I1HNI) MJ1,MC1IN, NKND, OIUXION, TliUIlHI)AV4 JVSK itH, VJ17U I'AOi: I). i9 if If! ( flu 11111 fr I nffl i IB An Eastman Keeps Circus Days KODAKS Vk (lut tlnMrm) And U, l)rvrlnf, 10c I'initliint fid Diltfgrtiimll 4 WE A HE AGENTS FOR Edison Phonographs Victrolas Very easy payments. Conic in and let us tell you Rexall Family Preparations Jllxo Candles, Stationery, Clgart and best of all, Itazelaood let Citam Reed & Horton DRUGS The Ruall Slote DRUGS nrtnr n short business ylslt In Jiond, Minn (liirtruitu JfjiiUor of Crrseoiit, Ih spmnlliiK 11 fow clays vlnltliiK In Iiuml. Mr. unit Mm. V. P, Diako and VAtlti M. Conawny, of Mllllcnii, worn vln ItorH In tlio city yesterday. II. A, Miller returned IIiIh nirirn hiK from it fow days IjukIih-bb trip to I'ortlniul. A. I. French returned (IiIh morn ing from I'ortlniul wheru ho went on business, John W. (Irny, of Deschutes, wan In Dend yesterday ufternooii on bus iness. Doiijuinlu V. (Irlnstosd nml Allmi H. (Irlustmid, of Milllaeu, uru In Stand tmlny transacting buslnosfl, District Attorney II. II, DeArmond returned lust night from a trio to Itudmiitid on legal IiiihIiium. K. T. lluttM Iiiih sold out hlit Inter out In It f h uoiifei'tlotiory btislnis to Hurry Johnson. Tim iitoro will now I111 conducted under thu firm iiumu of O'Neill &. Johnson. Homer Itoss, supervisor of (ho Cchoco nutloiiiil forcnt, wan In Dond yesterday from IiIh headquarters In Prlnovllln. Btoto Senator W. Lalr ThompHon wui In Dond Inst nlKht on IiIh way to hln homo In I.Bkevlew, after being In Portland on legal business. Mm. Dora M. Hall, of Tumulo, was in lluuil lam night 011 her way to Krt'owutor, Ore., where hIiu will visit hur daughter. An nuto party consisting of Mr anil Mrs. C. I.. Withers, their daugh- tor, Miss Murlu), uml Mm. W. A. Currier, all of Hpokauu, stopped in Dond lint nlKht, rcHtiiiiltiK their trip south thin morning. Charles H, flhaltuck, of Prlnevllln. superintendent of thu Deschutes I'owdr Co., was In Ilend yesterday with other officials of thu company, going over thu plan or the Ileml Wu tor, Light & Power Co. with Manager T. II. Koloy, 8. M. N'lxon, of Pocntollo, Idaho, with his two sous, two dauKhtom mid Ills 11 lectj. is In Demi vIsltlliK at thu I'ioiiih of his brother, Chief or Police L. A. V. Nixon. Thu party Is on nn auto lour or 1110 noruiwosi mm Jcwlll (QW hat Puget Sound points, and stop ofr ut uiitcior .National rurK an their chief objectives. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesday Dally.) (I. K. IjjfollnttH. or Crescent, was In tint city on business. K. 0. I.amb. ol Paisley, won In thu rllv last iilnlit. Champ Htiilth was In Ilend last night from his home In Prlnevllle. W, 0, Fordhatu, or I .a Pine, spent yesterday In Demi. II. A. Miller, or Ileml, was reg istered ut Hotel Portland, In Port land, Sundsy. V. L. Powers, or tho Oregon Agrl cultural college futility, Is In Demi today. , Walter Doyle, of Drothem, was In Ilnnd yesterday loukhiK after, bus iness matters. W. M. Dlrkorson returned last nlKht to his homu on llorso Itldge, Warner's, Is on her summer vaca tion. C. U. (list, owner or tho Ifotol Gist, or Sisters, was a Demi visitor yes terday. Mm. J. I', Arnold returned thin morning from a month's visit with friends uml relatives In Portland, Dr. J. C, Vnndovert left las', night for Portland to attend tin annual mooting or tho Oregon Medical at soolutlon. Mr, mid Mm. Carl Hartley, or tho DrookK-Hciinlou camp, are the par ents of 11 nx pound baby boy, born Humlny morning. W, C. Dulck, or Hllver Lak, has sold fu head or reader cattle to Daker Htockmon und Is bringing tho cattle to llfiid for shipment. Mm. J. P. Crouln, Mr. and Mrs. A. M Crouln und sou, Ambrose, and Mm. Ooodoll, or Portland, aro visit ing at the homo or Mr. and Mm. II. W. Hkuse. Mr. und Mrs. Paul C. Garrison aro receiving congratulations over tho ar rival of. a nine pound baby, girl, born yesterday afternoon at tho Dcnd Sur gical hospltul, a K. Dalley left last night for Portland after visiting for n week with frlomlH. Mr. Dalley took with him a seven and a half pound Dolly Vurdon trout which bo caught Sun day at Udell Lake. (From Tuesday's Daily) A, I.. French Is a business visitor In Portland today. L. C, Whltted 16ft .Sunday, for n two weeks vacation. , V. W. Durko Intl last night ror Portland on business. II. H. DeArtnond left thjs morning for llcdmond on legal business. Miss Fay Deyarmond, who la with Celebration Needs s lots of I We are going to have a big time, and there' little things you will need. Supply your wants here SPECIAL DISPLA Y of DRESS GOODS Wc have n larfje line of beautiful wash goods at 10-15-20- 221-2 & 25c and wc carry all the fixings to make that new dress. i1- JIIH V i'eft ' 1 mill '' Mil r- ' ' III ' I mm ' 4 v 1 LACES and We show 11 large as sortment of the things in strong demand at the present. Beautiful Goods and priced so right that you can well uflord them. SALE of MILLINERY '. v ' 44. For a quick close out of Summer Hats all prices are now only MhlfiPrice 4 (From Monday's Dally.) J. U. McCulloch, or Itcdniond, was In Ilend yesterday. Mm. C. II. Daggot't, or Itodmond, wan In the city Saturday. W. O. Fordham, or lla I'lnc, Is spending tho day In llond. C. W. Itlddell, or Prlnglo Falls, Is In Dend today on business. M. W. Mulheusen, or Hllvor Lake, In n visitor In tho city today. Mrs. J. J. Dalley, of Drothem, Is In Deild today on legal business. Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Drlggs, of Pals ley, were week end visitors In Dnd. H. G. Fuller returned to Dond last night from a week end visit In Port laud. Charles Lehman, of Sequin, Wash ington, Is In Dend looking for a bus iness opening. Perry A. South, of Crescent, rang er on the DoschutiM National for est, was In Demi yesterday. Harold Shumway lefi Saturday for San Francisco, to report for duty in tho United States navy. Mr. und Mm. K. A. Durkor, or San lF(unelco, wcro in Dcnd last night, returning irom an AiasKan 10 ur. lyl.ee 'A. Thomas will leave tonight ror, l'ortianu to 00 gone lor several days attending to business matters. - J. T. Hardy, traveling freight and Passenger agent ror tho Oregon Trunk, Is In Dend today on ottlclul business. Mm. G. XV. Thomas, or Omaha, Nebraska, Is In the city visiting for several weeks at the home ot her son, I.eo A. Thomas. Mr. and Mm. D. M. Dehronds, or Portland, wore week end visitors In the city, leaving yesterday ror a fish ing trip on the Metollus. J I; Galther, manager of the Demi exchange Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph Company, returned Sunday morning from a two week?' vacation spent at Seattle. Circuit Judge T. K. J. Duffy, of Prliievlllo, Is In the city today, re turning to bis home from Shakopee, Minn . whore, ho was called by the death of his father. Henry N. Fowler returned this morning and resumed his duties with The Dulletln. While away, Mr. Fowler offered himself ror enlist ment In tho navy, but was rejected because ho coutd not meet thu phys ical requirements, being grontty un der tho weight required for his height. Flags- -Bunting- -Festooning Ribbons ALL SORTS OF . DECORATING MATERIAL FOR ECONOMY'S, SAKE STOP AND SHOP AT WARNER'S Bend's Economy Center (From Saturday's Dally) Undo Frank Nichols was ud from Tumalo today. ... n x t n.. f iSvImawIIIa i.KB. A. X-.. M UUU;, Ul lllllUIIIIVi Is visiting with friends in Dend. D. K. Hunter, ot Dond, was reg istered at tho Hotol 'Portland Wed nesday. Miss Susan Kelloy returned yes terday to her position with Warner's,: after a two weeks' vacation. Mrs, J, D. Williams, who baa been spending tho pbbI week In Dond, loft Friday night for Portland, Harrison Latham, 11, V. Polndox- tor and Dr. J, II. Counarn returned this morning from a trip to the. Me tollus. A. J. Doyd, or Seattle, engaged In tho business thoro, arrived this morn ing to visit n fow daya with his brother, Chas. Doyd. Mm. Ethel Hulbort, who has boon giving lossons In dancing hero for tho pnst three months, left this morn ing tar hor homo In Portland, J, Charles Smith, ot Tho Dalles, was in Dond yestordny making ar rangements for tho opening of a millinery and ladles' furnishings Btoro hero about August 1, Ho ia to occupy 0110 ot tho utoro rooma in tho Prlnglo building. D. A.'lloyd, of Seattle, and owner of tho Wright Hotel property in this city, Is In Dond today looking aftor hln city properties and land holdings in this vicinity. Mr. Doyd Is accom panied by hla brother, A J. Doyd, who Is also Intorestod In real cstatb hero. In Readiness! FOR THE 4TH Complete StocksLow PricesPersonal Service Should Bring You Here to Outfit for the Fourth of July IN OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT The Shoes we offer are always a little different fro.nYfho.se you will see elsewhere. They possess style, comfort and individuality and will give lasting wear. Ladies' Queen Quality, 9-in. White Washable Kid Boots $l6.75 Also in Ivory and Gray, at.. $10.50 Ladies' Queen Quality, white Cuban curved heel, Canvas Shoes, ivory sole. $5.00 Ladies' Queen Quality, white Can vas Shoes, low or high heel, leath er or ivory sole $3.75 Ladies' Rubber Sole Shoes... $2.00 Ladies' Rubber Sole Strap Slip pers $1.50, $1.60, $1.95 Patent Kid and Gunmetal Oxfords at $3, $3.50, 53.75, $4, $4.50, $5, $5.50 BLOUSES! Sheer Voile Blouses, lace trimmed, at $1.25, $1.50, $2.25, $2.50 each New Georgette Crepe Blouses $6, $6.50, $6.75 New Crepe de Chine Blouses $3.75, $4.50, $6 Middy Blouses for the Fourth, made of the best quiality jeans $1.25, $1.50 Sport Stripe Middies $2 to $3.50 White Skirts, special values....$1.25, $1.50, $1.75 ea. Niagara Maid Silk Gloves Plain black or white 60c Fancy embrodiered, in contrasting colors 75c, 85c, $1.15, $L25 Light weight models, especiall adapted for sum mer -wear Athletic and dancing models, at $1.50 Others at $1, $1.25, $1.75, $2, $2.50 $3 Warner's and DeBevoise Brassierres 50c, 60c, 75c, $1 Sunshades and Parasols $1.15, $1.25, $ .50, $2.00, 2.25, $2.50 and up to $5.00 Cooper's Athletic Under wear for Men and Boy& wIoSEDjteH Y Kaynee Sport Blouses, for boys 50c, 75c Sport Shirts for men .'. 75c, 95c, $1.15 Athletic Union Suits, the cool, comfortable kind .'..: $1.00, $1.50 the suit Others at vvtIS6 tne su,t Coopers Knit Union Suits,Mu 3;.,j.. ::..:. $i:25, $1.50? '$1.75, $2,.;$2,5o suit STOP AND SHOP AT KffAH MTOai IROTHERS THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE AFTER ALL I four chairs at your sorvico at the . I ."11 "r.,8MsSSi Metropolitan, No waiting. Adv. I -"" " J1- S -' 1 SBgiP1 h I --' ,. . , BIsSl