PACK fl. HKND IlUI.TiKTIN, IlKNO, OltKflON, TUl'USDAV, JUNK Ul, 1017 sun TAKE 2-0 GAME LUMBERMEN PLAY AN ERRORLESS GAME. XJnd Wa Hitting Hero, GcMlng Homer In Bccoml Knutscn I'ltchra Good llnll I)ny OslM Out Vnns. (From Monday's Daily.) The Sncvlln-Hlion aggregation, on the. first real baseball day of tho season, stuck its pcavles and cant hooks Into Prlnovllle yesterday to tho tally of 2 to 0, and besides played tho first errorless gamo that has boen chalked up on the local diamond since Heck was in tho infant stages of canlno development. This business of playing errorless J Tho infield handled ovary ball por- went almost to tho centortlold fonro, and on tho llond diamond that Is soma distance Llnd brought in Shoots, and himself circled tho bases. This Inning looked llko n ono-rlng circus going good, becnuso Houston enmo up and got n nlco singlo, but tho tun was called oft becnuso Knutson struck out nnd Clif ford wont out, Tothorow to Krlckson. J lakes Klnt Atipcnrnnrr. Knutson niado his first appear- anco of tho season in tho box for Shovlln-Hlxon nnd was steady and heady, with tho exception of the eighth inning when ho walked Fox, nnd allowing Tothcrow to pass twice, once In tho second nnd again in tho seventh. The boy had much steam on tho bnll, striking out sovon men, nnd being found tor only flvo hits. Ho was given great support trom ovcry local player who touched tho ball. Tothcrow was up to his usual form yesterday, so far as keeping the hitting average of tho mill mon down, allowing only three hits, but as mls- fortuno would happen, Llnd's homer spoiled defeat tor tho visitors, Toth crow struck out tlvo men. Tho Shovlln-Hlxon team has tho best balanced lot of players it has had in a long time Doth tho Infield and outfield work fast and aro sure, MUCH BUILDING NOW GOING ON TOTAL VALUE NEARLY $200,000.00. ItlgKwt Portion In In ltuslucPN Dis trict, Hut Mnny Ilesldence niv (ioliiK Up All Section Hep resented In l-o"K Llt. baseball Ib so unusual that it is worthy of mention In tho blackest face typo that this machtno can set. Thero were soma hard chances in the game. The first near-error came in tho first Inning whon Grccnwall, of I'rlnovllto, hit a fast grounder that took a bad bound to Klecker, a de butante in local ball circles. Dut Klecker did not abandon tho muff and recovered by shooting a fast one to Bullock. Then in tho eighth Inning Maison hit a hot liner that bounced off Houston's thumb, but Houston kept right after the ball, caught It and threw Fox out at sec ond. Thero was gcnulno cayenne In tho game Sunday, tho lumbermen playing snippy from the beginning until Knutson got his revengo by striking out Tethcrow In tho ninth. From the sticking standpoint, Llnd, who returned last week to bo in tho employ of Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company this summer, was tho hero fectly yesterday, From tho standpoint of an Inter ested bystnnder It looks llko thero Is aomo fast baseball coming up tho remainder of this soason, especially It Sol smiles on tho diamond as ho did yesterday. Tho score: Shevlln-Hlxon AU It H I'O A Shoots, ss 3 10 2 4 Llnd, cf 4 1X00 Houston, 3b ......4 0 114 Iloland, It 3 0 0 2 0 Knutson, p 2 0 1 0 10 Clifford, c 3 0 0 7 1 Bybcrg, rf 3 0 0 10 llullock, lb 2 0 0 12 0 Klecker, 2b ...3 0 0 2 1 Total 27 2 Prlnovlllo All H H PO A Albco. ss 3 Fox, If 3 Maison, 3b 3 Erlckson. lb 4 Qreonwall, cf 4 Staplcton, e 3 of the game. It was In tho third Inning that the horolc act was ac- Tothorow, p compllshed. Shoots was tho first jMcCall, 2b 3 man up and went to first on Albeo's Clark, rt 2 ovorthrow to Erlckson. Llnd en mo ' 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 0 up and drovo out a low fly thnt Total 27 0 7 25 13 3 UMITtO Bpdoffcrxplnoadal eanad In Jttr prica will bm HM. Get this $1. Wear-Ever ALUMINUM SIX-QUART KETTLE For Preserving, Pot Roasting, Stewing, Etc. Ttr. 35 Fleasenotenew adjustable baiL Cover for this kettle at special price of 35c. i 111 hMlml IM WW i III IM MI - IfmM For ONLY juid lb coupon if presented on er before Jane 30, 1917. pXiXtH (From Friday's Dally.) Iluslncss buildings, otflco build Ings, nnd residences now under wny of construction In Head will rcuch a total cost of $186,000. Ot this total, $126,000 Is being spont In buildings In tho business district. Tho romnlnlng $60,000 of tho building to.tal Is going to tho 27 residences now building. Thcso figures do not Include1 lot valuations, hut only tho actual construction cost. Lumbermen estlmnto thnt nu ad ditional $70,000 hv boon spent In llcnd for residences' completed since January 1. The cost of tho Deschutes Invest ment Company building In tho roar ot tho First National Hank will bo $21,000. Three stores will bo ac commodated on tho ground floor nnd the upper floor will bo occupied by county offices nnd tho Central Ore gon Abstract Co. Tho building Is to tie completed October 1. Tho llond Amalour Athletic Club's gymnasium Is being built nt n cost of 0 $20,000 nnd will bo finished by Sop- K tomber 15. Tentative arrangements 2 have boen made to turn tho gym- 0 nnslum over to school children dur- 1 Ing tho afternoons when school opens 0 for 1917-18. Tho building Is located 0 opposlto tho Hold school, 0 1), H. Sphler will complete his store 0 and office building at tho comer of 0 llond nnd Minnesota Htreets nbout 0 July 1C or August 1. Tho building is a nonc-Btory brick and will cost $18,000. H. K. Potrnm, brick work contractor, will complete tho brick work by tho nnd of next week. Tho Prlnglo building, corner of Wall and Oregon streets, will cost when completed $15,000, It will have basement and two stories, nnd ac commodate two storos on tho ground floor and tho Masonic lodgo on tho second floor. L. L. Fox is building a $3000 atono garage and work shop adjoining tho Modern Oarage. This building will accommodate, In addition to tho pri vate garago and work shop, the of fice nnd factory ot tho I'loncor Soda Works, which has been purchased by ,Mr. Fox, I C. I'. N'lswongcr's now brick nnd 'stone undertaking parlors nre bolng constructed at a cost of $2200. Tho building will bo two storlos high and roplaco tho framo building for merly used by Mr. Nlswonger. A new unit Is being built for tho Ilend Water, Light & Power Com pany plant at a cost of $30,000. Concrete construction work is prac tically completed and machinery will be Installed nnd ready for opera tion within 30 days. The movlo house, now going up on Wall streot, will bo completed In tlmo to accommodate show houses during the Fourth of July celebration July 4 and C, If possible. The build ing Is bolng built by T. M. O'Don nell for tho llond Theatre. It will i roach a cost of $ 16,000, according to B. H. Keano, nrchltect. I Residences now under construc tion are: I O. A, Bugler, In Park addition, $2000. Jl. D. Mllos, In Park addition, $4000. Charlos Carroll, two housos in Wear-Ever" aluminum utensils give enduring satisfaction because they arc so carefully made from thick, hard, sheet aluminum. UMVM utowfe Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" WUfVU JXuNifiyH luctmtm Look for the "Wear-Ever" trade mark on the bottom of every utcnsiL If it is not there, it is not "Wear-Ever." REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Cut out the Coupon bring it to us today! (IMf) "Wear-Ever" Coupon llKf llfwmvi WwniMeptthliroatonendSl.lSlnpyinentforotw"Wr. WHAM IMftWll Evtr"s&-iuutAluminomKfttla,whUhMlUreirulu1rfurlUS. fMEfjU mSmSX. provided you pmot the eouiwa In penon t thU store on or JFfUtttVl ftua-Muil Ix'or Jun W, 1817, aod write on the coupon your tuime, addrwa fflzntfftM ((.l-Tvll cd date of porcbue. fwua-tujl J Roofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights, Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt IJASEMKNTS STREET WOKK, ETC. Leave orJcii at A. EASTES OFFICE Oirgon Sued Hlvor Torrnco addition, $3000 and 13600. John Tnnsoy, in Hlvor Torraco ad dition, $1000. Oconto Snvlch, Hlvorsldo addition, $600. Loo McKoron, lloulevnrd addition, $1000. It. F. llllllnrd, Itlvor Torrnco ad dition, $1300. Dr. C. II. Francis, lloulovnrd addition, $1600, Kltuor NIs-woiiRor, orlRlnal town stto, $.1000, II. Q .Ferris, Park addition, $3000. A. J. Hoggins, I.nva llond addi tion $((00. OoorRo II .Wchhor, ItnstliiRS addi tion, $2000. Samuel Illnklee, l'nrk nddltlon, $3600. O. W. Tansoy, Hlvor Terrace addi tion, $300t). Franklin Thnrdarson, HiroY Tor raco nddltlon, $3000. 8. O. Watklns, Uoulovard addition, $3600. J. llnyuo, Uoulovard nddltlon, $1000. Mrs. F. h. Holmes, lloulovnrd nd dltlon, $2000. Wm. Lewis, Third addition, $1800. Dr. O. L. Couslneau, Hlvorsldc, $3600. L. K, Wnhlstrom, Kenwood, $1300, K. Iloyuo, Awhroy IIcKhts, $1200, In nddltlon to tho nhovo, lumber men report that thero aro about 14 or 16 small residences bolus built. WAS UNDER PERSHING (From Frldny's Dnlly.) L. E. Smith, county commissioner from Ilcdmnnd, who Is In llond nt- fmnllnf- n naelntl .if tlii. n.inrt Inilnv " " "' " - follows tho nctlvltles of General Pershing, now with tho American ( ths poop oupqc uoiHBTHiMtKvTD COtONIV..rUT MS IN1HK tRANKD OH AMY OTHER, OUO PLACC.DUT 3KB "HUT WK MMB PttNTy OS"tHe LIT Icmiw tmm Titrist,rr IWSMVyS rIK 1 ITMIM.IMOOiNql H MONTHS 0PI V W0f WITH d , I Lorw-BCWT Tfllete(THIMOIHtHTl Zi3 7J ( WHEN men ore drawn together In tho orrny, you find out n lot about their likes nnd dislikes. It' nhvays been a rtrcot nlnco for tho sprcnil ol WU CUT popularity.' They show each other why yoti shouldn't tnko moro than a tilth chew of yB CU I . Every shred Is chock full of sopj a birf chew 19 too rich. They tnko to W-Il CUT, strong; nothing is too tfood for our soldiers. M. r tVETMAN.DRUTOH COMFANY, 1107 Brea.r. " TmV CUf forces In Franco, with Interest. Twmtty-throo years ni;o, Mr. Bmlth was a student under 1'ershliiR, who was then teuchliiR mnthumntlcs nnd dlrectliiR military drill nt tho Uni versity of Nebraska, Mrs, Hmith, who was also attend Iiir tho university nt that time, was In oun of Oenernl TershliiR's math n nm tics classes. DIRECTORS ELECTED (From Mondny's Doll v.) AlthoiiRh tho last leRlslnture re moved tho proimrty qualification hitherto required of votnls nt school elections, only about 20 voters mot nt the IiIrIi school this nftnrnoon for tlm uunuat election. FoIIowIiik tho readltiR ot tho clerk's report, Carl rA. Johnson, of Tho Hluivllti-lllxou ('oiupniiy, W. It. Hperk, of tho Htntid nrd Oil Co.., "mid It. W. Bnwyn, of Tho llulletlii, worn uomlnatiHl for directors for two years. Th pollx closed nt 4 o'clock, tho vote result ing as follows: Johnson 4 4, Speck .17, Hnwyor 43. Hlxty-threo votfd. Uoocmucal No smoke s""-: s X'X lor smell Koasis Yy iToatsls 2 Bakes I COOK. LMt&rfA Broils 1 J'COOLlKIiraillEH ff J' Lerl JQawenient Ifllll IflllllSslBSSSSSSlSSS I BsSSSsW TBslSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsl lisy BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBm W J. I H I 1 lIsssrSBfliisssB VttsSSSSsBkM J I I ImjU I KLBL5s9sH nMls&'a"BPiwHr J nhUl) ill ft Mil If I ttc I or 5dP sTv J I Ir II ftiflJOW' IS THE TME e li'Hlll if JbbbbbSbsB Now is the time to consider kitchen- W Efm.4lr J comrort this summer now is the time 1 m W COOK t0 uy an 0'' cook-stove. I PEARL :jL OIL For Sale by I BendlHarchvare Company F. Dement & Co. 1 Bend, Oregon Look for the spccinlly-dccornted win dows of the merchants listed nt tho left. The orange discs proclaim n message welcome to every housewife. They tell how the New Perfection drives out the drudgery nnd discomfort of summer cooking,nnd at the some time gives better results thun your regular kitchen range for nll-the-yeor-'round cooking. This i3 New Perfection Oty Cook Stove Week. Ask these dealers to explain how the long blue chimneys of the New Perfec tion Oil Cook -Stove prevent nil smoke and smell. Learn the comfort and econ omy of cooking with Pearl Oil. NEV PERFECTION OIL CODR STOVE mmaasmmaBk AW-rM jam ' 'cf I)