The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 19, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAfJK I.
11KM) lU'M.KTIN, 11KNI), OHK(;0V, Till HSD.U, .11 IV 111, IIM7
Summer Comfort
lunsingwear tor
Mi mm
Two Mure aro OMtaltlo nf Limit
I.ljUiinluK Chief Chii(.e or Fires
ltoH)rt for Turin) Miy Ito
llenvj, Is llullef.
(Krom Monday's Dally.)
For causing trouble Ih the way of
forest fires, yesterday was the ban
ner ilny of the year, Korost Super
visor W. 0. HastlngR reported tills
morning. No less than eight fires
wore discovered within the conducts
of the. Deschutes forest, while n blnxo
in The Shevlln-Hlxon Company tim
ber closo to town and an unusually
large sage fire thought to have been
about 40 miles out on the Bend
Iiurns road, wore other conflagra
tions Included. According to all re
ports which came In, the tires wero
small enough so that the men at the
command of the various ranger sta
tions could bring them under control
without assistance from the main for
estry office. Mr. Hastings believes
that a majority of the fires have al
ready extinguished.
Lightning Chief Ciuic.
The largo number of fires yester
day was due particularly to the
lightning storm of the night before,
which started throe in the Beaver
Marsh section, ono near Crescent
Lake, two In the Kort Hock district,
and oho l the Dig River district. One
fire on the Metolius started when a
careless camper cooked his dinner
oh a fire built In the end of a rotten
log. then went away without exting
uishing the coals.
The two conflagrations In the Kort
Rock country, and the one in the
Shevlln-IIixon timber all menaced
valuable foreeU. LNtle damage was
done by the last named fire it was
announced at the company's office
this morning.
Mr. Hastings Is of the opinion that
when the reports of today's flree be
gin to come In, The season's total
will be greatly augmented, due to
the lightning storms of yesterday af
ternoon and evening, which swept
over practically the same territory
as the storm of the night before.
The Thrill and Hell of the Trenches De
scribed by an American Boy
Wg have secured' a scries of six articles by
Sergeant A'cxandcr McClintock of Lexington, I
fcy., and the Canadian army. He has a gripping
talc that every American will read, for he tells
the facts, unadorned. Wounded, a Distinguished ,
Conduct medal man, he was invalided home, but
is going "Over There" again to fight for Uncle
Sam and his allies.
Win i M iwmi. ttmmamMmammmmmm m wiii.iimp, .m lip. Diililliiill.Hi Mil ! IHiwwW M mm MWWMwwwwiww.ww
Thl Inlaw lion applies to nvrrv iikmiiIh r ir the f.imllv with equal force, fur MuiislnK"enr Is Inn IiI'miI
Miiiim'i umli'iwttar '"' men. wumnn mid children. Many of our patron hnve worn MlinalnRWear fin
mum will wear no other and It should be a stiiirco of semilue aat tnfMi" Ion in thiMii to know that Hum
uptt'iiiliil uinlqi-KurniiMiiit 'iin bi hud at pilrra Mlilrli wiiiiUI have btiru counted moderate n ear O) ami
tin iiri d to it'll how uuderwcai has gone up In prion since (hint We rnniinl emphasise loo striitnjtlv the
(I. lrnl)llln of ItsyliiR In a mnerou niippIv nf thla flim undera-ear now '.! la Klvtim aasy no secret to an
tUut pr'o-n wilt be mi lower In the mo in hi lo come, hut, mi Hie rontraiy, are almost sure In go hlnhei
llu during thla great Munsing showing and sale. ,
Here la Munsing Underwear for men, women and children. We guars tile It lo he ton per mt
right in fit, oo ni fort, wnahahlltty and durability. W'ehavV complete new storks from which you ran umk
selection. In all style and alm-a. W Rive a few Items and prices.
Women's Muusinir Union Suits, 75c
Light weight Munsing cotton union
suits in all the popular summer styles.
Really wonderful values today at these
prices. Keguiar sizes, 7oc. lJXlra sizes,
kMcn's Union Suits, $1.25.
Feb. 14, 1017.
Sergeant Alexander McClintock icrvcd In the Eighty-seventh
Battalion Canadian Grenadier gijiudi from September, 1915, until
November, 101G, the last four months of that time at the front
in France, where he gained the Distinguished Conduct medal by
his devotion to duty and bravery under fire.
As his former commanding officer I can testify as to his good
qualities, and I consider he would make a voluable officer.
(Signed) F. S. MEIQHEN,
Brigadier General, Commanding Canadian Training Division,
Half Truths.
Half truth are often more calumni
ous tbnn whole falsehoods. Not a word
may bo uttered, but n half suppriwoed
Innuendo, n droned lip. an arched eye
brow, n slinrgl ftbottlder. a sitrnlfl
cant look, an Incredulous expression of
countenance nay, even an emphatic
silence way do the Injurious work.
NO. 1. la Tfilnbj. How the men urn
anally I) roue lit lo the flrlnu line. A ile
orlptton ef eemlltlon thut our own buy
ami their parcat will read eaerl'.
NO. i. The Bomb Itild. The Rrent pre
arntton ami rehearsing for thM aturk
Volunteer for the iob taken txhlmt the
llae where the German trenehe are exact
ly reproduced The itajra of preparation
Heretofore unwritten iletall of modern
trench raMx. Thl article conclude with
the mm solnc out to their Job.
NO. 3. "Orer Ihe Top and (lle 'Fm
Hell.'' The Knt-lteh Tommy's battle err
a he break from hi trench. The bomb
raht and whet happened Of tlxly that
nlarted forty-lx fulled to return becauee
the Germane had prenared and irlne.1 lle
trench Qraphlc deMrrtntlmi of 8erHant
MrCllntock'e terrible experience.
NO. 4. Shifted lo Ihe Somme. ftorweant
McClintock takea part In the arm teat ofl-Vncle Ham.
f the hell of It. "The
alt bnttlea ami teH nf
front In llellum wnnTeally n re4t sector
in carnpaMoon lth it, lie layn. The ex
lenele preparation of the alllra for oen
warfare afterward lianunel becauee of
the failure of expected devetwttnHita.
NO. S. Wounded In Action. Thl artli-le
describe the terrible Naht. the dead anil
dylnar. the on of a pat and the Final fall
In- or MeCllnlork In No Man' Land. Him
ply told. It li on of Ihe moot remarkable
dearrlptlon of a battle by u participant
ever put toaether
NO. 6. Decorated For Hnrery; Hckho
and Uncle Sam. Thl conrhMilBi; article of
the oerte relate m detail bow Kncland
caraa for the wounded. Hew the kinte and
queen came to the bed of aa Amerlrmi
boy and decorated him In a lmdon hi
Htal for gallantry Intereotln. Intimate
and amuelnat Incident told by and of the
wounded Tommie TDIaa to Runt for
Women's Munsiiitf Union Suits, $1.0(L
Light weight lisle union suits. Low
neck, wing sleeves, sleeveless. Knee and
ankle length. Regular sizes, .$1.00.
Women's IMunsing Union Suits, $1.25.
All styles and sizes, in summer fab
rics. Plain lisle, $1.25; extra sizes, .$1.50.
Mercerized lisle, .$2; extra sizes, .$2.25.
Women's Munsing Pants, Vests, 50c.
Women's separate garments in all
summer styles of vests, tight or loose
knee pants. Regular sizes, 50c; extra
sizes, Goc.
Children's Munsing Union Suits, (55c.
Fine light weight cotton in all sum
WIOAR. Men's Muusing Union Suits, $1.00.
Good ribbed union suits in all styles
and sizes. Cream and while. Fine for
summer wear.
Good ribbed cotton union suits in all
styles and sizes. White and' ecru. Fine
for summer wear.
Men's Munsing Union Suits, $1.25.
Medium weight union suits in ecru
color. Long or short sleeves, ankle
length style. All sizes.
Men's Munsing Union Suits, $2.25.
White lisle union suits in light weight. K
excellent summer garments. AM pop
ular styles. All sizes.
Hoys' Munsing Union Suits, 05c.
White and cream. Long sleeves, an
kle length ; or short sleeves, knee length.
rt .e. . i -..( 1 .a ......
mer styles; z to o years, ifc; a to lz i Jor oy o year old; s to 12 year sizes,
years, 75c; M to 10 years, Snc. j 75c; M to 18 years, Socv
OuIiik to tht fart that w plartd our nrdnra very early we now offer vom linden ear of "liefure tli
war'' iiualltv at the old price Our liiinietine attx-k Imlurte rrer atyle and kind Cotton, llal.-, allk
linen. uil. te I.lght. medlutii and huayy mmIkHI. I.oiik alevea or abort Knint.or ankln leiiNth
draper In Ion Suita or Two I'letr Suit.
Central Oregon Lirjfot Diitriliutor. DenJ, Oregon
We will print one article each week for six weeks,
installment beginning this week on page l.
large entries in the vegetable depart
ment. The rules and regulations aa well
aa the entry list of flowers and veg
etables will be published at a later
Highly Eitlmabl.
"Half a loaf Is better than no
bread." said the pbllo(dier.
There's no doubt niton t the reapect
to which half n loaf Is entitled." re
plied the plain person. "It eoata as
much aa a whole loaf iwed to. Wash
ingtou Star..
ItccnilfliiR Officer Ordered to KnlNt
Men Who llitvt Hail T ruining, or
TIiom? WIIIIiik to Ho Tnilnrd.
Cooks and bakers for the army are
badly needed according to a letter
recelTed thla morning by Iteerulting
Officer Charles Davla, from the ofdre
of the quartermaster general. Sev
enteen privates are to be trained aa
bakers, nnd SOO'as cwiks lo be trans
ferred to the quartermaster eorps at
Karly enlistment for this branch of
the service Is desired, and men who
have already had similar-training In
civilian life are especially needed, al
though others of good physique who
are willing to go Into thla line of
work will also be accepted.
(From Friday's 'Dally.)
Believing that the Flower Show,
conducted annually under the auspic
es of the Library club, Is one of the
best advertising features that the
people of Bond undertake, the I.I'
brary club at Its last meeting deter
mined to perpetuate the display. The
date for the Seventh Annual Flower
Show will not be determined until
later in. tbo mouth, because it Is
thought that at that time It can be
beter determined Just how far looal
flowors and vegetables will be ad
vanced. The last week In August
will likely be the tlmo during whloh
the show will be held.
Because the demands upon persons
in town during the last two months
bavo been so excessive In a financial
way, the Library club this year will
not solicit financial aid to carry out
the premjutn feature. The club be
lieves that people in town having
flowers to show will be just as liberal
with their entries with ribbon prizes
aa they have been with cash prizes
in the past. This feeling has boon
expressed among a largo number of
former prize, winners at the local dis
play. Tho Club will receive voluntary
subscriptions' from Individuals or
ffrms desiring to assist tho Flower
Show. ' '
Special pallia wJJJj be taken Uilfj
year to stimulate Interest among tho
children and growers of vegetables'!
this year. U Is probable that caslt
prizes will be offered to encourage. I
it is RESULTS You Want Just
The Bulletin Classified Ads
By cutting out this blank and sending it to the
Orison Trunk lo llnvo Coinplrto I'nll-
limn iulpiiiint for llll liny to
Trj Out .m lliiliii'i. Xiiili.
(From WedHtmday'a Phlly.)
Beginning tonight, th Oregon
.111,1 IH Ol' I.ON(M!Altltl 1'KSTH Trunk will add another standard
AltK KII.I.KI) IX rot'XTV AT A iw to lla prMM qiilpmHt. wak-
. ., .IR t hat grade of aceoimniHla-
TOST OF IIM.V OMt.7ill.ll) ltom available nightly n Ita train
Enclosed find $ for which run the Classi
fied Advertisement below, to be inserted in the
Weekly Bulletin.. ...times, at 1 gent a word
each insertion". ' v '
Name ,.-u .
Uvii WWW )),
.ft.! ....... fa.... l
.. . r 51 i
' ""W"W"
... .....
i . "eW
s ',
' ie9Waf
fame and address to be used on your' Ad. :
(From Thursday's Dally.)
That the cost of rabbit killing la
almost negligible when the wnrk la
handled scientifically, Is shown In
the report of County Agriculturalist
Ulauchard, submitted to the Des
chutes county ceurt. Ills summary of
the results nf the free distribution of
poison shows 200 ounces of strych
nine sulphate distributed to XI far
mers' clubs at a mat nf about $1.16
an ounce. The returna gavo 5U.118
rabbits killed, making u cost nf ap
proximately three and one-third centa
per rabbit to the county.
Kearly In the season the Deschutes
county court set aside 100 for the
purchase, of poison. Thla was dis
tributed by the rounty agricultural-
Ittt'a office only to farmers who were
organised into clubs, with regular of
ficers, supporting pnlson inlxar.
The flubs were required to follow
the Instructions of the Iilologlmil
Survey, Department of Agriculture,
nnd submit a report on the number
killed at the end of the season.
During the winter, the county ag
rfoulturallst. In ro-operatlon with It.
Ovarii 01 ine llioiogirni nurvwy,
l Krom Tiii-adnv'a Dally i
Afltr leiir.Ui) delay on the part ,
if Krer IlriM , bond dealer of Det,
ver. the rity warrant lndehtMlnM i.
to Imi takon up In MU'hnHRe fur Heiul
rfundlHK bond. Taking advantai
f a loophole In the eontract, Ihe,
Ktwlara ar auMltutlHg i78.T0 In
warrants thay had bought np.
In lieu of oa,b, although It had been
tarltly undrtod that only 67a
worth of warrants would lake the
place of money In the J17.H00 to Ih
to and from IUiul, TrMVollIng Freight
and laanHer Agent J. T. Hardy aHmmed uvr (0 the elir.
.... ,B"1m"rn,"- '' "anae interet rharjM on the wamiBta
wll Ih. made In the tourist achmlu le. , which the rlt must from th
so that the equipment of six months KeeUra amount lo tua.Ti. and In ad
ago la virtually doubM. Laavlng dHlon. the bonding company la ahari
llend at H o'clock, Him slaepers will K M. hanga. wyabl at Deer al
ba carrltHl through to I'orlland on thowgh the Hand eounell had under
th fast train, arriving at a o'clock In, Mood that thla would ha charged
hare. Tha amount of axehauge I
now being eoinputml at the First Na
tional Hank.
Mlaa M. K. ColHtnon. oily trwaMror. "
Issued a call for warrants toth. m
thut the whulo mutter may bi losd
up as rapidly aa possible.
fFrnm WedutMiday'a Daily.)
The first wool to go from Ontral
Oregon to the oasteru mnrkebi thla.
iriiiiftml for Idaho .Mini Drowned In " waa Imtded today In Hand to b.
rniiaiKiiim Dy I). T. McKnnilriii.. ..r
tlie morning.
Tho now plnu will be tried out for
CO days, Mr. Hardy state, and at the
end nf that tiuie, If the volume of
business warrants, the Improvement
will he made permanent, If the
amount of night passenger travel fulls
to Justify the hnpea of the railroad
officials, one of the standards will
be taken off.
DoM'liuti'N on Monday to llo Held
In Fort Worth, Toxin.
juried forward a rabbit ttxtermlnn- "'" "r. were i niiounceo
tfon eampalgn. Hach locality waa ''" '"How iik the receipt of n tol
vTsItwl, the methods of proper mix- """ hy, w- ,!; Kl"10' "n ,UH,0I"
Itg and efflclont use of the poison
were explained. This makes the sec
ond season of organized offort ngaliiHt
rabbits. The results aro highly grat
Ifylng to the officials, as It repre
sent a most economical and efficient
mothod, over the offering of boun
ties. Tho following clubs, tho amount
nfpolson used by each, and tho num.
bor of rabbits killed, is as follows;
d'ilot Hutto Ilnbblt club, 20 or.,
12S0; Tumalo Dov, club, 10 oz
1000; Tflthernw Butto Farm club, 10
or., 000; N. W. Redmond Imp. club,
1C oz., 3100; Terrebonne Furmors'
Union, B oz., 1000; Pleasant Vulley
Imp. club, C oz., 080; Clovordalo
Oounoil, C oz 1140; Bend OrungQ
hall, 10 oz., 22G0; Cougar Butto Imp.
club, 10 oz 043G; Odin Falls Habblt
club, 16 oz., 1220; Cllno Falls Itab
bit olub, 6 oz., 000; Mt. IMno Boosters
olub, 20 oz., 4200; Alfalfa Imp. olub,
10 oz., 0374; Hampton Butto club,
20 oz., 7424; Hemstad Valley club,
6 oz., 4100; Bond Union (farmers),
10 oz., 1050; Arnold District club,
5 oz., 85; I'lalnvlow Imp. club, 6 oz.,
2100; I'rlnglo Flats Imp. club, C oz.,
8800; Lower Bridge Orange, 5 oz.,
2000; Brothors Dovel. club, 0 oz.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tentative preparations for the
funeral fop' K. It. Moore, who was
drowned Monday afternoon In the
. Doechutea river, were unununced to-
of tho deceased, from J. A. Iluloy,
prosldeut of the Caldwell Horse ami
Mule Co.
Mr. Haley will urrlvo In Bund to
night, llio telegram stated, nnd to
morrow morning will accompany thu
body to Caldwell. From there Mr.
Moore's brother will go on to Fort
Worth, Texas, where relatives are
living and whore services njo to bo
It was ascertained through Mr.
Kline that Mr. Mnoro was not mar
ried, aa had earlier been supposed.
(From Wodnoadnv's Dnllv. )
Before thu end of 30 days, tho
Northern ICxpress Co., operating over
tho Hill Hues, wllr move Its local
offices fioin tho union depot to u
location In thu business section of
tho city, it was learned today. In-
croasod business, and the need for
morroom than that now afforded,
aro given us tho reasons for the
change. Tho location for tho now of
(Ico has not been definitely settled
'on as yjft, It was stated.
Ukuvlew, to Boston firms.
every ort of outdoor play the
it indeed the logical, approprin
cl moit ratiifyini torment,'
We've a splendid variety fort
your inspection,
75c to $2,00
5 in iWfm'HWVrTyf
"-""""- " ' " M k
i !