PAGE a nuNo miM.nntc, urnii, orkoon, tiu'iinday, .iri.v u, wit J 1 ------ Central Oregon Neighborhood News PI.A1KVIKW. ---- --- (8poclnl toTho Bulletin.) PliAINVIBW. July 16. Mr. Hu bert SooRRln and Mrs. J. A. ScogRln M-rro in llenil Tuesday on business. Jess Melton was In Kctlmonil Wed nesday cvcnlnR. M. E. Martin was In Bend Wednes day. P. Van Tassol hns been work at Dan Winkles' saw mill the past week. County AnrlcuHurnllst, 11. A. lllanehard was In this vicinity Thurs tlav afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stein called at the Pine Lawn ranch Thursday. Grandma ArmstronK spent Tuesday nlsht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scogfiln. Leonard Davenport, of Prlncvllle, Is visiting this week with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Melton. Mary Dennett, of Bond. Is visiting ber grandmother, Mrs. J. A. ScorkIu, this week. Mr. Griffin, of Tutnalo. was out through this neighborhood Wednes day afternoon on business. Mrs. Dan Winkle was In Slstors "Wednesday on business. Emraott Knickerbocker called on Hubert Van Tnssol Sunday nttornoon. Miss Graro Ward and Mrs. Mary Canada, of Bend, spent last week vis iting nt the Knickerbocker ranch. Jess Melton was In Kedmoud last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodruff, of rioverdale. passed through here early Thursday morning on their way to Bend. M. W. Knickerbocker. Emmett and Constance wero In Bend last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stein called on Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scoggln Wed nesday evening. Lyle Richardson and father, of Hend, were in this locality Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ford McAllster. who havV been visiting their daughter. Mrs. Melton, left Sunday morning for Portland. Mrs. Melton was on the sick list Saturday and Sunday. The Glllett family have taken their, departure for Montana, where then expect to make their future home. Their leaving was regretted by many. mentis, anu our sincere wisnes go with them. Mrs. Krug entertained the O. D. O. club at her homo last Thursday. Sand iviches and lemonade were served. Those present were Mrs. Howard Hartley, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Hubert 'Scoggln. Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Nol son, Mrs. Tweet and Mrs. J. A. Scog gln. Everyone enjoyed themselves greatly. Mr. Bailey, ono of Mr. .Pagtn's xhecp packers, was arrested hero on Thursday, by J. M. Griffin. I finally decided the Jaegor-Stono road Is to bo opened up. A. J. Fuller and C. F. Hosktns at tended K. P. lodgo in Redmond Titos I day night. .lorry urosKrurger smrwu ouiiimy morning for the mountains with tho last of his nnd Gus Stndlg's cattlo. L. A. Hunt was In Redmond Mon day, Miss Fornla, of Prlnovllle. who is going to visit for n few weeks with old friends at Lowor Bridge, return ing with him. Mrs. L. F. Rico and daughters, Dorothy nnd Hope, wero In Redmond, Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Fuller, Mrs. Emma Ful ler and Mrs. Fred Wnltors motored to Redmond Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hosklns and family wero visitors at tho Holm's home on the Peninsula Inst Suuday, TERREBONNE. Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen Wlllcnxen and Mr. and Mrs. Otis lluttortlold at tended Eastern 8tnr In Redmond Inst Wednesday ovenlng. Mrs, E. A. Bussott spent Saturday evening In I'rlnovlllo. Miss Ruby Clark returned to Prluo vlllo on Hiiudny, nftnr working nt tho lluttortlold ranch for tho past two mouths. J. E. Warner, Alton Wlltcnxon and Otis lluttortlold recounted nnd mark ed the shoop nt tho counting pons nt Crescent on Friday, hoforo turning thorn on tho reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Motvln Foster, of Redmond, visited rulntlvcs hero on Frldny. Joss Bcckntnn mndo a trip to Cres cent Monday, returning Tuesday. E. A, Bussott was a dinner griost nt Frod Brown's Inst Sunday, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Hhouror and Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Foster fished in the Deschutes near Tumaln on Sundny nnd report a splendid catch. Miss Borthn Gnodsell and Mr, John Tuck wero married Inst Friday. Miss Ethel Wright, granddaughter of Mrs. Georgo II. Stone, and Joo Spoochloy returned from tholr hon eymoon Inst Saturday. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINCIS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FJRB LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER UUILDINOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 loTi1 BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. CLOVERDAI.E. HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON. July 0 Le Rlggs. Jim Dunn and Ike Zerolph spent sev eral days In Bend the foro part of tho "week. Jake Book passed through Hamp ton on his way home from Bend last Sunday. Ho was taking a load of gasoline to Brookings. Mrs. M. II, Crow called at Mrs. C. B Horman'a Friday, Dan McArthur and C. B. Harman spent Friday with Lew Bennett on Hampton Butte. Hugh Crow left for Bend Monday. Ike Zerolph purchased a new Max well car while in Bend this week. Lora Crow made a trip to Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Brickoy's homestead ou Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harman, Mrs. "W. H. Payne and Dan McArthur spoilt Sunday with Tilr. and Mrs. Searcoy. Marjorle Payne and Darle Burton spent Thursday at Mrs. Fallon's, of Dry Lake. Molvln Crow called on Dan Mc Arthur Friday. Lee Rlgga made a trip to Camp Creek Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Whltaker spent the Fourth of July in Bend. Jim Dunn and Ike Zerolph went to Darns Saturday, returning Sunday. E. Smith was a Hampton visitor Sunday. Del Davis, of Pringlo Flats, made a trip to Bend Saturday. Rneclal to Tho Bulletin.) TERREBONNE, July 16. Max Mendenhall, of Opal City, hns been visiting his cousin, Devero Holtrlch. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Perry wero dinner guests nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Graves last Sunday. Mrs. Gcrtrudo Whlters, of I'rlno vlllo, visited frionds here last week. Mrs. Whlters has accepted the prlnc Ipnlshlp of tho, Terrebonne school for tho coming year. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. McElfresh vis ited tho Redmond Rcbckah lodgo last Thursday evening. Mrs. Millie Lehman, of Portland, n former rosldont hero. Is visiting her brother, Orville Morris. II. V. Gatos returned Saturday ov onlng from n trip to Ileppner. Frank Martz, of Bend, was a Sun day visitor here. Claude Drew and wife are new comers to our city. Mr. Drew ex pects to open a blacksmith shop on Main street. Miss Margaret Hojlelde was a guest at tho Relgel home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Foster wero guests of their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Tunker. last Thursday and Friday. The Ladles' Pioneer club held Its regular business meeting Wednesday nttornoon, July 11, Those present were Mesdnmes Davidson, Nichols, Relgol. Parr, Perry. Mitchell, Gal bralth and Peckham. The orchardlsts around Terrobonno feol qulto elated orer the prospects for u bountiful fruit crop thfs year. The Into spring hold tho fruit buds back, which seems to bo Just what wns needed to Insure a good crop. Tho berry patcbos arc also yielding abundantly this season, which will all help the farmers fight the high cost of living. IOWKI.Ij BUTTE. (Special to The Bulletin.) CLOVEUDALE. July Hi. Mrs. W. I). Pugh nnd daughter. Mildred, of Bond, worn visiting In Clovordnlo Inst week. Nearly all tho fnrmore started cut ting alfalfa Monday morning. Thai crop is lienor tnnn wns oxpocted. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Grubo nnd daughters, Eleanor and Mnudc, Ida Nlswongor nnd Orphn Ilnuck went to Suttlo Lnko Inst Thursday for n fow dnys' outing. Mrs. II. C. Miller nnd Mrs. W. W. Van Mntro wero calling on Mrs. Grey Saturday afternoon. J. W. Gnttcr wns trnnsnctlng bus iness in Redmond Saturday. Mrs. II. O. Wilson was shopping In Redmond Saturday. Enrl, Arthur and Floyd Grube and, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Kllno spout Hun-' dny on Suttlo Lnke. I Mrs. F. G. Cutllp nnd thrco sons, i of Redmond, More picking goose berries at Mrs. II. C. Miller's place Friday. ; Fnl Miller wns baptism! at Slstors ' Sundny afternoon. ' Kthul Vincent vlnlted with Idalla . Miller Saturday night and Sunday. Several of the ClnverdalH folks at-' tended preaching services at SlsUr Sunday night. SISTERS. ! Dr. Bobbins was called to Red mond Saturday to take charge of Dr. Hosrh'a practlco whllo tho latter Is taking a vacation. W. D. Farthing nnd ll Chat have returned from n fishing excursion to Thrco Creek Lnko. Rev. J, E. Blnlr conducted services nt the Presbyterian church Sunday ovnnnlg. Severn! new members wort baptised nnd received into tho church, Win, Lang, of this place, who hns enlisted In tho hospital servlco of tho U. S. army, hns received notice to ho ready for a mil to tho colors nt any moment. Tho friends and neighbors of Mr. Lang gathered at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Roach Fri day evening and gave Mr. Lang a farewell party, J. B. Minor and family, nf Bend, were Sundny cnllers at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Slinw. r Tt'MALO. r.Suflclal to The Bulletin.) SISTERS. July Iti. G. Martin nnd family loft In their touring car Sat urday for their home In Pullman, Washington. Mr. Martin has been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. McKlnnoy, of this place, for the past two weoks. ' IiO.ST CREEK (Special to Tho Bulletin.) LOST CREEK. July 10. The Fourth of July passed very quietly. A number of poople enjoyed a picnic at Curran's hall during the day and a dance at night. C. S. Davis and Tom Cowan have gone to Bond for lumber for W. T. Cowan, who expects to build a rest donco in tho near future. Ray Stauffor came over fraia Egll and spent tho Fourth with tho home folks. J. Musser was a business visitor at ihe home of Tom Hutton last Sat- urday. Ben DoWItt, who has boon cooking .it Rodmond, roturuod home last Sat urday evening. Ben Rhodes is doing some fencing for Mrs. O. O. Rhode. Mrs. C. S. Davis has gone to Silver Crook to visit relatives and friends for a fow days. Kenneth Helm and Hazel MoLouth were guests ut the Crosby Smith homo last Sunday. l.OWHK BRIDGE. (Special to tho Bulletin.) POWELL BUTTE, July 16. Otis Butterflold has sold his Maxwell car and purchased a Dodge. Earl Saunders and family left for Seaside, by auto on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Walter Foster spent Tuesday of last week with Mrs. J. M. Shearer. Win. Wells, of Redmond, is help In urKh tho llivlnir nn tlin tlMII tl'n... a.o ...... .j a ,,w ,,,, ,1 u, weiler ranch. Otis Butterfleld left for Portland Monday evening, returning Wednes day, of last week. A mare belonging to E A. Bus sett presented him with u fine pair or twin colts last week. Walter Foster spent several days last week fishing at Crescent lake. The young people enjoyed a wlenlo roast on tho west sldo of the old rlvor bed on Tuesday night of last week, there bolng about 26 present. TRY OUR Pasteurized Milk Othoi Eke it. None Kcpt Ut let. Salci hare doubled m p4 30Uyt. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS CREAMERY PhooeRtd 131 TUMALO, July 111. Ray Brown mndo a trip to Bond Saturday morn ing, doing tho usual number of er rands for tho neighbors. Fishing trlpM to tho Motollus, Cres cent Lnke and other points wero mndo by tho GorklugM nnd their guests, Mr, nnd Mrs. Chns. Gorklug and Mr. and Mrs. Woodnrd. Mr. and Mrs. Van Mnrso and Miss Adah Morse, of Redmond, nnd Mr Gardner Parry, of Prlnovllle, worn visiting nt the C P. Becker homo on Suuday. Mrs. Lou Pulllnm wns hurt Inst Saturday, whllo driving wKli her son and little granddnughter. The team hcams uiiiunnngenhle and ran nwuy, throwbig them out. Tho others wore unhurt, but Mrs. Piilllam suffered a badly sprained and bruised shoulder. Men arc needed In the buy field and to help Irrigate the grain. Mr. McCartney mndo a trip to Tumalo Monday to get some black smithing done. Mrs, U. W. Bales nrrlvnd home tlm first of tho week, after a lung visit to her daughter In Colorado. G. G. Gorklug sold his ranch to Mr Hayes, of Silver Lake, who takes possession nt once. O rover will over sco tho hay harvest for his purchaser. Alfalfa hay is heavy and a flno crop this year, owing to tho extended warm wenthor. Many have tholr hay all cut and ready for storing. Miss Joituln Burt wont to Portland to nttond tho N. E. A. convention. ALFALFA (Special to tho Bulletin.) MIIjLICAN, July III. The pcopln of tho east end school district culled a mooting at tho W. W. (irlustond plnrn Snturdny evening to discuss tho pos sibility nf obtaining a school In tholr end of the district. W. W. Orlusloud culled at tho Loo TnuNclmr homo Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. (Irlustond nnd llttlo sou wont to Bond Saturday ev ening. , Mrs. R It. Keller and children wore Suuday afternoon visitors at tho J. J. Holland homo, Chns. Groffouberger took his sou, Raymond, and I. L. Owen to I'rlno vlllo Wedni'sdny. where thoy will ho employed on tho Ed. Strom ranch during hayliiK. Mr- HIoiiii, v. ho has sold nil his horses, Is nt Rlivor Lukn to buy morn cattlo. Mrs. (loo. Cook called at tlin F. Tntisnlmr home Wednesday. F. Tutischor'H cow got cut qulto hndly In a wire fouro this wook. Mrs. J. J. Holland and daughter, Mary, rail ml at the F. Taiuoher homo Wednesday. Tho school hoard met nt tho school hutiso Sunday afternoon, sotting July 28 fur tho next special election, to vote on n ItudRftt (or now school hous cm, etc. Sloan's iiion am busy rounding up stock near Psrclvul's. It. It. Kollnr called at tho Sloan ranch Wednesday. Lou Itunnoy nnd A. D- Norton worn Sunday rlsttors ut( tholr rospootlvo homes. Vornou Clovngr md a trip to Bend for P. II. Johnson this week. Loo TniHrhor hns lien busy plow ing the paal wk IF you will list your farms with the HOMESEEKERS LAND COMPANY or HENl), OH KG ON and the price is right we can sell them. R, P. MINTER, Manager F STOP! Anil Investigate our price before buying your grocerle. We can save you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllllcan. Ore. Telephone m sJB No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Fill for You And deliver promptly and In the hot condition. Our groceries, produce, fruit are always fresh. Our aanltary refrigerator counter keeps our dairy poducu cool and fresh. Best prices In canned good ol the boat brands. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phon Red 161 Shoes for Real Service OUR SI'KCIAIrV IS TO MAKK KIIOHS THAT STAND TIIK TKST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially made for this kind of country. None aro bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome serviceable dross shoo for mon. Cannot ba beaten for the money. Glvo thoso shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson Logger Shoos of Threo Lakes, Wis., aro hand-mado and one of tho very best of Its kind. Special mado-to-order work taken for this shoe. UIVTO.IUTK fillOK ItKl'AIUINa Call On Us For Mid-Summer HARDWARE Necessities WITH A FIRM CARRYING THE BIGGEST STOCK of Hardware of any Firm in Central Oregon, We Can Assure You That Every Need You May Have for Hard ware Goods You Will Find Them In Our Immense Stock. IRR.IGATIONISTS NEEDS Garden Hose Hock Cultivators Sprinklers Hakes Harrows We carry a wide range of supplies for the owners of Irrigated tracts. May we, supply you with these necessaries. I HOW ABOUT THE FLY CAMPAIGN Have you put on your screens? You should first see our fine stock of screen doors. THE LAKES OF CENTRAL OREGON ARE OPEN TO FISHERMEN We are now carrying the largest assortment or FISHING TACKLE for stream and lake fishing in Central Oregon Ask Anybody If you havo not yet given your house a touch of new color but intend to, Wo wish again to remind you " that tho Uend Hardware Company is first in Paints and Varnishes. Bend Hardware Company . ' I ii R. H. LOVEN BEND ORECON (Special to Tho Bulletin.) imvRR uniDGE. July 16. Carl 856 BOND STREET BEND, OREGON House waa in Bend the early part of tho week on roaer mauers. u wbb V V V J . BOND STREET