd summer
by tbo blocking of tba road landing
through Drooka-Sranlon tlmbar which
waa being logged off, la open onro
mora, by tbo locating of a new road,
Judge II. C. Rtlla report ed today.
The new road baa baen labelled
by Judge Kills, but those unaru,ualnt
od with tha section wishing to make
tba trip ara directed to start out on
tba slat highway which leada from
Hand to 1a Pine, and aftar tbo flral
railroad eroaetng out of Hand, to take
tba flral road to tha right.
Tho road baa beon put In good
shape for autolata. Judge Kllla states.
Voile Waists Reduced !
&$ Lints s Broa Sims
fwrmtr Prnws. $tfS, $1.90, $1J5
Spepilly Priced at 95f ywei1.
Children's Wash Dresses
r CiagJams nd Prrealai
two lota Spaaial Values
at 29c and 59c each
27 -inch Printed Voiles
, 12 l-2c and 15c tfraJe
Reduced for Clearance 9c yd.
1 "' -" ' ' '! i ii a .aa laadsi i
All Other Wash Goods Reduced !
Making Wire.
Wire usod to le made ly latrnmcrlng
uiMinl Into 8hwt and cutting tlitvo Into
atr1M. which wara hammered or (lluil
Into wlrii. Now the Material la rolled
Into roht by grooved rollers ami drawn
cob! through iMdiw In a 4ato of harder j
metal, uioalty iHirOwiwl steoi, uytueaus
of iowerful machinery.
CtrUlnly Not.
Mr. Liberty I'm gotog'to got you a
piano, door.
Mm. Liberty Oh, yoa, you say you
arv, but your glfta nlnwji Imivo htrlnga
to thorn.
"Well, yoj wouldn't want n piano
without string, would youf St. I.oul
In After Yaart.
He-Is MUn Willing waning for her
Ideal hero? She Oh. my. no! She's
now fklrmlobhig around for a man that
ha-i mora dollars I ban sense. Louis- '
rlllo Courler-lmirunl.
Utz & Dunn Co.
Style Shoes
of Quality'
Bring Out
the Style
Til It Y "fit tho
curve" of lliu foot,
wliluli ara of them
Mlvea lumutlful by nuturo.
TIiIn lioauty Is luou'lit out
toudvuntngo only by tlioso ulioen whloh follow tlio Hues of
tho foot as n pretty j,'lovo Ilia tha liiitnl. Tlie tloslifinn-s of
Stylo .Shoo of Quality roallo that to produce true stylo
"xproiislon tliosliooa iniikt
Hero la nn adrnntnifo wlioh every woman, who Iovoh to
lilivo hor foul well drosaed, nmy enjoy to t)io full. Well
groomed foul, with the utiuOU style brought out uro hern
who elothoH thoui In Style Shoes of Qunllty. ,
Wo luivo thoui for evory wulk of life,
Closes Saturday
What the Laboratory Haa Done For Ui
Automebil Maker.
Writ era of hlaturknl action tterpct
unto tbo "otloo that the art of the
uM armorer baa tiertebed. And yet In
earn aukl for only a few hundred dol
lars axles and era u It shaft me to lie
fouod luOnltely ouperlor In texture to
the weaMHM of famooa awordamltba.
The tan of aopfilo et toOgb blade
that could be bent Into drrlee without
snapping are acllpaed in the leas art
fully pfcruaed refmru of tenta conduct
ed with crank shaft at eel lu the metal
lursltal laboratory of any hirge auto
motile factory.
Could tbe obi oworda be twiatcd
tbraugfa six complete tum before tboy
broke? An axle kbaft ittu bo so twist
ed. What was the tensile strength of
tbe mace that (Jcdfrey of Uoulllou or
Htehard of tbe IJom Heart wielded)
How far. In other words, coukl it have
been stretched lengthwise before It
parted? No one Lnows.
Hut the automobile metallurgist Is
lure that It waa not the u0.nal in that
raapect ,of n modem vulve stem a
slim little member that can be extend
ed half Ita leugth In a tostlug tnachlue
before It ana pa In two.
Aa aooii as tbe metallurgist discover
ed that tbe iNropertlea of steel could be
ubtly t-banged by tbe addition of xoef
small iiiantltlea of wwb elements aa
chromium, mrUai, inauoauaae. nickel,
tuugaten or anadiuiu-aa mmhi. lu oth
er words, aa tbo problem of making
the automoblc durable and wife bad
been solved by research tbe designer
ventured to consider tbe economics of
motoring. Heavy autoinoblloa endure,
but they consume much fuel, and thoy
wear out exiHH.slve tires very rapidly
IJght nutoiuobllos arc mora cheaply
umlutaliiiHl. Aud mj now demands
were made on the laboratory In tbe
effort to sovo weight without kacrtUc
lug ktrcnglli or safety
la u Mar iixjulretl with teeth on tbe
out hide aa heal aa l hteel Mid yet
with a core that akuil oe Mtt uuU
tough, a coar that aliall not welch
mure than u given nuwlier of ounces?
Tbo metallurgUt Is aaked not ouly to
discover tbe formula for a ateel out of
which n -art can lie mado and which
mufit be examined with tba luivroociipe
. to detect tho wear to which It ban
I been subjected aftar having run 10.000
miles, but also to Indicate tbe method
! that muat bo followed by the furnace
men In beat treating tbe metal.
Without tho laboratory the designer
would be helpless. There would bo
llttlo progress from year to yenr.-Wab
demar Uaempffert lu Hurpor'o Magazine,
(Prom Monday's Dally.)
The laooad Uiaft of an American:
flag In Head waa rjHrted thla mom
Ing when Georga Curry. Janitor at
the Raid school. Informed City Super
tatendant Thordarson that a new ban
nor. 10 by IS feet, had been taken
from the building some time between.
Saturday night and Monday morn
Ing. Tho flag waa stored In thetchool
during vacation, but tha thief forced
a window on the ground floor nnd
secured It. No elews aa to the Ident
ity of tho individual have bean found
Kearly in tho spring a flag was
cut down from the standard In front
of tbo Brooks-Scaalof) Lumber Co.
office. It waa found weeks after
ward, rolled up and stuffed under &
sidewalk In tbe heart of tbo city
(From Thursday's Daily. 1
On Instructions received from tbe
office of United States District At
torney Iteamaa. of Portland. Conrad
KatteiniAn, of Hedmond, after being;
held fur rt"ys charged with Improper
Tlticlam of tho American foreign pol
Icy, was releaeod last night from th
Hend jail, and returned to bla honi-
Before leaving, he declared that bo
had learned hla leaion aad wouU
never talk In public again on any sub
"Clearing tho Plate."
Somo gray headed men who grew up
hi New England remember the custom
thnt prevailed lu many families of mak
ing n boy or girl "cloar tbe pinto" or
I eat what was left at another meal bo-
foro Kcttlng anything else. That waa
l not irrational or cruel. Tho child was
permitted to help himself or herself.
If too much was taken the discipline ot
having, to eat It tsoouer or later was
wholesomely educative. Wo may get
back to It. Wuste Is never justified lu
prosperous families or other families.
It Is u big elomeut In giving children
an utterly fulso idea of what makes
prosperity, at least In blinding young
sters to tho vitalism of thrift ou which
all accumulation is bused, Brooklyn
To Be Fully Covered.
Man No; I urn eurrylug all tho life
lusuranco I wuut, rerslstcnt Agent
I notlco you have a wooden leg. How
about Ore Insurance? Itoston Tran
script. Men are sent Into the world with
bills of credit and seldom draw to their
full extent. Walpoli.
You havo but an lUtlr ot
Don't neglect for a slnglo day
examination of your qyos, It
you think that you aro troubled.
Caroful diagnosis made. Glass
es fitted It needed Fautory ou
tho premises.
Optometrist, Optlolan
with Myron II. Syinons, Jcweloc
O'Knuo HulIdliiK
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Pates,
or Inquire of