The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 14, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    HHND llULLKTIft, 11HM, OltKflON, 'Ml'llHUAY, .1VSK U, inn
noo.000 IVmiimIn Alnwly INmimmI of
nnd Krinnlnilcr In l.'iiwrly Hotiulit
UO.WH1 limit of Hlircp
to Mitvn Hindi.
ho klamath i'apkit havhih
m:i:;i:d to puovidi: i:xtiia
conniption with ihihco
jmitly completion cw1ei).
(From Thursday's Dully.)
Hall a million pound of wool of
4,thu ontlro Cuntrnl OrK nutptit
ililoh will bo ahlppod (liroitKli Iluiul,
nrii already contracted, nitd iironpuctn
fur (ha nnnual wool ntilo, schodulml
for thin rlly on Juno 2S, aro rapidly
HmlnlalilnR, according to J. T. liar
ly, freight nml passenger agent for
tho Oregon Trunk railway. In nil
million lo tlio 600,000 iouiuln slmndy
Hold, thorn Is Mill approximately
300,000 pound yt to hn contracted,
anil niprreimtatlvr of wholesale
wool handlers nrn anxiously seeking
to tlr up this remainder. Prices urn
running thn highest In tho hUtory
X tho Indtihtry In Ihli auction, Mr.
Hardy slates,
Baled fleeces which will come tn
llond from a far aa 176 miles, liavo
lrrady begun to arrive horn, and
tho firs! carload, from tho W. K.
McCermsck clip, will leave tomor
row or Haturday for thn Coluinblu
llasln Wool Warn ho ii mi company'
atnrago ahcdi In Portland.
IKMHM) llrml to (Jo.
After carefully viewing tho alock
situation throughout thli part or tho
jitato. Mr. Hardy estimates that with
in tho next 10 day, tho outward
movement of hcp for tho markota
will bruin and will not end until be
tween Sfj.000 and 90,000 head of
aheep havo horn sent out from llond.
Arrangements havo been niadn by
which tho cuitomary dut nuUanca
;j resulting from driving sheep through
tho city may bo eliminated, and ahlp
pora thla yrar w inako a two mllo
drtntir an at In rroaa tho river at
point about flvo mllo southwest
of tho city. bringing thnlr dock to
tho yard with a minimum of driv
ing In llond.
' K.T.r- facility will bo offered In
k handling tho huge volume of atoak
trade. Mr. Hardy aaya, for thn car
nlluatlon haa I m proved o wonder
fully In tho last fow weeks, that thn
livestock and wool ihlpmoul will
lio bandlod without difficulty, In ad-
ellllon to tho ordinary outgoing bus-1nr.
(I'rnm Monday's Dally.)
(Klainiith Falls Uncord.)
'"Thn fuot (hut tho rninnliitloii of
the Mtrnhorn railroad Hyutom would
Klvo I'ortliuid and Han I'riuicUen n
north ami aouth lino romoto from (ho
wmst n ii,i I with tho minimum of
KrndoN nnd tunnels Ih nttntctlpK uni
versal nttnntlou to Hn military lm
portanco at this tlmo. Throo quar
ters of thn world uro now In tho
throo of war, Wlilln It In not pro!
nblu that thn Pnrlflc count will ho
subjected to fnrnlgn luvnlnu, stran
ger things havo happiiuod slneo thla
war I'oinmancod. A fow ntlcka of
ilynnmltn In noino of thn many tun
nels on thn Southern 1'aclflc lino
aouth of Portland would cut off that
motropoll from tha outli. Whllo
tho completion of tho Hun from llond
to Klamath Kail and to Klannlgan
or Husauvlllo would rIvo a north and
aouth lino runt of tho mountain from
I.o AiiRolea to Portland. Hard to
roach by an InvadlnR forco and not
oay to put out of commllon bo
cauo of tho low Rradn and fow tun
nnl. "Resides, thcro would bo a larRa
Incroaio In tho Rraln production In
all tho Interior OroRon torrltory.
which I ii end oil at thla tlmo.
"The parly completion of tho lino
la a patriotic duty that ahould not
bo sidetracked by anyone In OroRon
for other patriotic dutlca no nutter
how urgent or Important, Especial
ly I till trun of Klamath Kail that
la sponsor for thn launchlnR of thla
Rreat project. Now that wo aro In
war and condition aro aa they aro
thl railroad I nn Induttrlal noccs
ally, a well a a military necessity,
and It la Incumbent upon Klamath
Kail to Impret thl upon tho entlro
Pacific coast, and especially on Ore
Ron and the olty of Portland that ha
an much to Rain by Joining In with
Klamath Fall In tho conitructlon
of thl road."
Department of the Interior, IT. H.
Laud Officii, Lakovlow, Oregon,
Juno r., 1017,
To Ilnrtlo A. Jolloy, of unknown
address, Contested! You aro hereby
notified that, David O. Freomon, who
Rive IIox 147, lieiid, Oregon, as hi
postofflco aililro, did on Juno 6,
1017, flln In thl offlco hi duly
corroborated application to content
nnd dociiro tho cancellation of your
HoniiiHleiKl Hntry No. , Serial
No, 01023, mndo August 2D, 1011,
for tho North half, Heotlon H, Town
ahlp 21 Houth, ItiuiKo 22 East, Will
ninetto Meridian, and aa ground
for hi content ho alleges that, You
hnve wholly nbiiudoiii'd said tract
for uirHarddor nix uioiitha laat past;
that you havo never resided utinii nr
cultlvnteil mild tract a required by
law; and that mild absence from thn
iniiii was not duo to your employ
meut In military service rendered In
connection with operation In Mox
Ico, or aloiiR tho border llioreof, or
In moblllxatlon camp elaowhere, In
tho military or nnviil orRanlwtlon
of tho United Htute. or thn Notional
(Juard of any of tha aeveral Htate.
You aro, therefore, further noti
fied that tho aald alloRation will bo
taken a conrcod, and your aald
entry will bo cancelled without fur
ther rlalit to bo hoard, either boforo
thl offlco or on appeal, If you fall
to file In thl office within 20 day
after tho FOURTH publication of thl
notlco, aa bIiowii bolow, your answer,
under oath, specifically responding
to these allegation of contest, to
Rothor with duo proof that you havo
aorvod a copy of your answer on tho
said contestant either In poraon or
oy rcRiNiereii moll.
You ahould stnto In your amwer
tho name of tha postofflco'lo which
you dcslro future notice to bo aont
to you.
JAB. F. IlLMiaKHS, HcRl.tcr.
Ditto of first publication, Juno H,
1017; dato oC seVdml publication,
Juno 21, 1917; date of third publica
tion, Juno 28, 1917; dato of fourth
publication, July C, 1917. 1C-18C
(From Monday Oallr.)
Harry Kdward Vogol, of Waico
county, and Gertrude Honey, ot Uend,
wore married at tha homo of tha
brldo In Kenwood on Runday of tor
noon. Itov. H. C. llartrantl per
formed tho ceremony, Mr, and Mr.
Vngrl will tako up their residence ia
their new homo soon.
(From Monday'a Dally.)
Thn proceed ot tho ono-twoutloth
of a mill tax levied by tho state for
tho support of fair haa Just been
(From Thursday' Dally,)
l.en A. Houehtallne and Ktnllv
Wood and llrsda A Wood and Kdlth 'apportioned by Hecrotary or Btato
M. Ilobblna were married thl weekiOlcatt, tho amount coming to Dos
by Hev. II. C llartranft at tho Pre- J chute county being $33.28, accord
liyterlsn parsonage. Ilotli couple lug to Pottland papers. Crook's
will lire In llond 'iharn I tr.38.68
In tho Circuit Court of the Btato of
Oregon, ror Deschutes County.
Mortgage Company ror Amtrlct, n
corporation. Plaintiff. v. H. C
Molol, O, A. Melsol. C. P, U'Hcn.
a Administrator of the Kstato of
William "Johnson, Deceased, and
Deschutos Hnnch Company, a cor
poration. Defendants.
To tho Defendants, H. C, Melsol.
O, A. Molsol and Deschutes Ilaneii
Company, a corporation:
In tho name or tho Btato or Oregon,
You aro horeby dlroctcd to appear
onu answer tlio complaint filed
against you In tho abovo entitled
suit within six weeks from tho dato
or tho first publication or thla sum
mons, that being tho tlmo tlxod In
tho order ror publication or sum
mons within which you thill so ap
pear and answer aald complaint, tho
aald flrat day, of publication being
tho 24th clay or May. 1917, ami ir
you rail to so appear atrl answer
said complaint ror want thereof
plaintiff will apply to tho Court for
tho relief demanded In aald ffomnhilnt
to wit: For a Judgment against the
iicionuonta, ii. c. .MolscI nnd, (1. A.
Molsol, In tho sum or $3,070.31, with
Interest thorcon rrom April 1, 1917,
at tho rato or 8 per cent por .minim,
and thn further sum or $300 00 at
torney's fee, with Interest thereon
at tho rato of 8 per ceut por annum,)
mm iur na cosia ana uuu'iraementa i
herein, and for a decreo declaring
tho mortgage doacrlbed In siild com-'
plaint to bo a first Hon on
Gould amfoneool tfou on a Rose
with jour eyes blindfolded ?
Of course not
four Nose Knows
By its fragrance alone docs the rose
makes its universal appeal. Nor can any-
one fool you on tobacco either if you rely
on your unerring, personal sense of pure
fragrance. Tobacco without a definite
pure fragrance is like a rose without
perfume "Your Nose Knows."
n j
rtwruum, osmon
V ar pleMd to
oknotfledg rooolpt of your
Inquiry with n Corona to
our experlenoa with Ztrolono
and to say that It la an an"
tlraly astlofaotory lubri
cant for Ford cars. Vhoro
It has baan uisd In thaa
corn XX haa proven on ooonoa
ioal and affiolant oil.
far? truly youra
TUBarfrd Tobacco for Pip oner GfcrmtU
is the rose of tobaccos. Its rich, ripe Burley leaves,'
grown in the "Blue Grass" region of Old Kentucky,
are so carefully aged and blended that its pare fra
grance is as individual, as appealing as the rose
"Your Nose Knows."
Try thi Tet: Rub a little Tuxedo briskly
in tnc palm ot your band to
bring out its full aroma.
Then smell it deep its deli
cious, pure fragrance will
. convince you. Try this test
with ay other tobacco and
we will let Tuxedo stand
or fall on your judgment
"Your Vose Knows9
K)ct Tins
u ''w? Ple'
"'c ;,: "t
llaA... nW
ftio- ai f
SOaWi sBaBflHbaiiiiiiBr ' 'r5SH
Endorsed bjladiiig Car Dislributor
because the records of thefr service departments show that Zcro
Jcne, correctly refined from nspholt'busc crude, gives perfect lubri
cation with least carbon deposit
LiJWe!.r nd more rower bec,u,e 2rolene keeps its lubtlcsiinj body at
cylinder heat, Leu carbon became, being; made from iphh-bae crude. U
bums clean and eoos out on exhaust It ih. oil lot eur (tt-h.ut Dm nuV-iht oil lot .11 irp ol luiomoba. MiUwa.
roi teiiKi (i.J., t wl yt,rit.u,n co.iln( ,oui c.i
4 dflw .v.,, whtu ..d SiuxUtit Strrht 5liwi
J&e SfawhmiOiljarl&ksr Guv
the property therein described,
anil foreclosing said raortRuco
and soiling said property (or
tho satisfaction of tho sam-, and
forever foreclosing and barring you,
and each of you, from all right, title,
Intorest and equity of redemption In
and to said propoVty, and for a de
ficiency Judgment against tho de
fondants, H. C. Melsol nnd G. A.
Molsol, and for such other relief as
tho Court may doom equitable. Tho
said proporty described In saM rom
plaint is tho West Halt ot tho North
oast Quarter, and tho East Halt ot
the Northwest Quarter ot Section 14,
Township 1G South of Range IS,
Bast of tho Wlllamotto Meridian, in
Deschutes County, Oregon, and the
said raortgngo being foreclosed there
on was oxecutod March 17. 1915, and
recorded April 22. 1916. In book 22
ot Mortgages ot Crook County, Ore
gon, at pago 329,
This summons Is published by or
der ot tho Honorablo T. K. J. Duffy,
Judgo of tho abovo entitled Court,
duly made and cntored thn 22nd day
of May, 1017.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tha County Court of tho Stato ot
Oregon, for Deschutes County.
In tho matter of tho cstato ot
Susan K. Don8on, deceased.
Notlco Is horoby given that tho
utulorslgncd was on tho 19th day ot
May, 1917, duly appointed executrix
of tho last Will and Tostamont of
Susan K. Uonson, doceasod, by W.
D. llarncs, County Judgo, that all
persons having claims against said
estate imiBt present tho samo duly
vorlflod at the offlco of, II. II. Do
Armond, at Bond, Oregon, attorney
for Kxecutrlx, within six months
from tho dato of tha first publication
Dato ot ?irst publication May 24,
Executrix of tho last Will and
Testament ot Susan E. Bonson, do
ceased, 12-lEc
Department ot tho Interior. U. S.
Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon,
May 1G, 1917.
Notlco is horeby given that Thomas
William' Todd, ot Mllllcan, Oregon,
who on June 10, 1911. made Home
stead Entry No. 09124, for Lots 3-4.
Section 2, Township 20 South, Ilango
15 East, Willamette Meridian, has
tiled notlco of Intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to
tho land above described, before II.
C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner, at Bend,
Orogon, on the 1st day ot August.
1917. Claimant names as witnesses:
Alvin Lee, C. P. Hartwig, Thomas
Mot fltt. A. D. Norton, ttll or Mllllcan,
12-1 6c Register.
'V V,
Quality, Combined
With Low Prices
Square Dealing
F, Dement & Co.
Oppose P. O. GROCERIES Weil Sire