jp.vcir. 8 ni-j,M iu'llktin, iujxd. okkoon. tiu'hhday, .in.Y iu, iiur ..! i J'; Ne'ws of the World in Brief TIiq continued advance ot tho Kus- voluntary enltotmontn wilt ho given slnn troops In Gnllola, In their new credit for this In tho drawing. Holl and surprising offensive, tho growth lonl change In physical ftiiulro f popular senttmont In Germany tor mania, however, have, liyvtred mater mternnl government reform, and tho! tally the number ot men who will ho Imminent no ot tho military draff In rejedtad. tho Unit ml States wore ot ohjof In- Deport Spic. teres! In the world's news ot the Determined to be rid ot persona week. Chtntv Is on the verge ot who Arc sending war news to Ger plunglng Into tho war against Ger- many, the V. S. government bus or: many with nn Initial force ot holt aderetl the deportation of all Ten million men, and tlo American troop tonic diplomatic agents In this conn under General Pershing are eneumped try. Another manifestation ot Ger vloee to the battles raging on the man activity Is to lu found In Die western-trent, Austrian and Italians I. W. W. disturbances tin some ef-the nre stilt In a deadloak on the southern western statte, according to federal Iront, while In France and llelgtum officials. Gormany's deeporate efforts to galnj The chlof American war move of "back the territory she onee conquered the week constated of the Introduction and later (net have been apparently In Congress of the administration bill M'khout avail. authorising the establishment of a Germany's internal troubles have gigantic aerial corn. Another meas apparently come to a head In the, nre for financing the aerial program ItelctiRtag, and the resignation of will be Introduced soon, providing an threo cabinet members Is rumored, appropriation ot 1039,241.000. while the probable solution will lie ltrltMi Prnbo Kiilliirt. In the formation ot a coalition cab- Germany's submarine activities Inet. , jhave been hut little abated, and I"ihmI Illll Vote Due. j America 'a shipping losses durlug the Already the food preparedness eam- first six months of this year amount p&lgn In the. United States Is showing il to 11 times the total losees ot prev results, and In all the staplo food' Ions veers. It Is estimated, vrops a tremoudons Increase over, On Monday occurred a gigantic ex last year's output is predicted by ex-, plosion of the black powder ware perts. The food control bill will' house at the Mare Island navy yartla, reaeh a vote In the Senate on or be- resulting In the death of six and the fore Saturday jjf, this week, the mem- injuring of XI people. No explunn hers ot the upper house having given tlon for the disaster has been made their unanimous consent to this pro- public, veedure. Digging up the past with promises Preparations fur the draft are be- of a nasty seandal, Ilrllleu authori ng rapidly made and within a tew ties., military and civil, started yea days CS7.800 men will be chosen for terday the Investigation of the caus the American army Exemptions will es of the failure of the first Mean be made In the case of those whose pot amis ti expedition. It Is under- trades are such as to aid In carrying stood that ex-members ot the Urttlsh on the. war, and states with heavy cabinet are invohed. BITTERS SALE NOT UNLAWFU BROWN PUTS MATT10R UP TO DRUGGISTS. I'lmrumclMH ltciiity to Co.Dpirrittc With District At tunny In Pit- tint Inn Solo of .MciIIcIiicn for I'm' n" llo'riiu.i"i. 3- . -U K 17 'r-rftfi ' J. i WARNER IS ASSAULT il UXTHKS IIOUSK TO 1IOKHOW FHOM ItANGHHIt, AND IK HIT OX JIHAD WOUNDS AUK NOT 1MNGKKOUS. i purpose of allowing bills for the past i month. A new order ot business tor future meetings was adopted, and the time for regular meetings set for 8 o'clock on the first Wednesday night of each month. The complaint that the use nf water at the high school Is too great, I was taken up, and an Inspection of I the plumbing authorised on the the lory that the undue use of water will 'be found due to some defect In con i uectlons. Notice from the city to construct a legal walk in front ot lots 6, 7 and S, block 24, Park addition, was dla cuesed, then laid on the table. The clerk was authorised to ascertain whether or not the bid for construc tion of the new school building which was accepted from K. P. Hrosterhuus, will Include excavation for a furnace! roe'ra. (From Thursday's Daily.) Suffering from a sealp. wound In flicted Tuesday night. J. E. Warner, of the Brothers section, Is at the llend Surgical hospital today, the' result of an alleged attack by a BATTERY CHARTER rauciivr iivirb buiuh ii iniih iruiu Bend. The officials are In poetess-j ion of only meager dotalls, and have' not learned the name ot Warner's' assailant. Ne complaint has aa yet teen filed, and the victim of tho at tack la out of danger. According to the Information avail able, Warner stopped his oar and went Into the house to borrow a blook and tackle. Aa he entered, ba was hit over the head, presumably with the halt ami ot a revolver. lie was immediately rushed to llend for treatment. (From Wednesday Dally.) That the prohibition law does not bar the sale ot bitters or other pro-. prletary medicines containing a large percentage of alcohol utiles the drug-1 gist or storekeeper making the sale has reason to believe that the com-i pound will be used ns n beverage Is the opinion given by Attorney Gen eral llrown to District Attorney H II. Dc Armond. In It's letter, which was received this morning, Mr. llrown further states that the State Hoard , of Pharmacy has the right to rcgu-i late the sale of such lompnuuds. lie suggests that druggists and uth-' r merchants selling medicine cup able of producing alcoholic Intoxica tion bo required to account tor (lie amounts of the compounds bought and sold, as a means of Knowing their good faith. When too large an ! amount l being purchased by an In-, dividual, or when too frequent pur- mUMa.. - nt...!.. I, ul.m.l.l I... ....I HUPTlB n,v limilV, IV Bll Mill Iff 11 I" l dence to the seller that the medicine la being used as a beverage. ! Ot-4Hrnttoii Afoturcil. ; Mr. De Armond stated this morning; that the matter had been put up to , m.e,u for Ule llftrter Hn,nw the druggists and storekeeen of the ... ..... , , . . county who are handling compounds' J""' 30 mMMl " H",M,,I,' iHtraaaii of the kind, and that they have nll!"vr receipts for the rorrespondlnK showed a commendable dtapoeltlon to quarter In 19 Id, but the total for co-operate with him In sug that the!jBH i,o-el a martcwl Rain over Ilia spirit of the law Is enforced. This., h rMewlnK he says, should make the enactment ... or a city ordinance unneoeaeary. tor ,h 'luarter. Mietal salm "Such co-operation." Mr. De Ar- amounted to H.BJ3.8C. and for Ilia mond declared, "will undoubtelly cut same three months last year, the ag down the sale of such preparations, .grsgste was IM6. Durln the ' past month, sal- ainounted to ijl.fi02.0fi. while for May the total Mas but ll.36S.46. v SATISFIED PEOPLE Are sending tltolr frli'inla to us every dny WK AltK AIII.M TO WAIT ON Al.l. WHO fflUfi?. II la not uucusHnry to wait wonka nud montliH mid go lmcl tlinii and iigalu as you do uliqu imtrntililiiK tho PrlvntP. Klhlcal, Hoclnty, or Trust llnutlsls, but liistiiid, with ntir HCIICNTIFIC MifTIIODJ AND I'P TO DAT10 API'l.tANCKH, TDK KINO IIKK DICNTIHIH are able to liuihe you a first SlnwujjllUlinil looking. PKIIFKCT F ITT 1 NCI 8KT OF TKKTII hi mm day, nR9C- SATISFACTION GI'AUANTHKI). Our offlco la oiiulpptMl with nil modern npptliinrim for fh'Ht-cliiM mul pnlnlnss work. Hftleleney Is dur motto. ICnrh o icrnlor iiiiiIiph n Hpnuliitly of it rnrtalti clnsn (if work Cnimeiiuoiit ly he becomes oxport and skillful. Wo do not cliilm to bo us good us otliors, but wo do claim TO 111 HKTTtilt, and do bettor work and for loss monny tlinu any private or et blent dentist unit do, Our llend laboratory turns nut several complete hit In of tenth u day. With our experience, iiiulpntnnt mid skilled wnrlitneu, It Is easy for its to satisfy nil, If your teeth uvod' attention, do not put It off Come without delay and have your mouth ex nmliiod uud find out Just whut nu tin done and tho exact cost. 1CXAMINATION FltltlC. Wo lu not charge from S,1.R0 to IR.00 for tronlliiK a nervo In a loolh our price la $1.00. Wp do not charge $4.00 for an in ui in el fllllni; -our price Is $1.00. Wo do not chnrgo from 97. SO to $ir..()0 for itold crowns -our price Is $6.00. Wo do not charge from $30.00 t( $10.00 for crude, eliiniNy, misfit snla of lestb-nur prlre In $10.00 for u PKIIFKCT FITTING, NATDUAI. LOOKING SKT OF TKKTII, which we guarantee. Our satisfied mid pleased pullmits nre OUIt llrtRT ADVKKTIRKHS. of Hlileh we number in nre than thousands In our office. We use the best material money can bit). All geld work m made or 33K gold. Wo treat the most difficult cases with skill and dispatch. You do not have to spend weeks mid mouths here. Wo finish your work ut once. $10 Full Set of Tooth, Upper or Lower 22k Gold Crowns $5.00 22k Uriels Tooth $5.00 tf Alloy or Silver Fillings $1.00 &? ?S Wo Extract Your Tooth FREE whon othor work is ordered, Absolutely Without Pain. SJ rrun mm ., i'; work guaranteed Written guarniilco for ten years l.aih aslstsnl always :n nlteiulaiice. ulrcds of recommendations for you If )ou wish It anv work nbouid prou- iroublesoiiie In we rciiurst that yntt conin and have s.uuc ri'tncdled at our ixpci 1IK11 Till: HOCUS, Dally, K .10 A M till t 30 P M , SuiidavH A M , (III I P M. KING BEE DENTISTS DF.Na, OKKGON DR, A. C. FROOM. Profcionst Manager and will eliminate much ot the drunk- ennaea In the county. Mr Ilrowu's opinion does not In any way affect the case at Frank Sheffield, aa I con sider that his complaint against local druggists was merely a case of sour grapes." SCHOOL BOARD ACTS ON MANY QUESTIONS PETITIONS PLACED . It. ISrookN I.cnWH Cnplc to I to Slgiieil by .Men WMiIiik to KnlLt In Ilrnncli of National Guard. (From Wednesday's Dally. 1 nuslneea of Infinite variety was transacted last ntght when the Bend school directors met tor the principle! Kelllber and one with the llend Press. (From WedReeday'a Dally.) Leaving Band tonight for an ab sence of several days'. P. K. Brooks will leave hare the form for a petition to the adjutant general, aaklng for a charter for a battery of mountain artillery so that the applicants may have the privilege ot enlisting In the National Guard. Copies of the peti tion are placed at the Pilot Dutte Inn, the office ot The llend Ilulletln, one with Frank Prince, one with Frank GOOD GAIN MADE IN LOCAL POSTOFfyCE .Juno ItrcitlpN Make Ailmuri' )cr May, mill Kales for ljist. Qiiiutiir Show Iitrroooo Our 101(1, (From Thursday's Dally.) Kncou raging results for the itast quarter were shown today In the pos tal receipts made public by Poet master IIenr II. Ford. Not only do I COOK BY I WIRE :- I I WITHOUT I I FIRE , 1 Ifl CLEAN, SANITARY II ECONOMICAL I UIIII v A small payment down puis an HII Electric Range In your hbrnjc I BEND WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. DR., TURNER IIVK SPKCIAI.tHT, of Portlnuil Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of THOItSO.V, Till! .IKWKI.HH You have but one jmlr ot EYES IT PAYS TO TAICK TIIK 1I1C8T I'OBIIIU CAItH OF TIIHM Don't neglect for a single day examination of your eyes. If you think that you are troubled. ICXAXINATION FltlCN Careful dlagnoela made. Glass a fitted It ne4del Factory on the premises. Dlt. C. II. I'ltANCIH Optometrist, Optlolan with Myron II. Hymens, Jeweler O'Kiiiiu IIiiIIiIIiik COl'STY COI'IIT MKKTS. wrlmr In good condition I From WiuliiHihluv's Hnllv.l ' Hulltlln. Ilie Deschutce nunty court met Inj FOR, SAUK Keen special session this morning for the and harness, cheap second reading ot road petitions. No ether bualneea of Importance wm transacted. MITirit. All persons having accounle un paid will please rail net hyUr than the Uth Inst Those net s denlg will he ronsldereil dellniiHenl and dealt with accordingly. 0. W. HOKNKK. Adv. 180c. I r. I'orND.MAHTHII'H NOTICIC No tl- Is hereby given that the City of llend baa taken tho following deserilHHl llreetock. tnwlt: llnv ins re. about 10 years old, square on each. leti shoulder The cost of redeeming- said stork will be $1 per bend per jlay. In addition to the actual i liiiulr 39 IStf. mules, wagon Add rem P J Hash. Third and ltvere. Ilrnd, On- 31)7 tp rOlt BI.K (0 acre tract land. : mHef OMt of Bend: 3& arrre ilrarrd I seres seeded to oats, timet sell a. onee. For particular, imiulre Tim tlnllatln, or address U 1(3. llend 39DI0. TO TKADK Twoacre tract, In culllrallon; water right. 1H miles from P. O., for lota. W J Mhannon, Dox I, llend. 3B3-l7.JUp FOtt AIH llnuee and lot. Prlr.. right. Tertna reasonable Imiulre A. It. IMwnrds. llend Mlgn Co. 37tf FOIt HALK Oil TltAlii: Team r geldings, weight about 1250 potitoN Will trade for team of marn J. ('. Thompepn, Tumato 18-SOar FOIt SAI.K C1IKAP Or will Irad- ir Jiay, in aouuiou in lite acmaii ... uav,i,iKW iM ,., ti,i u ..r expense of keeping, together with " '. hMre Vun li ac, the coat of thia advertisemeMt and ,,,,"l "" yoH l"r :,, ,,c,' ral"u all other necvMsary expenses. 'near Fort ltok? $IS00 mnrlgagn fl BIG SPECIALS IN- USED CARS . f BWJg.m' w. F TVI P 'ar in good running con- M 7C Ej. ivi. r. dition Terms ?. Hudson Roadster Terms $300 Pnlf ciivExtra hargain; in 'splondid tccjn oie QiX""riinning orbdQr; Call t'0 SQe )tou Studebaker Six u 0 b I3end $1380 Buick Six onc $1200 BEND GARAGE New Quarters North of Pilot Dutte Inn In ' of failure to redeem hr aaalnat It. at lone tliu : imm1 hous . the owner, aald stock will be good welts. IS miles of feme, as provided by the charier and ord-4t Mrtm , Prop. 30 Mlrtt rr.l tn city jail I.. A. W. NIXON. " Hpre Not a Chief of Police and ea-Of f lolo . """ v19 '" l" """ """" ."'" l.10r Pea nd Master. CiaSMIIllH) ADYItltTIHINO l-Olt HA 1,11. poit KAI.K (lit Tlt,DI--(lood sec ond hand hark and buggy. Write Cuss Collins, llend, Ore. (04-lMar FOIt HAM? -Two fresh milk xws. Inquire Ilulletln. 2S9-19tfr FOIt HAl.i: - ICaay terma, new, modern four-room cottage; two beau tiful lots; close In. XtM-l!Hfc FOIt HAI.K- I'nderwood type ranch, or a bargain for speculation ikw Hit. or call 730 Florida Av Kl LOST AND POIND. UTRAYKD iheered sheep, brnnd double box. Xotlfy by phone. Illack 2IM. 118-Otfc WANTKD. WANTKD teeond hand r rim in. separator, about 100 lit capacity A D. Norton, Mllllran. Or 100 in, JO S3 C S Ill'DHON. President K. M. LAIIA. Cashier V, C COK, Vice President I. O McltKYNOLDH, Asst Cashier, K. A HATIIKIl, Vice Pre. H. A. JJTOVIJIt.Aset. Cashier Ti?e First National Bmk OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Capital full paid Surplus W.'i.OOl) CiA.(XX) 52a' The Federal Reserve System Helps You IT WAH OltKATHD.PItlMAIlILY To help tho IluHliieee Men and Farmary, e To provide plajity of currency at all Ini, To offset n otfMdlar mpply of artjdlt. Tho Hjstoni merits the support of nil good cltlxens; It must hitva yours In order to reaeh ltd full development. You cun Hioure tha baneflta or thla great ajwlem and at (lie sumo time uaslat direotly In developlni; ll Igr depoilt lug your money with tia. TFo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND Mfce il 3K BI aV v& V & it" tii? i Mir 1 NJJJLg.aW.'frlfl'al &i9