The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 28, 1917, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
" 1' '
Vol, .v.
NO. 17
0 W S
JUrlwm In Itonil With Mr-, Hlrnhorn
aiiml Friend I'm HmiiiI Hummer
Iti OtiymtIiik ConM ruction
Until Hlttiiillon l'iirliiiiiK''t.
(Front TuwKttty'n Dally.)
On their way to Kbiiniilh Falls,
Iii Hiily VliP'frilirllolpate In liinfr
Jlsllread Day nifii Fourth of July
elvhrnttnn In connection with tint
liflKlnnliiK of work on tliu Btrnhoru,
tin out of Hint city, Mr. ami Mm.
Jlolifirt K. Htnthorii arrived hero yon-'
tenia)' afternoon from Hpoknun. With
them nnr-Mr. and Mm. Will MurRll-1
toyd. Mr. MurRlttroyd Is n prom-'
llieNt tfuslueea innu it ml niunufartur
or of Mpokntin.
Ialsr In tlio weak, according to,
Mr. Itmliorn, n uuiiiliHr of others,!
prominent In the business unit fi
nancial life of Hpnkaue will start for
Klamath, going either liy auto from
1Im4 or around through the Willam
ette vftlly hy full AlHOHK those!
winvted are H. T. Cometi. prealdanl
of the KxcIihhk National Hank, I).
W. Twoky, president of Him Old Na
tional llHHk nuil h member of the
firm of Twoliy brothers, It. I.wl
Matter, president of the ftpokana &
ltaetern Trust Co., Thomas Hrewer.
preeasHl of Ik Fidelity National
Hul, Mtftl Waldo I'alne. vice presl
ilMl Nf the Mpokane Chamber of
Oewwanm mill vlce-preeldsut mid
tntfflc manager of IIih Hill railroad
properties In Itaatarn Washington,
tkt number and prominence of Hih1
representatives from Kpnknne being
not only n tribute to Mr. Hlroliorn '
hul showing tlin Interest taken In hla'
heme ally In hl enterprise, j
Following Hip celebration In Klnm
lh. Hi Htrshnrn parly III tour Call 1" MiMJU.VriO.V VISITH llK.W)
Iterate before the railroad builder i TOllAY TO INHPI'CT I'llOJKCTM
relHWs to Khmiath wliera he, will I r,TTv,,v. mm ti!n i-wimi
4iHtet ruction.
When uskad this tnarnliiK conearn
Ihk tha looal rallnwd situation Mr.
trshorn said that thara had bean
n chaHRe since his ratftHit letter to
the ComHierrlnl club wtthdrawInK
Ilia offar In build from Hand this
NMWtr. "Utar." Mr. Utrahorn aahl,
lf lit war situation beenmaii easier
Anal Head Initiates a movement to
hav tha work Imkmii hare, I have
M doubt that wa ran reach an nnree-
Tha (Mrty will spend tha day hern,
laatlHK fur their deatlnatlan by nay
-tt Uakavlew tomorrow mnrAliiK.
OftO llcml of Voiiiik Cuttle to Ho
, Htilip'il I'nini llonil liiktciiil of
I'm i ii I California Itoutit.
i From WMlnaadni'' Dally.)
Within tha next few daya. SS0
liouil of ealtla ImJoiikIiik to stockmen
In the vffllnlty of ayivar Uka. wllfl
lin driven Into lild, rr ihlpjuant
iivnr tha O.-W. It. & N. to Fortlund
1 nl eastern umrketa. Tha aimk ara
lilnh Krada carllnKa and two year
Jds. and were rnutad throuKh Hand
1H' H. K. WIhicIiis, frelKht and paaaai,-
Har AHeul, and 1. K. CUrk, of Uia
' Mt0ck from the Hllver Mka section
1ms hitherto been sent out alinoat
'Uxeluslvely throuKh Cnllforulu.
T nnft do lo nujiecvlso the a
(llr tlnlM l'r. lWml HullHlii) -
I'OltTia.M), .hi no 1!7 Tin'
- Kliilo lllKduny coiiiiuIhkIiiii thU
iifltTiiooii npproprlntiMl tjtl7ttHIO -
for Iho Impi'iivouiitnt of tlio
riuid hi'tuivn llciiil mill I .it Fine.
? .
HtMiuchlH for mi upproprln.
Hon for thin work ero pre
- Minted to tlio coiiiiiiInnIoii ii few
- Misika n;i hy County .ludc
ItnrncH. At Hint I Into the pen-
di'ncy of tlm tent rnso concern.
-- Iuk tho llenti-lhiiirtt boiidluK
- law iimdo ii ihM'NIou from the -
coiuuiIknIou Impoxhlble. ,'mv
Hint the Mipreum court Iiih lv-
en Its iIccInIhii In favor of tlio -
- uv loiiNliIernhlo road work U
to ho tlono nil over Hns.tiito. .
- Tlio stato noil Cwok rounty
t- hpent iW-'.tMHl on tlio road from
' lend to NlionitieNt.,N litnt year.
" Tlio insent npjiroprhitloii will
' pieMiniiibly ho tiNctl to cinder
tjila now roinl mill extend the
' lilKhwuy further mouHi, '
,.. - -
wMhe fimnd
of thedcclam.
lion of Inde
pendence mas
the soUcreim
'hi mo nonTiln
of English
fFrom Wednesday's Dally.)
Defer rotliiK In nrRatilz an Irrl
KStlon district In the vicinity of Lake
view, ranchers of that seetiou are
anxious to ascertain just what farm
Improvements ran la made by Irrl
KathtK. "'l l"Mt nlKht l'J reprasantA
tlvn man of the district arrived In
Hand by auto and spent tmlay, under
the KUldanaa of the Hand Commercial
club In nintarliiR through the coun
try Included In some of Deschutes
county's projects. If the Lake coun
ty district Is formed, It will Include
approximately IS.oTJO arras on the
weat side of (loose l.ako valley.
The Uikevliiw visitors In llond In
clude F. .. Haldwlii, W. K. Holtor,
i. A- Nelsun, Uoy J. Curoy, O. K.
Wood. II. Attley. J. C. Dodscn, Will
lain FnliiH, O. W. Anderson, J. F.
Ilmtsoii, V. U SmdlliiK. (leorRe A.
Nelson, flllherl Arthur, William Gar
ter. William W. Reynolds, If. I. Je
rome. C. II. Hurk, M. W. Hart and
Hurt S.T'Htera.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
CouceutrutliiR responslblhllty for
tha succaaa of the 1U17 CliAutnuiiua
In Hand, the executive) committee
of the looul ossqclutlon met this
uiornliiR In the eouucll chambers of
O'Knno ImiIIiIIiik nnd appointed Faul
IC. M. ThompHon ,
us a com
por.vldo the aalo of tick-'
els. The mombora of the uowly ap
pointed body commfliiaud HiIh morn
Iiir to dlstrlhuto tlckottt for sale, hut
the Belllnir canipAlRU will not IiprIii
in real earnest for two days, It beliiR
Intended to take onru of the outlay-)
Iiik districts first beforo mnkliiR a
real endeavor In llond. The Clmu
tnuqun will start on July 2 and will
continue through July 7.
The following nrtj Rtiurnntura for
the Chnutuuquit: (llun W. Chouey,
Tltuo, 11. Morton, C. S. Hudson, L.
II. Houd, (Imirk'u F. Hoove v. Vernon
A. Forhos, It. W. BawyetuyiV.S. lion
son. Ohnrloa W. Kryvyfi. a. Rns
tos. (loorRo 8. YoAiIkI K. H. Stoohr,
.. ...
it. I). Mllos. J. D" Koyos, II. J Over
turf, Dr. W W. Fnulknor. Miss M.
W. Colonmn, A. (I. Allon, J. C.
lUiodoa, J. II. atnnloy, V. V. Har-
plinin, H, II, DoArmoud, Dr. J. 0.
Vnudovort. Mrs. W. II. Stunts. I). H.
Huutor, Carl II. Joliuson, 10. J. Mo-
Koo, 10. l. IlroBtorhous, II. A. Miller,
ft. O. Kills, C. h. Mnnnhglmor, 15. M.
TiiontpBon, Hush O'lCiino Una- F
e enm! idea
4T3I fir bib i nr rnniTiniB
Hi Bin IBB n fli IP i 11 li fl IBliU
Ilukrhnll (Smut, I'nrtukii, Itiu'ro,
Wntrr HNirt Will Olvn l'cnpln
Chum? to Hnjoy Vlxlt In Ilcnd
CiikIi I'rlrow Off (tied.
(From WedtiwMlay'H I)ully,1
"llontl'n tlio I'lacH."
lUnd nxtmida a hearty Invltittfon
to nil of Central OrnKojiUnUjiul Ita
Fourth of July rtdDhrnUon J,ult
nud f, a ml Ita Chautauijua, to lijfTnld
July 2 to 7.
Nnxt Monday IibrIum ono of thul
hlKKHflt, aiittppit, happleat wkH
liund linn hciiii In it lorn; time. And,
hy Hih way, thtrn'a koIiir to he a elr
cuh In town tlm Fourth.
It la a utrktly wtiio Fourth f
July that Ilsiul will ct)lhratu. Thuro
will ha no ftrvworku, hut thorH will
ho plnnty of other faluri that Jjf f
set the old-limn hIkkjIImk of Human
mndlM, akyrockota and flntcraekera.
It will lie a tlrlrtly patiiHl clhrn
tliiu for Central OrHRWi.
Tlio two day program for the cl
hratlun opaua tk wornlMK of tlm
Fourth with th riiitomary italuttM
at atiHrlM. At H:3t a. in. promittly.1
the ftret t;aiH of a thrvo Rama aarlaa
latwat tb laadlnK taaina of tha
Cantral Oraon haaaball taKHa will
ha pullil off hetwaan tha nltiaa of
I'rlnavlllc and Khavlln-lllxon. Iloth
taaiua ara icroomad for this avant
and u cloaa fat vontaat la axpectad.
I'rlrcN Kuhotnntliil.
Hand will dlaplay a ahow at 10:30
with a hlK elvlr and historic utreot
parada In whlrh huilnaaa houtwi,
civic loclatlaa. fratarnal ordars, labor
orKUiiUntlonn. military oreahUatluna,
ara plannliiK to antar marchltiK dl
vliloiiH. It U hoped that there will
he n lar(i rapreaantatlou of deoo
rated autotnohllaa In the parade. Hub-
tnntlal caah piizos arc to he awarded
for several features In the Prade.grroet coritMl 10:00 , n'Jufy
I'crsens or organisations deslrlm; to;,.....
enter floats or marching divisions are
requested to enter with 14. D. tlllson
In the O'Kane bulldliiK at once.
Immediately following the parade
the proRram, which will be heetfHtfiiK
to IndapatidaHG Day, will be heil at
ll:lfi In tha Chauuuqua tant. U(sU
.:.. ,, , .ni.ti
in . uptHn, .. . ............ "",
the spaakar of the day. A flttlBR,
mil Meat primratH is itetnR arranRiKi
under the direction o( I.oula Han-j
nan. Asm,,- rorraai a ra; "
?" Mc,J,,H,rtw- , . , ,,l
Tha Cola Hroa. Circus will hold
mair ,mreu i.r u . """
..u.m . .,.-,. ,. w... o
loonou ine rourui. wie irv.. . .
linn loriu in in aitviiiiiuii uniu
4:30 p.m. '
After he circus Hand will croaa
nats wun ine rnnevnie otkhiiimi
Hon for a purse of 1100.
ii . tk . i.t...l
In the evening the crowds will
Yali m Line
on tbeU1
?H & "n,s ?
SfiKf M? siSir?
rfi1 i&Ut-P
I' f vi
L ill
l . Mm
- .A slsf
I a sX.I. vrTtiKaVlTslflH l8Mfc
have th movlriK plcturn ahown, hoth
of wlilcli have urraiiBwl special pro
Krama for the daya on which llond
will relahrato. The evening por
fornmnca of tlio elrcua will alno ha
held. DaneliiK will hold forth at the
Hippodrome In hoth the afternoon
and ovanlnR of the Fourth and fifth.
Th aacond dny'a program opnna
at 10 o'clock with afreet contaata,
In which everyhody may enter for
caah prize. There will hu a variety
of ran-, for man, women and chil
dren to enter.
Promptly at 1:510 on the aftornoon
of the fifth tha water carnival will
he fttafied on the Oaschutea river.
ThU feature wlfl ha ono of the moat
IntereatlHK of the celohratlon. Tlio
oVHiiti are open to everybody to par
ticipate in the canoe rncea, awlma,
tub race, Kroaaed pole contoat, ob
alacle iwlmmlnK race, gooae ehaie,
ontioa war. loK-rolllnr. etc. Suh
atmitlal eaah prhea havj been put
up for thaaa eventa. I'eraona dolr
Iiik to enter for prlzaa In those events
nfo urKwl to reKiatar their namea
at once with Carl Johnaon at tha
Bhevlln-lllxon offlrn, or A. Wlikinant
at tha Hand I'raaf. Theae antrlaa
should h- made on or before July
S, ao that no dlffleultlaa may he ox
parlancad In runnlnK tha events off
Hull to Follow Carnival.
Following tha water feettval It end
and tha Bhavlln-HlxoH teams will
wind up tha baseball series at 1:10
In tha afternoon.
Merchants and resident ara urged
to dross up their plaoes of bualneaa
and homea In a flttlnR manner for
the occasion. The Fourth of July
committer has arrannad to have the
city appropriately decorated for the
two days. This work should be done
hy Julv 3 to welcome visitors In the
elty. Tha committee has appropriat
ed the sum aflO for the beet dace
rated store front.
.Mirny KtcntH I'rmldcd.
The prlzea to be awarded In the
Vttvlnna AktifkMai nm na nlltktuaia
Hoys' race, under 1C years First
prise. 13, second 12, third II.
Olrls' race, under 16 years First
prin IX,. second It, third II
JUh'H fnwNiMiU race First
nrto 11. second 13. thlnl 11
A-t. . . i ,.
"" lor "' Kirw
First prise IS. second 13. third 1
,olato tor ,,,, ',m, B,r
.M, .M t. UJnA t, ,,.., .,
ThreHl.t,4 net)i trJ tor .,
Krl ,)rM, ,8( ,omX ,,t tH,ra $l
Fat man's raca, 300 ivounda and
oyer mni Jj (
Hoy' bicycle nicaFlr-i prlsa IS,
aaeond 2, third 11
,, ,. )on). rHceFir,t prize
. Q second IS.
WhcMjllmrrow ras First prlsa IS.
T( Btreot nmit w, ,le hold on
Minnesota streets.
Frizes announced for the water
' ,.,,.. '
, wtw
Cauuu sJiibIw First prize 110,
second IB.
Canoe doublaa First prize IIS,
second 17. SO.
Fancy hlRh iIIvIhr First . prise
lio, second prlsa If.
('ruler water swlw Flrat prt
!.. second 13.
Tub race First prlsa II, second
Creased pole contest First prlsa
11 n, second IS.
100 feet swimiulnR raoe, free for
all First prlsa IS. second 13.
Obstacle swimming raca First
prs IS, second 13.
I.uK-rollliiK First prise ISO.
Hoose chase Winner Rata goose.
Canoe war Iflret prlsa US.
The prises for tha parade on the
mornliiK of the Fourth are as fol
h: llrst decorated float, 19S.
Most dlstluotlva marohlng dlvla
iit. 135.
Hest decorated prlvnto uutomubllo,
Hest decorated Ford, 110.
Heat Individual eharnoter, 1.10.
Most antlquntad automobile, run
iniiiR under Ita own power, IS.
Most proporous appearing fnrmer,
i From Weduoadny'8 Dully.)
HocauBo members of tlio Lumber
Trade commission who will viait In
Houd tomorrow will bo busy during
the groator part of tho day liiBpoot
lug tho local mills and logging camps,
tho Commoralal club luncheon plan
ned In their honor baa been changed
tq a dlniiqr, and will bo given at the
Pilot Hutto Inn at 7 o'alook tomor
row night.
American child
learn from his
cmdle that his
first and last
duty is to his
country, that
to litfe for her
isjkonor and
to die for her
Joseph flCltoate
am: of iooit huffkiuxg i'iiom
(From Wotlnosday Dally.)
The problem of jhotv.bcst Ul care
for individuals suffering from con
taglous or infectious diseases, and
who by reason of their infirmities
are dependant on the eerinty. la one
which County Judge W. I. Uarnes
with tha co-operation of the com
missioners, is endeavoring to solve.
Tha discovery of two bad cases of
tuberculosis, one of cancer and of
two cases of ophthalmia-, reported by
County Fhyslclau Dwlght F. Miller,
caused the matter to bo brought up
specially this afternoon at a meeting
of the county court, attended by Dr.
Miller, Dr. V. C. Coe, Dr. 11. Ferrell
and Dr. K. It. Norria.
In Introducing the question. Judge
Hafnea mentioned that at least two
of the cases mentioned other counties
should be held responsible (or, but
they ware so far advmwed, ihat he
had considered It only eomruon hu
manity that they should b looked
after by the county...
Two plans ware offered by the
physlelans in attendance, one that a
eounty building beyond tha city lim
its be fitted up to provide for the
taolntlon of patients suffering from
dangerous diseases, the other to ask
for blda from private Individuals for
housing and taking care of the sluk.
Tha former suggestion was deemed
more advisable, as affortlhiK better
Ueatmant, and probably lew ex
It was axnlalned that many eases
of tuberaulosts.couia to Central Ore
ran lieeausa of the healthful climate.
hut the members of the court were
agreed that every effort should be
taken to prevent luuigeut invauua
from other counties being saddled
on Deechutee.
The situation will be thoroueblv
Investigated In preparation for some
dotlnlted action.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
KxunitnntlouB for teaohors who nre
teachers In Deschutes county, or who
may tench In Hnnd and the vicinity,
were conducted today In tho high
school building by County Super
intendent J. Alton Thompson. In
structors who touk tho testa for cor-
tlticatoa were John Tuok, ot Powell
llutto; Dowltt Williams, of Terre
bonne; Frank Weber, Ml3 Hazel
Thurson, Mrs. Ilattlo Carden, Miss
Gortrudu Shults, Miss Qraco gano
and Mrs. W. J. Adamaon, of Depd:
Miss Audrey McOueu, ot Washington,
is filoiy-
and Curtis Christy.
Thouftnnd Tons of ncscliulr VAlIey
drouth to Fcc4l Crxut Cattle-
Mora to Ho Taken Menu
Hay Hhortagc Here.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Hy contracting 1000 tons of alfalfa
hay, Tillamook eounty dairymen have
given the Control Oregon hay market
another tilt skyward, according to
8. h. Wiggins, traveling freight
agent of the O.-W. railroad, who has
Just returned from a trip through
the Deschutes country tapped by his
It Is Mr. Wiggins' belief that about
2000 tons more will be contracted
from Central Orogon for fall deliv
ery to tha Tillamook dairymen. All
the hay so far taken has been alfalfa
and cornea from the Redmond. I'rlne
vllle, Hay Creek and Gateway farms.
The alfalfa la being contracted for
this fall at the prevailing price on.
data of delivery.
"With this amount ot alfalfa ta
ken out of Central Oregon." said Mr.
Wiggins, "together with that frozen
out through this same country last
winter, there will be very little alfal
fa left on the market for home con
sumption this winter. The only thing
that will keep hay from going clear
out of sight will be large crop of
wheat hay that will be harvested
nnd Is being untouched by the dairy
men buyers. A far larger area ot
wheat was put In ths spring than
usual for Central Oregon. Then tho
late spring held It back, with the
result that much ot tho wheat will
not reach maturity and will be cut
for hay thlsjall.
"For Central Oregon uso this
wheat will sell nearly as well as the
alfalfa. Doth kinds sold at about
the samopjijg in Dend last winter,
118 "loose" and 120 Udlod.
"Tho heavy buying boln made
this year by tho Tillamook men
means a steady market for Central
Oregon hay, for our high altitude
alfalfa has been tested out down
tbjre and this Is the result. It
means that they will keep more cows.
use their farms 'principally for pas-'
ture, and then, whan necessary to
feed hay, they will feed alfalfa ship
ped in from the Deschutes valley.
A ton ot hay from It ere has been
found to equal a ton and a third or
a halt ot Willamette or Tillamook
hay Ih dairy feeding."
Old hay now coming In Is selling
at 114 and 116, aeeordlng to Uond
buyers. They report, however, that
there Is very little left In the coun
try. Crops Look Pino.
J. T. Hardy, ot the Oregon Trquk,
reports that the hay, grain, and oth
er crops Including a large potato
acreage, are looking fine throughout
hie territory. Considerable new acre
age has been put tit this year, mostly
In wheat and potatoes, the potato
acreage for Oeutral Oregon being
one-third or one-halt greater thau
last year.
Aside from' Head. Powell Hut to,
Redmond and Terrebonne, all In tho
Irrigated district. Culver lu Jeffer
son county's dry farming country,
also has a Urge potato crop coming
oh for this fall, according to Mr.
"Perhaps the greatest new acre
age." says Mr. Hardy. "betBg orop
ped th la, season la arouud Ilcnd. princ
ipally northeast, east and southeast
of the elty. ThU new acreage. In
cluding 30 or 40 new (arms, ia princ
ipally In potatoes and alfalfa."
Jefferson county wheat Is said to
be good but right now in need of
Recruits t Fort Sum Houston Vhetl
to Cump Lifo. Hut Iaiur for a
Tnto tif Deschutes Water.
(Ffora Wednesday's Dully )
Savon Rend boys, accustomed to a
comparatively cool climate, are swel
tering In OS degree weather ut tho
provisional aviation school at Fort
Sam Houston. Texas, according to u
lottor just received from Bugone
Glazier, one ot the seven. Tho oth
ers are Wlllard Houston, Clarenco
Jackson. Nouh Uayes, William Ilees
ley, C. L. Wright and Waltor Marlon.
All seven are. going through tho pre
liminary work preparatory to (uklng
their places among the birdmcji who
will' carry tho Stars and Strlpla, over
tho German frontlor.