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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1917)
WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. XV, IIKND, I''Ht'IIUTKH COUNTY, OHKGO.V, Till HHDAY, .ILLY n, ll)J7 WO. 1 i K. tf 1 LAKE SHEEPMEN HEAVILY DEALS TO AGGREGATE 9112,000.00. , 'I'lllHMMIifa llf Milfoil Oiling' IUimU (it IIIhIi Flgurm, nii.l ImihU y Jirmr llmul nrc .Vow JIHriK j.KtfjPrly I'iiitIiiimmI. I'uununl activity In Hie sheep and rBftlty. mnrkot In tho, otniiijry sifr-V trtuuillng llmul wmi Indicated today In a scrim of deal closed within thn limt fow day, aggregating niiirn tliuii $11,000, whlla two other Irnnsiir Uom In which Tom Crouln nml Dnu Augltiud will flKiirn nn purchasers, ur pmiilliiKi which will brine tint mini up to morn limn (100,000, All re baliiK linuilloil through Vtiriiou A. Korbi'D, of -Mil city. , The largest of the purchases al ready nmilo In ohh In whleb. Rimuls O'Connor become the tytfnwr of thn a'ivMh Powell ranch, eight miles jmiithmmt of llmul, 1H0 ncrim of ir rigated Inml sold at consideration ,f 17800, unit Hie purchase made by Mr. O'Connor of 1300 IiimiI of wm frniH the Handera holding, IIih price approximating $12,000. For n consideration In thn nelRh "liflrhoViil of $20,000, Dnu AugUnd tins purchased thn half Interest of liU partner, Morrbi O'Keefe, In 3S00 livnd of own nud Inmb, for $20,000. Thn flock figuring In nil these trans, action, although owned by Iwiko rounty man, are on range In tho vicinity of llond. AHolbor sole l that inude by I,. 0. (I rutin, who him mild bin HUtcm ninth to California parties for $K,000. Tint ruHrh In ISO acre of Irrigated Intnl. J. II. Minor Imndlfd tint dmil. FIVE TO ENLIST IN FIELD ARTILLERY (From Tbumdny'i Dally.) Th unllit In the field artillery, Jfoyd Osborn, Arthur Wright nud "William Glssgn, of Culver, J. T. Me O hi; hoy, of Tho Dalles, nud Curl Jl. Johnson, of Twr-ebonnt,. arrived lit Hand lant it Ik It t, reported to Ho milling Officer Charles Oavti, and Iwft thin morning for Portland QUIET WEDDING HELD FOR REDMOND COUPLE (From Thursday's Dally.) Frank IHhrc and Miss Kntliorlun 7,111, both of Itmliuoiid, worn married " hitu ymtoriliiy nftornonn In thn county court rooms by Judge W, 1). Rarues. Only Immcdlato friends wont In at tendance Mr. nnd Mm. DIiiroii will make tbolr homo In Hcdiunud. Wl IN U 0 W jwrh. j. ii. ahhli.y sustains in r THRNAL IIUHTM, WJIII.I. TWO OTHHllH IN OAR KSdAPI. WIIKN AUTO UI'Hiri'H. (Front Thursday's Dally.) While roturnlnR by auto 16 lior ItomoAteiid notir Ilrothorn this niorn- liiK', Mm. J. II. Ahltloy HUBtnlnnd navqro Injurlcn whun tho car swervlni: :, to ptmii another mncblno, turned tur tle A uumn who wan accompany 'litK'Mm. Aahley, nnd Hurt IOvaim, the driver, vicupod unhurt, Internal Injurlm and bruUoa about the arm it ml Hliouldor wor6 Bltffored by Mm, A Aahley. M. Sundom, a ihoaror workiiiR on tho Mackintosh ranch, wus drlvltiR out from llond, when Hvans' car rapidly drlvon, passod ltliu and turn - oil ovor whim tho heavy dust ham ''jtorod tbo offlolonoy of tho stuorliiK ' iionr. Haudnrs brought tho party liack to Hand Immediately, to placa i'SiVlrrtt Ashley under a physlolan'a oaro. ", 7 Hr. J'. U. Vandovort, who nttomled i'Mlhu.etiHe, Is unable to ptato at pics- fHinTniow sorlous tho results ot tho ' iiccldont may bo. MEND WOMEN FORM NEW ORGANIZATION Lltrrnry, Horlnl mtil Civic Kiiileitvor Will lln Objmt of Club Next McHIiik In lit! .Inly 10. (From Thursday's Dully.) 4 A fow of th (i women of llmul mot nt llio homo (if Mm, Agni'S O'llrlcu ynatorday afternoon for Hid purpose oLtfrgauliing ii flub which will, ho known hh thn Woman's Club of llmul. Tim club linn for It object literary, oclul and civic work. Mrs. Agnus O'ltrlnn was elected temporary chair man nml Mr. Avnrll Htirton was elected secretary-treasurer pro turn, Tim nnxt niPiitliiR will bo hold on July 10 nt 2 30 p, in, ut tliii homo of Mm. A, J. Colvlti, MOUJ3 FOREST FIRES : IN. SISTERS SECTION 4 Ii i Tan ItrjtoHcil Todiiy, TIioiikIiI IN" milt of AiiIoIxIh'm CiindifiNiieMt, ItnUe, Toliil to in. (From Turmlny'H Dally,) Two moro forent flren waro report ed today to tint officii of Forcut flu pnrrlnor W. O. HurIIiikh, both con fliiRratlonii beliiR In thn tlmnur In tint Hlntern vicinity, NVItlmr bad rmiclitil 10 ncroK In oxtotit and both, according to tho report until In, nro well under control. I'lioxtliiRiilnhed ulRar ntulm, thrown away by unto toiirlhtu, aro believed to have atartml the flrM. Thn total of flre up to date thin MRm)ii on the Dechuli foreat U 1C. REFEREE GIVES GILBERT FIGHT I'OL'I, CI..IMI!I ON JACK WA. Nltlt, OF l'()ltTI,.M, l'Olt HIT TINO IN' CMNCH ;ooi) HOLT KTOri'im IN TIIH FOUHTII. (From Tuituday's Dally.) Fred Ollbort, of llond, won a ref eree's dnoMlou hero lat nlRbt In the fourth round over Jack Wanner, of I'ortland, thn bout bnltiR nwurded to the local lad when WaRiier de livered a heavy kidney punch whlla In a clinch. The flRhters wore slutted up for cleiin breaks. WaRnor ox plalni'd to the Hippodrome crowd that he was morn iiccuiUimeif to In flRhtliiR, and that ho had not Intend ed to foul. Iloth boys had hit at will In the previous rounds until commanded to break. WnRtier of forcd to meet Gilbert again, but de sired the prlvlloRo of hlttliiR with one arm free, a rule to which Gil bert's manaRor was uiiwIIIIiir to as sont. WaRiier welRhcd HO pounds ring sldo, while Gilbert had the advantage by four pounds, lleforo the bout started, Dr. O. L, Couslnoau ob jected to tho heavy rolls of tnpo used on the Portland boy's hands, and Wagner was forced to part with some, of tho superfluous bandsRcs. WuRiior started the (IrIiIIiir In tho first round and was knocked flat by a rlRht upporcut to tho Jaw, the first time a man has roiio to the canvas In tho Initial round In tho rliiR his tory of llond. Apparently unhurt, he took the count of nine and was ublo to break even with Gilbert for tho rest ot tho round. The second round was uneventful, tho reforeo stopping tho fight for a moment to warn Wagner against hitting In clinches. The round went m draw, and tho third was Wagner's by a clasp marchi. Qllbort led In ine rotirwi - until wagncr a aiiosca foul put an olid to tho bout. 'Doth fighters Nvoro ut tholr best whou Infighting, but Wagner lost tho support of tho crowd early In tho go by bqttlug repeatedly, leading With his right uud following through with his head. ' Tho reforuo's doclslon mot with some criticism from local followers of tho gamo, on tho ground that Wagnor's punch was delivered bo fore tho roforee ordored it broak, and that becausd of this, tho. blow was not actually given In tho clinch In tho truo "squso of tho word. In tho preliminaries, Joung Jack Allen and Kid llosco wont four rounds to a draw, Tod Holto, ot llond, won a gauio six-round battlo over Dert Rogers, of Portland, and Frank McKoohau, of Madras, and Gus Da vis, of llond, put up such nn oxht-f bltlon ot brotherly love that tho crowd's hissing brought tho bbut to a oloso In tho second spasm. Davis exhibited a lama haud-.aftor pulling off hln glove, to explain tho frlondly oxchaugo of lovo taps which char acterized tho go. W here the Strahorn Line Will Run P 7 yy - ? w ld v Av x itJ Albany :U G 11 W , f o ? J . Vfl Silver Lake R c 'OTs Stf " KIAMATHFAUS-OMWUK-'"!,' ti i y t.rP Sm. "ii iiiuiimi' ; ? . i V nfc' ?'0 VIk '" OKt iAt ;. i i!L v rtn o.oCCOn ft V I. Xf 4jL. nt COttl " , , J XL ""'P I Jf f BONANCC1 M ff 1 J "1 ol ," ywtt I y I p lliwc cnovc I . 1 KLAMATH I i all FALL5 - Redding J J A j fl Jg V 1 Tl SAN FRANCISCO hhibUNUiiiUND mtuibinc UDtHO ARE FOUND GOOD I.VHI'KCTOIt FOR INHURANC1. HATING lll'KKAU FINDS IN I'liAMMAlll.H I.ITTKR IN HHAR OF LOCAL HTORHS, IIOWKVK1L (From Friday's Dally.) To Investigate conditions In Rend relative to fire protection, C. A Maury, Inspector of public fire pro tectlon for the newly created Oregon Insurance Hating Ilurcau, arrived In Rend this morning and spent tho day hero gathering data for a report to tho bureau. Mr. Maury looked up tho city or dinances in connection with flro pro tection, secured figures on wtttor pressure and gathered information on local buildings and tho disposi tion of intlamablo rubbish. Ho de clared that ho found conditions ex cellent, with tho oxceptlou that n, number ot stores had allowed boxes and similar trash to accumulate In alloys behind tholr establishments. The ordinance on this point Is good, ho suld, aud he complimented the city especially on its law covering the storing ot fireworks and explosives. TEN BAR TO RAISE PURE BLOOD STOCK 200 HIimpMhln's NhlpiHHl In. by ..Shir ley CleiivclniulNow Owner 'of Ranch From Oregon City. (From Tuosday's Dully.) Two hundred purebred Shropshire slipup wero recently shipped through llond to tho Ton liar Ranch, 10 tulles, east of town, which has boen pur chasod by Shirley Cleavoland, ot Ore gon City. Mr- Cleavoland has-arrivcd at Rend with IiIh family aud takuu ovor tho manogomont ot tho ranch, Ho an nounces that tho 200 shoop shipped hero is tho first stop In carrying out his plan to turn tho Ten Rar Into a largo producer of all kinds of pure bred stock. The shoop alroady re ceived come frqm tho ranch ot Mr. Cloavoland's father near Orogon Olty, whoro tho quality of Cleavoland purebred stock f has earned a wide reputation, f " Mr. Clouvoland closed tho deal for tho purchase ot tho Ton Rar Rnnolt about a month ago, for n considera tion of about $50,000. J. D. Fllnu was the former owner. 10 BE CHECKED AFFIDAVIT THAT COMPOUNDS ARH NOT ItOCGHT AS IIKVHR AGKS, WILL Hit MADK PART OF ORDINANCi: IN COUNTY. (From Thursday's Dally.) Within a (aw days, District Attor ney H. 11. DeArmond will prepare tho first draft of an ordinance aimed to prevent the aalo ot proprietary medloincs having a high perceivtago ot alcohol, for bevorago purposes. While tho ordinance will not seek to chock tho sale ot such compounds for strlotly medicinal purposes. It will contain an affidavit clauso which will forco oach purchaser ot tho med icines listed to swear that the med icine IS to bo used strictly as suoh. The ordluanco will bo submitted to the councils of incorporated towns lit Deschutes county (or passage. Mr. DeArmond's notion is bolug takou on advice from City Attorney Uttimon who, alter communication w Ith City Attorney LaRoche, ot Port land, holds that regulation of tho salo of highly alcoholic medlalnos Is cov ered by tho provisions ot tho bone dry statute, aud In oonscquenco may Jia looked after by tho district at torney. COUNTY WILL HAVE COTTAGE HOSPITAL Health Officer Instructed to Mako Prmlxlou for Cure of Present County t'hni-KCM. (From Thursday's Dally.) As the result of the conference hold yesterday aftornoon botwoen tho members of tho county court nnd local physicians, County Health Of ficer Dr. Dwlght F. Miller is author ized to rent n cottage on tho out skirts ot tho city, omploy a nurso and housokoepor and buy suoh equipment as Is necessary to caro for present county patients who aro suffering from contagious or infoctlous dis eases. Further plans will bo looked Into bofore tho next session of tho c,ourt which will bo hold on July 5. In order that ho may have a list ot all automobiles owned In tho coun ty, Assessor W. T. Mullarkoy was Instructed to subscrlbo to tho auto mobile record. INSECT PESTS IN COUNTY MAY INJURE Handier. HIiimv rlplrtt of I'nrparnl ne nud Would Present Might rut DitiiiUKO to Croim. (From Thursday's Dolly.) f nntili-lrtai fftm rrifitiv.. farmnn flf IIHI.MIUn IIWIM sifj ij!'"" - I Crook and Deschutes counflel con corning the control measures best to use for the oradugttlon of this pest have been coming Into tho of fice or Mr. Ulanchard, the county agent. The grasshoppor or locusts have nt times earned severe damage to the grain and hay sections of the country and although the years ot oxcesslvo Injury are not frequont, their pres ence even In small numoers have caused largo Iomos to many nt dif ferent tiroes during the year. Tho spirit of "preparedness" Is demonstrating Itself among the far mers, in their oarnont desire to pre vent even the slightest attack or In Jury to their crops from this Insect, and thus help the nation In this time of food conservation. Tho dlseovopy of these Insects bo- fore they have grown to any con siderable size Is the one essential point In tholr extermination, as they must be handled when they are In tho wingless stage. Tho use of this bran mixture for tholr control has proven very satis factory, and Is recommonded by the State Agricultural college and the U, 8. Department of Agriculture. Poison bait formula: Wheat bran 2S lbs.; Paris Green or White Arsenic 1 lb.; six flnoly chopped lemons or oranges, or crushed! tomatoos or watermelons; low grade raoluwes, 2 quarts; water, 2-4 quarts. Mix bran and parts green (or white arsenic) dry, then add the fruit, and lastly tho molasses and water. This mixture should be thor oughly kneaded. Scatter broadcast ovor Infosted Holds, In the late after noons or early mornings. For the army worm, the following may bo used: Wheat bran, CO lbs.; Paris Green, 1 lb., (or nrscnate of lead, 2 lbs.); Juice from six lemons or oranges. G,l mlvliirn Infn n .ntl"lt til nflriltl 'a low grade of molasses, and scat ter broadcast In Infested fields. When 'used In grains or grasses keep all 'stock out ot tho field. I R. A. ULANCHARD. INTEREST IS SHOWNJN MOUNTAIN BATTERY (From Thursday's Dally.) Philip R. Urooks, who is endeav oring to form a mountain batter? in Deschutes county, returned from Portland and Vancouver this morn ing. Since sondlng out his circular letter this week Mr. Drooks ban had a number ot Inquiries concerning the battery. Earl Woods ot Redmond, coming up to see him concerning tho work lit that section. He must re turn to Portland tonight but will be horo during much ot next' week to take up tho work. QUIT SMOKING MANY DO NOT KNOW AGK LI.MIT CHANGKU FROM J8 TO 21 YKARS, SAYS DI.ARMOND, IN ISSUING GKNKRAI. WARNING. (Front Friday's Dally.) Purchase and smoking of cigar ettes In Deschutes county by minors must stop at once, Is tho edict ot District Attorney H. H. Do Armond, Issuod this morning attor gaining in formation that tho law passod by tho last legislature covering this point Is bolng violated In a number ot in stances. "I ant warning boys and tobacco sollors as well," Mr. Do Ar mond explained, "because I am ot tho opinion that many ot them do not know that a boy must now bo 21 years ot ago boforo ho may logally purchaso or smoko a cigarette. Un til tho passage ot tho last law, 18 was the minimum age. "Tho law prohibits tho sale, ex change, barter, or giving away ot cigarettes to minors, and bars minors from smoking or having In tholr possession cigarettes, or any cigar ette papor, wrapper, or substitute therefor, or any form to bo tilled with smoking tobacco for cigarette use. Severe. penalties for both minora and for dealers are provided, and this statement should serve as a suf ficient warning that all violations will bo prosecuted to the fullest ox-1 tent." M I PETITION SENI FOR EXTENSION GOVERNOR AND LEWIS SIGN REQUEST. t I'rtltlop Asking, Mvo Yearn Sforo Time on Orr-jon Hej-rr-pUion List No. 6, Awaiting Aotlon "ot HccrctitiT of Interior. (From Tuesday's Dally.) SALHM, Or., July 3. (Special to The Rultetln.) Governor Wlthr combo and State Engineer Lewis, a chairman and secretary ot the Desert Land Uoard, have signed the petition asking for an extension ot tlmo on Oregon Segregation List No. 6. un der the Carey Act. and the petition has been forwarded to FrnnklTn'K. Lane, Secretary of tho Interior. The petition recites as follows: "Comes now the Dosort Land IJoard of the State ot Oregon acting under and pursuant to authority vwrted in It by Chapter 226. Session Laws of Oregon for 1909, and re spectfully petitions the Honorable Secretary ot the Interior to -grant an extension ot time for a period of five yearn for the reclamation ot lands included in Oregon Desert Land Selection List No. C, In accordance with an act of Congress. (cnat Dill No. 8044), entitled a "Mil pro viding for the extension of time for the reclamation ot certain lands of. the State of Oregon under the Carey Act." and which reads as follows " 'Do it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of American In Con gress assembled. That the Secretary of the Interior Is hereby authorized, within hlsdlscretion, to extend for a period, of not exceeding 10 yean tho tlmo of segregation In the Ore gon Carey Act segregation lists nura bcrcd six anil nineteen, tho two areas comprising $147,714 acres in the ag gregate, approximately 8C.000 acres of which ore irrigable,, samo bolng situated In Crook county, Oregon, Provided, that the Secretary ot the Interior Is further authorized to grant to the Stato ot Oregon a similar ex tension ot 10 years for the hcclama tlon of said lands In addition to the time allotted under existing rales, regulations,, sontracts and laws. Resolution Cited. "In support ot this petition there is attached hereto and made a part hereof, a certified copy ot the rain utos of the Desert Land Doard under date ot Juno 12, 1917, authorizing the same; a certified copy ot a reso lution of tho Desert Land-noard un der date ot December 20. 1916, and for further nnd moro complete in formation, reference Is made to an Invcstjgatlon and report on tho. pro ject by special agents ot lite" Gen eral Land Offlco during 1916." ' The resolution attached to the pe- tltlon Is addressed to the C5th Con gress and has heretofore boon print ed, the .resolving portion of that resolution qelog In the nature ot a requoat to Oongress to enact a meas uro providing tor an extension of thn period of segregation on Oregon List No. 6 from February 18, 1918. to February 12. 192S, and on Orogon List No. 9 from October 17. 4920. to Oetlbor 17. 1930. The minutes ot the meeting at tached to the petition are ot the meeting of June 12. 1917. details of which have been fully set out hcra totoro. Action Asked. At that meeting, however, a de tailed statement of the committee appointed by the settlers ot the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Project for organizing un Irrigation district was received, this statement advising the Dosort Laud Doard that they were opposod to the Irrigation Company's request that the state secure an ex tension ot time on the contract with the Department ot he Interior cover lug tho lands In Oregon Segregation List No. C. A letter ot Attorney General Drown relative to the boad ot the Central Oregon Irrigation Company also was road at that meet ing. F. 8, Stanley. A. V. Riles and Denton G. Rurdlck appeared before, the board and presented a request that Immediate action bo, taken In the securing ot an exteustquJoC.tltne Tbo minutes of the metngisnpw that the following action was" taken Extension Asked, "It appearing attor full discussion of tho questions InvolroU that tho board would release no right, ot or Hon on tho bond or agalnst-thq Irri gation company tor nou-pertor,mance ot the terms ot their contract, H was moved by Mr. McKay, seconded by the, chairman, that tho board petition (Continued on last page.) 3