IIKNII IIUI.MSTI.1, IIHND, OIIKUON, TliriLHDAY, .Il'LV 1, J17 PAGE n Bend Women Make Schedule to Work for the Red Cross (Prom Tuoi1ny'r Dully.) At n mount uinutliiK m which rut rwwntiillvoH from tli tllfferrn' or KiuiUiitloiin of thB city won itmmiit, the Kit Crmw chapter hara iiimiI-j mi oirtlliii) of tliH nrk to h done. It WNft llwflldad that NjHIHN, nliiniltlHi-wnHi mmiI bad nwk bit iiihiIh her, three dnya 'i wck lie IHK Ml nalii for thin woik which will lm iliinn i tti lt'l 'n nenuituiir-1 tern oiUHMiltH lh Pilot Hun.i Inn on, (IrMNIIWOtlll avenue. The following In a mhfrtulf of lli days nl for the llff. orn-aiilaa-; tloiia. Anyone it i I helotipiiiis tu an organisation will I" giadijr welenin-1 ed, aa ther are ap--inl day when different group w.ll ! In ilmric Tinvly. Auk ". Mr II K. Ilrnoka; Wediieada, Auk . Mr, (' I 8. Iludaiiii, Thurada. Auk. . I'ur-, r.l,l, I'OH HUM' MKNT 'Ml ItlJSII, AMI .MUX WOltK A I.I. M;IIT TO HAVIS IIIHMlKS-sf AXI.X 'I I.M IIIEIt ll()l!lll.(JS. (Krom ttatiiriJNy'a Daily.) HurnlHi: nvr hh t of mor- thnn SUU Hfrtw, flro lrtliiK (irmMlily trow thM UHixtlNKHlhi4 ntuu of t(iurit' ilKruilH. ur by thtr ray f tlm mum lirMUKMt to foru by m bit of hU. wm rttHrtt to lm HHilwr control tlil mornlnx nr ih Arnold irn ihvm, XI mllm out on the llnt lliirmi road. I'lr flKhlm work4 HKHlmit tk flnmiNi train rly ytr ' iluy nftriiiMM uoill thin morulm: wIimh lh tiroKrM of ih Ur wa hwkml. Jimt how KroMt tb ttuwr, wuW m, Porml &MHrvUor W. (1. IUtlnK wnn urwibl to h)', but t(wl ibM tliH flrn bail dwitjit ovr r atctloM for- wtml by vhIuumIm ln tlmor. xlthHr tho property of th DrtHtkn-kVanlon l.ubr Co.. or aitJolnlfiK timber iwhmI by th- rowimwy Th fir , rlilufly knpt to th Krounrt. anil rt portH whlvh lmv bn nrcwlvwl Iiuvm mi fnr fallml to ahow whathur or not tlin boat waa uf(trlnt to kill off tbn trtmn. Th bUu waa tbt flrtt tbla iimn wlilrh the for of KovHmmunt mn M th KroHHit haa btt Hiiakln to i-opo with, anil llarM Smith, In charx f Ihn fir flehlem, ant In a eall to tha wm of fir for hl abort ly bjforH 4 o'rloek ycatantay afternoon. Six wtm warn riuh1 to tho arM In KHttM, anil ata4 through thf ntttt. hour oil u Ira nt your aorvwr at the Mutropolllnn. Hu waltln. -A4v. iiami'ton nrrrit. (XpMlnl toTho Ilullatln.) HAMPTON IIUTTie. July II. Mm. Cbnn. Jniuoa and rhlldru rt. turnml from llvml Wwlnwnlay. whurw thny rtd uti rated tlif Kourth. Mm, J. M. llrlckuy anil ion, Jlmwln nutoml to DiiiiiI Krlilay to mt Mm. Ilrlrkoy'a iliuiKhtor. Mm. Katmml Marnlinll, ami two i-hllilrtu, of Por wit Orovo, who ulll vlult with thum nuvoral wtinka. Mr Sullivan and family, of lloml. H M FIRE IN FDRESTj i i "ZlIIZy Asphcilt-Base V lfW!! W Oil Ideal j KfCT B Lubricant" S wWWu wTO Ii FORD-E. I Vtiiil., o.li.itJ-- "Califnmia iplul.b oil formi an tdal lubricant fur a lord car." STUDnHAKGR-SlU.Wkfr Onifr, SiUui "liavlns utl ZrruUna for otr ilx car, U Juall- ficd in rrcomntendinu ii to ur of Siudclxkrcar." DODGO McAnliur Hum., I'Umi "bavo UK'd Zcrolcna rxclmivcly In all our Dutlga Urotbere cart." OAKLAND O.kUnd Auto S.Ui Convrnr, 1'ortl.nJ "Zvrolrne lu proved a Mtufactory lubricant in our Oakland can." ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by Lending Car Distributors brcauM tho rrcordi of their Mrvlce department how that ZcroUne, correctly refined from California atpbalt. bale crude, give crfect lubrjcaliou lea wear, mora power, leatt carbon ikpoo't. mmm iiuwcr. i;iua iivm w.-w. . nut Tmiiiiiirn' AHsiirlittlnn; Tuesday, Auk. 14, Library club; WinluoKilny Aug. 1R, Pnmbyliirhiu (lullil; Thum iluy, Auk-. 10, Ituptlnt (lullil ; Tuck ilny, Am;. 21. Catholic Allur Hoclety Wailiinndny, Am;. 22, Kiintiirn Hlitr. Thumdny, Am;. 211, Hwedlnli Luther mi Aid; Tuesday. Auk. XN. ClirUtlati ftiiniit'e; Wetlm-ailay, Auk. 2U, Re Imkah Lodge; Thursday, Auk. 30, Methodist Alii. Thl KcllKlllllo Will III followed In rotation each niii,cenelve month Thus mnnllie IihvIhk h fifth Tuna iluy, WeilNeedny or Thursday will be In charge of Mm. Hurry llronki, Mm. Hudami iihI Mm. J. C. Vandnttrt. respectively. Any IihvIhk ilean linen or rottoii "odds Hint hikU" are urged to nuvo llii'in fur Him Red Crows work hero aa ilit-y rlfti Iih iiihiIh lulu many use ful nrlli-lea for lint nuldlor lioyH. HtitoHd throiiKh Imm TliurHdny. Tlmy arc limkliiK for u IoihIIoii, and think of iHklUK U llOIIHMitoilll. Norvnl lirowu hml llm nilNfortuno ito hrimk IiIn iump, iiihI wmm com- pelli'd ti iiuiiip wutor by liiinil for Mi'Vi-rat ilnyii. Mr Jhiii Iiiih rocuntly jiurchuHcd tWII t'llWH. IIitI MiMikn Hindu u IiiuIikhmi trip to HfMiil Iniit wixik. Win. Holm iiiikIh a trip to Ilnml thU wnk for lumliHr, wlrn mid other nupptliMi. C'arrlo llrown wuh a vUltor of Mm. ! Ilrookliicn liiitt Thumdiiy. Tit (hi KwIiik ruturiiDil fnmi Hend Kttluriliiy. tin lirowu HtoptoHl nt tho Drown rmirh VllioiIny iilnlil. Hurl ItoKr In worklm; for Norval llrnN. Mm. J M. Hrlrkny und crmidiioii, Vallar Drown, wore vlcltora hur lant ThunwlHy. U. S. NAVY RECRUITS DINE LUXURIOUSLY .MU NitlliliiK On Hliibnriilo Mpiiii, Wrllci lloli linn', Who KolMrd ii Yimiiiiiiii I'rom Itftitl. (Prom TiiMNlay'a Dully.) How whII UnrlH Nam fnlii thn bo) who havw onlUtml In hln imry In howH by a curil Jimt rot-Mlvml hnro from Dob IiiHtm. of thbi city, now In lb yiwnianry rirvlH, by hU father, Joph , Iuhm. Voiihk Iiiikmi ond t.op). r , ,,Her , for Kounh of July nl the Huu KruiiRbuiii norul tmlnlHK ntatlon, mill acfumpanlea It with tho HiMortlou that tlui rocrulla atw vr'thlnR llatml, and that It wan "am fi'tnl." lltr la what tha lltmd aallor boy a, anil huHdrwIa of nthara from all ! tlona of the country, ihuhhhihI to Kt away wtth: ItarilihM 8wt PlekbM (IrwtHiOnlona Irtxl Cantaloup) Crfnm of Tomato 8oup Creuioua Prlrandaau of limb Oman (tarda Paa KaktMl Snload Ham Itoaat Yaunr, ChhkaH ()yatr DrtHMltiR Olbhn Oravy MhhIuhI Ptttutuoa AaparHKua on Duttwrwl Tiiast Haarta of Lttuco Mahid ' Prtmi'li DrailiiK Nnapolltau leo Urouiu Pumpkin 1'lti Applo Pitt Pull Troam CIihwih Touatod Oraokora Marble Cnko UrHiimw lliinnnns Mlxod Nutn mill ItulaliiH C'lKum Coffwo Want Ada only ONK CIC.N'T o word. mm.tmrir s ' Trk BEHGCANT MtCLINTOCK, ?? m . 1. In Training Ily ScrzcanI Alrxandtr AlcCllnlock, I). C. ,M., b7lh Ourncnn Halt., Canadian (Jrcn. Ouardi. Cup)rllil. IMT. ty m 11.11 Hyti JU'Hlfi, Inc. a run r. wo u i). Unit It a literary firottuct trhlrh It at own an ailmtrablu I'suripfe of the force of tlmi'to ritilltm in the diMcrliillon of Ihlnyt which are difficult of ordinary 'omprcht niton, and n handbook and yitlde for I'trru protprvtho oldtcr of !wr nrmlci, Nrrptant ilrVltnlork hai not written itorlvi about the iriir. lie ha tcrltlcn Ihe irar (far, rtduclno It, one might ilmtttt ihu, to curdi of one millable, yet bringing to the ronir viae, clear lu and vividly, the vartoui aupctl of Ihe yreat ttiugalc, hidden to all except the ohih who ( actually a port of It. ( contribution to Ihe hiititry of the ictir muit be ddnnl ua one tehlch ihlHrt teith a new light. It it fatrlnnllHD in lit timplielly, yet 'hrilllmi (h (f cimvlHclny detail. It 'eadt me, with ivcryrowina mf enm lilting Intercut, from a miual romwr latloH In o hotel in .Vrtr I'orJr through wenrt of ttrife and LUhhI and thrilling imflict to the moment when the king ind ;urrn of Itngland lame to Ihe bciU tide of (l Kentucky youth In t London Hnipltal to thank hint in the name of iheir nation for hit lervwit In the rtit which we hare now tome In rco tgnlte at that of itnirld humanity. Mergmnt SleCllntoek received Ihe )( ifiipudftrd Conduct medal before lenv Ing Itngland for home on leave, lie It returning In accept a eommiuiun in Ihe Vanadlan oecrtcim forcet. Thf ttory It Mil in ilcCllntoek' own unadorned way, xr I DON'T Iny rtnlm tu bclm; in noli of ii wr;ter, and up till now f bavo iii'vtT folt tlu rail to wrlli nny rliliiK nlMtui my fxpcrlunrw with I lie L'utiHdlMii triKHHt In lletitlum nml Pramti. Ikh-humj I bavo nallel that I Krnnt tnniiy othr liifil miw quite A murb tii I did and ewubl lM't mo tell ItilC uUmt It. Of t-our( 1 Im-Hivih1 that my exiMTb-uce wan worth rebillUK, and I IbouKht that tlu maltfr ulIUh-d In the iieVhtapon by prufuMilAiuil writ im Mrt of mUatid th aatiitUU and liukwl tint aplrlt of tho "dlti'lKw" In n IhM many way In tlte of lln exiel 'it literary Mtjlu. but I didn't kcu nny rvitiHHi uhy It unx up to inu to mnk in ffurt n u war hUturlau until now. Now there U a reanoti, ax 1 look at It. I bellevu 1 can ahow the two or tbri'O mlllluua of my follow i-ouutrymeu who will bu "outihero" ln)foro thU wur U over what tbey aro koIhc to Ik up aunliiKt uud what they ouchl to pre pnre fur pcnwimlly uud Individually. That U nx fur iin I nm koIuu tu ua lu the wiiy of vxruve. oxpluimtlon or com- 'Doyt, for God'a aako don't call ma Harry. Hare cornea tha ganorut!" incut, cult It what you will. Tha rest or my tuory m u Bimpio relation or facta and occurrences lu tho order In which thoy cumo to my notlco and Iitiiv- pened tu uu. It muy blurt off n llttlo lowly and Jerkily. Just nu wo did, not knovvliii? wbnt wim coinlnir to us. I'd llko to mid that It K't llto hot cuoukIi to Hiilt mo lutnr nuvornl tluuis. There fore, na my effort la eoluc to bo to I'arry you rlcht uloug wltii mo in tins account of my viperlowes, don't bo r vvw i mm. . -ov l i i ivr . i lTT!vr&vVf'ii3 ii hii'(-cfi& "OVER TIRE" The Thrill and the Hell of the Trenches, Described by an American Boy. Sergeant Alexander MtCHntock of Lex ington, Ky,, and the Canadian Army Hai Gripping Tale That Every American Will Read, For He Tclli the Faoti Unadorn ed. Wounded, a Distinguished Conduot Medal Man, lie Woi Invalided Home, but Is Going "Out There" Again toTJght For Unole Sam and Hii Allioi. An In spiring, Interesting, Ferwnal Narrative, Full of the Spirit and Atmoiphere of the Trendies. Impudent If tiolbhiK very lintiortnnt , aovina to come off at Hrt. I fr-lt u lit tle ennui myat-lf at the Rctnway. ISut that wmm cerlaluly oiih IhliiK that didn't annoy mo later. In tho bitter Kirt of Ortober, KM., I decldiHl that tho I'nlted Hlatea oiislit to be lighting iiI'iuk with IIiikIhikI mid Prance on nermint of the wNy Ilelirlflin bud Imtii trratcd. If for no other renaon. An there neemed to be n conalderablo dlvlnlon of oplulnu on thin xlut nmouK tlir Moplu at home, I came lu the com cliidldii that nny limn who wan free, white mid twenty-one mid felt iih I did oiicht to ko over mid Ret Into It kIiikIp Imnditl on the aldo where bin convic tion led him. If there wiNii't nomu par tlcuhir reanou why he couldn't. There foro I unld Koodby to iiiJ"imrenlH and frlemlH In Leiliiflon uud Minted for New York with tho Idea of khIIIiik for Prance mid Joining tho 1'orelnu IcrIoii of tho Prcnch army. Decides to Go to Canada. A coiijile of nlehtM after I got to New York I fell Into conversation In the Knickerbocker bar with n chap who wan lu the re-onforceiiient comiHitiy of PrlncH Pat'n rcKluiotit of the I'ana dlaii font. After my talk with him I tlM'hled to ko up to Canada nml look thhiB over. I arrived nt the Wlndaor hotel, lu Montreal, nt 8 o'clock lu tho moniliiK a couple of daya later, and nt 10 o'llock that moniliiK I wax aworn In an a private lu the Canadian Creiia dler tninrd. High ty-ac von tb oiurtcan battalloii, IJeiitelinnt Colonel P. K. MelKhu comniamllnx. Tliey werejuat KettliiK under way. mnkliiK oldler out Of tln troop I cnlUted with, uud dla clplhie waa nolle lux. They nt once ;ao we a wcek'n leave tu come down to New York and kettle tip aouio Kmoiml nffalm, and 1 over ntayod It Ihe daya. Alt that my com puny commander aa'd to me when 1 Cot bark wiia that I nwuied to have picked up Canadian habit very quick ly. At a ruvlew one day in our train ing camp I heard n major nay: "Iloya. for Cml'a aako don't call me Harry or nplt lu the rank. Here cornea the Konenil!" We found out eventually that there waa n hhimhi fur the Mack liens of dla eljdlne. The trouble waa tlutt men would cullat to wt (1.10 n day with out worktujc for It and would docort aa noon am any ot mad It tuipliwaant for them. Our otHcera knew what tbey were alMiiit. ComlitkHm chaiigMl In atautly wo went on hhlptwanl. Dlad. pllue tlchlwd up o iih like a tW rwisj on n colt. We tralnetl In n wirt of caxual. easy wny lu Canada from Nov. -I to the fol lowing April. We bud a K od deal of trouble keeping our battalion up to atreiiKth, and I waa rent out aeverul time with other "noneoms" on n re cmltlnK detail. While wo were In the trnluliiK camp at St. JoIiu'h I made tho nciiuahitniice of nyounx Caundiau vfbo bicame my "pnl. II was Campbell McPnrlnud. nephew of Geo rue McPnr hind, tin ucior who Is o well known on tho American mtmlenl atase. lie waa u Hergeaut. When 1 first knew him he was one of the moat dolbjutful and iitniiNtng young follows you could IiiiukIuu. Tho war i hanged htm entirely. He became extnunely uulet and aeemwl to be borne down with the neiiac of the terrible-thtiiKti which be saw. He nev er lost the good fellowship which wan Inherent In him and was ulwayn ready to do an) thing to old lire me. but bo formed tho habit of Hitting, alone mid dllcnt, for bourn at n time. Just think ing. It ticcmed nti if he bud a premoni tion about hlnibclf, tlioiiKh he never nliowcil fear and never apoke of the dangers wo wore going Into, as the other fellows did. He was killed lu the Souiiiiu action lu which I was wounded. I also bad been made a sergeant on account of tho fact that I had been at school In the Virginia Military In stitute thut Ih, I was an acting ser geant. It was explained to me thnt my appointment would have to be confirmed in Kngltind and then recon firmed after three months' aervlco tu Prance. Under tho regulations of tho Canadian forces a unucommtssloucd olllcer, after flnnl confirmation In bis grade, can bo reduced to tho ranks only by a general court martial, though ho cau escape a court martial, when confronted with charges, by reverting to tho ranks ut his own request. Forty-two hundred of us Milled for England on the Kmpress of Urltnln. sister ship to tho Empress of Ireland, which was sunk In tho St, I.nwronco river. Tho steamer was, of course, very crowded and uncomfortable, and tho eight day trip across wan most un pleasant. Wo had trlpo to ent until wo wero sick of tho night of It. A sergeant reported one morning. "Bight men and twenty two breukfasts ah neiit." There were two othor troop ships In our convoy tho Ilnltlc and the (Coutluuod on Pago 0,) Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES h a xv y k it First National Hank Building Hand :: :: Oregon II. II. DcARMOND i. a v y k n O'Khikj IIullilInK, !!, Oregon W. '.. KAUI.KNKIt, D, M. D. II K.VTIHT Units 6-8-10, O'Kane Building riond, ... Oregon i DIt. J C VAKMBVKRT i'ljyalt Inn nml Surgeon Phone lied 271 Hours 9-12 a m., 1-C p. in., 7-9 p m. O'Kiiiie Ilulbllng. W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Ilcnllit. Sulto 12-14, O'Kano Duildlng Illuck I7H1 llcnd, Oregon GBOKOE 8. YOU NO Civil nml Irrigation Kngloocr. U. 8. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, First National Dank Building WILL OPEN MARKET ON OREGON STREET (From Tuesday's Dally.) Within a wnek or 10 days, Ben Koaeman, recently moved to Bend from Boston, Mas., will open on 143 Oregon street, an up-to-date meat and produce market. Carpenters are now at work remodeling the building which will house the new onterprlae, which Is to be known as the Union Market. Mr. Roseman comes to Bend after wide experience In the business In the east. thewalBurli .cigarette Toasted tobacco The ony hig advance in 20 years v in aparerte mnwrjj .J so) n Oumneed by V & h KM rami mm sj m - wJ ii H a fj lt Kta jft m ( Burley is fir In I rtlame good") I VViobacco Jjf ARTHUR J. MOORE Ln-wyer Ix)(f('ftl)ln (ulldlnjf ilond, Oro. l,ono Black 1111 .). K. KNOKIIHKTHO.V, I'M MIII.NO AM) IIKATINC1 117 Minnesota Hlrret Estimates Cheerfully Purniahcd Jobbing Promptly Done 0. V. NiftWONOKR, Bond, Ore. LN'DKllTAKm Urenacd Kmbalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 4 21. Lady Awt DR. R. D. STOWBLL Najirapntliic I'liynlclan Over Logan I urnlturo Co Wall Street Hours 0 to 5 Phone Hcd -UKi 0. 8. BENSON Attorney At I vr Benson Building, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. H. O. ELLIS Attorney-at-Lnr United States CominlMaloner First National Bank Bulldlne BEND, OREGON 'ARNOLD IRRIGATION i MEETING POSTPONED (From Tuesday's Dally) Because so many of the ranchers or the Arnold Irrigation project are buov with haying, the basket picnic and annual meeting of the water users; and stockholders, planned to havo been held on the L. D. Vlest lawn in this city, was postponed yesterday ta a later date this bummer FRESH Groceries You have a right to INSIST that we see to it that your money finds tho greatest pur chasing power, and that you Bet QUALITY goods for the money you pay. RESPECT we pay to this plan Is what is building for us a big business. HOWEVER LITTLE the saving may be, It will HELP. We'll do our best for YOU. I'HONU BLACK 11 Eriekson's Grocery JOHNSON IJLDC. Wall Street Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt BASEMENTS STREET WORK. ETC. Leave orden at J. A. EASTES OFFICE Oregon Sued J L Roofing of nil kinds, Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. k Shoe Repairing1 Done in n FUlST-CliASS man ner, whilo you wait, L. Goodman, opposite. linker's Grocery,