The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 12, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    MUNI) ilUM-iniN, 1IHNI), OIUMON, Tlll'ltHDAY, JULY 12, 1017
All MtluViira HrurliiK (in I'HllJoncil
Haiti Im-ratM? DrMldrr Murli
Information Hjjkh-IiiI an Hr-
niitt of Until lliNirldK.
urn barred from nttondiiK mill pur
Hi'lpiilliiK, If they liuvo iiiiytliliiK to
mty whliili will bo llliiiiilinitliiK on
(I111 ntihjnot,
Until I'llurlpiil Point.
Tim coiiiitilmtlou will bit at ovory
town In tliu ntato of miy particular
roimiMiiiDiico, oapoclnlly If Milch townil
liuvo railroad fncllltloH which mllit
lin tiffdclcd by mi lucrimao In rater,,
Ilond wiih Hiiloctoil In Control Oro
iiiin tin tliu principal point In Hint
miction of iho Ntntu find It In prob
able 11 In IK 11 niiiHH of ilntii will lio
almmcd fronr tliu testimony as kIvoii
th urn,
TI10 nil Iron (In n far hnvn Riven no
Intimation iih to what nffiiRt tint do
nlalnii of tlin Intornlati) Commnrco
co m 111 1 niilo 11 In tlin Intorontatn freight
ratn liicroaitii limtrliiKi 'will liuvo on
their nttltmln an to Intra Mate frulKht
nitwit, lint It I Konorally hollnvod
(hoy will ko ahmid iiIoiir tlin Much
orliilnally planned anil ask for nil
that (hoy can not.
(From Friday Dully.)
MAt.KM, Or., July fi (Hpeclal to
Hie Hullotln)- FnllowliiK tlin an
flection of July 26 by tliu Public Ser
vice ('omiulnslmi an tlin (Into at whloh
It will lin at llmul to take testimony
on tlin 1T por rout lurrcaan In frnlitht
rate linked for by the rallrnniln on
lutraatato frclclit, tho ' imnmhuilnn
w notify tlin llmul ('nintucrrlal chili,
uhlppers nod others a to tlin linarhiK
ami Invito I ho m to tin prmu'iit to kIvo
wiirh ti'fltlinony nh tlmy demit perti
nent to tliu subject molar lii(iilry.
In iiddltlon. It waa Matin! at tlin
ottlrea of tho rouiniliiiilou today,
newspaper of tho varloua localltlia
-whom linarliiRM will ho held will lin
aimed to furnUli definite lufnrma
Hon of Ilend ('nliuilliitaii In Picked
I'niin .Vim ill Company im I lexer v
ItiK of Hpeelul TlriilnliiK.
(1'roui Momlay'H Dally.)
In a hittnr Jimt rwolvori from hi
younger aoii, John Ktnldl, Jr., Court
ellrnttn John Htnldl learned that attor
til t lo morn than two Mucks service!
In tlin navy tralnhiK ni;np at Han
Prauclafo, IiIh noil linn been chosen as
nno of four from tlin company to ho
Iraliniil for I lie poittoffleo department.
Tho offer, although a recognition of
wrlto that thoy aro woll iiatlnflod with
life. Thero la no Intimation of how
fotiR It will lie lioforo tho hoya :ot
Into iwtlvn hitvIco.
.Mutter In I "our Dlvlnlonn In Kiclcm
Tint of Ciioiity .Mimt lie AdJtiM
Ml Joint DlntrlH Pofctdblbc.
(From Thursday' Dally,)
To liiVentltsuto (ho status or school
districts In tlin nouthonnt corner or
the county, Heliool Htiporliitondont J.
Alton Thompson will leave July 0 hy
auto, Intending to ho 'koiiu for at
leant three da) a and poinlhly for a
District No, 1.1 Iirn boon aban
doned, no election returnn havn cotnn
In from Dlitrlrt Ko. 10, while In
Hampton dlntrlct a majority of tho
elilldren aro too far awuy from tho
aahool building to make good at
tendance practicable, especially lit
hail woathor In District No. 2t,
Mr. Thoinpnou will Inventlgato tho
ponnlhlllty of form log a Joint dlntrlct
with Crook county Dlntrlct No. 33.
Tho Crook county dlntrlct and tlin
Deschutes dlntrlct were originally
nun, hut a tho result of county ill-
A N. Ir n, part, lion alio Issued a largo" i
roldor map of tho United Htntcn, cop
lea of which may hn had on appllca
Tho annual meeting of tho stock
holdorn of (ho Arnold Irrigation din
trlct will hn hold Monday, July 1C,
on (ho L. D .Wlont lawn at 2 p. m.
18'ltlc. CIIAH. HII'CIIUN.
i'oVKr,i( nrrru.
(Continued from I'aeo 2.)
wnou, and at prenent In rjultn re
covered, Mr. and Mm. J, M. Shearer, Ilonn
llunnntt and Jake Ilrlx flnhed In tho
DoMihutnn near Tumalo Monday,
Mr. and Mm, Henry Young and
daughter. Delia, left for Vancouver,
Wanh.. on Haturday, after a three
wonka' vlnlt with relative In thin
Mr. and Mm. H. t). Miulard loft
reesntly hy auto to visit frleniln and
rolatlven In different parU of Wanh
Grandma llrown npont Kuuday with
Mrn. V II Fonter.
J. K Warner. Otla Ilutterfleld and
Alien Wlllcoxen went to Harper lant
Hun day
U. F. Hotihn vlnlted In Iloud ncv-
ernl dayn lant week
A Little Stick of
Del Crenrli ntarleit for I'orllanil
vlnlon, tho children aro Inft In lhla,,y nuto on Monday mornliiK. for a
... . .. ..... ..
ooiituy wuiie uie ncnooi iiotino in letl.aliort vlnlt
In Crook.
Minn an to tlin limn anil object n ofjntiperlnr ability, waa ref lined, n
tho-- hearliiKa. lyooifK Htnldl (lo-n not lutuiid to re-
Thin will bu done no that noun of main In tliu anrvlco after tho war.
tin public who may have an Inter Doth ho and bin brother, Htnve,
-ml In frnlKhl rate will feel that the) 1V.I10 In In tlin navy electrician' ncbool,
A IJtllti extra attention lo your Ford car, a
little adjuitliiK now and then, will help O keep
It In prime condition and add to III ability (o
nerve you. llrlnR nur Ford car lnrt. Why
take any chance? Let tbo.n who know how,
tlione who line Kenulno Ford pa.-U. takr rare
of your car. To bo nure of Kef.lctf thr. bout
nervlee from your Ford car let akllled Ford
men oaro for It. Prompt attention am tired.
TourliiK Car 3C0, Itunnbotit $345, Kedan TCtfi,
Coupelnt B08, Town Car fCOColt f. o. b.
Detroit. On dlaplay and for nolo by
I'lioito lllark HI'.!.
Your I'atronaKo fiollcltod.
Klievlln-IIUon lo Piny in l'rlnelllc
Ileml Temii Wllliilrattn for
l,iirk or I'onili.
(From Raturday'a Dally)
Tied tor flrnt place In tho Central
Oregon leaRtie .Frtuovllle and The
Klievllu-lllxon company teamn will
play tomorrow afternoon In Prlne
vllle The local players will leave
about 10 o'clock In the mornltiK for
the Crook county neat.
A farewell reception wan given at
the Community hall on Saturday
night In honor of Mr. and Mm. Karl
Hauiidera and Mr. and Mrn. Otlt Ilut
terfleld A nhort program wan ren-
dnred. after which refrenhmnntn wercj
aervco to nearly iuu people.
Otln Ilutterfleld wan a liond vln
Itor on Monday.
Lloyd Ilunnett ban been on the nick:
lint for aeveral dayn.
Mont of tlin farniera In thin neetlon
commenced haying on Monday, and
In mont canes the hay crop Is light.
(Special to The Itulletln ) '
MIM.ICAN. July fi. I I.. Owen'
roturned from Portland Friday. i
Mr Hoone'n rounln anil friend
The withdrawal of the Ileiid team from Portland, stmit a few ttava at'
from the league was annouucwl thin, tH Kooney home,
morning by H. A. Utover. acting , ., Mr" J J J'l l daughter,
manager of thf .KKregatU,., , The! -- ggr visitor, at the;
fa.t that the team I nwrly H00 In A. Norro t SuBd w, fc
debt Is the caune aeelgned for thla'hU family '
action. Mr. Ktover Hated that lis; Mm. (Jroffenberger and children'
had every reason to believe that the .and Joe Holland were Sunday after-1
JeffertHiu county team would close I noon visitors at the It. It. Keller!
Makes the Whole World Kin!
No climate affects it for
the package protects it.
WRBGLEV'S goes to all :
parts of the world in
all seasons, to all classes.
Fresh, clean, wholesome
and delicious always.
It aids appetite and di
gestion, quenches thirst,
keeps the teeth clean
and breath sweet
- a-j
toioitns in cunopt
the Reason for the Nina caune.
Mm. L. D. Keller and children and'
her mother. Mm. Tauncher. who re
turned from Portland, returned from '
Ilend Monday. j
W W. (Irinstend and family went
to Ilend with Leo Tauncher Sundify
to spend the Fourth and attend tho
fijWns -' p'm) o '. yys.
Three gjtmFM
Flno jr WPZrzuCh-iir
Flavors 0
JPstSZ 01S IM tpTrO
V kSY - - .
" ' ..- IH . 'I
meal"! 1
out from Ilend
on Tuesday to
i (From Baturdav'a Dallv.)
Increhnlni: oonularltv nf dm I.nlmr Chautauqua.
llender, the official organ of the I .Jj00, KUr c,nlp
r.....ri p.p.,. ....i t,.i. ... n I with Leo Tauncher
;......'... ... : :. """V" spend the
I win (iriiunuij renin in 1110 oariy in- wih 1.1. rmiiv
creaaliiK of tho alzo of tho publlca- r. anil Mrg. Ferdinand Tauscher.
tlon mid the territory It will serve,1 and son, Leo, and Mr and Mrs. Leo
I according to Kdltor Harry Plemou.i Keller and family a a toed to Ilend the
The llender has already advanced Fourth, roturulug the same day.
one notch In site since tho paper was " " M"- I-o Itooney and his
.started, and tentative plans are being mn0"". Mrs. Mary Itooney. were all
J ronslderMl to Include all Central Ore-ill 5KJ".r, 'om
jgon In It. circulation and nens ser-, g,aB,BJ. grah u, .i
!,c'- the Fourth at Ilend.
I j A pUrnle was enjoyed at "Ic Cave",
i COTTONWOOD CREEK ! Zlrr $$'&&&!'&
I FIRE UNDER CONTROL S.r'i&i ttX"1 ,h "' h0K,e
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Fifth nJ Vthuiton Strerli
Centrally located The Hotel for YOU
Special Summer Rates
Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double
$ 1 .00 up, Room with private hath, single $ 1 .50
up; double $2.00 up.
Auto bus meets trains.
Union Depot curs pass our doors.
From North Dank Depot S car transfer at 5th St.
Mrs. It. It. Keller and children
vlallaul with th- r I llIU.J r.11u
T)l Mluirl nl a lnn-1 Mr... I.. l... .... . - "" ' "'" Mill,
...- .,... w. .w. ... ,., ..,..- weunwtiay arurnoon.
ler on Cottonwood Crek wa. re- Mrs. Mary ltoouey will leave Tor'
celve4 twlay by Forest Supervisor Itend on July IS. to wake final proof
W O. llMtuiga. ot Uie DoKhntes on her homesiead. going from there i
national for-..!. The hlaie toxond 1( Portland.
U acres, but le now well unde, con-' , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Iteam and,
trol by a foree of men worklu un- ?,V"K,,r! I'lor'itice. vlltMl with the
der the dlrtM-tlnu nf I(nurr lrrv (Jeo- Cook ''"""I)- Fourth. Mrs.,
Z,i U,mtl0H ot ""W ,8rr Iteam and daughter stopped a short1
JM,U,M- time at tho It. It. Keller home on
their return. I
m.AyF1 IN 'PIATHTi'I? Mr- a'. owner of the Mllllcan
jtAL, I lIillJPilC ranch. Orover Caldwell and son and!
' -". ' ". of nrnrl.l.Mc a. ! ? A1
,. . .-. .....v.. ...,
IMIlim I'ulU. PivintK Clio
I'litiuuM Hprt'ailhiK.
(From Monday's Dally.)
That the timber fire reported Sat-
Opal Conaway. who returned the
next day.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perclval dined
at the Sloan ranch July 5.
Mrs. Orover Caldwell and children
are expected hare soon to Join Mr.
Tlte conawaya will then
unlay on the west nlde of tbe river. 'Caldwell.
has been loonted near Dillon Falls. ",ov" 0Ht0 Mr Sloan's ranch at Hear
was the word received today at the; 7Z,' ,, .,,, .,
heid(iiiarlera of tlin ninhiiM Nn T.',B B11,C,B' -fhool moetlng was
uemiqttariers or tlie Uesohutea Na-' we!1 nttonded Thursday afternoon,
tloiml forest, from J. D. Ilowmnn,, j,t nll tho measuros woro voted down
Central Oregon Klro Association rep-'There will soon be another special
roeeutatlvu. Tho lire had eoverod ' meeting lit regard to rebuilding the
40 acres, according to Mr. llowman's' school house on the present looa
ruport. but the burniuK nrea had al-. t,ou "ntl on tl,e w- w Qrinstead
I ready been cut otf by trenchos, nndi00"'" "u.1 ,0 n"'tatn It as one dls-
Mr. llouman round a crew or men "I" ,,"u." .,, uu, ? imc' Bra n?u
In !.. .,r in).., ii. .. n. ,',,.?,. "' 8tl te when tho
ground when he arrlvml i umtrioj onn be permanently divided
.P ., , V, , I A !)lw,l wns 8iiJoyel In the Junl
The fire Is now believed to be well, pera In the neighborhood or tho Uus
ler, Joseph Wllmer DeDolt and Mot
ile L. Glbnon:
In tho name ot the State of Ore
gon, You aro hereby ordered to ap
pear In the above entitled court and
cause within six weeks trom the first
publication ot this summons, the dato
ot said first publication being Juno
28, 1917, that being the time within
which you are directed to appear by
tho order of the above entitled court,
and make answer to the complaint
herein, ivtul If you tall to so appoar
and answer said complaint, plaintiff
will apply to the court for tho relief
demanded In the complaint, towlt:
For Judgment against the said Miller
and Dellolt in the sum of J3.0C3.7J.
with Interest thereon at the rate ot
S per cent per annum from April 1,
1917, and the further sum ot $100.09
attorneys' fees, with Interest thereon
at the rate of S per cent per annum,
and its costs and disbursements
herein, and tor tlte foreclosure ot
that certain mortgage made by the
aid Joseph M. Miller and Joseph
Wllmer DeUolt. June 16. 1914, and
recorded June 30, 1914, In Volume
21 ot Mortgages ot Crook County,
Oregon, at page 167 thereof, cover
ing the Southwest Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter, the Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, tho
Northeast Quarter ot the Southwest
Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter
of the Northwest Quartor ot Section
31, Township IS South ot Ilange 11,
Kast ot the Willamette Meridian,
being 1C0 acres, and situate in tho
County ot Deschutes and State ot
Oregon, and that the mortgage here
inbefore described be decreed to be
u first lien on said real property su
perior to any and all other Interests
therein, and that said property be
sold to satisfy said mortgage debt,
and that the purchaser at said salo
take all right, title and Interest In
and to said property held by the said
defendants Milter and DcBolt at the
tlmo of the execution of said mort
gage, and that you and all or the
other defendants to this suit bo for
over barred and foreclosed of any
and alt right, title or Interest In and.
to said property, and tor such other
roliof as may be Just, and tor Its
costs and disbursements.
This summons is published by or
der ot tho Honorable T. K. J. Duffy.
Judge of the above entitled Court,
dated tbe 12th day of June, 1917.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Department ot the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June IS, 1917.
Notice Is hereby given that Henry
II. Walkowltz, of Mllllcan, Orogon.
who, on Juno 10, 1914, made Home
stead Entry No. 013406. for SWVi
NWU and SWV Wfc SEU, NEfc
SBV. Section 24, Township 20
South, Range 14 Bast. Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice ot Inten
tion to mako final three year proof,
to ostabllsh claim to the land abore
described, before II. C. Kilts, U. S.
Commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on
the 23rd day ot July, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses
Vernon Clevenger, Frank Spencer.
William Spencer, Levi V. Smith, all
ot Mllllcan, Oregon.
lC-20p Register.
The Rose City's world-famed hotel, occu
pying an entire block. All Outside
rooms. Superior dining and grill ser
vice. An atmosphere of refinement,
a. :.:-- with a service of eourtsey. ---
European Finn; $1.50 and Up
under control.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Dond'a only Fourth ot July wed
ding this year was hold lato Wed
nesday nrtoruoon in tho offlcoa of
JuBtlco of tho Punco J. A. Hastes,
with Olnf Homstad and Miss Lavornn
Quqoii, both or this city, na tho princ
ipals. Mr. and Mrs. Hematad will
muko their homo In Ilond.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
"Why the HusIiiosh Man and tho
Farmer Should Knoourngo lMvoralflod
Fnrmlug," Is tho tltlo ot n aorlos or
orttcloa npponrlui? originally In tho
"HusIiiosh Chronicle," ot Seattle and
Juut ropubllshod by tho O.-W. R. &
N. Copies may bo obtntuod trom any
ngout ot tho company. Tho Union
Pacific Syatom, of which tho O.-W, R.
sells and Douglasses, by most or the!
peonie in mat vicinity, the Fourth.
A, I). Norton and Leo Itooney
anent July 4 and 6 with their tarn
1 1 leg hero.
Mrs. O. O. King, rrom Ilrothors,
who has not been woll tor aevurnl
months, wont to Portland, her ror
mer nomo, weilnosday.
R. R. Keller nud I. L. Owen wont
to Ilond tor P. II. Johnson today. R.
R. Kollor to rix tho tolephono line,
and Mtb. Owon to haul out supplies.
In tho Olroult Court ot tho State ot
Orogon ror Dogrhutes County.
Mortgngo Company ror America, n
corporation. Plalntltr. vs. Joseph
M. Miller, Josopli Wllmer Donolt,
J. W. Olbson. Molllo L. Gibson, J.
W. Olbeon. guardian of Ouy Olbson,
a minor, K. A. Kasloy, trustee, Ho
mor D. Angoll and Forrest R.
Flshor, Defendants.
To tho defendants, Joseph M. Mil-
CJ We consider that a large part of
our growth and prosperity has
been due to the satisfaction that
we give our patrons. It is our aim
to give Service, Quality and a
Square Deal at a Moderate Price,
flit is to our mutual advantage to
do what we can to please you.
We hope that we do.